Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

all right so there's another big issue for men as we age and invested the

decrease in the amount of testosterone that's produced let's talk real quickly

for you know that athletic guy out there that guy who wants to maintain an active

lifestyle what the loss of testosterone means to the average male as we age

we're excited about testosterone booster loti is a major problem in the United

States now we're finding it and younger and younger men the men that come into

the office and have a testosterone checked it amazes me how many are low

this will decrease their energy level their muscle mass their ability to

create erections or sexual drive and so when we created empower testosterone we

did this very simply by using the precursor to testosterone DHEA is

converted into testosterone and this will increase the levels and naturally

increase the men's testosterone lowers the bad cholesterol it raises a good

cholesterol it's really a cardiac protective there was only one study that

came out about three years ago that tried to say that there was an increased

risk of heart disease with testosterone all the other studies say that

testosterone is good for the heart so the other thing it does is it protects

the bones okay from getting osteoporosis so you hear women losing their hormones

and their bones get week which is osteoporosis same thing happens with a

man the fish testosterone level gets low and it stays low for a persistent period

of time he's got weak bones and then as they age

you know could have a fall and have a fracture whereas if they got really

strong bones you haven't fought yet Bruce and I am a personal consumer of

the empower testosterone booster that you all have formulated and made

available for us here and inspire network and so between the empower

testosterone booster and the max life prostate care plus I can't even touch

the blue peel I think I'm about that I think I'm pretty potent but I've had

great results with great results with those products and another thing some

people think by supplementing testosterone that it's going to cost

someone to have a testosterone rage yeah I've had wives that the

try to insinuate that that might happen but all we're doing is taking a

precursor DHEA a precursor to testosterone naturally slowly boosting

the testosterone level not trying to get a patient out of the normal range we're

just trying to get them up in the normal range so it's not going to be causing

that and like Rick said it's a cardiac benefit actually yeah DHEA is actually

made in the adrenal glands so it's a natural substance that they're going to

be taking they're just getting a little boost to give convert that into

testosterone in like all the other formulations again this is not a

one-and-done this is something that you need to make a part of your daily

regimen to get into your system mm-hmm

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 4 - Duration: 2:52.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 15:49.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 15:49.


New Ryzen APUs Next Week, Bitcoin/GPU Prices, Ark in VR -- Weekly Download #80 - Duration: 4:49.

Hey welcome to Zach's Tech Turf.

On this pretty short episode of Weekly Download number 80 I'm gonna be playing some Doom

when I give you this news, I got my water bottle right here, make sure you guys let

me know what you're sippin on, let's get into it.

To start off the tech news for the week, let's quickly address the bitcoin elephant in the


If you're invested or following bitcoin at all, then you'll probably already know

just how far bitcoin has tanked in the last month or so, and this week it actually dropped

into the 6 thousands for the first time in months.

A lot of people in the PC gaming community are throwing around ideas that graphics card

prices will be normalized again, and although I do with that part were correct, my personal

non financial expert advice is that bitcoin will recover rather quickly, and we really

won't see any effect on GPU prices.

Sorry guys.

In some much better cryptocurrency news, actually my favorite news of the week, a United Nations

children's program called Game Chaingers, is asking people to mine cryptocurrency as

a donation to children affected by the Syrian civil war.

Basically what you do is download their small 5MB mining application, set up your own nickname,

and then the program is automatically designed to put that etherium in the fundraiser wallet.

In my opinion, yea this is pretty baller because I think this is a really cool way to donate

some of your GPU time to a cause and I hope we see more fundraisers use unique tactics

like this.

With the cryptocurrency news done, what's the other news buzzword that we haven't

seen for a few weeks?

Net Neutrality.

We haven't talked about that in a while, but I actually have some good news about it.

The state of New Jersey just signed an executive order that mandates Internet Service Providers

to FOLLOW net neutrality rules if they want to continue doing business with state agencies.

Basically they are saying if you want our state government to continue using your internet,

you have to be fair to our state consumers, and boy does that feel good to hear.

The executive order prohibits ISPs from doing any of that nonsense throttling or paid fast

lanes which is something that no one other than the FCC and ISPs wanna see.

This is now the third state to do it, Montana and New York already have similar orders in

place, and California is currently working on a bill as well.

The Ryzen 5 2400g and Ryzen 3 2200g, AMD's new APU's or processors with built in graphics

are set to release next week and I'm REALLY trying to get my hands on one of these.

I have never purchased a processor right when it came out, especially a very relevant to

consumer one, so I'm doing my best for this one.

As of writing this video I haven't seen any avenues of pre ordering this, but I just

wanted to let you guys know that I'm working on it!

And to wrap up the tech news for the week, Apple's Home Pod is made its way into tech

reviewer's hands early this week, and the results have been pretty consistent throughout.

The sound and bass are amazing, especially coming from a device that small, the voice

recognition is fantastic, but Siri is miles behind Alexa and Google Home.

As you can probably guess if you have an iPhone, Siri really isn't that useful except for

some basic tasks, and the competition Alexa can do so many more things.

The HomePod is set to hit the shelves on February 9th.

To start off the PC gaming news, I'm pretty much making it a habit at this point to inform

you guys about the latest and greatest Humble Bundle deal, and I can't possibly ignore

this week's deal as well.

The new Humble Monthly $12 subscription is packing Dark Souls 3 this month and you get

some DLC which is obviously a killer deal if you don't already own this controller

throwing, monitoring shattering game.

Feel free to use my Humble Monthly link down in the description, you play 12 bucks a month

for a game bundle, they've been very good lately, and you can cancel any time.

ARK Park is a Ark Survival Evolved type game but in VR, is set to release March 22nd, and

it actually looks pretty legit.

Right now it's being classified as a dinosaur theme park simulation, not REALLY the survival

crafting type like Ark, but if you look at the trailer it shows the player shooting down

dinosaurs, which isn't really something that you would do at a theme park.

Maybe you're the groundskeeper and you have to manage escaping dinosaurs heading for the

humans or something, we really don't know much about this game yet, but in my opinion,

it looks pretty neat.

And to wrap up this very short week of news, Cities: Skylines is now free to play until

Sunday on Steam, and it's also on sale until Monday for 75% off down to just 8 bucks.

They also created a $19 New Player Bundle which includes some of the DLC, I'm guessing

that would be a good start, but I know that this is a crazy popular game so I figured

I'd let you guys know if you haven't tried this one out yet.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 80.

Make sure you guys let me know down in the comment section what you're favorite tech

or pc gaming news was this week, or if I missed anything.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> New Ryzen APUs Next Week, Bitcoin/GPU Prices, Ark in VR -- Weekly Download #80 - Duration: 4:49.


Amira Willighagen **O Mio Babbino Caro** Iceland/Steenbergen (CC/Subtitles) - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Amira Willighagen **O Mio Babbino Caro** Iceland/Steenbergen (CC/Subtitles) - Duration: 4:37.


Latest FBI Messages Reveal Obama's Involvement in Hillary Email - Duration: 5:17.

Latest FBI Messages Reveal Obama�s Involvement in Hillary Email Investigation, Senate Report


Recently released text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa

Page are raising questions about the extent of former President Barack Obama�s involvement

in the investigation into Hillary Clinton�s misuse of her private email server.

In a message dated Sept. 2, 2016 � just two months before Election Day � Page wrote

to Strzok about getting then-FBI Director James Comey ready to brief Obama.

Page�s reasoning was that �potus wants to know everything we�re doing.�

Fox News reviewed the new texts and noted that according to a new Senate report, �this

text raises questions about Obama�s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.�

Previously revealed texts have shown that Strzok and Page, who were having an affair,

had personal biases against then-candidate Donald Trump.

As The Western Journal reported, Strzok described Trump during the 2016 campaign as a �loathsome

human� and an �idiot,� and found the prospect of him being president �terrifying.�

Still, following the election, both officials worked on special counsel Robert Mueller�s

probe investigating alleged Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The newest batch of text messages are being released by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and

other Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

The messages are accompanied by a report called, �The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI�s

Investigation of it.�

The texts have also shed more light on the timing of Comey�s Oct. 28 announcement that

the FBI was reopening the investigation into the former secretary of state.

Over the summer, Comey famously closed the case, saying that though Clinton�s actions

were �extremely careless,� they did not warrant criminal charges.

But just days before the election, he sent a letter to Congress explaining that the FBI

had discovered more emails related to the Clinton case on former New York Rep. Anthony

Weiner�s laptop.

Weiner was the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

One month before Comey announced the discovery of the new emails, Strzok suggested in a text

to Page that the FBI already was aware of their existence.

�Got called up to (then-FBI Deputy director) Andy�s (McCabe) earlier.. hundreds of thousands

of emails turned over by Weiner�s atty to sdny (Southern District of New York), includes

a ton of material from spouse (Huma Abedin).

Sending team up tomorrow to review� this will never end,� he wrote in a message dated

Sept. 28.

However, on Oct. 28, Comey said in his letter to Congress that he had only learned about

these emails �yesterday.�

�In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails

that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.

I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday,� Comey

said at the time.

The new Strzok/Page texts have also offered more evidence that both officials had personal

political biases.

In one of the messages, Strzok accused Virginians who voted against McCabe�s wife � who

ran for state Senate in 2015 � �ignorant hillbillys.�

�Disappointing, but look at the district map,� Strzok said of the election results.

�Loudon is being gentrified, but it�s still largely ignorant hillbillys.

Good for her for running, but curious if she�s energized or never again.�

Other messages showed how much the officials hated Trump.

�OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING,� Page wrote on Election Day 2016.

�Omg, I am so depressed,� Strzok responded.

On Nov. 14, meanwhile, Page wrote, �God, being here makes me angry.

Lots of high fallutin� national security talk.

Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us.�

Due to the fact that Strzok also referred to an �insurance policy� being put in

place in the event that Trump won, Senate investigators say that �further investigation

is warranted to find out what actions the two may have taken,� according to Fox.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Latest FBI Messages Reveal Obama's Involvement in Hillary Email - Duration: 5:17.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 6 - Duration: 1:53.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 6 - Duration: 1:53.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 5 - Duration: 5:39.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

now we get to another product that we're excited to add to the inspire network

product line that I think really broadens the spectrum and that is what

we call our total recall memory booster my son just started Georgetown and now

seeing him steady and spending long hours really hidden the book said it's

such a challenging University this is something that can benefit everyone I

guess from college the college age on up so let's talk a little bit out the

formulation of total recall memory booster with age people get memory loss

and this can be as simple as you forget where you laid your glasses or your keys

to his major is you don't know what glasses or keys are for so it can be

just some minimal common cognitive impairment but it can go all the way up

to full dementia or even else how much disease you know there's a actually

there's a memory center in the brain it's called the hippocampus and as you

age that does shrink other things that we've talked about like obesity and

sleep apnea diabetes any kind of decreased blood flow helps the

hippocampus shrink so what you want to do is do things that make that grow

which a lot of our products if you have a heart-healthy lifestyle you know you

may not need the product but most of us don't have that heart-healthy lifestyle

so so exercise you know mental training you can build the hippocampus and then

the first ingredient we have is bacopa monnieri and that product helps with

nerve cell repair transmission of signals

it actually works as an antioxidant for the brain cells Wow okay now that's the

one that's probably most important in the younger people who are one to take

that to have better focus better learning ability better retention

information processing so they did a 12-week study and all those areas were

improved in younger people so your son may start getting on this

product to help you get would be fantastic they get better focused better

retention now test-taking ability could be affected okay

it was a 12-week study and they made the emphasis that there were no results

before twelve weeks Wow so you have to stay on this product for

a while for it to work but it does work and then the other ingredients include

huperzine which is actually used in China as a first-line drug for

Alzheimer's okay and what it does is it it raises the acetylcholine in the brain

acetylcholine is the major neurotransmitter for the brain cells

okay and actually that's the way a lot of the Alzheimer's disease prescription

drugs work so they recommend that this huperzine is so potent they recommend

don't take it with other Alzheimer's medicines it's it's perfect to start

before they get to those medicines and it definitely helps by increasing that a

synthetic elements a neurotransmitter and it comes from a from the club moss

and there's a there's actually a plant in the club moss family called the

resurrection plant in the thinking look dead bee look that way for months and

months months you put a little bit water on it comes to life and that's what this

product does for the brain it wakes up the brain Wow

okay I can probably use it every every day we can all use it and so for me it's

been very natural for me to recommend this to to my circle of friends I yeah

we're in the home of a former professional athlete and we all are big

into health and wellness and in cycling and working out and spending time with

the family and so health is a big part of our lifestyle so this is real easy to

share kind of personally with people around us and ultimately that's what we

want with inspired Network we want to have products that you don't have to

sell people on you simply just share with individuals and this is something

that they should be doing anyway we're proud to be with you and

working with you dr. Richard and Steve miner have taken great care in producing

this exceptional line of dietary supplements the manufacturing plants

producing these supplements are FDA registered and compliant GMP certified

NSF certified and qai organic certified the manufacturing process is done in a

state-of-the-art facility with the most advanced manufacturing equipment the

facility has an in-house quality assurance lab that ensures results

beyond the FDA regulations after the completion of the manufacturing process

the Minot's tests the product batches in two of their own independent labs to

ensure absolute quality and quantity is in every capsule so you know you are

getting the best product with exactly the right amount of ingredient that you



For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 5 - Duration: 5:39.



For more infomation >> YA TAIBA MISHARY RASHID COVER SABYAN GAMBUS - Duration: 2:38.


Former Child Stars Who Hit Rock Bottom - Duration: 6:32.

It's an old Hollywood story by now: when you grow up in the spotlight, it can be hard to

adjust once that light starts to fade.

But these once-famous kids had an even harder time than most.

Here are some former child stars who have hit rock bottom...

Aaron Carter

Pop star Aaron Carter opened up about his struggles on Oprah's Where Are They Now, revealing

long battles with depression and alcoholism that he believes began when his parents divorced.

They'd announced their split an hour before he taped his MTV Cribs episode:

"So I had to go and I had to show all the cameras the life that I was losing."

"The depression was brought on because I loved my family being together.

I did not want to see them divorced."

"I started partying [and] getting into a lot of trouble."

Carter went on to compete on Dancing with the Stars in 2009 in an effort to revive his

career, but the reality competition didn't pan out for him.

More alcohol abuse problems followed — and, eventually, a stint in rehab:

"My mother came and picked me up.

She took me down to her house.

The next day I was at Betty Ford Center."

Carter has since focused on releasing new music with more creative control.

But what many viewed as a comeback was derailed yet again in July 2017, when Carter was arrested

on charges of DUI refusal, possession of grass, and possession of other objects.

Three days after the arrest, he told Entertainment Tonight that he has an eating disorder — not

a substance problem.

"I am not a m--- head.

I've never touched it in my life."

Jake Lloyd

Actor Jake Lloyd, who starred as young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,

led police on a high-speed car chase in June 2015, when he was 24 years old.

The pursuit ended in a crash and a prison sentence, and the revelation that Lloyd's

troubles ran far deeper than a car chase.

In April 2016, Lloyd's mother told TMZ he was being transferred from jail to a mental

hospital to treat schizophrenia.

She also alleged he'd attacked her weeks before the car chase while off his medication.

Since then, Lloyd's completely dropped out of the public eye — hopefully to focus on

returning to good health.

Shia LaBeouf

Successful from a very young age, Shia LaBeouf landed a starring role on Disney's Even Stevens

when he was just 10 years old.

The actor later matured into movies, headlining the blockbuster Transformers franchise, but

as his fame increased, so did his infamy.

In 2005, he allegedly pulled a knife out during a fight in his apartment complex.

In 2007, he was arrested for trespassing in a drug store.

In 2008, he was involved in a fender bender and refused a Breathalyzer test.

No charges were filed, but his license was suspended.

In 2011, LaBeouf got into a bar brawl when a fellow patron reportedly tried stealing

his hat.

After a relatively quiet two years, LaBeouf was accused in 2013 of plagiarizing elements

of his short film,, from cartoonist Daniel Clowes.

LaBeouf apologized in a series of tweets...that were also plagiarized.

Needless to say, things weren't going great for LaBeouf for a while.

After a public drunkenness arrest in 2017, LaBeouf himself seemed to have enough of…


He apologized for his behavior via Twitter.

"It is a new low.

A low I hope is the bottom.

I have been struggling with addiction publicly for too long, and I am actively taking steps

toward securing my sobriety and hope I can be forgiven for my mistakes."

Jaimee Foxworth

Actress Jaimee Foxworth starred as Judy Winslow on Family Matters — until the show wrote

off her character, with no explanation, four seasons into the series.

By the time she was 19, Foxworth was broke and turned to adult films to make ends meet

— and to support her substance abuse habits.

After leaving the industry, she still suffered from her addictions and joined the cast of Celebrity

Rehab with Dr. Drew.

She reportedly became sober in 2008 when she became pregnant.

"I made a prayer to God and I was like, if you just give me the healthiest son, I would

stop today... and I stopped.

And I haven't had a craving since."

Lalaine Vergara Paras

The child actress who played Hilary Duff's BFF on Lizzie McGuire in the early 2000s was

busted for possession of crystal meth in 2007.

Paras didn't show up for her court appearance in the case, prompting a judge to issue a

$50,000 bench warrant for her arrest, which was recalled when she finally did show up

to court some time later.

She pleaded guilty, went to rehab, and had her record expunged after completing the program.

She told The Huffington Post in November 2015,

"I'm just more on the relaxed side of things.

I hold a job down to pay the bills, and I've been doing all these random little projects."

Mischa Barton

Instead of capitalizing on her star turn in The O.C., Mischa Barton left the show early

in 2006 and embarked on a decade of increasingly bizarre diva behavior.

Following a 2007 DUI, Barton posed for Maxim and teased a pivot to "the big screen"...which

never actually panned out.

She then attracted the wrong kind of attention in 2009 when she had a meltdown at New York

Fashion Week and was subsequently hospitalized for what had been reported as an attempt to

take her own life… which she later explained away by saying that it was actually just exhaustion,

combined with teeth problems:

"I was just overwhelmed.

I had so much work to do and the surgery had gone so badly for me.

And I think I was just starting to feel completely overwhelmed."

In 2016, Barton briefly returned to the mainstream by appearing on Dancing With The Stars, but

she was eliminated in the second round of cuts.

She didn't exactly take her exit gracefully, telling The Ringer she was, quote, "glad to

get kicked off" after not being able to exercise the creative control she was promised.

She went on to say she was, quote, " confused by it," and "It was all a popularity


It was awful."

Barton was hospitalized a second time following a strange incident shared by TMZ in January

2017 in which she was recorded outside her Los Angeles home appearing to be intoxicated

and rambling incoherently.

She voluntarily checked into the hospital for a mental health check and later claimed

she'd been drugged with GHB.

That same year, Barton wrapped up a legal battle she waged with two ex-boyfriends over

their alleged attempts to sell illicitly obtained intimate photos and videos of Barton to various

web outlets.

"And my absolute worst fear was realized when I learned that someone I thought I loved and

trusted was filming my most intimate and private moments."

Orlando Brown

In September 2013, That's So Raven star Orlando Brown was sentenced to 180 days behind bars

for a DUI charge stemming from an arrest in 2011.

Then in 2014, he was charged with public intoxication and disturbing the peace after allegedly threatening

a woman and her child.

After a fight with a girlfriend in January 2016, he was charged with misdemeanor domestic

battery, obstruction of justice, felony drug possession with intent to sell, and having

contraband in jail.

In November 2016, he made vulgar comments about former co-star Raven-Symone, which triggered

a massive backlash on Twitter.

In 2017, he doubled-down on his new tell-all approach to interviews with even more bizarre

revelations about his "past" drug use, a private tape, and even more trash talk about Raven-Symone,

so it would appear that Brown is really not so Raven at all anymore.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out all this other cool stuff we know you'll love too.

For more infomation >> Former Child Stars Who Hit Rock Bottom - Duration: 6:32.


Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:08.

Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:08.


Behind the real life story of '15:17 to Paris' - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Behind the real life story of '15:17 to Paris' - Duration: 3:19.


PapPYA Gaikwad ID Refresh Date Fixed II How To Add PaPpya Gaikwad II - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> PapPYA Gaikwad ID Refresh Date Fixed II How To Add PaPpya Gaikwad II - Duration: 3:02.


Sutton Hoo | The funeral ship - Duration: 9:21.

In 1939, with IIWW at the door,

a 1300 years old finding changes English archaeology forever!

Sutton Hoo!

Sutton 'who'?

In 1926, Edith Pretty, a very wealthy woman

acquires with her husband the property of Suttn Hoo, at Suffolk, an East Anglian county in England.

What caught her attention the most in this property,

was a part of it with barrows scattered across the terrain.

That left her very curious,

but she wouldn't explore that part of the terrain yet.

Edith became a widow. And in Europe since the 19th century, existed

a movement in bloom, Spiritualism.

So many people seeked mediums

and try to contact spirits in 'white tables',

there were also presentations lead by mediums

so people could have supernatural experiences,

and Edith was one of the women that decided to contact a medium in an atempt

to have information about her husband in the other side.

But instead of contacting, Edith had a vision.

She saw a funeral procession,

next to one of the barrows in her terrain,

and the people participating on the procession were wearing ancient clothing. Medieval clothing.

To Edith, this was the proof that there was something down there,

and finally, in 1937, she decided to get help. The city of Ipswich, one hour of distance by car from Sutton Hoo,

had a museum were she met Basil Brown.

A self taught archaeologist that worked in the museum, and agreed to help her.

Analysing the barrows, he could confirm that they were graves.

Anglo-Saxon graves. Eighteen of them.

The first three graves excavated, didn't present great things.

Little artifacts. Nothing of great value.

So Basil considered giving up, but before that,

he decided to explore the biggest barrow in there.

Known as tumulus one. That one, according to Basil,

was never plundered by grave robbers.

Charles Phillips, an archaeologist from Cambridge, decided to join the excavations,

Basil and Charles excavated tumulus one, and found

a whole ship. An anglo-Saxon ship from about the seventh century, measurng 27 meters.

And inside the ship, a chamber packed with treasures.

But curiously no bodies.

Taking a closer look, they concluded that the ship might have been King Rædwald's final resting place.

He was an Anglo-Saxon king that ruled East Anglia during the seventh century.

East Anglia was the kingdom that existed right in that place during anglo-saxon times.

This king has a very curious story.

He ruled during the a transitional period of anglo-saxon religions. From Polytheism to Christianity.

He allowed his subjects to choose in who to believe. The religion they wanted.

So it is that inside this chamber os treas...

So is that inside the chamber of treasures, there are Polytheistic and Christian traces.

Another very curious fact.

A very important thing for the Anglo-Saxons was music and poetry.

They had the habit of playing the lyre to recite epic and heroic poems. One of the most famous is 'Beowulf',

that actually became a movie.

The beginning of the poem describes a funeral,

and they kept in mind the anglo-saxon funeral traditions from Beowulf.

And had found nothing to confirm those rituals.

But with Sutton Hoo, that was possible.

What were the Anglo-Saxon funerals like?

Like the Egyptians, Anglo-Saxons used to burry a body with all of his belongings.

Sometimes inside a ship, sometimes inside a sealed barrow.

In this case they were lucky enough to find a whole ship.

A very important fact: the sword to Anglo-Saxons was something of great significance.

Not only because they were warriors, but also, the richest the material of the sword,

the highest the status of the owner.

So they were obviously laid to rest with their belongings, especially with their weapons.

The treasures were many. Golden coins,

Clasps for clothing. Because during Anglo-Saxon times, there was no buttons, zippers, and sewing kits,

So how did they used to do?

They used to straighten the fabric in the body as they wished,

pinning them with stunning clasp on the shoulders and around the wrists,

as you can see.

They could also pin their clothes with a brooch, and finalise the look of the day with a belt.

Also marvelous pieces of work, with clasps made out of gold and precious stones.

Despite what is believed of the beginning of the Middle Ages, is was a very rich period of time.

Even if these lands have been abandoned to their fate by the Romans,

for invasions and battles. They were still able to keep a very luxurious life standard.

Along with clasps, brooches, silver, and gold coins,

what did they found in this grave? Weapons, lots of weapons.

Shields, swords, and the most interesting,

a helmet. An Anglo-Saxon war helmet,

which there are only more three founded.

A replica was made and it is possible to see battle scenes,

and very bloody moments in the lives of these Anglo-Saxon kings.

In 1939, Edith donated all of the treasure to the British Museum in London.

But they thought it was better to hide everything because of WWII.

Besides the bombs that could destroy everything they were able to excavate,

there was the problem with the Nazis stealing pieces of art.

The assets stolen by them during the war is huge, and very valuable.

They wouldn't take the risk, so Sutton Hoo treasure was kept in a hiding place in the underground

until they could be exhibited in the museum

And they are still in exhibition there today.

I mentioned that there was no bodies. Why?

Suffolk soil is too acid,

so it's likely that a body will decay quickly and completely,

havin nothing left to tell the story.

Another possibility is that the body of the supposed king was buried elsewhere in Sutton Hoo.

The excavations weren't finished during the 30's.

From 84 to 93, two more barrows were dug,

and several bodies in a very precarious state were found.

There were something really curious about those corpses.

They were found in a position that it seemed they were in agony before the...

Like they were in agony moments before dying.

There were signs of torture and mutilation in the bodies.

Some of them were found without the head.

What is believed, is that these people were part of pagan rituals,

or even a ritual of the early stage of Christianity,

or perhaps a war sacrifice for the king.

The state of the bodies was so precarious

that they looked like they were carved out in sand, as you can see.

For more infomation >> Sutton Hoo | The funeral ship - Duration: 9:21.


El DEMASVATAR ha regresado ¿En donde andaba? ¿Que paso? - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> El DEMASVATAR ha regresado ¿En donde andaba? ¿Que paso? - Duration: 4:28.


Valentine's Day in a Single Box Facility - Duration: 2:57.

Where am I? What is this place?

Hello Hello Can anybody hear me?

Hello! Hi! Welcome to this Single Box Facility. You have been taken here for

obvious reasons. This facility is very well designed to keep you away from feeling sad and lonely on Valentine's Day.

Okay how are you going to do that? Distraction! We are very well aware of

your favorite things and wants in life and you're free to enjoy those things while your

stay here. WOW! That sounds good! But first we want you to eat this cookie. Ooo I like


Thank you

What's happening to me? What's in the cookie? What did you do to me? What did you do to me?

There are special chemicals in the cookie that will activate your ability to predict your destiny for the next Valentine's Day.

ooo I can see it now I can see it

yeah I'm gonna have a beautiful girlfriend next year yes

yeah oh my god I can see I can see myself having the most amazing

Valentine's Day yes yes yes

Where am I? Hi! Welcome this Single Box Facility you have been taken here for obvious

reasons. This facility is very well designed to keep you away from feeling

sad and lonely on Valentine's Day

For more infomation >> Valentine's Day in a Single Box Facility - Duration: 2:57.


I am a chosen one, not a traitor | Dishonored | Part 1 - Duration: 32:27.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome to Dishonored. This game is pretty much similar to Bioshock series

Like steampunk theme and style but this game is stealth like a ninja,

Have to take some time to be quiet and kill behind the enemies

Cool, right? Shall we begin?

This is like Harry Potter intro

Wait for Dishonored logo appear

Ok, it's a name of the studios production

Wrenhaven River

Lord Corvo. I'm a lord. Respect me

Is that a whale? The whale is on the boat

What are they doing with it?

Looks like this place is somewhere in Europe

Oh, it's like I went to Panama, in the central America

The water rise to the different levels. Like the boats move from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

Panama is in the central America

It's really cool

Excuse me. Move

Empress Jessamine. Ok

Is that my daughter?

Oh, do you want to play hide and seek?

Let's play a game

Ok, I have to hide somewhere


I hope it will work

Need to find a better place. Let's go over there

Where is she?

Go to see her mother

Emily's mother is waiting for me. I got to go

There you are

This news is very bad

The plague. That's bad

No, it wasn't me!


Great, I'm in the prison


I bet that food is nasty

A friend. Why should I read the message from the stranger?

It's your fault. You put me in the jail


Who are you?

See, I have to be stealth, be quiet

Stop talking

Two more

Let's get out of here


Where is the key?

Is it open?

Find the explosive. Boom

There you are

Go to the control room

I need to find more ammo. Oh, the door control

Ok, it's open

I only have one bullet

Good, I escaped from the prison

I want to meet a friend. Who is he or she

I bet this water is really gross

I need to use the wheel to open the door but the rats will eat me

Rats, the food is right there

Watch out for the wires

Just call me, Corvo

Ok, they gave me the weapons. Thank you

A crossbow

That's awesome

That was a bad throw

I didn't see you

That's my new friend. Hello


That's really weird

It's not really like Bioshock. Bioshock is underwater and in the sky

This game is on the ground

This place is dirty, dirty everywhere

Hound pits

We are here

Go to see the loyalists

That guy... on the left side looks like the guy from Bioshock Infinite

Ok, we will work together and fight against... what? Who? Oh right. People who killed Emily's mother

We will find lady Emily

I understand. Do you want to skip this conversation?

I hate when people talk too much



He will be crafting the weapons and gear. Obviously, I can buy and upgrade the weapons and gear

I understand

Yeah, I'm a video game geek

Oh, do you want me to go upstairs?

It doesn't run by electricity. It uses gas... Oil? Whatever

A mask

He made the mask. That's really cool

I understand

Yeah, I need to get some sleep

Where is my bed?

Where am I?

Am I in the dream?

Who are you?

Me...? I am the chosen one

A new tattoo

Now, I have the power and no one can stop me

You cannot save her

Emily thought I was dead

Ok, I will kill you guys

They're on my dead list

You too

More runes, more powers

It's over there

That's a rune

Dark vision, it's like night vision. Cool

It will increase my health

Sure, why not

Oh, I can see through the wall! That's awesome!

Oh, it wasn't a dream. It was real

Ok, let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video. Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share, or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> I am a chosen one, not a traitor | Dishonored | Part 1 - Duration: 32:27.


How to make slide show video with power point/bangla tutorial/office 2016 - Duration: 26:21.

power point

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