- Hey guys!
Hey, how's it going?
It's Jennifer Cramer Lewis here,
I just wanted to talk to you guys tonight
about what it's like to actually have money.
I know a lot of us are able to create money,
like oh, I can create money.
Hi Darlene, thanks for joining us.
Yeah, so you know, say that you need, $1,000 to have
this thing that you want.
More than likely you're able to create that $1,000 dollars
just for that thing, you know.
Say you get an opportunity to go on a vacation
with a bunch of girls and they're like okay,
well it's gonna be this much money for each person
and you're able to create it, hi Golshem
thank you so much, I saw that you shared the post,
thank you, good to see you!
Yeah, so more often we're able to create money
but just in little batches and just enough, right?
Just enough to pay your bills, just enough
to pay for this new thing that you want, but not
an actual abundance of money coming in all the time, right?
And so one of the things that I noticed
with my clients is that they were able to do that
consistently, it's almost like parking spots, right?
Hi Malvica, thank you for joining us.
You know, you're able to say okay, well what's it
gonna be like to have a parking spot right in front
of the store that I want to go visit?
Well nine times out of 10 the parking spot's there
if you remember to ask for it, right?
And hi Heather, how are you?
Hi Robin, and you know, so if the parking spot
is able to be there and the money is able to be there
in small little batches when you are asking for it,
then why is it, you know, like I know why isn't
the best question but like maybe you might
want to be curious about why is it that
you're not able to just have enough money,
or more than enough money all the time.
And believe me, I've been there.
Seven years ago, my life was like a country and western
song, I mean if there was something that could've been
broke in my life at that time, it was definitely broke.
I didn't have any money, I was having to live
on my credit cards, I had been unemployed
for six months, I got laid off during
the financial crisis and then I couldn't find a job
to save my life.
So of course I didn't have any savings
to live off of so I was having to live
off of my credit cards, and so by the time
I did get a job, I had to have a consolidation loan
and my credit was stripped, so I had to ask my mum
to cosign a loan for me and I was in my 30s
so that was slightly embarrassing.
Luckily she did that for me, and you know,
so I was just drowning in debt and I also had
really quite not great stuff going on
in my personal life, and I was fighting
with my ex-husband over my kids and it was just
a country and western song.
And so right around that time,
I came across this Access Consciousness radio show,
and there was this lady, and she was just so light
and bright and bubbly that I was like wow!
This is so strange, I'm so used to people
being very serious about transformation,
and very serious about creating a life and a future
and like I had studied under Tony Robbins
and Deepak Chopra and Don Miguel Ruiz
and really I've been a lifelong learner
and none of that stuff was like light and bright
and fun and funny until I came across Access Consciousness
and so one of the tools that she talked about
was this light and heavy tool,
and so if this is the first time we've heard
about light and heavy, have a look, have a listen.
'Cause if it feels fun for you to try,
then try it, and if it feels like that's really dumb,
then maybe you might wanna try it anyways!
Anyways so what's light for you is always
the truth for you and so you will always know
what's true for you if you follow what's light for you.
And so I was like wow, like everything going on
in my life right now is not light.
It fucking sucks, it's heavy.
Like it's blame, shame, regret, guilt, anger, rage,
fury, hate.
And like a whole bunch of other things.
And so I thought wow, what would it actually be like
if my life was light and bright?
I better continue to listen to this lady.
And so she talked about how we can
check in and if stuff feels like heavy
and you know, makes you wanna barf
or makes you feel sick or makes you feel guilty
or makes you feel mad, then that's actually not
a choice for you.
You can choose it, but it's, the only thing
that it's going to do is create more of that.
And so we know that, we know
that you know, how we live our day to day lives
it's like you are what you eat, so if you continue
to ask for more light, bright, fun possibilities
to come into your life, then they can
if you continue to choose them.
And then if you accidentally choose something
that's like not light and bright then you can just
be like oh, okay, well that wasn't my brightest choice.
I'm gonna unchoose that now.
And give yourself permission to unchoose it.
And so one of the other things that she talked about
was who does that belong to?
And so if this is the first time you've heard that,
so for up to 98% of our thoughts, feelings,
and emotions, they can be not ours.
We can just actually be tapping into the internal Wifi
and picking up other people's thoughts, feelings,
and emotions and then the other thing
that we can be tapping into is like our cultural memory.
Like for me, I'm a Caucasian lady, I live in Canada,
I've lived in my country my whole life.
That might change, who knows,
in the next 10 seconds, and so I have my own cultural
paradigm with money.
My grandparents went through the Great Depression,
both sets of them, and actually all of the grandparents
and all of the great grandparents
and so it was like save, hi Neil Kamal!
Saving, hi Tracy Rash, thank you so much
for joining us and so
one of the things I would love to invite you to
is the possibility that who you are
with money and the choices that you're making with money
might not even be yours.
So one, is is light and bright,
and if it's not, don't choose it,
and then two, who are you being if you choose
the not light and bright, and sometimes it's your parents,
sometimes it's your grandparents,
sometimes it's your culture, sometimes it's like
being Canadian or wherever you're from
and so just have a look at that.
There's a tool that you can have a look at,
who am I being with money.
And so these things are all actually distracting us
from what we can actually choose.
And what I would love to invite you to
is the possibility that you can choose to have money.
Now what's the difference between making money
and having money?
Well having money for me, I have an amount of money
that I love to have in just my regular checking account
and for me, if I have over $5,000, somewhere in between
five and $10,000 dollars in my actual checking account,
my regular bank account, not counting investments
and stuff like that, hi Gustav, hi Vanessa.
It makes me feel good.
Like there couldn't be an emergency that I couldn't handle,
I could just take out my wallet and pay for it
if my car broke down or take out my wallet and pay for it
if one of my kids needed something or god forbid
got in trouble, there's really nowhere
that I couldn't fly or choose.
Say I want to go to Australia tomorrow, I could absolutely
choose that if I wanted to fly to South America tomorrow
I could absolutely choose that,
and so your choices become more expansive
when you're willing to have money.
Now this isn't where I came from.
I remember thinking oh my goodness,
the first foundation class that I took with Gary Douglas,
he was talking about oh, choices this and choices that
and it's just a choice, he kept saying,
and I remember thinking oh my god, Gary Douglas,
you're like a multimillionaire, you're making
multimillionaire choices.
And here I am, I'm having to like borrow money
to take this class 'cause I'm pretty sure
that this class is gonna give me some tools
to change my whole life, and it felt so light and bright
to choose it that I actually put it on my credit card.
And everything changed, like it absolutely changed.
And so yeah, I'm willing to have money,
and I'm willing to let money have my back.
And so have a look at that, what would it be like
for you to have money have your back?
So always be there for you, and whatever you're making
right now, let's just do a little exercise.
So whoever's watching, we've got five different people
watching right now, what would be an amount of money
every day if it came into your life every single day,
what amount of money would be like, oh,
that's a great amount of money to earn?
And you know, you think you could actually bring that in.
Like is it $500 bucks a day, or is that too much money?
Is it $400 bucks a day or is that too much money?
Is it $300 bucks a day or is that too much money?
Is it $200 dollars a day or is that too much money
or would you be willing to have, oh Alejandra's
putting her hands over her eyes,
we've got three monkeys so is that three monkeys a day?
And what if your willingness to receive
could actually go up?
Gustav is playing, $800 bucks a day, awesome.
So what would it be like, consistently, to make
$800 a day, and so that actually brings in
over $250,000 I think, so $250,000 dollars a year,
what would that be like and what kind of a life
could you enjoy if you were willing to bring in
$800 dollars a day?
Like just tap into that, woo-hoo!
You know, money's not a big concern at that amount
of money coming in.
Malvica, $500 bucks a day, that's awesome,
and so Malvica just tap into what your life
would be like if consistently day after day
you brought in that amount of money.
So this is an exercise that a coach did with me
and I thought oh, wow, what would it be like
to bring in, actually asked for $1,000 dollars a day
and then I checked my financial targets
for this year and yeah, somewhere around $800 dollars a day
would be perfect to match my financial targets
for this year and I'm on target to create it, woo-hoo!
How does it get any better than this?
And so what would it be like for you?
Like it doesn't even really matter what amount
of money is coming through to you?
What would it be like to double that amount of money?
Yeah, awesome, joy and ease, yeah!
And so have a look at that, like how much joy and ease
are you willing to add into your life
by having money?
And you know, what would it mean about you
if you were willing to have money?
Are you willing to be a snob or a rich bitch
or a rich bastard?
Are you willing to have your friends be jealous of you
and think where did they get their money from?
They're probably criminals.
Are you wiling to have your family want to borrow
money from you or your friends want to borrow money
from you?
And so some of the things that we distract ourselves with
is well one, these Distractor Implants,
they're called Distractor Implants, Access calls them,
so anger, rage, fury, blame, shame, regret, guilt,
so you can have a look at those, the Distractor Implants.
But another thing that I notice with my clients
is that they really allow their family to become
a distraction.
It's like they're only willing to get money for their kids
or only willing to receive money from their husband
or their wife or their parents.
And what would it be like to actually have
your own money?
And if you do have your own money, what would it be like
to double it?
Or triple it, or quadruple it, or quintuple it?
Like oh my god, how fun would that be?
Like I have a secret mission that of course
I tell everybody about but I have a point of view
that if people like you have the money
and were willing to have more of it,
the things that you would use your money to buy
or create would not destroy the planet,
it would enhance the planet.
It would change things like one of my favorite people
that I love to have a look at and the things
that he's choosing and creating is Elon Musk
and so if you didn't catch it, he launched a car
into space today.
He's just the coolest guy and so a lot of the things
that he's created on the planet has made our lives
easier, has made our lives more efficient,
has helped the planet?
So what would it be like if you guys were the people
who were willing to use your money
and willing to have it, so that you can use it,
to create more on the planet, more fun,
more possibilities, more juicy enjoyment,
and not use your money to punish people
or make people feel bad?
'Cause there's enough of those people on the planet.
They can all just get off it.
That's my point of view.
Yeah, yeah, so do you guys have any questions?
What else did I want to tell you about?
So one of the things that I'd love for you to notice
or here's a little exercise that you can do.
You can stand in front of the mirror and you can ask
yourself how much money could I create today with ease?
And then whatever pops into your head,
say you say $500 dollars.
And then you can ask yourself what would it be like
to make $1,000 dollars or have $1,000 pop into my life
with total ease, or $2,000 or $5,000 or $10,000
because there really are people out there
whose bank accounts are just ping, ping, ping, ping.
Like transactions are coming in, people are paying them
and one of the things that this light, bright,
funny lady that I was listening to said
that just made me howl laughing, I thought it was
the brightest, funnest thing that I had ever heard
about money, she said, what if
so much money that's actually yours
just happens to be in other people's bank accounts
right now?
What would it be like for that money to just
move on over to your bank account?
And what would it be like if you didn't have
any distractions stopping you from that happening?
So how does it get any better than this?
My name is Jennifer Cramer Lewis,
if you're just joining us, I'm an Access Consciousness
Certified Facilitator and I love to invite you
to the joy and the ease of actually having money
in your life.
What would that be like?
So I have an invitation for you,
I have a class coming up on the 16th of February
called Big Distractions or Big Money.
It's a Right Riches Certified class,
and we're gonna take a deep dive into what distractions
are stopping money from coming into your life
and facilitate some new ways that you as an individual
can start receiving money with elegance,
not with flailing, into your life.
What would that be like if it was just ease,
it was elegance?
What if money was a no-brainer, like sure,
I'll have some more money, and you didn't have to make it
a calculation, and you didn't have to get scared
about too much money coming into your life.
What would that be like?
So I wonder if you'll join us,
I'm gonna put the link in the comments.
The URL that you can pop over to to have a look is Bitly,
bit.ly/Big capital B, little IG, capital D Distractions.
And so I hope you'll be joining us for Big Distractions
or Big Money.
My name is Jennifer Cramer Lewis,
and thank you so much, hi Chelsea!
How much money did you make today Chelsea,
what would it be like for you to double it,
what would it be like for you to triple it?
What would it be like for you to quadruple it?
Bye bye guys, thank you so much for joining me.
Have an amazing, profitable, audacious evening
or morning wherever you are, bye guys.
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