Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 16:26.


Wellington - capital of New Zealand! - Duration: 7:37.

Hi Everyone

Kubic here


We're going to...

New Zealand capital - Wellington

Let's go!

From Auckland to Wellington 1 hour flight

Let's fly

Here we are in the capital

Weather is good today

Let's take a look

Wellington is...

... is the second largest city in NZ

... with population about 400.000 people

Wellington is the most windy...

... city in the world

... with average wind speed...

... 26 kilometres per hour


Initially Wellington...

... wasn't capital of NZ

... it became capital of New Zealand in 1865

Reason for that was...

... its geographical central location...

... of New Zealand


Wellington is the filming industry centre of NZ


Famous movies...

... such as...

King Kong


Lord of the Rings

... were partially filmed there


Population of Wellington...

... is 4 times less than Auckland's...

... but size...

... of the CBD here has...

... almost the same size

Wellington is...

... the southernmost capital in the world


This is "White house" of New Zealand


... in Russian: "Bee house"

Railway station of Wellington...

... opened its doors...

... in 1937

Because of the constant wind in Wellington...


... have to be able...

... land...

... and take off...

... even in strong turbulence

Views from mount Victoria are just amazing

Thanks for watching

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... and see you soon


For more infomation >> Wellington - capital of New Zealand! - Duration: 7:37.


Cherish Pads Review Testimony | Do Negative Ions Reduce Cramps? | Now We No by Nspire Network - Duration: 1:27.

Cherish Pads Review Testimony | Do Negative Ions Reduce Cramps? | Now We No by Nspire Network

hey guys hey guys I want to give a quick testimonial for the cherish woman's pads

guys so you know I didn't roll why I was having so many migraines and so many

headaches and it wasn't until I started using the cherish pads that it has the

negative ions that helps get rid of pain and blood clots and all that stuff and

you know I realize guys that you know our bodies are very precious and I feel

better with the cherished pads you know I can think better I don't have you know

migraines guys and it's just an overall better feeling than the other hands that

I was used to use it for my whole life but I see but you don't know you don't

know right but now you know better you do better so I thank God for cherish I

thank all for Jack who is definitely you know uh you know leading you know women

you know to better health guys so you know I'm a fan I'm a customer I'ma be a

customer guys and you know let's rock out guys let's rock this this thing

let's you know educate you know more women like Jack is doing you know about

it and you know guys let's live longer let's feel better let's get rid of these

you know diseases that you know most women have because of the pants guys

change your pants it would change your life guys see you soon

For more infomation >> Cherish Pads Review Testimony | Do Negative Ions Reduce Cramps? | Now We No by Nspire Network - Duration: 1:27.


Ayoro Coast - Hokkaido - アヨロ海岸 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 2:26.

Famous for its Hell Valley and Oyunuma Pond, Noboribetsu also features some very interesting and beautiful coastlines.

While accessing the Ayoro shorelines requires a little hike or the need for a car,

the beauty of the scenery once arrived is absolutely breathtaking.

Beautiful all year long, it is said, however,

that the coast reaches its peak beauty when the first snow arrives just after autumn.

For more infomation >> Ayoro Coast - Hokkaido - アヨロ海岸 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 2:26.


Un Noob en lol ||legends of legends - Duration: 1:36:46.

For more infomation >> Un Noob en lol ||legends of legends - Duration: 1:36:46.


Top 10 Biggest Olympic Scandals - Duration: 7:45.

Hello, and welcome back to the Most Amazing channel on the internet, I am your most amazing

host Rebecca Felgate

Let's start with a recent and on going issue with Russia and their alleged state sponsored

doping Scandal.

So during 2014 Socchi Winter Olympics, the Russian team were amid a scandal of alleged

state sponsored doping.

Russia, by the way has had the most Olympic medals stripped for doping violations ever,

totally 43.

So far as a lot of people are concerned, Russia had been up to it for a long time.

By the time the 2016 Brazil Olympics rolled round, doping allegations were still high

and eventually a World Doping Agency Report found evidence of a four year state doping

programme across the spectrum of Olympic sports.

As a result, Russia was banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, much to the

discontent of the Kremlin.

1980 – 1984 Boycotts While these two summer Olympics were separate

events, both were plagued with political squabbling and boycotts.

In 1980, United States President Jimmy Carter boycotted the Moscow Olympics in the midst

of the Cold War.

The American team's absence was said to be in response to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.

Marion Jones Doping Scandal Marion Jones was an all American Hero who

won three golds and two bronze medals at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.

Marion had often been accused of taking performance enhancing drugs, something that she routinely

denied, until she was involved in the BALCO scandal.

It seems during the Sydney Olympics, she was using a designer steroid said to be undetectable

by drugs tests.

In 2007, she was stripped of her 5 Olympic medals.

This was the start of a slippery slope for the disgraced athlete, who was later sentenced

to six months in jail for check fraud.

Nancy Kerrigan Scandal In January 1994, figure skater Nancy Kerrigan

was attacked as she left a skating practice ahead of that years winter Olympics, held

in * Nancy was bludgeoned in the leg with a police batton and the direct aftermath was

caught on camera.

The footage of Nancy crying and screaming is now infamous and was shared worldwide.

The attacker turned out to be Jeff Gillooly, the ex husband of her rival, Tonya Harding,

making the scandal very attractive for tabloids.

Despite Gillooly's attempt to sabotage Nancy, the event actually made her famous and won

her much public adoration.

Although she had to withdraw from the Us Championships, she recovered in time for the Olympics and

won a silver medal.

Oscar Pistorius Murder Scandal Shortly after finding fame and fortune as

a result of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, the below knee double amputee was arrested

for shooting and killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp in South Africa.

The runner was the first double leg amputee to participate in the Olympics, and he was

considered a beacon of hope for all aspiring athletes with a disability.

Sadly, his domestic abuse allegations ruined his progressive impact on sport and a young

woman lost her life as a result of his recklessness.

In the early hours of Valentines Day in 2013, Pistorius shot the 29 year old model through

a bathroom door as he allegedly mistook her for an intruder.

He was later found guilty of culpable homicide.

Bejing Social Cleansing Scandal Exact numbers are not known, but the Chinese

authorities ordered a clean-up of the city, sparking human rights concerns, although many

of those who spoke out against the state were arrested.

It is thought that Chinese officials used Brutal force to evict poorer people living

in slums around the city, with some estimating 1.5 million people were thrown from their

homes– where exactly these people

ended up, we don't know.

Nazi Olympics The 1936 Nazi Olympics caused many a Scandal.

Held in Berlin, Adolph Hitler used the games to highlight German prominence.

Jewish people and black people were largely ousted from the competition and the whole

event was one big indoctrination parade, showcasing Aryan strength.

The majority of spectators gave the Nazi salute before games…and concerningly, most countries,

including the Unites States and the UK, did not boycott the games.

Munich Massacre Oh no, this was one of the worst Olympic disasters


Despite the 1972 Munich Games wanting to remain apolitical, they fell at a time of tension

between East and West Germany as well as at the height of issues between Isreal and Palestine.

Sadly, eight members of the Palestinian group, Black September posed as athletes and were

helped by members of the Canadian team into the village, as they didn't realise the

men were not fellow sportsmen.

The gang infiltrated the Isreali camp and killed 11 members of the Olympic Wrestling

team and one police officer.

It seems they had originally wanted to negotiate the release of prisoners in Palestine, but

the whole plot went wrong, culminating in a mass murdering spree.

The Estadio Nacional Disaster Bad crowd management at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics

qualifying tournament led to the death of 328 people, making it the worst disaster in

football history.

A number of factors culminated in the catastrophy; a bad decision from a referee anger home fans

who then began a pitch invasion.

The invasion got out of hand as there was not enough security on hand to defuse the


The local police then decide to deploy tear gas to stop fans further invading the pitch.

Then, to avoid the tear gas, panicked attendees tried to escape down a stairwell, but unfortunately

the shutters in the exit were locked, but the people still pilling down the stairs didn't

know that, so a crush formed.

All 328 deaths came from either internal haemorrhaging of suffocation.

Many consider the disaster to have been totally avoidable.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Biggest Olympic Scandals - Duration: 7:45.


How to Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Extrasensory Gifts - Duration: 10:34.

How to Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Extrasensory Gifts

Your third eye, also known as your Ajna chakra or pineal gland, is your gateway to the divine


When your third eye is open, you�ll experience clear insight, open-mindedness, intellectual

balance, and a strong connection to your intuition or inner wisdom.

However, if your third eye is blocked or constricted, you�ll struggle with narrow-mindedness,

overthinking, insomnia, suffocating beliefs, lack of purpose, depression, and an inability

to connect with your Soul.

If you want to feel connected to your inner purpose and Soul�s voice, one of the best

ways to do that is by learning how to open your third eye.

AWAKENING YOUR EXTRASENSORY GIFTS When most people hear the word �extrasensory�

they envision psychics with crystal balls predicting the future.

But I�m not referring to this highly stereotypical image when talking about extrasensory gifts.

Instead, I define extrasensory gifts as the capacity to receive information beyond the

normal five senses of the body.

As we know already, the body is simply a vessel for Spirit; a way in which we can perceive

and interpret the physical realm.

But it is naive to conclude that the physical realm is all that exists as studies such as

quantum physics and countless spiritual traditions have taught through the ages.

Extrasensory gifts are inherent capacities we have for �tuning into� other planes

of existence, but most vitally, our own Souls.

And we all have different capacities.

For example, I have the gift of clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling)

and claircognizance (clear knowing) but not clairvoyance (clear seeing).


EYE: Clairvoyance (clear seeing)

Claircognizance (clear knowing) Clairaudience (clear hearing)

Clairempathy (clear feeling) Clairtangency (clear knowing through touch)

Clairsentience (clear knowing through feeling)

And there are a few others such as clairgustance (regarding taste) and clairalience (regarding


The most important thing is not in brandishing around a new label for yourself, but the deep

enrichment these gifts can give your life and your ability to connect with, and understand,

your Soul�s wisdom.

HOW TO OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE Almost all of us are born into situations

that encourage our third eyes to close tightly.

Since childhood, we were taught a variety of societal, parental, religious ideas and

dogmatic constructs that cause us to become alienated from our inner wisdom.

Most notably, we were encouraged to conform, obey the rules, and ignore our inner voice,

which in some cases was even demonized.

If you�re struggling to see life with clarity and feel confused most of the time, you�re

likely weighed down with years of conditioning which taught you to think and behave in a

certain way.

I know firsthand how disheartening and distressing a closed third eye feels, and how it makes

you susceptible to being led astray.


Move outside your comfort zone and explore alternative beliefs and ideas.

Closed third eyes thrive on narrow-mindedness.

One of the best ways to open your mind is to be intellectually curious.

Limit and preferably completely cut out processed foods.

Our bodies were not designed to digest the copious amounts of fat, processed carbohydrates,

and sugars that are a present inconvenience and fast foods.

You�ll also benefit from significantly reducing your consumption of animal meats due to the

hormones present in them.

Eat whole foods, vegetables, and fruits.

Replace the packeted foods you buy with whole foods such as legumes, nuts, whole grains,

veggies, and fruits.

Not only do these leave you feeling fuller, but they are healthier for your body and easier

for it to digest.

Your diet is important because it directly influences your energy levels, hormones, and

therefore feelings and thoughts.

Drink third eye cleansing herbs.

Herbs are a potent way to recalibrate your third eye.

Try herbal teas that contain gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, rosemary, and passionflower.

I recommend checking out Buddha Teas amazing third eye Chakra Tea that is infused with

the essence of sapphire.

Practice meditation.

Instead of trying to control your thoughts and postures during meditation practice (like

most people do), simply try to observe what your mind and body does.

The more aware you become of your thoughts, the more a space within you opens.

Ground yourself through mindfulness.

A major symptom of a dysfunctional third eye is overthinking.

The best way to ground yourself in the present moment is through a practice known as mindfulness.

Read more about mindfulness.

Avoid fluoridated water and toothpaste.

Studies have shown that fluoride, the chemical present in our drinking water and toothpaste,

is responsible for calcifying the pineal gland.

When your pineal gland becomes calcified, it ceases to work well.

In fact, after an MRI scan, I discovered that my frontal lobe is actually partially calcified.

Read more about decalcifying the pineal gland.

Flood your body with antioxidants.

Antioxidants are the superheroes of the food world and are present in superfoods such as

blueberries, goji berries, quinoa, maca, cacao, spirulina, coconuts, and many other fruits

and veggies.

Antioxidants detoxify and strengthen your body, which is perfect for learning how to

open your third eye.

Explore your core beliefs.

Your core beliefs are unconscious ideas you have about who you are and what you deserve

in life.

Core beliefs keep you locked in restricting mindsets that keep your third eye closed.

Learn how to identify your core beliefs.

Exercise and drink lots of water.

This is quite self-explanatory!

Drinking water will also help to flush out the toxins in your body and hydrate your brain.

(Just try to avoid fluoridated water!)

Journal and record your feelings.

One of the best ways to create clarity and inner order is through writing down how you


Do this daily and you�ll experience many psycho-spiritual benefits.

Hum or chant the sound �OM.� Om is said to be the very first primordial sound of the

universe and carries powerful vibrations that recharge, cleanse, and open your third eye.

Try creating more blood and energy flow through yoga practice.

In particular, explore the balasana, shavasana, and dolphin pose.

Explore the ancient practice of scrying.

Scrying is an esoteric practice that helps you to develop your inner vision.

Read more about scrying.

Use sound healing.

Sound carries profoundly healing vibrations.

You can experiment with instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and bells.

All of these instruments energetically harmonize your third eye.

Read more about sound healing instruments.

Do a third eye visualization.

Relax, breathe deeply, and imagine a pulsing ball of purple light opening and clearing

your third eye.

Do this every day for five minutes and pay attention to the way you feel afterward.

Explore your cognitive distortions.

We all possess cognitive distortions or mistaken beliefs, and they constrict the flow of energy

through our third eye chakra.

One of the best ways to explore your cognitive distortions is by journaling about them.

Learn about the most common mental traps.

Experiment with NLP.

NLP or Neuro-linguistic programming helps your mind to move past limiting beliefs and

even phobias that cause third eye blindness.

Practice mindfulness.

Your third eye is the most open when it is grounded in the present moment.

Mindfulness is a practice that can help you connect with the beauty of the here and now.

Use crystals.

Experiment with crystals such as lapis lazuli, labradorite, sapphire, and kyanite.

Use these crystals in meditation, visualizations, place them directly on your third eye, or

carry them with you!

Support yourself through affirmations.

Whatever you think is what you end up manifesting.

Try to alter the way you think and therefore stimulate third eye opening by trying affirmations

such as �I listen to my inner wisdom,� �I see with clarity,� �I trust my intuition,�

�I trust in my abilities.�

You�ll also benefit from sunshine, solitude, and daily pockets of silence in your day.


Once you�ve learned how to open your third eye, you might be wondering what the signs

or symptoms are.

What should you expect?

Obviously, the experience varies from person to person.

But here are some of the most common signs that may happen slowly or spontaneously:

Buzzing or tingling in your forehead

More headaches or migraines than usual (your third eye is adjusting to the world)

Visions or extrasensory experiences during meditation

Sudden clarity surrounding life issues

Mystical Experiences

Strong connection to intuition and inner-knowing

Enhanced ability to think for yourself

There are many other symptoms, but these are the main ones

to look out for.

For more infomation >> How to Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Extrasensory Gifts - Duration: 10:34.


CONFIRMED: Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder Considering Challenging Trump, Run for President in 2020. - Duration: 1:56.

CONFIRMED: Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder Considering Challenging Trump, Run for President in 2020.

Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder is considering a run for president against

Donald Trump in 2020.

No joke.

He's serious.

Chech this out…

In alte 2017, former corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder warned President Trump not to

fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is searching for Trump/Russia "collusion"

in what most people consider a partisan manner:

Holder fired off a second warning to Trump in less than a week:

From Washington Examiner:

The tweet comes a day after the Trump campaign sought to discredit Mueller's investigation

by sending a letter to Congress alleging members of the transition team's Fourth Amendment

rights against illegal search and seizure had been violated.

The special counsel's office obtained tens of thousands of emails from the Trump transition

team through the General Services Administration.

The Trump campaign argued the government is not the rightful owner of the emails, instead

the holders of the accounts are the owners.

The special counsel's office argued it went through the proper channels to obtain the

emails, likely asking the GSA to turn over the documents.

More from Newsweek:

Holder joins a chorus of calls for impeachment if Trump acts to impede Mueller's investigation

in any substantial way before the holidays.

On Friday, Rep. Jackie Spier one of the first to spill the "rumor on the Hill" said

that should Trump go through with the unconfirmed rumor, Spier said an attempt to impeach him

would be forthcoming.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> CONFIRMED: Corrupt Obama AG Eric Holder Considering Challenging Trump, Run for President in 2020. - Duration: 1:56.


KARAOKE | Mẹ Thương | Lưu Chí Vỹ - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Mẹ Thương | Lưu Chí Vỹ - Duration: 6:20.


[Special] Ep. 10/10 - "Epilogue, 2/2" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 31:52.

For more infomation >> [Special] Ep. 10/10 - "Epilogue, 2/2" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 31:52.


[CC] Love and Other Consolation Prizes" by Jamie Ford Review - Duration: 5:39.

Hi, I'm Heather, and you're watching Heather-Reset. Today I'm going to be

giving you a little bit of a review of "Love and Other Consolation Prizes" by

Jamie Ford. This is a super dark book. It follows Ernest as a young boy leaving

China for the first time and as a teenager and then later on as an elderly

gentleman who is now married and has kids. His daughter is a reporter and she

has heard that there was a boy auctioned off at the first World's Fair in

Seattle. She believes that it's her father, and it is. She wants him to

tell her everything that happened and all of his experiences of being a

Chinese-American in the 1900s. If you love historical fiction, if you like

romances, I definitely think that you will love this book.

The writing is wonderful. The characters are very well fleshed out, and I liked

the romance. Ernest is falls in love with two different people at the same time as

their children, and we know that he winds up with one of them later on because we

get to see her. But her name has changed so you don't know which girl he actually

winds up with and there is a reason why the name was changed so it really kept

me into it and I kept wondering which girl is he with. Which girl is this

that's in his future and what's gonna happen to get them to this point where

all of these things happen. There's so much that happens in this book that is

very dark, but there is also a lot of light and a lot of elements that will

surprise you. For instance, he winds up being in a brothel at one point but that

winds up being the best home that he could ever have while they're like

women's rights suffragists who are going into the red-light district where he

lives in the 1900s and are basically wanting to rid that part of the city of

it's sin. He's just this young boy thinking well at least these people care

about me unlike some of you people who were

treating me as a second-class citizen. This is an own voices book by a

Chinese-American. It also has a Japanese girl as a character and a whole

bunch of prostitutes. So if you want to read something interesting and different,

I highly recommend this. Instead of doing a longer, thorough review, I thought it

would be nice to give you an excerpt. This will show you exactly how dark the

book is. This is on page 8 of the book so it's not really a spoiler, and if you

cannot make it through hearing this passage, you do not need to read the book

because it does not end at the beginning. So without further ado, I'm going to read

that. There's a trigger warning for murder, so if you don't like murder, you

might want to go right now and just avoid this book altogether. Here we go.

Yung's mother should have been observing her traditional

time of rest and recovery after childbirth. Instead, she'd staggered into

the village cemetery, dug a hole in the earth with her bare hands, and placed his

sister's naked trembling body inside. As Yung stood nearby, he imagined that the

ground must have been warm, comforting, since it hadn't rained in months. The

clay sole surrounding his unnamed sibling like a blanket. Then he watched his

mother pour a bucket of coal from the previous night's fire over his sister's

body and she stopped crying. Through a cloud of black soot, he saw tiny legs

jerk, fragile arms go still. Yung didn't look away as his lowly parent smothered

his baby sister or while his mother wearily pushed the dirts back into the

hole bearing his Mimi by scoops and handfuls. His mother tenderly patted the

soil and replaced the sod before pressing her forehead into the grass and

dirt whispering a prayer begging forgiveness. Yung swallowed the lump in

his throat and became a statue. At five years old he could do nothing else. The

bastard son of a white missionary and a Chinese girl, he was an outcast in both

of their worlds. He and his mother were desperately poor and a drought had only

made their situation worse. For months they'd been eating soups made from mossy

rocks and scraps of boiled shoe leather his mother had scavenged from the dying.

When she turned and saw that Yung had witnessed,

she didn't seem shocked or apologetic. She didn't bother to wipe away the ashen

tears that framed the pockmarked hollows of her cheeks or the dust and grime that

had settled into her scalp where her hair had thinned and fallen out.

She merely placed a filigreed hairpin in his hand and folded his tiny fingers

around the tarnished copper and Jade Phoenix that represented the last of

their worldly possessions. She knelt and hugged him, squeezed him, ran her dirty

fingers through his hair. He felt her bony limbs, the sweet smell of her cool

skin as she kissed his face. "Only two kinds of people in China," she said, "the

too rich and the too poor." So there you go. That is the beginning. There's how

this book starts off. It just keeps getting darker from there, but like I

said there's a lot of hope in it. The ending is happy, and I definitely think

that you should give this one a try. Thanks for watching. Bye. Well, one last note.

I gave this a 4.55 on my raw scale and I gave it a 5 star on my curved scale. Now

you can go. Bye. :)

For more infomation >> [CC] Love and Other Consolation Prizes" by Jamie Ford Review - Duration: 5:39.


Ini toh Isi dari Hot Wheels Box 3 of 6 Factory Seal 2017, Hot Wheels Review Indonesia - Duration: 9:10.

Welcome to channel AToyZ

welcome back to channel AtoyZ

and now we have box 3 of 6

factory seal 2017

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you can see on channel AToyZ to more info

okay lets start the unboxing

what we have in there

this is the first from box 3 of 6

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this is the first one from box 3 of 6

and we have motorcycle just pas

For more infomation >> Ini toh Isi dari Hot Wheels Box 3 of 6 Factory Seal 2017, Hot Wheels Review Indonesia - Duration: 9:10.


Roasting Coffee With Black Cup - Duration: 5:45.

Hola mi amigos!

So today I am at Black Cup Headquarters with the Black Cup Roastmaster, Doug, and were

gonna cup and roast some coffee and see his process for roasting coffee!

So let's do it!

Let's go inside.

We buy coffees from all over the world - Central America, South America, Africa, and Indonesia,

so what I like to do for our coffee cuppings is put 'em in kind of a nice order where we

kind of go up to a more complex, heavier coffee.

So we start in Central America - kind of work our way around get into Africa as we start

getting really bright and fruity and then end with Indonesia which is really earthy,

and heavy, and syrupy bodied coffees.

Ya'll ready for this?

So each one of these bowls they have about 10 grams of coffee in them, and then what

we're gonna do is they've been steeping for 4 minutes - we're gonna break the crust - release

all the volatile aromatics of the coffee, and you'll kind of see how this works.

Let me kind of demonstrate here.

Just smell the coffee on the top.

So yea...just get down slow - break just that surface layer.




So this is the weird side of coffee we're gonna get into slurping it.

Kind of like they do in the wine world.

Basically you want to get a little bit on your spoon - just about like that.

Nice hard slurp.

The idea of slurping it is gonna open up the coffee - just spread it across your whole

toungue - kind of cool down the coffee a little bit and just opens it up.

Kind of the idea of the slurp.

Get in on this Ethiopian Cheri - it's super fruity.

We've been buying this coffee for multiple years now.

What do you think?

That was good...did I do the right though?


Louder the better.

That one!

So what are you tasting in that?


What am I looking for?

So this coffee you're gonna get a lot of berriness - a lot of berry sweetness - it's also got

some lemon peel kind of thing going on and some black tea in it as well.

Oh my goodness!

You ready for this?

Yea this is our warehouse where we store all the green coffee that comes in.

We have some sumatra here.

Some Ethiopia, Guatelmala, Mexico - all sorts of fun stuff.

So this is our Probat G90, built in 1953 in Emmerich, Germany.

We do about 150 lbs. of coffee at a time.

Holy moly!

It's a drum style roaster so it simply just a sitting drum over natural gas that burns

down below, that you can control the handles on the opposite side there - how you're gonna

apply your heat through the roasting process.

Every one of the coffee's has its own custom roast profile - kind of accentuate our favorite

characteristics of that coffee.

A fun part for me is to try to hone in on each coffee and try to make it taste as good

as it possibly can.

You weight out the green coffee over here, goes down into this little pit and has the

conveyor belt - takes all the green coffee up into the hopper.

Then you pre-heat your roast chamber - then drop your greens from the hopper right into

the roast chamber.

So the probe over here - this is something that we put in - this is our temperature gauge.

It's all hooked up to a laptop over there and that's where we actually chart each profile

so everything's down to the second, down to the degree.

It's important to be consistent with your coffee and make sure it's roasted the same

way every time.

Then they come out here onto this cooling tray.

Kind of just spins them all around.

Cools down the coffee in about 4 minutes.

Take it out over here, bucket it up, send it over to our other warehouse and gets all

packaged over there.

Ok so that does it for today's vlog - thank you to Doug for showing us the ropes of coffee

tasting it and roasting it and the process he goes to make Black Cup - really an amazing

place for a cup of coffee, and if you guys want to check out more coffee related things

- check out Alaska Barista Cup.

This Saturday - February 10th - 6-10PM - at 49th State Brewery.

There's gonna be a lot of cool things like baristas there making cool latte art, and

it's just gonna be a fun place for a lot of coffee enthusiasts.

So check that out this Saturday.

And guys - thank you for watching this video - and as always...I'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Roasting Coffee With Black Cup - Duration: 5:45.


Video: Cold blast follows heavy downpours - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Video: Cold blast follows heavy downpours - Duration: 2:32.


BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal. - Duration: 4:06.

BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal.

President Obama pulled the wool over Americans more than once, on a wide variety of subjects.

But now that he's out of office, it seems as if we're learning more about how shady

his presidency was, including his knack for lying.

The information that was revealed this morning just busted him in a massive lie about the

Clinton email investigation — one that's already getting national media coverage…

Breitbart reports:

The latest round of released texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal

that then-President Obama wanted "to know everything" about the investigation into

Hillary Clinton's secret email server, reports Fox News.

Page and Strzok, who were engaged in an extra-marital affair, exchanged the text on September 2,


The text reads, "potus wants to know everything we're doing."

This is written within the context of disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey wanting to

prepare talking points to give to Obama.

According to Fox, Senate investigators say "this text raises questions about Obama's

personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

The whole idea of an FBI director preparing talking points for the president on such a

sensitive issue is bound to raise questions.

So too Obama's apparent involvement in an ongoing investigation directly involving one

of his former cabinet members, and possible successor.

Moreover, this news directly contradicts what Obama told the public.

"I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations.

… I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation," Obama said

then, reports the Daily Mail's David Martosko.

Strzok and Page are the high-ranking FBI agents who despised Trump and exchanged thousands

of text messages, some of which have already been made public.

Incredibly, both were part of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation against Trump

until it was revealed that they has exchanged texts that not only trashed the president

but talked of an "insurance policy" should he win the election.

Other revelations in this latest batch of texts include Strzok smearing Virginians as

"ignorant hillbillys" after disgraced former-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's

wife (a left-wing Democrat who received hundreds of thousands of dollars from organizations

run by Clintonista Terry McAuliffe) lost a primary bid for state senate.

While his wife received this money from McAuliffe, McCabe was overseeing the investigation into

Hillary Clinton's secret email server.

"Disappointing, but look at the district map.

Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbilliy," Strzok's

November 4, 2015, text reads the day after he loss.

The irony of Strzok misspelling "hillbillies" is worth noting.

Fox News also obtained texts written by Strzok in the immediate aftermath of Trump's presidential


"OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING," he wrote to his paramour.

"Omg, I am so depressed."

A week or so later Page wrote, "I bought all the president's men.

Figure I need to brush up on watergate."

The next day, November 14, Page texted something ominous, "God, being here makes me angry.

Lots of high fallutin' national security talk.

Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us."

"OUR task" again raises questions about Strzok's August text about the anti-Trump

"insurance policy," which many believe is the phony Russian dossier that was paid

for by the Clinton campaign but still used by Comey's FBI to obtain surveillance warrants

on those affiliated with the Trump campaign.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal. - Duration: 4:06.


THE SHAPE OF WATER - Review [SUB ITA] - Duration: 5:02.

Hi guys it's Debbie and today I would like to speak about "The Shape of Water",

Guillermo del Toro's new film which is winning every award at every film

ceremony this year and which is a huge competitor at the Oscars with 13 nominations.

"The Shape of Water" follows the life of a janitor portrayed by Sally Hawkins, which

works at one of the United States's secret labs during the Cold War. At the

lab where Elisa works, scientists have been keeping captive a huge and

frightening creature, which displays both human and fish-like features. The

scientists treat the creature just like a monster, injuring it and carrying out

experiments on it. Nobody attempts to understand its nature

or try to nurture it. But one day Elisa stops to observe the creature and as she

can't speak she tries to communicate with it with sign language. The two soon

develop a curious and secret friendship, which was very dangerous because of the

background to the whole story.Bbut I will not reveal anything more to not spoil

the plot. Compared to other names at the Oscars such as "Three Billboards

outside Ebbing, Missouri", "Call me by your name", "Dunkirk", "The Florida

Project", "The Shape of Water" didn't stick with me just as much. But this is simply

because of my personal taste. I enjoyed "The Shape of Water", I just preferred

other films which have been released in the same period and which are in the

Oscar lists. I am completely aware that this is beautifully made and that it has

gained so much success and it is winning so many awards for a wide variety of

well thought and well created features. In first place we have examples of

exceptional acting: Sally Hawkins created good at heart Elisa who just wants

justice for the creature and who sees beyond his monstrosity, his physical

appearance. She argues that the creature understands her and welcomes her beyond

her lack of the ability to speak and she feels as if she has a special connection

with it. Elisa is more of an outsider, she is very humble and reserved, she's a

character which is strongly underestimated by everybody around her,

scorning her reserved attitude and treating her lack of the ability to

speak as a weakness. But she soon proves that she represents one of the strongest

roles. One of the characters that looks down upon Elisa is Colonel Strickland, the

lead figure in the experimentation and control of the creature. He was portrayed

by Michael Shannon which was absolutely incredible in his role. He was deranged, a

control freak, more of a monster than the creature itself and he was what brought

a horror component in the film. I still don't

understand why he wasn't nominated for Best Supporting Actor,

when Richard Jenkins was for a minor and less engaging role. Then we have

exceptional effects, with the creature obviously appearing as marvellous and out

of this world. Our mind develops that fantasy-loving effect of wanting

something like it to exist. But still in a somewhat real, physical manner. For

example his scales realistically start to fall off when he is weak, he

understands the rhythm of music, the concept of speech, the concept of

communicating, he has an idea of a deep connection or friendship. I think in

general the film has a very strong visual component, starting from the fact

that our main character doesn't communicate using her voice, so

everything else must heavily rely on the visual aspect, thus fuelling our awe

towards the creature, which Colonel Strickland describes as something the

communities on the Amazon worship as a god. Director Guillermo del Toro

explained that he has a fascination towards monster characters and horror

stories featuring them, such as Frankenstein, Godzilla and so on. And in "The

Shape of Water" we are definitely in awe in front of the creature. On the one hand

we afraid of it, on the other hand we love it, but the main feeling is

definitely fascination. This creature is like a god, we know nothing about it,

we are just taken back by its enigmatic beauty, its strength, its mystery. In

general "The Shape of Water" has a widespread variety of features which

will appeal to all audiences. We have the incredibly romantic story of friendship

and love, the horror aspect of the secret lab in the 60s keeping a creature hidden

like an alien or a monster, the heroic ideals of wanting to save

the creature, the fantasy aspect of it interacting with humans and so on. It's

nearly like a fantasy fairy tale, but for adults with all the violent components,

the sexual component, the constant reminder of an ongoing Cold War. For

certain aspects this film reminded me a little of "Arrival" by Denis Villeneuve, in

which when confronted to something different, unusual and uncommon the human

race immediately reacts with violence, a defensive mode. And this is

exactly what happens in "The Shape of Water".

Nobody even stops to question whether this creature has good intentions or bad

intentions, it's simply labeled as a monster, something dangerous, something

which must be contained or something which can be

implemented for destructive purposes. So when I say didn't like "The Shape of

Water" I don't mean that I don't recognise it as an exceptional

film, I'm just saying it's simply not my kind of film. I wouldn't pick it to watch

it again let's say. This film actually stimulated my curiosity to watch "Pan's

Labyrinth", another film by Guillermo del Toro. Let me know what you thought about

"The Shape of Water" with a comment here below. I hope you enjoyed this video, if you

did make sure to subscribe and I'll see you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> THE SHAPE OF WATER - Review [SUB ITA] - Duration: 5:02.


EASY Marble Chocolate Hearts | Chocolate Bark | RECIPE - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> EASY Marble Chocolate Hearts | Chocolate Bark | RECIPE - Duration: 2:17.




BY Terence Newton,

Prior to his death in 1943, while World War II raging around the globe, Nikola Tesla was

exploring the use of scalar waves to create non-nuclear explosions with frightening destructive

force. Teslas himself referred to it as the �death beam,� or, the �death-ray,�

and he said it was powerful enough to destroy 10,000 airplanes 250 miles away.

While it is believed that Tesla went to great lengths to divide his papers and research

among a number of nations, his research from falling into the wrong hands, it is known

that number of his papers were stolen when he died, and the FBI had cache of his research

that they kept secret for 73 years. We have since seen incredible advancements in the

technology of warfare and communications.

Researcher Mark Passio makes the case that Tesla�s technology was indeed hijacked after

the war, and that it is now being used at scale to control and dominate the planet.

�We all know the vision that Tesla had planned for the world: free energy and free communications.

And had his vision come true the world would be a lot different of a place today� Some

of Tesla�s greatest inventions that we think never came to fruition, actually have come

to fruition, but in the hands of people who he never intended that technology to be in

the hands of, and has been used in ways that Tesla never intended them to be used� to

create a world that is basically on lock-down and under complete control.� ~Mark Passio

Tesla�s most powerful discoveries regarding resonance and scalar waves are the most dangerous,

says Passio, and citing the work of Dr. Judy Wood, he asks if the World Trade Center was

brought down on 9/11 by directed energy weapons, rather than mechanical collapse or even an


Dr. Wood, author of the book, Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directe Free-Energy

Technology on 9/11, claims that the Twin Towers were disintegrated in a process called �dustification,�

where in which directed resonance causes molecules in a solid material to disassociate and disintegrate.

In a whole series of lectures and media appearances, Wood has maintained that the debris pile was

nowhere near tall enough to account for the aggregate mass of the towers and their contents.

Rather, she states, the towers were pulverized in mid-air and simply blew away on the breeze.

On her web site, Wood presents a 41-point list of �The principal evidence that must

be explained.� It includes (point 9) �The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower

was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth�, and (point 6) �The seismic

impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled

demolition.� [Source]

A look at collapse photos shows the massive cloud of dust and disintegrated debris as

the towers fell, which Wood is convinced is visual evidence of dustification.

The Dark Side of Tesla�s Work Tesla�s work was always focused on light,

energy and vibration, and his work with resonant frequencies led to some startling experiments.

Tesla even claimed to have once caused a false earthquake in New York City during an experiment

in which a small oscillating device was attached to the steel beam of a building which eventually

caused the whole building to shake as well as sending vibrational waves into surrounding

areas of the city. Tesla has said with the small electro-magnetic oscillator he could

bring down the Empire State Building in a matter of minutes. .

Describing a similar experiment, he is quoted as saying:

�In a few minutes, I could feel the beam trempbling. Gradually the trembling increased

in intensity and extended throughout the whole great mass of steel. Finally, the structure

begain to creak and weave, and the steelworkers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing

that there had been an earthquake. Rumors spread that the building was about to fall.

Before anything serious happened, I took off the vibrator, put it in my pocket, and went

away. But if I had kept on ten minutes more, I could have laid that building flat in the

street. And, with the same vibrator, I could drop the Brooklyn Bridge in less than an hour.�


The oscillator is thought to be the prototype or precursor for an earthquake weapon of extraordinary

power. With such a device, resonant frequencies could be strategically deployed to cause localized

earthquakes of high magnitude.

In article regarding Tesla�s missing papers, PBS points out that after the way, and Tesla�s

death, there was a massive increase in military projects concerned beam weapons and scalar

technologies. This would imply that Tesla�s work may have been co-opted by the U.S. Government

who has since used it to develop a new generation of energy weapons.

�Just after World War II, there was a renewed interest in beam weapons. Copies of Tesla�s

papers on particle beam weaponry were sent to Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

An operation code-named �Project Nick� was heavily funded and placed under the command

of Brigadier General L. C. Craigie to test the feasibility of Tesla�s concept. Details

of the experiments were never published, and the project was apparently discontinued. But

something peculiar happened. The copies of Tesla�s papers disappeared and nobody knows

what happened to them.

Work on beam weapons also continued in the United States. In 1958 the Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a top-secret project code-named �Seesaw�

at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to develop a charged-particle beam weapon. More than

ten years and twenty-seven million dollars later, the project was abandoned �because

of the projected high costs associated with implementation as well as the formidable technical

problems associated with propagating a beam through very long ranges in the atmosphere.�

Scientists associated with the project had no knowledge of Tesla�s papers.� [Source]

Now, at a time when geoengineering is being normalized as a countermeasure to global warming

and climate change, and when public knowledge of scalar facilities like HAARP has been mainstreamed,

we see that the earth is being blanketed in a vast array of high-tech electro-magnetic

technologies. WiFi and communications technologies like 5G are being deployed at an alarming

rate, and the U.S. Navy is openly practicing electro-magnetic warfare over the Olympic

Peninsula in Washington State.

It appears that we are witnessing the dark side of Tesla�s technology in use today.

The theory is explained in greater detail in the following presentation by Mark Passio.

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