Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

What better way to start a review of Halo 3, than to remake one of the most memorable

and powerful advertisements ever made. I hope I was able to recapture some of that magic

and I hope you enjoyed that bit! But how do I even begin discussing one of the most hyped

games of all time. I mean, with all the other reviews I've done, coming up with a good

intro hasn't been as tough as this. I guess it's the intimidation, the sheer magnitude

and size of this game. So let's start there. I think the expectation is huge. Everybody

I talk to – if you mention 'Halo,' you know, everyone's immediate reaction is:

how's Halo 3? Well goddamn, we all thought Halo 2 was the

pinnacle of video game hype. Pre-orders sold out, record setting sales, media and news

coverage. You probably thought people couldn't get any more excited than that? But you would

be wrong… The world was going f*cking insane for Halo

3, it reached levels of hype bordering on obnoxious hysteria. There was all sorts of

craziness going on! People were making songs and shit. "There'll be lots of happy gamers

wait and see. When the 3rd game with Master Chief is released. The White House has been

alerted. All the streets will be deserted, when Bungie finally gives us Halo 3.

Man, they had this guy playing as a Playstation 3 he goes to a store and starts talking shit

about Halo, then a car drops off a guy in a Xbox 360 costume and he beats the shit out

of the Playstation guy! Like, are you serious? Halo 3 had some damn good trailers and promotions.

They were, dare I say, ICONIC! One of them showed this huge new installation beneath

ground, another showed off the bubble shield and my mouth was wet with anticipation after

watching these. I mean just look at this, and try to wrap

your mind around it. This is the wealthiest man on planet earth, at the time, and he's

at a Best Buy selling the 1st copy of Halo 3. I mean, you got – you got f*cking Bill

Gates in on this shit! The Halo 3 hype train was one of the greatest

moments in gaming history. Not just because it broke records, or it was a climactic finale,

but because everyone and their mother was excited for it's release. Even if you were

one of the rare people that didn't give give two f*cks about this game, you knew about

it either way. People coming together. For a video – yeah

for a video game. Are you excited? Uhhh… I am now. Like, I wasn't before but like

seeing this. Looking back at some these videos and the

happiness, the expression on people's faces is just beyond words. But how did all this

hype translate to the campaign? The epic finale in this legendary Halo saga. Without a doubt

the game delivered on the multiplayer front with forge, theater, etc. But in the eyes

of many, the campaign had some mixed reception. And we're going to find out for sure. So

let's make a girl a promise, team up with Arby, and Finish The Fight.

Let's give some context first. Combat Evolved set up the universe and lore in pretty much

the best way possible; telling a simple story but leaving a lot to be explained further

on. Then Halo 2 expanded upon it with a dual perspective and new characters, and fleshing

out the sides of the villains much more. So when the time came for Halo 3, the game had

some pretty big shoes to fill. I mean, expectations were so high, you thought they'd been hanging

out with Snoop Dogg alongside Cheech & Chong! The buildup to this game was unlike anything

the world had ever seen before. Which is good for generating hype and sales, but unavoidably

the campaign, gameplay and or story wasn't going to satisfy everybody. I'm not one

of those people, but I can see where they're coming from. We'll get more into the negatives

as we go along. This time around, Halo 3 packs a lot more

symbolism and motifs into it's story while also illuminating Cortana & Chief's relationship

a bit more. And we see this in the f*cking awesome intro. They let me pick… Did I ever

tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. The music is beautiful, and Cortana's

monologue carries a certain weight with it. Luck and the number 7 were things that had

been built up subtely in the first two games, through easter eggs and all sorts of stuff.

But Halo 3 brings that theme to the forefront. For the first time, we learn Cortana was given

a choice, and out of all the Spartans, Master Chief had something special about him. Because

Chief is such a great vessel for the player, this makes us feel special too. We feel like

we were chosen. While I think this is an incredible intro, one thing has always bothered me. How

did Chief get off the Forerunner ship? What he jumped out?

Why do you always jump? Jump! Might as well jump! Go ahead and jump! Jump!

I mean, it's a pretty jarring transition from the end of Halo 2 to the start of Halo

3. You know, it would've been nice if… we actually saw him jump. JUMP!

But anyways, it looks like Chief is pretty messed up, and the first time playing this,

you're holding your breath. *Sigh… Radio for VTOL, heavy lift gear.

We're not leaving him here. Yeah. You're not. That's my f*cking boy! That's my

f*cking BOI right there! This whole intro is just so magical. The reunion

with Johnson, memories of Cortana being left on High Charity, the promise he made, and

if you haven't noticed, every Halo game up to this point has started with a focus

on Chief's armor, and him falling from space. This is the first of many parallels in Halo

3. But then oh shit! God damn I love this scene,

and how Chief doesn't hesitate at all after falling god knows how far. It's like a light

switch, he just goes straight into badass mode. Puts the gun up to Arby's throat and

he's like, "bro, make a goddamn move and I'm gonna pull the trigger"

Meanwhile Arbiter's just sitting there like, "Do it. F*cking do it, dude! I don't give

a sh*t what you think." The testosterone levels here are at 100% right

now and then homeboy Johnson settles them down, and Arbiter drops the f*cking mic. "Were

it so easy" Bow-wow-wow yippy-yo yippy-yay suck on these

nuts, nigga suck on these nuts. I tell em, bow-wow-wow yippy-yo yippy-ya suck on these

nuts, nigga suck on these nuts. It's funny how one line of dialogue and

a little bit of action is all that's needed to maintain this great dynamic between Arbiter

& Chief. Halo 3 has pretty much the perfect beginning, but even though the game is a step

backwards in some ways from Halo 2 and Combat Evolved, the game absolutely kills it with

the Level Design.

Do you remember the first time you played this game? Well in my experience, I was at

my buddy's house playing co-op, and when we started out in the jungle, I ran into some

plants and my jaw dropped. You can shoot the plants and they react! You – you can walk

into them and they move! I was like "SWEET JESUS! This is the future right here!" In

fact, there was a post on the Halo subreddit of how Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal

Gear games, reacted to Halo 3. I'm not sure if this is legit but his reaction was pretty

much the same as mine. This comes from, Ryan Peyton. "Ever since

I played Halo: CE I've been a massive fan of the franchise. When Halo 3 came out, I

had it overnighted from Seattle to Tokyo, and the next day I brought it to the studio

and made sure that everybody – including Hideo – looked closely at the game. I knew

Halo 3 was a landmark game for the industry. Some folks were really interested in the gunplay,

others were more interested in the graphics, Hideo gets motion sickness, so he wasn't

able to look at the game much. I remember he asked me to shoot a plant near the start

of the jungle level. When it reacted, he nodded in affirmation and walked off. I remember

wanting to show him more of the game…" It might be the smallest of small points but

you gotta admit that's a polished game right there. This level of detail was mind-blowing

and might've paved way for future games to emphasize their environments more.

One thing Halo 3 does really well is tell these 'mini-stories' throughout the gameplay.

The first two Halo's always had cool stuff that happened during gameplay when you had

control, and so does Halo 3. But the game goes that extra mile by making those moments

happen more often. And making them more cinematic. Some of these events, you can change the outcome

of. For instance, when you round this corner you see this marine getting interrogated and

if you watch like some non-helping douche, he dies. But if you shoot your way through,

you can save the marine and you get a bit of dialogue.

"Brute Chieftain. Phantom. Pinned us down. Killed my men…"

There's this really f*cking cool part near the end of Ark, where you see a pack of brutes

all crowded around a hammer Chieftain, and you have the option of fighting him one on

one. "Raaaah! Fight me! I'm right here!"

Like you're battling to see who is best to lead the pack. Or you can blast the shit

out of everyone if you got huge balls. These mini cutscenes and stories introduced a feeling

of realism we hadn't seen before. It's not always just a bunch of enemies walking

around waiting for you to shoot em anymore. The grunts talk in their sleep, there's

that Brute that takes a fat leak, and best of all were the terminals. I don't know

whose genius idea it was who came up with this, but bravo, dude. It was always fun to

read through these even if you didn't quite understand what was going on at the time.

It was great fan service to the lore fanatics who wanted something more – something more

intricate and behind the scenes, and it offered things to hunt for within each mission. Combined

with the skulls, easter eggs and the mini-stories, it turned Halo 3's levels into something

that you could get a lot out of just by taking it slow. It's the type of campaign where

you really can stop and smell the roses. Aside from all of that, Halo 3 returns to

the Combat Evolved style of level design. You know, gigantic freaking areas with tons

of stuff going on. Now, one of the disappointing aspects of Halo 2, for me, was how most sections

were in tight, close corridors, or elongated paths. It never felt as grandiose as the first

game. But Halo 3 makes each level have a sense of scale. I guess with the advancements in

technology they could afford to up the ante on the number of enemies and allies in each

fight. And they nail the corridor sections down really well when they need to. The levels

were more open and epic than we had ever seen or imagined before.

It's f*cking fantastic to fight alongside Elites against the Flood and Brutes. And how

mind-blowing was it to be allied with the Flood, even for just a moment? I mean who

the hell saw that coming?! There's so many unique sections, Halo 3 just offers incredible

variety and you don't have to play each area the same way. I loved the part where

you have 4 mongooses each with a marine carrying a rocket launcher on the back. That shit is

so crazy and fun. Like I said, Halo 2 had so many sections that

just kept pumping in enemies from outside, whereas Halo 3 ditches that concept for the

most part. They got a lot more creative, making use of drop ships and much more unnoticeable

spawning. Every level looks incredible, with diverse

locations, set pieces, and backdrops. The graphics for Halo 3 are timeless, they were

cutting edge back then, but no matter how many years it's been, this game has and

always will look great. The level design is basically perfect as far

as I'm concerned. But before we get into the depth of the story, lets take a look at

the gameplay. Halo 3 alongside Star Wars: Jedi Academy,

were two of the first games that really made me appreciate the weapons and sandbox in video

games. The enemies are all fun and satisfying to shoot at, and the guns are all fun and

satisfying to shoot with. The weapons are all viable even on legendary, and can be used

in most scenarios. Add onto this you've got dual-wielding, 4 types of grenades, alongside

equipment, heavy weapons and it creates a campaign with a lot of depth. Honestly, they

really innovated like no other. You know, some equipment wasn't as useful

as it was in multiplayer but to the creative-minded, they can be utilized in unique ways. Some

flanking routes and areas can be accessed by using the Grav Lift. The Bubble Shield

was like a get out of jail free card. The power drain was great against brutes. Active

camo returned as equipment and if you killed a Brute Chieftain fast enough, you could get

a short term invulnerability. Ever since Halo 3, the series has been looking for a 4th leg

to stand on, and equipment could impact the gameplay greatly, but it wasn't something

that altered the core of Halo's design. Which made it a perfect addition to the sandbox.

Spike and firebomb grenades were really fun to use, even though firebombs were hardly

seen in campaign, I've always thought most Halo games have played it too safe with grenades

and really should've experimented with new types of grenades.

This game has the best weapon variety in the series, hands down. And I don't care how

stupid or unviable it is to go Spiker & SMG, I'm f*cking doing it and pumping them full

of lead! You know why? Cuz I got TWO weapons and you don't, b*tch! Dual-wielding evolved

into something spectacular, so many combos to try! Some good, some not so good. And it

was always fun just being able to experiment with them.

The ability to use heavy weapons like the missle pod was f*cking epic as well. Or ripping

a turret right off it's legs and going to town is so freaking satisfying! Halo 3 simply

improved upon the weapons and sandbox from the last two games in every way possible!

And that's something most game series can't seem to nail: a consistent improvement in

the gameplay with every sequel. The enemies have all undergone massive changes

for the better, and battles have much more troops in them than before. THANK GOD those

FREAKING JACKALS have a headlight around and don't respawn 14 F*CKING times – ehhh…

sorry. Brutes are no longer the bullet sponges and boxing champions they were in Halo 2.

They basically took on the roles of Elites but their shields don't come back when the

armor is destroyed. Grunts can now go crazy, pull out two grenades and try to suicide bomb


And Hunters are pretty much the same. The Flood and Drones have massively increased

numbers and will swarm the living hell out of you, but are much weaker individually.

Now, one thing that always bugged me about Halo 3 was how the Flood are weak to melee

hits. I always thought because Combat forms are basically space zombies, that they had

no care for the condition of their bodies, and thus broken bones or damage caused by

melee attacks weren't enough to slow them down. But here, it's like they're all

made out of paper mache and die in one or two hits. Would've been cool if guns like

the Brute Shot and Spiker were the only weapons that could reliably kill combat forms with

melee. Enemies with predictable and avoidable patterns

was something Halo 2 sorely lacked and Halo 3 is truly a return to Combat Evolved type

of enemy design. Pure flood forms were a nice twist when fighting the flood, as they could

change forms at will to suit the circumstances. Unfortunately, Halo 3 has no real boss fights

like Halo 2 did. Sure the Scarabs were fun to take down and Guilty Spark was kind of

a boss, but I was really disappointed they didn't expand on this concept. Perhaps it's

something that just doesn't jive with Halo's formula.

But out of all the campaigns, Halo 3 is the most fun, in my opinion. Just because of how

varied each of the levels are how many weapons you can use, and the number of ways you can

approach any situation. Only thing that keeps the gameplay from being perfect is that Legendary

difficulty still had some annoying & unfair elements. This is mostly apparent in vehicle

sections because enemies will literally shoot YOU out of the vehicle. And you can withstand

so little damage that often you die in about a second.

But if that stuff doesn't bug you then it's probably perfect. And the skulls allow you

to nail just the right difficulty if the standard ones don't work for you.

The fact that you could play Halo 3's campaign with 3 other people on Xbox Live was simply

incredible! The ability to look back on your footage and actually see things from a different

perspective in the theater was a really great addition and you could actually find some

hidden things you couldn't have seen otherwise. Like, at the start of Floodgate, you can kind

of see what's going on to the right of you. But if you take the theater camera you can

actually move and see marines engaging flood right there.

And all the vidmaster challenges gave gamers a seemingly insurmountable task to achieve.

It's like every aspect of Halo 3 could be played with 4 people or more. How many games

out there actually allow that? I can literally only think of Classic Battlefront 2 .

Overall, the solid gameplay mixed with brilliant level and enemy design, makes it one of THE

best FPS campaigns ever made! But how does the story hold up after all this

time? Is Halo 3 the climactic finale it was advertised to be? Yes… and no. Lemme explain

the no first. Once again, it's not so much wrong with Halo 3's story itself, but moreso

how Bungie had built up our expectations so high. Combat Evolved had the air of mystery

around every level. It switched things up when the game took Cortana away from you in

the 2nd half of the game and left you on your own for a bit. And then Halo 2 gave us more

insight and depth into the universe as a whole. The first time I beat Halo 2 back in the day,

I thought to myself: "how in the Sergeant Johnson are they gonna be able to top THIS

story?" And unfortunately, Halo 2's story was better

in my opinion. It felt like every single moment, every line of dialogue, every cutscene just

sucked me in. From start to finish there wasn't a moment in Halo 2 where I lost interest.

The change in perspectives was always interesting, and to see the story progress through 2 points

of view was brilliant. Halo 3 just had a few moments that didn't feel as interesting

as they could've been. Perhaps there was just a bit too much military dialogue about

what's going on. But I think it's also because we don't

see the Covenant side of things as much and without a sub villain like Tartarus, or the

other two Prophets, the Covenant in general don't feel as imposing or threatening as

they did in the last two games. We don't see as much of the civil war which was one

of the coolest things about Halo 2. And Truth also seemed like a downgrade from his cunning,

manipulative depiction in Halo 2. Not to mention the change in voice actor but I'll get to

that later. And Arbiter felt like he got demoted to a

sidekick, instead of the relatable protagonist he was in Halo 2. "Tartarus… the prophets

have betrayed us." Maybe it's just because Combat Evolved and

Halo 2 both revealed so much to the player that by the time Halo 3 came along there wasn't

much to elucidate about the universe. Of course it would've been hard to work in a way for

the player to see the Gravemind again, but seeing him through these visions kinda turned

him into just a threatening voice. And I must ask, why why WHY was it necessary

to stop the gameplay in it's tracks to listen to dialogue.

(Cortana talks in the background) Yeah okay, gotcha! Still gotta save you, Cortana. (Gravemind

talks in the background) Oh yeah, Gravemind, you're the bad guy! Don't worry I didn't

forget about you! (Cortana talks louder) Yea that's enough

with the voice thing (Gravemind talks louder.) Can – can you stop now? (multiple overlapping

voices) Can you just let me enjoy the game? (GRAAAAAAHHHH) CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP?! God…

f*ck that was annoying. I think it's unanimous that those sections are annoying and those

dialogue sections could've been handled in a much better way.

Again in Halo 2, he felt far more threatening, mysterious and deceptive. In general, the

characters are all slightly weaker version of what they were in Halo 2.

But in the grand scheme of things, those complaints aren't too bad, because Halo 3's story

is beyond epic! There's no other way to put it.

"Brute ships! Staggered line. Shipmaster, they outnumber us 3 to 1! Then it is an even

fight. All cruisers, fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!"

It's got this air of "Let's f*cking GO, dude! Yea let's go f*ck shit up on the

ring! Let's DO IT!" The hype between each mission is perfect because

the game delivers those epic moments of gameplay that it hypes up!

But it also has a lot of quiet, emotional moments that slow things down. Guilty Spark's

betrayel just happened at the worst possible time, but in a good way for the story! Johnson's

death just left me like…. Damn *sniff Damn…. One of the best parts of the story for me,

was really seeing Cortana and Chief's relationship fleshed out. "But why didn't you like

Halo 4 as much then, Act MAYNE??" Because they took it too far too quick! The first

two Halo games were taking small steps as they showed us more and more of their relationship.

And in Halo 3 you, the player, care as much about Cortana as Chief does. Again, because

Bungie wanted you to be immersed as the Chief, you're looking through his eyes instead

of being outside looking AT him. There's just enough emotion and subtlety between the

two characters to really make you care about it, whereas in Halo 4 it feels forced. Maybe

that's why they call it Halo 4.' And most importantly, the relationship of

Chief and Cortana was a part of a bigger story, as opposed to it being half the focus like

it was in Halo 4. "Earth is all we have left. Do you trust

Cortana that much?" "Sir! Yes, Sir!"

"Well this is either the best decision you've made or the worst. Hell of it is, Chief…

I doubt I'll live long enough to find out which."

What I love most is how the Humans and Covenant team up, even though they don't really want

to. "You barely survived a small contamination."

"And you, Shipmaster, just glassed half a continent! Maybe the Flood isn't all I

should be worried about…" There's this huge amount of tension between

both sides and then you got Guilty Spark in the middle who's like, totally clueless.

The way Lord Hood and Shipmaster bicker back and forth paints this scenario as pretty dicey.

This alliance could turn ugly at the drop of a hat. But both sides manage to put aside

years and years of conflict, hatred and history for the greater good.

"The greater good." The scene when Arbiter and Johnson are gearing

up for One Final Effort is goddamn glorious! You see how the UNSC and Covenant are separated.

They're talking amongst themselves, probably making racial jokes about the elites and vice

versa. And then Johnson starts grabbing Covenant weapons, this elite stands up and he's like,

"bro the f*ck are you doing?!" And Johnson doesn't even give a sh*t. The

marines over there are like, "woah dude, Johnson has some serious balls." Then Arbiter

picks up some human weapons, and the marines are like, "man… I'd say something, but

I'd rather not piss this guy off." Then both walk past each other, hand out the

guns, and it's just a perfect scene. It shows two sides coming together. Everyone's

gearing up for this big finale. The stage is set.

Halo 3 is all about stopping Truth from activating the other Halo rings at once with the ARK.

Somehow, Bungie managed to elevate the tension and drama in this situation. One Halo Ring?

Oh sh*t! That'll destroy everything in the galaxy! But 6 or 7?! JESUS MARY!! We don't

even want to think about what'll happen if they all go off! The Flood in general are

much more threatening, even without the Gravemind around because we see them flying ships! When

you see that you're just like, "my gehd! They're learning! Pretty soon they're

gonna have their own schools!" So Halo 3 does a real good job of raising

the stakes, which ties in with the epicness of the narrative.

The story has some real nice buildup, and just like the other games it truly has the

atmosphere of a military sci-fi shooter, something that I now realize is a criminally underrated

aspect of Halo. The marines play a big role in the gameplay,

they're pretty much around you at all times. As well as telling you about the next objective.

Since Cortana isn't with you for most of the game. The marines make you feel like a

badass because they always love getting your help.

"We're with you, Chief!" "Yeah! Get some!"

They sing endless praise for you and since there's so many of them, you stick out like

a sore thumb. At the risk of going on a Hidden Xperia-type

tangent, I just wanna say the art style of this game is fantastic. Everything is stylistic

and beautiful. Forerunner architecture is the best it's ever looked. And the Ark was

such a great place to explore. The Flood are even more grotesque, and you REALLY get to

see how they evolve and take over their hosts and High Charity. I bring up the art style

because it's such a critical piece of why Halo 3 has such incredible atmosphere throughout

it's campaign. Now, I'll talk about the ending at… well

the end of this video because it's the most impactful part of Halo 3's campaign so for

the moment, let's move on to some characters and dialogue.

I talked about Chief and Cortana a bit so I won't reiterate myself here, and I'll

be saving Arbiter for the end. Now, one of the few problems I have with Halo 3 is some

of the dialogue and characters. And again, it's really not Halo 3's fault, it's

just that CE and Halo 2 were damn near perfect in this regard. For one, Truth is a completely

different character. This pissed me off more than anything because he was a conniving,

smart, cunning type of villain. He lets Mercy die and after that tells the Covenant through

the intercom that he and Mercy are on their way towards the Forerunner Ship.

"Noble Mercy is here by my side." I mean, that's pretty f*cked up! I always

thought of Truth as the kind of bad guy who wouldn't display his motives, he'd rather

kill you in your sleep than openly threaten you.

But in Halo 3 he's changed into a totally maniacal, batshit crazy Zealot. It's the

complete opposite of what he was in the last game.

"The council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded through

the city, but ultimately the terms of your execution are up to me."

"-And not even your Demon will live to creep, blackened from it's hole to mar the reflection

of our passage." His dialogue is good but he's not the same.

The voice actor was changed which I imagine Bungie had to do at the time, but it doesn't

make sense as a trilogy. There was no character development that would turn Truth into this

type of bad guy. Miranda also has a new voice actor who isn't

bad by any means. But my point is - and this is true for any series - when you change the

voice actor of an established character it disrupts the immersion and it just feels weird.

Only show I've seen get away with it was Avatar: The Last Airbender with Uncle Iroh.

Ehh there's a few cheesy moments that could've been handled better.

"Ma'am, squad leaders are requesting a rally point. Where should they go?"

"To War." N-no seriously, ma'am. We're running a

goddamn military here. How about you stop trying to look like a badass and actually

talk strategy. Where the f*ck do you want the troops to go?

Now, Halo 2 has the most memorable dialogue out of any fps game I've ever played. MAYBE

Bioshock is just as good in this regard. But I felt like the writing in Halo 2 was a 10/10

and in Halo 3 it's kind of more 7 or 8/10. And again, it's simply because Halo 3 is

a sequel to that game, that I'm comparing it like this.

You know, one thing that's actually really impressive is Sergent Johnson gets captured

like 7 times throughout these games. He's attacked by the Flood, barely makes it out

alive, gets captured, gets captured again. Yet somehow throughout all of this he still

remains a f*cking badass. I think it's remarkable you can write a character who routinely gets

his ass whooped, but not make him any less cool because of that.

"How ya doin?" "RAAAAAH!"

Seeing Guilty Spark and Chief meet up again was really satisfying. Sh*t went down in the

first game and Spark seemed like he didn't know what the f*ck to do. So it's surprising

to see him not that angry at Chief at first. And just like the other games, Halo 3 goes

for a 'less is more' style of dialogue. There's plenty of great, comic relief moments.

And that's always a good sign when a grandiose story like this can give you a few laughs

here and there. Lord Hood and Shipmaster fulfill their roles

nicely as the leaders of both factions. And though they don't talk much, they play off

each other nicely and raise the tension of the story.

There's a lot of good character moments and dialogue in this game, and though it's

not on the same level as Halo 2, it does the job very well.

In so many ways, Halo 3 represents the culmination of Bungie's work. From the countless Marathon

symbols throughout, to the inclusion of Bungie employees as Easter eggs. All the quality

of life additions like being able to equip skulls beforehand, the re-introduction of

the scrapped Flamethrower, addition of the gravity hammer, and of course from their very

own vidocs. "It's the return of Master Chief."

"This is the end of our trilogy." "This is gonna be the end of the story."

"At the end of Halo 3 you won't just finish one fight, you'll finish all of the fights

you started in Halo 1." Bungie really captured the feeling of finality

with this game, they envisioned this as the end of Halo, or at least of Master Chief's

story. You can tell they felt they made several mistakes with Halo 2. The cliffhanger ending,

the content, bugs, the list goes on and on. So it's like they went into this with the

attitude of putting out the absolute best game possible. Every rock they had stumbled

on before, would no longer be a hurdle for Halo 3.

"Halo 3 is all about the things that we wanted in Halo 1 & 2."

The creators made sure to give players a real sense of nostalgia for the old games. There's

so many moments that are reminiscent of Halo 2 & CE. Not to mention, a buttload of parallels.

It's really quite impressive and makes Halo 3 feel like a sendoff.

For instance if you take this side path in the final mission, you see those all too familiar

circular rooms from Assault on the Control room. There's only 1 though and not 40 so

it's not exactly like Combat Evolved. The alarm sound effects in Crow's Nest are

nearly identical to the ones on the Pillar of Autumn.

Just like the first two games Johnson has different dialogue in the opening scene depending

on difficulty. Of course the Warthog Run is similar to the

one in CE but an extra layer of detail was revealed courtesy of A-butler. He shows an

overhead view of The Silent Cartographer and the Warthog Run in Halo 3. Since you're

on the Halo ring that was meant to be a replacement for the one you destroyed, you're actually

driving around the same island! That's pretty crazy.

Arbiter once again kills the guy who's trying to activate the rings.

And of course there are many parallels between the dialogue.

"keep your head down! There's two of us in here now, remember?"

"Just keep your head down. There's two of us in here now, remember?"

"A construct in the core? That is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable!!"

"We're not gonna make it! "We'll make it."

"If we don't make it…" "We'll make it."

"After I'm through with Truth – "Don't make a girl a promise… If you

know you can't keep it." "Don't make a girl a promise… If you

know you can't keep it." "She stayed behind."

These are just some of the examples but they also extended this to the soundtrack. Marty

O' Donnel, praise his name knew just the write chords to strike for maximum nostalgia

and emotion. I think there's a big difference between

milking nostalgia for fan service, and paying homage. Paying respect to the art you created,

that so many people fell in love with. Some might argue these are cheap, recycled moments,

but I disagree. You're still playing through a brand new Halo game that looks and feels

entirely new! Bungie envisioned this as the finale, the end of the Master Chief's story.

And in order to drive that sense home to the player, they mirrored a lot of those moments,

sounds and music from the first two games. It doesn't feel forced, it feels just right.

And it makes Halo 3 all the more epic, because this time, you've got the memories of Halo

2 and Combat Evolved right there with you. And so it is, that an epic story deserves

an epic ending. And Halo 3 does not disappoint. The final mission is my 2nd favorite in the

series next to Two Betrayels. And it's the most magical of them all. Throughout the game

Chief and Arby have been working side by side. The best thing about these two characters

is how little is said between them. But how they feel about each other can be inferred

simply through their actions. They're essentially two sides of the same coin.

"We trade one villain for another." And Arbiter has matured a lot as a character

since Halo 2. He's no longer plagued by doubt and he's much more confident in his

actions and what he's doing. Like, when they both jump onto the ship and the warthogs,

scropions and crates are all crashing about, Chief jumps out, glances to the side and looks

at Arbiter, who nods. And that – that's all you need! Here's

what the characters were thinking in this moment:

"Oh Jesus Christ! Sh*t is going down right now! But hey – hey, homeboy! Where you at?"

"Dawg, I'm right here, bro." "We getting through this together!"

"Fuck yeah we are, dude." "Fuck yeah we are."

And it's like, you – you can infer so many things just from this tiny sequence.

Anyways, at the start of the final mission you fight through several waves of flood to

get to the control room of The Ark and when you're about to finish things for good,

Spark betrays you and goes crazy. What ensues is a satisfying, yet brief fight with the

monitor and you put him down once and for all.

"WaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHH!" Can't help but feel a bit sad for him. Guilty

Spark was such a cheery character with a somewhat tragic end. You wonder if things could've

worked out better. But after that Johnson is dying and the player,

Chief, doesn't want to let him go. Before he dies, this courageous, badass Sergeant

asks us for one last thing. "Ugh! Send me out… with a bang."

For you Johnson, anything. Chief then books it the f*ck outta there as

the whole place is gonna blow soon! After that you mount up in a warthog with Arby on

the gunner in a spectacular warthog race against the clock! The music is what makes this ending

so freaking awesome. And simply put, it can't be described in words…

"Halo, it's finished." "No I think we're just getting started."

"But you did it! Truth and the Covenant, the Flood, it's finished."

"It's finished." And as the trilogy concludes, Master Chief's

story ends the way it started. Waiting for the moment, when the world and Cortana needs

him once more. "I'll miss you."

"Wake me… when you need me."

For more infomation >> Why Is Halo 3's Campaign SO AWESOME?! - Duration: 40:30.


Numbers 1444 & 144 Numerology And The Prophecy Of The Lightbeare - Duration: 3:49.

Numbers 1444 & 144 Numerology And The Prophecy Of The Lightbearers.

If you have been seeing the number 1444 popping up around you too often, it is probably a


Numbers 1444 and 144 are a blend of the vibrations of number 1, and the energies of number 4.

With two/three 4�s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified

and enhanced.

Number 1444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are offering you positive energies,

inner-strength, and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to.

Number 1444 encourages you to stop feeling stress, anxiety and worry over your financial

situation or issues as these negative emotions and energies block the flow of supply and

abundance into your life.

While there are not too many significant implications of it in numerology the most obvious reference

is probably to 13.

There are 13 planes of consciousness within ascension

However, the number 144 has immense biblical significance.

144 is said to be the number of the prophecy of the lightbearers.

These Lightbearers were meant to change the world as we know it.

Angel Number 144 is a message to keep your thoughts positive and optimistic as you undertake

an important new role or venture.

The meaning of 144000 is very literal and significant.

Breaking it down it is 12x12x1000.

What does that stand for?

It stands for twelve individuals/nationalities/tribes multiplied by twelve attitudes, signs or energies.

That can be combined with 1000 years which is the duration of the millennial golden age.

This, of course, is one of the many possible interpretations of the number.

In both the Book of Revelations and The Emerald Tablets, the prophecy of the arrival of 144000

Lightworkers is mentioned.

It is fabled that these lightworkers will save the earth from the �forces of darkness�

which might bring about the end of the world.

Most of the 144000 Lightworkers have arrived and are in the process of �Awakening�

to their divine purpose and mission of Earth.

These Lightworkers are believed to be advanced incarnate starseeds from other planets or

just spiritually strong local earth souls.

We have reached the 11th hour of the Great Change, and the 144000 who have been programmed

to begin this process of saving the planet are slowly getting activated.

The ignorant masses can only stand and watch, and if the 144000 don�t save the planet-

the earth will get destroyed.

It is now the time of action.

The 144000 have to assume the role they have been born into this planet for and stand as

sentries on the Gates of this Planet.

It is time for the 144000 to embrace their destiny and Save Our Planet.

For more infomation >> Numbers 1444 & 144 Numerology And The Prophecy Of The Lightbeare - Duration: 3:49.


How to Make a Paper Bag Star | Sophie's World - Duration: 5:21.

Hi I'm Sophie and welcome to my world well I love making crafts with recycled

materials and I saw this great post on this website called TheSway now I want

to make sure that I get the website correct

it's so it's the Sitz

and they made this adorable paper bag star and I'm gonna teach you how to

make it right now for this project you will need seven or

eight paper bags all the same size hot glue gun scissors yarn and hole punch

first thing we're going to do is we're going to take our bags and depending on

the size you'll need either seven or eight of these and you want to line them

up all going in exactly the same direction so as you can see and making

it so that they all have that little bottom facing up this flat bottom is

facing up and I'm gonna start with seven one two three four five six seven and

we'll see if we have to add the eighth one when they're smaller you sometimes

have to add the eighth one I'm gonna take my glue gun and I'm gonna make a

letter T with the glue so this is along the bottom this is the opening end and

this is the closed end I'm going to put this along the bottom of the closed

end and I'm gonna make a letter T and then I'm just gonna lay my bag my second

bag right on top and then I'm gonna repeat this for each of the bags

this is 7 and what I'm gonna do now is just open this up okay so we just open

it up and as you can see this is going to need one more bag so that was seven

so this one's going to need an eighth one so once again lay it down and I'm gonna

put a T depending on the size of your bags will tell you if you need seven or

eight and the reason that I had a little sticking is because see how this has a

cut in it when I took my glue to the top it and went over that where that cut was

and that's why I had a little bit of sticking but that's very easy to to fix

okay so now I'm gonna just test it and make sure that it opens all the way

there we go so you can see that opens all the way now I'm going to give it a

little flower shape by closing it back up again and kind of make a little mark

here about two-and-a-half three inches down here's the center of my bag here's

my little mark that I made with my finger and I'm just gonna take my

scissors and just cut a little arch just cut that corner off basically with a

very very very shallow arch

there we go so that now when I open it up it looks more like the petals of a

flower or a star and now all I need to do is one more time do that

letter T make sure you're doing it on the right one put your finger inside

here put your finger inside here and open that up and secure you just put

your hands inside here until it dries it doesn't take very long about 30 seconds

and now at the final place where I just glued I'm going to take my hole punch

I'm gonna slide this in give it a little hole punch take my string string it

through and pull it through tie it off with a little knot cut off the extra

and there you have it the lowly paper bag has become a beautiful star decoration I

have to send a big shout out and thank you to TheSway for inspiring this

fabulous piece of decor and remember if you've got great ideas that you want to

share with me so I can check them out and maybe share them back again with you

make sure you leave them in the comments down below for more great ideas check us


For more infomation >> How to Make a Paper Bag Star | Sophie's World - Duration: 5:21.


The Dos and Don'ts of Wedding Menus - HGTV - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> The Dos and Don'ts of Wedding Menus - HGTV - Duration: 3:08.


Święta Super Naukolegów | Super Science Friends Christmas | Polish - Duration: 3:38.

Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the base,

not a creature was stirring

except Tapputi in lace.

Her stocking was hung on the doorknob with care,

in hopes that her suitor would soon get her there.

What's taking so long down there??

Einstein was nestled all snug in his bed,

with visions of Newton losing his head.

Tesla in jammies...

...and Darwin in feathers.

Curie in cotton...

and Freud in his leathers.

The safe word is "mother".

When through space and time there arose such a wrinkle,

Winston ran to the monitor in the midst of a tinkle.

Eh? I never...

Away to the clock face, he flew like a flash,

tore open a portal and dove into the past.

The moon on the breast of Austrian snow,

gave an ominous tone to the houses below.

When what through a window did Churchill there see?

But a miniature Hitler who was smiling with glee.

More rapid than gypsies his teammates they came,

and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

Now Darwin, now Tesla, now Freud and Tapputi.

On Einstein, on Z3,

and you too Marie Curie.

So up to the housetop the Science Friends flew,

looking like reindeer

and St. Nicholas too.

And then little Hitler he heard on the roof,

the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

With eyes full of wonder he quickly spun round,

and down through the chimney St. Nicholas bound.

He was dressed all in red from his hat to his shoes,

A cigar in his mouth, his breath smelling of booze.

A half-drunken smile on his round the head

assured little Hitler he had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word but went straight for his sack,

took out a gun and pulled the hammer right back.

And laying a finger up to his lip,

a gleam in his eye, he emptied the clip.

He sprang to the roof, to his team gave a wink.

"Back to the future" they were gone in a blink.

But I heard him exclaim as they drove out of sight

"Happy Christmas to all!"

"Hitler's dead."

For more infomation >> Święta Super Naukolegów | Super Science Friends Christmas | Polish - Duration: 3:38.


What is Theater? Crash Course Theater #1 - Duration: 14:07.

Hey there!

I'm Mike Rugnetta and THIS is the first episode of Crash Course Theater.


In the episodes to come we'll have it all: tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical,

historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral-expealidocious.

Yup, this series could go on forever.

And let me introduce you to Dionysus, Greek god of the theater.

[[[Maybe Dionysus belches from offstage.]]]

And wine.

They can't all be charming, genius birdmen, I guess.

In this series we'll explore the history of theater and how we can understand and analyze


We'll take a look at significant plays and performances along the way, but in this episode

we're going to define theater and look at some theories about how it got started.

So, Prologue over!

Act 1, Scene 1, BEGIN!

INTRO First!

Let's define "theater, the building": a theater is a place in which a play is performed.

If you trace the word back to its Greek origins and it literally means "the seeing place."

It can be big or small, indoors or outdoors, purpose-built or just borrowed.

Sometimes plays are performed in spaces that aren't really theaters at all—in a park

or a parking lot, on a sidewalk, or in a private home.

Theater also refers to the performance of plays and to the body of literature and other

documentation that has accompanied it.

Some plays, known as closet dramas, aren't even written to be performed.

And that's theater, too.

So are improvised plays that don't have a script and plays that have a script, but

don't use words, like some of Samuel Beckett's shorts.

A familiar definition is that theater requires at least one actor and at least one audience

member and that definitely covers a lot of stuff.

But - what's an actor?

What's an audience member?

While most plays use human actors, there are plays performed by robots and laptops with

voice synthesizers.

There are plays performed by animals and by puppets, though usually there's a human

helping out with those.

I hope.

Sooooo … Is everything theater?

If you want a really expansive definition, the composer John Cage said that "theater

takes place all the time, wherever one is; an art simply facilitates persuading one this

is the case."

So…is this theater?

Well, not for you.

You're watching a video recorded earlier.

But here.

In this room.

I'm performing, right?

And there's an audience if you include Stan and Zulaiha watching me.

Am I doing theater?

Want to hear my "To be or not to be," guys?



They say no every time!

A plague on both your houses.

What is and isn't theater is the kind of question that can make your head spin.

We'll come back to it a couple of times, especially when we talk about political theater

and protest theater and immersive theater, but for now we'll use a more narrow definition:

theater is a deliberate performance created by live actors and intended for a live audience,

typically making use of scripted language.

We may meet some exceptions along the way—lookin' at you, robo-actors—but this'll work for


And, before we get too far, let's confront the perennial controversy: should you spell

theatre re or er?

And the short answer is, both of them are fine!

RE is more common outside of the US but for some folks, this spelling acts as a shibboleth.

You may have heard someone say "a theater is a building; but the theatre is an art!"

or "theater is a destination, but theatre is a journey".

Here at Crash Course, we don't mind either... but have chosen to stick with er for consistency.

There's no origin story for theater that everyone agrees on, but there are some theories

we can explore.

In the West, at least, up until the sixth or seventh century BCE we didn't have theater

as we know it today, but we did have religious ritual, which can get pretty theatrical.

Rituals are often ways of mediating between the human and the supernatural.

They can serve to enact or re-enact significant events in the human or supernatural world—births,

marriages, deaths, harvests.

In ritual, according to the mythology scholar Mircea Eliade, "The time of the event that

the ritual commemorates or reenacts is made present."

So ritual represents, literally re-presents—old stories or ideas and makes them happen now,

which is a lot like what theater does.

This doesn't mean that ritual is identical with theater.

Ritual is sacred, and theater is usually secular (though not always, as we'll see!).

Theater and ritual can draw on similar mythological sources, but ritual typically treats those

sources as fact and theater as fiction.

In ritual the audience often participates; in theatre, they usually sit politely.

Unless there's audience participation, which is universally adored.

In the late nineteenth century, a group of classical scholars decided to search for the

origins of theater.

They took an anthropological approach and saw theater as a direct evolution of religious


This theory really got going with James Frazer, whom we also discuss in the Crash Course Mythology

episode on Theories of Myth.

In The Golden Bough, written between 1896 and 1915, Frazer and his contemporaries, the

Cambridge Ritualists (btw, this is obvs the name of my new band) tried to take a "scientific

approach" to the question of theater's origins.

He looked around at so-called "primitive" societies in Africa and Asia, societies he

didn't really "know much about," and decided that theater had emerged as a sophisticated

refining of ritual.

According to Frazer, here's how it goes: You start out worshipping some kind of god

or practice, and that worship gets distilled into rituals to attract the attention of that

god or guarantee good fortune.

Once your primitive society really gets going, those rituals generate myths and those myths

get transmuted ... into theater.

Eventually you get jazz hands and sequins.

As the media theorist Marshall McLuhan puts it, in this view, "Art became a sort of

civilized substitute for magical games and rituals….

Art like game became a mimetic echo of and a relief from the old magic of total involvement."

For an example of the (sometimes questionable) evidence that the Cambridge Ritualists drew

on to support their idea that ritual evolved into theater, let's look at the Greek historian

Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BCE, describing a ceremony he witnessed in Egypt.

Take the stage, Thoughtbubble: Thought Bubble

This ceremony occurs at sunset in a temple.

Some priests attend to a statue of Ares, but most of the people involved are doing something

very different: "The majority of them hold clubs made of

wood and stand at the temple's entrance while others make vows, more than a thousand men,

all holding clubs...

And those few left behind with the statue pull a four-wheeled wagon carrying the shrine

and the statue which is in the shrine, and the others standing at the front gates do

not let them enter."

If things seem tense to you…

very perceptive!

Probably the clubs that tipped you off, right?

Herodotus says "Those who vowed to defend the god strike those resisting [...] As I

understand, many even die from their wounds..."

The ritual continues all through the night.

And, as you might if you were Herodotus, he asks some locals why the poundings?

They tell him: "There lived in this temple Ares' mother, and Ares who was raised elsewhere

came -- after having become a man -- wishing to lay with his mother, and the servants of

his mother, for not having seen him before, did not look the other way when he entered,

rather they fended him off, and he fetching men from another city handled the servants

roughly and went inside to his mother.

For this reason this fight in behalf of Ares at the festival has become a tradition, they


Thanks Thoughtbubble.

So - the Ritualists look to stories like this to illustrate their idea that worship becomes


Ritual becomes myth.

Myth becomes performance.

Someone writes a few songs to go along with the skull-splitting, someone else turns the

battle into a dance, let it all simmer for a millennia or two, and voila "West Side


This ritualism theory is useful in some ways and as we'll see in the next episode, it

fits very nicely with Greek drama, mostly because the whole theory was pretty much based

on Greek drama.

That's a welcome fix to how previous generations of scholars viewed Greek drama—as something

very pure and stately, not as something that might have evolved from passion and magic–but

this theory causes problems when you try to apply the history of Greek Drama to OTHER

dramatic traditions.

Turns out, Frazer and his colleagues didn't actually know all that much about the so-called

"primitive" societies whose theater they wanted to study; the rich and sophisticated

cultures the Ritualists encountered throughout Africa and Asia were lost on the Cambridge

types ... because Euro-centrism.

So they did a lot of pretty non-scientific guessing, working backward from what they

knew about classical theater and hypothesizing about what kind of rituals may have produced


Frazer also operates with the underlying belief that all societies basically evolve in the

same way and that even though, in his view, so-called primitive societies are inherently

inferior, given enough time and care they'll get more and more sophisticated until they

too can produce "Cats."

Okay, Frazer didn't talk a lot about Broadway musicals, but maybe you're starting to understand

a couple of the major problems with this theory and the assumption that all societies are

on a trajectory toward Western civilization, which in this view is getting better and better

all the time.

(This view, by the way, is known as "positivism").

Another theory that gets going after Frazer is the idea that people create myths out of

a desire to explain and rationalize the world around them.

In ritualism, myths and theater emerge as a response to pre-existing rituals.

But in this other theory, known as functionalism, myths serve an etiological function, a way

of explaining how and why things came to be the way they are.

According to one of the leading functionalist theorists, Bronislaw Malinowski, myth "is

a statement of primeval reality which lives in the institutions and pursuits of a community.

It justifies by precedent the existing order."

Unlike the ritualists, the functionalists didn't assume that all societies operate

and evolve in the same way or will create the same kinds of myths.

Malinowski didn't really discuss theater, but some of his followers did, and they locked

on to the idea that many early Greek dramas have their origins in myth and some of those

myths are etiological.

The "Oresteia," explains the legal system, "Prometheus Bound," explains that liver

is tasty.


It explains how we get fire... and technology.

So, if myths explain the world, and theatre is based in myth, we can think about theater

as a way of explaining the world to ourselves.

But such a view has some drawbacks.

Take one of the very earliest recorded plays, Aeschylus's "The Persians.

That was based in contemporaneous historical events, not in myth.

Besides the ritualists and the functionalists, there are a few other theories, too.

One is that theater derives at least in part from the clown figure – who is sort of the

secular equivalent of the shaman in early societies.

Their job was to make fun of the headman and other establishment figures and practices.

We can maybe see this influence in satyr plays, which we'll visit in the next episode.

And it's linked, at least a little, to the idea that theater may originate from games

and the playful instincts of humankind, a phenomenon called the ludic impulse.

Another related theory, which really gets going with Aristotle, is that human beings

have a "mimetic impulse": humans have an in-built desire to imitate, to act, to

pretend--and that's how we learn.

According to Aristotle, this desire eventually gets refined and codified into theater.

To sum up: Ritual, myth, clowning, playing games, playing pretend.

Somehow out of all of this or maybe out of none of it we get "Hamilton."

And now let's turn to our last question for today: Why should we care?

In other words, why does theater matter?

Well, that's a question we'll be coming back to throughout the series as we see how

and why people make theatre, and the impact it has throughout history.

But let me leave you with one idea borrowed from Percy from Percy Bysshe Shelley: "The

highest moral purpose aimed at in the highest species of the drama, is the teaching the

human heart, through its sympathies and antipathies, the knowledge of itself."

Thanks for watching and ... curtain!

For more infomation >> What is Theater? Crash Course Theater #1 - Duration: 14:07.


Blades of Grass Lawn Care VLOGS # 4 (Calling customers is a MUST!) - Duration: 10:46.

good morning guys how's everybody doing all right so today is another typical

day here at blades of grass lawn care and we're gonna just kind of show you a

snippet of what we do again this is a daily vlog so you know we'll see what is

going to happen throughout the day all right guys

so basically what we're gonna do is just kind of make everything look nice and

neat and make the customer happy so there's always something to do guys

you've been in the winter time all right let's get hot

got to trim this down trim this up

I'm going to trim this down

just make everything neat

trim those on the side

hey one thing I will tell you guys real quick before you do any major pruning

like this during the summer time make sure you shake the bush guys especially

here in the south we usually have a lot of snakes especially the black snakes

those are the ones that crawl inside of shrubs so they'll be under the

aggression that's just on the ground they're also in the shrubs here

get easy there's no

so now we are going to blow because there's no more and everything is

dormant so what we did was just string trim the plant there it's kind of aged

about in the sidewalk all the little weeds and stuff we don't treat this

property and just so you know this is a rental so it's very minimum just to

maintain the property make sure everything is looking nice alright so

now we will blow

I remember to request for some blow everything into the woods guys so I know

some of you gonna be wondering how did you win

good job man all right guys this is another landscape or behind us do


no no never

but yeah nice to show you guys just on this street there's about 20 25 homes I

would even say closest thirty five forty houses so there's no

competition guys there's a lot of work here for everyone all right guys thank

you for taking the time to watch our videos and again this is something that

you can do during the winter time let's go to your customers property next time

we come we'll clean out the clam beds just you know pick up the sticks and

we're not gonna take out the leaves because it's so woody that our goal is

to put the pine straw over it and minimize the amount of pine straw that

we're using hi guys come to the next one possible peace

and tears

For more infomation >> Blades of Grass Lawn Care VLOGS # 4 (Calling customers is a MUST!) - Duration: 10:46.


BREAKING! THE RESULTS ARE IN! Look What Trump Has Done To The National Debt In 1 YEAR! - Duration: 5:18.



Look What Trump Has Done To The National Debt In 1 YEAR!

If there's one thing that Americans are sick and tired of, it's government spending

money that it doesn't have.

If we the people have to balance a checkbook and pay back what we owe, then the government

should have to as well.

If they can't keep the balance book straight, then we need to hire new people to take their

jobs who can.

This is part of what inspired electing a businessman into what is traditionally a politician's

position in Washington.

President Trump's main credential in the running for office was that he planned to

run the United States like a business, and he's been known to be very good at business.

A significant portion of his campaign promises had to do with balancing the government's


Since everyone on the left expected him to fail miserably, it's a sad day for most

when his successes in the economy come to light.

The biggest of which is the way he has already pain-free free steps to lower the national


The Gateway Pundit reports that the almost $20 trillion in debt that we began this administration

with has begun to fluctuate in the right direction:

"In spite of the fact that President Trump took over with nearly $20 trillion of debt

and the related interest payments on the debt, and in spite of the Federal Reserve (FED)

under Janet Yellen increasing interest rates by a full 1 percent since the 2016 election,

President Donald Trump's debt is one third and $1.2 trillion less than Obama's.

The US Debt since President Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2016 through today has increased

by only $547 billion.

On inauguration day the debt was at $19.9 trillion and on February 7th, 2018 the debt

stood at $20.5 trillion.

Although a half a trillion dollars is a lot of money added to the debt, it is a fraction

of what President Obama added during the same time frame in his first year plus in office.

Where President Trump increased the Debt to date by only 2.7% , Obama increased the debt

by 16.2% or 13.5% more than President Trump.

President Obama inherited a US Debt amount of $10.6 trillion on his inauguration and

increased it by more than $1.7 trillion by the end of his first year in office.

Obama increased the US Debt amount by $1.2 trillion more than President Trump in the

same respective time in office."

The problem is far from gone, but the breaks are being put on the downward spiral.

It might not seem that encouraging that the debt hasn't gone down.

However, if you think about the fact that the country is continuously moving in one

direction or another, you can hopefully understand that the steep decline into debt is being

gradually flattened out, and will eventually take a turn back toward the positive.

Another facet of this issue is not only the debt itself but the Gross Domestic Product.

President Trump has made leaps and bounds in the correct direction on that front:

"Another impressive economic indicator for President Trump is related to the debt to

GDP ratio.

The higher a country's debt to GDP ratio, the less healthy the country's economy.

With the GDP numbers released at the end of 2017, President Trump's policies have officially

decreased the Debt to GDP ratio by 1.2% in the President's first year in office.

In contrast, President Obama increased the US Debt to GDP ratio his first year in office

by 14.5%.

Obama increased the same ratio a total of 37% over his 8 years in office.

The US GDP has increased each quarter in 2017 with the 4th Quarter GDP increasing to $19.739

trillion – the highest GDP for any country in world history.

Also, President Trump has curtailed US spending.

The result is that the US Debt to GDP ratio decreased in 2017 from 105% to 104%.

No President in more than 50 years has decreased the Debt to GDP ratio in his first year in

office by more than 1%.

The last President to do so was Nixon in 1969.

Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush decreased the Debt to GDP ratio in their first years

in office but by less than 1%.

Don't be fooled, President Trump has increased the US debt by a fraction of that of Obama

and the debt to GDP ratio is decreasing.

As a result, America is moving in the right direction for the first time in at least a


Rome wasn't built in a day, and Obama didn't dig us into this incredible financial hole

in a day either.

What we can take away from this is that the problem is being fixed faster than it was

broken, and that is what's known as progress.

The constant governmental bickering, while tiring, is at least a reminder that there

are people now able to go to bat for our economic health.

They can do that now because they have a President that will back the correct budget when it

is finally made.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

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>> MY GUY!

>> HE KNEW --


>> WAIT.




>> OH.





>> HELL, NO!

















>> LISTEN --










>> WOW.



>> WHAT!












For more infomation >> Need Yo A** Beat: Middle Schooler Orders Strippers Using Dad's Credit Card? | BET's Mancave - Duration: 1:43.


A Vaccine Against ... Cancer? - Duration: 6:57.

SciShow is supported by Skillshare.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

Last week, a group of researchers from Stanford unveiled a vaccine that cures cancer in mice,

and if we can get it to work in humans, it will save a lot of lives.

Which sounds amazing, because cancers are terrible.

But it also sounds weird, because when we talk about vaccines, we usually mean something

you get before you are sick, and that's meant to protect against things that you might

catch from other people.

Cancer vaccines stimulate the immune system in a similar way, except they're meant to

be injected after you get sick and to cure something that's basically a part of yourself

gone rogue.

And it's a cool idea.

But despite what's being reported in a lot of the articles about this new research, it's

not based on a totally new concept.

Instead, it's an improved version of a technique that's been tried before — a version that

hopefully will not be quite as deadly when we try it in humans.

Your immune system is how your body deals with its enemies—whether foreign, like strep

throat, or domestic, like a tumor.

So a lot of the same parts that battle bacteria also battle cancers; they're just … not

always very effective.

For decades, doctors have been trying to improve the immune system's cancer-fighting ninja

skills, but it's been much harder to do that than anyone anticipated.

The new treatment, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, is a type

of cancer vaccine designed to stimulate T cells, which kickstart the immune system's

response when there's a threat.

Like with preventative vaccines, the goal here is to program these cells to target a

certain chemical signature, so that when it shows up again they can efficiently launch

a full-scale assault.

With, like, the measles vaccine, they're programmed to seek out and destroy the measles virus.

With this new therapy, they learn to target cancer cells.

But with the measles and other preventative vaccines, you're basically injecting some

form of a virus or bacteria, and that's gonna activate T cells in a way that's kind

of like handing a bloodhound somebody's scent.

That strategy doesn't really work for cancer.

Researchers have been studying cancerous cells for decades, hoping to find something unique

to just those cells that they could create a vaccine against.

But every tumor turned out to be different, so there's nothing universal that doctors

can use as a target for all cancerous cells.

The one cancer vaccine that's been approved so far only works for certain kinds of prostate

cancer, and it involves sending the patient's cells to a lab to custom-design a vaccine

for them.

So it's pretty limited and very expensive.

This new research builds on a different strategy.

The idea is that instead of finding something within the tumor to target, this vaccine basically

gets T cells in the tumor to send out signal flares.

When a cancerous tumor first starts to form, the body generally does realize that something

is wrong, and the immune system starts trying to get rid of it.

But cancer cells tend to mutate really quickly, and they often find ways to shut off whatever

the immune system sees as a danger signal, which stops the attack.

By that point, though, some cells have already infiltrated the tumor, and they know how to

recognize it.

So they could launch an immune assault against it … but only if they get a signal that

says "hey! danger! attack!"

That's where comes in.

It's a special concoction with two main parts:

an antibody, a protein meant to target other specific proteins; and a weird, short piece

of DNA originally discovered in bacteria that tends to induce a really strong immune response

in mammals like us.

This DNA is what's called a CpG oligodeoxynucleotide, which binds to special receptors on T cells.

In response, those cells express a protein called OX40, which is basically a signal to

other immune cells that it's found something to attack.

Meanwhile, the antibody part of the injection binds to the OX40, adding fuel to the immunological fire.

Each of those ingredients had been looked at separately as an anti-cancer drug, but

neither was effective enough on its own.

And treatments that used other antibody-DNA combos tended to make people's immune systems

overreact, to the point where they led to a deadly complication known as autoimmune toxicity.

Injecting these types of vaccines into tumors directly usually causes fewer side effects

… but it also tends to be less effective.

That's what makes this new vaccine so promising.

Similar ideas have been tried before, but this version is injected directly into tumors,

and it's incredibly effective.

At least in mice.

First, the researchers took 40 mice and gave them two lymphoma tumors.

For each mouse, they injected either the antibody, the DNA, the combo vaccine, or a control solution

into one of the tumors.

Then they waited to see what happened to that tumor and the tumor that they didn't inject.

The DNA alone knocked out the tumor it was injected into, but didn't do much to the

other tumor.

The antibody alone slowed tumor growth, but that was about it.

The combo, on the other hand, did everything they could have hoped: both tumors disappeared.

Then they tried similar experiments with breast, skin, and colon cancers.

And for the most part, those tumors didn't come back either— of the 90 mice in total

that received the vaccine, 87 were completely cured, and the others responded well to a

second dosing.

But since all of those tests involved artificially giving the mice cancer, the researchers stepped

things up a notch by testing the vaccine in mice genetically predisposed to breast cancer.

Not only do these types of mice have a strong likelihood of developing breast cancer — their

cancers usually metastasize, meaning that cancerous cells break off and start new tumors

elsewhere in the body.

In those mice, the vaccine shrank the tumors it was injected into, and also seemed to keep

other tumors from popping up.

Which all sounds super promising.

But! It remains to be seen whether this technique works in humans.

Mouse models can be and have been extremely helpful during drug development, but treatments

that work in rodents often aren't effective in us.

The real test for this vaccine will be if it's just as effective in humans, without

causing that deadly autoimmune toxicity.

Still, the researchers are hopeful—so hopeful that they're launching a small 15-patient

clinical trial to test the method in people with certain kinds of lymphoma.

If all goes smoothly, they'd then move on to larger trials.

So, as exciting as this is, it's more of a small step than a giant leap in the quest

to cure cancer.

But if the treatment does work in humans, we will be closer.

You probably don't realize this, but it takes dozens of freelance writers and a full-time

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compelling nonfiction.

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[ ♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> A Vaccine Against ... Cancer? - Duration: 6:57.


Stoneheart: New Dawn | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:25.


(creepy ambient music)

(radio interference)

- [Officer] 6-Adam. Dispatch, repeat last.

Some kind of interference.

(white noise) - We have a--

(eerie atmospheric music)

(crow cawing) (thudding)

Fuckin' crow.

(headlights clicking on)

(door opening)

(door slamming)

What the hell?


Hey, wait!

Come here! Hey!



It's okay, don't be afraid.

I'm a police officer.

(door creaking shut)

(piercing radio interference)

(intense music)


Hey, stop!



(extended shrieking)

- [Father] Answer me!

- [Girl] I'm sorry!

- [Officer] Where are you?

Come out! (screaming)

Where are you?

(door opening)

- [Girl] I'm sorry!

(whipping) Please Daddy!

- [Father] Obey!

- I'm sorry!

- Obey!

- What the fuck?

- [Rebecca] Look familiar?

- Rebecca? Baby, what are you doing here?

- I'm here to give you a message.

- What are you talking about?

What's going on?

- I want to tell you that it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter how many criminals you catch,

it doesn't matter that you pretend to quit drinking,

that you get to dress up and play hero.

You see, deep down, I know who you really are.

- All right, Rebecca, whatever this is, this is over.

You and I are going home. You understand me?

- No!

I'm not afraid of you anymore. - Rebecca!

Rebecca, come here!


(creepy atmospheric music)

Rebecca ... (guttural noises)

Who is that behind you?

- I hated you.

So much!

- Rebecca, who is that?!

(crunching) (pained screaming)

- You can only beat a dog so many times

before it learns to bite!

(Rebecca screaming)

(intense music)

(evil woman grunting)

For more infomation >> Stoneheart: New Dawn | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:25.


League of Legends | Mi computador es una basura | Streaming #1 - Duration: 2:35:38.

For more infomation >> League of Legends | Mi computador es una basura | Streaming #1 - Duration: 2:35:38.


Italian Hamburg♪ ~Chopped Steak with Cheese and Tomato Sauce~ - Duration: 6:35.

Put some broccoli.

Garnish with fried egg.

Italian Hamburg♪ ~Chopped Steak with Cheese and Tomato Sauce~

This time, I am going to make Chopped Steak with Cheese and Tomato Sauce.

We call it "Italian Hamburg" in Japan.

As it was tasty when I ate it at a certain restaurant.

So, I try to recreate it in my own way.Please try it yourself.

Prepare ingredients.

Chop the onion.

Remove the core from 1 clove of garlic.

Then, mince it.

Remove hard fiber and skin from whole tomato.

Lightly crush the tomatoes.

Make tomato sauce.

Place 1 tbsp of olive oil on unheated pan.

Put minced garlic and turn on the burner.

Once the garlic has turned golden and fragrant, add whole tomato.

100 ml of chicken broth(or water).

1 tbsp of ketchup.

1 tsp of Worcester sauce.

1 pinch of salt.

1 bay leaf.

1 red chili pepper.

Simmer on medium low heat until sauce is reduced by half.

10 g of butter.

Once the butter has melted, stir-fry the minced onion.

Keep the heat on high.

Occasionally stir the sauce.

Put some water just before scorching.

Stir-fry for about 5~6 minutes and it's done.

Spread the cooked onion out in a shallow tray.

Let it cool completely.

Remove the bay leaf and red chili pepper.

Sprinkle some pepper.

Tomato sauce is done.


Wash some broccoli.

Cut some potato into thick wedges.

Make meat mixture.

Make meat mixture.

1 piece of ice.

Knead well until the mixture becomes sticky.

Like this.

Some nutmeg.

Some pepper.

Put cold onion.

An egg.

Mix well.

Wrap with plastic wrap.

Let sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes.

Coat your hands with some olive oil.

Divide the mixture into two.

Throw meat mixture hand to hand to thoroughly remove air.

Hollow the center of the shaped meat mixture.

Make Thick-cut French fries.


Cook on low heat for 2 minutes.

Put some salt into 100 ml of boiling water.

Put broccolis and cook it for 30 seconds.

Transfer into a sieve.

Check the color of the bottom.

Turn it over if the bottom turn brown.

Put a lid and cook on low heat.

Cook for 8 minutes.

Heat a pan lightly.

Put room temperature egg.

Put a lid and cook on low heat.

Heat the iron plate.

Remove the lid before the egg yolk turns white.

Cook it until your favorite hardness.

Pierce with a bamboo skewer to check if clear meat juice comes out, it is OK.

Put a lot of tomato sauce.

Put a lot of cheese.

Grill it in a preheated broiler.

Take it out when the cheese has melted.

Thick French fries.


Garnish with fried egg.

It's ready to eat♪


French fry goes well with cheese and tomato sauce.


Let's cut!

Check it out!

Very juicy and delicious.

Enjoy with egg yolk.

Please Subscibe Soon!

Cheese Recipes.↖  ↗Recreate dish series.

For more infomation >> Italian Hamburg♪ ~Chopped Steak with Cheese and Tomato Sauce~ - Duration: 6:35.


Destiny 2 Lore Jade Rabbit - Duration: 10:12.

From the people that brought you Lunal comes prescription-strength Immortalia: a revolutionary

new combat elixir shown to relieve the crippling existential crises of your second life.

Welcome back guardians, today we covering some exotic weapon lore, specifically the

Jade Rabbit.

The Jade Rabbit featured in Destiny 1 not only in the exotic scout rifle but also in

the emblem that could be found on the moon.

The Destiny 1 grimoire card for the Jade Rabbit was very short on lore, only really saying

The significance of the markings: 玉兔, or "Jade Rabbit," are unfortunately lost

to history.

However, now that the Jade Rabbit has been re-introduced into Destiny 2, the lore has

been expanded.

This being said, to truly understand the lore tab for the Destiny 2 Jade Rabbit, you need

to understand the Chinese folk lore of the Jade Rabbit.

So today, I am going to tell you the story of the jade Rabbit and how it relates to the

Destiny 2 lore tab.

The artwork featured at the beginning of this video was provided by Gammatrap and paid for

with your generous donations on patreon.

A link is below if you are interested.

This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest destiny 2 lore episode.

[INTRO] Firstly, please know that there are multiple

stories of the Jade Rabbit and a number of variations in each story, so this is just

one version.

Once we understand the story of the Jade Rabbit, the Lore tab in Destiny 2 will make much more


This story starts with the Jade Emperor, ruler of the Heavens.

In the heavens there was an immortal known as Wu Gang (Wu Gung), whose job was to create

the Pill of Immortality.

This pill was given to the immortals every thousands years so that they could remain

immortal and was strictly not to be given to mortals.

Wu Gang broke this rule and the Jade Emperor punished Wu Gang by sentencing him to cut

a magical tree that would continuously heal.

The Jade Emperor now required another divine medicine maker to create the pill of immortality

and so he sent three immortals to earth in order to find a suitable candidate.

However, the Jade Emperor requested that an animal be found, as humans were too easily


The three immortals devised a plan to choose the next divine medicine maker and transformed

themselves into three old men, and placed themselves in the middle of a forest proclaiming

to be lost and hungry.

They pleaded with the forest creatures to bring them food.

A fox, monkey and rabbit headed their pleads, however only the Fox and Monkey were able

to find food for the old men.

The rabbit feeling guilt threw itself into the fire, so the men could feast on its body.

As the rabbit demonstrated its selflessness, it was saved and selected to be the next divine

medicine maker.

The rabbit was taken to the heavens where it learnt to be a very skilled divine medicine

maker and the Jade Emperor was so impressed, that he made the rabbit's fur snow white

with a heavenly glow, the fur was so white and smooth, it looked like precious jade,

despite the white color.

In addition, you can also get white jade, consequently from then on the Rabbit was called

the Jade Rabbit.

Whilst creating the immortal pill, the Jade Rabbit was approached by the Queen Mother

of the West, who requested more than one immortal pill.

The Jade Rabbit reiterated the rules, that only one pill be given every thousand years,

to one immortal.

The Queen took offensive and made the Jade Rabbit feel guilty for implying that she would

use the pill for anything else, or gift it to a mortal.

The Jade Rabbit eventually conceding given the queen an extra immortal pill.

This would be the downfall of the Jade Rabbit, as the queen did intend to give the pill to

a mortal.

The queen had been approached by Hou Yi (Ho-eee), who sought immortality with his wife Chang'e


Hou Yi and his wife, Chang'e were actually previously immortals who had been banished

to earth by the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor had 10 unruly sons, who actually took the shape of a sun, and they had scorched

the earth, the Emperor had enlisted Hou Yi when he was an immortal to teach his sons

a lesson, however Hou Yi was a skilled archer and went too far killing 9 of the ten sons,

i.e. leaving one remaining sun, the sun we see today.

Even though the Emperor had enlisted the help of Hou Yi, he was enraged by the death of

his sons and banished Hou Yi and his wife to earth to live as mortals.

So to summarize so far, the Jade Rabbit has assumed the role of divine medicine maker,

Hou Yi and his wife are living as mortals on earth and approached the Queen of the west

to get an immortal pill from the Jade Rabbit, so that Hou Yi could live forever with his


The Queen managed to convince the Jade Rabbit to give her an actually pill of immortality

which she then gave to Hou Yi.

However, there were some very specific instructions, he was to spilt the pill with his life, which

would grant them ever lasting life, but not necessarily send them to the heavens, but

if he was to eat the entire pill, he would be sent to the heavens by himself.

Hou Yi stored the pill of immortality in a box and forbid his wife from looking in the


Whilst on a Hunt, hou yi's wife succumb to her curiosity and looked in the box finding

the pill of immortality, Hou Yi arrived home from his hunt, and his wife not knowing what

the pill was, swallowed the pill in a panic.

Hou Yi wife, Chang'e began to ascend to the Heavens, however, she was already banished

by the Emperor, so unable to enter the heaven and unable to return to Earth she resided

in the Moon Palace.

The Jade Emperor, of course, learnt that the Jade Rabbit had given an extra immortality

pill to the Queen of the west, which resulted in Chang'e new found immortality and entrapment

on the Moon.

After confessing, and apologizing to the Emperor, the Jade Rabbit was allowed to choose his

punishment, laden with guilt for what happened to Chang'e, separated for eternity from

her husband, the Jade Rabbit proclaimed to the Emperor that he should reside with Chang'e

at the moon palace.

The Emperor agreed and the Jade Rabbit was sent to the Moon palace with Chang'e.

So how does this relate to the Destiny 2's the Jade Rabbit, the Jade Rabbit Lore tab

reads, "What kind of harebrained scheme have you

got in mind this time?"

Do you ever wonder who you were before you were resurrected?

Do you experience debilitating anxiety when you think about the cold, crushing fist of


Has the desire to lie face-down on the floor for hours at a time been holding YOU back?

From the people that brought you Lunal comes prescription-strength Immortalia: a revolutionary

new combat elixir shown to relieve the crippling existential crises of your second life.

Immortalia can reduce symptoms of listlessness, cynicism, and social anxiety.

Side effects may include dancing, salty behavior, and acts of group heroism.

Do not take Immortalia while operating all-terrain thrust bikes.

The item talks about a drug that they have developed in order to cope with the crisis

of a second life and being immortal.

Remember that guardians cannot remember they previous lives before being resurrected as

a guardian.

When you think about the story of the Jade Rabbit it heavily reflects the story of Guardians,

Chang'e was granted immortality but separated from her Husband, guardians are resurrected

as immortals however everyone they have ever lived is long dead, Cayde-6 is a great example

of this.

Consequently, becoming immortal and leaving everyone behind comes with a crippling existential

crisis, so this company, we don't actually know who they are, created a drug to deal

with this, called Immortalia.

Now, I like to think that this is Bungie's version of adding the next Chapter to the

folklore of the Jade Rabbit.

Remember that the Jade Rabbit choose to be with Chang'e on the moon, where she was

separated from her husband, remember that the Jade Rabbit was the divine medicine maker

and felt somewhat responsible for Chang'e's fate because he gave an extra immortality

pill to the queen of the west, so it would make sense that out of guilt for his actions,

the Jade Rabbit would now try and create a new medicine for Chang'e to help cure her

broken heart, and this is what I think Bungie has added to the folklore, the Jade Rabbit

made the Immortalia pill, a pill to help immortals deal with the crises of their second life.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 lore episode.

If you would like to support the channel and cannot think of a comment, leave the word,

"Immortalia", to symbolize the new pill made by the Jade Rabbit to cure guardians

of their second life depression.

As usual, it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games, peace.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Lore Jade Rabbit - Duration: 10:12.


Mike Fox's GIRLFRIENDS Live Reaction to Me KO'ing him at KSI Fight - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> Mike Fox's GIRLFRIENDS Live Reaction to Me KO'ing him at KSI Fight - Duration: 13:20.


Trump Doesn't Read Daily Intel Briefing, Asks Officials To Read Him a Summary Out Loud - Duration: 2:27.

Trump Doesn't Read Daily Intel Briefing, Asks Officials To Read Him a Summary Out Loud:


President Trump is declining to read his daily brief and is instead having officials orally

brief him on certain issues, The Washington Post reported Friday.

Trump is breaking with precedent set by seven past presidents in choosing to rarely read

the President's Daily Brief (PDB), which includes what officials have deemed to be the most

important U.S. intelligence from hot spots around the globe.

Reading the report is not Trump's chosen "style of learning," one source told the


Administration officials told the Post that Trump still receives full briefings and that

different presidents get the intelligence in different ways.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the Post that "any notion that President

Trump is not fully engaged in the PDB or does not read the briefing materials is pure fiction

and is clearly not based on firsthand knowledge of the process."

He added that Trump "engages for significantly longer periods than I understand many previous

presidents have done."

However, top experts — including former CIA Director Leon Panetta — said that Trump

could be missing valuable context by not reading the full briefing, which could put himself

and the U.S. in a more vulnerable position.

"Something will be missed," Panetta told the Post.

"If for some reason his instincts on what should be done are not backed up by the intelligence

because he hasn't taken the time to read that intel, it increases the risk that he

will make a mistake."

Trump's intelligence briefings have been a point of interest since he took office.

Intelligence analysts have been recommended to keep their daily briefings with Trump short,

limiting them to three topics and keeping their findings to a single page.

The briefings have also reportedly been structured in a way that won't upset Trump, including

having information about Russia only included in the written version of the briefing.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo praised Trump last month for his understanding of the intelligence

briefings, comparing Trump's grasp of the information to 25-year intelligence professionals.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trump Doesn't Read Daily Intel Briefing, Asks Officials To Read Him a Summary Out Loud - Duration: 2:27.


2018 BMW 6 Series Gran Turismo: First Look — - Duration: 2:03.

we've got a lot of different versions of the BMW 6-series

there's a coupe which was recently discontinued there's still a convertible

there's also a 4-door Grande coupe now there is a four-door Gran Turismo which

is just this sort of hatchback right here seems like it's similar to the

other versions but actually this is representative of a full redesign on the

6 Series let's check it out now the easiest way to tell this apart from

other 6 Series vehicles is that the headlights here flow directly into BMWs

dual kidney grill they kind of sit a little bit out farther on the ground

coupe and the 6 Series Convertible this is really similar to what you see on the

redesigned 5 Series and the redesigned 7 Series you got up here the roofline kind

of just peeks very subtly here at the b-pillar flows all the way down here to

the tail with no kind of kinks along the way it's a pretty flowing overall kind

of design I don't know though this rear still kind of seems a little too abrupt

for my tastes wheelbase up about 4 inches versus the 6

Series Gran Coupe now if you've been inside the redesigned 5 Series your 7

Series lately the redesigned 6 Series should be fairly familiar here kind of

similar dashboard layout there's a 10 and a quarter inch very horizontal

display up here tablet-like on top of the dashboard there's another display

kind of embedded in here to show things like your climate controls overall

plenty of premium materials three-dimensional stitching with vinyl

wrapping on most areas that you're kind of arms and your elbows fall this car

actually is gonna start around 70 71 thousand dollars a lot less than the 6

Series Gran Coupe and convertible it will come with one powertrain a 335

horsepower 332 pounds feet of torque turbocharged six-cylinder engine drives

all four wheels through BMW xDrive all-wheel drive system and an 8-speed

automatic transmission it's on sale right now so stay tuned for our driving

impressions as soon as we can get behind the wheel


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