Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

GRACE ARMSTRONG: Name's Grace Armstrong.

These Peggies are trying to erase history, demoralize us.

They want us to give in.

I saw the same tactics used over in Afghanistan.

I was a sniper for the Army.

Lot of people think they can pick up a scoped rifle

and call themselves a sharpshooter.

Well, I'm not a lot of people.

Got war medals, and Olympic medals,

and a laser sight that'll prove I'm different.

These Peggies know about me.

All I have to do hit see if one of them, and the rest

will get scared.

They can run all they want, but I'll get them.

If you're looking to team up with a real soldier,

give me a call.

We done here?

There's work to do.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5: Grace Armstrong – Gun For Hire | Character Spotlight - Duration: 1:03.


انتصاب كامل ومحرج لشاب مراهق مضحكة جدا ستقوم بعمل شير للفيديو!!!! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> انتصاب كامل ومحرج لشاب مراهق مضحكة جدا ستقوم بعمل شير للفيديو!!!! - Duration: 1:08.


10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques - Duration: 12:34.

10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques To Chase Negativity Away

By consciousreminder

Life on Earth is a life of duality, light and dark, good and bad, yin and yang.

In this world of duality, we learn our greatest lessons.

This is the very purpose why we came here for � to overcome the obstacles necessary

to make us grow and become whole again.

Essentially, we must encounter different kinds of people who bring along with them the lessons

we need to learn at a particular time.

It�s as if we�re playing a video game.

The more we play it, the more we get better at it.

Among others, empaths and intuitives are the ones who easily get affected by the lower


Yet, we all attract, receive and absorb the lower energies from people and our environment.

Going through these experiences is part of the game of expanding our souls, energy and


Here are some signs that show you have picked up these negative energies:

10 Signs There Is Negative Energy Around Or In Your Energy Field

� Getting dropped calls, or sudden, passing static on your phone while speaking to someone

at a location where you don�t normally get such experience.

� Feeling depressed when there�s no reason to be.

� Unable to log into your bank account (or other online accounts) and get error messages

even if your internet connection is stable.

� Feeling severely tired all of a sudden and have the desire to take a nap even though

you�re not deprived of sleep.

� Resisting to help yourself to the point of not giving yourself food even though you

know you�re actually hungry.

� Having sore throat as if you�ve caught a flu virus (Sometimes our body reacts to

lower energy this way).

� Losing your house keys or wallet, or locking your car keys inside the car, or having something

you value stolen.

� Having the email you sent failed at reaching the intended recipient.

� Having your mind spinning on negative thoughts about someone or a situation that

occurred in the past, though you�ve already done the inner work of clearing it.

You�ve done everything to wave them off, yet they stick the more.

� Engaging in behaviors that go against loving yourself like spending money on unnecessary

items, even though you don�t have the budget intended for it.

These are just a few examples.

The list could go on.

It�s up to you to recognize them when they do occur.

Just manage yourself to tune into your awareness to make these things clearer to you.

Once you start to recognize these lower energies, it is your right to clear your energy field

of these lower vibrations.

Here are the following methods that will help you in clearing the lower energies.

It�s best to combine as many of them as you can for most effective results:

20 Techniques To Remove Negative Energy 1.

Setting a strong intention in clearing these energies.

Place both of your hands on your heart and say your intentions loudly.

In addition to voicing it out, writing it on a piece of paper and burning it after can

help greatly.

Repeat your intentions a few times.

Using your voice for clearing and protection strengthens your throat chakra.


Yawning away the negative energy.

A great tool for clearing is yawning.

Set your intention mentally and start doing the yawning motion as if you�re very tired

and need to take a nap.

Even if you don�t feel like yawning, the motion will continue once you started.

Do it also when you feel the resistance to use your voice on calling on your power and

divine help.


Playing drums or drum music in the background.

If you don�t have a drum at home, you may either play Youtube videos of shamanic, African

or Native American drum music as a background while applying the techniques mentioned above;

or use a wooden desk or table and start drumming with your hands.

Drumming is really powerful in raising your vibration!


Using a smudge stick.

In this clearing technique, White Sage is the best herb to use.

But you may also use dried Rosemary, Cedar, Mugwort and Sweetgrass.

Light the smudge stick, when you have a good flame, blow it out and use the smoke.

Start with your body by circling all seven of your chakras and your outer energy field

including the bottom of your feet.

As you go through each chakra, pull your arm away from that area as if you�re pulling

a scarf off your neck with one hand.

While smudging your body, take the necessary precautions against dropping hot embers as

you go.

Use the power of your intention and continue the smoldering as you go around the room or

even the entire house, including all the corners and under furniture.

Open one or several windows for the smell and the lower energies to leave the space

commanding them out mentally or verbally.

If you have money issues, you may clear it as well by clearing your purse or wallet.

If your computer is getting bounced email messages, clear that one too.

Smudge the negative energy out of everything!


Saying a clearing and protection prayer or mantra.

You may use this example:

�I, (insert your full name), refuse permission for any living and non-physical being to enter

my body, mind, soul, spirit and energy field for intentions that are other than love.

I break all contracts, vows and agreements I might have made knowingly or unknowingly

in all time, space, and dimension that in any way diminish the fullest expression of

my joyful soul essence.

I break these agreements from this moment backward, through every experience of my past,

and from this moment forward until the end of all time.

I command that these energies and people to leave my space NOW!

They have no power over me.

I ask for divine protection from these energies, that they NOT return to my energy field in

any way, and for any reason.

I now build a shield of light around me with this heart intention and my free will.

I thank you that it�s already done.�

Repeat this several times and say it out loud.

You can also place your right hand over your throat gently to feel the vibration as you

say this prayer.


Using a rattle to break up the energy into a zillion small pieces.

If you don�t have a rattle, you can use pennies.

Put them in an empty plastic drink bottle or tupperware and start shaking it.

While doing this, move around your space to get best results.


Burning lemon or orange peels.

Cook the peels on a non-stick pan.

Use the pleasant smell to fill up your space and repel lower energies that are lurking

in it.


Laughing it off.

Laughter is the best medicine as well as very effective in clearing lower energy too.

If you don�t feel like laughing, search for funny videos in Youtube and start having



Lighting a candle.

You may use one or more candle.

Light it up, with the intention that the flame absorbs and melts away the lower energies,

and let it burn all the way.

Then throw it in the garbage or bury it somewhere in your yard.


Using sea salt.

Sprinkle some sea salt into the water, mix well, and drink it.

You can also draw a hot bath by putting few tablespoons in the tub to soak in.

Then set the intention that the water will pull away the negative energy as it goes over

your body, into the drain, and back to mother earth to be cleared.


Creating an �attractor� for lower energies.

Pour a glass of water and set the intention that lower energies in your field will be

absorbed by this water.

Keep the glass filled with water until your energy feels clear and free.

Then flush the water in the toilet, or pour it out into the yard for the lower energy

to be transformed back into love by mother earth.


Skipping like a child.

Counter the depressive or angry thoughts by skipping like a child for a minute or longer.

Do this also to shake off bad dreams or when you wake up feeling grumpy.

I know you might not feel like doing that, but trick your energy into raising the vibration

you radiate!


Clapping your hands.

Walk around your space clapping and singing a fun tune, a joyful song or whistling.

This will raise your vibration and repel negative energies.


Dancing it off.

Shove the negative mood away or the lower energies that are attached to you by dancing

it off with your favorite dance music.

This will significantly improve your mood and raise your vibrations!


Engaging with the protection prayer (#5) regularly.

Repeat the prayer in the morning, at night, or in between.

You can also write it and keep it in your wallet or the dashboard of your car, or write

it in the back of your happy photograph.


Using pine for protection.

Once you�ve done the clearing methods above, cut off a small piece of pine needle branch

and put it in a vase or a glass of water.

Set the intention that the pine needles repel and intimidate these lower energies so they

don�t come back.

If you keep it around for a while, replenish the water every other day.


Watching your words, actions, and karma.

When you have a bad day and cannot avoid feeling upset, be aware of the negativities in your


Sending out negative energy to others will open up your lower energy, making it come

back to you.

Ask your higher self to make you aware at these times so you�d be able to pull yourself


Use laughter instead to clear them away.


Finding ways to counter stress.

Stress is part of our daily grind.

But when you fail to give it enough attention, it will lead you to be susceptible to discordant,

lower energies.

Eliminate it by providing time for rest, relaxation, a healthy diet, and laughter.

Even 5 minutes a day will do.


Making eight-figure movements for aura strengthening.

Strengthen your aura with these movements.

Rotate around as you move both arms in a figure eight motion as if you�re an orchestra conductor.

Start from the ground going up as you keep rotating and go back down towards the floor

making sure you cover all four directions.


Adopting a tree.

Find a tree in your local park or on a walking trail and make it yours.

Lean against that tree for at least 15 minutes and ask it to pull out anything in your energy

field and body that vibrates less than love.

Try it.

It works!

Negative energy is a normal part of life and not something to always avoid.

Always running from negative energy in order to keep your positivity will make you miss

the point of living.

It�s like always avoiding to get dirt on your clean shirt, you miss the point of having


And whenever you get dirty, just take a bath.

The main trick of clearing negative energy is in raising your vibration in whatever way

that works best for you, all while washing the dirty energy away.

Sometimes tricking yourself to getting higher vibrations can work too because as you get

high vibrations the negative energy will go away.

Negative energy cannot stay in high vibration environment!

Learning how to steer yourself whenever you notice that negative energy has stained your

energy field is a powerful skill we all need to master.

That�s how we can significantly accelerate raising our consciousness and evolve as humanity.

For more infomation >> 10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques - Duration: 12:34.


I Wrote An Entire Book In 30 Days - Duration: 7:03.

- (sighs) I don't know if I can do this.

(groaning) I'd really like to go back in time,

and punch myself for thinking this was a good idea.

(upbeat music)

Every year, there is a worldwide challenge called,

National Novel Writing Month.

Also known as, NaNoWriMo.

And this takes place every year

during the month of November.

And the challenge is to write

50,000 words in those 30 days.

It's absolutely ridiculous, and absurd, and crazy.

So, of course, I'm gonna do it.

But I'm taking on this challenge

because I am a type of person who never finishes anything.

So, maybe if I vlog the entire thing and I do this,

I can actually finish a book in 30 days.

It is two days away from November.

But I've already written an outline,

I have a pretty good idea of the story I'm going to write.

And hopefully I can do this.

Wish me luck!

So, theoretically, I should write 1,667 words a day

to get to 50,000 by the end of the month.

But realistically, that's probably not gonna happen.

So, today, my goal is 3,000 words.

I'm trying to start off strong,

because I know later in the month,

I'm not going to do as well.

(fun music)

Okay, it's been about an hour and a half

and I have written 2,289 words.

What's up?

I'm going to an official NoNoWriMo event later today,

and I'm gonna write so much more.

I broke 5,000 words today,

which is way more than I was planning,

and way more than I anticipated.

I got my coffee, I'm ready to rock, ready to be energized.

I am officially done for the day

because I just wrote 3,223 words (chuckles).

Which brings me to a total of 8,291 words

on day two (chuckles).

I am on fire.

So, it's somehow day six.

I'm not sure how I got here (chuckles).

I wrote a little over 2,000 words today.

And it was kind of a struggle to get there.

This is the first time I have just kind of hit a wall.

I wrote over 4,000 words today, which is pretty damn good.

I have been significantly

slowing down in my writing process.

I don't know why, it's just been really hard

to hit even like 1,000 words.

(sighs) I don't know if I can do this.

After a very long time of just excruciating writer's block,

I have finally reached 25,000 words!

I'm halfway there, guys, I'm halfway there!

I realized today that I haven't really

told you what my book's about.

So, basically, I am writing a young adult fantasy novel.

And the story follows two twins.

And they discover this circular room full of seven doors.

And they learn that each door leads to a different world.

It would be like if one door lead to Narnia,

one door lead to Hogwarts.

So, the twins go through these doors,

and they go on this crazy adventure.

And I'm not going to tell you anything more than that.

But I feel like at the end of this month,

I'll at least have some bare bones

of something to work with.

'Cause before any of this, all it was was an idea.

At least I hope so.


I haven't written in five days.

Why do I keep doing this?

Why does this keep happening?

All right, this is it, this is the last straw.

It is November 20th, I'm gonna write every day.

I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do this.

I am going to do this.

(upbeat music)

Okay, so this is becoming a recurring thing for me.

Thanksgiving break was a thing,

and I went home to see my family.

I had a great time, but I didn't write a single word.

So, I haven't written in about six days.

It's November 27th, I have literally

four days to finish this book.

This whole time, I was like, "This is hard.

"I'm struggling, but I can do it.

"I'm gonna do this."

And now, I'm getting to the point,

where I don't know if I can do this.

Okay, we're at the very last NaNoWriMo event.

We are pretty much the last people here (laughs).

And look at this, look at this, look at this (yells).

It's the home stretch now.

It's the home stretch, we can do this, let's go.

I'm gonna do it for the first time this month,

I am officially confident enough to say

that I am going to finish NaNoWriMo.

I am going to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

And it feels so good to say that.

I just hit 45,000 words, and tomorrow is the last day.

Which means I have to write 5,000 words tomorrow.

And that's it (sighs), my God.

This is such an incredible feeling.

I can't even explain it to it.

It's just--

I'm so proud.

Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo (chuckles).

I have a little bit less than 5,000 words left.

I think I can do it, that seems pretty reasonable.

In one day, and once today is over,

I will have written 50,000 words, and I will be done.

(sighs) Oh, my God.

38 words left (chuckles).

(intense music)

50,000 words, 50,000 words, 50,000 words.

Technically, 50,011 words.

Oh, my God.

(sighs) I honestly cannot believe that this is over.

What an incredible experience, honestly.

Like, challenging myself to do this was so hard.

But really fun for the parts that it wasn't killing me,

it was really fun (chuckles).

And to celebrate, I'm gonna go print out my entire book,

so that I can hold it in my hands,

and just physically see my accomplishment.

(printer whirring)

I have it.

This is still pretty awesome to be able to hold this

in my hand and say I wrote all of it.

- You wrote a book?

Aw, what the heck?

- [Steph] I wrote it in 30 days.

(gasps) - Oh, my God.

Actually holding this, this is so many pages.

That is insane, actually, now that I think about it.

- Wait, what the what?

What the heck?

How did you do this?

Where did you do this?

I don't get it.

- Moving forward, I think I'm going to read

my entire thing, edit it, fix all the very sloppy mistakes

that I'm sure I made while I was trying

to just push through these 30 days.

And then, I'm gonna find an editor, maybe find an agent.

Not sure how to do that (chuckles), but it's gonna happen.

And maybe, hopefully, one day,

my book with be in your local bookstore.

But honestly, this was such a great experience.

I'm so excited for everyone else

who participated in NaNoWriMo,

and everyone else who completed it,

and finished their goal.

Like, that's so hard, good for you.

High five, team.

Maybe I'll see you again next year, NaNoWriMo.

(lighthearted music)

For more infomation >> I Wrote An Entire Book In 30 Days - Duration: 7:03.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:03:03.

Lullaby for babies to go to sleep

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:03:03.



Hey everyone ! Welcome to this new video !

So Today is a big day for Me !

I'm growing up !

I ordered on ASOS for the first time !

I don't- I don't need a knife...

So, It's my first order on ASOS, for real.

I didn't know this platform until now

And when I found it, I said... "AH !"

I need to order in !

So, I ordered it Last week.

And I didn't checked again what I bought deliberately.

So, I don't remember all I bought

Let's go !


Oh ! yeah !


I already have some bandanas at home,

But I didn't have any Black or Red ones in fact...

I have an orange one and one... With the American flag I think

And It's not great to put it on your head

Because it's too colorful... So I decided to buy a black one.

Right, The second one...

I bought a cap

Yep. Because the last one I had

Which come from... Well, which came from Poland

Well, I lost it during the Tour...

So, yeah I can't really live without a cap...

Even if I like the winter caps they offer in The Courchevel World Cup (Ski)

I don't hang out very often without a cap

So, then...

Oh ! Yeah !

It's been a long time I've been looking for it !

I've been a blue jean jacket.

For this order I decided to buy some large stuffs

I'm back with some 80's/90's fashion clothes

So I looked for some large stuffs... Like Oversize clothes.

There's.. Well, There's some thing... that I don't know what is it...

Really, I don't remember !

What sort of things could be in a box like this.

Ah ! Yeaaaaah ! Ah okay !

Okay, so It's really bigger than I expected !

So I bought a Travel Wallet

Right ! oh...

Oh, no. It's okay, I don't need it. It's some paper

Yeah Because when I go for a Tour or when I go abroad... Which happened to me last year...

I have a small wallet and It's a bit hard to put money, papers... everything in...

So I decided to take a Travel Wallet which I'll have every time with me

then, I'll have more space than my small wallet which... yeah... which is like 1/3 of the size of this one.

So this...

To get back to the 90's fashion...

I bought jeans... Jeans... yeah... Skater Jeans

A bit... Ah no. I was about to say that I found it a bit large

The width is okay... It's really Oversize.

It's fine for the moment. I remember a bit what I ordered...

And it's rather conform to the pic because I saw on Youtube that some people ordered some stuffs...

And It's wasn't conform to the pic they had on the Net.

Right. Other Jeans...

Well, if I remember... This one isn't on the size I wanted...

I bought it one size above because

We're on the Sales period

I have a very common size particularité for trousers

So... So everyone take this size and...

And we're quickly out of stock on this size.

I couldn't have my size... So I took the one's above...

But I really liked... I really liked the patches on it...

So yeah ! I stay on a very 80's/90's vibe

Why did I bought something in a sailor style ?

Because it's something I don't wear anymore actually

Oh Yeah ! Yeah ! Because there were some different colors on it !

So, same. It's oversize.

It will be interesting. I will put in with a jacket... Maybe with the blue jean jacket...

There's nothing left but one thing...


What did I bought here ?

It's also a tee-shirt...

But... it's... well...

Oh... okay.

I don't remember of ordering this one...


So, still an oversize Tee-shirt.

Yup. It will be interesting...

It's a bit in my colors... In my style... a bit...

a bit... a bit... yeah A bit colorful... A bit... a bit flamboyant !

Thank you for watching this video

If you enjoyed it, don't forget to Like, Comment and Share to your friends.

I put the links of

my Instagram my Facebook my Twitter

I put also the Patin'air Instagram, Facebook and Website as usual...

I'll also put the ASOS link for the one's who doesn't know this platform to check it.

And you can find my Youtube Channel Right Here !

And See you soon for a New Vlog on the Ice !

For more infomation >> MY FIRST UNBOXING ASOS | ASTROJUMPER | ENG SUBS - Duration: 7:35.


Mardi Gras Big Batch Punch - HGTV - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mardi Gras Big Batch Punch - HGTV - Duration: 0:43.


DIY Sequin Heart Patches | ALB in Wonderland - Duration: 4:17.

It's Valentine's Day, so this is the kind of project you can sit in front of, like,

a cheesy romance movie and do because it's just fiddly and fun. You should

honestly just try to wear hearts on your outfit every day of February.

Hi everybody, I'm ALB and it is Valentine's Day and what better to do on Valentine's

Day then wear your heart on your sleeve? Cause

today we're gonna be making glittery heart patches. Here's where you're gonna

need: some red felt, a Sharpie marker, a heart template, sequins, now I have some

loose sequins and I also have sequins on a roll, a piece of clothing that you

would like to decorate with a heart, we're gonna use a sweater today, scissors

some pins for sewing, paintbrushes translucent thread and a sewing needle,

and lastly some fabric glue .So first off I'm gonna show you how to make your

actual heart. What you're gonna do is first take your felt. Now, you can

technically make a heart in any colour, I know you can, but we're gonna make red

today, cause it's just so quintessentially Valentine's Day and we'll take a little

heart template here and just trace it right on the felt. And once you have it

drawn on your felt, you just have to cut it out. Doing this sort of thing with

hearts totally reminds me of being in grade school and, like, getting Valentines

for everybody in the class and putting them in Valentine's boxes, little mail

boxes. Ugh I wish we still did that as adults! There we go. So this is what you've got.

Now we're gonna be putting the sequins on our heart. I really like buying this

kind of, like, sequin-on-a-string sort of thing, which you can get at fabric stores

or craft stores. I really like also using translucent thread for this because it

just looks better on a project. So we have our needle on a translucent thread

now with a knot tied at the end and I'm gonna start around the outside of the

heart and work my way in, so if you're using loose sequins instead of

sequins-on-a-string it's just as simple. From the

underside of your heart, put your needle through and thread a sequin onto your

needle. We're basically just sewing the sequins right onto the felt and because

the thread is translucent you can't really see that it's been stitched there,

so it just looks really shiny and glittery and perfect. I personally prefer

to use the sequins-on-a-string because it just makes life a little bit easier. So

basically we're gonna go around the outside of the heart as we slowly fill

it in. It takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour to fill in the entire

heart on a size like this. When you've got to the middle, you just tie a knot

and flip it over. It's perfect, nice. So we're all done. You fill in all of your

glitter heart and it looks so sparkly and amazing, I love it so much. Okay so

now we get to pick a spot on our clothing where we're gonna put it.

I know approximately where I want my little heart to be. I'm gonna take some

of the fabric glue and then when the back of your patch is covered in an even

layer, we can very carefully place it exactly where we want it to go. Now you

really want to give this proper drying time. There we go, oh I love it so much!

Now I think this looks awesome and I want to keep this sweater with this

heart on it for a long time so I'm gonna go ahead and sew around the edges of the patch.

And there we go. I love this so much, I just love these patches, they're such a

great way to upcycle older clothing. They just add such a

little oomph for something extra to your outfit. For the full tutorial list head

on over to Thanks for watching. Happy Valentine's Day!

For more infomation >> DIY Sequin Heart Patches | ALB in Wonderland - Duration: 4:17.


Shoe Coloring Pages for Girls | How to Draw Shoes for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:02:22.



























Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Shoe Coloring Pages for Girls | How to Draw Shoes for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:02:22.


Jogging Music 2018 - Powerful Hip Hop Songs - Jogging Workout Music #5 - Duration: 1:04:45.

Jogging Music 2018 - Powerful Hip Hop Songs - Jogging Workout Music #5.

For more infomation >> Jogging Music 2018 - Powerful Hip Hop Songs - Jogging Workout Music #5 - Duration: 1:04:45.


Jogging Music 2018 - EDM Mashup Mix - Jogging Workout Music #4 - Duration: 1:03:56.

Jogging Music 2018 - EDM Mashup Mix - Jogging Workout Music #4.

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