Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

I think I'm ready to have a home good evening baby hi guys so we're back in

the van and I'm like slowly adjusting to van always keep some certain things in

the corner and you know like you have to be really creative with where you put

stuff so that everything fits right now we're just hanging out at a Walmart

parking lot we went to the gym and we needed some groceries so we just picked

up some stuff really quick and now I'm gonna make some dinner and you're gonna

help me

it's a little fun fact but I literally never ate peppers or onions like before

the last years and I don't know I guess you can say anything is possible like

with the right mindset I just really wanted to be healthier and eat more

plants as a vegan so I just like forced myself and I don't know if I'm

cutting these all right I'm pretty happy with the way that it came out there

being a last minute meal and and my sweet baby Jimmy made whiskey and

Mama's meal looks amazing so I just melted some vegan cheese on top of like

a spicy chicken patty the same thing that we did last night but I liked it so

much that I did it again this is a veggie vegan Italian sausage it's soy

based and it's pretty good in packed in protein I forgot to mention

30 grams of protein 1 sausage

so what do you guys think we get so many comments all the time about how jealous

people are of our lifestyle but can you really do this I mean we don't have any

space to move like we've just got called on by a security guard that we can't

sleep here our dishes we just wipe them because the sink is too hard to use

access I can go on and on okay so even though we just stayed at a resort and

it's so much fun you love it totally recommend that everyone do it if they

can we're gonna try to show you guys more of our life more the real life may

be that you don't get to see on a daily basis I mean we pee in cups sometimes we

don't shower for up to five days and we smell I don't know there's a lot of like

really bad stuff that goes into it I think it's just like if you're willing

to make the sacrifice of giving up on that comfort so you can see so much more

of the world so that's what it's about and that's why we do it

yep cheers to that Jamison yeah

bubs do you wanna come here come here Austin

we gotta make space for the baby watch out for the drinks hurry bubs

jump what are the benefits of having them like a puppy and a van is if they

get used to like the size of the videos like it's really easy for them to like

my new very even if it's still yeah what if I you see yeah okay fine fine I'm

just gonna give you guys a little piece it's a little piece for CP now Jimmy's

doing the dishes and I'm making our cars dope I just take these little pin and I

close the windows the car is so that people can't see in here

you guys know he didn't even tell us we do Julie feels like I'm leaving and

you're like why and he was like I told you over an hour ago to leave we're like

we're just hanging out okay we bought some groceries I was just eating chips

and stuff and you were just like well I'll give you guys a little bit longer

but you need to go so now we're gonna go find a place to self camp probably near

some apartments or somewhere where we won't be noticed so we're not just

talking about their life like it's great like right now they're hanging out on

the parking lot you can feel everybody looking at you

like you're just a freeloader homeless person just trying to take advantage of

the free things around I'll just hang in our parking lot all day people look at

you weird and that feeling is heavy on yourself can life at both you can feel

great in nature where there's nothing good do you have everything you need

when you get to the city so hard do anything you just an outlaw you're like

you don't get it that's hard

you know on the parking lot it's not even fun we were thinking

Starbucks and it's

no motivation do you imagine going to Mexico

I mean yeah I can see myself on MXC oh but like oh my breath the beach all the


before you something goes so worth like I feel like it's just getting old

not only the Alka like everyone on YouTube thinks that we're like fake bat

lifers was just so annoying because I have to deal with all these annoying

things and then through wilderness like I doesn't think they were fake because

we're like because of the way that we look or

because I like to clean it's stupid it's like I don't think that we need

acknowledged yeah I feel it too it's heavy the comments and gets tired

to read like a fake you're fake you're fake that's a real truth I mean there is

no production crew somewhere that's gonna come out and tell us to go back to

a hotel room god I fucking wish there was seriously

if it was like that I would have no problem telling people that that's the

truth but it's not we're like the fucking opposite of that and I feel like

we just like fight all the time each other and I really don't care about

the what like what other people think it's more just like how it feel like

yeah like I feel like I should lacking something like like you look and think

whatever I was made fun of my whole life because I was short whatever like they

didn't make fun of you because you were super skinny super pill we're all skinny

and pale over there but now I felt like the way they look at me in which we feel

uncomfortable like ah doing something wrong like why do they look at me like

I'm so different well lucky for you you just fit in white

milk yeah but now I feel like I don't fit anymore I've never been in I am

freaking went to USC like full of white people I was like the only brown one in

all my classes fitting in is not a problem it's just like the way that I

feel being here is just like that's all that matters that's just the way you

feel doesn't matter if it's because you're

not comfortable in a van or because you don't feel like people accept you I feel

like I've just outgrown that life and like now I just really it's time for me

to like move on and do something else with my life like but what do you mean I

grown what did you get out of this van life experience it makes you lean more

to do something different now the experience of going all over the

country W you just like to have like a taste of these sort of taste of that I

mean I just change all the time I don't think you have to stay the same I think

by having a little taste of everything you know you can like the real-life

experience is just yet to come because it's been so easy go to Walmart we get

our groceries come on it's been hard sometimes but

like the real challenge for me it's that South America thing you never even had

it in your mind to go to South America you know and the more I started thinking

about this and reading about going to Mexico and like seeing those pictures

it's like dang this is where it's all me when I think of that I think of no vegan

food and the good a really big

- but not for you because you'll deceive me yeah so that's why again fine eating

rice and beans and shit at some point maybe a leaf like the occasion happens

I've never seen you fine with eating rice and beans okay where do you have to

be for there to not be meat like this is he everywhere let's say there is like a

little village in Mexico and they don't have meat because the cartel is blocking

their borders though you will find a taco stand on every freaking street they

have talked those sounds over there like that Starbucks here guaranteed I'm sure

to have beans in avocado and rice I get tired of that - I just so for me I'll

just suffer it the whole time I have to learn how to make my own food making

your own food especially you have you

started kind of cooking for myself before that I didn't know how to cook a

single thing even when you met me I was making rice in the microwave like I do

not I'm not the first mayor you made me a bowl of cereal

that's good job and then the second day was like a veggie burger microwave just

like you've been traveling has kind of forced me to cook and now I feel like if

we go to South America like I'm gonna have to learn how to make my own cheese

you don't think you can I'm just kidding

it means to be fair like the last time we were in our van cuz we've been

staying with my mom for a little while for the holidays and then I've like had

the flu for three weeks but anyway the last time we were in our van it was in

Joshua Tree and like it was a totally different experience and now so maybe

it's just like being in the city again that I really don't like yeah I mean I

could imagine like if we're in Baja and like I'm in a bikini just like ten like

I was just feel so grateful like I have my home everywhere you guys have seen

our videos been life in Denver the city even life in New York and even life in

Chicago but it's really to be honest it's not so fun to be in the city I mean

I would disagree with the part that like it's fun in the sunset we've never been

there before it was fun because we got to see New York it was fun because we

got to see the Chicago but like Palm Springs I mean I've been to Palm Springs

so many times and not only that it's just like I mean it's not really that

like worth it you know like when you go no but we showed them it's kind of

played by us in a way like do you remember you were hot it was so hot in

that dress and me I was so hard to like driving in the city in the streets of


we just put like happiness and everything which is great like I'm not

saying we shouldn't have but there is just a side of their life in the city

that is actually not fun you know and that's what I want people to know too

that's it I think that was just a short little video talking about our dilemmas

at the moment let's hope that gets better I know that I'm complaining about

my situation right now but I'm still just grateful that like this dream came

true and that I had the opportunity to live this lifestyle and experience it

for myself now whatever happens in the future like I'll look back and just know

that I accomplished my goals you know I did what I wanted to do and I don't let

fear get in the way of that or yeah like I don't want people to hear this video

and to get like the wrong impression of bad life and think like oh no it's so

shitty I should never do it like I would never have traded my experience in a

million years for anything else I'm still just grateful that we had this

found that we were able to see those cities because traveling just like with

a plane and having to stay at hotels I wouldn't have been able to go to half of

the cities that we went to all those cities like I would have never been able

to see so like I'm grateful for that yeah and for that long we'd stay in New

York for three weeks it's like wow how much money do you make to stay in three

weeks in New York City in Manhattan yeah we would wake up in the beautiful

neighborhood of Manhattan and just pop a stove open make some food just on the

sidewalk so we woke up in Manhattan and now we're

making breakfast in the city

that was fun but at the moment I was embarrassed and that's what I'm kind of

going back towards right now like that feeling maybe like Sabrina said it's

because it's been a long time we had this big break from their life

and coming back to it it's a little rough oh you gotta trust the process and

you gotta keep moving forward that will get better


For more infomation >> ARE WE QUITTING VAN LIFE? - Duration: 17:20.


Hogwarts 2015 - Episode 6 [Eng sub] - Duration: 9:01.

V: This reminds me of when we were kids.

T: It's nothing like that.

V: Yeah?

T: First of, you had no idea what you were doing then, and I'm pretty sure your mum

won't barge in and ground us for ruining her fancy makeup now.

V: I had a hum…

T: Vicky, you put lip gloss on my eyes.

V: Yeah, and your eyes were lovely and sparkly.

T: Yeah, for weeks! They also smelled like strawberries for weeks.

V: I really think it's kind of like cheating when you transmogrifying your eye laces to look almost as long as fake ones.

T: Says the one who's a fourth veela.

V: Yes, because I cannot help the way I look.

T: Are you saying I shouldn't conform to society's ideas of beauty?

V: I'm saying you don't need to.

You do you.

T: Well usually, you're the one who's-

V: Sush you dirty badger. Or I'll smear your lip gloss!!

V: There, I'm done.

Do you want me to fetch a mirror?

T: I'm gonna look in the loo, thanks babe.

V: You sure your "dorm dudes" won't be coming back?

T: I told them we had some very important headboy-prefect matter to attend to and disturbing

me would leave me no choice but to take so many points we'd probably lose the house cup.

They got the hint.

V: Not sure if you're abusing your power or being very romantic.

T: How about both?

V: You can try it with a skirt too if you want to.

T: No, I'm fine.

T: Vicky…?

V: It's okay, Teddy. I promise not to laugh. This time.

T: Thanks for that...

T: Well, ta-dah...!

V : Look at you.

T: Is it weird that I would totally bang myself?

V: Not really…

T: Hm?

V: Don't you see who you look like?

T: No…?

V: Teddy, I love you and I support you, 100%.

V: I really do.

But, you look like me.

T: Fine you know forget I ever said any-

V: Hey, don't storm off whenever you get upset, and I can tell you are clearly upset because you

always change back to your dad's haircut when you are, whether you like it or not.

T: Am not! See!

V: Very mature, Lupin.

T: Bite me, Weasley.

V: I know that I cannot even imagine what you're going through but

I want you to explore you.

That's the whole point, right?

I know you're probably not even aware of it but you kind of... I don't want you to model your femininity after me.

T: … You're the prettiest girl I know.

T: Argh…

V: Use your words.

T: I kind of wish I could talk to my mom about this.

V: … you can floo mine if you want, if you don't want to talk to Andromeda?

T: Thanks.

I just don't know if the fact that I can change my appearance at will makes this whole thing

easier or way more complicated.

T: I'm not saying this has anything to do with the fact that I can.

T: I guess I just need to think about it more.

T: and I suppose you're right…

V: You should be used to it by now.

V: Oh, by the way, there was something I have been meaning

to ask you, how's it going with the resistance group?

T: Growing, it's growing... quite slowly…

V: Hm, I think I know what you're missing…

T: A totally rad and kick ass name?

V: You read my mind.

T: "McGonagall's Army"?

No, she would not see the fun in it like Harry said Dumbledore did.

V: How about... "Society for the banishment of old, boring, unnecessary traditions"?

T: "Hogwarts students vs old, boring, unnecessary traditions"

V: We're not exclusive to students though, are we?

"Hogwarts united against old fashioned traditions"?

T: I like "united against"... sounds very nice...

How about discrimination?

United against discrimination?

V: "Sign up or get a punch in the face.

Broken nose included."

T: Haha. Very funny.

V: I thought so.

How about "Wizards and Witches United Against Discrimination"?

You'll be leaving Hogwarts soon.

T: Ugh, don't remind me, Vicky!

T: but yeah... it has a nice sound to it...

T: How about just "Sorcerers"?

In case you feel like neither a witch nor a wizard, or maybe you feel like both.

V: "Sorcerous Queers United Against Discrimination"

T: Why 'Queer'?

V: The Muggles use it as an all inclusive term for anything that does not fit in with

what it considered "normal".

Both in terms of gender and sexuality.

I thought it fit with the theme of using 'sorcerer' instead of categorizing magic-users unnecessarily.

T: "Sorcerous Queers United Against Discrimination".

SQUAD for short.



I like it.

Be careful with the cat!

V: I like it.

T: Yeah, me too.

T: Good! Now we only need a manifesto, a clear set of goals so that people - both at Hogwarts

and in society in general - can join the resistance!

V: Today: gender neutral dorms at Hogwarts; tomorrow: taking over the Ministry!

T: Go big or go home.

For more infomation >> Hogwarts 2015 - Episode 6 [Eng sub] - Duration: 9:01.


US sends first combat troops to Vietnam - 2/9/1965 - Duration: 0:50.

Today in military history 1965.

The United States sends her first combat troops

to South Vietnam.

US involvement in Vietnam had been escalating

through the early 60's.

On February seventh the North Vietnamese attacked

US installations resulting in retaliatory air raids

that brought global attention to the divided country.

On February ninth President Johnson ordered

the deployment of a US Marine Corps Hawk Air Defense

Missile Battalion to South Vietnam to provide protection

for an air base in Da Nang.

The Marines were the first combat troops

committed to the region and the response was inflammatory.

Communist China and the Soviet Union threatened

to intervene while the America press offered support

for the deployment.

The Washington Post said in an editorial the next day

quote "the United States government has taken the only

"course available to it if it does not wish to surrender."

(dramatic music)

For more infomation >> US sends first combat troops to Vietnam - 2/9/1965 - Duration: 0:50.


Giant Bounty / Mounds - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> Giant Bounty / Mounds - Duration: 15:48.


[Eng sub] Sexual harassment at work 2 الفكيرة 226 | حكايتى مع التحرش الجنسى - Duration: 10:05.

When harassment is at work

it gets more difficult

Because who is harassing me will be my colleague

my manager

business owner

so interferes with

my career and my future

First time I worked in a very

respectable place

we were 3 assigned to work at the same time

this made us more close, it was me

my female colleague and a male colleague

my female colleague was wearing khimar

and my male colleague was from one of

the Egyptian governorates


as we were assigned to work at the same time we became like friends

Bit by bit we started talking and joking

and I started to notice that

that way he treats me

is different from the way he treat our colleague

who is wearing Khimar

one time he hit me with his shoulder

while I an sitting he hit me with his leg

and he continued

not respecting

to my space

and crossing it every now and then

without a reason

and without my permission

It was my first time to work in a place

I had no experience in dealing with people

so I didn't know how can I make him understand

that what he is doing

is not comfortable for me and I don't accept it

just like the one who is wearing khimar

Maybe I reacted in a wrong way

because the third time he crossed my space

and touched me


I told him that he is not respectable

he needs to know who he is dealing with

and many other words

so our relation ended for ever

and I think the right attitude was

that from the first time I make it clear

that this behavior is wrong and doesn't work for me

We also need to notice that the man

should be respectable

no matter what kind of girl he is dealing with

so maybe he thinks that because my hair is not covered

and I am wearing a jeans

this means that I can allow him to touch me

but if he is respectable

he is respectable with anyone

and the way he deals with a girl should be the same no matter who is that girl

This doesn't mean if he is dealing with a prostitute

that he sleeps with her

I went to work in a very respectable company

the company was supposed to be preparing for a conference

has a known date

and I am a graphic designer concerned with whatever

related to graphics and multimedia

The owner of the company is a very reserved man, old

his wife is working with us in the same company

his children some studying at university, some highschool


He started calling us for closed meetings

and telling us his life stories

bragging about his past and victories

and wasting our time as those meetings were not useful

and kept us from finishing our work

Bit by bit he started calling me only for closed meetings

telling me things like, your dress

is very beautiful

You look bright today

and similar then he started

calling me on my phone, saying " I love you"

so when someone is over 70

or over 60 and his wife is working with us

and I know his children

it is not normal to tell me

" I love you"

The other thing is that nothing is my appearance

that shows I am looking

for a relation at that time

so I don't understand why he chose me

specially at that time

I was going through the asceticism period

which I talked about in the audio " Me and Gandhi"

What is important

Is that I ignored him totally and whenever

he called me for a closed meeting

I hear from this side and let go from the other

because I want to finish the period

which I committed to in the contract

and it was 3 months

while he wanted me to sign a 1 year contract

and I refused because I wanted to test the work first

I tried to spend this period calmly

but he kept chasing me with the silly phone calls

and the useless closed meetings

until one day

He called me in my weekend holiday

and told me you must come to work immediately

because we have lots of work and all your colleagues are here

and you must come

Of course I didn't go

because I never work during my holiday

but when I went on Monday I talked with my colleagues

asking how was work how was Friday

so they asked what do you mean Friday!! Friday is a holiday

so I told them but the owner

called me and told me that you are working in the office

all my colleagues were shocked

and I started discovering that he is not only

calling me for closed meetings

and calling me on my phone but he is also planning

to drag me to the office or the company

when no one is there

that was when I told

all my colleagues about what is going on

and I started discovering I am not the only one he is doing this with

there was another girl before who rejected

his harassment and he took her to court

and she suffered a lot

because she left before the end of the contract

I didn't want this to happen to me

so I continued working

till I finished the contract period

and I was dealing with him by ignoring him

in a firm way

anytime he tries to talk to me

in front of the employees or behind them

I talk to him with no respect which he deserves

till I finished my contract period

and I was supposed to get my disclaimer

He made me sign that I got all my rights

and when he was supposed to sign my disclaimer

he refused to sign

I went immediately to the manager of the company and told him

the manager works for him

but he knew the story

and I was informing every one because I have nothing to hide

or I am not doing anything wrong

all people sympathized with me

and the manager of the company brought me the disclaimer

and I got rid of this nightmare

that was stressing me out

for about

3 months

For someone to have a business it is not easy

but for a female to have a business it is

even more difficult

and here I faced huge amount of sexual harassment

when I started my advertising company

in the city of Sharm El Sheikh

I was doing the marketing by myself

so I used to meet the managers of the companies

and the most important touristic attractions in SSH

and present to them my idea

which was a discount card for SSH

and I was surprised that 95% of the managers

and the business owners I used to meet

They always offered me

very weird offers

so for example someone tells me

I am not getting along with my wife

and I am looking for a girlfriend that is Egyptian

with western mentality

or someone tells me oh advertising company

in SSH I am looking

for a divorced or widowed woman

I am lonely and

looking for a woman to keep me company

They all seemed to be very respectable

they have their

credibility and a position in the company

and I was very surprised of what they were telling me

and mostly I reacted by ignoring it

and continue my proposal

of the offer I came for

but this put me under huge stress

specially that at the end

I didn't get to know if he will approve the offer

or he is waiting me to give him something for his approval

Those were my stories with harassment at work

which really took from my energy and my time

a lot and

held me back from executing

some of the ideas when I get to imagine

the amount of harassment I could face

if I started to execute that idea in reality

I hope the video is useful

This is the continuation of the first part

I made about my sexual harassment

and the first part was streets harassment

For sure I am not the only one who faced harassment at work

so if anyone wants to share their story

write it in the comment or Theresa Khalil group

For more infomation >> [Eng sub] Sexual harassment at work 2 الفكيرة 226 | حكايتى مع التحرش الجنسى - Duration: 10:05.


FBI Informant Was Told Barack Obama was Briefed Twice on Uranium - Duration: 2:11.

FBI Informant Was Told Barack Obama was Briefed Twice on Uranium One Scandal � Did Nothing

In October an FBI informant stepped forward and said there was �on-the-record quid pro

quo� surrounding the Uranium One scandal with the Clintons.

Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian backed bank and the Clinton

Foundation received millions of dollars from people involved with the Uranium One deal.

The informant, Douglas Campbell, broke his silence on a Russia plot to steer millions

of dollars to the U.S. in an effort to benefit the Clinton Foundation.

Campbell braved �35 intense radiation treatments after being diagnosed with cancer during his

time with the FBI.

Today Campbell spoke with four Congressional panels about the Uranium One scandal.

Campbell�s attorney Victoria Toensing spoke with Sean Hannity tonight.

Victoria Toensing: Mr. Campbell was told by the FBI that what he was being told and they

were taking it upstairs and he was also told that President Obama also had it in his daily

briefing twice.

Mr. Campbell also accused the Obama administration of making decisions that ended up benefitting

the Russian nuclear industry, which he said was seeking to build a monopoly in the global

uranium market

Obama was briefed at least twice on the corrupt deal to sell US uranium to Russia and did


Via Hannity:

For more infomation >> FBI Informant Was Told Barack Obama was Briefed Twice on Uranium - Duration: 2:11.


2018 MSÜ DERİ ve İZ Kusurları ANİMASYONU - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 2018 MSÜ DERİ ve İZ Kusurları ANİMASYONU - Duration: 2:11.


Faut-il se DÉCLARER ? - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Faut-il se DÉCLARER ? - Duration: 7:03.


Cпособы моделирования объектов в 3ds max. Как смоделировать любой объект в 3D - Duration: 16:57.

For more infomation >> Cпособы моделирования объектов в 3ds max. Как смоделировать любой объект в 3D - Duration: 16:57.


Richard Dragon Kills Cayden & Wakes Up!? Black Siren Reborn - Arrow 6x13 Breakdown! - Duration: 8:04.

see guys like you never understand these things why destroy a city when you could

take it over

I suppose this accounts for your presence here

the new police captain she's on my payroll

along with a few other city officials

Arclight was a big help in sending the herd for me I suspect you're not done

thinning the herd

why are you always talking about how much you missed your son they shouldn't


tell your boy I said Oh


what's good youtube Warstu here With A Video on arrow season 6 episode 13 the

devil's greatest trick now if you do go ahead and like this video make sure you

smash that like button and smash the comment section and let me know where

you think the arrow TV show is going ahead forward and do you think this was

an epic episode for me this is the best episode ever so last week's episode all

for nothing ended with vigilante dying but really it didn't give him any

vantage point and the only trick up their sleeve is to find out who really

killed Hayden James's son so obviously vigilante was killed last

episode which is kind of sad but that will fuel Dinah Drake the new black

Canary's kind of storyline going forward I just hope when we get to the end of

that that isn't the end of it and the writer off next season as I really do

like the character Diana Drake so it started off with Oliver and John Diggle

going into where Caden James cronies did actually hang out but because Vincent

was outed and Vincent was killed by black siren but she didn't want to

actually do it and James was kind of wreck on everything and so much came to

play in this episode it almost felt like a mid like a finale for the Caden James

storyline because in the end he actually found out that it was someone inside his

group his business kind of man his business deal people did it was one of

them that actually killed his son in sets realistically the whole season off

so the whole season was in theory built on a lie because we knew it wasn't gonna

be Oliver Queen we knew the green arrow didn't kill his son and it was a really

kind of development based episode where we had a lot of different scenes

obviously we still got team arrow and we still got team mr. terrific I guess you

can say so we had a brief flash cameo where the flash ran John Diggle and

arrow into intercept Kade and James and this is where Kade and James actually

found out that it wasn't him but he wanted Oliver Queen the green arrow to

bring in Ricardo Diaz Richard Ragan same person black siren

and obviously Anatole KGB's please guys get rid of an Alok totally @kg beast he

is not needed he is so useless in my opinion of the guys let me know down

below do you like character so the the main part was kind to bring these three

characters to Kate and James to find out who

she killed his son and I'm realistic guys everyone I called this I've caused

so many times it was actually Ricardo Diaz Richard dragon who from the

synopsis by of him he spent some time in jail and he wasn't supposed to be in

there it was kind of so he got a massive money he got lots of money so he's

powerful and got money but you're in the episode black siren tried to make out it

was her but we know it wasn't her she hesitated just like hating James said

when she was told to kill a vigilante she didn't want to do it so we all know

this is where black sirens story art is being reborn

Michael Emerson's acting in this episode was so much better I feel when he was

interacting with car Diaz and when he's interact with the green arrow because

obviously Richard Dragon has hardly been miss at all he's hardly been in it at

all a set for killing someone a few episodes so back you wouldn't even know

what Richard Ragan was in it but now we all know just like I said Richard Ragan

is going to be be the big bad overall so black sign breaks free of the metahuman

dampening necklace I guess you could say because Kate and Jones had the bomb in

his hand and obviously when they got closed and black so I went canary crying

everyone's asked and everyone kind of got free and it turned out that all of

us saved the day and it was pre pre reminiscent but Kate Kate and James

found out that really he killed his son for not being for doing us work the

helix we found out that Katie and James found out his son was dead when he was

in that kind of chamber that Felicity saved him from last season so there was

a lot of connective tissue in this whole episode although I feel like the

flashback scenes with Kate and James son and him weren't really necessary they

did feel the whole and then obviously there was a massive fight between Dinah

Drake and black so realistically black Sian would kick her ass but I guess for

the narrative of the storyline they've got a light make diner hat to be

stronger but what is interesting is Lance Lance Quinton Lance actually say

it's Laurel Lance aka black soy from earth-2 and he's going to try and read a

redeemer which is awesome because Ock Cassidy is one of the best actors on the

show clearly they just haven't given her any screen time at all so towards the

end they have Kate and James obviously I don't know where he is it's in the

mayor's office I think I don't think it's in it doesn't look like it's in

jail doesn't like it's in the right the police force for me so he comes in

you just request that he gets to go to his son's gravestone he gives them all

the bank details of all the money that he got from the city and all that kind

of stuff and as soon as we see the camera flick off we know that Richard

dragon is gonna walk in and it's pretty interesting Richard dragon I really

can't wait to see where this is going he basically says you didn't see it

coming you think you're smart but realistically I'm the smartest dude and

then he kills Hayden James just like everyone said I said it I it was pretty

obvious from the Gecko the Kate and James wasn't going to be around for much

longer and it's gonna be pretty cool because

Katie James didn't see it coming which was the kind of really interesting point

and Ricardo Diaz Richard Ragan same person said that why

destroy City when you could control it he said that he's got the new police

chief like everyone's under his thumb obviously he got all that money I think

the post had 40 million dollars that he got when he came from prison he's got a

lot of money and with money comes great

responses to progress our black siren I want her to be redeemed I want her to

have Redemption arc and it looks like it's clearly gonna happen and Richard

dragon but I guess it's gonna take a while because the camera was turned off

it's gonna take the team's a while to figure out who actually killed him now

obviously they're gonna point a finger to black siren then the pointer finger

to Anatole they're going to point a finger to Richard dragon but

realistically we know it's rigged Richard dragon I haven't watched a

trailer but next like the episode comes back after the Olympics so it's arrows

off the air now till March the first ray will be doing bonus videos for our arrow

flash supey all that kind of stuff we do have

legends tomorrow starting on Monday which is kind of odd to air it while

still Winter Olympics is on but it's cool so I will still be there doing DC

and mile videos or wait long let me know guys what did you think it's episode I

thoroughly enjoyed this episode and this is back to its best just keep it simple

it's back to its best I hope there is some connection between Richard Ragan

and Oliver Queen or John Diggle as there was a kind of story on comic books where

John Diggle killed his sensei or I can't quite remember but it was something

along them lines anyway guys please like subscribe and comment get out

and down below to join team war suit and I will catch you in that comment section

I will catch you guys in another video of very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Richard Dragon Kills Cayden & Wakes Up!? Black Siren Reborn - Arrow 6x13 Breakdown! - Duration: 8:04.


Winter Carp Fishing Watercraft With Andrew Booth - Duration: 9:49.

Hi guys, Andrew Booth here from Urban Bait. Today we're going to have a

look at some winter water craft. Try and make it a little bit easier for you to go and

find some fish in the winter and hopefully get amongst them. As you can

see on top of my head I've got a pair of polarized sunglasses. Now I believe these

are the most vital piece of kit that you can own. Without these you know

I'm not saying you won't find fish but you're blind to a lot of the signs.

They're an amazing bit of kit. They take the glare off the water

enabling you to see into the water, enabling you to see further really, like blocking

sunlight from obstructing your vision. Yeah

so I suggest you get a pair of them. There's loads of companies that do them, some better

than others, but you can get them for a reasonable price for a pretty decent pair. So yeah

go out and have a look guys. Yeah I'm going to crack on with the video now and I hope you enjoy

it. I'm going to try and get all aspects in if I can and then I'll send it all over to you

all. So hope you get some vital information. Enjoy the video!

Hi guys, Andrew Booth from Urban Bait. Today we're going to have a little

look at winter water craft. For the purpose of this video we're not going to

name the water because they like to stay private.

But we're just going to have a look around and get some ideas on how to

find the fish in winter. Let's get cracking. Now as you can see guys this is

a fairly big lake. It's got numerous islands.

I think it's around about 13 to 14 Acres

and I suppose the main question would be where do you start on a water like this?

Well I think I think the biggest clue or tip I could give you is generally, in the

winter, the carp like to be in the warmest place possible. So my tip would be

to let the wildlife tell you where to fish for a start because you know these

creatures live in this environment and generally they like to stay warm as well.

To be honest with you, I'm surprised that there's not a lot of

wildlife this side of the lake because I found a bit of like slack

water if you like sort of off the back of the wind where it's a bit not so

choppy and the wind isn't so bitter. So

like for me I would usually fish in a place like this where the

wind is a bit less you know "raging" I suppose. Now that looks nice off the

edge of the island there. It's pretty calm there and obviously islands are good

holding areas for carp. Also I would keep an eye out for wildlife such as

coots and ducks and things which dive and pick up bait because this time of

year there's not a lot of bait going in the water

and when you find the few coots and ducks diving, generally it means there's

food in an area. So that's a good tip I can give you and just keep scanning the

water. I'll have a little walk around now and see if I can find a few signs and

I can show you what else to look for. See you in a bit guys. Just a quick clip this

one guys. This is what I mean by off the back of the wind. As you can see the

wind is pushing in here but then, from the protection of the island, you can see

slack water just here which, in general, would be warmer. So that, I think,

would be a good area to put your baits because like I explained earlier,

carp like to stay warm, and this is usually a good sheltered area from the

wind. So the water temp stays slightly warmer. I'm going to continue

walking around now and have a look for some signs and I'll explain what these

signs are when I find them. Here we are guys, just found a couple of coots up in

this area, investigating, seeing if there's any bait left around.

A couple of ducks over there which tells me they're fairly comfortable in this area.

As you can see the waters fairly calm here. A bit more bird life. I think I've seen an

oil slick over there just now which tells me there's bait in the area.

Someone must have been fishing it recently.

Also as I turned up in the swim, I think I spooked a fish.

I saw a bow wave just out there. So this could be a good area at the start.

I just spotted some more ducks diving guys, just off the front of this island here.

I think that could be a sign that there's a bit of bait out there as well as

I'm stood actually on a fishing peg. So this looks pretty good.

Hey guys, I'm back in the van now. It's a bit breezy out there, cold.

I've had a look about, seen some likely-looking areas. I hope that gave you

some information on where to look in the winter. Unfortunately I couldn't cover

all the aspects because I couldn't find what I was looking for. A big gray cloud

came over and sort of took the light off the water if you like and I couldn't

really see. I was looking for coloured water where the bottom had been

disturbed or you know hopefully it was fish disturbing the bottom. Looking at it

I think the areas I found on sort of the back of the wind where there were a few

birds diving on like, what I think, were like sort of areas where people have put

bait and stuff, where like basically the wildlife was telling me they were

comfortable there. Here we go guys, I've got two sets of polarised glasses there.

One from Fortis which do really good polarised glasses for a reasonable

price. I've gone a bit extravagant with the other ones which are HD

polarised glasses. Both do a brilliant job.

Obviously you've got different colour lenses for different conditions and different

coloured waters. So that's basically it guys. I think we've covered most aspects of

winter watercraft there. My main tip would be to look on the back of the wind

which is generally more comfortable for everyone. Also for yourself it's less cold.

And keep scanning the water. You know you might get lucky and see one show. It's

rare in winter but if you do, generally where there's one most of them are there

because they're comfortable there. So yeah keep your eyes peeled! So I

hope you enjoyed that video. I hope it was full of information for you. Give us

a like and if you want any aspects of angling covered just post a question in

the comments section. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon guys.

For more infomation >> Winter Carp Fishing Watercraft With Andrew Booth - Duration: 9:49.


WAG STORIES: Justin Holt: Chapter 2 - Duration: 4:28.

A big part of my job is observing details that people overlook.

It's those details that sell realism.

And with details come a certain level of precision. On the flip side there comes a

certain world of boundaries and limitations. In my personal life it's a

slippery slope for sure, we focus too much on the smaller micro details that

you forget the bigger picture.

I'm the type of person that when I decide I'm going to do something I'm

gonna do it and overdo it.

So when I made the decision that I was gonna do visual effects and work in film there

was really no other option really. I've had the incredible fortune of working on

some really cool projects: Suicide Squad, Alice Through the Looking Glass, I just

finished on Black Panther and Spider-Man: Homecoming. This is a suit that I painted

so this image here of Spider-Man he's fully computer-generated so he's not real.

And then I was also responsible for painting the villain in the third act, The Vulture.

Kind of a life achievement for me was to get published on the cover of this

magazine called Cinefex and it's a kind of the industry-standard magazine

for visual effects.

So for Chappie I painted all the... everything on it really, all the burns

all the decals, all the scratches, cuts, color... everything. So he was kind of a

highlight in my career in terms of an asset.

The most important thing about texture painting is being able to convey the

history and life behind the object through the textures. So when someone

sees skin or this skin, he's obviously much older, I want to portray

the life that he led. So this is what he looks like when I'm painting him and

when he's finally rendered he looks like that. He has history to his face he

has pain and suffering to his face so all that plays a part in what we're

doing when we're trying to tell stories.

In my work if you focus too much on the finer stuff you miss all the broad

strokes and that doesn't look right, vice versa, doesn't look right. On the flip

side of that coin in terms of my fitness and my nutrition and lifestyle being

precise and being dedicated and focused on tracking my nutrition, the one thing

that it's given me is accountability. Starting somewhere holding yourself accountable, that's everything.

Family is everything. They're a large part of why I pursue the things I pursue. At the end of the day

it's about living as full of life as possible for as long as possible.

It comes down to nutrition and physical activity. It's good boys night right.

Lady's out, boys gonna have fun. Eating popsicles and rice and turkey.

Can I have a bite of your popsicle?

That wasn't much of a bite.

Well played.

For more infomation >> WAG STORIES: Justin Holt: Chapter 2 - Duration: 4:28.


Fastest Car vs. Fastest Helicopter - Which is Faster? - Duration: 8:27.

If you asked most of your friends which was faster.

The fastest production car in the world or the fastest helicopter, I think most of them

would guess the helicopter.

Intuitively we expect anything flying in the air to have a higher top speed than anything

on the ground could achieve, but physics is a cruel mistress and conventional helicopters

are doomed to a max speed of just 400 km/h, with that record being set over 30 years ago

by John Trevor Egginton in a Westland Lynx, while just this year the Koenigsegg Agera

RS demolished that record driving at 445 km/h, and sure you don't have to worry about traffic

in your helicopter or those pesky speed suggestions on the road, but the bragging rights for top

speed will always go to cars for the rest of time.

So how can this be, what quirks of physics are limiting helicopters from flying faster?

First let's look at what limits a cars top speed.

To determine top speed, we first need to identify the forces attempting to slow the vehicle


In space, with no resistance, even a small force can continually accelerate an object

until it reaches close to the speed of light, if it is maintained for long enough, which

would require a silly amount of energy.

On earth though, every time we provide energy to our vehicle, resistance in the form of

air resistance and rolling resistance in the wheels are sapping it away.

Eventually we get to a point where the energy we are providing the vehicle equals the energy

being taken away, and the vehicle cannot travel any faster.

In the case of cars the top speed is predominantly determined by air resistance, for now we will

ignore rolling resistance as it's negligible in comparison.

The equation for drag force is given by this equation, and the equation for power is simply

force times velocity.

Rearranging these variables we get an equation for top speed.

Applying this to the Agera RS specs, we find it's top speed almost perfectly with a decent

degree of accuracy, considering we ignored rolling resistance.

Decreasing our drag coefficient and frontal area also increases top speed, but to increase

power we need to increase airflow to cool the engine, so this is a difficult balancing


We also discovered in a previous video that designing rubber tires capable of withstanding

these rotational speeds is an incredibly difficult task, with the Bloodhound SSC opting for aluminium

wheels to break the land speed record.

These are the limiting factors for a car, so what are the limiting factors for a helicopter.

Helicopters have to deal with all the same problems as cars in counteracting aerodynamic

drag, but first a helicopter needs to overcome the force of gravity, using the same rotor

that will need to provide forward thrust.

So is this just an issue of needing engine power?

Partially yes,

The Westland Lynx was powered by not one but two Rolls-Royce Gem turboshaft engines, each

equaling the power of a single Agera RS twin-turbo V8 engine.

Yet, even with twice the power, it still can't beat it in a straight line race.

How can this be?

Let's go on a journey as the helicopter takes off and transitions to forward flight,

and see why it can't go any faster even with stronger material for blades or more

powerful engines.

As the Lynx powers up the blades begin to rotate faster, providing more lift according

to this equation.

Where A is the swept area of the blades, Cl is the coefficient of lift of the blades and

v is the velocity of the blades.

The coefficient of lift depends on a lot of things, like the geometry of the blades and

angle of attack, but for the sake of simplicity we will assume it is constant.

Once the lift is greater than the weight of the helicopter it begins to rise, and when

it equals the weight the helicopter will enter a hover state.

Now to go forward, the pilot will need to transition some of the lift to thrust by angling

the rotor disk forward.

But here we meet our first problem.

Looking downwards, we can see that left-side of our blade is moving backwards relative

to the the direction of travel, and our right hand side to moving forward relative to the

direction of travel.

Similar to planes, the aerodynamic surface of the blade will generate more or less lift

depending how quickly it is moving through the air.

So our right side generates more lift that our left.

To counteract this the rotor integrates an ingenious little mechanism, where the blade

can change its angle of attack as it rotates.

Here the advancing blade will have a lower its angle of attack, thereby lowering it's

lift, and the retreating blade will increase it's angle of attack, increasing it's


This helps equalise the lift across the rotor disk, but this solution has it's limit.

As we increase an aerofoils angle of attack the lift increases, but eventually he hit

a point of where flow separation occurs and the aerofoil begins to generate less lift.

This is our first speed limit.

The helicopter will eventually hit a speed where it cannot adjust the angle attack any

further to compensate to dissymmetry of lift.

However there are solutions to this problem.

If we have two blades rotating in opposite directions, we no longer have to compensate

for this dissymmetry in lift, as the two blades will have the opposite dissymmetry of lift

and cancel each other out.

This is what allows the Chinook to cruise along faster than any other military helicopter

at 315 km/h.

Now we have overcome one speed limit, but even now the Agera RS is still speeding ahead

. The next speed limit we reach is the sound

barrier, if we continue to increase forward velocity, the tips of the advancing blade

will eventually break the sound barrier.

And while planes can handle breaking through the sound barrier with the correct design,

they don't need to pass through it several hundreds of times a minute.

This adds to the problems of dissymmetry of lift, but also causes problems with varying

stress that fatigue the material of the blades and ultimately lead to failure.

This speed limit poses a more difficult challenge to overcome in our current configuration.

To travel faster, we need to increase thrust, to increase thrust we need to increase lift.

Let's take a look at the equation from before to see how we can do that.

We can either increase our rotor speed, or we can increase our blade diameter.

Increasing the blade velocity will obviously make us more likely to break the sound barrier,

but so will increasing our blade diameter, as the velocity of the blade increases as

we travel down the blade.

Designers have hit an optimum balance between these two variable already, so that's not

an option for increasing speed.

So how else can we increase helicopter speed?

By converting more of that vertical lift to horizontal thrust, but this poses a new problem,

at some point were are going to hit a point where the helicopter is not generating enough

lift to keep itself aloft.

The solutions to this problem are hitting a point where the we can scarcely call the

aircraft a helicopter.

Enter the Eurocopter X cubed, which holds the unofficial helicopter speed record, unofficial

exactly because it is not strictly a helicopter, as it generates a large portion of it's

forward thrust from vertical propellers.

This decreases the burden of the horizontal rotor to generate forward thrust allowing

it slow its rotational speed, minimising the impact of our previous speed limits, the rotor

can also decrease it's rotational velocity as the helicopter gains speed as more lift

is generated from two small wings on either side of the helicopter.

These design choices allowed the x cubed to reach top speed of 472 km/h, beating the previous

record held by the Sikorsky X2, and demolishing anything ever achieved by a production car.

Pushing this design ideology even further we completely blur the lines of what a helicopter

is, with tiltrotors, like the Osprey.

This aircraft has a top speed of 565 km/h, this combined with it's incredible vertical

take-off capabilities, that are not hindered by limited weight issues like jet engine powered

aircraft like the Harrier, has made it an incredibly versatile tool for the US military.

Another incredibly versatile tool that could give you some additional lift, is Skillshare,

all the animations and illustrations you saw in todays episode were created by me, but

just 3 years ago I knew nothing about animation.

I taught myself the basics during one Chinese New Years holiday when I was living in Malaysia.

1 week later I knew enough to start experimenting with animation styles and figure out how I

wanted to this channel to look.

A year later again I uploaded my first video to YouTube and it went viral straight away.

Learning new skills gives you opportunities in life.

This is why I love working with Skillshare, you can learn from thousands of courses in

design, business, technology and loads more.

I learned loads about animation from watching a course from my friends at In A Nutshell.

I guarantee you, you will find one course that you will want to learn if you follow

this link and it will get the first 1000 people a 2 month membership for just 99 cent.

So ask yourself right now.

What skill have you been putting off learning.

What project have you been dreaming of completing, but you aren't sure if you have the skills

to do it.

Why not start right now and sign up to Skillshare using the link below.

You have nothing to lose and a valuable life skill to gain.

As usual, thanks for watching and thank you to my incredible Patreon supporters.

I just opened a Discord server for my Patreon supporters where we can chat and share ideas

for videos.

The links to my twitter, instagram and facebook pages are below too.

For more infomation >> Fastest Car vs. Fastest Helicopter - Which is Faster? - Duration: 8:27.


Yamaha WXC-50 MusicCast streamer/pre-amp - Duration: 9:27.

After reviewing the 150 euros costing Yamaha WXAD-10 streamer,

I wondered what its bigger brother would offer.

At least it is far more pleasing to the eye…

In contrast to the WXAD-10, the WXC-50 looks a lot more sophisticated.

There are two versions: a pre-amplifier/ streamer and a pre-amplifier / power amplifier.

The latter having a 2 x 70 watt class D amp and is called WXA-50.

I review the the streamer - preamp here.

The elegant and compact aluminium housing measures 214 x 245 x 51.5 millimetre.

On the front we see an infrared sensor for the supplied remote control, a power button,

an input selector, a play/pause button that doubles as connect button for the app, a status

LED that indicates the inputs by color, a Bluetooth indicator and the volume control.

The rear is more crowded.

Let's start with the optical digital input on TOSlink, the ethernet socket, a USB socket

for storage media, an analogue stereo line input and output, a subwoofer output, a pre-amplifier

output that can be set to variable or fixed with this switch and digital outputs on TOSlink

and RCA.

Then on the left the AC input, a trigger in- and output, a switch to enable or disable

either Wifi, Bluetooth or both, a connection for an infrared remote sensor and a connector

for the Wifi and Bluetooth antenna.

When we unscrew the the top, we see a lot happening on one side and complete emptiness

on the other.

In the WXA-50 - the amped version - this side contains the class D amp.

The crowded side contains the streamer and pre-amp.

On top of it the Wifi and Bluetooth radios, nicely canned.

Let's remove it for better access to the PCB.

Just behind the front is the linear power supply, nicely filtered.

The next thing to notice is the microprocessor.

Just like in the WXAD-10 it's a Toshiba ARM processor but this one is more powerful.

Then something puzzling: The ESS Sabre ES 9006 DAC chip immediately was found.

It can do up to 8 channels PCM and DSD and is used in many AV receivers, including those

by Yamaha.

But there is also a Burr Brown PCM5101A on the PCB, a DAC chip that only does PCM.

Why two DAC chips?

I don't know.

I expect the ESS to be the major one, since it also does DSD and incorporates a nice digital

volume control.

The Burr Brown might feed the line output that is at a fixed level.

Before using the WXC-50 you need to connect it to the power supply and the network.

Then download and install the free MusicCast app to your smartphone or tablet.

Start the app that will report no devices have been found.

So you press setup and you'll be asked to power on the WXC-50 and press Next.

Then hold the Play/pause button on the front pressed for 5 seconds and tap Next again.

As soon as the WXC-50 is recognised, you'll be asked to give it a name and select a photo

or take a photo of your room, using your smartphone or tablet.

In the end you see the Rooms screen with your WXC-50 and photo.

When you add more MusicCast devices, they will also appear here.

Tap the photo and you see your preferred music - initially empty, of course - and the sources.

The payed services like Qobuz and Tidal will need an active account of course.

If you don't, or had not yet filled out your username and password for that service,

you get a message.

So let's go to one of my own servers and select some music.

The way the music is presented depends on the DLNA server software.

I used MinimServer here.

Since the WXC-50 is a pre-amp as well, I connected it as pre-amp in my setup 1 and 2.

The Audio Note was modified by Peter van Willenswaard to switch to a power amp in when a trigger

input carries 12 volts.

The Marantz KI Lite is equipped with a power input which can be selected from the front.

But I started in my setup 3 with the output fixed and connected to the cd-input of the

NAS amp.

Based on what I had seen inside the WXC-50, I did expect rather descent audio quality

but even so I underestimated it.

My setup 3 was well served while my setup 2 ranked it below the Chord Mojo but clearly

above the Raspberry Pi options there are.

Even in my setup 1 the sound quality was agreeable.

Of course clearly of lower quality than the SOtM and Mytek combo.

But I would have been pleased with is a number of years ago.

That is how much digital audio has evolved!

Given the price I directly compared it with the Sonos Connect that cost about the same

but is nowhere near the Yamaha, sound wise.

I also compared to the Bluesound Node 2 and here I preferred the Bluesound when using

PCM and MQA.

Bluesound doesn't support DSD.

But the difference in sound is less than the difference in price - although there are of

course other considerations.

I named three streamers: Sonos, Bluesound and this Yamaha.

As where the Sonos and Bluesound are functionally roughly the same, the Yamaha is a pre-amp

with inputs and the possibility to switch on an external power amplifier.

Whether that is important to you, I can't say.

But the Sonos is limited to a pre-war maximum of 48 kHz sampling, where the other two go

put o 192 kHz.

Then there is the software.

Sonos had a head start but lost pole position already a few years ago.

Especially browsing music for finding something you want to play is more agreeable in Bluesound.

The Yamaha MusicCast software scores equal to Sonos on THIS point but is far more versatile

as a multi-room system, has clearer accessibility to rooms and offers Bluetooth and Airplay

in both directions.

So a MusicCast device can receive music from your smartphone but can also send music to

a Bluetooth or Airplay speaker.

Add to that an excellent boild quality, a nice design and a standard remote control.

This is the third Yamaha product I review in a short time.

Yamaha wanted me to live with the MusicCast concept and thus lend me a collection of MusicCast


I won't review them all, I warned up ahead, but that was no problem they said.

I couldn't help trying them all out and apart from the little active speakers I had

to review them all, as you have noticed.

But when you look for a streamer, a pre-amp or both under 400 euros, this probably is

the best choice.

But if there is a manufacturer wanting to challenge this, he only has to lend me his

product for a few weeks.

And if you want to keep posted, subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook

or Google+.

See the show notes for the links.

If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon and see super

exclusive videos too.

Just one dollar a month will do.

The link is in the show notes.

And don't forget to tell your friends on the web about this channel.

I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on

And whatever you do, enjoy the music.

For more infomation >> Yamaha WXC-50 MusicCast streamer/pre-amp - Duration: 9:27.


How to Get Away with Murder 4x13 Promo "Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> How to Get Away with Murder 4x13 Promo "Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:47.


Women & Infants Center: Experts in What If (Birthing) - Duration: 1:01.

What if I'm too old for this?

What if they have to do an emergency C-section?

What if he gets my diabetes?

Or Jerry's hairline?

What if he never learns how to change a diaper?

What if the umbilical cord is twisted?

What if I can't push any harder?

Introducing the region's most advanced new center dedicated to women's health.

Where a team of experts who have seen it all are prepared for every what if.

What if I fall in love?

The new Women & Infants Center.

Experts in what if.

For more infomation >> Women & Infants Center: Experts in What If (Birthing) - Duration: 1:01.


5 choses que vos ongles essaient de dire sur votre santé - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 5 choses que vos ongles essaient de dire sur votre santé - Duration: 4:02.


We're back! |Sick Series #40 - Duration: 11:14.

So guys

perfect switched

from 0-100kmh in 5,6 seconds

you forgot the 0

in 50,6 seconds

Hey guys!

It´s us again, Sick Series, Fabio and Elias

Finally back after a two-week break

But we´re back, stronger than ever

Can you say that in this way?

Ok, we´re back, stronger than ever

I was in Carlifornia for a short time

´´Short?´´, two weeks!

Yes, two weeks. That´s the reason why we weren´t able to film something together

But we´re on the way to a skatepark

And we´ll check what we´re able to do there

Put away the camera please, I can´t see the mirror

Martin, what´s up?

Martin drive normal!

You always have to drive considerately

Continue a little bit

but you can feel it when you have to stop

that´s very smart

We have something new for you

My bike

and elias has a new one, most of you seen it on his Instagram

Doesn´t look bad with the snow

We´ll warm up with a few tricks

scissors stone paper who starts

Oh that was nice

What do you do?

Tire Tap onto the rail and fakie down

you have to turn around

Thanks for the tip

I have to say that this try was very good

Let´s go on!

Quarter up

Tire tap against the wall and back into the quarter

without hands!

That could work

What´s up? You have to push off from this wall

oh, ok

say it earlier please

That was really cool

If you ask me, it was great

And when you also think that this was great

than buy our new clothes!

This hoodie only costs 55 euro!

Let´s go on! I think that its gap time!

You want to gap

this way?

A little bit faster!

Ok, try it again!

This try was better than the first one!

Fabio, let´s do a little session

We try some tricks

But I want to try the gap first without doing a trick

Elias, start with your trick!

Elias trick nr. 1

try toboggan, so an onehanded-seatgrab!

ok, i will try it

That was good enough

Good, what do you?

I will try...

Show that with the camera!

I try an 180 or a 360

180 or 360, that´s nearly the same

He´ll crash

I try an 180 again

That´s difficult to ride backwards

Yes, that´s right.

That was pretty cool!

Do you also want to try something else?

That´s really good

Spread your legs

The best I can do

I will try a new jump

I would like to try this one

You´re so crazy

Jump from there

over this rail

and land there

there is a lot of place to land and to brake


Have fun


I would say Send it for Sick Series!

That was a really easy jump

But it looks really high

Guys, you know that it´s time for

every time when we´re in a skatepark

It´s time for the Backflip and Flair Challenge!

The problem is, that we´re not the best in this challenges

It will be interesting to try that on this ground

That´s why it gets a nerve-racking episode

Oh yes. Who will start?

scissors stone paper?

scissors stone paper!

A miniflip above this kicker

You know what happened last time when we made

mini flips

Take your bike and send it!

First test.

That was good

seemed good

One test again

I´m doing shit dude

You´re in the ´Send It´modus today

Yes, just like this

I can´t to that today.

I feel not good today

I doesn´t have a good feeling

and there is the point when

A monkey seats in my head

and says...

That´s so hard for my brain!

Sometimes there is a day like these

when you feel not save so it´s better if you don´t do it

But i want to see a flair from you

Flair challenge on this quarter

That´s my first flair on concrete

Just do it!

That was not good

but it worked recently

You just hitted your tigh, right?

That really hurts!

ok guys, my tigh

hurts too hard

Because i hitted the rail to hard

i would say that we stop here

that was not our day, right

but we come back to this spot

Yes, we repeat that soon

I hope you enjoyed it

Buy our hoodies!

Follow us on Instagram and follow SickSeries on Instagram

There you can check out what´s going on with us and Sick Series

New clothes, etc.

And guys:

Next week, it´s time for a sick episode

We tried us out in a new sport

And I think that it worked very well

Next week, friday on 5 pm , it´s time for the destruction

My arm hurts, it´s very cold

and my tigh hurts

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> We're back! |Sick Series #40 - Duration: 11:14.


What Happens When You Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach? - Duration: 5:41.

Have you ever been drunk?

Looking at World Health Organization reports, it seems as though a little less than half

of the world's population 15 or over like a tipple now and again.

Some people, you might say, drink quite a lot more than a tipple, with about 16 percent

of drinkers doing it frequently and heavily.

The WHO puts the death toll from heavy drinking at 3.3 million the last time the statistics

were compiled, and that was 5.9% of all global deaths that year.

This was, however, deaths attributable to drinking, which could include all manner of

fatalities blamed on alcohol consumption.

If we are going to drink, we should at least do it with food inside of us.


That's what we'll find out today, in this episode of the Infographics Show, What Happens

When You Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach?

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

First of all, we should point out that, often, the least responsible of drinkers are the

ones that do it underage.

In the USA, where the legal drinking age is 21, the CDC reports that booze is the most

abused substance among youth.

Most countries in the world have an age limit of 18 or 19, after that it is 16 to 17, and

after that no age limit whatsoever.

Strikingly, there doesn't seem to be much correlation between the drinking age limit

and alcohol abuse.

This has been an ongoing debate in the USA, with reports coming to different conclusions.

Some say raising the age to 21 was a success, other says it pushed younger people into closed

rooms where they did more binge drinking.

The CDC even states that, "Although drinking by persons under the age of 21 is illegal,

people aged 12 to 20 years drink 11% of all alcohol consumed in the United States."

It also stated that 90 percent of that drinking was binge drinking.

The same year this research was undertaken, 4,300 of those underage drinkers died, and

a further 189,000 visited the emergency room.

This is food for thought when we consider America is the only developed nation (out

of 12 countries) that have this 21 and over age requirement for drinking.

So, if you are watching this and wondering how you might better drink safely, then we

will come to our question of whether you should only drink with food in your stomach.

According to HAMS (Harm Reduction for Alcohol), you should do a few things before you drink,

and indeed eating is one of them.

We will give you the abridged version of why they say that is.

The stomach has a small surface area, and the small intestine a very large surface area.

So, the small intestine is very good at absorbing alcohol and your stomach is not.

The stomach is linked to the small intestine with a valve called the pyloric valve.

If you stuff your face, the valve closes to keep all the food down so it can be digested.

High fat food will keep this valve shut for up to six hours.

Proteins and carbs apparently work well, too.

We are told that eating a big, fatty meal before boozing will mean that all those beers

and shots will be absorbed slowly, and your BAC (blood alcohol content) will stay low

for a while and you won't feel so wasted.

Drink on an empty stomach and all that booze will go straight to your head and there's

more chance you'll make a fool out of yourself, or worse, end up facing a doctor from a hospital

bed with no memory of driving your car into your neighbor's house.

They also point out that eating after you have consumed a lot of alcohol will not mean

you'll become less drunk.

The downside to empty stomach drinking is not only the effects it may have on your actions,

but also your body.

With food inside of you, the booze will drip into your liver, digestive system, and kidneys,

rather than hit them like a tidal wave.

So, what should you eat?

Well, while HAMS says a pizza will work, other research says healthier fats will be better.

So before you go out on the town, try having some salmon or avocado or even nuts and hummus.

One thing we are told is that contrary to popular belief, fatty food doesn't soak

up the alcohol the morning after, but as we are telling you, the hour before.

To protect your liver before you endeavor to go out on a big session, you might also

eat some turmeric, kale, cinnamon, broccoli or beetroot.

If that is too hard to find, drink some lemon juice, the fresh kind, not the stuff that

comes in a can and pretends to be lemon.

But whatever the case, for your body, and in regards to what might happen to you, eat

a big meal before you go crazy with the drink.

Ok, we understand, you are young and broke and haven't yet had the chance to experience

the utter downsides of drinking to oblivion.

You want to eat less so you can get drunk faster.

There's even a term for this: Drunkorexia.

It's not only about getting drunk faster, but also about consuming less calories from

food so you feel less guilty about drinking nine cocktails and a shot of something noxious.

According to one study by the University of Missouri, this is common with young people;

67 percent of those questioned said it was related to weight gain and only 21 percent

said it was to facilitate drunkenness.

It didn't say what the others said.

Vice magazine reports that it's also common in the UK, with some respondents saying that

it was a good way to save money.

There have been other reports saying that this is "youth-shaming", but anyone that

has been young and prone to partying will tell you it's very much a reality.

The problem is, it is very bad for you.

Another problem is in many cases the very young feel like they are almost immortal,

even after they've received 27 stitches from opening a door with their head.

While those of you that have drunk alcohol on an empty stomach will know it makes a difference,

there is a lot more than anecdotal evidence out there.

The New York Times cites research that explains that subjects given booze on an empty stomach

were more intoxicated than those that ate something.

This could be very important if you are drinking around the safe drink-driving limit, says

the report.

The report states, "Having food in the stomach – particularly proteins, fats and dense

carbohydrates – slows that absorption process."

And no matter what you do after that, eat, drink coffee, put yourself under an intense

cold shower, you won't change how much alcohol is in your system.

In conclusion, if you are going to drink, always eat before you do so.

It's not only better for your body, but could prevent you from going haywire.

Have you ever drunk on an empty stomach?

Did you feel there was a significant difference from drinking on a full stomach?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What If You Only Drank Coke and Nothing


Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What Happens When You Drink Alcohol on an Empty Stomach? - Duration: 5:41.


Embarrassment of riches for Heynckes: all FC Bayern outfield players fit - Duration: 2:23.

Bayern's final training session ahead of Saturday evening's Bundesliga clash with Schalke.

For the first time this season all the outfield players are on board,

including Thiago. The Spaniard is poised to resume squad duty after two and a half months on the sidelines,

but will not play tomorrow:

I'm very cautious in Thiago's case because I'm considering fielding him from the start

in Wolfsburg next weekend.

It's always better if you can react during the match, when he's tired.

That's why I won't include him in the squad tomorrow.

As it is, two more fit outfield players will have to watch from the stands tomorrow.

Heynckes has an embarrassment of riches.

James Rodríguez is very unlikely to be one of these two.

The fans have just voted the Colombian Player of the Month for January by a large margin.

Bayern partner Lufthansa will be tomorrow's Matchday Presenter, among other things

offering free parking in the P1-P3 garages to their Miles & More customers.

When the match kicks off tomorrow at 18.30 CET the 23rd Olympic Winter Games in distant Pyeongchang

will be in full swing. The Bayern stars will of course watch on TV and support the athletes:

Hello Olympians!

It's pretty wintry here too,

but we don't have an Olympic Games.

Good luck from Munich,

we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Give it everything, bye!

The Bayern U-19s have been handed a mouth-watering draw in the UEFA Youth League last sixteen

where they cross swords with Real Madrid.

One single match will decide which of the tradition-steeped clubs makes it to the quarter-finals.

The showdown will be staged at the FC Bayern Campus on 21 February at 18.00 CET.

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