Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

5 Things About Quiet People Most People Will Never Understand

We often hear stories about quiet people.

There is always someone like that in our circle, be it in class, organization, community, forum,

or anything.

Quiet people are around eyes, but we don't really know about them.

To take you into different perspective, quiet people are always in disadvantageous position

because they are frequently humiliated verbally and sometimes physically.

People who see them don't think they do any good to society.

They are weird people who don't want to go to parties.

They are also people who won't talk to others.

They are rude, and they will be ignored.

Such stereotypes are pretty common, and there are still many other things that people assume.

However, they never understand that quiet people actually are not always like that.

Here is several things that people usually don't understand about quiet people.

#1 - They are actually nice people

Quiet people are indeed mysterious.

They don't talk as intensely as other people do.

Quiet people also try to find other places to keep them away from others, making them

even more mysterious.

Unfortunately, what they do make others feel uncomfortable.

They are like bad people who plan something nasty.

They are fishy people who probably want to do something bad.

However, quiet people just need their time alone with no distraction.

#2 - They hate you

Quiet people don't hate you.

Why do you feel being hated anyway if you never do anything bad to them?

This misconception is unfortunately always around quiet people, and they actually suffer

from it.

They are judged for being bad and full of hatred.

In fact, quiet people absolutely have nothing to hate you unless you are complete jerk.

#3 - They are miserable people

Quiet people are different from loners.

They are also different from shy people.

Loners and shy people are quiet miserable because they are forced by condition to feel

that way.

However, quiet people choose to be quiet because they don't want to bother other people.

If you see quiet people with their pale faces, you probably haven't done anything wrong.

It is just because they are thinking.

Sometimes, they are also recalling past events that probably unpleasant in the process.

However, there is nothing to do with their current life.

Most of the time, they enjoy their lives now, and they just prefer quiet environment instead

of the busy one.

#4 - Talking is easy

Yes, for you it is probably easy.

You even try to convince that saying something is easier because your fellow introverted

friends can say more things.

This is where people usually fail to understand.

For quiet people, talking is not easy, and that's because they are not used to do so.

Moreover, talking to others require energy just like introverts do, and it makes them

socially exhausted.

Instead of experiencing unpleasant things, they prefer to shut instead.

#5 - They don't think

In fact, it is the other way around.

They think a lot, and they always think before responding or answering questions.

Unfortunately, they are typically slow thinker, disabling them to get proper role in conversation.

All in all, that's all the 5 things about quiet people most people will never understand.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Things About Quiet People Most People Will Never Understand - Duration: 3:56.


Sketchbook tour: January 2018 - Duration: 12:24.

Hi guys and welcome to EverydayIdraw.

Today I wanted to film a sketchbook tour

for you, a january one. But before we

will actually get to the flip through,

let's.. just.. talk a little bit. If you have

been on this channel for long enough, you

probably know, that there were times, when

I used to film sketchbook tours

pretty often, like every month. And it was

part of my.. It was part of my artistic

journey as somebody, who's self-taught to,

you know, get into this position where

I know, that I am obliged. And I need to

show you what I actually did. And so this

what was motivating me in the beginning.

And I was thinking like: "okay, if somebody

will watch this videos and wait for them

the next month, I probably should get

better and draw more to showcase people,

like what I did, and that it is

completely possible to become a

self-taught illustrator and artist. And

gradually this thought helped me to get

into this habit of actually drawing

pretty much all of my time. And then

sketchbook becomes something more like

work-related. And I would do sketches for

my upcoming illustrations. I would do

whole Inktober challenge in my

sketchbook. But, there came time, last year,

and I talked a lot about that, when

I realized, that I don't really want to

draw in traditional materials anymore,

and I started to gravitate more towards

drawing in Photoshop. And this is when my

sketchbook tours becomes scarse. Last year

I only did basically two, showing you what

I drew in past six months. And this has

been a journey. And, you know, drawing is

always a journey. It's not like.. It

doesn't really go as you plan. After

I did my last sketch book tour, and I did

the flip through the pages, I got so

nostalgic. And it actually motivated me

to get back into the

monthly routine. And this is why

I seriously think, that you guys should not

throw away your old works. At least like,

if you don't like keep them stored

somewhere in the house, try to maybe take

photos of them and have them in your

Instagram account or your social media.

And don't delete them. Even though I know

we all feel extremely cringy, when we

take a look at our older drawings. But

this is when you actually see how much

you went forward. Because growing the

drawing skill is a very slow process.

It's like growing muscles, it doesn't

happen like overnight and it doesn't

definitely doesn't happen from one

time going to gym. So it really, at least

in my experience, keeping those

sketchbooks and keeping that history,

kind of, the fact that I'm filming

everything that I drew, helps me

immensely. And this is why I advise you

to do so. Second thing is, if you are

wondering why I look so.. messy. It's

because it's Friday, and actually our

friends are coming over to stay in our

apartment. So I'm in the process of

cleaning. And this is what I look in my

home clothes. Last year I would put my

like full makeup on, and I would try to

prepare myself as much as possible for

the video. But I kind of feel like I want

to show you more of a real side of my

life. And so it happens, that I don't go

out much, and I work pretty much all the

time from home with the rare exceptions,

like during spring and summer, when I go

and attend different cons and festivals.

But apart from that it's just like me in

this cozy clothes. And this is actually,

I don't know if somebody will be able to

tell, but this is a gift from my mom. And

it's a sweatshirt with a the name of my

hometown. And it's written in Bashkir,


And it says: "Өфө. So, any Өфө-team in the

comments below, please let me know.

So let's begin, finally. Today I have two

sketchbooks: smaller one and bigger one.

Both of which you've seen in my last

sketch book tour. And I switched back to

my trusty materials: this elastic eraser,

simply because I love it,

because it leaves no mess and you don't

have to throw away that little eraser

parts, that you get; and I also bought myself

a koh-i-noor pencil with a thicker

inside, because I kinda wanted my lines

to be.. to have more diversity. And this is

a 2b pencil, I believe. The reason why you

don't actually see me doing a lot of

drawings lately, is because I draw

primarily on my computer. And I use a lot

of Photoshop. Right now I'm studying at

Smirnov school. I'm doing the "environment

art course". And I do props. So each of

these drawings, even if it's like

sketches, it takes me up to like from 6

to 20 hours every week. And this is

basically almost everything, that I'did

right now and I'm trying to stay in a good

health, and don't forget about my clients

(I do some client work). So it's even

though I'm staying at home, it's like..

it's getting pretty busy, I would have to

say. So when I go and draw in my

sketchbooks after, like, let's say, 8 hours

of drawing on my computer,

I don't really stress myself, and I just

let myself go and draw whatever the hell

I want.

So these are the sketches I did in metro.

As per usual, I really loved it, because

when you draw in metro, in

underground, people don't really see you,

because they either read something, or

they sleep, or they're on their computer.

So you are pretty free to do whatever

you want. And I have to tell, that metro

and undeground

in different countries are

different. Once I was in Russia, in

St.-Petersburg and Moscow, it's pretty shaky.

But then again it's just it's not about

doing a perfect picture rather trying to

catch an atmosphere or an interesting

detail, like this boot. I really liked

those boots, that girl had. And you can

see, I mostly gravitate towards portraits.

And those I did.. already at home.

It was definitely not a metro, because

you can see how my lines are getting a

little bit less shaky. And I'm just, you

know, letting myself go. And if you

remember, I talked about pages without

expectations, when I just sit and draw,

just for the sake of being excited about

drawing again. So it doesn't feel like

work. I would definitely copy my favorite

artist, from time to time. And this is

Sasha Frantseva. Extremely recommend her,

she's amazing. And you will find links to

her Instagram account in the description

down below. I would do some.. This is more

like a technical drawing, where I was

trying to grasp the idea of portraits.

But.. you know, it's just, for the most part,

letting myself go and being completely

free. Those drawings I did both in pencil

and ink, because I wanted to remember,

what it felt like to draw with ink. And

I have to say, it's a lot of work, putting

up all of those ink things, like: ink

water, brushes... And then cleaning it..

I mean, I definitely felt, it was fun and

I definitely felt like I wanted to do

this again. But maybe once I have more

time. This is a sketchbook that my

students from freelance course gave me.

They started their own company called

"Printintin", and I did an interview

with them. And this is a bigger one. I use

it to practice anatomy. And as you can

tell,.. Well, my proportions really get

messy at some points in my life. This is

more like a relaxed drawing. So, even if

it gets weird

and elongated, like it did on this

picture, I don't stress over it too much,

because it's just, it's not about getting

it perfectly right but rather feeling happy during

that drawing sessions. I would do one

minute sketches. And here you can see,

I was having problems with my HP pencil.

It didn't really worked well with this paper.

So I switched to a softer pencil after

that, because I just don't like this

sound of pencil scraping the paper. It

just makes me nauseous. And yeah, so

I would mostly for.. Because this format is

so big, it's really easy to practice

anatomy in those. So this is basically

what I would use it for. Just to, you know,

draw some naked ladies, which is always a

pleasure. And one minute drawings,

one minute sketches, gesture sketches.

These are completely not anatomical, but

rather they're all about trying to catch

the mood, to catch the movement. And

really like them. I mean, they're, they turned

to be liveliest sketches, that I did, because

the more you work on the drawing -

the stiffer it becomes. And yeah. This is it

basically, for the sketchbook part. As you

can see, I did not do like a lot of

drawings. But the most important thing is

not the quantity rather, but as I was

saying, it's more about getting into this

mood of feeling happy about your

drawings again. This was my sketchbook

tour and just a slight overview

of what I did during last month. This

is it from me for today guys. And

I really hope you enjoyed this sketchbook

tour. And I know, in the previous ones

I would talk about drawings and explain

what I did right and what I did wrong..

Right now it's not about right or wrong

anymore, it's about being excited by

drawing, by what you do. Being happy

about that. Loving the process. Because

it's all in the process in the end.

I mean, getting a great result is fine, but

you get much more excitement from the


itself, rather than uploading your great

work to artstation and enjoying likes

from people. I mean, those are also fine,

but the process of creating and getting

excited about the process - is what keeps

you going, keeps you %^&@#

motivated. Thank you so much for watching.

I hope this sketch book tour was not like eight

hours long. Next week I will talk about

emergency fund, and why you, as a

freelancer need this one. But right now -

this is it for today. I really want to

thank my amazing Patrons. We just had the

most cozy chat with them. I really

enjoyed our life sessions, that we have

each month. And I mean, I love you guys,

I wish you good luck with what you guys

are doing. If you are in the beginning of

some amazing journey, whether it's moving

to a new country or quitting your job

and starting your own company. Good luck

to you all. And I'm wishing you all the

best. Please subscribe to this channel.

If you enjoyed this video - give it a thum-dups..

..give it a thumbs up. If you ever filmed a

sketchbook tour or anything like that,

please leave the links in the comments

below. And I'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> Sketchbook tour: January 2018 - Duration: 12:24.


Interview dengan rmN- - PENTA Sports - ESL One Genting 2018 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Interview dengan rmN- - PENTA Sports - ESL One Genting 2018 - Duration: 1:13.


Chúng Ta Đã Phát Hiện Ra "Hạt Của Chúa", Và Nó Là Gì Vậy? | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 7:57.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

the US thinks it might not be the best idea

to let a Chinese company control your financial data.

Huh, wonder why?

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm Shelly Zhang.

Chris is on vacation until Friday, snoozing in his own desert paradise.

But the news never sleeps.

So I'm here to talk about how the US blocked

China's 1.2 billion dollar takeover of MoneyGram.

MoneyGram is like Western Union,

but less well known.

Like Mandy Moore is to Britney Spears.

Except MoneyGram is probably not going to have a career comeback

playing the mother of three mixed-race triplets,

making Americans ugly cry every Tuesday at 9:00.

Okay, seriously though,

you can use MoneyGram to send money.

It's helpful when you can't deliver cash,

or mail a check,

or use a credit card

or PayPal

or bank transfer

or Venmo

Okay, so I have never used MoneyGram,

but apparently a lot of people do.

Because MoneyGram operates in pretty much every country.

It has three hundred and forty seven thousand agent offices worldwide.

That's ten times the number of McDonald's.

I know, I also thought that there were way more McDonald's than that.

Although to be fair,

sum of MoneyGram's offices are just electronic kiosks,

which is nice because then you can give them money

without having to talk to other people.

Something McDonald's is also working on.

MoneyGram is based in Dallas.

And it's worth at least 1.2 billion dollars.

At least, that's what the Chinese company Ant Financial

was willing to pay for it.

Ant Financial is owned by Chinese billionaire Jack Ma.

Seen here.

He has flare, yeah he's bad, he's bad you know it.

Jack Ma also owns the world's largest retail company

the Alibaba Group.

Alibaba runs several web sites that are like the Chinese versions of Amazon and eBay,

but much bigger.

You can buy everything on there from, you know, phone chargers to beauty products

to a wide selection of interrogation chairs .

You know, there's just something about a company

advertising it's convenient and durable interrogation chairs on Taobao.

It just says so much about what's happening in the country.

Perfect for prisons and police stations.

Ten year guarantee.

Okay, back to Alibaba before I scream.

Alibaba made so much money for Jack Ma

that he created his own financial services company

just to process the payments.

He called it Alipay.

Later he spun it off into Ant Financial.

The weird name is because and this is not a joke,

Jack Ma thinks the small merchants who sell goods on Alibaba are like ants.

And if they say why why?

He'll tell them it's just human nature.

Anyway, after a year-long review process,

the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States


rejected Ant Financial's takeover of MoneyGram last week.

They said it posed a national security risk.

There were, "concerns over the safety of data

that can be used to identify US citizens."

CFIUS is a committee formed of members from 16 government agencies,

including the Commerce Department,

State Department and Homeland Security.

Its main purpose is to review cases

where a company from a foreign country

wants to acquire a US business

that has sensitive technology, data, intellectual property, etc.

Then it approves or rejects each transaction,

imagine it like having your mom approve everything you buy

before you buy it.

Do you really need another of life-sized BB-8?

Honey, I'm just looking out for your national security.

But, unlike your mother,

CFIUS actually approves the great majority of these transactions.

In recent years though,

CFIUS' has blocked a bunch of large deals involving Chinese companies.

Like in 2011,

when CFIUS blocked telecom company Huawei from buying a US company.

US presidents can also directly step in to block a deal.

Like in 2016

when President Obama blocked the sale of US assets of a tech company to China.

Or in 2017,

when President Trump blocked the sale of Lattice Semiconductor to China.

Still even with this increased scrutiny of Chinese firms,

a lot of people were surprised

that CFIUS told Jack Ma to beat it.

Remember the time Trump met with Jack Ma last January?

This is what he said:

"What a great meeting, and a great great entrepreneur, one of the best in the world.

And he loves this country.

At that meeting, Jack Ma told Trump,

he wanted to create a million jobs in the US

by having US merchants sell stuff on Alibaba.

Jack Ma hasn't done that so far

not even close.

He's actually been focused on having his other company -

Ant Financial takeover MoneyGram.

That would have taken as many as 2700 American workers

and put them under the control of his Chinese company.

Now that's not black or white

but it's also not the same as creating jobs.

Jack probably figured he had a good relationship with the Donald

what we in Chinese called "guanxi" -

a sort of relationship currency

that's more valuable than gold in China.

But Jack Ma is learning that

quanxi has a pretty weak exchange rate with the US government.

They might still reject your takeover plan,

even though you two guys are totally besties

after that one meeting you had.

So, how did Chinese state-run media respond to the rejection?

We hope the US can create a fair and

predictable environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and start businesses.

Mmm, which is like a lioness saying to a group of gazelles.

Comeon, guys you've got to give me a fair chance.

What's with the running away?

You see, the Chinese regime has never created a level playing field for foreign businesses

In fact if you're a foreign company,

you're not even allowed to set up shop in China

without having a Chinese joint venture partner,

giving your partner a majority stake in the company,

and handing over some of your intellectual property.

So when it comes to MoneyGram,

if the roles were reversed and it had been a China based company

that an American company wanted to buy,

the Chinese regime would have flat-out rejected it.

And they wouldn't have even bothered reviewing it for a year.

Chinese officials understand that this is frustrating for American companies.

And they've tried to use it as leverage in the past.

And past meetings between the two countries

have seen China ask the US for easier passage of its deals

in return for access to the Chinese market,

something the Obama administration repeatedly declined .

But now,

not only has the US been screening

more and more of these Chinese investments.

The EU will be too.

Because, the fundamental problem

is that every major Chinese company that is big enough to invest outside China

will have direct or indirect ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

That's just how it works.

But it means that as more Chinese companies go abroad,

they'll get heavier scrutiny

because other countries have concerns

that their technology and intellectual property will be used by the CCP.

And what will happen with Ant Financial?

Well, Jack Ma will probably have to

take a good look at the man in the mirror

and realize that he's not as smooth a criminal as he thought.

But his company will be fine.

As for other Chinese companies looking to buy foreign assets,

well, they won't stop till they get enough.

So let me know what you think

of that US government's rejection of the MoneyGram takeover ?

Bonus points for using Michael Jackson lyrics in your replies.

I'm Shelly Zhang, see you again soon.

Thanks for watching this episode.

Don't worry Chris will be back at the end of the week.

In the meantime check out some of our other videos here on the left.

And if you have suggestions for other topics we should cover

send an email to

For more infomation >> Chúng Ta Đã Phát Hiện Ra "Hạt Của Chúa", Và Nó Là Gì Vậy? | Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 7:57.


Matty Matheson Teaches Seth How to Make the World's Best Cheeseburger - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Matty Matheson Teaches Seth How to Make the World's Best Cheeseburger - Duration: 5:03.


Head Shoulder Knees And Toes | Kindergarten Video | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 14:30.

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes

And eyes and ears And mouth and nose

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes

Ankles elbows feet and seat feet and seat.

Ankles and elbows feet and seat, feet and seat.

And hair and hips and chin and cheeks

Ankles and elbows feet and seat, feet and seat.

Feet and tummies arms and chin, arms and chin.

Feet and tummies arms and chin, arms and chin.

And eyes and ears and mouth and chin

Feet and tummies arms and chin, arms and chin.

Hands and fingers legs and lips leg and lips.

Hands and fingers legs and lips, leg and lips.

And eyes and ears and mouth and hips

Hands and fingers leg and lips, leg and lips.

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes

And eyes and ears And mouth and nose

Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes!

For more infomation >> Head Shoulder Knees And Toes | Kindergarten Video | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 14:30.


test - Duration: 3:14:39.

For more infomation >> test - Duration: 3:14:39.


Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma - Duration: 4:09.

Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma From Your Past Life

Have you ever felt that there are certain issues in your life which you can�t resolve

no matter how hard you try?

Such issues are so repetitive that perhaps there have been times when you felt, � Why


And you are right!

Why you?

The answer is probably there is some unresolved karma in your past which your soul has chosen

to heal in this lifetime.

Hence, we face difficulties in these areas of our lives.

Some common themes are self-worth, healthy relationships, health, poverty, and others.

If we can figure out what our karmic theme is, we will be able to understand the reason

behind the challenges we are facing and also get the chance to solve them.

These karmic themes can be identified by taking this simple test.

Choose the crystalline shape which appeals to you the most (it should be a natural selection,

don�t think too much) The one you choose will help identify the

Unresolved Karma from your Past life To start, choose one from below, and then

scroll down to read its interpretation.

IF YOU CHOOSE CRYSTALLINE SHAPE 1 If-you-choose-crystalline-Shape-1.jpgYour

unresolved karma is: Letting go of toxic relationships and moving on

In your past life, you were probably alone, ignored and abandoned by people you love.

So, in this life, you wish to see the best in everyone no matter how abusive they are.

You try to hold on to them irrespective of the damage you are causing yourself.

But such relationships don�t work out.

In the end, you are left alone, wounded.

It is important for you to understand that you cannot take control of others� attitude

and people are there to hurt you no matter how much you love them.

You need to trust your intuition and accept the warning signs.

Move out if it�s needed.

You can experience this with your family, friends, romantic partners or even co-workers.

IF YOU CHOOSE CRYSTALLINE SHAPE 2 Your unresolved karma is: Doubting yourself

and ruining your goals

In your past life, you have probably taken some wrong decisions which caused major damage

to you and your peers, financially, physically or even mentally.

Hence, you suffer from the lack of self-confidence in this lifetime.

We all make mistakes.

There�s nothing wrong with that.

What�s important for us to realize is that how are we dealing with our mistakes.

Give time to yourself, think of all the positive things you have done in your life.

Stay organized and always try to evolve.

Don�t go around asking for suggestions from too many people.

As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth.

Be your own MasterChef!

IF YOU CHOOSE CRYSTALLINE SHAPE 3 If-you-choose-crystalline-Shape.jpgYour unresolved

karma is: Having difficulty in trusting others

In your past life, you got betrayed by people you trusted.

This backstabbing has led you to develop trust issues with people in this lifetime.

You probably have come across people who needed you to trust them.

Have patience.

Know the person for at least 3-4 months, observe them well.

In the beginning, you might not understand but soon you will get the signs.

Use your gut feeling and then take the decision of their position

in your life.

For more infomation >> Choose A Crystalline Shape To Reveal Unresolved Karma - Duration: 4:09.


おばあちゃん 感動話! おばあちゃんの お見舞いに行ったら、 500円玉を貰った。 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> おばあちゃん 感動話! おばあちゃんの お見舞いに行ったら、 500円玉を貰った。 - Duration: 4:11.


చనిపోయేముందు ముద్దుకృష్ణమ అతన్నే ఎందుకు కలవాలనుకున్నారు.|| Gali Muddu Krishnama Naidu's Car Driver - Duration: 2:15.

Gali Muddu Krishnama Naidu Want To Meet Some One In His Final Stage

For more infomation >> చనిపోయేముందు ముద్దుకృష్ణమ అతన్నే ఎందుకు కలవాలనుకున్నారు.|| Gali Muddu Krishnama Naidu's Car Driver - Duration: 2:15.


HULK Surprise Toys Play Don't Wake Romeo Game - Duration: 12:19.

Hulk Surprise Toys Play Don't Wake Romeo Game

Hey, dino pals this is Toy Rex here let's see what toy surprise, we have today i?

found you paw patrol cuts, now, you're coming with, me

Romeo what'd you, do where are the paw patrol pups i teleported the partial pots to my, home see you later ah

Where romeo go i need, to go get help i know. Hulk can, help, me i

Always, wanted a pet pal now i have all the Paw Patrol Pups, haha

Romeo let us go

No, wait holiday you're mine now, paw patrol pups?

Haha, wow i'm really tired i'm gonna go take a, nap now. You later papa shuttlepod

Help, help, what's wrong ryder?

Took, all the papa show pups can, you go save them, what room y'all took the paw patrol pups no problem. Huh

We'll save them for you where is romeo now romeo is taking a, nap so if you're really quiet you can

Save the paw patrol pups, no problem hulk and his friends will go save the paw patrol pups let's go guys

If the hulk superheroes can, make it to the finish line, they'll save the paw patrol pups but if they, wake romeo then

They'll be in the jail too time to go to sleep

Trying to play the don't wake romeo game hulk, is first this, is the spinner he gets the spirit to see, what color you get

Who gets green just like, hulk

Hulk, is on the green square and there's a six here that, means hulk to suppress the alarm clock six times

Six is a really, big number can, help, pass let's count together here's one two

three four five, and there's the last, one

Six, yay, haha good job huh it's moving

your, neck it's time to save the paw patrol pup one two three pin

Wolverine, also got green

Since hulk is already on this green skirt, that, means more friend get to go all the way over here

Five times that's a big number

Okay, here you, go here's one two. Three four and five

Yay, wolverine pass awesome job over ii

Know it's she-hulk steering here, we go one two three spin

well she hug got green - we got three green colors that's, awesome and

Since hulk and wolverine are both on green colors that makes shiho get to go all the way over here that is so cool and?

There's no number on the square that means she-hulk doesn't have to press the alarm clock that's awesome she did so good

Dr.. Hawks turn one two three spin

Wow, hulk dream too everybody's favorite color, is green because green, means. Hulk awesome

Since boring and she-hulk are both fine green squares families

Hulk, gets to go all the way over here that's really far and there's a horn on the square

Hulk, is to press the alarm clock four times will he pass let's find out, well hulk, wake romeo let's find out you can

Do it hulk, why, oh, no, hulk walk romero, who, won't be from my beauty sleep, oh it's you you're?

Gonna, go to, jail


No, hawk is in jail - can she hulk and wolverine save the pups, and hulk let's find out turn her back to sleep romeo

Now it's wolverines turn, again, one two three spin good split

Wow he, also got green anybody, keeps getting the green color

She-hulk is on this green, square that, means wolverine gets to go all the way over here

And he has to push the alarm clock four times you can, do it over here

let's count, together here's one two

Three and four yay, wolverine passed good job all right it's she-hulk's turn

She arc is super strong just like the hulk one through three spin

She-hulk up blue

Sea, helical he got to move two squares and she has to push the alarm clock six times that's a really big number

Here she goes here's one two. Three four five only one more will she pass

Oh, no she won't romeo, oh wow. Yeah, oh it's you she hulk you have to go to, jail too

Both, hulk and she-hulk isn't you can, wolverine save everyone time to go back to sleep romeo

Its wolverines turn, again. You can't do it wolverine here, we go one two. Three spin

He got green again, everybody loves green color

Wow it's almost finished he only needs one more square to see everyone and look there's a four that

Means, yes push the alarm clock four times if hole vereen doesn't wake war mail he can, win next turn

Wolverine needs to plus the alarm clock for chumps and if he doesn't wait room you then he can, win next turn

Let's count together down. Oh friends here's one


Three and this is the last one can you do it and for y a. Wolverine path he didn't wake romeo

awesome if

Wolverine gets red, blue green or yellow, he'll, save everyone and win the game but if it gets, white he has to go back

One step that's really bad so, we need to get every other colors of light one two three spin

Awesome wolverine got yellow. Yellow just like his suit now. You can't say that one and win the game awesome

Wow you guys saved us thanks a lot, hulk she-hulk him over him you guys are the best no problem

Oh it's glad to help pop jukebox as a big thank you paw patrol team hunts, the prize toys for you, guys

Surprise toys, that's, awesome we love surprise toys

Let's see what surprises, we got?

Wow that's awesome we got so much surprise toys, which one should, we open up first only my mouth

Well it's the power rangers keychain, that's so cool

Pink rangers that's, awesome the pink ranger is one of the five mighty, morphin power rangers when, they transform they

Also get super powerful megazords and the pink majors megazord is the powerful

Pterodactyl, the pink rangers your name is kimberly, she's super nice and super pretty let's go mighty, morphin power rangers

Next let's open, up this one wow it can x-men mystery mini there's wolverine and colossus, and here all the awesome figures

we can, get there's wolverine cyclops, storm professor, axe beasts colossus mystique sabretooth

Wolverine ice queen and here the exclusive ones so cool, i want to get cyclops

Because he is the leader of the awesome esmond here we go guys


Cool, we got storm and she's a bobblehead bottle serve as a member of the powerful x-men her special abilities to control the


And even cause, blizzard, she's super powerful and she teaches as the x-men school to train the, new

Awesome super, moons let's watch, don't go for up

Next let's open, up this one wow it's a superman and batman mr.

Me i see wonder woman batman and superman and you can even get aquaman

And super powerful armored batman that's awesome i want to get armored famine cuz. You look, super, tough here, we go guys

Snippety, good time, ssss it this is so fun

Wow, we got superman that's awesome superman's wearing his?

Blue red sir man uniform there's a really long red, cape, and look, there's his logo the super s for

Superman sir man is really really strong he can, fly and even has laser eyes

He works together with evan and wonder woman when the justice league and superman is one of the strongest superheroes time for a blast-off

next let's open, up this one


I see joker and harley quinn and as they glow

In the dark, joker cool, and these are the awesome figures you can, even get mr.

Bernie super shot crocodile the, which the swordsman kadena and i really

Want to get this glow-in-the-dark, joker here we go guys

Here we go?

Wow, we did it guys, we got the glooms our choker he looks so cool, did your crazily, awesome tattoos and even says

Joe cronus stomach you've got really, bad teeth with braces, and he's got green hair, joker looks really creepy

Look, it's it's arkham

In the arkham, asylum joke i always cause trouble for famine but beneth, always beats him time for a flip, oh?

Time to put this one it's the supercool transformers look, there's megatron it's the decepticon bad guys and then look

There's optimus, prime and bumblebee the supercool autobots let's open, this up guys

Here we go?

Awesome we got bumblebee that's so cool, bumblebee is a super, awesome autobot

Transformer and look here's his logo it's the autobot he's a good, guy, and look, super, happy he's all yellow

With blue, eyes, and here's his heart it's a. Yellow. Corvette let's take, over the first big, whoa

And since bumblebee is a robot transformer he can turn into a transfer a robot all we have to do is push the car

Well nobody it is turn into a robot that's so cool, let's go

Now, let's turn it back into a car, we'll just push it look, there's the car, whoa

Two, more surprise toys left any meenie miney moe we'll put up this one?

Cool it's a spider-man mister egg it's already, and look, there's captain, america iron man hulk is thor so awesome shaky-shaky

Super cool, we got spider-man, and he's a?

Bobble head battle spider-man looks so cool, he's red, and blue and he's ready to shoot his spider-man

Spider-man, has spidey sense so he can, avoid, any danger he can climb

Walls any super-smart his real name is peter parker he's a student that, was trained to be a

Superhero, hey man this girlfriend is mary jane and he lives at home with aunt may let's watch him do a spidey flip

One more surprise toy left cool it's the paw patrol that's awesome look it's just super

Your, paw patrol they've all become superheroes rich super pup, do you, want to get i want to get them off?

Here we go citizen

Suzie, shake here we go?

Wow super pups guys she looks so pretty she's got her

Pink, mask, and picked superhero uniform on and check it out, she's super stretchy

What's so cool, that's her superhero, power she could, become super plastic. Stretchy skye

awesome whoa

Well look at her, eye that's so cool, and let's see her bounce whoa, ho

That was so fun deference we got these, awesome surprise toys i hope all my

Dear friends have a happy happy and if you have one in the next toy rise, video thanks for watching dino pals you

guys, are awesome

For more awesome surprises with, me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe enjoy the dino club

For more infomation >> HULK Surprise Toys Play Don't Wake Romeo Game - Duration: 12:19.


YouTube Tips for Business - Episode 6: Channel Videos - Duration: 1:57.

Hello and welcome to this week's YouTube Tips for Business and this week we're looking at Channel Videos

When someone visits your channel for the first time you want them to stick around and watch lots of your content

One of the ways to do that is by having a channel trailer

Youtube allows you to set a particular video as your channel trailer for people who aren't yet subscribed to you

If they are subscribed to you you can set different content for them to watch when they come to your channel again

Let's dive in

I've got my channel here so I simply click customise channel to edit it

We've got two tabs at the top

One says 'For Returning Subscribers' which is where we are now

And then to its right we have 'For New Visitors'

If you hover your mouse over the top section an edit icon will appear in the top right

Click on this to make changes to this section

Now you have two choices

On the right you have a drop-down which lets you choose between 'Latest Upload' and 'Latest Activity'

or alternatively on the left you can choose to set feature content

Simply click the button and choose one of your videos from the list

and this will be the video that is presented to returning subscribers when they come to your channel

now let's go to 'For New Visitors'

If you've not set a channel trailer before this is what you'll see

Simply click the '+ Channel Trailer' button and select one of your videos from the pop-up

Do you want to change it?

Click the edit icon

Click 'Change Trailer' and select a different video

And that's it

You now have control over what your viewers see every time they come to your channel

Next time we looking at how you can find out where your viewers are coming from

Thanks for watching

Click above to subscribe

Click over there for last week's video

and click over there for next week's video

or if this is the most recent video that'll be a link to a playlist of all the videos so far

For more infomation >> YouTube Tips for Business - Episode 6: Channel Videos - Duration: 1:57.


[EDM] Nhạc ĐIỆN TỬ, Nhạc EDM gây nghiện cho game thủ | Electro-Light - Symbolism | Electronic Music - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> [EDM] Nhạc ĐIỆN TỬ, Nhạc EDM gây nghiện cho game thủ | Electro-Light - Symbolism | Electronic Music - Duration: 4:52.


ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ АГЕРЫ [Hypixel Sky Wars Mini-Game Minecraft] - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ АГЕРЫ [Hypixel Sky Wars Mini-Game Minecraft] - Duration: 8:49.


Dịp Tết 2018, 12 Con Giáp Nhớ Mặc Đồ Màu Này Để Cả Năm May Mắn Cát Tường, Lộc Lá Nhiều Không Đếm Xuể - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> Dịp Tết 2018, 12 Con Giáp Nhớ Mặc Đồ Màu Này Để Cả Năm May Mắn Cát Tường, Lộc Lá Nhiều Không Đếm Xuể - Duration: 11:50.


CLAY SLIME MIXING - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video! OSVchannel - Duration: 5:04.

CLAY SLIME MIXING - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video

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