What would you like to do if money were no object
How would you really enjoy spending your life?
Black Panther Drawing from Marvel Movie - Duration: 3:29.Check YouTube description and cards for my drawing tools
My Portrait of Black Panther
the newest superhero movie hitting theaters next week
ЧТО ТАКОЕ ЗЛОВЕЩАЯ ДОЛИНА? | Это Welltet - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
BREAKINg Uncovered Text Message from FBI Lovers Implicates "POT - Duration: 3:18.BREAKINg
Uncovered Text Message from FBI Lovers Implicates �POTUS Obama in Obamagate
Wow � This is Huge � A text message reportedly from corrupt FBI lovers and former Mueller
investigators implicates former President Barack Obama as being involved in the Obamagate
FOX News just released a HUGE report implicating President Obama in the Russia � Obamagate
scandal �
Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange
about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President
Obama, who wanted �to know everything we�re doing.�
The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed
by Fox News.
The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller�s probe of alleged
collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because �potus wants to know
everything we�re doing.� Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about
Obama�s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in
general, as well as Trump, calling him a �f�ing idiot,� among other insults.
Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe�s wife for a state Senate seat �ignorant hillbillys.�
Corrupt lovers Strzok and Page both worked at the FBI.
As a matter of fact, they were both very high up at the FBI and are both very corrupt.
Strzok is famous for his activities in protecting Hillary Clinton from criminal charges in 2016.
CNN reports �
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton�s
private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed
Comey�s earlier draft language describing Clinton�s actions as �grossly negligent�
to �extremely careless,� the sources said.
Both these characters were selected by Robert Mueller to assist in his Russia � Trump
farce investigation along with a team of similar characters � all Clinton and Obama cronies.
The tide is turning and the real crooks are slowly being identified.
God bless the USA!
Asus ZenBook Flip 14 - обзор необычного ультрабука - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Bridal Updo - How to do a bridal up-do for long hair - Duration: 3:33.Hi, this is Monica of @makeupbymonicalee and in this video
I'll be showing you how to do a bridal updo for long hair.
If you'd like to learn a few tips along the way keep watching! So
off-camera we've already prepped the hair by curling the entirety and
setting it with a bit of hairspray.
Then you'll want to take a first section at the top of the head and
secure with criss-crossed pins. You'll want to make sure
that you cross the pins with the curly side down - it's much more secure. Then from here, you'll be
gathering a bit of hair from the front and securing it in the back trying your best to hide any of the pins.
Use a tail comb to lift up sections of hair that need adjusting.
The next step is to split the hair into three sections: two sides that are secured away with clips and the middle section.
You'll then tie the middle section into a low ponytail.
Next you're going to split the hair in half, twirl each section in the same direction, and wrap it around itself like a pretzel.
You're then going to secure the end with an elastic.
Now you're going to take that twirled pony and wrap it around itself in a circle and
secure it with bobby pins all the way around.
To make sure the hair won't fall out when your client is dancing up a storm,
criss-cross the pins again all the way around.
Now that the back of the hair is secure,
going to go ahead and use a bit of Redavid's Orchid Oil Treatment to smooth out the front sections. The last thing you
want is your client to have frizzy hair in the front when she's getting her pictures taken - big no-no!
The next step is to secure the front loose sections to the back. I'm going to continue to use the Sebastian Shaper hairspray
lightly over these areas so they'll hold in place and not fall out or lose their curl.
Now is the time you can get creative with pinning the remainder of loose hair. So for this Bridal updo
I'm going to take one inch sections and try to pin them to the back area.
You may end up placing it in a spot and taking a look at it from a distance to see if it fits there.
If it doesn't no worries because you can always un-pin carefully so as to not disturb your already completed work.
Also make sure to keep symmetry and balance in mind always step back and look at the work
you've done to make sure these two traits are accurate.
Continue to secure the front pieces to the back. I'm on the home stretch now so make sure to take a
360 degree look at the updo to ensure you've attended to every piece of hair.
Smooth out any stray hairs with hairspray and use your tail comb as your assistant.
Remember the less you mess, the less you stress!
Yes lame joke I know but seriously, the more you handle the hair with product in it
you risk making it frizzy, so don't do it!
To complete this bridal updo for long hair you're going to do a final finishing spray to lock everything in place and
Again use your tail comb to tuck away any stray hairs.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this video! If you did please like, share, and subscribe! I'm
Monica of monicamakeup.ca. Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!
খালেদার ৫ বছরের জেল দেখুন কি কর্মসূচি দিলো বিএনপি l BNP gave the program - Duration: 1:20.bangladesh news
VALENTINE'S DAY IN ENGLAND (ENGLISH LESSON) - Duration: 2:17.Hello everyone, welcome to this video and happy Valentine's day.
Today we are talking all about Valentine's day.
I'm going to be telling you about the traditions in England the things we do to celebrate this
It's celebrated on the 14th of February every year, and it's a popular holiday.
It's not our biggest holiday, it's not like Christmas or Easter, but it's a nice holiday
which everybody does celebrate or know about.
Some people might not celebrate it, they might think it's not necessary or it's too commercial,
or some people who are not in a relationship might not look forward to this holiday, they
might not want to be a part of it.
Valentine's day is the celebration of love and particularly romance, so it's more popular
with couples but it might still be celebrated with families, a parent might buy a child
a present also.
So what do we do for Valentine's day?
It's common for couples to go out on a date to a restaurant, a hotel, and what's getting
more popular is to have a candlelit dinner.
So you stay at home and have a candlelit dinner instead of going out to the restaurant.
It's common to give gifts.
The most popular gifts are chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, stuff like this.
It's also really popular to send cards to your loved ones.
So we might send a card to a family member or somebody special, a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
A husband or wife.
We used to, we still do this but it's less popular now, we used to send cards to somebody
we liked, somebody we fancied and we would sign the card with a question mark, so we
would put 'love from ?' and we would give this to the person, and we would sort of send
it with them having to try and guess who it's from.
Like I said it's still done, but I think it's less popular now.
So this is the main way we celebrate Valentine's day in England.
Let me know if you celebrate it at all in your country and how in the comments, and
make sure you subscribe for regular English lessons.
Thank you very much.
I will see you soon.
WINTER GAMES! | DOWNHILL RACE!! | #CokeTVSverige - Duration: 9:00.-------------------------------------------
Морпех США взорвал интернет: Русские были мужиками - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
Material Escolar #DicaDaCegonha| Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 14:54.-------------------------------------------
NEW BARS AND MELODY ALBUM 2018?! | BARS AND MELODY Interview Generation Z tour - Duration: 7:20.Hi. -Hi. -This is part two of our interview with Bars and Melody.
In part one we talked about love and now it's gonna get musically.
The score of our nimm-s in den Mund challenge is 2:2
and now let's get started. Don't forget to activate subtitles.
So now let's end the topic love and go on to music because that's why we're here today. -Okay.
And we thought it might be a great idea to start singing our favorite song of yours
which is 'Thousand Years'. -Oooh. -Oh wow. Okay.
Are you spontaneous enough? -Yeah. Let's do it, bro. Let's do it. - I'm not spontaneous at all, man.
Can you play it on the ukulele? -I will try. I try to. -Ah okay, okay.
And we have to sing a bit higher. -HIGHER?! That can't... That I can't.
Yeah, you can. -That song is high enough.
A thousand years ♫
Go on, bro. -I sing it down the octave. -Yes you can! -I sing it down the octave. It's all good. It's all good.
And then it's your part. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Alright. Alright.
Give me... Give me a note, so I know where we are.
A thousand years, a thousand miles Across the world just to see you smile
You've been away for way too long I need your love just to keep me strong
Everyday I'm not with you I lose my mind
But I will wait forever, girl True love is hard to find
A thousand years, erase the time I'll wait forever just to make you mine
Beautiful. -That was actually sick!
I liked that. -I liked that. -I liked that really.
I liked singing it down the octave. It was chilled, man. -Yeah. It was chilled.
Thanks for that. -Yeah, thank you.
And we hope and we are quite sure that we won't have to wait a thousand years for new music of Bars and Melody
Let's hope not. We did it before.
But can you tell us about your plans and projects for 2018. Maybe besides music.
Maybe you want to become a fireman. Or you have your clothing line.
Yeah, obviously we've both got big plans for this year
Definitely a new album, which we'll start working on very soon. As soon as we finish this tour cycle.
Which I'm not sure when it'd be released. Whether it'd be this year, I hope so, I hope it's this year.
I don't want to leave everyone waiting two years for an album again. It's giving me anxiety.
But yeah, just touring and just expanding and spending a lot of time out in Europe
especially Germany to build and grow out here. -Yeah.
Definitely I mean yeah, I'd like to sell my clothing line. That's the same thing, like hopefully growing that.
We've both got stuff we both really want to do and I think this is the year to do it.
I think I'm gonna become a pro snowboarder this year, so... -Yeah.
Leo's gonna start competing in the Olympics.
I really love like snowboarding, so I've been to like spend a lot of time with doing that.
So you have to stay in the south of Germany. -Yeah, well I think I love Austria so Austria is great. -Ah, okay.
We're allergic to the sun
Yo, we're not like anyone
We're allergic to the sun
It's your time to Turn it up
I was praying to the heavens "Please take the pain away"
But I didn't hear a thing wind made my screams fade
Take me to the place where you feel free If you let go come and jump with me
We will not fall and take a stand We shall fight until the end
Jump into it. Don't be scared, just forget
This is not a love song Oh, but I miss you somehow
Now darling please tell me, am I right for you?
'Cause if I am I wanna know, is this love we have true?
Tell me where the exit is cause I want to leave I'm terrified to know what's at the middle of this maze
If there is a God please take me from this place
So now you are spending a lot of time in tourbus.
And we all know what happens in the tourbus stays in the tourbus.
But can you reveal at least one maybe embarrassing or crazy story from the tourbus?
Ugh that was gross. -My toe just clicked and that really hurt.
Okay. I had an embarrassing moment last night, but no one saw it. I've got two.
So last night I opened the fridge. As I opened the fridge the bus turned and all the beers and drinks, uh NOT beer.
All the drinks... because all of our crew are adults. So they drink beer. -Opposite Day. -Yeah. Yeah.
All the crew like... All the bottles of coke like everything just 💥 all over me and all you could hear was
Did you hear it? -No, obviously.
Like all the bottles hitting the floor and that was quite embarrassing. -You just put it all back in? -Yeah.
And another embarrassing thing I think is the toilet in the bus.
Sometimes you go in it and you just don't lock it and it's doing the... when someone opens the door
and you got to go "I'm in there".
And it's more embarrassing when there's someone else in there and you open it
and you like you can just see their butt.
It's a bit weird. -So it happens a lot?! -Yeah. No, that happens a lot.
To be fine just lock the door. Shut it, lock. -I just forget it sometimes. -Yes.
You want to get caught. -Yeah.
There's room for two in here. -Oh! I must have forgotten. There's no room for two. So small.
Okay now it's your turn. Tell us your most embarrassing or funniest story
that ever happened at, before or after a concert.
Maybe you can even beat their stories.
Take a seat and take some time
Let me tell you what I've been through
They didn't know we'd come this far Now they're looking at our battle scars
Half the lies you heard ain't true
So let me tell you what I've been through
Do I start? Do I stop? Do I let these feelings drop?
You're so unpredictable Our love is unconditional
Hate this game, it's my life I can never tell if I'm wrong or right
Played this game all my life Will I ever know if I'm wrong or right?
it's you and me I'm just tryna help you see
My mamma's askin' me why I'm always alone
Too scared to say, too scared to holler I'm walking to school with sweat around my collar
I'm just a kid, I don't want no stress My nerves are bad, my life's a mess
The names you call me, they hurt real bad I want to tell my Mom She's havin' trouble with my Dad
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes, I am Hopeful for today
Across the world just to see you smile
You've been away for way too long I need your love just to keep me strong
You're not human. Compared to "I got fingers".
So if you need a superhero in your life I am not the guy.
Venom (2018) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Teaser Fragman / Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
🌍 La Gestión de los Conflictos · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 9:31.-------------------------------------------
What I Learned From the French Part 3 - Imperfection - Duration: 3:04."What the French Have Taught Me"
"The Beauty of Imperfection"
After months and months, a heavy truth sat on my shoulders.
An enormous sense of frustration welled up within me,
because I was looking for something idyllic.
A perfect life, without problems, without worries.
My vision of the world was an illusion.
In keeping it, I remained a blind man.
A massive gap existed between my fantasies and reality.
So, a war began within me.
I had to give up a part of myself, which seemed an impossibility.
I would never again be the same person.
I'll speak perfectly one day.
Without a foreign accent.
I will be wiser.
I'll make my mark on this world.
Inspire people.
More athletic.
More relaxed.
These lies that I would repeat to myself...
sounded fake.
I didn't know who I was anymore.
These delusions led me to a superficial life.
I had a big decision to make.
This was a key moment.
Was it necessary to play the game that everyone else seemed to play?
Or maybe, take the other road.
These reflections made me dig.
Who was I?
I had spent all my time discovering this new country,
while in reality, I had everything to discover, in me.
I tried a thousand times.
And a thousand times I got lost.
But little by little I saw that the beauty of it all came from just that.
My path throughout my human experiences.
My mess-ups, my mistakes, everything played a role.
It was never up to me to decide.
And everyday, even today,
I keep learning just that.
It was never up to me to decide.
Imperfection, it's all we've got.
And so it is with love that I say:
These were the things that the French taught me.
Top 5 Nigeria celebs married to foreigners - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Divine Gold Jewellery Designs for Hanuman Bhaktas - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
BOOZY Chocolate Covered Strawberries WITH GLITTER - Valentine's Day Recipes - Duration: 1:33.Hey guys, it's Warren here and today we're making chocolate covered strawberries.
What's great about these?
That's right - they've got alcohol in!
Which means these are guaranteed to impress this Valentine's Day.
This is enough to make 10 chocolate covered strawberries.
To begin with, melt 120g of Dark chocolate either on the stove or in the microwave.
When your chocolate is love and smooth, pour in 25ml of brandy and 1 tbsp of golden syrup.
Mix these ingredients together until thoroughly combined then (if you did heat your chocolate
on the stove) remove the bowl from the saucepan.
Take 10 washed strawberries and for each, dip in the chocolate until covered all over.
Now lay all your chocolate covered strawberries on a sheet of greaseproof or parchment paper
and leave in the fridge for 15-20 minutes in order for the chocolate to firm up.
Now melt a small amount of white chocolate (the same way you did with the dark chocolate)
and use a spoon to drizzle it all over your strawberries.
Finally, finish your chocolate covered strawberries off by spraying with some edible glitter.
There you have it, that's how easy it is to impress the one you love this Valentine's
Day with these boozy chocolate covered strawberries.
If you loved the look of this Valentine's Day recipe, remember to give this video a
I'll see you again Sunday with my next video - remember to subscribe to be one of the first
to see it.
How to Knit Neat Edges? | Suggestions and Tips - Duration: 10:16.Hello everyone from OrguTube.
I will give you some information about how it should be properly organized.
I think you'll see the benefits.
This is, for example, a flat knitted fabric, and the back is reversed.
One side is flat, one side is twisted.
If there is a defect in flat knitting it will be very easy to see.
In a flat weave, all the loops are made in the same way, that is, without an abundance or width.
So, if there is a nuisance, the flat knitting will show itself immediately.
That's why you see those who see you.
Here's an example.
All sides were equally woven.
This was woven with the number 4 spit.
On the back side, I will show again.
This side is also usable, but usually the flat side is preferred.
Also important here is that the edges go straight.
the edges
I will show you.
No assembly, no knots.
Every side continues in the same way.
Because it is plain weave
I mean, if it is harosya, for example, this is not the case.
Look! Collecting.
Such a gathering can happen in flat knitting.
How do you get ahead of it?
When we go straight to the edge with a crochet, this weave will look like this.
Or you can pass this embroidered edge with a ribbon.
I mean, if you do the ribbon from below and from above, it can stand like an ornament like that.
Now, what should be considered in flat knitting? I will show him.
I started to knit a few stitches like this one anyway.
I started little to show.
Now, how do we make the edges here? I'm showing him.
This side is flat,
Reverse this side
I mean, I started that way, no matter how I did it.
Now, for the edge to be smooth
Let's just say that if we start to take it from here and knit, look at it!
There was a knot immediately.
We will not wear it like that.
I'll take it back again.
I'll put it back.
If we take it to the front and start to knit, we will look smoother.
As I have shown in the following example, the side will look smooth.
Also, I never knit the first loops.
I think you look smoother because I did not cover them.
I take the first loops without knitting.
So I had a swallow and left it there.
Now, I'll start with the other loops straight, that is, knit from the front.
I pass it through the chestnut and I cut it through the thread.
I'll show you again.
the Needle
I take it over the swollen.
I always spend the same place.
You do not have to wrap your fingers when you are wrapped.
There is no such rule.
But because I am so used to it and because it allows me to knit faster, I always do this.
If you do not take the loops out of here
Instead, let's take another place like this
I am so
It was reverse weave.
I would like to take a trip and auspicious.
This time it was like a knot.
I mean, it did not look as smooth as that, if you notice.
Some people get it. They take it and cover it.
Look! What happened?
Loops were cross diagonally.
It's different from the others.
While they are standing still
While standing still
For the last knit, 3 loops crossed.
You write it like this. So put it here.
Some of them are so that they can not give up on it because of the habit of years.
There is a crossover in the braid for such constipation.
It also leads to a bad picture.
Now, I've finished this sequence.
I'm coming.
I'm going to reverse this order.
Here too, ipi
I've already taken it from this side.
Because it's the opposite
I'm going to spend the first time wearing the first one so that the side looks straight.
Always stitching loops from behind
I spend it here and off it.
I spend it here and throw it off.
In this way, the knitting is smooth.
If I do not like it
I will take it from here and I will have a bad image at the back.
Something like a cross, a knot.
These nodes are becoming nodes.
So I would always recommend you to knit like this.
So do not knit like this.
From here
do not knit like that.
All you have to do is pass it over here and throw the rope over it.
in this way
See the edges
It's going straight, so the chain looks like a chain of intertwined chains.
When I came to the flat side, I threw the rope again.
I'll show you again.
the clicks
I swallowed it over here.
I keep knitting like this.
It is progressing properly.
And of course the important thing
Bottles are compatible with each other
so if you are using a medium thickness rope
you need to use a medium-sized skewer
a thick ipse should use a thick spit
otherwise it will be very abundant
if you leave a lot of rope while taking a loops
Let's say, let's say
the rope stayed like that
If you do not care
you will continue to have such abundance
when you move to the next row there will be holes
even if the hole is a hole it will of course be a bad image
So all the loops
Try to knit at the same frequency
If you put it too tightly then there will be a discrepancy between the other loops
Very tight
Very tight knit
There is plenty here too
Immediately the error is manifest itself there.
If you do not do this, I think it will be a more uniform weave.
For example, I knit two pieces.
I will make a dress with these.
When that dress is done you can see the link by clicking on it from the top.
These will be the tops.
In the same way, knitting with flat knitting
here's what i'm talking about
this side is the opposite
if you are going to purl
it is important that all the loops are of the same frequency
The purl braid is always woven in the same way
It was wrapped with a thick bloom because it was a thick rope.
I will show you.
There's a rubber braid on the front.
The rubber weave, from the front of a skewer to the back
a front, a rear. Look! Those are straight.
one flat, one inverted
This is called a rubber weave when a straight, inverted shape is woven.
That's why you call it rubbery. Look!
It's running like a tire.
It makes sure it fits in your head, it's a rubber braid.
Where is it used? For example, hats can be used at the front of the hoods.
Or your sweaters
Vests can still be used in the beginning parts
In arm cuffs
in this way
if you want to sit in your arm
available there
immediately after this tire
you can continue normal, flat, even, or purl
the choice is there for you
there is no such thing as a rubber netting that would be in the form of such a reversed flat.
For example you can double tire
So two flat, two inverted
two smooth, two inverted shapes
it is still up to you to choose
I'm on my own channel, OrguTube
I do a lot of things with these knits
if you come across it for the first time, I recommend you to subscribe
our Instagram and Facebook addresses are also available
you can follow us from there too.
See you again, easy for all of you!
Learn Colors with Elsa Anna Masha Moana Surprise Eggs and Soft Ice-Cream - Duration: 5:57.yay!
don't forget to subscribe!
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