Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Ascension Phase Complete!

What�s Next

by Laura Eisenhower

As we have completed the phase of Ascension called a Stellar Activation Cycle, to me,

we have completed the journey of the Tree of Knowledge, which I feel represents our

DNA in duality, the understanding of it and how to re-integrate it, through finding knowledge

of self.

It has been distorted and true knowledge has been targeted with mind-control, which leaves

many people stunted in their growth.

But for those who have focused in on the inner journey and self-development, you may be feeling

ready to fully embody your Wholeness and fully step into your Divine Power and Truth.

divine power

This is a process of restoration that connects to the Stargates on Earth and a co-creative

expansion and integration of polarity, which resolves reversals and energetic pollution

to the Earth grids and our internal and the external Elements.

The challenge of finding knowledge is that it can drain us, confuse us and overwhelm

us, because societal conditioning and programmings don�t hold any space for initiations or

doing the inner work, so our shadow work and dark night of the Soul experiences have had

to be managed, while still attempting to function in a human realm where most things are externalized

or more about appearances.

No more impostors allowed, no more fragments and fractures to our true make up � this

rebirth is about conquering more than we can even begin to wrap our heads around and it

is manifesting an advanced human vessel who holds ultimate seniority to all parasitic,

vampiric and destructive groups, forces and agendas.

Only digression can make us vulnerable, but the flow of the Cosmos and Earth is lifting

us out of that, if we can just hold hands with Mother Gaia.

Enjoy this next cycle of Ascension.

There is a frequency split occurring at subatomic levels and in every moment we have the choice

to choose a Higher Earth experience, which entails choosing between an artificial timelines,

false Ascension or an Organic one ~ The best way to know the difference and stay in the

Organic flow, is to know your own Soul and devote to your process of growth ~ recognizing

that life, your body and Nature are the greatest teachers in physical reality.

The Soul is the one holding the essence and imprints of the larger picture, like where

and who we have ever been ~ Spirit penetrates it with Divinity and guidance and so allowing

this connection is bringing about true liberation!

� Laura Eisenhower

For more infomation >> Ascension Phase Complete! What's Next - Duration: 3:07.


Square Thread In Lathe (Calculations) - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Square Thread In Lathe (Calculations) - Duration: 10:12.


War Films "THE SNAPSER ROCKING TASK" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 36:05.

War Films "THE SNAPSER ROCKING TASK" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films

For more infomation >> War Films "THE SNAPSER ROCKING TASK" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 36:05.


9 Reasons 'Loud' People Secretly Admire 'Quiet' People - Duration: 4:07.

9 Reasons 'Loud' People Secretly Admire 'Quiet' People

You may be thinking that loud people are always in the top position of social chain.

The reason is simply because they are dominating.

They are loud and vocal.

They say what they want and they usually get what they want too.

People respect and appreciate what they do.

Their aspiration can be transferred by those loud people.

Meanwhile, quiet people will remain on the back, seemingly doing nothing.

However, do you know that there is actually a secret between loud people and quiet people?

There are at least 9 reasons on why there is a secret relationship between the loud

and quiet people.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

#1 - Quiet people are confident

Loud people actually see you from afar realizing that you are extremely confident.

How can you not be confident considering the fact that you do things by yourself?

Moreover, they also notice that quiet people do not ask for help as long as they still

can do things they want to do.

Actually, quiet people make the loud people more confident because they become even more


#2 - You listen

They respect your ability to listen.

They are aware that loud people do not listen as good as the quiet ones.

Therefore, they actually admire your ability to listen.

They also secretly try to get to know quiet people for some tips for themselves.

However, rejection is usually prominent.

#3 - You can stand out from the crowd

They believe that you have ideas and things to say that will change the world.

They indeed want to see that happen because they are aware that you are competent.

Moreover, you also have creative mind which can blow people's mind.

You definitely can stand out from the crowd, and loud people know it.

#4 - You enjoy yourself

You are fine being alone with only your thought.

It makes loud people think and respect this sort of ability.

They are also sometimes confused on how you can do that.

#5 - You can say no

Most loud people cannot say no because they don't want to disappoint other people.

However, quiet people can do it.

Quiet people are very strict for what they want to do.

Basically, they will do things that will make them happy.

#6 - You know yourself

The next thing that make them appreciate you is the ability to recognize themselves.

Most loud people are not aware of themselves because they are busy recognizing others.

They want to know how to be themselves, and wonder if their fellow quiet people can help


However, they probably never have chance to do that.

#7 - You can walk on your own path

They actually wonder on why you can confidently walk alone in your own path.

Loud people are aware that they need other to walk together with them.

Otherwise, the journey will not be fun and engaging.

#8 - They notice your close friends

The next thing that they look at is your friends.

They notice that you only have few friends, but it work just fine.

#9 - Self-reliant

Lastly, they are wondering how you could continue living with only relying by yourself.

Loud people realize that people will eventually be alone, and they are aware that quiet people

can be successful and happy in the end of the day.

All in all, that's all the 9 reasons why 'loud' people secretly admire 'quiet' people.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons 'Loud' People Secretly Admire 'Quiet' People - Duration: 4:07.


Novelist Robert Harris 'twists' history of Britain on the edge of WWII - Duration: 6:07.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Next: Imagine at the eve of World War II a mission by the U.K. to prevent

war with Germany.

Jeffrey Brown speaks to an author who tells that tale in the latest book on the "NewsHour"


JEFFREY BROWN: September 1938, Germany threatens to invade Czechoslovakia.

Britain fears being drawn into war just 20 years after the end of first World War.

The diplomats scurry between European capitals to negotiate, assessing each other's influence,

strengths and weaknesses.

It's the real-life setting for the new historical novel "Munich," the latest from author Robert

Harris, well-known and read for his many imaginative takes on ancient and modern history.

And welcome to you.

ROBERT HARRIS, Author, "Munich": Hi, Jeff.

JEFFREY BROWN: You have written nonfiction and fiction about this particular moment.

What is it that galvanizes you still?

ROBERT HARRIS: I think it was an incredibly dramatic story, four days in September 1938,

when the world came very close to war, the moral compromises that had to be made to preserve

peace, the controversy that still surrounds it, and the sheer drama of Chamberlain and

Hitler meeting.

And I have wanted to write a novel about it for 30 years.

JEFFREY BROWN: So, these characters, it's Hugh Legat, the Brit, and Paul von Hartmann

is the German.


JEFFREY BROWN: Are they based on real characters or are they all imaginative?

ROBERT HARRIS: The background and the characters of Chamberlain and Hitler, who are both in

the book, and the civil servants and so on, that's all real.

And the places, Downing Street, the Fuhrerbau in Munich, Hitler's apartment, that's all


But into that, I put these two characters.

Hugh Legat is a completely made-up figure, 27-year-old, high-flying Foreign Office diplomat

who is working Downing Street and flies with Chamberlain.

And then Germany character owes a lot to a guy called Adam von Trott, who is one of the

conspirators against Hitler who was killed in 1944.

But he, I drew a lot on the character of von Trott for his portrayal.

He was part of kind of a nascent embryo resistance to Hitler in the German Foreign Ministry,

which I wanted to try and put in the book.

JEFFREY BROWN: It's often said that you're fictionalizing history to sort of explore

the what-ifs of history.

I wonder is that what you see yourself as doing, or are you just delving into the history

to tell it in a fictional way?

ROBERT HARRIS: I thought at first of doing this as a what-if.

What if there had been no Munich agreement?

Because part of the argument for the book is that Chamberlain and Hitler, actually,

it was the opposite to what most people think.

Chamberlain actually got what he wanted, and Hitler was furious with this whole deal.

And Chamberlain's a much different character to Hitler.

And so I thought of doing it as a what-if and showing that actually we might well have

lost the war if we hadn't had Munich.

But then it became too conjectural.

So I decided really to put as much of the actual truth and facts in.

So, I hope people come away with a different impression of the Munich agreement.

JEFFREY BROWN: Well, and also a different impression of Neville Chamberlain.


In history, he's the great appeaser.

In your book, he comes off better.


Well, he certainly was the great appeaser, but he was a dynamic, driving figure.

And there's no doubt, if you actually look at it, he got Hitler on the back foot, because

Hitler wanted to invade Czechoslovakia and begin the war in 1938.

And to the end of his life, he was lamenting that Chamberlain had cheated him out of the


Chamberlain was hugely popular when he appeared in Munich.

He got louder cheers than Hitler did.

This drove Hitler mad.

But he realized that the German people weren't ready for war.

And Chamberlain did a very clever thing.

He sort of appealed behind Hitler's back to the German people.

And he postponed the war, and Britain rearmed much more fully, and also fought on a better

issue, if you like, the invasion of Poland.

Much better to fight on that issue than the taking of Germans back into Germany.

JEFFREY BROWN: As a lover and reader of fiction and novels, when you're writing this, we know

the ending.



ROBERT HARRIS: There is a war, yes.

JEFFREY BROWN: You build all this tension, and there is a great plot between these characters.

But I know how it's going to end ultimately in the big picture.

Do you worry at all about that?

ROBERT HARRIS: Not at all.

One of the most successful postwar thrillers was "The Day of the Jackal."

We all know that President de Gaulle was not assassinated.

It doesn't stop it being thrilling.

I did a novel called "Pompeii."

We all know that Pompeii is destroyed.

Actually, people waiting for the shoe to drop in a way is often a source of greater drama

than when you don't know what's going to happen.

JEFFREY BROWN: To the degree that you're looking at different periods of history, what does

something have to have for you to want to tackle it?

ROBERT HARRIS: I think it has to have something perhaps that's new, one can say.

It has to have something that's relevant.

I hope that, from "Munich," people will take away the fact that whenever we use these loose

terms about appeasement and Munich, actually, we're misusing them, and that there might

not have been the great Churchill victory speeches in 1940 if we hadn't had Neville

Chamberlain patiently trying to buy time and to make sure we -- when we did fight, we fought

on a big issue, and not something that people would probably have given up on if it we had

gone to war in '38.

So, I like something -- if I can twist the history and show something new, that, I like


JEFFREY BROWN: What about our own moment?

Do you see anything here that, in 10 or 20 years, that you might want to tackle?

ROBERT HARRIS: The trouble is, it's all so bizarre, you can't do it in fiction.


ROBERT HARRIS: It's putting political novelists, thriller writers out of business.

I find it again and again with modern reality.

It's so outlandish, there's nothing that your imagination can come up with that's more bizarre.

That's why I often reach into the past.

And if I was going the write something about modern America or in modern Britain, I might

well go back and take a Roman emperor or something like that.


JEFFREY BROWN: All right, that's one approach to our daily news.

ROBERT HARRIS: Yes, Nero maybe.



The new novel is "Munich."

Robert Harris, thank you very much.


Thank you.

For more infomation >> Novelist Robert Harris 'twists' history of Britain on the edge of WWII - Duration: 6:07.


Kali | Punjabi Folk Songs | Fusion | Live Performance | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Kali | Punjabi Folk Songs | Fusion | Live Performance | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 5:30.


NGHỆ SĨ CHÍ TÂM TRÌNH BÀI TRÍCH ĐOẠN LAN VÀ ĐIỆP|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> NGHỆ SĨ CHÍ TÂM TRÌNH BÀI TRÍCH ĐOẠN LAN VÀ ĐIỆP|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 5:03.


Phận Loan Mỏng Manh - Tập 7 | Truyện Ngôn Tình Hay Đã Hoàn Thành | Mây 3S - Duration: 4:31:37.

For more infomation >> Phận Loan Mỏng Manh - Tập 7 | Truyện Ngôn Tình Hay Đã Hoàn Thành | Mây 3S - Duration: 4:31:37.


英会話無料学習・「~する」「開催する」を表す英語表現【Youtube動画】ネイティブ英語をちかくでマスター - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 英会話無料学習・「~する」「開催する」を表す英語表現【Youtube動画】ネイティブ英語をちかくでマスター - Duration: 3:04.


INFJs Should Try Dating These Types of People - Duration: 8:36.

Nine Types of People INFJs Should Try Dating

Dating for the INFJ personality type can feel forced and awkward.

Rather than casually date, INFJs often judge each potential partner based on a quick, intuitive


When people don't live up to the INFJ's ideals, they won't even get a first date.

Because we are self aware and growth oriented, we INFJs often think we know the type of person

who is best for us.

However, if we don't have much dating or relationship experience, it's hard to know

what the perfect partner for us actually looks like.

First impressions can be deceiving, even for the INFJ.

The more you allow yourself to spend time with people who may not be your typical "type,"

the more you learn from them.

Here are the nine types of people you should try dating, or at least get to know, as an



The Revolutionary Dreamer

Likely an INFP or ENFP

INFJs are idealists.

We want to change the world.

But we spend so much time trying to understand issues from every perspective that we can

easily lose track of our ultimate mission.

The Revolutionary Dreamer knows what's important to them, and they stand up for their beliefs

with bold intensity.

They will take the INFJ's hand and lead them into the battle for what is right, encouraging

them to care less about what everyone else thinks of them.

INFJs admire the way the Revolutionary Dreamer speaks out against anything that isn't in

line with their moral compass.


The Quiet Confidant

Likely an ISFJ or fellow INFJ

INFJs spend a lot of time being there for others.

We sometimes forget how important it is to have someone who truly wants to be there for


While we may be attracted to charm and bravado, we shouldn't take other compassionate and

serene types for granted.

The Quiet Confidant is an excellent partner for the INFJ.

They can help the INFJ feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and dreams without


This type wants to give their INFJ exactly what the INFJ gives to everyone else, the

space to be heard.

An INFJ in a relationship with a Quiet Confidant may feel like they are truly heard for the

first time in their life.

The Quiet Confidant teaches the INFJ to value their own voice and encourages them to share

their ideas with the world.


The Assertive Go-Getter

Likely an ENTJ or ESTJ

INFJs are visionaries.

We're often confident in what we want in life, but we struggle to see our dreams into


The Assertive Go-Getter knows what they want, and they chase it with full force.

This type isn't afraid to demand what they deserve and encourages the INFJ to do the


The Assertive Go-Getter can help their INFJ realize a clear action plan to achieve what

they want in life.

This type encourages the INFJ not to allow fear or doubt to get in the way of their dreams.

The INFJ admires the Assertive Go-Getter's diligence and hard work, and from observation,

can incorporate these skills into their own life.


The Confident Debater

Likely an ENTP or INTJ

INFJs are rarely apathetic.

We tend to have strong opinions and beliefs, but we keep these to ourselves for fear of

hurting or offending someone else.

The Confident Debater expresses their views with a calculated confidence that is particularly

attractive to the INFJ.

The Confident Debater isn't timid when it comes to discussing controversial topics,

like politics and religion.

In fact, they encourage these sort of conversations, and with the right conversationalist, the

results can be extremely constructive.

With a Confident Debater by their side, INFJs can learn to view ideologies as necessary

systems separate from their emotional involvement.


The Practical Planner

Likely an ISTJ or ESFJ

INFJs are dreamers.

We spend so much time in our heads that we often forget the practical necessities of

everyday life.

A Practical Planner will hold their INFJ's hand and gently bring them back down to earth

when needed.

These types learn from the past, live in the moment, and plan for the future with realistic


They can help the INFJ assess their goals and dreams from a realistic perspective and

plan practical steps forward.

The Practical Planner is ever loyal and can help the idealistic INFJ learn the value of

commitment and hard work, even when things aren't ideal.


The Spontaneous Adventurer

Likely an ESFP or ISTP

INFJs are planners.

We're not adverse to new experiences, but we prefer having time to prepare for them.

We'll go skydiving, but not without talking to several people about the experience, reading

online forums, and going over our predetermined Q&A with the instructor before getting on

the plane.

The Spontaneous Adventurer pushes their INFJ way outside the limitations of their comfort


This type can help the INFJ live in and enjoy the moment.

They encourage the INFJ to try new things, even if they scare them, especially if they

scare them!


The Free-Spirited Creator

Likely an ISFP or ESTP

Creativity is important for the INFJ.

However, when it comes to creative pursuits, INFJs often struggle with self-doubt and perfectionism.

The Free-Spirited Creator can help the INFJ find what it is that truly fascinates them

and teach them how to turn this fascination into a creative passion.

The Free-Spirited Creator realizes that creative fulfillment is in the journey, not the destination.

This is an important lesson for the INFJ who is always looking toward the future.

The Free-Spirited Creator encourages the INFJ to live in the moment and see beauty in the

tiniest details.


The Quirky Good Guy or Girl

Likely an ENFJ or INTP

INFJs are always aware of the energies and motivations of other people.

This awareness causes them to mimic the behaviors of others, and they reserve their true character

for people they feel completely comfortable around.

The Quirky Good Guy or Girl may also be aware of what other people think, but they don't

let this hold them back from being who they truly are.

This type can help the INFJ embrace their unconventional nature and encourage them to

let their true personality shine.

The Quirky Good Guy or Girl loves the INFJ because of, not in spite of, their weirdness.

They can help the INFJ realize that their strange qualities are what make them special.


The Best Friend

Any personality type

The best type for an INFJ is not one type at all.

INFJs can learn and grow from any personality type, in different ways.

While INFJs should be open to relationships with various kinds of people, ultimately your

goal should be to end up with the Best Friend.

The Best Friend is the person who supports your goals and dreams.

They take the time to understand what motivates you, excites you, challenges you, and hurts


They know how to make you laugh, and they'll listen to you with patience when you cry.

The Best Friend will challenge you to be your best self, even if it's uncomfortable, because

they want what's best for you.

They value what you have to teach them as much as what they can teach you.

They see you as an equal and give you the respect you deserve.

They love you, because you're their best friend too.

All in all, that's The 9 Types of People INFJs Should Try Dating.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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