Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

And hello, ladies and gentlemen

I'm sorry. I have no ladies

Okay, dear gentlemen. Today I'm going to play Monster Hunter world's part 3

So, I was sick for a while. Now I'm better.

Are you feeling it? Because I do!

...And, let's go!

Let's find my cat.

Gonna find my poohsay!

Where is it! Where is it?

You know, even I don't walk like this.


That's a fine-looking ass.

I really love the graphics.

Oh, don't mind me if I do

How about I toast you?

I am before you, my dear.

We love food

Oh, baby!

Oh, yes!

That's my poohsay!

That's my cat, you #&*$^@!

Okay, let's go get some equipment

I was a sword just as big as him

Okay, let's play the movie

Damn, that's a fine-looking weapon

I chose the katana for now

So cute!

Okay, let's go for this uniform

And let's go eat some food

Let's eat!


Munchie Munchie Munchie

Okay here we go

That's what I'm here for

Just look how beautiful this place is

Okay, that's the place?

Ooh, geez guys. I've never done this

I've never played any other Monster Hunter game.

Okay, let's do this!

Come on!

Come at me

What the hell? I didn't see that

Okay, this is fun. I got to hit them

I still have to get used to this.

Wow okay, so I can do that

I'll just drink a potion for now

How the hell can I defeat them all?

There are too many of them

What the hell, I don't know what I'm doing

Whatever I'm doing, it seems to work

That's all?

They're are not attacking me

So, I'm literally...

...skinning dead Jagras, and they're not even attacking me

Okay, I still have to get used to this game

Whatever it is, I'll get the hang of it as soon as possible

Let's get them all

If you liked this video please give this a thumbs up

Make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't

and enable the notification bell for my next Monster Hunter episode tomorrow

You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

And... see ya!

For more infomation >> DID I FIND IT? #3 Monster Hunter: World Let's Play. Gameplay - Duration: 12:05.


Twin Telepathy Challenge - Duration: 8:17.

Hey guys! I'm Aqsa.

And I'm Tuba.

And today we're going to be doing

the twin telepathy test!

And the way this works

is that we have this

Nutella bottle here

and we wrote a few different words

and we're going to be picking out a word

and then we will be writing the first thing

that comes to our minds.

And the goal is to write the exact same thing.

Yeah, we're gonna try to read each other's minds

and write the exact same thing on these papers.

Yeah, so we'll see if we have

twin telepathy.

So let's start.


Okay, so...

Let's show it to the camera?

I wrote 'down to earth', and I drew an earth with it.

I wrote 'words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most

inexhaustible source of magic'.

That's a quote by Dumbledore.

So... this...

This didn't work.

What is it?


Jane Austen.

So that counts as telepathy.

Jane Austen always uses this word and we really like it.

Yeah, it's really funny.


No, we can't write that.

Not that. Something else.

It won't make any sense.

What did you write?

Thailand. I wrote Hua Hin.

That's the same thing.

That counts.

We were in Hua Hin, which is in Thailand

and we were being very lazy.

Yeah, we were like so lazy.

We didn't even used to get out of our rooms.


Okay, I'm done.

Cheese stuffed crust pizza.

Cheese crust pizza.

That counts as telepathy.

We love this pizza.

We have it like every weekend.

It's from Pizza Hut.

We're not marketing for them but it's from Pizza Hut.

Or are we...?

We're not...



I'm done.

I wrote 'swimming with dolphins in Mauritius'

because I used to be obsessed with that.

I wrote 'Tuba's trip to Mauritius'.

That counts.

Yeah, that counts.

It's twin telepathy.



How did you come up with that?

I don't know...

I was thinking of lying to someone.

I'm done.

What did you write?

'We must not tell lies'...

which is a quote from Harry Potter.

I wrote 'the character whose nose becomes

longer every time he lies'. Pinocchio?

Yeah, Pinnochio.


What did you write?

I wrote 'macaronis'

and I drew macaronis with a fork.

I wrote 'that riddle about

forks and spoons'.

What riddle?

'Cookie dough'.

Ben and Jerry.

Oh my god.

What did you write?

I wrote 'the time we burnt the oven'.

Oh, that time!

Yeah, that time.

But I should have written Ben and Jerry's.

I love Ben and Jerry's.

Ben and Jerry's is our favourite ice cream.

And we're not marketing for them.

Or are we...?

Or are we...?


What did you write?

Kill the spare.

That's what Voldemort

said to Peter Pettigrew

when he wanted him to kill Cedric.

Yeah, as you can see, we have

a lot of Harry Potter quotes.


Okay, so the planes are finally gone.

Have you written the...?

Yeah, I've written it.

I wrote 'Sirius's bike that Hagrid used to

save Harry'.

I drew myself on a bike.

That's nice.


I wrote 'flight from Sri Lanka to Pakistan'.

I wrote 'our flight from Colombo'.

Same thing.

So we were on this flight

and there was so much turbulence, we thought we were going to die.

Yeah, it was scary.

Suitcases were falling down.

And everybody was panicking.

The food was falling down.

Yeah, it was like the scariest experience of our lives.

'Pointed shoes'.

I wrote that.

What? Why?

I drew a pointed shoe.

It doesn't even look like a pointed shoe

but it is.

I wrote 'the wicked witch of

the east/west in

Wizard of Oz.

I don't remember if she was from the east or west.

She used to have pointed shoes, remember?


I wrote 'pony'.

I wrote 'Black Beauty'.

That's a book we used to read when we were kids.

It had a horse that was sold or something.

I don't remember but it was a really good book.

So that was the twin telepathy challenge!

Let us know in the comments below how you think we did.

I'm not sure how we did, actually.

I think we did pretty good.

We... read each other's minds...


in quite a few words.

This shows that twins do have telepathy.

Yeah, we do have telepathy so

all those myths were correct.

Yeah, every myth was correct.

Yeah, we already proved that.

We already know that all twin myths are true.

Thanks for watching!

If you like this video

please give it a thumbs up

and subscribe to our channel.

The button over here.

And hit the bell notification button

to be notified every time

we post a new video

which will happen every week.

And leave us comments and

do all that nice stuff.

Yeah, share it with your friends and your family.

Let us know what you think

Let us know if you think we have twin telepathy

Yeah, or not.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Twin Telepathy Challenge - Duration: 8:17.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 334 - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 334 - Duration: 5:31.


Marines secure Guadalcanal - 2/8/1943 - Duration: 0:47.

Today in military history, 1943, American Marines secure

the island of Guadalcanal from the Japanese.

The largest of the Solomon Islands,

Guadalcanal was invaded by Japan in 1942.

The island was important because it held a strategic

airfield and the fight for it took five months

before the Japanese would retreat,

and another five weeks before it was secured.

The Americans came to take Guadalcanal

from Japan on August 7, 1942.

When the Marines landed, it was the first major US offensive

against Japanese-held gains in the Pacific.

The marines lost 1600 men in the following months.

The Japanese lost a stunning 24-thousand.

The navy fought six major engagements during this period.

Only on December 31st did Emperor Hirohito

allow Japanese forces to withdraw from Guadalcanal.

It took another five weeks for the Americans to secure it.

For more infomation >> Marines secure Guadalcanal - 2/8/1943 - Duration: 0:47.


Ngọc Rồng Online | THỦ THUẬT KIẾM NGỌC MUA BÔNG TAI FREE - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Ngọc Rồng Online | THỦ THUẬT KIẾM NGỌC MUA BÔNG TAI FREE - Duration: 3:26.


Unity Скриптинг Классы C# - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Unity Скриптинг Классы C# - Duration: 6:27.





The Western Sahara Conflict, Explained - Duration: 6:44.

If you've ever looked at a world map, then you've probably noticed something rather

strange. In the Western Sahara desert, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, there lies a piece of

land that always says the same thing: no data available. This is the only significant area

of land NOT included on these maps. What nation wouldn't want an extra 690 miles of coastline

and land area the size of New Zealand? Well, this situation is rooted deeply in both European

and African geography and politics. To understand why this border anomaly exists, we first need

to look at geography. Western Sahara is, well, in the Western Sahara. This means the majority

of human activity is restricted to the coasts, causing the region to have a very small population

relative to land area. For example, let's compare this to a U.S. metropolitan area.

With a mere two thousand more inhabitants than Western Sahara, the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre-Hazleton,

Pennsylvania metropolitan area fits the bill pretty well. This metro area has an area of

1,776 square miles, while Western Sahara has an area of 102,703 square miles. That means

Western Sahara is 5,682% larger than our Scranton example and is still 2,000 inhabitants smaller.

Despite this land being mostly useless, uninhabitable desert, it remains a point of contention to

this day. The history of this dispute can be traced back to European colonialism in

Africa. The story of modern Western Sahara began in 1884 when Spain claimed a protectorate

coastline spanning from Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc. Holding this claim as is for 74 years,

Spain would combine its separate territories [Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oroto] to form

Spanish Sahara in 1958. At this time, almost all of the African continent was claimed by

one European power or another. This was following the formation of the United Nations, an organization

opposed to colonization. Throughout the following decade, the U.N. made a widespread effort

to decolonize Africa. On of the most important African nations in Western Sahara's history

is Morocco, which gained independence from Spain in 1956. Following this, Morocco claimed

that it was the rightful owner of Spanish Sahara, as it had been part of pre-colonial

Morocco. Mauritania would make similar claims, before even becoming independence. At this

time, three parties claimed Western Sahara -- Morocco, Mauritania, and Spain. As African

colonialism came to an end, one more party would join in. On May 10th, 1973, the Polisario

Front was established to end colonial rule in Western Sahara and create a nation for

the native Sahrawi people. From '73 on, the colonizers gradually lost control to armed

Polisario forces in guerrilla warfare. Spanish attempts to form competing Spanish-loyal Sahrawi

political entities failed. At this point, the Spanish were unwilling to engage in full-on

warfare, so agreed to hold a referendum, allowing the native people to vote for independence

or to join the neighboring Morocco or Mauritania. Morocco did not support this, calling to postpone

and hold a hearing from the International Court of Justice, as it and Mauritania both

believed they had a right to Western Sahara due to historical borders. The U.N. did become

involved after this, even sending a mission to Western Sahara to determine the wishes

of the Sahrawi people, finding most supported independence and the Polisario Front. Following

this, the International Court of Justice published its findings; stating that, while both Morocco

and Mauritania had historical claims to the region, nothing would imply sovereignty without

native support. In protest of this, Morocco began planning the Green March, a massive

strategic demonstration to force Spain to hand Spanish Sahara to it. The Moroccan government's

plans came to fruition when 300,000 unarmed Moroccans, brandishing Moroccan flags, the

Qur'an, and photographs of the Moroccan King, marched into Western Sahara. These demonstrators

were met with no resistance from the Spanish, however were met with resistance from the

newly formed Polisario front. This resulted in an agreement between Morocco, Mauritania,

and Spain, titled the Madrid Agreement, in which the Spanish Sahara territory was split

in two in return for phosphate and fishing concessions to the Spanish. The Polisario

Front strongly opposed this agreement. Due to this, Spain, Morocco and Mauritania came

to another agreement; the Madrid Accords. This officially set up a timetable to end

Spanish occupation of Western Sahara. Morocco would control the Northern 2/3 , and Mauritania

would take control of the lower third. This was not a transfer of sovereignty, but rather

a temporary solution. As Morocco and Mauritania moved to hold their land, they were met with

significant resistance from Polisario forces. At this time, all Spanish forces had been

removed from Western Sahara, allowing the Polisario Front to declare independence as

the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic on February 27th, 1976. This new nation turned to the

weak army presence of Mauritania, raiding Nouakchott first, the capital of Mauritania.

Mauritania eventually succumb to this unrest, transferring its ⅓ of Western Sahara to

the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Morocco took advantage of this, claiming this land

and, in turn, all of Western Sahara. After 16 years of war, Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab

Democratic Republic finally reached a cease-fire agreement. They also agreed to hold a referendum

within six months of signing, however this has yet to be held to this day despite multiple

attempts. This brings us to the modern day, where Morocco retains control over 80% of

Western Sahara and the Polisario Front is headquartered in Algeria, as its land is almost

entirely desert. Despite this, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is recognized by

45 U.N. member states, and no nation has ever officially recognized Moroccan claims over

Western Sahara. The disputed nation is in the same boat as Kosovo, Taiwan, Palestine,

and Northern Cyprus -- conflicts that may not have a solution to please everyone. This

is Morrethy. Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this video and want to see

more, a subscription and/or like would be greatly appreciated. If you are so inclined,

share your thoughts in the comments, as civil discussion is needed when discussing such

a polarizing topic. Last but not least, quick shout out to my first ever patron on Patreon

"Unnamed Muffin"! Your support means the world.

For more infomation >> The Western Sahara Conflict, Explained - Duration: 6:44.


Redmi 5 plus Bangla review (Camera, performance, gaming full review) Should you buy it? - Duration: 11:07.

Redmi 5 plus Bangla review (Camera, performance, gaming full review)

For more infomation >> Redmi 5 plus Bangla review (Camera, performance, gaming full review) Should you buy it? - Duration: 11:07.


জেনে নিন খালেদা জিয়া কি নির্বাচনে অংশ নিতে পারবেন l Khaleda Zia can take part in the elections - Duration: 3:01.

bangladesh topnews

For more infomation >> জেনে নিন খালেদা জিয়া কি নির্বাচনে অংশ নিতে পারবেন l Khaleda Zia can take part in the elections - Duration: 3:01.


TESS Undergoes Integration and Testing - Duration: 2:58.



[TESS: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. Integration and Testing]


Spacecraft components are often built in different places. Integration brings all these pieces together.


Engineers move TESS's spacecraft structure into a cleanroom at Orbital ATK in Virginia.



TESS's four cameras will look for small, regular dips in the brightness of stars.

Called transits, these dips could be caused by orbiting planets.



Engineers mount TESS's cameras to their support structure.

The cameras were designed and developed by MIT.


The cameras are insulated to protect them from extreme temperatures in space:

248 degrees Farenheit in sunlight and -148 in shade.



The cameras are then joined to the spacecraft's main body.



Over the next two years, the cameras will image 85 percent of the sky,

searching for other worlds around nearby stars.




Engineers deploy the solar arrays. The arrays must full extend

to produce the power the spacecraft needs.


This and many other tests ensure TESS will survive the stresses of launch and its time in space.



TESS is ready for transport to NASA's Kennedy Space Station.

The mission is slated for launch in 2018.






For more infomation >> TESS Undergoes Integration and Testing - Duration: 2:58.


"БУМАЖНЫЕ" БИТКОИНЫ - Duration: 13:46.

For more infomation >> "БУМАЖНЫЕ" БИТКОИНЫ - Duration: 13:46.


FISA Memo Crimes Demand the Immediate Dismantling of the FBI - Duration: 7:08.

�FISA Memo� Crimes Demand the Immediate Dismantling of the FBI

FISAgate: FBI Crashes and Burns After Memo Exposes Culture of Corruption

FBI Breaks Laws, Covers Up Crimes, Employs Hardened Criminals, Bears False Witness, Provides

False Testimony, Plants Fabricated Evidence, Enables Corrupt Politicians, Facilitates Domestic

Coups, Protects Pedogate Pedophiles, etc.�Why do we need another crime syndicate to police?!

�Just like the CIA under JFK turned against him, Trump has

inherited a similar situation regarding the FBI, DOJ, and CIA.

Forces throughout the entire U.S. Intelligence Community are

now vastly arrayed against him.

Given that these agents of Deep State are determined to pull off a soft

coup, there can only be one response�A Military Response.�

� Intelligence Analyst & Former Military Officer

Since the release of the FISA Memo, two things have become quite clear.

First, that the President of the United States of America is under direct attack by former

and present members of the FBI, DOJ and CIA leadership, as well as their many political

surrogates and foreign proxies.

This unparalleled and perilous predicament has only intensified with so much seditious

commentary issuing forth from all the Mainstream Media platforms.

Not only former FBI and CIA officials, but other traitors from the U.S. Intelligence

Community have likewise stepped forward to reveal their treasonous sentiments and intentions.

Secondly, that Deep State has firm control of virtually every major institution inside

the Beltway.

The swamp, both within and outside of Washington, D.C. , is literally crawling with agents of

Deep State (sometimes known as swamp creatures).

As such, Deep State essentially owns and operates the U.S. Federal Government.

This dangerous situation will continue until President Trump can somehow remove the Deep

Staters from their protected Government Service positions.

This stark reality poses the single biggest obstacle to the advancement of Trump�s MAGA


It also presents the greatest existential threat to his person, presidency and administration.

After all, how pray tell does the President effectively execute his duties when the barbarians

are inside the gate (See factoid below).

FACTOID: The Federal Bureau of Investigation operates under the jurisdiction

of the Department of Justice which is part of the Executive Branch.

The FBI Director reports to the Attorney General, who answers directly to the POTUS.

FISA Memo If the American people have learned anything

from the FISA Memo, it�s that Deep State will not hesitate to utilize any and all government

assets to overthrow the POTUS.

The hubris and chutzpah displayed by the nation�s top law enforcement agencies, as indicated

by the FISA Memo, are quite shocking.

However, it�s the pervasiveness of the DOJ�s systemic corruption and FBI�s systematic

criminality that are even more alarming.

Of course, the most concerning aspect of the FISA Memo itself is that everyone knows that

it represents only a ripple of the ongoing crime wave being carried out as a soft coup.

The details of the FISA Memo expose both an endemic abuse of power and serial official

misconduct on a scale never seen before; hence, the true depth and breadth of the massive

criminal conspiracy can only be conjectured.


Which brings us to the essence of FISAgate and what it actually means to the American


The irrefutable disclosures coming from the investigation of FISAgate have basically revealed

the conspiratorial subversion of the Republic.

In other words, the nation has been surreptitiously taken over by a criminal cabal, sometimes

called Deep State.

And here�s just one of their convoluted schemes that they continue to defend:

FISAgate: �This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign�

Because of the ubiquitous surveillance and spying apparatus that is overseen by the U.S.

Intelligence Community, it�s apparent that the CIA, NSA, DIA and DHS were all well aware

of the coup plot.

So, the obvious conclusion is that each of these pillars of Deep State answers to a power

structure far outside and/or way above the US government hierarchy.

FISAgate has also exposed the degree to which foreign governments influence American elections

and governance.

As SOTN has previously pointed out, it wasn�t the Russians who hacked the 2016 election,

it was the British.

The Brits have always treated the USA as if it was still a colony.

And it always will as long as agents of the Crown infiltrate the American establishment

as they have since before the Declaration of Independence.

It wasn�t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential election; it was the British.

At the end of the day, many investigative journalists and scandal researchers will come

to understand that FISAgate Proves Deep State Will Do ANYTHING To Remove Trump.

And that foreign agents (e.g. UK�s Fusion GPS) were behind the entire scandal from the

get-go, as Christopher Steele�s fake �Trump�Russia dossier� graphically illustrates.

The exceedingly brazen �wiretap� of the Trump Campaign was likewise a British-run

black operation assisted by the UK�s premier surveillance agency�GCHQ.

Obama�s DOJ and FBI Because Obama spent 8 long years politically

weaponizing the nation�s top law enforcement agencies, everything was put into place to

pull the trigger on Trump.

That institutionalized lawlessness was especially personified by Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden,

James Comey and Robert Mueller, John Brennan and James Clapper, Michael Hayden and Michael

Morrell, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice, Cheryl Mills and Sally

Yates, Nancy Pelosi and Huma Abedin among many other purple revolutionaries.

For more infomation >> FISA Memo Crimes Demand the Immediate Dismantling of the FBI - Duration: 7:08.


Perchè non riesci più a trovare clienti come prima! - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Perchè non riesci più a trovare clienti come prima! - Duration: 3:23.


Consommatrice #4 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Consommatrice #4 - Duration: 2:15.


如何拓展人際關係《感情改造事務所》 - Duration: 4:58.

Hello, this is Pei-Wei Liao

Today's our topic, Emotional Transformation Firm

The aim in this topic was set

not only for love

so I hope you don't view it as a setting focused on gender relationship

Like I said last time,

A lucky person was chosen

because of his statement of gender relationship and communication

Well...I think the point lies in

the communication and also how you should

change your mind in this society

which is what I want to teach you in this video

So hope you can understand it

It just begins

Umm...i should say the desire to be followed

What I used to talk about love

, in fact, barely attracts few viewers

and low frequency of views

Those who like it will like it


most would prefer the much easier topic

For example, many clients will ask me

how I can pursue my lover

How i can make a chance

In my opinion,

If you manage to have a strategy,

you will find everyone same as you

Then you have yourself less distinctive

This is why we are talking about the interpersonal relationship

Many of you may wonder how to make own interpersonal relationship better

I say, learn to make a good first impression when talking

How can I do?


don't say ""No!" easily

For example,

I've already made an appointment with her

that I would like to travel abroad

but you directly refuse me

that you don't like to go

Then, your response gives an unpleasant feeling

Probably, you can say...

I have no enough money this year

so I don't have this plan currently

which is much better

But the youth, because of the advancement of technology,

tend to keep the words simple

which means they cannot

express what they are thinking in their minds

Don't easily say the word, "No."

And remember it,

while in discussion,

refer the word, "you" often

instead of blaming

and also don't always talk about yourself

because it has something to do with the listening

Are you a good listener?

This is the second point

The last point is

your discourse skill

If you hope someone is willing to accept you,

you have to get these three points done

The rest is for some details

If interested, make a comment below and write down "+1" in your comment

The last one

is the skill that I give it to you

If you really don't know

how to say "No" to others

and feel embarrassed and painful,

I will suggest you

the best way of building a rapport

...I think...

I used to take a course, a business calss

and I find this way very wonderful

and I take it in my cooperation team

It is that you get to recognize it first

and then say ""But

Recognize it first and refuse it

For example,

if a person tells me

she finds Jay Chou handsome


she tells you

but you don;t find him handsome

because everyone has a different opinion about beauty

maybe some may find him handsome and the reverse

Some may find him dope and the reverse


don't say, "I really don't think so"

because you fail the rapport building

The next is the focus on yourself

In this situation, you don't act as a good listener

that why she thinks

he is handsome and dope

So I will suggest you get to recognize it first

which means

"I really think he is good and talented..."

Remember not to give a fake recognition

You must be sincere

Many people, in this process,

find own integrative value insufficient

they tend to deny anything

So what I am saying is that

don't show your disadvantage in the integrity

and speak ill of others

You need to recognize him because he has his own good

Jay has his own talent indeed can say, "he is really talented ...

but I think he doesn't suit the word, "handsome."

I find him talented

You at least get to recognize him first

but keep in mind you are sincere

This skill will make you build a rapport

and have them accept you in the communication

Next, it is the issue of open-ended questions

Remember it, don't ask a person at any times

that are you slim?

Then he/she will answer you, ""Yes/No."

You will ask, ""Hey, how do you have yourself slender?

This is called a "open-ended question"

Got it?

Is it clear?

This is our Emotional Transformation Firm

which makes you clearly know

how to put it into practice in your life

This is the first step to build a rapport

If interested, make a comment and write down "+1" in your comment

I hope many people

learn to make more friends

and have them support you in this age


This is the end of our talking

Thank you! See you.

For more infomation >> 如何拓展人際關係《感情改造事務所》 - Duration: 4:58.


Nightcore - Backbone (Lyrics) ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 2:35.

Flat on the floor of my life

The world just leaves me behind

I wanted more at this point

But I keep losing my voice

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

Hit me like a train

Novocaine to the face all day

Lock it like a chain in my brain

Lace it in my veins

Flat on the floor of my life

The world just leaves me behind

I wanted more at this point

But I keep losing my voice

I don't wanna be like that though

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Backbone, backbone, backbone, backbone

Better grow a fucking backbone

Hit me like a train

Novocaine to the face all day

Lock it like a chain in my brain

Lace it in my veins

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Backbone (Lyrics) ด้้้้้็็็็็้้ - Duration: 2:35.


VLOG | Mi PRIMER VIDEO (activa los subtitulos) - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> VLOG | Mi PRIMER VIDEO (activa los subtitulos) - Duration: 1:56.


Dust: An Elysian Tail (Steam) [Subbed Review] - Duration: 8:18.

Did I end up in that section of Deviantart again?

This is the origin of species, and today.

I'm not a furry.

Nor a lolicon.

And oh yeah, Dust video.

This is an indie.

Finding the history of it's' production was fuuun.

Sometimes I hate this section.

Dean Dodrill is the illustrator and animator behind Dust, essentially a one man team, following his passion.

The young Dean was inspired to become an animator when he saw a certain character on Chip and Dale, the bat Foxglove,

from there Dodrill continued drawing anthropomorphic animals, both fan arts and his own creations.

He was also a fan of platformers in his childhood, quoting games like Castlevania and Metroid as his favorites.

From there, his first job in the videogame industry was to create the animations for Jazz Jackrabbit.

And if this sounds like a furry's origin story it's because it sort of is.

The best version of his biography was in wiki fur.

And yeah, wikifur does exist.

His 2 passions combined, during 2008 Dodrill became a programmer, using the Xbox Live Indie platform,

in a year he managed to not only create a functional version of his game, Dust, but also to win the Dream Build Play contest.

However, the inspiration of this title was a previous project of his, Elysian Tail, a project he worked on with his brother,

a movie, more than that, his ideal movie, a heroic story, and well, yeah, a somewhat furry one.

The cancellation of his beloved project turned out to be the best call, and Elysian Tail, after learning how to program, became that game that won the 2009 competition and would finally see release on 2012.

Dust: An Elysian Tail.

And that was the day that the greatest warrior, fell not to hordes but a child…

Without memories of who he is or where is he's headed, a swordsman known as Dust wakes up in a field of flowers,

he crosses paths with Ahrah, a talking sword who lends him it's powers, and Fidget a… batcat, catbat bacat… a wet dream.

The so called guardian of the sword, who ends up following Dust since Ahrah had no intention of separating from him.

And so, the unique trio joins forces to learn who is Dust, which will drop them in a conflict that has been raging for years,

between the cold blooded and warm blooded animals, and against General Gaius, who might not be as heroic as he first seems.

The truth is that who the characters are isn't that important, and if the premise is so short that's because.. it isn't needed either.

It's not like Dust lacks a story, but it's not one that is told in the usual way, the charm of the cast is not in arcs and sub histories,

what gives life to the world and cast of Dust are the interactions, so no character is complete on his own.

Dust is the best example, being the one we share the most time with, relaxed around Fidget, patient with Ahrah, but oddly impatient or even violent with some villagers,

the warrior is both a hero and a conflicted person, and while his patience is notorious, there are also many times where other people manage to affect him, and the result can be terrifying.

It's not like there's a specific order, due to the exploration nature of the game, nobody suddenly switches personalities on the run,

all those elements have always been there, but they can only be glanced at times.

The story is more of a vehicle to generate these instances, and if they were told directly it wouldn't have the same impact, because it's the way it's framed what gives it value,

because in Dust, nobody is on their own, only with others do people exist.

Dust is a combination of platformer, RPG, exploration and beat em up.

If you think an Igarashi Castlevania, you are on the right track.

Having large areas to explore which you'll return to once new skills allow you to interact with the environment in new ways,

and a leveling and inventory system that lets you upgrade Dust's parameters.

What changes is the focus, Dust gives priority to it's combat system over the exploration, truth be told it is easy to find your way, and maps aren't that confusing,

however the enemy presence is rather high, and Dust's offensive skills are far more complex than what you get in most Metroidvanias.

On a basic level you have the sword combos, plus Fidget's shots, but if you combine those with Dust's second attack, the Dust Storm, their effects change, ranging from firestorms to tracking shots.

To that you add parries, dashing, and grabs, which makes it feel like a fighting game.

And besides that, those actions change when they are on the air, giving place to cyclones, executions and air combos.

The system gives priority to speed, expecting you to move from one objective to other all the time, and giving you benefits for the combo meter, which affects the rate at which you gain exp.

It's a fun and intuitive system, actually, Dust has one of the better learning curves I've seen in long time,

the tutorial is clever too, since it only explains concepts like paralysis to you if you are affected by them.

That hyperactive nature excuses the simplicity of it's exploration and gives very clear identity to Dust.

However, while Dust is very often brilliant, it's pretty clear at other times that it is the first game of this caliber Dodrill worked on.

There are certain details that will drive you insane, and you assume from most games, you can't press a key twice to dash,

and for some reason Dust's dash inverts the direction he's looking towards, which will break your combo chain more than once.

The targeting system doesn't work very well on the ground, the enemy density means the game is guessing where you want to go, and there really are too many enemies at times,

which coupled with the effects of Dust's attacks, all the sprites on the screen and the weather effects, means there will be times where you can't see what's going on, and an enemy will backstab you out of the blue.

And that's the other issue, Dust is incredibly fragile, and sure, someone will make that obligatory comparison, the infamous Dark Souls,

but that's something different, Dark Souls has a slow and method combat system, it fits the situation,

Dust has a system where you are never meant to sit still, you go around jumping from one spot to the next and a single hit can kill you when there are over 20 enemies on screen.

The problem increases by the fact that there's no way to fill your health bar to 100%, outside of grinding money to buy food, save points restore a third or so,

and that comes down to two hits since Dust's defenses are atrocious, even if you focus all your exp on that area.

More than a design decision it feels like an accidental result, because it's rhythm doesn't fit how frail Dust is, and a as beautiful as the animations are they can prove to be a headache.

Dust is a love project, from someone that dedicated a decade to his beloved tale, who learned to program solely for it, basically a one-man project with years behind it.

And it's an excellent game, just not a flawless one.

At the end of the day what holds Dust back are details, annoying details, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that generally the game works out, just not all the time.

But when it works, when the fights are seamless, it's simply amazing, one of my favorite videogames is Zone of the Enders, not only for my waifu,

but because the control scheme is simply amazing, Jehuty will never move in a way you don't want it to.

And at it's best, Dust is like that, and the absurd numbers the combo meter reaches are not accidental, you earn them fair and square, and it's precisely for those levels it can reach,

that I complain about the moments where the inexperience, or maybe the lack of more eyes looking at it makes it so it's potential gets limited.

That project that took 10 years is one that deserves to be experienced, and it's one that will be enjoyed, but first and foremost it's one that deserves a sequel,

where those details that keep it from being the best platformer of the decade are fixed, and the dust, manages to turn into a diamond.

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