Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Hello everyone, it's Golden, I hope you're all well and today, new brand video, and..

We finally reached the 300 subs. We reached them the other day.

Honestly, I would like to thanks all the subscribers who have recently subbed to my channel

Frankly, thanks you so much, it makes me extremely happy

We finally did it, and I think it's well deserved

We did well about it, and I didn't think I woud reached that amount so early

This last month, I checked the statistics quickly

And I gained 50 subscribers in one month, something like that

So it's not bad at all

I have a lot of projects, a lot of ideas in my head for Roblox WWII, but

I would like everyone watching the video to share and vote for this strawpoll because that's what I'm going to do as a result of this video I think or maybe after

Because I already have my 40,000 Kills video ready

And I'll be soon Prestige 70

I think the next weekend, I'll probably reach Prestige 4

Oh, Prestige 70 I said.. f*ck, Prestige 4

So, a lot of things are coming, Episode 3 of Road To Commander should come out soon, I still have to edit it

But I have a lot of work to do IRL so it will be really difficult to upload now

Anyway, about the strawpoll, I'll put the link in the description

There, what should I do for 300 subs ?

If we check the results

There's already 29 votes in total

9 votes for "How To Snipe On Roblox WWII"

Second, "Roblox WWII Teamtage", so it will be a Teamtage with the Genesis Recon

Third, "English Video"

It amazes me that it's not in first place, why people did .. anyway

Fourth, 5 votes for "Roblox WWII Dualtage"

And last, "10 Minutes Roblox WWII Montage"

And I think I'll do that when I'll reach Master Prestige sooo

Expect to see this video in over 2 months

Anyway, we'll go on Roblox WWII and

Oh sh*t, I should've skipped, f*ck

I really don't wanna play on Eindhoven

Anyway, Episode 3 of Road To Commander will come out soon, don't worry about it

I'll focus a little because I'll maybe make an atom bomb

I see someone, right ? Yeah, that's why I thought

He literally still had a shot

We're not going to say anything, huh?

Do we agree that he rush on me to stop my streaks?

Anyway, some questions that were asked of me, hummm

"How are you so good at sniping" we often asked me this question

Honestly, I find myself normal, I don't have an exceptional level

I know it's going to annoy a lot of people *laughs*

But here's what, I do not have an exceptional level

In reality, I started Last Strike one year ago

And it's a bit the same mechanics

But when I say a little, it's really a little, even a little bit

And since it's the same mechanics, I quickly got used to the Roblox WWII game and it helped me a lot

And it was my first really FPS on PC

Otherwise I didn't really play at FPS on PC

Even on console, I didn't really play at FPS

Except BO3, but otherwise..

By the way, a COD WWII video will come out soon

Because I just got the Ranger Variant (On M1903 Springfield of course)

I dropped the Ruby Loftus equipment

It costs 8900 points normally

And I dropped it in a Resistance Supply Drop

And that was the last one I had left

And I planned to save points to buy it

And it was the last one I had left, I had the Ranger variant

Besides, I do not know if they will release variants on Roblox WWII but imagine if they do it

Me what I expect, it is especially the challenge camos, the day when they will do that, it will be exceptional

So that's why, in quotation marks, "I'm good at sniping", I mean in quotation marks (I hate to put forward myself so I avoid this type of questions lol)

But again, I'm so far to be the best, I mean look at Ziroy, this dude is insane. He's clearly above everyone

Oh clip ? Did I hit ?

I think I hit but I'm not sure

Oh... No ! No, nooo..

No. Thanks.


Dude, what

Look what's going on

I'll die

Dude, my co- (the servers was so damn laggy this day, Idk why.. It was so painful to record Road To Commander #4 after that lol)

How do I manage to have a ping like this

Dude, my connection isn't lagging

I don't understand


Next question : "How long does it take you to make a video"

Oh great...we were in 13-0


It takes me like one hour to do the montage of a video

Then, to export a file, it takes me one hour too

It depends actually

For a 10-15 min video, it takes me 30-40 min to export a video

So we are already at 1h30-1h40

Then, to upload it online, it takes like 40 min -1 hour

Then, for the translation, because I'm alone to do it, or sometimes, one of my best friends, when she's able to do it, she does

But she's very busy, and she has something else to do, so

So for a 10 min video, the translation takes me one hour, something like that (actually spent 3 hours for this one because I was in VC with some friends lol)

Yeah I think it takes me one hour, so to make one video, it takes me 4 hours (which is very long)

And it takes a lot of time with all that I have beside, high school, driving, etc

So, yeah, I'm alone to do all of that

It's a little boring, but it's worth it

Knowing that's yout passion, it motivates you a bit, you think you're not doing it for nothing

Then that's how I would increase in terms of subscribers and everything anyway

Always put the maximum effort into a video, at least that's how I work

And here we go, we'll see what happens

So far, people have not complained about my content

A lot of people told me I deserve way more subscribers

But hey, it's like that, you can not..

You can not form your channel from a Roblox game, especially if the game just came out

I do not know, we'll see what happens, but

Other question : "What is like to be in Genesis Recon ?" and normally, I should've made a video about it

I have a lot of support.. I don't know how to say it but, the support is here, the support is insane

Each time I have tips, each time I have critics, that's normal

Each time I have suggestions, so

And the members are pretty active (very active !, #1 on Weekly and Monthly Leaderboards <3)

Frankly, there is not a day when the server is dead

Honestly, it's so good.. And recently, I recruited Paveldon (it's rare I go to other people to recruit them, very very rare, so Paveldon is extremely lucky)

I think I didn't mention it on my latest videos, but anyway, welcome Paveldon in Genesis Recon, I hope everything is fine

And yeah, Paveldon, if you have a youtube channel or anything, send me all of this in DMs and I'll give you a shoutout in my next video

Oh f*ck Gazala..

Gazala, Gazala..

In any case, if the Genesis Recon recruits, I'll tell you, but as far as I know, nobody is trying to recruit a particular member for now

I think I did a good job by recruiting Paveldon

In addition, it's an extremely nice person

And I love to play with, so here

About the 300 subs, I'm really happy

We'll see what happens next, I hope you enjoyed the video, don't forget to vote in the strawpoll about the 300 subs video, and to tell in the comments your questions if you have questions, and we'll see ourselves for an other video on Roblox WWII

Bye ! <3

(Don't forget to vote & share the strawpoll, it's very important, and tell me in the comments if you have some questions ! Shoutout to GunnerTDog & Paveldon ! Check out the video about me joining Genesis Recon ! Also check out Gunner's YouTube channel in the description <3)

Dualtage soon with RuZe o_O (Link of his channel in the description)

For more infomation >> We Finally Made It ! - Duration: 8:00.





CNN Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is

expected to sign a national security memorandum on Tuesday establishing a �National Vetting

Center� aimed at improving vetting of those looking to enter the US, two administration

officials told CNN.

The presidential memorandum will give the Department of Homeland Security and other

agencies six months to establish the center, which administration officials said is intended

to streamline vetting and improve the flow of information between various federal agencies.

The memorandum Trump is expected to sign on Tuesday will not establish any new authorities

or call for any new funding to establish the vetting center, which will be an effort between

DHS, the State Department, Justice Department and intelligence agencies, a National Security

Council official said.

Trump touts economy as market tanks It�s unclear how this effort will change

the way travelers and immigrants to the US are vetted.

While the center�s efforts are largely expected to focus on visa applicants, immigrants and

others looking to enter the US, the center will also look to streamline vetting of certain

individuals who are already in the US, including those subject to deportation proceedings,

according to the National Security Council official.

Anticipating concerns from civil liberties groups, the memorandum will also establish

a standing privacy and civil liberties panel, which will have some oversight over the National

Vetting Center�s activities.

The membership of that panel will also be determined during the six-month period.

The National Vetting Center is part of the Trump administration�s broader efforts to

tighten immigration screenings, following Trump�s calls for �extreme vetting�

during his presidential campaign.

Trump has repeatedly pointed to the need for tighter immigration controls, amplifying his

calls in the wake of terrorist attacks � even when the terrorist in question was born in

the US or was radicalized after entering the United States.

Trump has also repeatedly mischaracterized US vetting procedures, suggesting during the

campaign and into his presidency that some individuals have entered the US without proper


In railing against the current US visa lottery program, Trump has suggested individuals are

randomly selected for entry to the US, leaving out the background screening procedures they

must first pass.

The vetting center will be overseen by a board of governors that will likely include Cabinet

members, the official said.

CNN�s Elise Labott contributed to this report.



Chiron – The Karmic Marker Of The Birth Chart - Duration: 12:10.

Chiron � The Karmic Marker Of The Birth Chart

by Charla Stone

Since its discovery in 1977, Chiron has become an increasingly important part of astrology

and the interpretation of the birth chart.

It's not a planet, in fact it's hard to describe just what Chiron is.

I like to think of it as a planetoid, or perhaps an asteroid with a somewhat predictable orbit.

In the birth chart, Chiron is called �the wounded healer.'

This is a throwback to Greek mythology, and the centaur�named Chiron�who was a great

healer and teacher, but who could not heal himself.

The placement of Chiron in your natal chart shows you where you are most vulnerable.

Chiron brings you healing powers, but this often comes with a price.

Perhaps you over-compensate, or if this is negatively aspected you could wallow in your

pain and use it for getting attention from others.

This is a wound that goes deep, and one that you may have brought over from previous lifetimes,

but it's also one that you agreed to learn in this incarnation in order to grow your


Chiron has a lot to teach you, and it does so more through aspects and transits than

it does through Sun signs.

Chiron takes approximately 4 years to move through a sign, so many in your generation

will share the same natal Chiron sign.

The differences come with the house Chiron occupies, and the way that the other planetary

positions impact it.

Chiron in Aries Your approach to bringing healing and balance

to your life is going to be energetic and full of confidence and purpose.

What needs healing may involve your ego; you could be narcissistic or over-confident.

The other side of that coin might be that you're not confident enough, and don't take

as many calculated risks as you should.

Look to Libra to see where a potential solution might lie.

Libra brings balance and harmony.

Any planets in Libra will throw their energy towards your natal Chiron, helping to learn

how to bring things back into alignment.

Chiron in Taurus Here the lesson may well be regarding your

material wealth�or lack of it!

You may put too much importance on money and the things that it can buy; or you might swing

the other way and have so little respect for money that your life is full of shortage.

Taurus is pretty steadfast and determined, but you're also stubborn, and you can't learn

your life's lessons if you're being too bull-headed about them.

A lot of the necessary healing might come through Scorpio traits and the planets that

are in the sign of the scorpion.

Scorpio is deep and probing.

Allow that tenacity to take you deep inside your psyche, so you can solve your own enigmatic

issues and come through the healing process grounded and centered.

Chiron in Gemini Gemini is all about communicating, and with

Chiron in Gemini, you may find this is where life's greatest challenges appear.

Either something is missing in the way you relate to others; or you overdo things, telling

too many secrets and breaking too many confidences.

There's a potential superficiality here that is going to have to be monitored and dealt

with if people are going to take you seriously.

Sagittarius may hold at least some of the answers for you.

Look to see the planetary placement there, and whether the planets are working with or

against each other.

Aspects and transits from Sagittarius through to your Gemini Chiron will help or hinder,

showing you whether you're not being serious enough, or whether you're being too serious

when it comes to dealing with your karmic influences.

Chiron in Cancer The sign of Cancer deals with family, home

and traditions.

When Chiron is here, it reveals that something is missing.

Perhaps your home life isn't what you dreamed it would be, or family is challenging.

Maybe you even feel there's something missing with the traditions and customs that you practice

when it comes to your devotion and spirituality.

Capricorn may help you find the answer.

This Sun sign is grounding and practical, and planets that are favorably aspected here

will throw that energy back towards Chiron and help you meticulously work out the solutions.

Here is where you will learn whether you need to learn more control over your emotions,

or whether you'll get ahead by being more expressive of how you feel.

Chiron in Leo Leo is so creative!

It brings self-expression to your Chiron placement, and means that in order to feel alive you

need to have a life full of enjoyment and wonder, where you're the center of attention.

When this gets imbalanced though, you could crave attention and not get it, or get too

much recognition, making you egotistical and selfish.

Aquarius might hold the answer to your healing.

Here is where you will find the intellectual energy to spend some time in your own company,

examining your ideas and principles.

Bring your need for attention into balance, and you can spend your days in the limelight

without any negative emotional baggage to steal away your happiness.

Chiron in Virgo Virgo is naturally fussy and critical, and

when things are negatively aspected that's a great way to alienate people.

In order to heal this distance, you're here to learn how to be more accepting and understanding.

Chiron in Virgo is often hard working, but at what cost?

When is enough enough?

Pisces helps you to heal this by showing you the way to creativity and self-expression.

Virgo is very down to earth and practical, too much so, sometimes.

Allow the opposite sign of Pisces to throw some of that dreamy, head-in-the-clouds energy

your way from time to time.

This bit of escapism may be just what you're missing!

Chiron in Libra Libra is naturally balanced and poised, and

with Chiron in Libra, your life's lesson may indeed be to find that balance when everything

around you is falling apart.

It's asking you to examine the way you look at what makes you feel comfortable and content.

If you're placing too much emphasis on indulging in the good things that life has to offer,

you could be heading for a downfall.

The opposite sign of Aries has a lot of determination and focus to throw towards your Libra Chiron,

and you may well need it to bring about the balance and healing you're here to experience.

Libra has a tendency to dither at the best of times, and you can't resolve anything if

you aren't prepared to face it.

Aries energy helps you to do that, and to find your tenacity and individuality.

Chiron in Scorpio Scorpio is deep and secretive, and it may

well take an extra effort to uncover the healing that you are here to undergo with Chiron in

the sign of the scorpion.

There's a chance you'll live your entire life feeling you've lost something, or that you're

missing something, or that something isn't quite what it seems to be.

You may struggle to know yourself, never mind figure out the roles that others play in your


Look to Taurus to throw some grounding and pragmatic energy your way.

Taurus is so down to earth, and there's the potential to apply that kind of practicality

in a methodical way so you prioritize your goals and work through them one at a time.

It's okay to poke and probe and explore�that's how you find the answers�but there has to

be some kind of order to the process if it's going to make any sense to you.

Chiron in Sagittarius Chiron in Sagittarius is a hard taskmaster.

It demands freedom and individuality, the opportunity to explore different philosophies

and lifestyles; yet you may be born into circumstances that curtail or even prohibit those very things.

Your healing will come through finding a way to do this, while paying attention to your

surroundings and honoring others in your life.

To add interest into this predicament, look to what's going on in Sagittarius's opposite

sign of Gemini.

Gemini will feed your curiosity, it will stimulate you mentally, and it will bring you the hunger

for information, but it doesn't do a lot for your tenacity or sense of responsibility.

Look to the planetary placements in both Sagittarius and Gemini to investigate just where you should

be applying your intelligence in order to bring about the balance and the healing you

were born to experience.

Chiron in Capricorn Capricorn is a very serious sign, and Chiron

in Capricorn takes on that serious energy.

It's reserved, it's materialistic, and when it's negatively influenced it has the potential

to be either money hungry, or too irresponsible with finances and the security that they provide.

Careful analysis of what else is going on in your chart will show you just how Chiron

in Capricorn is putting on the brakes, acting as either an anchor or�adversely�a tether.

Cancer is Capricorn's opposite sign, and it throws some emotional energy into the mix.

Perhaps your healing will come as some kind of a breakthrough regarding your feelings

or the feelings of others.

The lesson here is often, �love people, use things.'

Money and possessions have their place.

Your life's fulfillment comes in finding the balance between when to keep, and when to


Chiron in Aquarius This is a tough placement, for Aquarius can

be such an enigmatic and individual energy that you may struggle to find a place to begin

the healing journey even though it's staring you in the face.

Start by working with these energies rather than against them, and pour yourself into

research and study.

Aquarius is very cerebral and likes to exercise brain power.

Of course, even once you've worked out what needs focus and balance, then you have to

find a way to make it happen.

That's where the opposite sign of Leo comes in, for Leo doesn't mind being the center

of attention.

Leo is warm-hearted and gregarious, and throws that energy back into Aquarius, enabling you

to socialize, and to feed your spirit through interaction with others.

Chiron in Pisces Your healing is going to come to you through

creativity, self-expression, and your sense of imagination and wonder.

This is of course a double-edged sword; too much imagination and you lose your grip on


Not enough, and the world becomes a dull, perhaps even scary place in which to live.

To find balance through this, look to the opposite sign of Virgo.

Virgo is so earthy and practical, and will bring a critical eye to your dreams and ideals

so that you can keep at least one foot firmly in reality.

There's a fine balance between too critical and too dreamy, and that is the healing lesson

that Chiron in Pisces has come to teach you.

Conclusion To really understand what area of your life

Chiron has come to influence, take a look at where it is in your chart, and the other

planets that interact with it.

Chiron, when it is positively influenced, has much to teach you about humility and understanding.

If you're around the ages of 25 50, 75, and 100, Chiron's influence will be stronger�especially

if it's strongly aspected�because these are the years of your Chiron opposition and


Your astrologer will be happy to tell you more about this!

For more infomation >> Chiron – The Karmic Marker Of The Birth Chart - Duration: 12:10.


Taking A Break On A Cold Freezing Morning - Duration: 2:40.

We humans are busy beings.

Sometimes we forget to take a breath.

Sometimes we forget to relax.

So I did, I went to nature and took a break.

It was a cold freezing morning.

The sun hit my face and blindend me when I was shooting for this video.

It was quiet. You can hear the ducks and birds sing.

The sky was blue and clear.

After filming this video I sat down on a bench at the waters.

I was alone.

Sometimes it is great to be alone. I listened to the nature around me.

I took a deep breath. Stud up and headed home.

After a long stressful period, taking a break is amazing!

If your energy is low, go to nature.

Being in nature is a powerful tool.

Power up and come back to what you are doing but only better and stronger.

So if I can do it, you can do it!

Never give up and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Taking A Break On A Cold Freezing Morning - Duration: 2:40.


Everything You Missed In The Deadpool 2 Trailer - Duration: 5:46.

We're only a few months away from the return of our favorite fast-talking, regenerating

degenerate Deadpool, and we finally got our first look at Josh Brolin's Cable — and

all his tactical pouches — in the first real trailer.

Fortunately, there's plenty of other stuff to dig into too.

Follow along if you're unafraid of spoilers as we break down everything you missed in

the Deadpool 2 trailer.

Red eye

The trailer opens with our first look at Josh Brolin's Cable, a.k.a. Nathan Summers.

The character has been a beloved mainstay of X-Men comics since his first adult appearance

in 1990, and his glowing eye is as much a calling card for him as it is for his optic

blast-shooting father.

Based on his ongoing narration about being born in a war, we can surmise that the movie

will at least partially follow Summers' original origin as the time-displaced son of Scott

Summers and Jean Grey's clone, raised in a dystopian future.

More machine than man

In the comics, Cable is one of the most powerful mutants in the multiverse, but his potential

is dampened by the techno-organic virus given to him as a child by the evil mutant Apocalypse.

The virus was meant to kill him, but he was saved by a talking ship and a one-way trip

to the future, where he learned to keep the constantly spreading techno-organic virus

confined to his left arm and eye — albeit at the expense of the full strength of his

telekinetic powers.

Whether Deadpool 2 will follow the convoluted story is anyone's guess, but in recent iterations

Cable has used a tricked-out metal arm for added combat effectiveness after being cured

of the original virus, so it could go either way.


Although the trailer didn't give away any main plot points, the appearance of a battered

teddy bear on Cable's hip has led to speculation that one of the storylines Deadpool 2 may

be adapting is Cable's stewardship of Hope Summers.

Unlike the rest of the Summers family, Hope isn't actually related to Scott, even though

she bears a striking resemblance to Jean Grey.

Instead, she was the first mutant born in a world that had the mutant genome removed

by the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic power.

Regardless, Hope Summers has been referenced previously, when her name appeared in the

first teaser back in 2017.

Up to 11

"What's the most pain you've ever felt?"

We're not sure who Cable's asking, but odds are good that his gun is about to cause more

pain than the most they've ever felt.

Cranking it to 11 is a great use of the immortal gag from This Is Spinal Tap.

"Why don't make 10 louder and make 10 be the top number and make that a little louder."

"These go to 11."

But even better, it's a pretty perfect encapsulation of Cable as a character and a concept.

He's the most hardcore mutant in the world.

Of course his dials go past 10.

"Mutant freaks!

I'll show you how to stand up to…"

"Not today, friend."

Not a mustache

One of the best gags in the trailer is a snide joke that makes fun of Warner Bros. digitally

erasing Henry Cavill's mustache for Justice League.

"It's a metal arm!

It's not like we're trying to remove a mustache!"

Based on what we saw of the mustache-less Cavill in Justice League, a metal arm really

might be easier to make.

That said, the best in-joke from the trailer is still Deadpool mocking Josh Brolin's other

Marvel character, Thanos, and his quest for the Infinity Stones.

"I got the stones to help you.



We also get our first look at Domino, played by Zazie Beetz.

This is the first time Domino has made it to the big screen, although like Cable, she's

been a fan favorite for years.

In the comics, she's a consistent member of X-Force, the secret strike team of the X-family.

She's an expert at shooting and stabbing, but her best quality on any team is her mutant

ability, which encourages good luck around her and means things usually tend to just

work out.

We can expect Deadpool to make at least a couple of jokes about her mutant power being

lazy writing, but he'd better hope she's on his side.

Another detail that the movie may or may not address is that she also had a brief fling

with another character appearing in Deadpool 2: Colossus.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

One of the standout characters in the original Deadpool was definitely Negasonic Teenage


"That's the coolest name ever!"

It looks like she's back for the sequel.

She's grown her hair out a bit, but looks as punk and angsty as she was in the original,

so we should get some great interplay between her and Wade Wilson.

New team

In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, we see Deadpool in a plane flanked by Domino, Terry

Crews, and two hard-to-see mutants.

It's possible that Crews could be playing Bishop, the other time-traveling mutant on

the X-Men, but he's usually working against Cable, and has rarely been on X-Force.

"Don't make me hurt you."

It's more likely that he's playing either Hammer or G.W.

Bridge, both frequent Cable allies.

Easier to spot is what looks like Shatterstar standing between Deadpool and Crews.

In the comics, he's a gladiator from a future dystopia called Mojoworld.

In between Domino and Deadpool looks like what could be Chamber, a mutant who drew the

short straw of mutant powers with a bio-energy that constantly leaks from his lower face

and throat.

Side characters

It isn't just mutants that are coming back for the sequel.

Blind Al, Vanessa, Weasel, and Dopinder are all seen in the Deadpool 2 trailer, but we'll

have to see how much time they get onscreen with such a packed cast.

As far as Wade's unpowered supporting cast goes, one character is decidedly absent: Bob,

the agent of HYDRA who was slyly referenced in the original.



We'll have to see if Disney's lawyers have softened up enough to let Bob appear in Deadpool


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Everything You Missed In The Deadpool 2 Trailer - Duration: 5:46.


Endless Meme [Off Game] - Duration: 1:04.

Let's all meet again inside the next ecosystem

Ending, Ending, Endless

It's goodbye, It's the end, as far as I know

Ending, Ending, Endless

You and I are only people

Ending, Ending, Endless

It's goodbye, It's the end, as far as I know

Ending, Ending, Endless

Just when is "someday"? I'll see you tomorrow

Ending, Ending, Endless

It's goodbye, It's the end, as far as I know

Ending, Ending, Endless

It's a mistake, a slipup, truthfully

Ending, Ending, Endless

It's goodbye, It's the end, as far as I know

Ending, Ending, Endless

Just when is "someday"? I'll see you tomorrow

Just when is "someday"? I'll see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> Endless Meme [Off Game] - Duration: 1:04.


[심심할땐 토상놀27] 요즘 독감이 유행이죠? 예전에 나린이가 독감에 걸렸던 영상이네요~ 여러분도 독감 조심하세요!!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> [심심할땐 토상놀27] 요즘 독감이 유행이죠? 예전에 나린이가 독감에 걸렸던 영상이네요~ 여러분도 독감 조심하세요!!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:00.


Lawmakers worry about increases in the budget package - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Lawmakers worry about increases in the budget package - Duration: 3:11.


Mario Gaming in powerpoint - Duration: 1:10.

Hey guys, Mario Gaming here back with another video where I'm in powerpoint.

I really am not an artist so I have to say what I trying to make

I suck at drawing so it's not going to be an professional art or drawings

So that's why my drawing's will be different sometimes

I got inspired by a youtuber name TheOdd1sout for making this video and maybe series

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this video. If you did, please hit the like button and subscribe to see more videos like these and I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Mario Gaming in powerpoint - Duration: 1:10.


CANDY・CANDY - Episode 33. A wrinkled transferee! (English Sub) - Duration: 21:24.

A wrinkled transferee!

A small hill which Kurin found looked exactly like Pony's hill.

Candy's heart found a new hope after being overwhelmed by circumstances.

l won't give up.

l'm going to get back to Eliza for her pranks.

So l named that hill "The other Pony's hill" .

l could clearly see sister Lane and you while l was up there.

What was that?

Say, what's the matter?


Terrius, this is girls' ward.

l know.

Why did you sneak in here then?

How did that punk get inside?

He's got some guts...

Terrius, were you drinking?

lf you'd like, you can join me.

What are you saying?

Good evening, my ladies!

Your staring expressions are pretty amusing.

Maybe l snuck into a zoo by mistake.

Terrius! Return to boys' ward immediately!

-Tommorrow... -Report to director's office, right?


Well then, l bid you farewell.

Oh, and put the broken glass on my dad's account

Sister Margaret.

How can he be so cool?

He likes upsetting other people!

Be quiet!

Everybody, return to your rooms!

-Patty, l haven't seen you in a while. -Yes...

-Patty! -Candy, l'm sorry.

l have to go.

Of course. Eliza and others told her not to speak to me.

Never mind then!

-Candice! -Yes?

Hurry back to your room.

l will!



Uh, you... l'm sorry!

lt seems though l missed the room!

Missed...? Uh...

l'm looking for my granddaughter Patty!

Oh, Patty is right next door!

Here you go.

Thank you!


You look great, Patty!

How come you got in here?

l used a little magic!

There'll be trouble if they find you here!

This is a nice room...

Your wardrobe is here, right?


l'll put my clothes on the hangers so that they don't get all wrinkled.


l came in order to enjoy a student's life together with you, Patty!

Grandma... but...!

Aren't you glad that you won't be alone, Patty?

You're kidding me!

Family members aren't supposed to enter these buildings!


Don't worry. l'll take care that nobody discovers me.

lt's impossible!

Whenever some of my friends stopped by...

they knew straightaway!

Patty, you're a fraidycat, just like your grandpa!

-But... -Say, Patty...

lf it's okay with you she could stay in my room.

Your room?

Yes. Since noone comes to my room...

nobody will be able to discover her!


l'd be grateful if you did that for me!


Your heart is pounding so much!

You'll have a coronary if l stay here!

And you are...?

Call me Candy!

That's a nice name! l am Marsha.

l'll help you with your luggage!

Thank you.

-l can carry this. -Okay.


Make sure that nobody sees her.

That's right!

That was close! Granny, now's the time!


l somehow feel like a young girl again!

Welcome! lt's a little cramped but...

Candy, l'm a little worried about one thing.

What is it?

Why don't you have friends over at your room?

They've turned their backs on me.

They did that?

Yes. But l don't worry about that.

That's right. the worst thing one could do is to worry over such things.

That's right... here l made the bed for you.

But how come you didn't want to sleep in Patty's room?

l didn't come here to see my granddaughter.

ln that case... why?

l finally wanted to experience the students' way of life.

Granny, so you never went to school?

No, never.

Your family didn't treat you right...

lt was exactly the opposite.

l was a daughter of a rich family.

My parents didn't want me to get bullied in the school for that

so they brought seven teachers who educated me at home.

Seven teachers?

But l wanted to attend an ordinary school so much!

That's why you came to this dorm...

l wanted to make my dream come true!

That's right! l'll let you hear something nice!

That's a violin, right?

lt's a memento of a late grandfather.


They'll find her if somebody hears this!


lt's like l'm being beckoned into a dream.

Somebody is here!

l'd better hurry...!

l'm right there!

Candice, if you play your violin this late at night...

it could bother other people.

l'm sorry.

That's strange... Candy playing a violin...

The coast is clear!

The student's life is so much fun!

l don't think anybody will come after this.

l wanted to play a little more...

That's right! l'd better study maths for tomorrow!

Let me see.

l'm not good in maths.

This is easy! l can show you.

Granny, you?

l told you that l had seven teachers!

You did well.

You must be working hard, Candice.

Yes... a little.

Everyone, do your best.

Candice just transferred to our school but she's already ahead of everybody.

That's strange...

last night she did great on violin today she's good at maths...


l have a favor to ask.

You want ideas for new pranks?

l'd like you to play your violin for us. Does that sound like a prank?


This evening, at the dance salon.

You have let us hear your playing again!

l'm still not comfortable with playing in front of the audience...

lt doesn't matter. lf you can play like you did last night, it'll be great!

We have to hear it!

But... if you let me practice a little more.

Or maybe you're hiding something in your room?

You wouldn't mind us taking a look then?

l understand.

lf you want to hear it that much l'll play for you.

So, unless you do great laying a violin

they'll discover that you're hiding the old lady?

That's right. Don't you have any good ideas?

We'd help you but...

there's no way you'd learn how to play by tonight...

My best inventions always come in the time of dire need...

that's it!

Hey, it's not one of your shoddy inventions again, isn't it?

Actually, there is a very simple solution to Candy's problem!

Tell me, Stear!

You see, l'll build another violin.

Can you build a violin so easily?

What, l only need to know the shape of a violin.

And you, Candy, will take that violin!

But the trick will be in this!

Almost like a childish prank!

What, with a little help from us...

you'll be playing well in no time.

Now it's up to me to make a violin.

l'm suspicious... will it be alright?

l'm on it!

So this is the fake violin?

l'm sorry but...

could you practice a bit while hiding behind the curtain?

Can do!

My student's life is suddenly becoming even more fun!

What, it's you, Patty! Granny!

Scaring your grandma like that you bad, bad granddaughter!

Say, Candy, is it true that you're going to play violin?

Yes, l'll play for them.

But Candy...

l'll just move my arms like l'm playing the instrument.

Then the grandma will...

A student's life is supposed to have some suspense and excitement!

lf you do that... and if they discover you...

Patty, your heart is pounding again...

Patty, maybe we'll really pull it off.

Yeah, a student's life can be incredibly fun indeed!

l, Candice White Adley will now play the violin for you.

But before that, could you turn the lights down a bit?

l won't be in the mood otherwise.

l'm not very good yet.

Where did you learn this, Candy?

She's good.

But it's nothing special!

Candy, you're not playing right!


What, can't your comments wait till the end?

l want you to show me that violin.

lt's a very important violin to me...

Let me see.

lt's a fake! lt could never make that melody.

What's the meaning of this, Candy?

There is somebody behind the curtain!

That's the wind... it's nothing!


Of course. Just what l thought.

You were playing violin in Candy's room.

You showed her how to do the maths, too.

-lt was you, right? -Yeah...

That means that you're Candy's friend.

l'll remember this!

Everyone, let's return to our rooms!

They made fools of us!

Exactly what l thought! Candy could never play the violin!

That's right, she was a dogsbody up until now!

-What happened? -Terrius was here again?

A ghost...

A ghost you say?

lt wore a school's uniform... but its face was all rattled!

Which way did it go?

lt disappeared around here...

Now l even became a ghost! A student's life is great!

But when did you and Patty switch places?

When l realized that she might get discovered...

l hid behind the curtains.

This is the most exciting thing l've ever done in my life!

Those seven teachers couldn't have taught me things this fun!


Oh! ls something in your eye?

Grandma... l'm begging you please go home...

Come on, don't cry... okay?

Ever since you came here...

l keep thinking that my heart is going to explode...

l see.

Before leaving, l still have one favor to ask of you!

What is it?

l've never been in a classroom before. l want to go there and attend class!


Patty, hang in there!

She's a bit faint-hearted, isn't she?


The classrooms are that way.


Hide your face!


She isn't feeling too well

so l'm taking her to the nurse's room...

So exciting! life in school...

So this is the classroom?

Who'd think that l would get to use this book in school...

it's a dream come true!

l wish l could take you to our classroom but...

This one is fine!

lf l listen carefully l can hear everything!

Anyway, l'm off to class!

-l'll sit right here. -Okay!

-Where were you, Candice? -Sorry!

You can't become a prominent lady if you aren't puncutal.

l'll be more careful!

We will be grading today. Hand over your exam prints.


Are you saying that you didn't receive a print, just like Patricia?


-Louise! -Yes!

You gave a print to Candice haven't you?

Of course!

l went to her room and delivered it.

That's a lie!

l haven't received anything!

Be quiet!

Since you forgot about the print

why are you saying that you didn't even receive one?

Patricia and Candice stand out in front of the class!

What are they saying that they delivered the prints to her!

l was there all the time!

What is that?

The neighboring classroom should have been vacant.

l'll take a look!


There is nobody over there.

Candice, l want you to stand still.

So this is the best school in England?

With everybody being so mean to Candy...

l don't want to live as a student anymore.

But not all people are bad as them!

No, that goes for the students. As for the teachers

l don't agree with their teaching methods!

Grandma, your voice is too loud!

l was grateful to my parents for not sending me into a regular school.

Although the seven teachers may not better than regular school.

l would've taken Patty back with myself.


However, there is one thing which you can't possibly get with home schooling.

One thing?


Llocked up in the house, you can never make friends like Candy.

Candy, take care after Patty.


Send my regards to the young man who help me get in here.

To Terrius?


l sneak in here because he's drawing away all the attention!

Well then, goodbye.

Grandma, if someone sees you...

lt's okay. Getting out of here will be much easier!

l snuck like a thief on my way in!


Patty, l'm sure your grandma has a good idea.


My granddaughter, Patricia lives in this dormitory.


Yes! l'd like to see her even if for just a moment.


To meet students within the dormitory is against the regulation.

Oh, l see... well if that's the case, l'll be on my way...

Where is the exit then?

l'll show you. Let me help with your luggagge.

Oh, thank you...

So, that's what she had in mind...

She's so much trouble.

She's so nice!

Someday, l want to be a nice granny just like her!

Candy, would you be my friend?

Of course!

She said that the best thing about school is making friends, right?


Coming and going like the wind

it was Patricia's grandmother...

who built a firm bond between Candy's and Patricia's hearts.

For more infomation >> CANDY・CANDY - Episode 33. A wrinkled transferee! (English Sub) - Duration: 21:24.


Bookmarklet to color your YouTube favorites - Duration: 2:49.

hello world so I if you're like me and you have a lot of people on YouTube that

you watch and sometimes you miss one of their videos, what I've done is, I've made

for myself a bookmarklet which will go through and highlight the their names on

my YouTube subscription list, here's an example

so a bookmarklet is a javascript made into a URL, so I click on this and it highlights...

it the highlights of the text and then I realize oh I missed somebody's video and

if you want this bookmarklet you can go to - and

it'll take you to this jsfiddle page, grab the link here and put it up on your

bookmark bar and go to youtube and then click on the bookmarklet and it will

color, if you want to edit the list go back to jsfiddle

- and you can add to the list

and say RUN, that will update the link over here grab that again put it up on

your bookmark bar, you can delete the old one and go back to YouTube

and it's updated

just a fun little utility thanks for watching and I'll put the link in the

description below and Cheers see you next time

so many people to add

sure would be nice if YouTube would let us have filters for our subscription

list like a camping filter or vlog filter

For more infomation >> Bookmarklet to color your YouTube favorites - Duration: 2:49.


Emma - L'isola Karaoke - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Emma - L'isola Karaoke - Duration: 4:44.


Talking Tom Pool Android Gameplay #5 Talking Tom Games Android/IOS Gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 10:12.

Talking Tom Pool Android Gameplay #5 Talking Tom Games Android/IOS Gameplay Youtube Kids

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