Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard. ♪

♪ Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a G...G... ♪


♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a... ♪


♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a G... ♪

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard ♪

♪Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. Like a G6, Like a G6, ♪

♪ now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Like a G6, Like a G6, now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly ♪

♪ like a G6. ♪

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice... ♪


♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard. ♪

♪ Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. Like a G6, Like a G6, ♪

♪ now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Like a G6, Like a G6, now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly ♪

like a G6. ♪

For more infomation >> LIKE A G6 (Zulker & Folky Remix) - Duration: 3:34.


Arya Actor Lifestyle, Net Worth, Salary,House,Cars, Awards, Education, Biography And Family - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Arya Actor Lifestyle, Net Worth, Salary,House,Cars, Awards, Education, Biography And Family - Duration: 4:34.


Haustiere zum Kuscheln! Was man bei der Anschaffung und der Haltung eines Tieres beachten muss - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Haustiere zum Kuscheln! Was man bei der Anschaffung und der Haltung eines Tieres beachten muss - Duration: 6:37.


Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5 - Duration: 3:16.

Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5D FB Live w Gregg Prescott

Ep. #16

by Gregg Prescott

The Nikkei stock market took a beating last night. Look for the Dow Jones to follow suit.

In the grander scheme, this is the Rockefellers and Rothschilds fighting back against the

swamp being drained.

These are also the same people who have been rigging the precious metals markets. Several

experts have concluded that there is about as much physical silver left on this planet

as there is physical gold. Soon, there will be less as silver is commonly used in many

ways. Some experts see silver going as high as $1000 an ounce (or higher) once the rigging

ends. This probably won�t happen until we see an end to the fiat currency of the US

Petrodollar that funds the military industrial complex.

In the bigger picture, there is still a war going on in the aethers but it�s a war that

we�ve already won. Similar to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Reptilians and Dracos

are running scared and have nowhere to hide.

While it�s exciting to see the swamp being drained, please bear in mind that the US Military

Industrial Complex (MIC) is STILL running at full force.It wouldn�t surprise me if

Qanon is a backing factor from the MIC. Recently, US Armed insurgents from Syria shot down a

Russian plane which killed the pilot. It�s scenarios like this which could be the impetus

for WWIII, thus once again, supporting the MIC, which President Eisenhower warned us

about in his exit speech in 1961.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds still control the money, which is what controls the MIC.

If the swamp is being drained, then drain ALL of it, republicans included, such as the

Bush family, Cheney, Powell, McConnell, McCain, etc�

Please remember that NONE of this is REAL (except the vibration of LOVE)! We are simply

consciousness experiencing life as co-creators and we are co-creating the reality for when

we wake up from this dream. As real as this all seems, it�s just consciousness having

the experience through our particular vessels and interacting with the consciousnesses of

everyone around us to create this �reality�.

Qanon is NOT your savior. YOU ARE!

If you want to follow along with the live comments, click the play button on the video

below, then click the Facebook icon on the lower right hand side of the video:

Sending you all infinite LOVE and LIGHT,

For more infomation >> Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5 - Duration: 3:16.



okay guys I'm back today is day 28 of my juice fast and I wanted to check in with

you to let you know that I'm still on my juice fast I'm doing great I'm feeling

good I'm doing a test livestream this is a private one I used to do livestream

quite frequently when I first started my channel August 2017 my channel is

relatively new I only been on this channel for six months I want to start

off by saying you guys can you please support the channel by subscribing you

know that YouTube is studying this new rule that you have to have four thousand

hours of video or watch time and a thousand subscribers and I think ten

thousand views so there's like three pieces of things that YouTube needs in

order for you to stay relevant on YouTube platform or you'll have to

reapply to be in the YouTube program now the watch time is not a problem for me

I've been on this channel for six months doing my content and I have over a

million watched I'm Way over a million so it's unbelievable in six months I got

over a million watch time so I'm not writing about the watch time I just got

to get my subscriber count up so I can stay relevant so I just wanted to one do

this as a test video to make sure everything is going smoothly because on

the 30th and maybe each day I'm going to do a live so that you guys can talk to

me one-on-one

and switch it up a little bit from the tree recordings you know I'm not doing

it because I need the watch time I got plenty of watch time I'm Way over the

4,000 watch time I'm at a million plus watch time what's concerning right now

with me on my channel is my subscriber base and that's very low so I'm just

asking you to support the channel but before I begin with my weight loss

journey I just want to say to all of us in the weight loss community let's stay

at peace and let's not think that everything on this platform in the

weight loss community is about you it's about all of us if you start getting up

here making videos and it seems like you're doing a weight loss video but

it's really a beef with another youtuber or some certain way you feel about a

certain youtuber and you don't even know that person you have never seen them in

person you know nothing about them we did win there off camera YouTube starts

to look at this stuff so it's really important for us all to get along

remember what is important and that's our weight loss reaching our goals in

supporting one another that's all that matters at the end of the day all this

other BS is BS and we have to be mindful that when we lose sight or what we're

here to do which is lose weight get healthy and look good looking before you

know there to be spring its brain comes before somebody just want to look good

for spring then summer we don't want to be walking around with love handles and

big guts it's not a good look I know it's not a good book I started gaining

weight October this is the side of me I have not shared with you guys I started

gaining weight up over 16 I mean October 2016 I'm sorry I

noticed that I may have gained maybe 1520 pounds but it didn't make a big

deal so from October 16 to November December

January 2017 another three months went by and I did start to notice that my

weight was picking up another three months later into the new year January

17 then February January February March April

it wasn't until April 17 2017 that I started taking action I started working

out two hours a day on my stationary bike seven days a week and I have not

missed the day but a few times and I can count on one hand how many times I've

missed cycling on my bike you can commit yourself to doing or workout along with

the eating regimen to lose weight or people like to call their diet I don't

call it a diet but you can you can you can you can you know put the two

together working out eating is the most important is what you do in the kitchen

first and then the working out is to tone and really make yourself look sharp

you know it molds it all together but I started to do something about it April

2017 I started doing the intermitting fast 24 hour

I mean 23 hour fast one hour window to eat and I ate whatever I wanted I was

losing weight but not like I'm losing the weight now like in phase one of my

juice fast will be on the 11th that would be 30 days I've been on juice no

solid foods just liquids and I I've lost close to 30 pounds in 30 days doing the

juice fast and working out still 2 hours a day so honestly

December I was semi-serious I've been doing this journey for a year and I

wasn't getting any results or small results with the intermitting fast the

intermitting fast for me is not going to work into our reboot my system and lose

all of the way and use the intimating fast to maintain it because I have the

option of a tower window to eat with 16 hours that I can fast and eight of those

hours are usually when you sleep because you're not eating when you're I'm

sleeping and then that's what I'll do or one hour window to eat 23 hour fast

that's when I want to move weight throughout the week that maybe I've

gained saying I gained 5 pounds because I'm gonna watch out for that now and if

I gain it I'll do the intermittent fast 1 hour

window to eat 23 hour fast but this juice fast here I love it it took

control back of my life I don't wake up everyone and worrying about food what am

I gonna eat feeling hungry after like 72 hours your hunger goes away

I could literally like I did yesterday I you know what I had yesterday I had a

shot of dandelion what is it called dandelion leaf that you know fresh thyme

that you get in the salad sex on section and I had some celery it makes a real

green juice and I drink I drink a shot of that just a shot every single day and

then I drink some water with fresh lime or lemon juice in it and then later on I

might have some liver it's called liberty I get it from the Asian market

and I put some honey in it 2 tablespoons which is like 120 calories it's like 60

calories per tablespoon and I also put lemon in it cuz I like to have something

warm because I'm starting a juice fast in the wintertime picture

that but when you want something bad enough you don't care about starting a

fast in the winter time you just want to lose this weight I'm so serious about

losing this weight I haven't given anybody but time what I'm gonna stop

fasting because the time that I'm going to stop stop juice fasting it's not in

30 days it's when I lose all of the weight there's two special occasions one

coming up this month that I want to look good for and one being myself so in

order for me to get to that goal I must stay on the juice fast and why wouldn't

I I'm feeling great I'm sleeping better it's helping my anxiety I couldn't ask

for anything else I could not ask for anything else and I do a video seven

days a week usually in the morning but before the day is out you can come to my

channel and I'm always gonna have an update video of my progress and I'm

doing great I have three more days to go for my seven-day way in which is always

on Sunday I'm gonna tell you right now I am past the halfway mark there's only

seven days in a week and I'm already at 4 pounds down and I have three days left

so you do the math on what you think my weight loss is going to be for those

seven days which will be on Sunday

For more infomation >> DAY 28 OF MY JUICE FAST WEIGHT LOSS HACK HOW TO-MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY - Duration: 10:09.


Bollywood Style Fancy Saree Designs - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Bollywood Style Fancy Saree Designs - Duration: 3:14.


Porsche 911 - Everything You Need To Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 13:21.

This episode of Up to Speed is brought to you by

Viking! War of Clans!

Stay tuned at the end of the episode for a peak at the game and some sweet bonuses.

For over fifty years, one car has been the world's benchmark, the standard to which

every sports car is measured.

It's the very embodiment of tradition, refusing to change layout or body-line.

And yet, no matter what year you're looking at, no matter how old, it's one of the best

there is.

This is everything you need to know to get Up to Speed on the first car I ever wanted: the Porsche 911.

After the second world war,

Ferdinand Porsche, who was largely responsible for the Beetle, switched his company from

automotive consulting and racing, to production.

He and his son Ferry...

Dude named his son Ferry...

He and his son Ferry rolled out the Porsche 356 in 1940.

Sticking to the basic principles of his dad's Beetle design, Ferry and team make a circular

body with a flat-four air-cooled engine in the rear.

The result is a lean, mean performance machine that brought the Porsche badge off of the

racetrack and onto public roads.

Time goes by, the 356 sells fine, and the day comes when Ferry decides to upgrade to

a new model.

The new car, dubbed the 901, doesn't actually change all that much: it's just more.

The flat-four in the back becomes a flat-six, and the steering wheel

is designed to give the driver the best feedback possible from the tires.

But it wasn't just sportier: the 901 was engineered to be more practical too.

Look: a sports car with back seats!

Is that even possible?

The 901 was ready to take on the world'

France had decided that they were done being invaded by Germany.

Peugeot came along and said, "Ho ho, oui oui, you cannot use a zero in the middle of

your car name."

And Ferry said, "Vas?"

"Vhy not?"

"Because we are French and we have a copyright on all three-digit car names with a zero in

the middle."


"Wait: seriously, you actually copyrighted any three-digit car name with a zero in the middle?"


So Porsche was like, "fine.

Well call it the 911"

The car debuts at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1963, and hits dealerships a year later.

The completed product makes 130hp and blows its drivers away.

It might be a little tail-happy, but its precision-steering

and fantastic acceleration more than make up for it.

At the same time, the whole family can fit inside thanks to the back seats.

The 911 becomes a sensation, both in Germany and abroad.

But don't worry, Peugeot: you've still got that zero in the middle.

You do you.

With a bona fide hit on their hands, Porsche realizes that they need to capitalize on their

success by extending the brand.

After releasing the 912, a four-cylinder variant that never really caught on, Porsche decides that

instead of making the engine smaller, what if they made the roof come off?

Who doesn't like going topless?

Turns out: America!

"You put your clothes on this minute!"


Or so Porsche thought: somebody in Stuttgart got word that the US would be passing stricter

safety regulations around rollovers, which would make convertibles unsellable in the

biggest car market in the world.

The solution was to make an entirely new category of car, which Porsche called a Targa.

A Targa has a glass roof and a solid upper rollbar for structural support; the roof can

be folded away to get a convertible-ish experience,

and give the driver access to the open sky.

One minor detail: the US never actually passed those regulations.

Which meant this new Targa car category isn't really necessary.

Porsche keeps the Targa in production until 1989

"I'm just saying, it was a pretty good idea"

"Yeah, we know, it's sort of like un-german of you to start bragging about stuff like this"

"I'm from California!"

Going topless is all well and good,

Just ask Jessica at a music festival...

But what the people really want is to go faster.

And in 1966, Porsche responds to the people's pleas with the 911 S, basically the same great car with

30 more hp.

The S was so successful that Porsche has gone on to make S variants of their other variants.

You can't talk about the 911, without talking about racing, and boy is there a lot to talk about.

Pull up a chair.

The first 911 in motorsport was in 1965, at the Rallye Monte Carlo.

Turns out, it would do pretty damn well.

In it's first time out, the 911 finished 5th overall.

Nice job Porsche!

But the Monaco trip wouldn't be the last competition of the Porsche.

They've won sports car championships, endurance championships, hill climb events, autocross,

and of course, more rally.

It's just.



So going into the 70s, Porsche knows exactly what it needs to do: make more 911s.

With even MORE SPEED.

For the ten-year anniversary, Porsche unveils the 911 Carrera RS.

This marks the first time a 911 is called a Carrera, named after my ex-girlfriend, Carrera Panamericana

"Carrera...Carrera Panamericana"

"She's beautiful"

"I really love the way you touch my butt..."

Name after the Carrera Panamericana race,

and the first time the RS, or, "Racing Sport" title is used,

It's the first 911 to come with a spoiler, and with its 2.7L 210hp engine,

it's the fastest 911 so far.

In 1975, Porsche releases the 911 Turbo, internally called the 930.

If you don't know Porsche, this might get confusing- all 911s have an internal code

denoting WHICH series of 911 they are.

So the first 911 is a 911, and the 930 is a 911.

The 930 is one of the very first road cars to use turbocharging technology.

In fact, with that turbocharged rocket of an engine over the rear wheels, the 911 Turbo

can get up to 260hp, making it the fastest car in the entire German auto industry.

They call it the fu**ing"window maker"

Because it's fast as fu**, and it kills dudes.

This car is timeless.

Mid-engined supercars?

Fu** that.

Why have a V8 when you could have a flat-six?

In 1989, Porsche decides it's time at long last to give the 911 a full refresh.

While still called a 911, the refresh was internally called the 964, and is sold and

marketed as the Carrera.

This is the best looking car in the history of the world.

It has a rear wheel drive version just like all 911s before it,

but for the first time, an all-wheel drive version too.

Sigh'...but you know what they did to the engine?

That's right, they kept it a flat-six, and kept it in the back!

Because this is a 911, dammit, and we aren't changing it!

That blend of tradition and innovation works again, as the 911 continues right on into

the 90s as one of the best-selling, and just plain best, sports cars on Earth.

But unlike the original, the 964 isn't destined to stick around for twenty-five years.

Sound familiar? Dad? Dave? Daddy? Dad-do, David, Papa Pump, Dickhead...

So in 1995, it was already farewell to the 964 and hello to the 993.

With this incarnation, Porsche really has perfection.

This is also when Porsche upgrades from a single-turbo to a twin-turbo.

The engine was pushing out 400hp: that's more than the Ferrari

F355, which had a V8.





In 1999 it's fare thee well to the 993, and with it, the air-cooled engine.

The new 996 is...

The new 996 is water-cooled.

Going into the 21st Century armed with the new engine, Porsche decides to really hammer

home the 911's pedigree as a performance machine.

So it was time for Stuttgart to start taking their racing-specced cars and putting them

onto the road.

First up is the GT3

A stripped-down, lightened, and amped-up version of the 911 meant for

a new racing class called'yeah you guessed it, the GT3.

"Vhat shall ve call ze GT3 car?"

"Ze GT3?"

"Haaaa? I love it!"

"You do?"

"Yasss, I doooo"

"I love you."



The Car hits the market with a smash.

But for the truly insane, Porsche created an even more bonkers, even more hardcore version

called the GT2.

Guess what class of race that was named after?

The GT2 class.

Like the GT3, the GT2 is also a lighter, harder version of the 911, except the GT2 is even more.

which makes it more...


With these cars, Porsche is extending the 911 into supercar territory.

That makes the 911 one of the most diverse sports cars on the market.

And Porsche still isn't done yet.

When Stuttgart unveils the GT3 RS,

Stripped of non-essentials like rear seats, sound insulation, and air-conditioning

the GT3 RS is a for-maniacs-only rocket on the road.

And still, Porsche wants more.

The GT2 RS followed not long after, a 620hp monster that was even lighter than the stripped-down


The 911 model range has gotten so broad, it's practically its own subsidiary within Porsche.

Just want a usable, daily car?

The 911's got you.

Want to set your tires on fire and blast a hole through time?

There's a 911 for that, too.

All together, what does this mean?

One million units sold.

Stuttgart built its millionth 911 in 2017, and keeps it in their museum at their headquarters.

Which happens to my house.

There aren't a whole lot of high-end sports cars that sell anywhere near that many.

And yet, according to Porsche, 70% of them are still on the road.

A family car, a sports car, a supercar, and an absolute legend.

All under one name:

The Porsche 911is the most iconic sports car in the history of the world.

This episode of Up to Speed was brought to you by

Vikings, War of Clans.

It's a sweet a** RPG that you can play on your phone

And it reminds me of strategy games from when I was a wee boy in the early 2000's.

They just did a major update and they're now one of the top 5 mobile games in the friggin' world.

Over 20 million people are playing this game, that's over 10 times the amount of actual vikings that ever lived,


Become a clan leader, annihilate your enemies and use your economic skills to build a prosperous city.

Just like I'm building...LA.

Install the game now using the link in the description below,

and get 200 gold and an initial protection shield allowing you to start taking over the world STRONG.

This is everything you need to know to get up to speed on the Porsche 911.

Possibly the most iconic sports car

I know a lot of you guys are gonna be like

"Yo, what about Ferrari", "Yo, what about Lamborghini"

What's your favorite generation Porsche?

Mine is either their 993 or 964

What do you think of the front engine Porsche?

I like em'!

Aircooled, watercooled, battle, go.

Hit that subscribe button, the more subscribers we get, the more shows we can make.

Comment down below, we love to hear what you guys have to say.

Share this with your friends!

Follow me on Instagram @JamesPumphrey

If I get 55,000 followers, I'll pick 25 of you at random and I'll send you something weird.

Hi Colby, hi Spencer.

I love you.


For more infomation >> Porsche 911 - Everything You Need To Know | Up to Speed - Duration: 13:21.


Health Tips in Kannada,ಅನಾನಸ್ ಯಾವ ರೋಗಕ್ಕೆಲ್ಲ ರಾಮಬಾಣ, Health Benefits of Pineapple, Mane Maddu - Duration: 2:36.

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>>Health Benefits of Pineapple

For more infomation >> Health Tips in Kannada,ಅನಾನಸ್ ಯಾವ ರೋಗಕ್ಕೆಲ್ಲ ರಾಮಬಾಣ, Health Benefits of Pineapple, Mane Maddu - Duration: 2:36.



For more infomation >> КАК ФЛИРТУЮТ ЗНАКИ ЗОДИАКА💕 - Duration: 13:45.


Ansage an Tanzverbot: Meinst du das ernst? | WALULYSE - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Ansage an Tanzverbot: Meinst du das ernst? | WALULYSE - Duration: 7:50.


Tunnel Rats (topi di galleria) - Guerra del Vietnam - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Tunnel Rats (topi di galleria) - Guerra del Vietnam - Duration: 3:31.


NUR ein GENIE findet den FEHLER! 😥 (2% schaffen es) - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> NUR ein GENIE findet den FEHLER! 😥 (2% schaffen es) - Duration: 7:12.


Why Black Panther Will Blow You Away - Duration: 5:51.

Black Panther is already being hailed as an astonishing installment to the Marvel Cinematic

Universe, with tight direction, top-of-the-line performances, and stunning action sequences.

The studio's had no trouble commanding an audience over the last decade, of course,

but with Black Panther, it looks like they're delivering a truly special cinematic experience,

and here's why.

Behind the lens talent

Black Panther might only be director Ryan Coogler's third feature film, but there are

plenty of reasons Marvel trusted him to kick off its all-new franchise.

For starters, even though his filmography is limited, it's still quite impressive.

His first feature, Fruitvale Station, won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance and garnered

near-universal acclaim.

And his second movie, Creed, instantly became known as one of the best entries in the Rocky

series, and cleaned up at the box office, too.

Perhaps most importantly, he also just so happens to be a lifelong Black Panther superfan,

which was a big factor in the hiring process.

Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige told Entertainment Weekly:

"[Coogler made the film] for his 8-year old self."

"Most importantly, you do it for other 8-year-olds, to inspire the next generation the way we

were inspired.

And in this case, when Ryan was growing up, perhaps there weren't that many of these heroes

to be inspired by that looked like him."

It appears that having someone with a real heart for the art at the helm obviously paid

off here.

A true leading man

T'Challa was introduced to film audiences in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, a movie

already stuffed to the brim with heroes.

Even though the movie had a frenetic pace and tons of heroes to deal with, Chadwick

Boseman's regal performance really sold audiences on the Wakandan superhero.

And in Black Panther, he steadily commands the screen as the rousing royal.

"I am ready."

Perhaps it's no surprise that Boseman is impressing audiences in the film.

After all, he'd already been a cinematic force with leading roles in movies like 42 and Get

On Up.

Compelling villainy

No Ryan Coogler film would be complete without the director's muse, Michael B. Jordan.

The actor starred in both of Coogler's prior pictures, and this time, he's getting to do

something totally new.

Jordan stars in Black Panther as Eric Killmonger, an exiled Wakandan-turned-U.S. Black Ops soldier

who returns to challenge T'Challa for the throne.

As with his last two Coogler collaborations, Jordan's work in the film is already being

hailed as "the best MCU villain since Loki".

"I'mma burn it all."

Considering how much trouble Marvel movies have had making satisfying screen baddies

lately, that's high praise for the red-hot actor's work in the movie.

Scene stealers

With all of the A-listers starring in Black Panther it might be hard to believe that an

up-and-comer has emerged as the scene-stealer of the whole film.

But that's exactly what happened with Letitia Wright as Shuri.


Let's go!"

You might recognize Wright as Renie in Humans or as Nish in Black Mirror's "Black Museum"


But after Black Panther, she's bound to be as big of a star as anyone else on the film's


The character is brilliant, spritely, and a complete standout that'll definitely make

audiences smile.

And Shuri isn't the only one with some major girl power in Black Panther.

The characters Okoye and Nakia, played by Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong'o respectively,

have also received high marks for badassery.

Mood music

If the filmmaking and acting talent involved in the film wasn't impressive enough, the

film's soundtrack is also brimming with exciting voices.

Kendrick Lamar produced the album and managed to round up hip-hop favorites like Schoolboy

Q, Vince Staples, Future, The Weeknd, and SZA to contribute tracks alongside Lamar himself.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy soundtracks might've made waves for reviving some old

favorites, but Black Panther is taking things a step further with an original album that's

already got people talking.

Action satisfaction

It just wouldn't be a Marvel movie without a ton of action-packed set pieces, and Black

Panther delivers on that angle just as well as everywhere else.

The film's fight scenes have drawn comparisons to slick action fare like the Kingsmen and

James Bond series for their sophistication levels, and there's at least one massive chase

scene that should get audiences' adrenaline properly pumping as well.

Post-credit impact

Another signature Marvel move is to include post-credit sequences, and the two featured

in Black Panther seem to be signals for what's ahead.

Without spoiling them, let's just say that they point to a brave new future for the Kingdom

of Wakanda and connect the dots between prior Marvel films and what's to come with Avengers:

Infinity War.

Cultural pride

It's no secret that Western films have a history of portraying African nations as being impoverished

and violent.

However, with a mainstream film like this one showcasing more of the vibrant and beautiful

aspects of African culture, the film has the potential to change the way Hollywood treats

the birthplace of humanity.

As Lupita Nyong'o, who was raised in Kenya, put it:

"...Marvel has a way of really affecting popular culture, and to have that popular culture

informed with things that are of African origin … is powerful.

Hopefully it changes the general idea of what being an African is.

Too often times we see Africa as a place that is wanting, and here it's a place that you

want to go."

So, beyond just being entertainment, Black Panther could very well represent a moment

of cultural awakening altogether.

The way that the film's talent celebrated native fashion at the premiere, it seems to

have already arrived as a source of pride.

Not only that, but the movie could also re-shape the way studios think about black cinema as

a whole.

Lately, black directors have been having more and more success getting their stories onto


Coogler's contemporaries such as Ava DuVernay and Jordan Peele have been steadily proving

that cinematic stories told from a black cultural viewpoint can not only give young black audiences

the kind of representation they've been yearning for but also generate boatloads of cash.

Perhaps it'll take a pop culture titan like Marvel to drive this point home once and for

all, but if it does, Black Panther could be a serious game changer.

Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> Why Black Panther Will Blow You Away - Duration: 5:51.


ЭЛЕЗ VS КРЫМСКИЙ . КТО ПРАВ? КТО КРЫСА? - Warface - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> ЭЛЕЗ VS КРЫМСКИЙ . КТО ПРАВ? КТО КРЫСА? - Warface - Duration: 8:31.


Nokaut - Haraszo (Official video 2018) - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Nokaut - Haraszo (Official video 2018) - Duration: 3:43.


7 Interesting Unknown Facts about Charly Musonda In 2018 ! You Didn't Know - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 7 Interesting Unknown Facts about Charly Musonda In 2018 ! You Didn't Know - Duration: 1:31.


龙珠超:龙珠排名,有些人都没交过战就入榜,道听途说可靠吗? - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 龙珠超:龙珠排名,有些人都没交过战就入榜,道听途说可靠吗? - Duration: 2:59.


SIGMUND FREUD/ Terms he used in his work- LIBIDO, PERVERSION AND SUBLIMATION. - Duration: 3:37.

Hey guys, it`s Nikki and in this video i`ll be explaining some of the basic term Freud

used in his work-libido, perversion and sublimation if it sounds interesting continue watching.

In a previous video we talked about the types of instincts and Freuds broad understanding

of what is sexual.

And today will talk about libido.

What is libido? the sexual drives create energy and that energy is what we call libido.

The mini explosion in your stomach and the nervous feeling all over your body when you

see your dream partner, that`s the libido.

FN:The sexual life is a function of a libido but we`ll talk more about it later.

Talking about sexual life we come across the perversion.

According to Freud, that` s everything before the submission of sexual life to the reproductive


Basically we are all born perverts and we go through Psychosexual development which

teaches us how to contain it.

Also every time you`re doing or receiving a fellatio not as a foreplay but by itself

(without reproductive function) that`s classified as perversion.

Yes, including masturbation.

The difference between perversion and normal sexuality is the drive (instinct) which dominates

and the gain.

Really interesting term is sublimation.

That is when we have a drive which can`t be satisfied in some cases we transform that

drive`s energy into something completely different but socially accepted.

Imagine you have a really strong crush on your best friend's mother (or father).

You feel so ashamed and guilty every time you see your friend that in order to deal

with this situation your Ego redirects that crush's` energy into something else, for

example, let`s say playing tennis.

You become so obsessed with playing that you practice every day and become one of the best

in the country.

As a result, now you`re a professional player just because you had a crush on your friend`s


Another example for sublimation would also be a defense lawyer who once wanted to kill

a man Instead, he transformed that energy drive into the opposite socially acceptable

drive which is to defense people.

Ok, guys those were the basic Freudian term for today-libido, perversion and sublimation.

In my next video i`ll talk about errors (slips of the tongue) and why are they so important

for Freud so if you`re interested click on to the nerdy bird to subscribe and if you

liked this video thumbs up and leave me a comment to tell me what you think.

You can also get the audio of this video and listen to it next time you`re heading to your

lectures here or check some of my other videos you might like them, all links will be also

in the description, bye.

For more infomation >> SIGMUND FREUD/ Terms he used in his work- LIBIDO, PERVERSION AND SUBLIMATION. - Duration: 3:37.


#ContemporaryAThon Round 2 TBR! [CC] - Duration: 4:11.

Hey everybody! Welcome back to my channel. Today I'm going to be doing my

ContemporaryAThon round to t be our ContemporaryAThon is a week-long

read-a-thon that is hosted by Chelsea over at Chelsea Dolling Reads, Julie at

Pages and Pens, and this round they're introducing a new host - Natasha from

My Reading is Odd. All lovely ladies and I will link all of their announcement

videos down in the description. This round is going to be taking place

between February 12th and February 18th 2018 and I really enjoy this read-a-thon

just because it's so laid-back and just the hosts are so friendly and wonderful.

So definitely definitely participate if you are able to. I'm excited for another

round. I had a great time in the first round and I'm excited that's coming back

this February. So there are reading challenges. There's seven in total and

they do encourage to double and triple up on your reading challenges if you

would like to. So I am planning to double and triple up on a few of these. I have

four books picked out for the week and I'm really looking forward to getting to

all of these so hopefully I'm able to. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you

the book that I'm going to be reading and let you know what challenges kind

of correspond to that book because I do have a couple of doubles on here. But

without further ado let's hop into the TBR. The first book that I'm going to be

reading - Chelsea don't freak out too hard - but that is The Hating Game by Sally

Thorne. From what I know this is a hate to love office romance and Chelsea

absolutely loves this book and talks about on her channel all the time. So I'm

very excited to get to this. This is going to count for the "newest

contemporary to your shelf" challenge. This was in my last book haul. I will

link that book haul in the cards if you would like to go and check that out. This

is also going to fulfill the challenge of "a contemporary that was recommended

to you". Of course I saw this on Chelsea's channel. She absolutely loves it and is

recommending it to everybody. So I cannot wait to get to this. The next book that

I'm going to read is With Malice by Eileen Cook. From what I know this is a

kind of thrillery YA novel about a girl who studies abroad in Italy and one day

she wakes up in a hospital bed and is accused of murder. It seems like it's

kind of inspired by the Amanda Knox story. I'm not sure if that's true

true but I've heard this is really really good, really intense, and I'm into

that. This book is going to fulfill the challenge of "a dark or taboo

contemporary". I think this is going to be very dark and I cannot wait to get to it.

The next book that I'm going to show you is going to fulfill three different

challenges and that is The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon. From what I know

this is a YA romance that also has to do with immigration in the United States

and I've heard really really wonderful things about this book.

This book is going to fulfill three challenges, like I said. It's going to

fulfill the challenge of "a diverse contemporary". I believe one of the main

characters is Jamaican. I'm not sure what the other main characters like

background is, but one of them is Jamaican and an immigrant. This is also

going to fill the challenge of "a hyped contemporary". This came out in 2016 and

every single person was talking about it so that definitely meets that challenge.

And it's also going to fulfill the challenge of "a contemporary with pink on

the cover". There's pink right there and right there, so it works. And then the

last book I'm going to read is Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash. This is a graphic

memoir. It's a coming-of-age story of our main character discovering her sexuality

while she's away at summer camp. This very obviously is going to be fulfilling

the challenge of "read a contemporary graphic novel". I've heard nothing but

fabulous things about this from multiple people and I cannot wait to get to this.

I was originally going to read this during my 24 hour read-a-thon that

happened a few weeks ago but never got around to it, but I definitely want to

get to this during ContemporaryAThon. So here are the four books that I will

be reading during the ContemporaryAThon. I cannot wait to get to each and every one

of them. I hope I'm able to read them all during the week. I've heard nothing but

great things about these book.s I don't think I've heard one bad thing about any

of these books, so should be a nice fun week of reading contemporary. Anyway that

is it for this TBR. I hope you guys enjoyed. If you did please leave a big

thumbs up. Subscribe if you haven't already. I do try to make a new video

each and every week and I will see you guys again very soon. Bye!

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