Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Thank you taking the time to join us today.

We are about to begin the signing ceremony for the New Beginning in Osaka.

Thank you to the fans for making the show a sell-out.

There will not be same day tickets for sale.

Thanks to everyone who purchased already.

Besides the strong sales, we are most excited for the matchups.

For those can't make it, please join us on New Japan World.

We have 3 match signings today.

First, we start with the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.

Now we'll have the champion and the challenger.

Excuse me!

Where do I sit?
















It looks like we're already getting started. We'll have comments now.

First, Hiromu, please. And tell us about the chicken, too

Go ahead?


Your comments on the match.

I was startled. I had no idea what you meant.

I got worried.

But, this isn't your first conference...

Right, but it's still new to me.

I was caught off guard.

What do I need to say?

About your match and why you brought chicken.

I will definitely win in Osaka!

There! Done!

Did it!

Is that all?



Now we move on to the champion, Will Ospreay.


通訳してもらえるのは これが初めてかな。ありがとう。



実はヒロムの事はすごく好きだよ。 俺たち良い友達になれると思う。




でも俺たち2人とも ベストなチャンピオンになりたいんだ。

どっちがベストなのかは 大阪でわかるよ。

どんな試合になるかは 予想付いてるよ。

ゴングが鳴ったらみんながヒロムの 名前を叫ぶ。人気者だからな。

ヤングライオンから始めて メキシコに海外遠征に行ったな。

もうメキシコに若手を送るのは やめた方がいいと思う。

イギリスに送ってよ。 美味しいチキンが食べられるよ。



でも、大阪の試合で人気は関係ない。 大事なのは戦いだ。


でも今ジュニアの 先頭にいるのは俺だ…


ラブリーだって? 良い英語を知ってるな。


でも悪いけど、ヒロム、 君はチャンピオンにはなれない。



Oh my god!


ごめん。でもハグなら してあげられるよ。

Oh my god!



Is that all?



Anything else, Mr. Ospreay?


Any more comments?


親友のヒロムと素晴らしい試合を するのが楽しみだ。待ちきれないよ。

俺にチキンをくれるなんて、 彼はもう親友だよ。

We will open the floor for questions. Please raise your hand if you have something to ask.

Oh, Takahashi?

Never mind.

Questions? Go ahead.

Did this come about because you offered a title shot in exchange for chicken?

That's why you brought it, correct?


I know that he's crazy about chicken.

We even talked about it on Twitter.

So, I brought chicken as a sign of good faith.

Is there a double meaning behind the chicken?

Double meaning?

What? Double meaning?

No, no, no. Not at all.

Double meaning?

Not at all.

There's no double meaning.

One meaning.

Hiromu, you fell short at the Dome, and in your recent warmups. Your thoughts?

I'm truly thankful to him.

I alluded that I would not ask for a rematch if I lost.

But he graciously accepted my challenge, anyway.

I've waited 8 long months for this.

I'm very happy now.

I'm very honored to face him.

I'm super excited. All that's left is to prove myself in Osaka.


Any other questions?

Did you buy the chicken from Seven Eleven?

No, I made it myself.

You did?

Of course!

What a rude question!

I made it myself this morning!

I bought the meat,

Then I fried it!

Got it?



I'm very upset that you questioned me.


I woke up early to prepare this chicken.

But I just remembered that he prefers grilled chicken!

I'm truly sorry!


気にしないでよ。 すごく嬉しかったよ。


Love you.

Any other questions?


I guess it's been 8 months since the last time you faced each other,

I'm sure that fans are super excited. What are your thoughts on Hiromu since then?

みんなが楽しみにしてくれてるのは よくわかってる。

俺たちの美しいライバル関係は Super Juniorの大会から始まったんだ。

でも今回の対決はベルトをかけた もっと重要な試合だよ。

ファンに素晴らしい試合を 見せることができるよ。光栄だよ。

Any more questions?

How does the chicken compare to back in Britain?

とても美味しかったよ。後でオカダにも 食べさせてあげるよ。

Other questions?

Okay. Now for the signing.

The challenger first, please.


And now the champion, please.

Twitterの投稿、スペルを 間違えちゃったよ。

'mate'って書くつもりが 'mad'になってた。



Nice! Cute!


ここにサインするの? よし。

And Chairman Sugabayashi, please, as the witness.


Now that we have everyone's signatures, on to the photo op.

The champion and the challenger.





Oh my god.











A little to the center, please?

Can you hold the chicken, please?

どうやったらチキンを持って カッコよく見えるかな。

Why don't you feed him, Hiromu?




That concludes this portion. Thank you both.


What even is a press conference?

What's a signing for?

Don't bring me out here for this dumb shit.

What's a press conference? What's a signing ceremony?

What is it? What is it?

I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!

What should I do? What should I do?

What should I do? Which camera is it?

Which is the main camera?

This one?

Will this make the blooper reel?

Now we move on to the NEVER Championship match. The competitors…

First, your comments,

EVIL, please.

I did exactly what I said. I defended triumphantly.

Today is not just a signing, but also a celebration for a defending champion.

And, in Osaka, I will put Goto into my darkness world, again.

He's lost to me many times before, he'd better come up with a new strategy.

I'm looking forward to it. That's all.

Thank you. Now, the champion.

Last night, he introduced me to his darkness world.

It truly was a dark place, not somewhere I'd like to revisit.

But my belt will light my way.

I plan on making more things shine with this belt.

I'm not thinking about the past, I'm focused on my defense.

Thank you. And now, for questions.

Go ahead.

You've been provoking each other, EVIL has alluded to some kind of rebirth,

EVIL, do you mean the man Goto became after his retreat in February of 2016?

Maybe you should just ask Goto.

Please, tell us your thoughts?

About my training in the water?

I understand.

I wonder if he's talking about the person who emerged after that experience?

I've said this before, but I don't need to know his thoughts on the matter.

What about EVIL saying you need to come up with something new?

I admit, I sensed something about him, something not ordinary.

It's going to take something special to overcome it. I'll figure out what that is.

Some kind of defense against his darkness world?

Goto, you said this match has a chance to be EVIL's cleansing?

When I see EVIL in the ring, he's not alone. There's a spiritual presence there.

Does that answer you?

Are you looking to rid those spirits?

That's the first thing I have to deal with.

I want to see the man I knew once, before. The 'premium' fighter.

I respected that man.

Your thoughts on that, EVIL?

No comment.

You faced Goto when you returned. You held the NEVER title, only briefly.

Are you more concerned with the title or beating him?

I lost the NEVER title on an overseas trip. I'll get it back.

As for Goto, I've already introduced him to the darkness world.

That's not something I have to worry about.

Further questions?

Okay, then this concludes the questions.

Moving on to signing. The challenger, EVIL, first, please.

The champion, Goto, please.

Chairman Sugabayashi, please.

With the signing done, let's move onto the photo op.

A one on one photo.

The concludes the signing for the NEVER title match.

Now, moving on to the IWGP Heavyweight match.

The competitors, please.

We'll begin.

Comments from the challenger, SANADA, please.

The reason I arrived in New Japan and the reason I'm going for that title,

Because from every belt I've seen, all over the world, that one shines the brightest.

And with that title, I can make L.I.J the number one faction in the pro-wrestling world.

About my opponent, Okada,

Because he already beat EVIL and Naito, he's even more interesting to beat.

That's all.

Thank you.

The champion Okada, please.


I'm extremely frustrated with yesterday's loss.

They proved their strength to us.

But I'm focused on the IWGP match, now.

If SANADA can do what Naito and EVIL couldn't, then that's something we'd all like to see.

But I don't think anyone can do it.

Thank you. Now for questions.

Go ahead.

Okada, SANADA finally spoke up to you,

This was new for him, a sign of his growth,

Does that make him a more worthy challenger?

Well, I don't care if he talks or not,

But the reason why I provoked him to speak up was because…

I never knew his motivation before. And that's just because he never spoke.

He never did. So I had to light that fire.

After he spoke, we knew how he really felt.

To be honest, I'm shocked he's speaking today.

SANADA, you've been closing out every show on this recent tour,

Has that increased your confidence going into this match?

Yes it has. I'm feeling good about my chances.

There's still one more show before Osaka…

I haven't revealed everything in these matches.

Any further questions?

For Okada, about the tag match, yesterday,

Your thoughts on SANADA using the Rainmaker on you?

It's a great move, isn't it?

But no one does it like me. I'll show everyone in Osaka.

I'll admit, it was a nice touch.

SANADA, what was your reasoning for using that move?

It wasn't planned. It just sort of happened.

Any other questions?

SANADA received a great crowd reaction, There seems to be a lot of support for him...

L.I.J always gets a lot of crowd support. That's no surprise.

But it's up to the champion to prove himself to the people, every time.

I want a tough match, another chance for me to show my strength.


Go ahead.

Besides the title match, there are other stand-offs between L.I.J and CHAOS,

As a leader, is that at all a distraction?

I'm not worried about our performance. But I didn't thing Gedo would steal BUSHI's mask.

CHAOS is ready for L.I.J. We're rolling right now.

Everything is good.

SANADA, you said you want to make L.I.J the top team,

How do you see the other matches?

I want my win to motivate everyone, not just these teams.

Any other questions?



Now the signing. First, SANADA.

Okada. please.

Chairman Sugabayashi, please

Moving on to the photo op.

With Chairman Sugabayashi, too.

Now one of just the competitors.

This concludes the IWGP Heavyweight match conference.

Thank you for your presence here, today.

As stated earlier, the show has already sold out. More details on the official website. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Feb 07, Signing Ceremony for 3 Championships at THE NEW BEGINNING in Osaka - Duration: 35:39.


[Gia Rai] Solving a rubik's cube around the town - ThiN - Duration: 1:55.

Yo what's up guys! Welcome to my channel

And in this video, as you can see from the title

that I'm gonna solve this rubik's cube

with the background is all the places that I can get

from the town where I'm living

Let's get it on right now!


So I'm scrambling this cube randomly now

then We'll start to solve it

[running vehicles sound]

[scrambling cube sound]

OK, We'll get it started right now


For more infomation >> [Gia Rai] Solving a rubik's cube around the town - ThiN - Duration: 1:55.


simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches flowers | basic embroidery stitches - Duration: 2:41.

simple maggam work blouse designs

For more infomation >> simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches flowers | basic embroidery stitches - Duration: 2:41.


FLUORIDE & ZAHNPASTA - Die ganze Wahrheit - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> FLUORIDE & ZAHNPASTA - Die ganze Wahrheit - Duration: 8:39.


Plastic Free Cayman Beach Clean Up - Duration: 3:47.

I just wanna say one word to you.

Just, one word.

Yes sir.

Are you listening?

You sir I am.


Plastic is everywhere, it's reliable form factor and cheap production has made it so

pervasive that it may just be impossible to get through a day without interacting with it.

In fact besides lying naked in a field all day, I don't see how I could avoid plastic

at all.

Plastic does lots of great things not just by making our lives more convenient but by

saving lives too through the medical field and even reducing environmental impact by

its use in cars - making them lighter and more fuel efficient.

But there are many use cases where plastic is destroying not just the environment, but

our bodies too.

Now we'd like just a minute of your time to say something about the environment.


Researchers are concerned that chemicals from plastics may be leaking into the food and

drink they're storing causing cancers, miscarriages, and birth defects.

By design plastic takes forever to degrade, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces.

Which gets eaten by birds and fish and eventually us as it moves up the food chain.


Half of plastic created is for single use.

Straws, take out containers, shopping bags, cutlery, bottled liquids you get the idea.

All of this trash ends up not just in our landfills but littered around our countries

with 8 million tons ending up in the ocean each year.

The ocean part is close to home for those of us that live in Cayman.

Our beautiful world famous beaches get covered in trash not just from the island but from

around the world.

I decided to join a group of awesome people who have banded together under the name Plastic

Free Cayman on a beach clean up this weekend to see it for myself.

So far the weird things...

Morning after pill, too many condoms, a lot of beer, a diaper, someone loves KFC.

Two thousand, five hundred and sixty three pounds.

It's awesome to see people making a difference and cleaning up their environment, but cleaning

is not the solution.

We have to prevent the plastic from getting there in the first place.

That means taking re-usable bags to the store, buying environmentally friendly toothbrushes,

refusing single use plastics like cutlery and straws, repairing things instead of throwing

them out, and if you have to use plastic, recycle it.

I'll put a link to Plastic Free Cayman in the description, check our some of the awesome

things that they're doing.

Thanks for watching this video, if you liked it give it a thumbs up and I will see you

next week.

For more infomation >> Plastic Free Cayman Beach Clean Up - Duration: 3:47.


KLINGT DAS ALBUM MEINER BAND WIRKLICH SCHEISSE?! • Ein Audacity Workshop. - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> KLINGT DAS ALBUM MEINER BAND WIRKLICH SCHEISSE?! • Ein Audacity Workshop. - Duration: 10:34.


The precious coconut in Vietnam - Duration: 12:39.

For more infomation >> The precious coconut in Vietnam - Duration: 12:39.


Ông Đồ | Nhạc sĩ : Anh Bằng | Thơ : Vũ Đình Liên | Ca sĩ : Xuân Mỹ & Tuấn Hu - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> Ông Đồ | Nhạc sĩ : Anh Bằng | Thơ : Vũ Đình Liên | Ca sĩ : Xuân Mỹ & Tuấn Hu - Duration: 8:55.


Phim Ngắn Mới Nhất 2018 | Mùa Hoa Nở | Spa Thị Phi - Duration: 35:10.

For more infomation >> Phim Ngắn Mới Nhất 2018 | Mùa Hoa Nở | Spa Thị Phi - Duration: 35:10.


Jon Kabat Zinn Mindfulness 9 attitudes - Confiança - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Jon Kabat Zinn Mindfulness 9 attitudes - Confiança - Duration: 3:31.


ZOMBIE GAME Zombie Tsunami TROPHY BRONZE #4 cartoon ZOMBIES cartoon game for kids - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> ZOMBIE GAME Zombie Tsunami TROPHY BRONZE #4 cartoon ZOMBIES cartoon game for kids - Duration: 10:50.


Asia Roadshow 2018 | Xero - Duration: 2:58.

The key driver of Xero success globally is always our accounting community

and that's why it's so cool to be here today.

So we've had more than a thousand attendees,

from more than 25 countries come together to Singapore and Hong Kong.

To hear from us and share with us,

what's ahead and what we're seeing in the world of accounting.

We have just announced they were going to be opening an office in Hong Kong,

so really excited to be putting a team on the ground

and transforming the accounting industry in Hong Kong

in the same way that we are in Singapore.

Yes Xero Roadshow and Xerocon has been excellent in the past

and it's a great opportunity for my team my colleague,

to learn something new and to make our clients more successful.

At the end of the day it is the exclusive views of Xero

that translates to confidence and good value that we offer to our clients.

Xero has actually helped me be more available

to my clients and right now, I'm actually 100% cloud-based.

It's also very fulfilling in it to be able to provide that value add,

to the clients.

We brought Xero to Hong Kong

to make it easier for ourselves and

our clients to mange our accounts.

We have used the Find and Recode function

which has made it really easy

for us to correct our clients' accounts.

What affected me most, is the 600 add-ons offered by Xero which allow me

to have an ecosystem to customise our solution for our customers.

Since changing to Xero we are more efficient nowadays.

One of the key initiatives that

SAC has just embarked on is a set up of the technology advisory task force.

To advise and provide us with baseline technology recommendations

while counting from the top. This ranges all the way from large

medium, small and micro accounting entity.

We know that not every accounting firm

can be a technology expert and so our cloud solution partners

can come in and help implement technological solutions

that can really transform the way our accounting partners and small businesses operate.

I think when we say the future is now

what we're seeing from and hearing from accounting practices is

they don't really know of the tools that are out there.

And it's now just Xero it's also the add-ons as well,

so when you say the future is now we're bringing that to them

and it's our responsibility to bring them that technology and say

this is not future development, this is here now available for you to use today

and we're going to help you use it

For more infomation >> Asia Roadshow 2018 | Xero - Duration: 2:58.


Blind Man's Buff | Breathe EP 6 Promo | R. Madhavan, Amit Sadh | Amazon Prime Video - Duration: 0:35.

Oh, hello, Mr. Nair. Are you going home?

No, of for a swim.

A man who's seen his son die a little bit every day,

for the past six years should be allowed a bit of poetry, no?

It depends on the nature of the pain.

See, that's profound.

Perhaps, you've lost someone close, too.

Whatever you are doing? You think it's worth it?

I'm slightly confused, sir. I don't understand what you're trying to say.

You understand everything. You just don't want to answer any of this.

For more infomation >> Blind Man's Buff | Breathe EP 6 Promo | R. Madhavan, Amit Sadh | Amazon Prime Video - Duration: 0:35.


Nspire Network Preparing for Kathy Ireland Modern Living Show to Discuss Now We No & Cherish Pads - Duration: 4:31.

Nspire Network Preparing for the Kathy Ireland Modern Living Show

a hands fire nation can't bring these guys anywhere without them eating up

everything look at this.look work hard eat hard we are here Kathy Ireland

Studios got super excited we appreciate you guys making history with us so we

want to share some of these special moments with you hopefully you enjoy

hey hey miss Patricia Davis hey hey Teresa Wilson mr. ray Davis after today

millions gonna have my eyes on us man so don't believe at the time my friend get

in the mix time to make history hey miss Linda Spitzer all right you guys ready

to rock and roll no gasps we have up some exciting announcements tonight most

definitely you want to get plug-in to our inspire network corporate update

call we will be live live guys from LA Los Angeles California to

six o'clock on Pacific time nine o'clock Eastern so oh that's right you don't

like that time in we've got such great minutes after the meeting today right so

it could be midnight guys I don't know however we will send out some

information so that you guys who are aware of what's happening in the

meantime be inspired guess I'm beat though make sure you

how big this moment is for the company what is one of me to your your

businesses this is this is validation at the highest we were just one of the

managing producers to produce I was executive mr. time who actually was

become the Godfather of this sort of sort of campaign going back to 1995 yeah

and so we're really honored you know they were telling us about the scope of

this how this is going to be an international platform box business of

Bloomberg and this will be a piece that you will be able to use too much

business right so no guys we just wanna have you guys understand they want more

meetings with retreat how we doing it so we just got

shooting a facebook line to let you guys know we kind of forgot about you

we know many of you guys have any texting emailing asking table we'd be

going live well we will cheap to do that will to make that happen because they

have some serious things they want to discuss with us in terms of expanding

all of our reaching Empire in between crackers I think it's important to know

too that if you remember thing that we said in our pbteen she

said thank you know for for guys help me with a issue for women you know that

that Ben likes us that that people are recognizing that

nothing to do with the rent sales network marketing just a thank you for

what she's learned in the past few months of talking professor about the

ads campaign the guy said that's not us yes that's a big thanks to you guys and

what you're doing in the field to keep going

creak that awareness campaign so guys we're excited real excited we're really

hungry cuz we're moving all day these guys always believed in me too much you

know so is this study I put a day job so


no no we're good guys we'll see you guys tonight

For more infomation >> Nspire Network Preparing for Kathy Ireland Modern Living Show to Discuss Now We No & Cherish Pads - Duration: 4:31.


Eachine QX65 Tiny Whoop mit F3 FC und OSD Anzeige Review DE - Duration: 4:49.

This is the Eachine QX65 Tiny Whoop brushed quadcopter with a F3 flight controller and an OSD.

On the F3 board is the good 6000 gyro with integrated receiver.

There are three models with DSMX, Flysky and FrSky receivers.

Downstairs is easily accessible USB port.

The battery connection is unfortunately still the old JST PH 1.25 and not the PH 2.0.

But this is a good HV battery with 3.8 volts.

I would have liked a PH 2.0 connection so I could use my existing batteries.

But you can easily upgrade the power plug to PH 2.0.

There is a replacement cable that was already for the E010 to buy.

The CMOS camera have a good video quality with the 25mW transmitter and the linear antenna.

The video channels can be switched with the screwdriver from behind the slots on the camera canopy.

You can also see the back wall of the camera where the channel LED's are located.

I have a DSMX board here. With the Flysky and FrSky Board the binding button is easily accessible.

The camera canopy is attached with three screws.

The AIO camera can even be adjusted up to 20 degrees.

It is held only by the two side screws.

A USB charger for a HV battery is with both adapters - the PH 1.25 and 2.0

The switch is for charging 3.8v HV or normal 3.7v batteries.

The QX65 is light and weighs less than 21 grams and ready to fly 27 grams.

The user manual is very detailed , here the DSMX manual.

You can find all the information about binding with the remote control, to the camera video transmitter

and detailed description of the flight controller.

The USB charger recognizes by the LED that one recharges a HV battery with 4.35 volts.

I turn the switch on. The LED goes off and it is charged only up to 4.2V.

Loading is fast with 660mA.

I have here a practical voltage tester for all 1S Lipos with different connections.

I charge the battery via a USB power adapter that has three USB ports.

After charging the HV battery is fully charged with 4.32 volts.

The Tiny Whoop flies very well.

He is very agile in the light weight and does not lose in fast turns at the height.

Always has enough power and does not sink to the ground by itself,

as happens with bad or heavy brusched quadcopters.

So a perfect Tiny Whoop for indoor.

Outside you can fly the QX65 well, but only if it is not windy.

The FPV video looks very good in the FPV goggles.

Recorded here with the Fatshark HD3.

You can easily fly in stabilized mode, or with manual practice in acro mode.

The FPV flight time is about 4.5 minutes.

For more infomation >> Eachine QX65 Tiny Whoop mit F3 FC und OSD Anzeige Review DE - Duration: 4:49.


Jon Kabat Zinn Mindfulness 9 attitudes - Gratidão e Generosidade - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Jon Kabat Zinn Mindfulness 9 attitudes - Gratidão e Generosidade - Duration: 4:10.


HOW TO DRAW Painting a Heart Flower Bracelet 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 4:19.

HOW TO DRAW Painting a Heart Flower Bracelet

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW Painting a Heart Flower Bracelet 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 4:19.


Когда Иисус призывает тебя. - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Когда Иисус призывает тебя. - Duration: 6:11.


Shiny + Reflective Text in Adobe After Effects - Duration: 3:23.

Welcome to this video today I'm going to be teaching you guys how to make

reflective glowing kind of text, just like if the one I'm showing guys right

now over the screen this is what we're going to work on and this is the effect

and hope you guys enjoy this video and hope you guys learn something new. Now in

this video we are going to be building on what I taught you guys in the last

video you know our After Effects tutorial and how to actually make 3d

text in a 2d film/video kind of thing so go check that out it's gonna be linked

up in the top right corner in the "i" or check it out in the description. Let's go

build on that effect and that basic effect I'm not gonna be seeing you guys

again in this episode so go check it out in that episode.

First things first here I am going to be adding the text so the text that we are

gonna be dealing with today is going to be "SAMPLE" just something really

easy just to show you guys how this effect actually works and I'm gonna

resize it to the size that I actually want it to be so what is gonna be just

just before the cup actually starts. And what you want to do is play with the color,...

play with the setting of the mode of the layer itself and I'm pretty

sure I go over overlay and I just changed the color to make it kind of

look like it has that tint of color just like in that music lyric video from Zedd

in "The Middle" a link down below in the description but you know

what you want to do is you want to make your text kind of like that really shiny

color so you want to duplicate that layer just copy and paste at the text

sample layer three times in a row and I'm gonna change all those

colors to something that has is very kind of soft on the color but also white

and some spots it just depends on how it reflects on the video below these layers,

so first here I'm just duplicating the three sample text layers I just copy and

paste them and then I'm trying to find it an angle of reflection that I'm going

to be using for my reflecting text, I'm just going over different kind of places

that I can place it and angles so let's just cut to the final angle of

reflection night mate so you go on finding that place where I want to have

my text reflect and what I'm also gonna be doing right here is just making a

little ellipse just getting that nice glowing effect.

How they have it in the text, they have it more nicely made.

But this is just he basics, of how to actually get this effect.

You're going to want to make specific shapes to align your text correctly, and make it look better.

Maybe enlarge your text a little bit and add a little more blur

That's fine you don't need to do all that this is the kind of the final

product you can play around how your past city is now I'm sure you this is

how it was before and then now this is the final result but before I show you

guys the final result think as for watching hope you guys have a great rest

of your day and see you guys in another video tutorial

For more infomation >> Shiny + Reflective Text in Adobe After Effects - Duration: 3:23.


Plumbing Inspection Buena Park CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Inspection Buena Park CA - Duration: 1:10.

Plumbing Inspection Buena Park CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

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