Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Nspire Network on the Kathy Ireland show with now we no and right to fight campaigns

For more infomation >> Nspire Network on the Kathy Ireland show with now we no and right to fight campaigns - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> ТВОЕ ПОДСОЗНАНИЕ МОЖЕТ ВСЕ! - Duration: 4:56.


SÚNG BẮN TRÂN CHÂU CHĨA THẲNG MẶT | 360hot REN Vlogs - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> SÚNG BẮN TRÂN CHÂU CHĨA THẲNG MẶT | 360hot REN Vlogs - Duration: 10:03.


[ENG SUB] Backstreet Boys invites BTS, says they are huge fans (News 180208) - Duration: 0:47.

Backstreet Boys, the popular pop group in America has expressed keen affection for the Bangtan Boys.

Sharing on their official Twitter account that they are massive fans of BTS.

The Backstreet Boys would like to invite the members of BTS to their concert in Las Vegas.

Then pointing to an absent member, Brian who just came back from Korea.. Backstreet Boys said Brian wants to become a member of BTS.

They also said the famous producer who worked on the remix version of MIC Drop shared to them an unreleased song of BTS, which makes many fans jealous.

They sent BTS a message of encouragement, saying that they hope BTS will continue to do well.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Backstreet Boys invites BTS, says they are huge fans (News 180208) - Duration: 0:47.


Talk about Scotland and Scottish English [KoreanBilly's English] - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Talk about Scotland and Scottish English [KoreanBilly's English] - Duration: 12:32.


Palestinians: What is your favourite holiday? - Duration: 7:00.

Amani Aroub Refugee Camp

(her family comes from) the area of Morocco, Tunisia and Libya

is called the Maghreb

the people from the Maghreb used to come here for two reasons

either for Jihad

or to finalize their pilgrimage

Jihad against who?

Jihad against occupation

Which occupation? - Colonization

Which one?

The British one

and some of them came with Salah al Din

when they freed Jerusalem - About 1500AD

(sorry, 1187AD)

They also used to come here to

finish their pilgrimage

From Mecca

after they finished their pilgrimage in Mecca, they had to come here

to finish their pilgrimage

in Jerusalem

So they also used to come for religious reasons

Also, they used to come during the French Colonization

there were many rebels sentenced to execution, to death

and they used to escape run away from the French colonization

they used to come to Palestine

to the Levant area

That's where her family is from?


my father is from Morocco

from Merrakech

from the time before 1948

before it was divided the way it is right now

My mother is from Algeria

she is from the city she mentioned

she even knows the address exactly

So within the last 100 years, not... - Yes

She also has an uncle

her mother's brother

who is also living here he is Algerian

So the area... She came here in the last 100 years

the Mughrabi area was mixed with different people from that region


who came within the last 500 years (actually 900)

from 500 years to about 100 years about

during the British Mandate

also during the Turkish period

There were many factors for them coming here

there was famine

during the Ottoman Empire

and they used to come here for different reasons

Does she remember when they were


when the (Mughrabi) neighbourhood was destroyed, it was 1968

It was destroyed in 1968

I heard this from my father I remember this very well

he said there was a king who came here

to visit and he bought a plane

for all the people - from Morocco, that's true

It's true? - Yes

Not all of them but a lot of them ended up going back

Long ago they used to always marry one another

whether the person was from Algeria, Tunis or Libya

or Morocco

so that when they go back

their children would also be from the same...

I also have this document

I have maternal uncles that went back to Libya

I have an aunt that passed away just two weeks ago

one who went back to Libya

Long ago when my grandmother was pregnant with my mother

she and her husband and her brothers

came here, some went to Jaffa some went to Gaza

they were running away from the colonizers

the French colonizers

they were rebels apparently they had money

they bribed someone to run away

What is their last name? (I asked because I have a relative with a similar story)


I know a relation

I will ask in a minute - I know a relation too

cousins of ...

Her father passed away

Her mother's father passed away before she met him

then her mother was raised among her

maternal uncles

and then when her mother grew up

her fraternal uncles tried to marry her off to her cousins

because she is our cousin and we get to marry her

That's it

Two questions, about the Mughrabi last name

did she have relatives that came from Jaffa and Gaza


in 1948 went to Gaza

and married a Jewish woman (relative through marriage to me)


One of my mother's cousins

on my father's side

married a Christian woman

according to what my mother says

Her cousins children live now in Jaffa in the Ajami neighbourhood

My mother's brother is in Algeria but she never met him

One more question

Because she came from the Mughrabi neighbourhood

and she is a refugee

does she consider herself a refugee from that neighbourhood?

Before you film, just a second

When he came here it wasn't to the Jerusalem neighbourhood

it wasn't the way it is right now

people didn't have different colour IDs

It was different then

Does she consider herself a refugee?

I am not just a refugee once I am a refugee several times

Let me count them for you

My mother's father came from Algeria

they were chased out of Algeria

My father's father faced the same thing he was chased out of Algeria

and then we became refugees the children of my father


so it's more than one (generation)

How are they refugees from Algeria?

Please understand this

any time there is colonization or occupation

it forces the people

it mutilates

the demographics of the people

the way they are living

so they would have to run out

I meant the sentimental meaning of refugees

the meaning of it

This is what I imagine

If they weren't threatened with death

they would never have run out of their original countries

Why were they sentenced to death?

because they were rebels in Algeria

against the French

Yes, this is the dialogue between a person and themselves internally

and until now there is no change

as you can see the situation right now

you would be afraid of your car walking down the street

sometimes you wouldn't feel safe in your own home

For more infomation >> Palestinians: What is your favourite holiday? - Duration: 7:00.


Rep. Jordan: FBI texts about Obama raise lots of concerns - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Rep. Jordan: FBI texts about Obama raise lots of concerns - Duration: 7:54.




For more infomation >> DAILY TAROT CARD READING FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9, 2018 - Duration: 15:25.


Healthy Hair Growth Using Fenugreek Seeds(Methi Paste)Hair Growth,Long Hair By Desi Beauty Tv - Duration: 2:13.

Please SUBSCRIBE Desi Beauty Tv

For more infomation >> Healthy Hair Growth Using Fenugreek Seeds(Methi Paste)Hair Growth,Long Hair By Desi Beauty Tv - Duration: 2:13.




hi everybody welcome to the Oracle part for Friday September I was gonna say

September 9th well I wonder if that has some meaning for somebody I've got to go

with that oh and that's also 9 9 hmm okay well we're gonna go with that

the 9 when I think of the 9 well I do get the Hermit I also get fruition

fulfillment like the make-a-wish card attaining abundance those are all things

that are coming to me um I do want to say a few things I still have some

openings for some readings if you want to have me read for you go to moon water

taro calm go to tarot services up at the top scroll down at the bottom because

I'm doing the email and video readings right now and so this is before my

surgery so I am gonna there's a little link I will put about my surgery for

those that aren't aware maybe you haven't been watching these daily

readings because the the dailies while all the readings will be affected so

that's why I'm just letting you know about private readings because I will be

incognito for a few weeks okay there's something oh I wanted to just say this I

just did the tarot reading it was that I've been led to do the tarot reading

first they had me draw from the bottom which I did like the day before no the

day before if I remember correctly oh gosh I hate when this happens

look at me that The Devil's card okay the two of swords the 10 of wands and

the Ace of Wands this time we got the High Priestess the 10 of Wands again but

instead of the Ace of Wands we got the magician

what I'm getting is something about

submerging almost keeping things down remember the word block has been coming

up all week that is not a word that I usually use the only reason I usually

use that is like or I think of it is like a mental block like writer's block

or something like that usually writer's block but what I'm being glad to say is

and I want to do I want to pull card from the earth magic Stephen D farmer's

card but I'm getting that some thing is being repressed especially with the last

two cards there's something that needs to be seen and I feel like it's possibly

there's a struggle between what's going on with some of you on an internal level

in an external level now if it's not you it could be somebody around you a friend

a boss co-worker you know a romantic relationship that you're dealing with a

person romantically something is being suppressed and I feel like there's a

need to what's been in the dark and just like the magician will come to light and

we hand that a few days ago even with the Hermit card and I felt that becoming

the light okay this got pushed over so I'm going with it oh my gosh this keeps

coming up meadow vulnerability again the lion I always see the lion in this card

I see the strength card maybe you are not realizing what your strengths are

what your hidden talents are your external internal strength your mental

emotional thing sickle spiritual strength you're not

seeing the gifts around you because the high priestess was in the challenged

position so as if it's almost like you're you're not utilizing I I don't

know I just get blocked and repressed I want to see what's underneath here whoa

the wolf oh my gosh and I keep can I just tell you and I think this the

fourth time I said this I am NOT in the football but I'll tell you something

three no I'd say two days before the Super Bowl I kept hearing this song and

I'm a horrible singer but it goes Philadelphia Eagles da-da-da-da-da it's

like a song from the 70s and then it goes yes I do do and I'm looking at this

eagle so it says communion but that's I'm

focusing on the wolf now the wolf if I am correct as an animal totem or a

Native American and maybe depends on you know what aspect I'm looking at but

usually the wolf to me represents Pisces so I talked about in the Torah reading

to pay attention to that gut feeling your psychic abilities your intuitive

abilities listening to your intuition the higher powers that be and look at

what's here instinct acting on instinct

again I'm getting like something about ice well it probably with the Olympics

but also things being submerged and that it's time for them to

rise to the surface like these icebergs are rising

let me just I've never gotten this card well we keep getting like the same cards

but I have no idea besides what I've shared with you and

you know with a high priestess of course I feel like it's important and I also

feel like with vulnerability because I usually get anxiety it's putting

yourself out there being vulnerable but I feel like it's being vulnerable but

listen to your you know your your intuition in being vulnerable I don't

want to look at any more cards because then I'll just keep going into the next

one and into and we have plenty of here plenty here but let's just see in terms

of what it says here about the wolf and I am just talks about loyalty

companionship this is okay instinctual driven okay well let's go here you have

lost touch with your instinctual sensitivities it is the result of

cultural and/or religious prescriptions dictating I this is coming up that

anything wild and instinctual instinctual is threatening and therefore

has to be controlled or eliminated well that's one of the things that I've been

talking about this past week about your hidden talents or abilities that maybe

you have been keeping hid in I know I brought that up more than once and and

made it was also a second time last week now is the time to overcome this limited

mindset and tune into these instinctual cues let the spirit

of the wolf be your teacher and call upon this benevolent being for help

identifying what those specific cues are saying shed some of your inhibitions

with the only guideline being to do no harm I like that you know or for the

highest good and to do no harm on to others that's often how I think of it

experiment by getting out of the straitjacket of familiar societal norms

and listening to those sensations in your gut oh my gosh I said that in the

tarot reading that are trying to give you a message it may be a warning or an

urging to take action of some sort well I talked about that that internal

struggle and manifesting things you know and taking action you really should

watch the terrible part take some deep breaths and simply notice

what your bodily sensations are telling you your mind will be the receiver of

that information and your and your body and mind can learn to work more closely

with each other once again oh my gosh well no wonder because when I think of

the High Priestess I think of this spiritual internal like getting in tune

on an internal level and I think of the magician of manifesting expressing what

it is internally but you know physically so it's like we we discover some gifts

and our skills on a physical level but then we get in tuned to a higher

vibrational that intuitiveness that spiritual side and it's a combination of

the two just like this card said unbelievable I do also want to say that

I heard a wolf in sheep's clothing so listen to your intuition

that's what I'm being led to say okay let's see what comes up here for

love because again I do feel like there may still be a decision in terms of love

letting go of the old and the new polar polarities polar opposites also with the

high priestess the dark and the light are positive shining self and the

negative or shadow self that we all have okay so anything steaming out for Friday

the nine I think I'm going to this card

deception okay well I often think of things hidden here or false masks or

false pretenses or like you know hiding hiding our gifts it says someone is

wearing a false self mask in this relationship but I also see it as the

shadow self or that self that side that possibly we're not wanting to look at or

face now for others it could be that there is deception going on especially

with that 10 of wands that keep showing up and the high priestess and we have

the two swords yesterday where something is being hidden let's just flip over

keep an open mind your soulmate may differ from your usual type and

expectations open mind open I also feel like with that magician card and with

the Ace of Wands there is the possibility of love opening up remember

we have the 10 of Wands and the new so listen to your intuition especially we

have that reconciliation card okay that card just wants to flop up wait that was

like that so I want to go this way so be careful of

exception if somebody is returning oh gosh we're gonna run out of time here

practice practice practice with daily practice you can polish your skills and

talents and increase your confidence just like the magician Wow

it's your skills and talents they are coming to fruition that's what I'm

feeling again we got summer we had summer yesterday summertime that song

okay everything that's your keep sync oh gosh that's dancing her name is on the

tip of my tongue I keep I like that's not it it's not it gosh everything

you're asking for becomes yours in the summer time again this card's up here so

I'm gonna run out of room aren't I okay keep an open mind so we're gonna pull

this we're gonna take that away look Oh separation time apart from your partners

on the horizon now could be that they're traveling so it doesn't mean that

something's ending but you got to watch the tarot reading because I said this 10

of wines usually represent the separation for me and here we have

separation so again endings beginnings the 10 of Wands letting go the past

needing to let go the Ace of Wands yesterday the magician new beginnings

and keep an open mind and openings coming in separation maybe you are

leaving or separating from somebody who in has been deceptive remember we got

the devil card yesterday so okay oh I didn't look at the bottom did I oh yeah

I did summer okay let's just look it's the crystal before the everything

Renzi oh okay that wants to an angel a good fortune have no idea what this is I

don't think we know green aventurine do you wish for more luck be sure that you

have all the luck do you need I'm getting Ireland four-leaf clover Matson

I'm seeing with this green I wonder some of you are going on a trip

or planning a trip for this summer okay be assured that you have all the luck

you need it's almost as if oh my gosh I swear to you I've never read this card

it's almost as if you have a whore leaf clover in your pocket focus don't focus

on the vast abundance and you will attract more you have good luck and

great adventures when you travel it says I am so incredibly lucky I have many

blessings in my life abundance and prosperity are constantly flowing in my

life I am so grateful for these gifts safe adventurous travel filled with

cosmic coincidence is a certainty well isn't that amazing and you know

that yesterday am I dreaming or did we not get the

birthday gift I am grateful for these gifts but again with the magician yes

you have gifts that you have not yet tapped into or possibly are not allowing

because there's vulnerability in it Wow amazing reading once again thank you so

much for watching take good care all right bye

For more infomation >> DAILY ORACLE CARD READING FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9, 2018 - Duration: 17:33.


Dum Aloo Curry || Baby Potato Dum Curry Recipe - Duration: 5:11.

Dum Aloo Curry

Dum Aloo Curry

Dum Aloo Curry

For more infomation >> Dum Aloo Curry || Baby Potato Dum Curry Recipe - Duration: 5:11.


Chicago PD - Share the Moment: The Flag (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Chicago PD - Share the Moment: The Flag (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:55.


Threat to prosecutor lands inmate more prison time - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Threat to prosecutor lands inmate more prison time - Duration: 1:29.


Rap về Eyeless Jack ( CREEPYPASTA - Vô Thị Ác Ma ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Rap về Eyeless Jack ( CREEPYPASTA - Vô Thị Ác Ma ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:28.


CS:GO News - Recent Pro Team Changes after ELEAGUE Major - Duration: 4:03.

A lot of teams in the pro scene are undergoing changes now that the Major is over, it can

be hard to follow what's going on which is why I wanted to make this video.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here!

After the Major a few changes were made to some of the teams.

Here's a quick summary of some the changes.

The first and biggest news of the year is that TaZ is no longer in the Virtus Pro lineup,

he's now benched.

MICHU, a well-known Polish player from Kinguin and also a standin for VP a couple times in

the past, will stand in for TaZ.

This news is so big because this lineup has played together for more than 4 years and

a lot of people are feeling like VP will never be the same again.

It would be interesting to see if this somehow makes the team stronger.

So this is VP's current roster.

The German organisation BIG now only have 4 players in the active lineup.

LEGIJA has decided to step down and keev is benched.

For now they're going to try luckeRRR, another German pro player who according to PsYcHo

"lost two years due to an unjustified VAC ban" that he helped to lift after contacting Valve.

They still need one more player to complete their roster but this is how it looks.

Liquid, the American organisation had an awper or a lounger known as JDM.

He is now being replaced by NAF who played for Renegades and was very good and consistent

with that team.

Hopefully Liquid will now perform on an even higher level.

This is their current roster.

Seized has played for Gambit in the past as a stand-in for multiple events, but now he

has officially joined Gambit's lineup, and is replacing fitch.

Apparently they weren't so impressed by fitch's performance under the ELEAGUE Major, and here's

their current roster.

Now over to the french scene.

EnVyUS has done some pretty big changes, replacing xms and SIXER from their main roster with

hAdji, a player from EnVy academy, and kioShiMa, who once played for FaZe.

Let's see if kioShiMa really was the problem and this is their current roster.

Now over to the Danish scene.

This one is interesting to me, Kjaerbye left Astralis to replace k0nfig in North.

Apparently it was a surprise for even his own ex-teammates which seems to be a big deal

for some of the Astralis fans.

Anyway this is now North's current roster.

Now you might be wondering, who will replace Kjaerbye in Astralis?

They released a funny video announcement that I recommend you watch I'll put it down below

but their fifth player anyway is Magisk.

So here's the current roster of Astralis.

Now you might be thinking "hold on, Magisk wasn't he playing for Optic?"

That's right, and not only did he leave, but the really talented Spanish player mixwell

is no longer part of Optic as well and is currently looking for offers.

However this did not stop Optic gaming from getting a completely new lineup which is probably

the most surprising one so far.

The new Optic lineup is now k0nfig who used to play for North, Snanislaw who used to play

for Optic in 2016 and Liquid in 2017, Shahzam who used to play for Misfits in the ELEAGUE

Major but also played in Optic back in 2016, Gade who used to play for North Academy, and

CajunB who used to play for North.

So in other words, this is a new Danish team...

Combined with two North American players, completely unexpected if you ask me.

This also means that Friberg, allu and HS are no longer playing for a team.

Anyway I think that pretty much summarizes all the changes worth mentioning in a single video.

There might be more changes coming up soon or teams that I haven't mentioned, but

still let me know which one's surprised you the most and your general thoughts.

If you wanna add anything to the video you can write it down below.

You can follow me on my social medias to see what's going on behind the scenes.

I'll see you guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO News - Recent Pro Team Changes after ELEAGUE Major - Duration: 4:03.


Điềm Báo Của Tiếng Quạ Kêu | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 17:09.

For more infomation >> Điềm Báo Của Tiếng Quạ Kêu | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 17:09.


《晚吹 - Daddy Kingdom》第1集 - Tom @Mr - Duration: 22:18.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - Daddy Kingdom》第1集 - Tom @Mr - Duration: 22:18.


Dawn Robinson of En Vogue joins Nspire Kathy Ireland supports now we no right to fight - Duration: 7:52.

Dawn Robinson of En Vogue joins Nspire Kathy Ireland supports now we no right to fight

For more infomation >> Dawn Robinson of En Vogue joins Nspire Kathy Ireland supports now we no right to fight - Duration: 7:52.


Hai Van Pass- World's Most Scenic Ocean Road - Top Gear | Episode 7 - Duration: 12:04.

Hey guys what's up? Welcome back to the channel and today I am headed to Hoi An

it is apparently the most beautiful town in all of Vietnam and I'm going there by bike.

I'm taking this Easy Rider thing. So you basically have a driver who is

riding and you sit back and enjoy the views. The route that we are taking is

one of the most scenic views in all of Vietnam. So I'm really really looking forward to this.

Say hello to- 'What's your name?' 'My name Yo'

Yo? 'Yeah and what's your name?'

'I'm Antarik.' 'Antarik?'

'Where are you from?' 'I'm from India'

So my guide YO took me to some places in the countryside. We went to this

Lagoon where fishing families live.

Now we're here at the Elephant Springs- these are apparently very awesome

waterfalls. People come here to swim and have a good time.

But I don't know how to swim!

That's the Elephant!

From what I had read about this place it was not supposed to be so nice. But I

found it like really clean and beautiful. Next we're headed to the Hai Van Pass

which is supposedly the most scenic route in the country. Hai Van Pass?

No, first we will see more mountains

And then Langco Beach. There we eat food. And then Hai Van Pass.

YO here is a very nice photographer. He is clicking very good photos.

Basically there are two roads that go (from Hue to Danang)- one is the one that the buses and trucks

and all big vehicles take which goes within the tunnels so you don't get the views.

We are taking this more scenic route where you go through the mountains

on top of them and check out all the views

so today we are experimenting seafood noodles. Hello octopus!

Nice food. Thank you!

Welcome to the Marble Mountains

So basically there is a cave here and the elevator takes you to the top

You have got to do some amount of climbing stairs to see everything in the

Marble Mountains.

If you are in Danang or are visiting Hoi An, make sure you make a stop at

Marble Mountains and spend like a good hour exploring all the places in here

There are caves, there are pagodas, there are monasteries. It's beautiful.

These steps are so huge and- like getting up would have been so difficult

Thank you!

Antarik? Yes!

For two nights? (Can) I borrow your passport please?

My hostel has a swimming pool! Come on?!

5 dollars a night and you have a swimming pool and then apparently very

awesome breakfast buffet! Wow!

I haven't had anything since lunch. So the first thing that I'm going to do right

now is find the popular Banh Mi place. apparently this very shop where I'm

headed right now is where Banh Mi was invented. So everywhere else it's just

a copy. This is the most authentic one. Let's check it out how this goes.

This was definitely one of the best Banh Mi's I have had till now. Like this is the

third one I have had. And it's really good!

-Mango? -Yes, sweet mango!

-Sweet mango. How much? -30,000 dong

It's difficult to hold the camera in one hand

and eat these mangos because apparently everything is eaten with chopsticks

these are like thinner chopsticks. I am trying to figure out how to eat this.

I am just going to hold it by hand and eat.

This is some different variety of mango. it doesn't taste like the ones in India.

The Banh Mi was a little spicy- like the lady asked me if I wanted it spicy. I said a 'little spicy' but it was too much.

So I needed something sweet right now

Cyclos! But you know what is making me the happiest right now?

Yayy! Another walking and cycling town!

It's time for some banana pancakes.

This definitely is the most touristy place

that I've been to in all of Vietnam till now but this is so beautiful and so

awesome, like I am loving every bit of it.

Ice cream roll

Thank you so much for watching this video guys, I hope you enjoyed it.

Tomorrow we are going to explore Hoi An town during the day and let me know

in the comments below what was your favorite part in the entire video today

because a lot has happened since morning. And make sure you give it a thumbs up;

if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet please subscribe and share the

video with your friends. Let everyone have fun! bye bye

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