Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Hello Everyone..

Welcome to Priya's Kitchen..

Today I am going to show you everyone's favorite non-veg recipe, that is Mutton Dum Biryani

It is very easy to make in our home also..

Let's start the process..

for this we need to cook our mutton

for this today I am using pressure cooker

Now add the Mutton in to this pressure cooker, I am taking 500 grams of Mutton

1/2 tablespoon of Red Chilli Powder

1 teaspoon of Salt

1 tablespoon of Ginger Garlic Paste

1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric Powder

add some Water, not too much

mix it well

now close the lid

and cook the mutton for 10 to 15 whistles or till the mutton is nice and soft

Now let's cook our Basmati Rice..

for that I have taken 1 cup of Basmati Rice and I have soaked it in Water for half n hour

add 2 tablespoons of Oil in this Boiling Water

1 teaspoon of Salt

add the Whole Garam Masala (Biryani Spices), which we use for Biryani

now add our soaked Basmati Rice

mix it once

cook the rice till it is 90% done and drain all the water, do not overcook the rice

Heat 2 tablespoons of Oil in a pan

add Bay Leaves - 2 No.s

today I am not using any whole garam masala, because we have already added it in the rice

I am using Biryani Masala powder today for this gravy

2 sliced Onions

3 Green Chillies

add some Salt

add little salt now because we have already added salt in the mutton also

fry them

fry the onions till they turn golden brown in colour

so our onions became brown in colour

now add 1 tablespoon of Ginger-Garlic Paste

some Mint Leaves

some chopped Coriander Leaves

fry them

add 1 tablespoon of Coriander Powder

1 teaspoon of Red Chilli Powder or according to your spiciness

1 tablespoon of Biryani Masala Powder

fry them

add 2 chopped Tomatoes

fry the tomatoes till they turn nice and soft

so our tomatoes became soft and mushy

add 1 cup of Curd

mix it well

now add our cooked Mutton along with the water

mix it well

now adjust the salt and spiciness as per your liking at this stage

now close the lid, and let the mutton to cook in this gravy for 10 minutes

so its been 10 minutes, our gravy became thick

now add our cooked basmati rice

spread the rice evenly, do not press it

Sprinkle some Biryani Masala on the top of the Rice

I have soaked some Saffron in hot Milk, add this Saffron Milk.

It gives very nice colour to our biryani

Brown Onions

Mint Leaves

finely chopped Coriander Leaves

around 2 tablespoons of Ghee

now close the lid, and dum our biryani for 20 minutes on slow flame

so its been 20 minutes, now switch off the flame

and let it sit for 10 more minutes and then we can serve our biryani

so its been 20 minutes, let's check our biryani..

woww.. it is looking so nice..

now we need to take out the biryani from sides, like this

It's looking awesome

see each rice grain has separated nicely,

with all the three colours, brown, yellow and white

So our Mutton Dum Biryani is ready to serve..

Thank you for watching..

I hope you enjoyed today's session of making Mutton Dum Biryani..

If you enjoy my recipe, hit the Like button and Share my video with your friends n family members

Subscribe to my channel for more such yumm recipes

See you soon with some more recipes..

Till then take care..

Bye bye...

For more infomation >> Mutton Dum Biryani | Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani Recipe | Lamb Biryani | Mutton Dum Biryani Recipe - Duration: 5:27.


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You guys know the drill. So edgy.

Hello sir.


Young Queen: And where are you heading off to so late?

Maverick: Do you even need to ask?

Young Queen: Shouldn't you be standing gaurd?

Young Queen: Zero has other priorities tonight and my daughter has been left unprotected.

Maverick: I will be no longer than an hour.

Young Queen: I will hold you to that.

December: Hello again!

Maverick: How are you feeling?

December: I'm good!

December: A little bit cold, but that's really nothing new.

Maverick: Shall I fetch warmer clothes?

December: Oh no, that's quite alright, I've gotten used to it!

December: I had a brother who looked like you once…

December: I think I made him mad...

Maverick: What makes you say that?

December: I can't find him… I've looked everywhere for him.

Maverick: I'm… sure he'll turn up soon.

December: I hope so! It's been so lonely without him…

December: You won't leave me... right sir?

Maverick: I'll visit you ever night. You have my word.


Anne: Hello?

Adara: Is this Princess Marisole's office?

Anne: Yes?

Adara: Who am I speaking with?

Anne: Um... Anne.

Adara: Anne?

Adara: I hardly recognized your voice! It's so good to hear from you again.

Anne: Who is this?

Adara: Adara.

Anne: Adara!

Anne: How did you manage to get within the kingdom's service?

Adara: I'm about 30 minutes away from castle grounds.

Anne: Are you and Princess Elora returning?

Adara: Yes, along with her other drones. We should be there within two days.

Anne: Two days?

Adara: I know, it's a long story I'd rather not get into it.

Adara: Anyway, I'd like you to inform everyone of Princess Elora's return, and make sure her room is ready.

Adara: It's better to have the shellshock now then when we actually get there.

Anne: Of course! I can't wait, we missed you and her highness so much!

Adara: We've missed you too.

Anne: I'll inform everyone of the news right away!

Anne: Be careful on your way back!

Adara: We'll try. Take care.

Marisole: I don't believe I've seen you around here before.

Freya: You haven't? What a pity, I'm sorry to have denied you the pleasure for so long…

Marisole: Oh no, the pleasure is all yours. I'm sure you don't get the chance to meet royalty everyday.

Freya: Oh, you're Princess Marisole? I should have known.

Freya: That ridiculous white trinket sticking out of your head screams "look at me I'm so important!"

Marsiole: I suggest you state your name and business before I have you thrown out.

Freya: I don't have to listen to you, I'm not under your reign!

Marisole: Whose are you then?

Maverick: Lady Freya belongs to the Ruler of Jupiter; King Abraham.

Marisole: And her buisness?

Maverick: She has a meeting with her majesty. What this meeting entails, I was not made aware of.

Maverick: With that being said, it would be in your best interest to respect the princess, if only for our planets to keep civility in the future.

Freya: Oh, of course! My sincerest apologies, babydoll.

Maverick: The Queen is ready when you are.

Freya: I guess that's my cue to go.



Freya: His Majesty sends his well wishes and best regards.

Queen: How gracious of him.

Freya: He was quite surprised that your last request was to summon me here.

Queen: Clearly he doesn't see how valuable you are.

Freya: I assume you're ready for me to perform my task?

Queen: Not quite.

Queen: But I have received some interesting news that would make your visit much more… eventful.

Queen: Elora will be returning in two days.

Freya: And what good does this news bring us?


Queen: It's time for us to strike.

Queen: I wanted to give Elora a sense of security. That her people would be safe, if she were to leave.

Queen: She took the bait like the pathetic little fish she is.

Freya: You want me to commit mass genocide?

Queen: That would bring too much attention.

Queen: I do, however, want you to deliver a message.

Freya: I'm all ears.

Queen: Let them know that if they dare step foot near the polls, they will not be spared.

Queen: And if a few lives need to be lost to get that point across, I wouldn't object.

Freya: Why aren't you asking Zero to do this? He's quite capable.

Queen: Simple. They won't see you coming.

Queen: And if you like the idea of mass genocide.

Queen: You're more than welcome to stick around after your main task has been completed.

Freya: I may have to take you up on that offer.

Queen: I look forward to it.

Queen: Dismissed.

Ai: It'll be alright…

Marisole: Shouldn't that be my line?

Ai: I think you're worrying enough for the both of us.

Marisole: I see we're starting to get a smart mouth.

**Hello Cori <3**

Nurse: Are we ready to do this?

Ai: Oh um, yeah, sorry.

Marisole: Why is that eye a different color?

Nurse: It's nothing to worry about, that's just a side effect of the chip.

Marsiole: Can you still see?

Ai: It's a little blurry, but I can see.

Marisole: Thank goodness…

Nurse: I'd still suggest keeping the patch on during the day. Too much exposure to light at once could cause unnecessary damage and pain.

Marisole: How much longer do you think he'll need it for?

Nurse: It's too early for an estimation.

Nurse: Other then that, he should be fine. Just give me a call if you need more morphine administered.

Ai: Thank you ma'am.

Marisole: Um...

Ai: What is it?

Marisole: Would you mind if I stayed here?

Marisole: You know, for the night?

Ai: Is that even a question?

Teen Elora: Why the heck do we have to go to the meeting?

Teen Marisole: We need to be there to support mom.

Teen Elora: More like we need to stand there and look pretty.

Teen Marisole: And what's wrong with that?

Teen Elora: It's just so boring!

Teen Elora: I'd much rather stay home and put worms in Zero's sock drawer.

Teen Mairsole: You pick on him too much!

Teen Elora: And you're a lovesick puppy!

Teen Marisole: I am not!

Teen Elora: Are too!

Teen Marisole: Regardless...

Teen Marisole: How will you learn what it takes to be Queen if you don't attend important events?

Teen Elora: To be honest…

Teen Elora: I don't really have much interest in becoming Queen.

Teen Marisole: What? Why?

Teen Elora: It's just not my thing. Besides, look at you! You were born for the role.

Teen Marisole: You really think so?

Teen Elora: I know so…

Teen Elora: Let's make a deal. You become Queen and I'll be your knight in shining armor, ready to behead anyone who tries to lay a hand on you.

Teen Elora: You won't need any drones with me around!

Teen Marisole: Alright, deal!

Ai: Is… everything okay?

Marisole: Y-yeah, I just…

Marisole: When is it okay to cut ties with your family?

Ai: I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask. I don't exactly know what it's like to have a family.

Ai: At least… one that wasn't destructive.

Ai: But if I did I would hold onto them as tightly as possible!

Ai: I don't think there'd be anything they could do to make me…

Ai: Um...

Marisole: You don't know much about Elora, do you?

Ai: I… know that she left, but that's about it.

Marisole: Her smile literally lit up the room.

Marisole: She used to get the stupidest grin on her face whenever she made me laugh.

Marisole: Which was quite often.

Ai: Wow, she sounds great.

Marisole: She was...

Marisole: But then she abandoned me at the worst possible time.

Marisole: She left me to live some sort of fantasy life, free of responsibilities. Responsibilities that she now suddenly wants?

Ai: Princess Marisole...

Marisole: She never wanted to become Queen, so why now?

Marisole: Was this some sort of sick game to her?!

Marisole: To make me feel like I was the most important thing in her life only to stab me in the back?!

Marisole: Was this her way of stealing the throne from me?

Marisole: Breaking me beyond repair so that I couldn't focus on what was important?

Marisole: I-I'm sorry, I'm fine I just--

Ai: You're shaking…

Ai: It's okay...

Ai: I'm here...

Maverick: To what do I owe the pleasure?

Zero: I've received troublesome news.

Maverick: For you to be troubled the world must be ending.

Zero: Now is not the time for you to develop a sense of humor.

Zero: I have received word that Princess Elora will be returning.

Nicole: On my way to chop your dick off and also feed it to Marisole. >:)

Maverick: How credible is your source?

Zero: One of the maids received a call from Adara.

Maverick: The telekinetic from Mars?

Zero: No, the one legged flamingo from Pluto.

Maverick: Now who is bringing humor into this?

Maverick: Has Princess Marisole been informed?

Zero: As far as I know...

Zero: No.

Maverick: I guess we have a job to do then.

Zero: And how do you suppose we break the news to her?

Maverick: She informed me she'd be spending the night with the boy, so we'll inform her tomorrow morning.

Zero: Very well.


Ai: *Humming the melody everyone will get sick of by the time this series is done*

Marisole: How do you know that melody?

Ai: You've heard of it?

Marisole: Could you...

Marisole: Keep going?

Ai: *Resumes humming*

Ai: I don't know how strong this will make me…

Ai: But I would gladly die a thousand times if it meant extending your life

Ai: if only for a minute longer…

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