Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

welcome to wright ideas with Susan today I'm gonna share with you what I do

on the very first lesson of every year and you know what there might be some

ideas here that could be good for your first lesson -

one thing that I've learned over many years of teaching is that if I start into content and

curriculum too soon guess what happens the kids just shut down they tune out

and so my first lesson or two is really has very little curriculum very little

content but it's all about getting to know them it's all about that and we

know that if kids don't feel that you care about them they're really not gonna

listen to you down the track are they? so I've designed a 30 minute lesson that's

just really short and sharp and you might have a lot longer than 30 minutes

and you can Pad it out however you want but I just wanted to take time to get to

know the kids so what I would do that's the very first lesson I'd go into the

room introduce myself I'd like to write my name on the board if there's a board

there and the other thing that I always do in that first lesson in every lesson

is I smile a lot I smile so much I practice smiling really and so basically

I say good morning kids I am so glad to be here with you and then I go but

before we get into our lesson guess what I bet you some of you have had a

birthday over the summer break and sure enough hands go up in the room inside

oh come on up the front so I get them to come up the front and I have a birthday

bag for them to choose from and now if you want to see how I do that just check

out my video clip on the birthday bag so I start the lesson with something where I'm

thinking about them thinking about their birthday and then what I like to do

after that is I like to write something on the board and I like to use box

letters because box letters really gets kids in and I've done a whole playlist

on that if you want to learn how to do it so what I do is I write the name

of our program in box letters on the board and I tell them all I've got some

magic box letters that I'm gonna teach you how to do and I want to either see

what we're gonna be talking about today and so basically I put the initials for

the program and what I'm putting here is one of the programs I help with it's

called KC's kids church you might have different letters or a different name

you might have kids club or whatever and do the whole thing in box letters and

then I say to the kids and I look at I know KC's huh what do you think we're

gonna do this year in KC's? and then they begin raising their hand telling me the

sorts of things that they think that we're gonna get into so I list them all

up on the board as they tell me so you'll come up with the list and you'll

go oh wow that sounds like a lot of fun we're gonna have fun this year aren't we? and

you know what I have come up with a lot of those same ideas but I have put them

inside this bag here is there anyone out there that like to come and look in my

bag and have an idea of what my ideas of what we're gonna do this year is going

to happen so of course everybody wants to come up and look in the bag and so I

get them to one by one pull up the ideas that I've written in my bag so I put

them up and just a little bit of talk about them that sort of thing and I go

oh well we came up with same ideas do we look at this we're talking about but fun

do you guys like to have fun yes okay fun and yes you put songs and then I do

things that we've taught the same talk about Jesus games that sort of thing and

but the thing about this is don't put ideas in your bag if you don't plan on

doing them there are too many people that over-promise and under-deliver

so make sure your ideas are things that you plan on doing now sometimes you'll

get a kid come up with an idea that you've never done before and you'll say

oh I've never done drama before do you think you guys could help me to

learn how to do that this year and the kids will be like yes we'll help you do

drama that sort of thing so you want

to go with a little bit of what their ideas are as well

and then I say Oh next you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do one of

these things I'd like to teach you a verse from the Bible it's an ancient

ancient verse and so what I do is I then teach them Jeremiah 29:11 and this

becomes our verse for the year and I've done a clip on that so make sure you

check it out I'd do it through echoing so I teach them this first through

echoing and then it the rest of the year this is actually how we start our lesson

every single week I just start by doing this little verse by echoing

and then it keeps going and they learn that verse so that becomes the first activity and and I

said you know what there's something else we want to do I want to do another

one of our ideas that we have up here I want to pray for you guys is that okay

if I pray for you and now yes okay could everyone just close your eyes for a

second and I'm just gonna say a little prayer and you just listen while I pray

so I'll say a little prayer like thank you God for this great class I feel so

welcomed and thank you for the other teachers and leaders I ask for your

guidance your blessing your protection on everyone in this class I know you

have good plans for each and every one of us amen

so I just pray a simple prayer we also include the verse a little bit in

that as well and then I said oh there's something else I want to do oh let's see

I want to play a game is that okay because you're like yeah okay I need a

few people for this game and then I play the q5 game now I've done a clip on

that so make sure you check it out we're using these little boards and it's a

getting to know your game game it's another game idea as well but if you

don't want to do that I've also put and idea for a game in this lesson plan and

it's basically a little preference this game and so you have two things and the

kids either have to stand or sit on the topic or idea that they prefer so let's

say everybody who loves vanilla I want you to stand up and if you prefer

chocolate I want you to stay seated and then you look at the class and go

there's a lot of people who like chocolate you know or who prefers

rather go swimming stand up who would rather go running and then you look at

that Oh a lot of swimmers here alot of runners here or another one is if

you'd rather go to school stay seated if you'd rather go the dentist stand up

that sort of things so I've got a whole list of things that you can play so it

gets the kids up and down and you can make comments and you can also learn a

little bit about them just by doing this simple game so if you don't want to do Q5

you can do this little game it's in the lesson plan as well and so then

after that I have an info sheet that I give out and this is really good for me

to get a class roll and kind of get their names but it also gives me an idea

of some of their likes and dislike some things about them and I've done a

clip on these sheets so make sure you check that out and It'll explain how I

use these little information sheet at the beginning of the year so check it

out and after they hand that back in if there is time I'd like to do a song but

if there isn't time then we finish up but one of the songs that I like to use

at the beginning of the year is a song by Colin buchanan 10, 9 8

It's great for all ages all ages enjoy this so that if I have time I'll go ahead and do that or I

might even just go back and might review the verse that would be did at the

beginning of lesson and then at that point if we do that I would just say a

simple little prayer and then I would say a little farewell I had a lovely

time thank you for making me feel so welcome

see you guys next week and that would be in it so there is an

idea of how you can do a simple pretty easy introduction lesson so that you're

sharing with the kids that you are interested in them okay and you're

giving them a little bit of a heads up of what to expect for this year in class

which is really important kids you know they don't really know you

when you first turned up and so it's good for them to get an idea of what

you're gonna be doing during the year and my biggest tip here is make sure you

don't put too much in your very first lesson or you'll be rushed okay that's

why there's a bit of flexibility whether you want to do a song whether you want

to do a verse the other thing that some of you may do as well you might have

give out an activity book or something that goes with your lessons I also

I tend to do it the second week where I give them the book and then they

have a nametag that they make or fill out or I have a nametag for them

and I've got a clip on nametags on how you do that as well so if you have any

sort of materials that you give out you might have time to do that as well in

this lesson or just save it for the next week anyway there's a little explanation

of how I do a simple introduction lesson because kids don't care how much we know

they only care how much we care so if you like this idea can you give it a

thumbs up and maybe share the idea with someone else who's doing his ministry

and if you'd like more simple ideas especially for the beginning of the year

I have got a whole playlist of beginning of the year ideas that can help you get

organized you can give you more ideas for your first lessons and

and if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and subscribe it's free and you'll

just get a notification whenever I put up a new clip oh the other thing

oh my lesson plan and some of my posters all this sort of stuff I'm going to be

putting on my website I've got a website now and I'm still trying to figure out

how to do that downloading thing but I will get it up there put everything in

the description so check out the description for those links and

hopefully I'll get that up for you soon and work it out thanks so much for

watching and we'll catch you the next one...Bye!

For more infomation >> INTRO LESSON: First lesson of year: Sunday School & Kid's Ministry (WRIGHT IDEAS SUSAN) - Duration: 10:44.


Bizcocho amoroso (de chocolate y vainilla) - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Bizcocho amoroso (de chocolate y vainilla) - Duration: 5:15.


Retribution | (РУССКИЕ СУБТИТРЫ) (RUS SUB) | DAGames | Halo Wars 2 Song |【60 FPS】 - Duration: 4:41.

Save this world from covenant fire

Save this world from covenant fire

We're in a war

28 long years

Since the battle of nations

Intoxication had

Curved the land

It's all in your hands

The blood of your army

Has made you stand

To avenge the spirit of fire

In a cryogenic sleep


They awake to land on promised hands

In a darkness too deep

Now your allies call for your stations

Higher and higher the walls bring damnation

Kill the banished


Open your eyes

Watch as you fight

Save this world from covenant fire

Take to the ARK

Play our retribution

Save this world from covenant fire

As a war dissolves into dust

A new colony will rise


Their reveal will tarnish our whole plan











Open your eyes

Watch as you fight

Save this world from covenant fire

Take to the ark

Play our retribution

Save this world from covenant fire

Like a bomb in the sand

We will kill at their demand

Take a look to the ground

Soldiers fallen all around

When the covenant has failed

Only you could prevail

A battlefield to embark

Take a chance in the dark

Like a maggot in the grass

Shock them all and kick their $#@

Break the mould for the heavens

With an AK-47


open your eyes

fight for what's right

Fight 'till the bones in your hands feel tight

Hold your life in the hands of the light

For there's a darkness in sight...


Watch as you fight!

Save this world from covenant fire

Take to the Ark

Play our retribution

Save this world from covenant fire

Save this world from covenant

Fire! (dem high notes though)


For more infomation >> Retribution | (РУССКИЕ СУБТИТРЫ) (RUS SUB) | DAGames | Halo Wars 2 Song |【60 FPS】 - Duration: 4:41.


Летающие Танки Галактической Империи. ЛорЗВ#276 - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Летающие Танки Галактической Империи. ЛорЗВ#276 - Duration: 6:43.


DENMARK or TURKEY - Which Military is Better? - Duration: 7:43.

Turkey and Denmark may seem like two countries that don't have a lot in common and sure they are separated by lands and


But one thing that they do

relate to each other is the defense and protection of its own people and

Culture hey everybody what's going on welcome to ftd facts the channel where we talk about people cultures and places from all around the world

Now my name is Dave Walpole and just to let you guys know

This is actually a part two where we actually looked at Turkey and Denmark and we looked at a population and economy

And if you guys missed that video and you want to check it out well

I'll put it down in the description box below, or you could hit this card that's above me

But really you'll want to wait till the end of this video to check it out because this one is gonna be really cool

Now also if you guys just love learning about cultures and militaries and and seeing the comparisons of different things

Well you want to subscribe to the channel because that's what we do here now. Let's start with Denmark now currently

they have a manpower of two million five hundred thousand people and

Approximately two million twenty thousand people are fit for service

Now with its active military personnel they come in approximately at seventy five thousand one hundred and fifty

And there's approximately

twenty thousand eight hundred

Active personnel and of that about fifty four thousand three hundred and fifty are in reserve units

Now keep in mind guys when it comes to these numbers. These are all speculative

No, military actually gives out true numbers

It would just be insane of them to do so now moving right along to Turkey. They have approximately a manpower of

41 million six hundred and forty thousand people just

Devastating Denmark and of that there is approximately 35 million ten

thousand people fit for service and throughout all of its in military its total personnel sits at

743 thousand four hundred people

with approximately three hundred and eighty two thousand eight hundred and fifty active personnel and

Three hundred and sixty five hundred people in reserve units now one thing that these two nations

Do have in common is that they actually both have?

conscription for Denmark they do have conscription for young adults being 18 years or older

And you will serve either four or twelve months now women can also join

but they are not obligated to do so and just keep in mind their conscription actually been around since their Viking days as

for Turkey their conscription begins at 20 and your service begins at

21 and at any time you can be called to the military till about the age of 41

And this is compulsory for all males within the country

And you will serve either six months or 12 months if you are an on university graduate and also the minimum age for

Volunteering is 18 years old and is open to males and females now we do have their numbers

Let's take a look at their actual hardware because that's important as well now looking at the Air Force

Denmark has an aircraft strength of 83 with approximately

33 fighter jets and of that the f-16 acts as the remain fighter jet with them having approximately

35 attack crafts of that there is 36 transports and approximately 34

helicopters and strength now as for Turkey their aircraft strength is much more coming in at

1018 and they have approximately

207 fighter jets with the f-16 falcon also being their main fighter jet of that. There's 207 attack craft

439 transport craft and their helicopter strength comes in at

455 with approximately 70 attack helicopters now moving down to the ground because we got the air covered for Denmark they have

Approximately 57 tanks and of that the leopard a2 is their main battle tank now. They have approximately

673 armored fighting vehicles 12 artillery and no rocket projectors, but for Turkey they have approximately 2,000

455 combat tanks now they do indeed use the leopard a1 and a2

However keep in mind of this 2,000. They have at least

900 Patton m60 tanks that make up their main battle force on top of that they also have

7550 armored fighting vehicles that is insane, I don't think I've seen it that high in a while and they also have

1710 artillery and 811 rocket projectors whoo, not gonna lie guys. That is a lot of ornaments

That is just crazy, but let's take a look at the sea and the Navy so for Denmark

They have approximately 90 Navy assets of course. They have zero aircraft carriers, however

They do have nine frigates zero destroyers and submarines

Approximately eight patrol craft now. I'm not sure what other sort of crafts

They have they could have other things that would just haven't been reported so who knows as for Turkey

they have a hundred and ninety-four Navy assets zero aircraft carriers 16 frigates nine Corvettes twelve submarines and

Approximately 34 patrol craft, and I'm not gonna lie guys. Turkey is one huge country, but let's keep in mind

Let's take a look at the budget next because that's also important as well

Now as we can see?

Denmark is a much smaller country when it does come to its military and when it comes to their budget they spent approximately

4.4. Billion u.s.. Dollars on their military hardware training and installations now as for Turkey. It's a little bit different

It's kind of actually hard to get an exact number

Even a speculative number because I've been reading all over the place and the budget seems to be in every which direction

It's high it's low

It's hard to tell but from what I read and gathered the budget probably sits anywhere between 14 to 18 billion dollars

ranking at the 15th highest military in

2016 now I've also heard it's about 8 billion u.s.

Dollars which makes it about 30 Turkish Liras, but I'm not entirely sure about that one

I just want to throw that out there

Just in case and although these numbers may not be absolutely exact one thing that is very

important to know about Denmark and Turkey is how they handle the United Nations and

peacekeeping missions for example Denmark during the Cold War did take part in UN peacekeeping missions, but left after Bosnia however

they are a huge supporter of the United Nations Protection Force the UN P R o

Fo r but as well they support many NATO missions

And they also support us decisions now as for Turkey its first time joining

UN peacekeeping missions was during the Korean War and as of May of

2017 it contributes to eight

Peacekeeping missions around the world so there you have it guys that is just a brief look at these two great nations when it comes

to their militaries

and how they operate and it's fantastic to know that these two nations do take their military very seriously and

Train their soldiers to protect not only themselves, but their loved ones and their culture, but my name is Dave welcome guys

and I really hope you had an awesome time learning about Denmark and

Learning about Turkey like I said the best thing that's great about these videos is some people say oh you spreading hate

but not really we're just here to get to different countries to learn about each other and

Cross-promote each other because that's really the best thing to do now

Before you guys get out of here leave a comment for a future FTD facts video hit the subscribe button if you haven't done so

Already and on top of that if you guys really want to follow more of my own stuff

and if you like videogames and movies

Well join me over on picky nerds where I talk about how movies and video games could be improved

It's a really fun thing that I'm doing over there, but doesn't that guys we'll see you guys in the next video

And I hope you guys had yourself a fantastic one alright. See you later. Bye

Wow so that is the end of this military video

Thank you guys so much for watching now. If you like learning about these two countries and say you missed the first one well

I'm gonna put that in the description box below, but if you want to learn more about these two great nations well

We got two different videos for you guys to check out here

This one's on Denmark as a whole and this one is on Turkey feel free to check them out and until next time guys you

Have yourself a fantastic one and we'll see you later

For more infomation >> DENMARK or TURKEY - Which Military is Better? - Duration: 7:43.


Ground Smash - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 1:17.

First, place your device on a tripod.

Open KineMaster. Create a New Project. Tap Media to import a video.

Move the playhead to the point where we're about to hit the ground.

Tap Layer and import the ground crack video asset. (See Description)

Tap Chroma Key and adjust the sliders to make the background transparent. Adjust the video asset's size and position.

Exit the menu. Tap Color Filter and select one in Black and White.

That's it!

It's possible to add some extra effects in After Effects, as well

For more infomation >> Ground Smash - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 1:17.


The Visa Interview | VIVA - Duration: 10:11.

Beware of the Visa Interview, brother!!

Feather lite bro. Have seen many interviews!

But here, they will approve only if they believe that you come back to India.

Oh, In that case, I Love My India!!

Can you please give me your passport?

Sure sir.


Oh Raghav!!


How do you do?

What do you do?

Alright!! So, Why do you want to go to the United States?

Because, I love my India!!!

I am sorry?

I mean I love my friend who is in USA.

Why do you want to visit your friend?

I have my friend's graduation ceremony sir.


And it is a very important event, as we were kids from childhood.

You mean friends from childhood?

Yeah, I love my India!

Oh, Okay Okay...

So which university is your friend graduating from?

ileana university sir

ileana University?! Never heard in my ten years of service!!

How come sir? It is very famous.

Aren't you from USA?


First tell me where is the University?

In her city called ileana sir. It is also called UIUC.

UIUC means University of Illinois, not Ileana.

Yeah, that is what I repeated!!


So, by which airlines are you flying?

Air India sir. I love my India.

*When Mr.Bush was Mr.President*

So why do you want to go to the United States?

My friend is room shifting sir.


He asked me for help.

That is why I want to go to the US.

You are going to the United states to help your friend shift his room!!


That is very concerning.

Your Visa has been approved. Have a great stay in the United States.

By the by which airlines are you flying by?

Air India. I love my India.

One minute.

Do you recognise him? Do you recall seeing him?

Aaa, l think I grew up with him.

But no sir, I have not seen him.

What the Kattappa!! Your brother said room shifting and he shifted country.

Said he will be back in nine days and its been nine years.

He already made me a Sapota

And you are trying to make me sapota again?

Please sir. Approve my visa sir!

Even my brother said to go to your counter

How do you know that, I am that one?

Even a child can catch you, sir!

Child can catch me?

Your Visa has been rejected. You may go!

Sir, please sir. I love my India sir...

Then stay in India. Stay!!

I love my India sir...


Twelfth BiPC

Yes sir...

First year Computer science

Second year mechanical engineering

Third year Civil

Fourth year bio technology?!!

And now you have applied to do Law in US

I don't belong to any group sir, only groups belong to me!

Sounds astounding, but I'd be glad if I really understand it!

Thank you sir!

Anyways, Which university have you applied for?

Sir.. the name is.. aa...ddd... ccc...

He does not even know where he is going!

It would be in the file, just look for it sir...

Okay custard fruit, tell me which city are you going to?

Dallaspur sir.



How about money there?

Sir, I will do part time in full time sir

Also, my friends earning very good money in iPhone business sir

Oh. They work at the apple store?

No sir. They will buy new iPhones...

After few days, they will call customer care and say

'I lost my phone, I lost my phone. Please believe me, please believe me'.


After getting the new phone, they will sell the old phones to our friends in India.

Oh. Isn't it illegal?

What is legal? What is illegal?

Who are we to decide sir?


Sir, why did you rejected my Visa?

Who am I to reject? Who am I to approve? now fly off from here.

Are you coming from any function?

Yes sir, My marriage.

Marriage?! What about your husband?

He is in USA sir

I am so sorry. He ran away?!

Why will he run away sir?! We gave him two crores dowry.


Why did you give such a huge amount?

He is a NRI sir. Initial investment is high.


Indians come for fifty lakhs only sir.

When it is NRIs, they cost at least 1.5 to 2 crores sir. Mine is a very reasonable deal, I must say.

Are you marrying or doing business transactions?

What is new in this sir? Our front neighbors, side neighbors, back neighbors all got a NRI deal.

We proved we are no lesser to them sir.

Btw what do you want to do after going to the US?

It is no Sudoku sir.I will have a baby in nine months.

My parents come to see the baby and settle there. Few days after my relatives will come. Settle there.

Even them?

And gradually we will transplant my family tree in the US sir.

Not surprised!

Sir, please courier Visa directly to my home

Sure, before that we will courier your husband

I don't understand?

Cool down dear. It does not look good if the entire jungle moves for the 'Ek tha tiger'.

So we will pull him back here... and make him stay here itself

Sir, How can I face my front, side and back neighbours?!

Do not worry dear. Give us their details too. We will hunt their 'Ek tha tigers' and send them back too.

Then it is a fair deal sir.

Satisfied? Now please leave.

Why are you going to the USA?

To do Masters sir.

Which University?


Will you come back to India after the course?

I love my India sir

Depends Sir

Will you organise rallies for celebrity visits to the US?


Will you be only with Indians there?

I will be with everyone.

What do you do on long weekends?

Will binge watch Balika Vadhu at home sir.

Will explore the USA.

What do you do when you need to Pee?

Will pee by the road sir.

What if you don't get a job?

Will get fake experience from the consultancy sir.

If you get the job?

Will marry the girl with highest dowry and upload our marriage pics on FB sir.

Will you organise caste meets?

To hell with the castes sir.

What do you do when you are face-to-face with Mr.Trump?

Who is he sir?

Will you wear dhotis and roam around?

No sir.

Will you greet people on the streets?

I do not do such time waste things sir

Will you litter on the roads?

Any doubt?

Did you slap me by any chance sir?



Thank you sir.

It is okay.


You go and binge watch CID too... Leave.

Hello sir.

Myself Chaithanya Parayana Rao. You can call me Chipa.

Oh, Okay.

So Mr. Chipa, Why do you want to go the US?

Sir, to establish educational institutions and enhance American education system.

Oh!! Interesting.

So, Do you have any prior experience in the education industry?

We have twenty plus years of experience sir. Thousands of buildings. Lakhs of students.

Crores of money.

And hundreds of suicides.


Aa.. I mean ranks sir.

Oh, Interesting stats.

What is the name of your educational institution?

Free Chaithanya Parayana educational institutions sir.

American educations system is already good. Why do you want to go there again?

NRI parents in the US are terribly worried about their children's education sir.

They feel bad as there are no homework and study hours in the US.

So we decided to go there, Establish an institution per street, Crush hundreds of

children per classroom, scrub, rinse and dry wash them until 10 PM in study hours until they get ranks...

[Ringtone]: *ONE..ONE..ONE.. TWO TWO..all ranks are ours... ranks mean Chipa.. Chipa means ranks...


Yeah, almost done. This man is in our track after going through our track record!!

What?! Oh another suicide uh? Cover it up with money guys.

How many times should I tell you not to call me for small things

Sir, looks like there is a technical error.

Cant you see a physical rejected stamp, You Chimp!!

Sir, where do your children study?

Definitely not in your concentration camps!!

Hello...What? A principal is murdered?!! I am coming right away.

aa.. AH?! One.. two.. three..

So, documents show you murdered three people.

That's right. I am an Ex-MLA too.

Oh, not surprised.

Btw, why do you want to go to the USA?

A NRI cheated and sold me a land that already belongs to me

I will murder that bastard right at the Times square and come back with his head

Approve my visa, SIR!

I can not grant Visas to murder, Sir. You may please leave, Sir!

Give me a Tourist Visa then...

You want a tourist visa to kill a person in the US?!


That is not possible either sir. Please leave sir.

I think this helps

I am surprised!!!

If you like our videos...

Hey enough of the accent man. Please watch and subscribe to our channel VIVAAA!!.

Hey Trump uncle. No uncle I am not talking to Kim Jong un.

Did you take your BP tablets? They are right under your table.

For more infomation >> The Visa Interview | VIVA - Duration: 10:11.


Esclavo De Mi Hermana 🙅💔🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:56.

For more infomation >> Esclavo De Mi Hermana 🙅💔🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:56.


Hijastros Del Demonio 🙅😇🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:15.

For more infomation >> Hijastros Del Demonio 🙅😇🙄 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:15.


【韓国】ケランパンのセット作って食べる。 - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】ケランパンのセット作って食べる。 - Duration: 6:01.


Best Dollar Tree Health Care: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 6:35.

hey everybody welcome back to my channel so today's at Dollar Tree Gold is on the

best over-the-counter medications to buy at the Dollar Tree so if you'd like to

see my picks then please keep on watching make sure you subscribe to my

channel hit that notification about AmpliTube ideo every single day of the

week maybe I won't university so let's go get started so I wanted to kind of do

this video it's definitely not my normal Dollar Tree goal like beauty or skincare

but guys we are in the middle of like the major cold um flu season and I want

to help people to be able to save money so yeah let's just gonna get started

with my favorites to buy at Dollar Tree so my first pick is if you do have the

cold or I love the assured adult tussin cough

and chest congestion as this stuff is compared to robitussin it is great it

really does help to suppress that cough and it helps you get through your

workday I absolutely love this stuff this stuff is amazing now so I have a

really good like cold and flu like the little caplets that you can take and

it's compared to like the theraflu my stuff is great you get a twelve caplets

so something like six doses but guys it's a dollar it's definitely worth

buying I also love their pain relievers I'd love to get their ibuprofen there

also there are seven benefit so here you get forty coated caplets of their

acetaminophen it's 500 milligrams next restraint and it's compared to extra

Tylenol you guys also a lot of times I think people think Dollar Tree sells

expired products they actually don't actually have the expiration date right

here this is good until April of 2019 so it's good for over a year I also have

the assured headache p.m. this is prepared to etc p.m. you get twenty

caplets still a really really good deal I'd love to go to the Dollar Tree and

get these smaller bottles and put them in my purse for work I actually had to

grab my purse because I actually keep this in my purse because you know those

times when you're working on crap now I feel like crap let me get through

my workday these will definitely help you without breaking the bank

I also love to get if I'm having like some oral issues or anything like that

they have the best oral antigens leezak gel it's compared to Orajel this stuff

is 20% benzocaine it is awesome guys this orange is expensive it's like eight

or nine dollars a little - you can get this for a dollar it's a really really

good deal also I would definitely check your Dollar Tree for the dentex

temperent max this is a temporary tooth filler so if you had a filling fall out

or a cap you know this will temporarily fix it until you can get to the dentist

it's only a dollar guys I've seen this at my local Kroger's Walmart it's like

six dollars so you can save quite a bit of money okay

I also really recommend their laxatives guys sorry I TMI but you know have been

it was pregnant sometimes we don't eat the best sometimes you know we've had a

lot of you know jobs that we don't move around a lot so if you do have that

issue pop up they have a great array of laxatives this is compared to dulcolax

you get to 25 little tab absolutely great for a dollar guy is

super super cheap also their milk of magnesia if you can stomach it

it's a really good till you get a huge bottle it's 12 fluid ounces and it's a

really really great deal I also like to buy my melatonin there guys you get 30

caplets and it is three milligrams of melatonin so for a dollar I've gone to

other stores and we totally super expensive so if you do need kind of a

more natural sleep aid I would definitely recommend going and checking

this out it is an awesome stuff and guys I've done the whole dedicated video on

the camphor phenol cold sore treatment this stuff is amazing I always have a

couple of tubes lying around because I do bring out a cool source from time to

time and - this stuff is awesome you can go to your regular store and another

product with the camp for fat all in it it's gonna run you about twelve dollars

so you do save quite a bit of money guys they also have a great array of hand

sanitizers they have children's medicine like children's Tylenol they have all

sorts of stuff they have the little caches that you can cut on for like

muscle cramps they have ice bags yeah pretty much everything you could ever

need like medication why you suck at Dollar Tree I have been there guys you

know we're a couple of days between paychecks

and you know you needed some Orajel you need some more ibuprofen and if you

don't have a lot of money to spend so the dollar tree really is a great place

to go know this medication is expired if you even sometimes find the brand

medication like theraflu etc and stuff like that if you are stocking up for the

winter I know a lot of people do that they'll go and get food supplies from

entire year definitely recommend checking out Dollar Tree it's a great

great place to get those lower the counter medications without breaking the

bank that's all entire reason why I started

this channel is to help people save money and you know Dollar Tree is

definitely the way to go a lot of great medications I also sorry I forgot this

but this is the aspirin it is the low dose gets sixty caplets for a dollar so

this will last you two months okay I mean really really great deals on

medications go check it out I don't think you'll be disappointed it will

help you get in between kind of those tough spots and

it'll be easier on your pocketbook so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this

little bit of a different type of video if you liked this dollar tree gold and

go ahead and give it a thumbs up also share this video I'd really appreciate

it I'd love to get the word out on going to your local dollar stores checking out

their medication aisle got a lot of really great stuff

and why would you not want to save money great great deal anyway you guys thank

you so much for watching now make sure you follow me on my other social media

twitter facebook Instagram and snapchat it's all at budget glam babe and guys I

will see you guys tomorrow random video great one guys


For more infomation >> Best Dollar Tree Health Care: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 6:35.


Clone Yourself - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 1:48.

First, place your device on a tripod.

Position yourself in three or more different positions on screen making sure there's no overlap.

Open KineMaster, and then create a new project.

Tap Media on the top of the media wheel.

Move the playhead to the point where the second person appears.

Tap Layer, then Media and import the second video as a layer. (You will need video layer support for this.)

Tap Split Screen.

Choose a split screen mode that matches the person's position on screen.

Adjust the lines to make everything look natural.

Repeat the steps to add the other people.

Here's the completed video!

For more infomation >> Clone Yourself - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 1:48.


First Lego Haul Of February 2018 - Duration: 5:07.

Hey everyone!

JAYSTEPHER with the first haul

for February 2018.

Before I open up the box,

Ii have a few shout outs,

and these are for my Super Chatters.

or I would like to call my tip jars.

The first one is Kingdom Of Ustra.

Second, Brother From Another brick.

Third one is Eugene Tatarskij.

I'm hoping I'm pronouncing that right.

Fourth is Bobbins.

So I will have the links posted in the description below.

Thank you guys for the kind Super Chat donations.

Now let's open this up,

and see what kind of surprises await.

Let's see here.

My Lego room is such a mess right now.

I'm trying to get everything sorted for the starting of the Grocery Store moc.

I haven't forgot about it yet.

Just getting around to it.

Well I guess we're going to have to mine this stuff out of there. Huh?

What's this?

Oh stickers!

Is that a receipt down there?

Oh it's a receipt.

Hold on.

Okay so something had to spoil tonight's unboxing.

Get that out of there.


These airbag things that do absolutely nothing.


Well I can already see some dented goods.

Let me just set this on the floor,

and I'll unpack it.

There's not a lot of floor space in here anymore.

So I did get a Minecraft set.

This is the Melon Farm.

I got it mainly because of the melons

and the villager.

I'm hoping the flag is printed or banner.

Second, I got the 60th Anniversary set,

and this is not even dented.

So I'm just debating if I should just crack this open.

It's taped.

So I can salvage that box.

Oh yeah. Extra squishy!

The last set that I got is the Water Monument

by Lego Minecraft.

I've been eyeballing this one for quite some time,

and I really want to build this and see how exact is it.

It's even extra squishy!

It's all bashed in inside the box.

I don't care about this.

I don't save the boxes for these anyways.

So that's pretty much about it for the haul.

Not a whole lot.

I manly got the haul for that set.

Now Minecraft sets have a lot of good bricks for mocs.

Especially when you want to build Minecraft mocs.

So these will come in handy.

I still got a lot of Minecraft sets left to find.

I'm trying to find this stuff cheap.

There's a lot of bricks and plates.

Stuff really good for mocs.

So I get one common question asked,

and I'm going to answer it right now is

"Where's the big Lego hauls Jay?"

"Where's the big Lego hauls?"


Send me the money, and I'll go buy more Lego

and make larger Lego hauls.

I'm trying to cut back on buying sets

and getting parts.

I need lots of parts to build some cool stuff.

Some of this may end up being used for the Grocery Store

because I don't even know what color I'm going to build the exterior yet.

So I think the sand green will be a good color for the Grocery Store.

I don't know.

I haven't got that far yet.

I still have to find a piece of plywood

to build the store on.

Even though it's going to be modular,

I want to see what it looks like, you know, all assembled.

So that is it for the first haul for February 2018.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> First Lego Haul Of February 2018 - Duration: 5:07.


【阿哲Ah Zhe】PC多人 ►►神魔之塔 以諾塔 - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> 【阿哲Ah Zhe】PC多人 ►►神魔之塔 以諾塔 - Duration: 6:15.


HeartCatch Pretty Cure ! 2010-2011 20 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> HeartCatch Pretty Cure ! 2010-2011 20 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


[ENG] LuHan have a little secret to share with you (Coca-Cola) - Duration: 0:34.

Hello everyone, I am LuHan

Today, I have a little secret to share with you

Guess what is it?

Just pick up your phone during the Spring Festival and

sweep the Fuwa on Coca-Cola bottle

There will be magical things happen

Did you see that?

This is the Spring Festival's present for all of you

In fact, we have more surprises here

The Spring Festival is coming soon

Coca Cola and I wish you an early happy Spring Festival

May all your wishes come true

This 2018, lets us stay together

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan have a little secret to share with you (Coca-Cola) - Duration: 0:34.


🍏 Able English Udemy Course Introduction ~ Our first English course! - Duration: 2:12.

In this course, we're going to study...

Do you smell something burning?





It's hot!

Let's pretend this never happened.

Let's get back to our regular introduction.

Hey there!

Welcome to: Able English ~ Vocabulary & Idioms With Instagram Stories!

Who says we can't have a little fun while improving our English fluency and boosting our vocabulary.

In this course, we're going to boost your English vocabulary and improve your understanding

of English idioms.

We're going to tackle the vocabulary, grab the idioms, and say, "You son of a gun, I'm

going to use you to boost my English fluency."

In each section, we'll use past Instagram stories from Able English to improve your

English vocabulary and boost your confidence with English idioms.

We'll go further and we'll develop the target vocabulary and idioms with EXTRA practice,

EXTRA explanations, pronunciation practice, and review.

And my favorite, quizzes.

Ah, quizzes aren't so bad.

They're just a way to make sure we know what we're doing and making progress.

So, have fun!


Enjoy this course and boost your English fluency.


Is it true?!


This course will continue to grow as more Able English Instagram stories are added.

That's fabulous!

I'm ready.

Are you ready?

Let's do it!

For more infomation >> 🍏 Able English Udemy Course Introduction ~ Our first English course! - Duration: 2:12.


T.E.N 장한의 1분자기소개!T.E.N Han's 1 Minute Intro!::Makestar - Duration: 1:04.

Camera rolling!

Hello, I'm Han

I just became 25 years old 2 months ago

I graduated from Dongguk University Graduate School of Art

My hobby is dancing

Like it Like it Like it

Guys, follow "Like me"

I like to sing, act and dubbing for animation

Oh! Tyrannosaurus! Run!

And, I will show more dubbing, so please look forward :)

Makestar is a place for global communication

so I've also prepared a Korean introduction

Hello, I'm "cool is everything" good-looking Han

If you give us support

You will be as good looking as me

Ok English~ Please remember me ZhangHan

For more infomation >> T.E.N 장한의 1분자기소개!T.E.N Han's 1 Minute Intro!::Makestar - Duration: 1:04.


Couple : Comment communiquer efficacement ? Tâches ménagères - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Couple : Comment communiquer efficacement ? Tâches ménagères - Duration: 4:14.


Revisiting Wooden Rings Pt.1 - Tools and Training your wood. - Duration: 20:17.

Hi! Welcome back to another made by Cell Phone

YouTube video I have like what a bunch of these now and they're growing

thanks to my contributors and thanks to the people who actually want to see this

succeed I'm having a good time doing this and I'm going to continue doing

this until I can't which I can't do anything else right now because of life

but life goes on and I'm doing this because there's nothing else to do but

you can benefit out of it so enjoy it anyway

focus in today's video is wooden wings I used to or I do I follow an individual

on YouTube called happy Adam and through his videos I first found ways to make

wooden rings and I found those videos to be extremely informative and very

well put together in trying to improve my video making myself and make it less

of a mess so I'm learning as I go along so take my humbleness as it is. Now

HappyAtam put some things together he was experimenting with it himself for

the first time so I've made a bunch of rings for no reason because it's

something to do but practice with when I get bored and making those I've

discovered some things some behaviors of wood I have learned and some things

about glue now in his videos he uses a glue called Bob Smith which you know I

carry some of their products to how Bob Smith is a perfectly fine

CA glue when anybody says it doesn't matter what type of glue you use

superglue-wise we mean it doesn't matter what type you use because all super

glues are created equal was very very very very few exceptions one of the

exceptions is one of the things that I'm going to bring up with right now CA glue

types such as thin glues or water (consistency) glues

that's literally like water flows and

it absorbs into these wood pieces very well I wouldn't use it to glue

something that's porous together I use that to do a finish on the glue or in a

wood piece and to absorb through the wood for its own qualities there are

other types of glue cold gel types gel types are thicker this is a semi gel

it's a lot less watery but it's kind of thick a little bit thicker there are a

little bit thinner than a syrup which is good

here is a full gel type and this is can you even see it moves so slow you can't

even see it there goes right there it moves so slow it is a full gel type it

moves very slowly so it has no absorption qualities great for absorbing

or great for glueing pieces of wood I use all three of those for various

things I'm using the thicker ones in increasing thicknesses as time goes on I

bought this as an experiment this is a DAP brand

D-A-P might have seen those

used with fillers I've got some other DAP products which I'm not going to

stand up and get right now you saw me use one of them on this one if you see

in my other videos but DAP makes this wood glue it's all purpose wood glue and

it had a sticker on it but those are peeling off because of whatever reason I

just took them off because I didn't want to hassle with them but you can go anywhere that CA

glue is sold and pick one up you want to pick up one watery type thin glue

they're usually labeled thin and one gel glue they'll be labeled as such doesn't

matter where they are doesn't matter how much they cost

it doesn't matter anything nothing really matters when it comes to CA glue

just get whatever you can get if you cannot get glue and you have to go to

Amazon Bob Smith glues are sold on Amazon and as well as the brand I use

this is

Starbond I like for one reason well two reasons one reason is because they come

in little cases like this and in this case you have extra tips and they're

specifically for modelers (stand up straight) specifically for

modelers and they come with an assortment of micro tips you cut the tip

of that you can feed it down a teeny tiny hole and put superglue in it great

for modeling and that red thing on the bottom is for when this gets stopped up

you put it on top of it and you could push it down it has a needle on it so

for like for when I get it for a dollar more than Bob Smith you get all this

with your star bond I like Star bond for that reason alone and because of CA

glue is a CA glue Bob Smith accelerators work on any CA glue so yes these work

together and these work together however this one is so thick it doesn't work so

well because it creates a crusted outside layer and then dries on the

inside so that takes a while okay so first things first we're going to make

some rings based on these that I have here (tadah~) I wear them fabulously! is it wobbling

yeah it's wobbling I'm sorry it's on a stand so here's what we're making today

these were my arborists special they're wood rings made of three different types

of wood no that's not different sides the same thing these are literally two

types of wood put together and separated by a light piece here you cannot tell

that that's there because I sanded it down so it has a very nice shine you had

to see different types of wouldn't get to see the wood for the woods

you see the wood in the woods blender and that rain goes through and through

here's the same thing but lighter again made out of three different types of

wood here's another one which focuses more on one wood and uses the other two

types to frame at top and bottom now if you notice one of these works on the

edge here because one thing I've noticed when it comes to light woods you get the

spiral effect I see real well on there you can see these lines right there this

spiral effect is because it's made out of wood laminate and all those different

lines separate a little bit and sometimes you have errors and they're no

matter how hard you try and you're gonna get little things even though the super

glue keeps it held together just fine they still show it still a little little

issue there but you don't see it on the face and that's what you want to focus

on okay so I'm gonna make two of these I've

already got some cut so we're gonna go off the assumption that certain things

have already been done one of those things is that I'm assuming

that you have already cut out strips of wood and that you have already found

them to get ready for shaping

these are scrap pieces we'll be using that to do the edges they're really

handy okay so you know you need your ruler you know you need your cutting mat

here the green things in right here another thing that I have here is a

silicon mat this is a high temp silicone mat and I use it because glue doesn't

stick to it so I could superglue directly onto it and if it gets too much

glue on it I could just peel it off glue accelerant for this project don't use

this what this will do is it'll hyper dry or accelerate the gluing process on

your glue and that will cause it to become white foggy and create a lot of

heat we don't want that thick glue to set the shape thin glue to saturate this

is a 1 inch aluminum rod I use this in two ways to have pieces dry on it and to

set the pre shape as I roll them up in two steps

so Arlen grabbed a couple of pieces of wood this is what I have prepped today

would one would - they're pretty close to the same color so they'll complement

each other and they'll have their own unique patterns so they'll make their

own attribution or contribute to the project as a whole and I'll use this

between them one or two layers it's really your choice one layer will be

thin two layers will be what I used on this okay these other two pieces are

called burls dark fur old light burl and the reason why you can tell they're

burls because of these these patterns in here those swirling circular patterns

a grain these is straight maybe wavy as is the other one these look like Jupiter

they really do it kind of neat units like this or pieces like this are

very artistically liberally they let they give you so much character in a

single surface of wood without having to do anything they look absolutely

beautiful and that's what was used to create this and another thing burl

pieces are often gonna come with missing chunks like this you can't get away from

that either they always have voids in them in fact you can see all those woods

harder woods like this one which have the same quality of this one harder

woods tend to fold if you try to roll them too much too fast and that fold

causes a gap and will never be perfectly flat never get it perfectly flat no

matter how hard I try was just too thick welcome to my kitchen sink and a bowl of

hot water well hot from the tap I just filled that up with hot tap water you

tell us is my kitchen sink because I have dishes all right so wetting the

wood serves one purpose and that is to make the wood pliable using hot water is

the best idea because it's the same as a noodle concept wet noodle

no Bend I'm sorry dry knew no Bend wet noodle do bin and you can see the

different types I have here this is that one would that pins really easy on its

own so it does not need much here's the other one that's a lot stiffer and will

need more help now this is where we're going to start creating a difference

between my video and happy adam's video this is all I'm going to do

to it and for you wondering what am I going to do with the barrel the barrel

is gonna be amazing piece because it does not take much to make it bendable

that's all the flex it has now

that has all the flex in the world it takes very little water to make a burl

Bend very low okay so when you have them in the water

the purpose is to remove the air out of it when you heat these up to the point

where you start having discoloration what that is is wood sap leaving the

wood that makes the wood lose color lose brilliance and lose integrity you don't

want to do those things a little bit of water goes a long way that's all you

need now people want to get more water in these to make them more pliable but

I'm going to show you a trick to condition the wood to roll all right

here's my pile of lymph noodles now it's preformed so don't need to

worry about that one um there's mother before I'm one oh yeah here's the other

one okay so these have just been introduced to warm water we have to

condition these to roll some of them like this piece which was the

aforementioned end grain piece because of that swirl pattern it doesn't take

much to make it pliable so it's already gonna wrap around our form very easily

this is why I have this one in the aluminum rod you can do this with a

dowel rod but I would soak the dowel rod in wax to keep water from absorbing into

it easily if you don't do that use wax paper

all right you read this thing ready to dry get on the ring rubberband there we

go okay kinky I didn't have to do that I

could just lift over but yeah it's gonna dry on here this is

that one that has that horribly horribly malleable native piece it's crazy how

easily two spins it's scary almost I don't want to crush

it with the rubber band

join your brother please there you go okay this is the piece where you want to

look at it first it's wet so you'll be able to see the native patterns to it

what do we want our face to be that one with the swirl this one alright that's

that's really an eye that one with the eye are those swirls a or B yeah I'm not

pulling on this too much either because Berle's like the other piece the ingrain

piece have a tendency to be very weak until I introduce the superglue to it I

have to assume it's ready to break

here's that one that we just put in the hot water all it has is a little bit of

water into it bringing life back into it and its color but this is one that does

not want to bend very easily but of all the woods it's very similar to this one

and if I try to bend it around here right now that happens that is

indicative of the larger problem at whole when you try to do it too tightly

around the corner too quickly you get this wood behaves and meeny-meeny-meeny

crazy different ways one of them is that wood can be trained it's about 45

degrees right

like a candy cane ok so right now we're training the wood that's step one that

is forcing the water into places to help it bend that's also getting used to

bending while we train this it will happily go into that shape which is part

of the reason why we end up with this shape altogether because we trained it

to go here we're not trying to break the cells we're trying to give them new form

and you can do this with a live tree to live tree is actually a lot more wet and

you can make them do all kinds of things in fact just as a little bit of trivia

for you the Native Americans used to train trees to give them point markers

instead of signs you would have a tree and you take the twig and you'd bend it

twig would point the direction that you need to go for water or shelter or

something like that or your campsite and they would set those trails up with

those trees so you'd have trees as your identifiers now this is a funny spot in

the wood right here it's kind of wanting to bend right there ok so since you can

train wood to do that there it is and we're getting more and more into that

spiral and this is where we're already at you can't introduce more water to

it's to continue its viability some woods are so hard that you need to do

that we're close here now the trick with this part to hold firmly to roll tightly

and in case you're wondering what I'm doing here as I'm holding the edge down

and there we go

boom there we go

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