Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Hi guys, Andrew Booth here from Urban Bait. Today we're going to have a

look at some winter water craft. Try and make it a little bit easier for you to go and

find some fish in the winter and hopefully get amongst them. As you can

see on top of my head I've got a pair of polarized sunglasses. Now I believe these

are the most vital piece of kit that you can own. Without these you know

I'm not saying you won't find fish but you're blind to a lot of the signs.

They're an amazing bit of kit. They take the glare off the water

enabling you to see into the water, enabling you to see further really, like blocking

sunlight from obstructing your vision. Yeah

so I suggest you get a pair of them. There's loads of companies that do them, some better

than others, but you can get them for a reasonable price for a pretty decent pair. So yeah

go out and have a look guys. Yeah I'm going to crack on with the video now and I hope you enjoy

it. I'm going to try and get all aspects in if I can and then I'll send it all over to you

all. So hope you get some vital information. Enjoy the video!

Hi guys, Andrew Booth from Urban Bait. Today we're going to have a little

look at winter water craft. For the purpose of this video we're not going to

name the water because they like to stay private.

But we're just going to have a look around and get some ideas on how to

find the fish in winter. Let's get cracking. Now as you can see guys this is

a fairly big lake. It's got numerous islands.

I think it's around about 13 to 14 Acres

and I suppose the main question would be where do you start on a water like this?

Well I think I think the biggest clue or tip I could give you is generally, in the

winter, the carp like to be in the warmest place possible. So my tip would be

to let the wildlife tell you where to fish for a start because you know these

creatures live in this environment and generally they like to stay warm as well.

To be honest with you, I'm surprised that there's not a lot of

wildlife this side of the lake because I found a bit of like slack

water if you like sort of off the back of the wind where it's a bit not so

choppy and the wind isn't so bitter. So

like for me I would usually fish in a place like this where the

wind is a bit less you know "raging" I suppose. Now that looks nice off the

edge of the island there. It's pretty calm there and obviously islands are good

holding areas for carp. Also I would keep an eye out for wildlife such as

coots and ducks and things which dive and pick up bait because this time of

year there's not a lot of bait going in the water

and when you find the few coots and ducks diving, generally it means there's

food in an area. So that's a good tip I can give you and just keep scanning the

water. I'll have a little walk around now and see if I can find a few signs and

I can show you what else to look for. See you in a bit guys. Just a quick clip this

one guys. This is what I mean by off the back of the wind. As you can see the

wind is pushing in here but then, from the protection of the island, you can see

slack water just here which, in general, would be warmer. So that, I think,

would be a good area to put your baits because like I explained earlier,

carp like to stay warm, and this is usually a good sheltered area from the

wind. So the water temp stays slightly warmer. I'm going to continue

walking around now and have a look for some signs and I'll explain what these

signs are when I find them. Here we are guys, just found a couple of coots up in

this area, investigating, seeing if there's any bait left around.

A couple of ducks over there which tells me they're fairly comfortable in this area.

As you can see the waters fairly calm here. A bit more bird life. I think I've seen an

oil slick over there just now which tells me there's bait in the area.

Someone must have been fishing it recently.

Also as I turned up in the swim, I think I spooked a fish.

I saw a bow wave just out there. So this could be a good area at the start.

I just spotted some more ducks diving guys, just off the front of this island here.

I think that could be a sign that there's a bit of bait out there as well as

I'm stood actually on a fishing peg. So this looks pretty good.

Hey guys, I'm back in the van now. It's a bit breezy out there, cold.

I've had a look about, seen some likely-looking areas. I hope that gave you

some information on where to look in the winter. Unfortunately I couldn't cover

all the aspects because I couldn't find what I was looking for. A big gray cloud

came over and sort of took the light off the water if you like and I couldn't

really see. I was looking for coloured water where the bottom had been

disturbed or you know hopefully it was fish disturbing the bottom. Looking at it

I think the areas I found on sort of the back of the wind where there were a few

birds diving on like, what I think, were like sort of areas where people have put

bait and stuff, where like basically the wildlife was telling me they were

comfortable there. Here we go guys, I've got two sets of polarised glasses there.

One from Fortis which do really good polarised glasses for a reasonable

price. I've gone a bit extravagant with the other ones which are HD

polarised glasses. Both do a brilliant job.

Obviously you've got different colour lenses for different conditions and different

coloured waters. So that's basically it guys. I think we've covered most aspects of

winter watercraft there. My main tip would be to look on the back of the wind

which is generally more comfortable for everyone. Also for yourself it's less cold.

And keep scanning the water. You know you might get lucky and see one show. It's

rare in winter but if you do, generally where there's one most of them are there

because they're comfortable there. So yeah keep your eyes peeled! So I

hope you enjoyed that video. I hope it was full of information for you. Give us

a like and if you want any aspects of angling covered just post a question in

the comments section. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon guys.

For more infomation >> Winter Carp Fishing Watercraft With Andrew Booth - Duration: 9:49.


We're back! |Sick Series #40 - Duration: 11:14.

So guys

perfect switched

from 0-100kmh in 5,6 seconds

you forgot the 0

in 50,6 seconds

Hey guys!

It´s us again, Sick Series, Fabio and Elias

Finally back after a two-week break

But we´re back, stronger than ever

Can you say that in this way?

Ok, we´re back, stronger than ever

I was in Carlifornia for a short time

´´Short?´´, two weeks!

Yes, two weeks. That´s the reason why we weren´t able to film something together

But we´re on the way to a skatepark

And we´ll check what we´re able to do there

Put away the camera please, I can´t see the mirror

Martin, what´s up?

Martin drive normal!

You always have to drive considerately

Continue a little bit

but you can feel it when you have to stop

that´s very smart

We have something new for you

My bike

and elias has a new one, most of you seen it on his Instagram

Doesn´t look bad with the snow

We´ll warm up with a few tricks

scissors stone paper who starts

Oh that was nice

What do you do?

Tire Tap onto the rail and fakie down

you have to turn around

Thanks for the tip

I have to say that this try was very good

Let´s go on!

Quarter up

Tire tap against the wall and back into the quarter

without hands!

That could work

What´s up? You have to push off from this wall

oh, ok

say it earlier please

That was really cool

If you ask me, it was great

And when you also think that this was great

than buy our new clothes!

This hoodie only costs 55 euro!

Let´s go on! I think that its gap time!

You want to gap

this way?

A little bit faster!

Ok, try it again!

This try was better than the first one!

Fabio, let´s do a little session

We try some tricks

But I want to try the gap first without doing a trick

Elias, start with your trick!

Elias trick nr. 1

try toboggan, so an onehanded-seatgrab!

ok, i will try it

That was good enough

Good, what do you?

I will try...

Show that with the camera!

I try an 180 or a 360

180 or 360, that´s nearly the same

He´ll crash

I try an 180 again

That´s difficult to ride backwards

Yes, that´s right.

That was pretty cool!

Do you also want to try something else?

That´s really good

Spread your legs

The best I can do

I will try a new jump

I would like to try this one

You´re so crazy

Jump from there

over this rail

and land there

there is a lot of place to land and to brake


Have fun


I would say Send it for Sick Series!

That was a really easy jump

But it looks really high

Guys, you know that it´s time for

every time when we´re in a skatepark

It´s time for the Backflip and Flair Challenge!

The problem is, that we´re not the best in this challenges

It will be interesting to try that on this ground

That´s why it gets a nerve-racking episode

Oh yes. Who will start?

scissors stone paper?

scissors stone paper!

A miniflip above this kicker

You know what happened last time when we made

mini flips

Take your bike and send it!

First test.

That was good

seemed good

One test again

I´m doing shit dude

You´re in the ´Send It´modus today

Yes, just like this

I can´t to that today.

I feel not good today

I doesn´t have a good feeling

and there is the point when

A monkey seats in my head

and says...

That´s so hard for my brain!

Sometimes there is a day like these

when you feel not save so it´s better if you don´t do it

But i want to see a flair from you

Flair challenge on this quarter

That´s my first flair on concrete

Just do it!

That was not good

but it worked recently

You just hitted your tigh, right?

That really hurts!

ok guys, my tigh

hurts too hard

Because i hitted the rail to hard

i would say that we stop here

that was not our day, right

but we come back to this spot

Yes, we repeat that soon

I hope you enjoyed it

Buy our hoodies!

Follow us on Instagram and follow SickSeries on Instagram

There you can check out what´s going on with us and Sick Series

New clothes, etc.

And guys:

Next week, it´s time for a sick episode

We tried us out in a new sport

And I think that it worked very well

Next week, friday on 5 pm , it´s time for the destruction

My arm hurts, it´s very cold

and my tigh hurts

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> We're back! |Sick Series #40 - Duration: 11:14.


45 KİLO PİLAV YEDİK (ACI BİBER İLE) - Duration: 15:53.

For more infomation >> 45 KİLO PİLAV YEDİK (ACI BİBER İLE) - Duration: 15:53.


10 Things You Won't Believe You Can MAJOR IN - Duration: 8:48.

There are a lot of different options about what to study

in college.

Schools have hundreds, maybe thousands of majors, and they're adding new ones all

the time.

With the plethora of choices, some of them are bound to seem a bit weird.

As far as we know, underwater basket weaving is still just a joke, but some of these seem

almost as funny.

Sorry if this article offends you because you're majoring in one of these, but really…

you should have expected it going in.

If you didn't know people were gonna make fun of you for majoring in Bowling Industry

Management, you're not ready for college.

Just kidding – lighten up, Steve.

That's just like a Bowling major to get offended.

So sensitive.

Anyway, let's get started.

Below are 10 of the strangest things you can major in.


Turfgrass Management

We tend to take the grass for granted.

It just grows on its own, right?

Well yes, but it doesn't grow the way we want it to.

If you want an example of grass left unchecked, check out the Amazon rainforest.

You probably don't want that many species living in your yard.

So there are very detailed methods to making grass look and feel like we want it to.

And so, if you're passionate about grass – so passionate that you want to devote

your life to it – maybe consider a major in Turfgrass Management.

We can guarantee grass is easier to manage than people are: it will never disagree with

you, and will do what you want as long as you care for it.

Apparently opportunities abound in this field, with such diverse career options as lawn management,

athletic field management, and golf course management.

Athletic fields and golf courses?


You're almost a professional athlete.

It's as close as you're gonna get, at least.

And it's probably less damaging on your body.



Although it is rare at many schools, it's not unheard of for someone to major in some

sort of music.

If you are very advanced, if it's your passion, and if you are good enough to make a living

with it, then why not?

If you're really good at the violin and practice all the time, you could maybe get

a job in an orchestra.

However, there are other instruments that are much less often focused on.

One would be bagpipes.

A major in bagpipe music might sound like a practical joke, but Carnegie Mellon – an

elite academic school, mind you – actually has a program for it.

In 2009, there was exactly one graduating bagpipe major, and it seems like being the

only one might work out well.

Nick Hudson, the lone bagpipe major, made $1,000 playing in bars on St. Patrick's

Day alone.

Now, if only it could be St. Patrick's Day every day.

Oh, to dream!

If each day could be filled with the joy and booze of the season, then perchance this man's

heart and wallet could be filled to the brim.


Ranch Management

What's one of the few things that you can still do without going to college?

Raising livestock?

You'd imagine that anyone who wants to work down on the ranch would learn from their parents,

or on the job.

Well, apparently that's not always the case.

At Texas Christian University, you can major in Ranch Management.

This is something we never thought would be taught in a classroom.

In the past, that would be something passed down from generation to generation, but we

guess some people whose parents weren't ranchers have decided that's what they want

to do with their lives.

They want to ranch.

And these people are willing to pay lots and lots of dollars to find out how.

Home, home on the range, where degrees and tuition roam free.

Well, not really free.

You know what we mean.

And, despite our hopes, this degree does not have anything to do with ranch dressing.

That, each man must still learn on his own.

There's no class for that… yet.



Drama has long been harassed as a useless major.

You aren't gonna make any money in the theater unless you're a big star, and chances are

you're not going to be a big star.

Especially since the theater's pretty much dead (well, except for Hamilton, of course).

Your grandfather will certainly try to talk you out of it.

"Why don't you major in something useful instead."

Maybe you could make a decent living acting in commercials.

Probably not, but maybe.

Well, if you want to make your relatives even more confused, why not major specifically

in puppetry?

According to the website for the University of Connecticut that's trying to get you

to sign up, graduates of the program work in theaters around the world.

But it won't really matter to your judgmental aunt Martha.

Majoring in puppetry is a surefire way to piss off your relatives, and therefore, an

excellent choice.


Canadian Studies

There's been a critique of traditional western education that it draws topics primarily from

the west, specifically Europe and America.

A lot of schools now are trying to focus more on the study of other countries, like those

in Latin America and Asia.

Learning about different parts of the world is considered an important part of a rounded


And it is.

If you really have a passion for a particular exotic locale, it probably won't kill you

to major or minor in its studies.

One of the exotic locales offered as a major by the University of Vermont is Canadian Studies.

Yes, you can major in the study of the country probably the most similar to the United States,

that's literally an hour drive from the classroom in which you're studying it.

Well, at least you'll be able to go on frequent field trips.


Bakery Science

Culinary school isn't too weird a concept.

You go there and you learn all the different ways to cook and then maybe get a low paying,

high stress job in a restaurant.

But the advantage of it is that you learn all sorts of different ways to cook.

At Kansas State, though, you can decide to instead focus on one of the most common ways

to make food taste better: baking.

You can concentrate on either production management or cereal chemistry.

Ok, we guess this is different from just a cooking degree and you might get a job in

the food production industry.

But still, just… come on.

Cereal chemistry?

Who bakes their cereal?

We know that's not what it means, but that's what it sounds like.

And what it sounds like is ridiculous.

Do we really need some pinhead professor to tell us how to pour our Frosted Flakes?


Bowling Industry Management

That's right, that was not a joke.

This is an actual major at an actual college that you can actually major in.

In actuality.

If you thought the coolest people in The Big Lebowski were the people working at the alley,

this major might be for you.

Most people in business get more general degrees than this, but if you know what you want maybe

you should get really specific – like a degree in Bowling Industry Management.

The only college with this option is Vincennes University in Indiana.

And if you get bored, take advantage of their onsite 18-lane bowling alley.

That's right: if you need to relax after class, head on over and knock down some pins.

On second thought, this doesn't sound that bad.

Sign us up!



People, as a general rule, like alcohol.

Most adults drink at least once in awhile.

So, there's probably going to continue to be jobs for the people who make it.

But is going to college really necessary to make wine?

Well, some colleges think so.

In order to fancy it up even further, colleges actually call these programs Enology, which

means the study of wine.

Oh, it sounds so sophisticated.

Well, at least it will allow you to gain an intensive knowledge of what goes into making

wine at the age of 18 or so.

We're sure that you won't abuse that knowledge.


Folklore and Mythology

It's fascinating and useful to study other cultures.

One of the most interesting things to study about other cultures is their mythology.

You can learn a lot about a society by studying their folklore.

Yep, that's a great thing to read about in your spare time.

But surely it isn't a full on major anywhere… right?

Wait… it is?

Ok, well it's probably some small school you've never heard of.

Well, yes, if you've never heard of Harvard University.

That's right, the college everyone thinks of when they think 'prestigious' has a

major in Folklore and Mythology.

We suppose you can probably still get a good job with it, as long as you emphasize where

you got the major.

"You majored in what?

Oh, I don't think… oh, from Harvard.

Oh yes, of course, can you start Monday?"

We're assuming that's how it works, anyway.


Whatever you want (Student-designed major)

Turns out, some colleges realize students might have interests that don't fit neatly

within one college major.

So, they give them the option to double major.

Or even maybe triple major.

Or, if that doesn't work, some of them just let kids make up their own major.

At several universities, there exists what is called a student-designed major.

The student decides what to call it and they get it put on their diploma if they do what

the college tells them to, and they get through all their classes.

Of course, the college has to approve their choice, so it's not really whatever you


But you can probably convince them of a lot of different things.

Maybe we should send some of our writers to school for listicle studies?

That certainly would have been more helpful than our Bowling Management degree.

Just to remind you, that's a real degree.

If you take just one thing from this article, let it be that.

There are people getting a degree to prepare them for a career in the bowling industry.

Come on!

For more infomation >> 10 Things You Won't Believe You Can MAJOR IN - Duration: 8:48.


Tüm Çiftlerin Aklında Aynı Soru: Sevgililer Günü'nü Kutlayacak mıyız? #hepsiaşkiçin - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Tüm Çiftlerin Aklında Aynı Soru: Sevgililer Günü'nü Kutlayacak mıyız? #hepsiaşkiçin - Duration: 4:27.


Subnautica's Deep Trouble - Duration: 6:50.

Subnautica is a game that defied my expectations in every single way.

It's one of like... two early access survival games to ever achieve a full release.

It's beautiful, horrifying, and surprisingly uhh… deep.

I guess you could say it was

[A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.]

For those who are unaware, in Subnautica you take on the role of a survivor of a space

exploration mission gone awry, just after your ship crashes onto the surface of planet

4546b, an unexplored ocean world teeming with alien life.

Your goal is to unravel the mystery of what caused the crash, and to make it back to civilized

space alive using the materials you salvage.

It's good fun.

I initially intended for this video to be about how Subnautica is amazing and how most

developers and publishers should take it as a positive example of how compelling games

market themselves, and you don't need to spend a hundred million dollars to get people

interested, as long as the game's good.

And Subnautica is really, really good.

Without a doubt worth a buy.

Plenty of other people have already made videos about that, and a couple of them will be linked

at the end of the video.

But there is a much more important lesson to be learned from this game than marketing.

If you've ever given the game at least a passing glance, you'll know that Subnautica's

sound design is second to none.

Nobody can shut up about it.

It's the aspect that most notably elevates the game beyond your typical survival exploration

game and into the realm of survival horror.

Tell me these sounds don't make your skin crawl.


So you can imagine that, having just spent an enjoyable couple of days with Subnautica,

I was very excited to learn of the game's upcoming expansion pack.

I was then shocked to learn that Unknown Worlds had fired the game's sound designer, Simon

Chylinski, after he was found to have made several very controversial tweets on his personal

twitter account, which a number of users stated made them plan on boycotting the game.

The tweets are on screen.

I'm not going to tell you what to think of them, make up your own mind about how you


I want you to listen to what I say now Very.


This is NOT an endorsement of Chylinski's views.

I'm not defending them.

I'm speaking as a huge fan of Subnautica who backed the game nearly three years ago

that wants the game to be the best it can be.

Let's take a bit of a look at this controversy.

The first thing you'll notice about a lot of accounts claiming to be boycotting Subnautica

because of Chylinski's political views is that most of them have little to do with games,

but a lot to do with politics.

That's not to say that this invalidates their opinions, but if I didn't know better

I'd say these people had no interest in actually buying Subnautica in the first place,

and just jumped on the bandwagon in an effort to cost Chylinski his job for purely ideological


There were; however, a few notable people like Jim Sterling who jumped in as well, calling

Chylinski a "bigot" and stating that he deserved to be fired.

According to, a bigot is a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing

creed, belief, or opinion.

That's funny.


Subnautica's lead developer, Charlie Cleveland, called Chylinski's tweets 'hateful'

and stated that the studio decided to stop working with him immediately.

This is a huge mistake.

I'm not going to claim that Unknown Worlds is "censoring" Chylinski, but I would

definitely say that by terminating Chylinski nearly instantaneously over his personal political

opinions, Unknown Worlds has not only lost a very talented member of their team, but

they now look incredibly disloyal to any new talent that might want to work with them.

Chylinski had been employed at unknown worlds for eleven years.

It is not normal for a studio to reward eleven years of employment with a sudden firing without


And sure you could say that maybe his views made his coworkers uncomfortable and he was

causing friction in the workplace, but seeing as the tweets in question were made about

a year ago, and he still featured prominently in many behind-the-scenes devblogs released

a week ago, I'd say there's a fair bit of evidence that isn't the case.

Also, Charlie Cleveland hasn't been apolitical himself.

In 2016, through official developer channels, he stated that Subnautica does not include

any form of properly lethal weaponry because he opposes the private ownership of firearms.

The issue here isn't with Cleveland's political views, or the fact that the studio

has a message, it's with the fact that this sets a precedent.

This is blatantly hypocritical.

One developer expresses his politics as a representative of Unknown Worlds and that's

perfectly fine.

Another expresses theirs on a personal social media account, and he's gone.

The real cherry on top of this nightmare of a sundae is the fact that Unknown Worlds is

based in California, where Section 1101 of the California Labor Code forbids employers

from acting on any policy that seeks to control or direct the political activities of their


Seeing as it is apparently a fireable offense to hold beliefs like Chylinski's at Unknown

Worlds, his termination could, in fact, be considered illegal, though he stated in an

interview with Bunty King that he has no intentions to pursue legal action against the studio,

and has since insisted that people stop targeting the studio in retaliation to his firing.

Trying to appease the unappeasable will do little good for them.

It would have made much more sense for Unknown Worlds to publically distance themselves from

Chylinski's opinions and to affirm that he does not represent the company as a whole.

Instead, they chose to make themselves look like a studio more concerned with their public

image than the talent of their staff and the quality of their product.

Appearing as a game studio whose top priority isn't their games is an awful look, and

doesn't bode well for Unknown Worlds' future.

Again, I say that as a fan of their work, both Subnautica and Natural Selection.

I would love for them to learn from this mistake and to keep making great games, but as things

stand they're beginning to look like the next Bioware, where a studio's rigid internal

climate ultimately leads to something like Mass Effect Andromeda.

I don't want to look back at Unknown Worlds in a few years and wonder "How did they

fall so far?"

like I did with Bioware.

Did Chylinski deserve to be reprimanded for his tweets?


But firing him as a knee jerk reaction does much more to hurt the studio than it does

to help.

As a developer, Unknown Worlds needs to make their games their top priority, not whether

or not they're appeasing the social media hate mob.

For more infomation >> Subnautica's Deep Trouble - Duration: 6:50.


How to download and install Night Diamond cursor! Windows 7,8,10 ||2018|| - Duration: 1:39.

Welcome To Computer Tech

Welcome To Computer Tech

How To Download Night Diamond Cursor

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For more infomation >> How to download and install Night Diamond cursor! Windows 7,8,10 ||2018|| - Duration: 1:39.


Our PET CAT ZELDA GOING FOR A WALK! Cute and funny cat video for kids! Fuzzy Kiwi TV - Duration: 2:56.

Fuzzy Kiwi TV

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See you on the next video!

For more infomation >> Our PET CAT ZELDA GOING FOR A WALK! Cute and funny cat video for kids! Fuzzy Kiwi TV - Duration: 2:56.


This Girl Is True Education Lover - Duration: 2:04.

education lover girl

For more infomation >> This Girl Is True Education Lover - Duration: 2:04.


The Weeknd Net Worth | Lifestyle | Family | House | Cars | Biography 2018 - Duration: 4:49.

The Weeknd Net Worth | Lifestyle | Family | House | Cars | Biography 2018

For more infomation >> The Weeknd Net Worth | Lifestyle | Family | House | Cars | Biography 2018 - Duration: 4:49.


Квартирник Как начать зарабатывать на ФРИЛАНСЕ - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Квартирник Как начать зарабатывать на ФРИЛАНСЕ - Duration: 3:27.



So, here me out, I have found the secret to being happy.

This really helped me out and I pray it helps you too.

It's something that I recently started to practice and it really works but you have

to watch the whole video to understand what I mean.

If you want to be happy, if you want to love yourself, if you want to not care of what

people think of you, if you want to stop being shy, if you want to stop being scared, if

you want to boost your self-esteem, it's important that you start to compare yourself to yourself.

You see my biggest mistake was that my whole life I wanted to be like someone else.

I wanted what other people had.

I had a lot of envy and I never felt good enough.

When this occurs we fall into depressing thoughts and we stop looking at ourselves differently

from the way God see's us.

Because we were all uniquely made.

So instead of comparing myself to all these people I instead started comparing myself

to me.

Now what do I mean?

I started to leave perfectionism behind me and this helped me into taking risk and taking

advantage of new opportunities because I no longer had fear of failing and not doing things


This helped me in many areas of my life because I started doing things to better myself instead

of trying to be someone that I'm not.

I stop wasting time trying to be someone else and started doing the things I really wanted.

Every time I feel down I look back and see how much I progressed.

When you start thinking of yourself more, when you start focusing on you, you will stop

trying to get attention and approval of other people.

And you'll soon realize that when you treat yourself good, you tend to treat other people

good as well.

You start to help others without expecting anything in return.

You'll start to live the life that God gave you.

Be happy for others and don't be competitive, instead be motivated.

Be happy for who you're and have confidence in yourself.

Rely only on God's opinion of you, and remember, when we are in Christ, He sees us as perfect

in Christ.

May the Gospel give you life.

For more infomation >> THE SECRET TO BEING HAPPY AND POSITIVE ALL THE TIME! - Duration: 2:36.


MBen der Bedwars NOOB! | MCPE BW#1 - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> MBen der Bedwars NOOB! | MCPE BW#1 - Duration: 9:57.


Selena Gomez steps out wearing familiar-looking frames during coffee run with gal pal - Duration: 1:55.

Selena Gomez steps out wearing familiar-looking frames during coffee run with gal pal

Selena Gomez steps out wearing familiar-looking frames during coffee run with gal pal

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