Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018


Is this it?

Is this is all you can conjure, Saruman?

Brace the gate!

Hold them! Stand firm!



The Ents cannot hold back this storm.

We must weather such things as we have always done.

How can that be your decision?!

This is not our war.

But you're part of this world!

Aren't you?!

You must help. Please.

You must do something.

You are young and brave, Master Merry.

But your part in this tale is over.

Go back to your home.

Maybe Treebeard's right.

We don't belong here, Merry.

It's too big for us.

What can we do in the end?

We've got the Shire.

Maybe we should go home.

The fires of Isengard will spread...

...and the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn.


And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone.

There won't be a Shire, Pippin.

For more infomation >> Is This is All You Can Conjure,Saruman? | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 12 - Duration: 5:00.


World Of Warships - Atualização 0.7.1 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> World Of Warships - Atualização 0.7.1 - Duration: 5:06.


FESTIVACHE 2018 - 12ème ÉDITION - Duration: 2:26.

In the Monts du Lyonnais, rich and lush land with a thousand flavors.

Stands in front of the Rhone Valley, a village: Saint-Martin-En-Haut.

The village is preparing for these meetings cinematographic around the rural world.

And this year celebrates South America.

By welcoming atypical guests, outside the European way of life.

And who have "Rendez-Vous In Unknown Festival" ...

Voice over of Thierry Roland. Final of the football world cup of 1998.

"I think after seeing that we can die alone ... "

"Finally as late as possible, but we can!"

Every year during the month of March, the Cinema Paradiso of Saint-Martin-En-Haut organizes its rural cinema festival ...

... the Festivache!

For eight days festival-goers from around the world ...

... will discover many movies. Some will compete.

This year it's the whole continent South American who is honored.

But the Festivache is also: meals, animations.

Exchanges with directors, debates.

A market "Arts and Flavors"!

And especially passionate volunteers. What delight young and old.

Festivache is a movie festival near you, without a Hollywood blockbuster.

A human and sincere festival.

A passionate festival for enthusiasts.

Festivate 2018, from March 2nd to 11th. At the Cinema Paradiso of Saint-Martin-En-Haut.

Information, reservations, photos and videos on the site:

See you soon !

For more infomation >> FESTIVACHE 2018 - 12ème ÉDITION - Duration: 2:26.


#10 I don't like bad dreams | Crong has got a nightmare! | Pororo Season 6 [With CC] - Duration: 59:26.

- Haha! - [beep]



NARRATOR: <i>On a sunny day, Pororo and Crong were out fishing.</i>

- [line clicking] - Oh!



Ah! I've caught so many, I've lost count.


- [line clicking] - Oh!

Crong, Crong...


NARRATOR: <i>Oh no! Crong has caught a big, scary shark.</i>

Crong, Crong!


- Arrrr! - Crong!


Crong... [relieved]




NARRATOR: <i>Oh! Crong was having a bad dream.</i>

- PORORO: Hey, guys! Hello! - Hello!

Crong, why do you look so tired?

Crong, Crong...

A scary dream?

Yeah. Crong's been having bad nightmares lately.

- What kind of nightmares? - Tell us about them, Crong.

Crong, Crong, Crong...



Hehe! Crong!

- [hissing] - Crong?


Crong! Crong!

[Crong screaming]



- Arrr! - Crong!

What? You were falling from the sky and there was a shark below you?

RODY: You must have been scared, Crong.

Crong, tell them about your other dream.

Crong, Crong...




Poyoyo! Crong, Crong!

- What? The water won't turn off? - Crong!

[Crong and Pororo scream]

- What do we do? - Crong...



That's a really scary nightmare.

I don't like bad dreams.

Crong, Crong...

- POBY: Hey, guys... - Huh?

I bet Tongtong will know how to stop the nightmares.

He's right, Crong. Let's see if Tongtong can help.


You keep having terrible nightmares?

Crong, Crong...

Is there any way to stop them?

Hmm... Wait right here a sec.


TONGTONG: Now where did I put it?

Here! It's magic tea.


Drink this before bed and you'll have happy dreams.

Crong, Crong!

Thank goodness, Crong!

- Goodbye! - Thanks! Goodbye!

I'm sure Crong will dream happy things tonight.



Oh, dear!

I gave him the wrong tea.

NARRATOR: <i>Night has fallen.</i>

<i>Crong is getting ready to sleep.</i>



Crong, try and get some good sleep tonight.

Crong, Crong.





- Crong! - Wake up! Crong!


- You're such a sleepyhead. - K-k-k-k.



Crong! Crong!


Crong, we didn't get bigger, you shrunk.

- Crong, let's play. - Crong!

Follow me. Beep, beep!


- Crong! - Beep, beep!

- Wow! This is fun! - Crong!


Crong, Crong!


- Beep. - [dance music plays]

NARRATOR: <i>Small Crong and his toy friends had a fun time playing together.</i>

- Beep, beep. - Crong! Crong!

- PORORO: Crong? - Huh?




Poyoyo! Crong!

I wonder where he is. Uh!

Hehe! I guess I'll play with my ball.


- Oh no! - Crong!



Crong, Crong!




Uh? What's the matter?

Crong... Crong, Crong!

Huh? I wasn't kicking the soccer ball just now.


NARRATOR: <i>It was only a dream, but Crong was very upset.</i>

- Crong... - Hehe!

- Crong! - Ahhh!

- Crong. - Uh?

EDDY: Pororo! Crong!

- Hehe! - Hi, guys!

Eddy, whatcha got there?

Oh, this is a special...

Oh! Crong? Did you sleep all right?

Cro- [yawns]

I thought as much, so that's why I came.

This invention will help you, Crong.

Ta da!

What is this?

Hehe! If you put this on and sleep, then you won't have nightmares anymore.


Okay, go on and lie down, Crong.

Just press this button...


...and you'll have a nice, relaxing sleep.

Crong, Crong...


I hope this works, Crong.


- [beeping] - [snoring]

PORORO: He'a already sleeping.

I know! You're amazed by my invention.

[whispering] Let's leave so that Crong can sleep.



Sweet dreams, Crong!

- [beeping] - [snoring]


[beeping continues]


NARRATOR: <i>Crong couldn't sleep because of the whirring sounds.</i>

<i>So he took off the helmet.</i>



- It's a nice day, isn't it. - Yes, sunny and clear.

- [stomach rumbles] - Oh!

I'm so hungry.

Huh? Me too! Me too!

Wish we had some food.

[sniffing] Oh! I smell something yummy.


It's coming from there!

Wait for us!



Look at that!

ALL: Wow!

- There's so much food! - It looks delicious!




Oh? Crong, have some of this. It's super duper yummy.


Who goes there?


Who ate all our lunch without asking first?


Crong! Crong!

Eh? Why are you holding that bread then?



Uh... How dare you!




Crong, Crong...

- Hello! - Hello!

Uh! But where's Crong?

Oh! Thanks to my great invention, he's sleeping like a baby now.

- Crong! - Huh?

ALL: Crong!

Crong! Crong!

You're saying we left you and ran away?

We would never, Crong.

You must have had a bad dream again.


- Crong! - Huh?

- Ah, hey guys. - Do you have an idea, Poby?

Why don't we all sleep over at Crong's place tonight?

If we're all together, he might not have a bad dream.

Wow! That's a great idea!

Yeah, okay!

Sound good, Crong?


NARRATOR: <i>That night all the friends came over to help Crong sleep.</i>

Crong, if you drink warm milk, it'll help you fall asleep.

Here, Crong. I'll lend you Toto for the night.

And I'll sing you a song.

- ♪ La la... ♪ - Hey, um, Harry...

Instead of singing, wouldn't reading a story be better?

Hmph! Suit yourself!

ALL: Yeah, he's right. A fairy tale would be nice.

"A long time ago, there lived a prince in a small village."

"The prince was..."


NARRATOR: <i>Will Crong be able to have a good dream tonight?</i>

Crong... [crying]

As punishment for eating all of our food, you must stay there forever.

PORORO: Hey, you!

Let Crong go!

Let him go!

[sinister laugh]

Or else what?

If you don't, then... we'll say sorry.

We hope you enjoy it!


Is that food?


Let's see.


Huh! Ahhh!

- You're free now, Crong! - Crong!

Let's get out of here.

- I'm so glad to see you, Crong. - Crong, Crong!

- MONSTER: Help me! - Oh?

- Arrr! - [panting]



[all snoring]

Crong! Crong, Crong!

PORORO: Crong, why are you up so early?

NARRATOR: <i>Crong finally had a good dream, thanks to his good friends.</i>

For more infomation >> #10 I don't like bad dreams | Crong has got a nightmare! | Pororo Season 6 [With CC] - Duration: 59:26.


A Travel Agency Specializing in DISNEY Vacations | Coral Joy Travel | Planning Services - Duration: 11:24.

hello my name is coral and I am the owner of coral joy travel a travel

agency specializing in all Disney vacations today I'm going to be sharing

with you some planning services that we are offering for our guests

traveling to Walt Disney World this will be for all new clients at coral joy

travel if you are looking for a travel agency that specializes in Disney

vacations because you and your family are thinking of taking a Walt Disney

World vacation or a Disney cruise vacation court Disneyland vacation in

the future you have found the right place let me tell you about some of the

new planning services coral joy travel has all of our vacation planning

services begin with a phone consultation this is complimentary in this

conversation we're going to be talking about your family how many people are

traveling when you want to travel the budget that you have the different types

of resorts that you can stay in the different types of tickets available all

of these things we'll talk about in our first phone conversation and based on

our conversation if we are good match there will be a few services for you to

choose from all of our travel agents at coral joy travel really go above and

beyond we're not the typical travel agency that

you'll talk to once book a reservation and that's it that is not coral joy

travel we pride ourself and our communication and our expertise in the

Disney field for a while Disney World we offer four different service plans the

first is the DIY Mouse ears service this service is really for clients who like

to plan their own vacation who feel confident in planning a trip to Walt

Disney World but who really values the expertise of a travel agent who

specializes in Disney vacations helping them along the way this service is free

after the initial phone conversation your travel agent will quote up to two

quotes for you to look through to consider your package and he or she will

book your vacation package for you how that's not the end of the expertise of

your travel agent they will give you reminder emails letting you know when

you will be able to make your dining reservations when you will be able to

make your Fastpass reservations when final payment due dates are coming up

etc plus they'll give you all the information you need about which rides

have Fastpass plus reservations the height requirements made for those

reservations and they will also price monitor your package without you asking

them to what that means is if there is a promotion that comes out that can be

applied to your reservation your travel agent will do that for you automatically

without being asked to do so after you have paid your trip in full you can

schedule with your travel agent a 30-minute phone conversation to go over

any last-minute questions you may have again this is the DIY Mouse ears

planning service it is complimentary and you will be in charge of making your

Fastpass Plus reservations and your dining reservations this second service

that coral joy travel offers its clients is called the pixie dust plus planning

service the pixie dust plus planning service is $99 for this service this is

again for the individual who likes to do it yourself who feels comfortable and

confident making your Fastpass reservations making your dining

reservations however you need a little extra help and guidance from your travel

agent at coral joy travel no worries we will give you everything included in the

DIY mouse ear service plus these additional services after your vacation

has been booked with your travel agent and if you have purchased the dining

plan or you are ready to make your Fastpass plus reservations

you can schedule one 30-minute phone call with your travel agent discussing

any questions you may have to prepare yourself for making those reservations

yourself in addition your travel agent will provide you with two videos that

are private only for pixie-dust plus

planning partners one will show you how to create your own my Disney experience

account and how to make your dining reservations on the my Disney experience

account the other video will show you how to make your Fastpass Plus

reservations so you will have a lot more guidance from your travel agent and from

myself coral joy the owner of coral joy travel in this service you will be

making your Fastpass Plus reservations and dining reservations on your my

Disney experience account again your coral joy travel travel agent will make

payments for you along the way when it's convenient for you and remind you of all

due dates coming up we really are there for our clients throughout the entire

planning process no matter which planning service you choose after you

are paid in full you will be able to arrange one 30-minute phone call with

your travel agent going over any last-minute questions you may have prior

to your vacation the third planning service at coral joy travel is for those

of you who need a lot of assistance maybe you haven't been to Walt Disney

World in a very long time or have never been and really don't know what to do

how to do it and where to start this planning service would be for you and

this is called the fairy godmother VIP of planning service this VIP fairy

godmother planning and concierge service is two hundred and fifty dollars not

only will you receive everything from all of the planning services that I've

mentioned before but this planning service you will be getting the

top-notch service from your travel agent leave all of those hours of research and

planning to your travel agent from coral joy travel we've got your back we will

be making your dining reservations for you we will be making your Fastpass

reservations for you we will customize an itinerary plan for your family for

your trip it's all customized for you individually we take the time to talk to

you to hear what your needs are to hear what your likes are every single thing

that comes into planning a Walt Disney World vacation we are listening to we

jot down and we customized your itinerary for you

after we booked your hotel package for your family we will set up two 30-minute

phone calls at the appropriate times one right before your dining reservations

are due and one right before your Fastpass reservations are to be made

again we'll take care of creating and making all of those reservations for

your family this is a VIP service we really do it all and more we'll discuss

in those phone conversations the best restaurants to consider maybe you want

to do some character meals maybe you want to have some dining special events

we'll discuss that in the phone conversation in the Fastpass phone

conversation we'll really talk about what your likes are and what your family

really wants to focus on I also mentioned in this VIP service you will

be getting a touring plan from your travel agent really focusing on how you

should plan to attack each of the days at the parks this is for up to six days

at the theme parks if you do have additional days there may be an

additional charge and you can speak to your travel agent about that we will be

sharing with you any additional resources you need Maps Park hours tips

and tricks' packing lists you name it we will be sharing that with you we want

you to make the most of your Walt Disney World vacation and we want to make it as

easy and enjoyable as possible without you really having to take the time to

learn about it we will use our expertise and help you make that happen

and the fourth service that we are offering now in 2018 if you have booked

an off-site property hotel and still need the assistance of a travel agent

specializing in Disney we can now help you our Walt Disney's planning service

is three hundred and fifty dollars for clients and this includes all of the

services from the fairy godmother VIP planning service the difference is since

you would be staying off property we would be making these reservations for

your fast passes at 30 days before your vacay

instead of sixty days before your vacation because you are not staying on

Disney property but it will include all of the services I just mentioned if you

are choosing one of these planning services that does cost money this is

required prior to your travel agent quoting for your family the travel

agents at coral joy travel are here to really help families who know they are

going to be going on at Walt Disney World vacation not for families just

window-shopping and needing to find out a price for those of you who really are

in that beginning window-shopping stage I would invite you just to go to the

Walt Disney World website plug in and just see what some of the pricing would

be but if you know that you are definitely going on a Walt Disney World

vacation and you know you need or want the assistance of a travel agency who

will have your back throughout the entire planning process reach out to one

of us at coral joy travel I'll leave all the information to our travel agency in

the description box below along with all of the details of the planning services

I mentioned all of us here at coral joy travel love Disney we live eat breathe

work think dream Disney every day and I have wonderful travel agents working on

our team I am so proud of them and I look forward to continue growing and

getting to work with more clients and maybe even you so if you are definitely

interested in taking a trip to Walt Disney World and value the time that we

can provide and give you back the time that you won't have to spend planning

and researching and preparing your itinerary for your vacation you know

you'll be in good hands with coral joy travels travel agents then contact us

coral joy travel comm is our website I will leave a link to a forum below that

you can fill out we ask that clients share their phone number again

so we can start with that free consultation on the phone and again

we'll just see if we're going to be a good match to work together we are here

for you and we are here to help you plan and prepare the best Walt Disney World

vacation ever if you know someone wanting to head to

Walt Disney World and you think this video could be helpful for them feel

free to share this information with them I hope to work with you or maybe you'll

even be working with one of my travel agents in the future your Disney

adventure awaits

For more infomation >> A Travel Agency Specializing in DISNEY Vacations | Coral Joy Travel | Planning Services - Duration: 11:24.


How to Use a SpeedyJig to Make Jewelry & Paracord Bracelets-Friday Findings - Duration: 11:20.

Sometimes having a simple but well-made tool can make all the difference in

making our jewelry creation easy and enjoyable. Today I have a review for you

of a tool that was sent to me by the folks at speedy jig, it's intended for making

paracord bracelets which is great if you're looking for gifts for guys, but

I've got ideas for using it lots of different ways.

Hi there, Sandy here, welcome to another Friday findings video at So the folks at speedy jig contacted me and asked if I'd

be interested in checking out one of their jigs for making paracord jewelry

and I'm always looking for an opportunity to make jewelry for guys

because it's one of those things that we don't do very often and it can be tough

to find those kinds of designs. This is actually a bracelet I made with the kit

and let me show you how it works. So you get this, which will not all fit. I asked

for the XL, the longer one, because I had ideas of making wrapped bracelets and

with this length I could actually make one that wraps three times around your

average woman's size wrist. Also being this long you could use this to make

necklaces and I love the way this adjusts so that you can use it to make

any length that suits you and for those designs that need to be held under

tension while you're making them it's just really helpful. So what you get is

the jig and it's quite heavy, it's nice, it's got rubber feet on the four corners,

it's got a wide base so that it's stable and doesn't move about, and like I said

it's some pretty heavy-duty thick sheet metal as you can see, so it's nice and

solid. You get the jig which is adjustable, you also get ten feet each of

three different colors of paracord and four clasps which I thought was a

mistake but then when I read more carefully

I realized that that's by design. You also get a book of instructions which I

found a little confusing to begin with. I had to go online, I found a YouTube video

explaining how to make a cobra knot bracelet which is what this is, I then

found an Instructable

and then it wasn't until I looked at the speedy jig website that I figured out

something that was perplexing to me. So the way this works is the first thing

you need to do is take a measurement of the wrist you want to fit, guys' wrists

tend to be around eight inches where women's average is 7 but of course like

everything they vary so if you can get a measurement that would be best.

Then you set your speedy jig according to the directions. Now remember when I've

talked to you about sizing bracelets that the thicker the bracelet the longer

you need to make it, and this has quite a bit of thickness which, so it makes sense

that they say if you want to make a bracelet for a 7 inch wrist you need to

make it 8 inches long, and then you adjust your jig for the length that you

want and you just loosen this wing nut and then it slides. So it says for an 8

inch bracelet slide the tab to the 8 inch ruler mark. I was a little

confused by this because their picture looks different from mine, theirs has an

extra bump so I wasn't quite sure where to put it, and if that happens to you a

better thing to do is to measure from here to here and once you get your

bracelet on there with the clasps you'll see better where you need to measure. The

next thing they tell you to do is to attach, is to take one of your buckles

and separate it and put one end over one side

and over the other, and actually yeah, do it, they kind of have a bend so if you do

it with the bend facing down because these tabs are angled it will make the

pieces be somewhat parallel to the work area, and then you set this aside and get

ready your cord, and they tell you you will need about 12 inches of cord for

every inch of bracelet. Now this was the part that confused me. What you're going

to do is actually choose a different buckle, this is just an anchor buckle, it

isn't the one that you're going to use in your bracelet, and that made all the

difference because it totally confused me because if you put it in the female

and if you put your loop in the female end... and I'll get back to this in

a minute, if you put it over the female end it did have room for this thick

paracord and for it to fit over the slot, but if you put it over the male end it

won't stay and then I realized what they were telling you to do is actually use a

different one to attach. So that goes on there like that and this is just a

temporary holder. So now that makes a whole lot more sense. The yellow one it's

just there to hold your cord in place, and then you fold your cord in half,

slip it through one of the loops of your clasp and then slip the ends through,

just like you saw me do a minute ago, and pull it snug, that's called a lark's

head knot, then you slip your other two ends through your other part of the

clasp, and if you need to, if it's fraying like crazy you can take your lighter and

burn the end.

That's going to behave a little better now. So you want to put both those ends

through the other side of your clasp, the one you'll be using, not the anchor clasp,

make sure those are both angled the same way. Okay, now we can attach this to the

other clasp and now you can get an accurate measurement. So if I say I want

to make a 7 1/4 inch bracelet, I want to measure from this part of the clasp all

the way up to where it will meet this part of the clasp, which will be right

here at this edge because this is going to buckle into this, so now I can slide

that, so that's right about seven and a quarter and if you look at the jig it

looks like it's about a quarter of an inch off from the measurement here, but

this gives you some place to start. So let's double check that, let's see from

there to where it's going to end here, yeah, seven and a quarter from here. You

can start making your Cobra knot. I'm just going to turn this around... and this is where having the

jig is really nice. I have this leaning up against the back wall of my recording

booth and this is actually really nice Now one of the videos I watched online

he didn't use a jig at all, he did this exact same thing he didn't need an

anchor clasp but I thought it was really nice doing it under tension, so I'm gonna

remember right. I'll take the right one, go over your two

core cords, that's what these are, over, take your other one go over that, under

the core, and up and through, and then pull, and then repeat with the left, over

the core, over that one, under the core and up and through, and that's all there is

to it. So that was left, right, left, right,

and that's it that's all there is to it. There are lots of other designs out

there for you to do, I really enjoyed doing this one with the two colors. I'll

have a link in the description box to the instructables I followed the

directions for making this. I liked doing the two colors because you always use the

same one, so it was always red because it switches sides, and I do tend to mix up

my left and my right. I read somewhere that it's folks who have a strong right-

left brain connection that mix up their right and left and so that's my story

and I'm sticking with it! I'm not sure if I did that right... you can see

once you get going and you can make one of these bracelets in just a few minutes.

If this is something you enjoy doing this kind of knotting, making bracelets,

necklaces, keychains, all sorts of things, you might find the jig helpful. Is it

necessary? No, not a hundred percent necessary. But is it handy? Yes. I saw the

retail price was listed as $40 and discounted to $30 so I'm thinking

$30 is probably around the average price you'll pay, maybe a little pricey.

You could buy the smaller one if you're only going to make smaller items. Could

you do something very similar with a bulldog clip? Yes, but if this is

something you enjoy making it might be handy. And be watching next week when I'm

going to show you how to make one of those very popular wrap style bracelets

using this and I think that's when this will really be handy. I hope that you

found this helpful and interesting and inspiring and don't forget Valentine's

Day is coming up so a nice survival piece of jewelry might be something

great for the guys in your life. If you're interested in the supplies, click

on the little "i" or the tag in the upper right to go to my blog post,

there's also a link in the description box, and at my blog post I always have a

complete supply list with links to products. Be sure to subscribe if you

haven't already and if you'd like bonus tutorials every month take a look at my

Patreon page. Happy creating, bye bye.

For more infomation >> How to Use a SpeedyJig to Make Jewelry & Paracord Bracelets-Friday Findings - Duration: 11:20.


Forty Acres by Dwayne Alexander Smith | Book Review - Duration: 5:43.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be doing

a book review on forty acres by Dwayne Alexander Smith. This is a thriller that

I read in January and there's a lot happening in this book. So I wanted to do

a dedicated video on it. So in this story you are following this character named

Martin Grey who is this black lawyer who at the beginning of the story is working

on this lawsuit. And he is up against this other black lawyer named Damon who

is like one of the most prominent lawyers in the area. He has basically

like an undefeated streak going for him in terms of his cases. And he's basically

like expected to lose. But he ends up winning the case for his client, which

is this huge deal. So after winning the case,

Damon ends up inviting Martin and his wife over to his house for dinner and it

turns out to be a dinner party with a whole group of important, prominent,

successful black people. So Martin and Damon end up sort of becoming friends.

They spend a lot of time together. Damon continually invites them out to

different events or to dinner or just to hang out or to have coffee or whatever.

And so this relationship is building and then Damon invites Martin out on this

whitewater rafting trip that he and these other black men end up going on

every now and then. So Martin agrees to go and it turns out there's a lot more

happening with this group of friends then originally meets the eye. It turns

out that they are part of this secret society and everything just sort of goes

down from there. If you watched my January wrap-up, you

would have seen me talking about this book a little bit and that's where I

stopped the synopsis there and that's where I'm going to stop the synopsis

here. Because if you read the front flap or the Amazon or Goodreads summary or

anything like that you'll see a lot more information about the book but I think

that this book is better knowing less because the twists and the turn seem even

more surprising then. So overall I really enjoyed this book. It's definitely the

definition of a thriller. The chapters are super short and a lot of times they

end on that sort of like cliffhanger-y type ending that makes you want to keep

reading. The storyline is really, really interesting. I went into this knowing

literally nothing about it. But from the very beginning you know that something

is up, you know that something is off or wrong or, you know,

it doesn't quite sit right. And I will say it does take a little bit of

time to really get into the meat of the story. But once it gets going, it like

really gets going. Dwayne Alexander Smith is a screenwriter

and it's definitely apparent in the way this book is written. You can visually

see everything that's happening, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

A bad thing because there are some scenes that are really hard to take, at least for

me personally it was. The fact that you can visually see it all was a little bit

tough to get through. But at the same time it's also apparent in the weaknesses

of this book. The characters aren't all completely developed in a way that is

super satisfactory. And again, the plot moves really, really fast and so there's

a lot of like deeper social issues that are touched upon in this book that

personally I think would have been significantly better if they were

fleshed out a lot more. A lot of what they talked about in this book has to

deal with being a black man in America, what that means, trying to be successful

in the United States. Also what black people are owed so to speak, their

disadvantages in life, the choices that black men now might make in order to be

successful and what it looks like to sort of pay it forward. Part of what makes

this book so good is there's a lot of discussions in here that are really

troublesome and dark. And, you know, you know as a reader that it isn't really

the right way to think but at the same time you can kind of see how people get

to those conclusions. And part of me kind of wishes that there was a deeper

discussion of both how these characters got to that point and also why that's

not okay. Another sort of weakness with this book is the ending a little bit.

The way everything wraps up, it happens really, really fast.

And so I found it to be a little bit less satisfactory than you know I would

really hope. But overall I found this to be a really interesting book.

Someone over at book riot said that this would be a good sort of read alike to if you

liked the movie get out. And once that person said that I couldn't get that out

of my head because it feels so true. While this isn't a horror novel by any

means, it's definitely a thriller in the same vein as get out is and I think that

those types of social issues and those types of stories that make you really

examine the real world are very few and far between. And I think both get out and

Forty Acres do this thing where they sort of take things to an extreme but then you

can also see the seeds of those extreme actions in the world that we live in and

so it doesn't feel quite as extreme as you might think. I gave this book a 4 out

of 5 stars. I thought it was really, really well done. It feels like there are

a couple of missed opportunities in here. There is Martin's lawyer slash partner

in the company that they run that feels like he could have been utilized

slightly better or slightly more, there's stuff with his wife that is touched upon

but again probably could have been fleshed out a lot more. But overall, if

you're looking for page-turning thriller that gives you something to think about

and gives you something to chew on, then I definitely think that forty acres is one

that you should pick up. So yeah, that's everything that I have for this video.

Feel free to leave a comment down below letting me know if you've read this book.

Or if you have any questions or comments about the book, definitely leave that

down in the comment section as well. So yeah, that's all I have for now and

thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Forty Acres by Dwayne Alexander Smith | Book Review - Duration: 5:43.


Haldir's Death - Battle of Helm's Deep | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 13 - Duration: 4:56.


Fall back to the Keep!

Get your men out of there!


What are you doing? What are you stopping for?


Brace the gate!

Hold them!

To the gate. Draw your swords!

Make way!

We cannot hold much longer!

- Hold them! - How long do you need?

As long as you can give me.



Brace the gate!

Come on. We can take them.

It's a long way.

Toss me.

- What? - I cannot jump the distance!

You'll have to toss me!

Don't tell the Elf.

Not a word.

Shore up the door!

- Make way! - Follow me to the barricade.

Watch our backs!

- Throw another one over here! - Higher!

Hold fast the gate!

Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there!

For more infomation >> Haldir's Death - Battle of Helm's Deep | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 13 - Duration: 4:56.



For more infomation >> WWE LEGEND CHRISTIAN - INTERVIEW FROM PARIS MANGA - Duration: 5:22.


Why Natalie Portman Won't Let Her Kids Watch the Star Wars Prequels - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Why Natalie Portman Won't Let Her Kids Watch the Star Wars Prequels - Duration: 3:56.


SAN VALENTINO | Zero Budget - Nikolais w/ - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> SAN VALENTINO | Zero Budget - Nikolais w/ - Duration: 2:57.


Pompeii Exhibit (Tours in Latin) / cum Circulo Latino Phoenicopolitano - Duration: 22:20.

Salvete, sodales! / Hello, friends!

ego sum Lucius, agnomine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.


et dum raedam moderor / and while I am driving

sicut Alexander Veronensis / just like Alexander Veronensis

cujus Sermones Raedarios vobis suadeo ut audiatis / whose "Sermones Raedarii" I encourage you to listen to

incido hunc vlog / I am recording this vlog


est difficile dictu / it's har to say


quid est "vlog"? / what's a "vlog"?

"vlog" est "visibilis logos telaris" / a "vlog" is a video weblog

est vocabulum Latinum / it's a word from Latin

nesciebatis? / didn't you know?


quod est peregrinatio Latine acta / a tour done in Latin

et incido hunc vlog / I'm recording this vlog

quia hodie modo nunc / because today just now

domo mea profectus / having left home

Tusconia Phoenicopolin peto / out of Tucson I am headed for Phoenix

et cur ego hanc urbem peto? / and why am I headed for this city?

quia Circulus Latine Loquentium Phoenicopolitanus / because the Phoenix Circle of Latin Speakers

mihi benigne invitationem ostendit / has generously invited me

ut particeps sim / to participate

in convivio ejorum hodie / in their meetup today

et convivium ejorum / and their event

est non modo colloquendi causa / isn't just for the sake of conversing

sed etiam ibimus / but we're also going

omnes simul, una / all of us together

ad Museum Scientiarum Arizonensium / to the Arizona Science Museum

ubi exhibitio est / where there is an exhibit

rerum antiquarum Pompeiarum / of Pompeii

i.e. exhibitio Pompeiorum antiquorum / that is an exhibit of ancient Pompeii

cui convivio / of which dinner

cui eventui / of which event

magno, maximo cum gaudio hodie interero / I will be so happy to be a part

ecce nonnulli montes / here are some mountains

qui in Arizona sunt / that are in Arizona

est pulcherrima Arizona nostra / our Arizona is very pretty

et nunc / and now

urbs amplissima Arizonae cerni potest / we can make out the biggest city in Arizona

i.e. Phoenicopolis / which is Phoenix

ecce / here it is

haec est Phoenicopolis / this is Phoenix

ecce museum / there is the Museum

videri potest etiam "POMPEII" / you can see "POMPEII"

videri possunt / it can be seen

bene! nunc / all right! now

jam adsumus ad / we are now at the

ecce amici mei novi / these are my new friends

quid est tibi nomen? / what's your name?

salve! / hi!

nomen mihi est Camerarius / my name is Cameron

et hic Phoenice habito / and I live here in Phoenix

bene bene / right on

et quid est tibi nomen? / and what's your name?

salvete, sodales! / hey, guys!

nominor Circulus / I'm Circulus

Davus Circulus

David Ring

bene / cool

hic inscriptum est statuam esse / here it's written that the statue

copiam statuae Graecae / is a copy of a Greek statue

pulcherrima / beautiful

[Camerarius] mirabilis / wonderful

mirabile est videre / it's amazing to see

aliquid antiquum / something ancient

et hae picturae / and these paintings

ut videtis / as you can see

sunt verae / are real

sunt ex Pompeiis / they're from Pompeii

hic est Baccus / this is Baccus


incredible visu est, nonne? / it's incredible to see, isn't it?

sane scimus Romanos / naturally we know the Romans

fuisse humanos / were human

fuisse Italos / they were Italian

sed / but

ut ego hasce facies inspicio / as I look at these faces here

revera / truly

etiam fortasse patrem meum / even maybe my own father

hoc in naso video / I can see in the nose

hi sunt lares / here are the lares [household gods]

et Dave, quid dicebas de laribus? / and David, what were you saying about the lares?

modo dixi / I just said

locutionem esse / there is a figure of speech

mihi praedilectam / that I love

siquis velit dicere / if you want to say

ut foede dicam / incorrectly

"domum movere" / "to move"

ab hoc loco ad illum locum / from one place to another

Latinissime / in the most Latin fashion

dicere possumus / we can say

"lares transferre" / "to transfer lares"

sicut Aeneas, lares transferre / just like Aeneas, to move your lares

revera quae eandem vim praebet a / really which has the same force as

alia locutio quae / another phrase that

idem significat / means the same thing

est "solum vertere" / is "to change your floor"

"solum vertere" significat / "to change your floor" means

"lares transferre" / "to transfer your lares"

est pulchrum / that's cool

"migrare" "lares transferre" "solum vertere" / "to move" "to transfer lares" "to change your floor"

gratias! / thanks!

libenter! / no problem!

hic lares sunt pulcherrimi, nonne? / these lares are gorgeous, aren't they?

incredibile visu / it's incredible to see them

[Samantha, de Medusa hac loquens] non tam terribilis est / she's not so awful

[Davus] non tam terribilis quam / not as awful as

Medusa illa / the Medusa

depicta a Caravaggio / painted by Caravaggio

[Camerarius] sunt varia genera poculorum, nonne? / these are different kinds of cups, aren't they?

quae sunt haec genera poculorum? / what kinds of cups are these?

estne tantum poculum? / is it just a cup?

quid putatis? / what do you think?

est villa Julii sane / it is Julius's villa of course

ecce simulacrum / here is a model

villae Julii fortasse / maybe of Julius's house [as in LLPSI]

in qua peristylum est / in which there is a peristyle

atrium et multa cubicula / an atrium and lots of rooms

[Samantha] optimum erit facere exemplum cum discipulis / it'll be great as an model to show my students

ecce Venus ipsa / here is Venus herself

et Camerari, quis est ille? / and Cameron, who is that?

[Camerarius] est Cupido / it's Cupid

filius Veneris / the son of Venus

una cum matre sua / with his mother

ecce aper / here is a bore

cum duobus canibus / with two dogs

duobis canibus feris / two wild dogs

incredibile / incredible

cervus, serpens, leo / a deer, a snake, a lion

inspiciatis ungulas quas / have a look at the hooves which

eae in imma mensa sunt / they're at the bottom of the table

ecce nonnulla instrumenta culinaria / here are some kitchen utensils

de quibus Beatus Helvetius nuper pelliculam fecit / about which Beatus Hevletius recently made a video

ecce nonnullae amphorae / here are some jars

Horatius dixit / Horace spoke

ni fallor de Sabina diota / I believe about the "Sabina diota"

ut Alexander Veronensis me docuit / as Alexander Veronensis taught me

personae nonnullae / some masks

senator quidam fortasse / some senator maybe

an praefectus / or a prefect

mihi est difficile videre has res / it's difficult for me to see these things

quia / because

nos qui Latine loquimur quasi cotidie / those of us who speak Latin almost every day

loquimur cum Romanis antiquis / we speak with the ancient Romans

cum Cicerone, cum Horatio, Caesare, multis / with Cicero, with Horace, Caesar, with many of them

loquebantur Latine hi homines / these people spoke Latin

ut nos hodie loquimur / as we speak it today

ergo tristissime mihi videtur / thus it seems very sad for me

etiam canis / and a dog

praeservatus est / he has been preserved

miselle canis / poor dog

non respirare potuit / he wasn't able to breathe

tristissime mihi videtur / it's very sa

salvete iterum / hi again

ego nunc sum cum amicis novis / now I'm with my new friends

grex noster auctus est / our group has gotten larger

nunc novem sumus ni fallor / now I think there are nine of us

novem homines / nine people

quid est iterum tibi nomen? / tell us your name again?

nomen mihi est Camerarius / my name is Cameron

mihi nomen est Samantha / my name is Samantha

nomen mihi est Claviger / my name is Kear

et Claviger, dic nobis, quid fuit pars / and Kear, tell us, what wa

optima tibi in exhibitione? / the best part of the exhibit for you?

in exhibitione pars optima mihi / the best part of the exhibit for me

non fuit bona sed fortasse tristis / wasn't a good thing but maybe a sad thing

fuit liber cum matre / there was a child with his mother

sub cinere / under the ash

horribilis et / horrible and

nescio / I don't know

maestum me fecit / it made me sad

non possum describere / I can't describe it

si non / if you haven't

si non visus sis antea / if you haven't seen it before

non possum describere / I can't describe it

et tu vidisti has res etiam in Italia? / and you've seen these things in Italy too?

an tantummodo hic? / or just here?

tantummodo hic / just here

et ego tantummodo hic / me too, only here

ego vidi / I saw

Pompeios ego vidi / I saw Pompeii

sed in oppido Pompeiis / but in the town of Pompeii

non diutius sunt hae res quae in Museo sunt, nonne? / you can't find the things that are in the Museum, right?

et Camerari / and Cameron

quid fuit tibi pars optima Musei? / what was the best part of the Museum for you?

ego quoque / me too

ego sto cum Clavigero / I'm with Kear

pars quae fuit optima / the best part

non fuit videre corpora / wasn't seeing the bodies

non gaudio / I wasn't

affectus sum / glad to see that

immo / on the contrary

tristitia affectus sum / it made me sad

sed bonum est / but it's good

talia videre et / to see such things and

maerere / to grieve

et quoque placuit / I also liked

aspicere res cotidianas / looking at the day to day things

quae arte confectae sunt / which were made artfully

bene dixisti / well said

bene et multi sumus / right and now there is a lot of us

ut videtis / as you can see

et pizzam comedimus / and we are eating pizza

bene / so

covivio peracto / now that dinner is over

ego denuo moderor raedam meam / I'm driving again

domum meam petens / headed home

et ego omnino / and I very much

gavisus sum cum talibus hominibus colloqui / enjoyed getting to talk with such great people

et gratias omnibus eis agere velim / and I extend my thanks to them all

praecipue / especially

ipsi duci / to the leader himself

nomine Davo Circulo / to David Ring

ille est dux hujus gregis / he is the leader of this group

quia / since

eventus fuit optimus / the event was awesome

et ego omnino laetor / and I'm really happy

eum et omnes / to have met

convenisse hodie / him and all of them today

quia Alexander Veronensis quidquid dixit / because Alexander Veronensis said something

ut ille in Hispania / when he was in Spain

apud conventiculum nomine CAELVM ni fallor / at the convention called CAELVM I think

ille locutus est / he spoke

Alexander locutus est / Alexander spoke

de amicitia / about friendship

amicitiam ille invenit in Hispania / he found friendship in Spain

inter Latine loquentes / among Latin speakers

res fortasse / a thing perhaps

non imprimis optata / unexpected

sed fuit illi res pretiosissima / but it was a very valuable thing

et mihi est res maximi [mo]menti / and for me it's very important

quia / because

nos omnes fortasse / not everyone maybe

tu etiam nunc solus es / you also might the only one

in oppido tuo / in your town

neque loqueris saepe cum aliis Latine / and you don't speak often with others in Latin

fortasse vis etiam colloqui cum aliis Latine / maybe you too want to chat with others in Latin

aut fortasse loqueris saepe in interreti / or maybe you talk with talk others often online

et cum instrumentis necnon / and with devices

applicationibus interretialibus Latine / and internet apps in Latin

est res optima / it's a great thing

aut fortasse etiam / or maybe also

talia covivia / dinners like those

conventicula / conventions

habes / you have those

annon / or not

et ego / and I

suadeo vobis / encourage you

nisi jam in oppido vestro sit / if you don't already have one in your town

circulos Latine loquentium condere / to start Latin speaking groups

ego in animo habeo / I plan

etiam Tucsoniae talem gregem condere / also to found one in Tucson

et spero etiam amicos novos hodiernos / and I hope also that my friends from today

invitare potero ad convivia / that I'll be able to invite them to the events

quae ego facturus sum / that I'm going to do

etiam de Pompeiis / also about Pompeii

de rebus illis antiquissimis / about that ancient stuff

est res incredibilis / it's an incredible thing

quia nos qui Latine loqui possumus / because those of us who speak Latin

fortasse vos nondum loquimini Latine / mabye you don't speak Latin yet

fortasse tantummodo legere potestis / mabye you can just read it

et fortasse non sed / and maybe not but

nos qui Latine legere et intellegere possumus / those of us who can read and understand Latin

connexionem habemus / we have a connexion

ad res antiquas / to ancient things

i.e. ut antea dixi / that is like I said before

quasi cotidie / practically every day

nos loquimur cum Cicerone / we speak with Cicero

ille nobis loquitur / he talk to us

nonne? / you know?

scriptis suis / by means of his writings


loquitur nobis / he talks to us

Horatius, Catullus

hi homines / these people

fuerunt homines sicut nos sumus / were people just like us

haec est humanitas, nonne? / this is humanism, isn't it?

haec est / it is

ut Aloisius Miraglia dixit / like Luigi Miraglia said

lingua Latina est instrumentum idoneum / the Latin language is the ideal instrument

ad humanitatem tradendam / for passing on humanism

quia / because

possumus intellegere / we can understand

naturam / nature

nostram / our nature

qui simus / who we are

ergo / thus

fortasse alii qui / maybe those who saw

illa corpora / those bodies

hodie viderunt / today

alii Americani / other Americans

qui Latine non loquuntur / who don't speak Latin

res insolita / a strange thing

fuit fortasse / it was for them

ego canem vidi hodie / I saw a dog today

corpus, i.e. reliquia corporpis canis / the body, the remains of the dog's body

canis qui / a dog that

cotidie / every day

audiebat dominos suos / heard his masters

Latine loquentes / speaking Latin

quia canes / because dogs can understand

nonnulla verba / some words

nonnulla vocabula / some words

Latina, Italica, Anglica / Latin, Italian, English

ubicumque sit / wherever it is

intellegere possunt, nonne? / can't they?

ille canis / that dog

ille caniculus / that puppy

audiebat dominum / heard his master

dicere / say

"veni huc, canis!" / "come here, pooch!"

"abi foras!" / "go outside!"

et alia sic / and other things like that

et sane illi / and they of course

homines ipsi qui / those very people who

mortui sunt / died

imbribus igneis / in burning rain

illi / they

loquebantur sicut nos loquimur Latine / they spoke Latin like we speak it today

tristitia omnes sumus affecti hodie / we were all saddened today

Graeci antiqui / the ancient Greeks

putabant / thought

non solum comoedias / that not just comedies

sed etiam tragoedias / but also tragedies

necesse esse / were necessary

ad animum humanum / for the human soul

hac tristitia / with such a sad feeling

partem nostri / we can understand

melius intellegere possumus / a part of ourselves much better today

et ego credo / and I believe

nos qui eadem lingua / we who can speak the same language

illa Latina / the Latin language

loqui possumus / that we can speak

atque illi / the same language as those people

horum corpora hodie vidimus / whose bodies we saw today

connexum invenimus / we found a connexion

cum illis / with them

annus fuit quasi / that year was about

ante duo millennia / two millenia ago

sed / but

mihi / for me

sentitur / it feels

fortasse ante quindecim annos / like fifteen years ago

sic est / yeah

ergo / so

si vultis / if you want

Latine loqui / to speak Latin

etiam cum aliis / with others too

potestis / you can

has res invenire / find discover these things

amicitiam / friendship

intellegere tristitiam / understand tradegy

annorum praeteritorum / of years long past

humanitatem / humanity

bene / well

hic finem facio / I'll stop here

gratias omnibus / thanks, everyone

et vos omnes bene valere jubeo / and take care

ego sum Lucius / I'm Luke

et subscribatis quaeso huic canali / and please subscribe to this channel

etiam in Prosopobiblio / also in Facebook

pagina est nomine / the page is


et bene / all right

gratias, valete! / thanks, bye!

For more infomation >> Pompeii Exhibit (Tours in Latin) / cum Circulo Latino Phoenicopolitano - Duration: 22:20.


Uber settles legal battle with Waymo - Duration: 0:27.

Uber has settled its legal dispute with Waymo over accusations of stealing trade secrets.

Google spinoff Waymo filed a lawsuit about a year ago alleging Uber had taken key self-driving

car technology.

Uber will reportedly pay around $245 million as part of the settlement.

The company's CEO said Uber doesn't believe it took trade secrets from Waymo but expressed

regret for all the drama.

For more infomation >> Uber settles legal battle with Waymo - Duration: 0:27.


5 things that changed my life » simplify - Duration: 4:41.


Blocking out Sunday in my planners Although this was a decision prompted by personal

choices, I think that some of you can relate to this.

During my undergrad I used whole, entire weekends to study and prepare classes for the following


This made me feel like my weekends were more about work than free time and ended up being

a very stressful time where I was stuck at home trying to accomplish the study goals

I had set up for myself.

When I moved out a few months ago, I started spending more time alone at home and since

I didn't have to commute to college anymore, I had gained back a few several hours a week

to do productive work.

As of 2018, I made a resolution to block Sundays from my calendars and planners and by blocking

I mean not even referring to the existence of that day.

In my weekly spreads, the week goes from Monday to Saturday and then starts on Monday again.

That was my way of fighting the need to fill Sundays with work and college related tasks

and use it as good quality spent with my family, my friends, and also with myself, without

having to plan.


I found my perfect studying time I have always been a morning person but somehow

I ended up fighting it by trying to study at night and trying to wake up late to make

up for the time I wasn't properly sleeping.

Something that really improved my life lately was stop battling my morning productiveness

and getting up even earlier and do more in the morning.

I use that time to hit the gym right after breakfast, do all the clean-up around the

house and do YouTube and college creative work, like writing essays.

On the other hand, embracing productivity in the morning also allowed me to have a more

relaxing routine at night after class.

That's when I now try to do all of my journaling, reading and meal prepping for the following



Learning to meal prep and cook my meals and snacks

Since I just mentioned meal prepping, saving half an hour each day to prepare my meals

and snacks for the following day really improved my life as a student.

From my energy levels to my overall disposition, I really feel that bringing a home cooked

meal with me to college and some healthy snacks instead of resorting to the food they serve

in campus, contributes daily to my overall wellbeing, makes me feel healthier and really

pays off in the long run.


Getting rid of Facebook Although this was something I wanted to do

for a while, I only had the courage to delete my Facebook account in December 2017 and I

can say without a doubt, that it was the smallest, biggest decisions I made in the past year.

As soon as that was gone, I started picking up my phone way less, going online while working

on my laptop was no longer a problem and suddenly I was recovering hours per week spent scrolling,

hours that I started using for things that I loved, things that calmed me or developed

me as a person.

On the other hand, it also eliminated a big chunk of my distractions while in class and

while at home and being productive became far easier.


Accept and incorporate a more minimalist lifestyle For everyone who is involved in the studying

community on several social media, there can be a high amount of pressure involved to master

note taking techniques, buying new pens and notebooks and restart your planners almost


That's a terrible mistake, since a good student does not need tons of supplies to succeed

or dozens of different study methods to suceed . Try to filter what you see on social media

and understand what is important and what you should be investing in.

Don't feel the need to buy a new pack of pens every two weeks, or start pilling up notebooks

just for the sake of it.

Allowing yourself to understand what is enough is fundamental to get you started on your

personal development journey and that applies to college and studying routines as well.

Before I end today's episode I want to thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video and be

such a great partner in spreading the word about self-learning and development.

Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes in design, photo,

organization and language learning.

Premium membership gives you unlimited access to high quality classes from experts working

in their fields, so you can improve your skills, unlock new opportunities and do the work you


An annual subscription is less than 10$ a month.

However, if you are one of the first 500 hundred people clicking the special link in the downbar

you will get your first 2 months of classes for 99 cents and gain direct access to the

entire learning community of Skillshare.

If you'd like to watch a more in-detail video on any of these subjects, feel free to tell

me your ideas and suggestions in the comments below and I will see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> 5 things that changed my life » simplify - Duration: 4:41.


Rodrigo Zin - Juvia (Part. Alemar) / Affluence Films - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Rodrigo Zin - Juvia (Part. Alemar) / Affluence Films - Duration: 3:23.


Liquid LoL | Squad S2 EP3: 200 IQ (TL vs FLY & GGS) - Duration: 11:33.

in the past I guess I was kind of a noob everyone was a noob back then

even if we're talking like one year ago two years ago it might be hard to see

from the spectator perspective but the skill level of teams is always

increasing the level that pro players play at is always increasing

professional players will just like taper off or suddenly become washed-up

people will be like what happened to that guy. It's actually just hard to

really keep up and keep improving at the same rate everyone else's the level is

just increasing every year well this is just my opinion maybe it's controversial

I don't know but you could probably take like the last place team in NA Academy

and you could stick them in the season 1 World Championships and they would have

swept every single team there no contest easily you know if you could just

like time travel in the past like that and retain all your knowledge

really good players who have always shown their skill over the years you know guys like

Faker... whoever they really have a good sense of how to improve what went wrong

and just how to always be on the top of their games even if the game is

constantly evolving and players are getting better all the time like they're

the best at that

From here after we got the first tier one like you guys didn't feel like

We could have snowballed it better but we didn't

In week 3 Ithink...

the coaching staff learned a lesson from the second week which was kind of crappy

I just felt like the practice was a lot more productive there's a lot also a lot

more energy I think when you come off of a bad week you usually try to like

recoup yourself and and give more energy into the next week. This week felt

a lot better not even necessarily in the amount of time that we spent practicing

because it's always gonna be the same it's always it's about the quality of

practice I think it also helped that there was like a soloqueue reset so

everyone's like grinding and making fun of the lowest ranked player so you know I

just really wanted to hit Challenger and so like grinding towards that was fun

Impact was like the first player on the team hit Challenger

pretty impressive

Whose performance surprised me the most this season? Pobelter for sure. not even close

I think Pobelter is kind of maybe to some degree been held back by some of

his teams or maybe the communication systems we have on this team has kind of

unlocked his ability to kind of be really efficient with how he does things

I'm glad that Eugene is like finally living up to like all the hype and he's

most notably been like a really underrated player I think and part of it

is just I think his teammates have been pretty bad recently and impact and me

and Jake and Olleh I think we're all really good and we're able to all play

at like kind of that similar top level

I guess it's really touching I wasn't

really aware that that everyone on the team was so like supportive or proud of

me yeah I mean makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside of course and also makes me

want to live up to their expectations on top of that just having a lot of trust

and communication with everyone on our team I think I've been able to show a

really good form so far

when I played with Eugene last year if the situation is fit

to Eugene's style he's gonna play really well super well like he's like

picturing in his brain like it's like oh maybe we play like this and then we...

I'm gonna play like that like he has that all planned if we are the same on his picture

he gonna play like really good.

let's try to focus like this is just a regular season game

not playoffs just focus ourselves focus on our plays

Liquid on 3... 1...2...3... Liquid!

on 1 this time... we're gonna go 3,2,1... you wanna go up or down?

Up? Yea up. 3...2...1 and just "Fly" not FlyQuest, alright?

3...2...1... FLY!

In Team Liquid's squad video it looked like there was a little bit of tension between you

guys during practice has that been fixed and resolved and how do you deal with

doublelift oh I think when I like when we talk together sometimes doublelift

say something mean

Wait, that doesn't even happen that often, what the fu...

That doesn't happen that often... maybe once a month...

I think after we lose to 100 thieves I think there was really good

motivation to us and I think now everything is fine and we just need to

work hard it's the calm before the storm to me I wish we didn't have such easy

last three games we played clutch fly quest and golden Guardians I think these

teams are really weak and we're expected to win so when people say like hey you

guys are killing it why you guys so good like how come you guys are winning games

so fast it's like well pretty soon we're gonna be playing echo fox CLG and C9

and like these are the top teams with these are the big dogs we probably

should have played earlier and I hope like we can stand the test of time and

and not get complacent again not not feel like we're good enough I hate the

mentality of like a we're good enough we're doing well like just letting your

guard down is probably the biggest reason why you see teams choke in

playoffs I've seen so many teams go into playoffs

with amazing regular split records and they just bomb it when it matters the

most I feel really good but I also feel

really weary I don't want the team to feel uncomfortable but I want the team

to feel still the same like pressure

Maybe it's a bit early to say but one of the goals I had coming into this year was I

really wanted to make MVP like either this split or next split. it's something

that I really wanted and so like one of the things that really drives me to keep

practicing and working hard is I just really want to be MVP

Last Year, we went to World Championship with POB but...

this year I want to make him best Mid and also I want to make Doublelift best ADcarry

I think Eugene must hate it when people kind of push this narrative that oh can

you really take down these Giants can really like beat Bjergsen and be better

than Jensen you know you always have Bjergsen, you have Jensen but you're right there

on the edge no one comes in LCS and be like man I just want to catch up to like

the top players like they want to be the top player they want to they already

think they're better they're just waiting for their time to shine and like

Eugene's been around for so long like he has shown multiple times that he is

better and there's no way that Eugene is ever gonna get out classed by like

Bjergsen and Jensen ever

For more infomation >> Liquid LoL | Squad S2 EP3: 200 IQ (TL vs FLY & GGS) - Duration: 11:33.


Χωρίς πίεση - Σφυρίδα στα -57m!!!/No pressure added -White grouper -57m!!! - Duration: 8:15.

I have always believed that a spearo.....

Should have the ability and knowledge to fish from 0 to grater depths....

Having strongly supported that opinion publicly through my videos and presence...

I think , that it is time to present something that is an exception to everyday practices ....

So , during a day with very good conditions and a very strong and experienced spearo as a buddy...

I made that exception ...

Manolis: Nice.... Gerasimos: Perfect...

Manolis:During my descend i did the mistake to hold the gun from the muzzle...

As a result, when i released the variable weight , the shaft hit hard on the weight...

This white grouper along with another one were staring at me but after that noise...they got scared and got away..

The place is muddy and flat but fish have dug a hole . It is same length like our boat...

It is such a nice hole , that i believe that all the fish around here , end to this specific spot .

Although it is quiet deep my gun shot perfectly....

For more infomation >> Χωρίς πίεση - Σφυρίδα στα -57m!!!/No pressure added -White grouper -57m!!! - Duration: 8:15.


Black Metal Matters - Duration: 5:37.

Today on Heavy Metal Relics we bring you the man the myth the Iron Messiah the

mastermind of BLACK DEATH Siki they said Bridget take it away who me

Siki what's it like to be back after all these years it feels great love

feels wonderful I didn't expect to get the reception that we've been getting

actually honestly you'll have to excuse my blemi Hendrix voice but I got a scene

tonight so I gotta select go anyways you got it out there didn't you and radio

and no but seriously hon no it feels pretty good I don't think anyone really

remember me not to or BLACK DEATH not to the extent it seems like more than i thought yeah

yeah which is a good thing I'm loving it especially it's the newer younger

generation that's right thank you stop listening that Cookie Monster shit

you're in a heavy metal band sing dammit!

sing why don't ya? sing!

anyways, where were we?

BLACK DEATH arguably the first all-black heavy metal band how did that go about

in the 80s originally BLACK DEATH was not conceived to be an all dark heavy

metal band right I ran into these guys the same day I got kicked out of high

school in 11th grade and they weren't playing heavy metal really no

they were playing Eric Clapton he got sunshine smoke on his knees got

to be a hippy come together whatever the fuck this song

that's The Beatles The Beatles ok I thought it was John Lennon

okay but anyways it was that shit well they weren't playing metal right you

wasn't playing metal great hits Phil so moving right along BLACK DEATH was the

first all dark heavy metal band period in the world Sound Barrier some fellows

out there on the west coast they were the first to come out with an album before we did

oh Sound Barrier yeah ok

and if you look at the guitar player mister Spacek he's suspicious looks

kind of closer to the image I used to worry about today okay but then you could

say he was a disciple of Jimi - I wasn't

the only thing me and Jimi Hendrix has got in common both have to be

Sagittarius to play guitar he's dead, I'm not I can make these jokes so anyways we're the

first in the world period STONE VENGEANCE is another group out on that

West Coast area in HIRAX we all know about HIRAX okay and we're not even

gonna talk about The BusBoys or Living Colour because that's not metal

oh Jesus I might get in trouble fuck it it's goddamn coon metal so anyways hey

yeah I said it what what what ok so anyways

ain't that why a motherfucker on the album cover big smile on his face

god damn table napkin over his arm white goddamn jacket can I serve you ma'am

okay anyways oh my god so BLACK DEATH is the first all dark heavy metal band in

the world and which was going on

come to find out I did not really realize the impact that this band and

influences has had on the metal scene or metal heads and particularly especially metal

musicians now in the African continent where a heavy metal scene is going up

there and heavy metals more popular than rap in Africa

Wow oh yeah oh dude their heavy metal scene you'll

put some of us to shame with the outfits they got on everybody in the

crowd looks like they play in the band really yeah you know make me look like I

got on cheap stuff anyways but it's not it's metal beside that we're kind of inspired

by BLACK DEATH aside from other heavy metal band inspired you you say put

another shrimp on the barbie mate was it a barbie on the shrimp anyways next question

and we'll see you tonight at

Streetsboro at Chuggers and tomorrow night at the Grog Shop bring

some money cuz we got some nice merch for you to get too

welcome to Hell

For more infomation >> Black Metal Matters - Duration: 5:37.


LEGO Worlds - Build of the Week | Fan Creates EPIC LEGO Birthday Brick Build! - Duration: 1:21.

It's the 60th anniversary of LEGO!

And to celebrate, Master Builder _Hymn has built this EPIC Brick Build...

It's PACKED with loads of LEGO references!

It's so good we've decided to make it available to download in LEGO Worlds!

Simply boot up LEGO Worlds and download the Brick Build from the main menu.

More details are available in the Description :)

Thanks for watching!

Be sure to Like, Subscribe and let us know in the Comments if you've made something amazing too!

For more infomation >> LEGO Worlds - Build of the Week | Fan Creates EPIC LEGO Birthday Brick Build! - Duration: 1:21.


If a Christian Commits Suicide, is He or She Still Saved? | Suicide Heaven or Hell - Duration: 2:40.

Question: "If a Christian commits suicide, is he or she still saved?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

It is a sad fact that some Christians have committed suicide.

Adding to the tragedy is the false teaching that committing suicide automatically consigns

one to hell.

Many believe that a Christian who commits suicide will not be saved.

This teaching is not supported in the Bible.

Scripture teaches that, from the moment we truly believe in Christ, we are guaranteed

eternal life.

According to the Bible, Christians can know beyond any doubt that they possess eternal life.

Nothing can separate a Christian from God's love.

No "created thing" can separate a Christian from God's love, and even a Christian who

commits suicide is a "created thing"; therefore, not even suicide can separate a

Christian from God's love.

Jesus died for all of our sins, and if a true Christian, in a time of spiritual attack and

weakness, commits suicide, his sin is still covered by the blood of Christ.

According to the Bible, suicide is not what determines whether a person gains entrance

into heaven.

If an unsaved person commits suicide, he has done nothing but "expedite" his journey

to hell.

However, that person who committed suicide will ultimately be in hell for rejecting salvation

through Christ, not because he committed suicide.

We should also point out, however, that no one truly knows what was happening in a person's

heart the moment he or she died.

Some people have "deathbed conversions" and accept Christ in the moments before death.

It is possible that a person who commits suicide could have a last-second change of heart and

cry out for God's mercy.

We leave such judgments to God.

The suicide of a believer is evidence that anyone can struggle with despair and that

our enemy, Satan, is "a murderer from the beginning," John 8:44.

Suicide is still a serious sin against God.

According to the Bible, suicide is murder; it is always wrong.

Christians are called to live their lives for God, and the decision of when to die is

God's and God's alone.

May God grant grace and the psalmist's perspective to each one who is facing trials today: "Why,

my soul, are you downcast?

Why so disturbed within me?

Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God," Psalm 43:5.

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And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

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