Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Hello guys, today we're gonna try Nanolex Pre-Wash Concentrate

dilution is 1:30 to 1:10

i'm gonna try a 100ml into the foam lance

it's not very thick

and it's smells like alkaline

maybe 10%?

you can check the links in the description

hope that helps

thanks for watching and please subscribe

For more infomation >> Snow Foam Test : Nanolex Pre Wash Concentrate - Duration: 1:33.



For more infomation >> 9 ENDROITS À VOIR AVANT LEURS DISPARITIONS D'ICI 2050 ⛔ - Duration: 10:32.


Animals for Kids learning English - Learn Colors with Animals - Learn Farm Animals with Baby dance - Duration: 6:17.

Animals for Kids learning English - Learn Colors with Animals - Learn Farm Animals with Baby dance

For more infomation >> Animals for Kids learning English - Learn Colors with Animals - Learn Farm Animals with Baby dance - Duration: 6:17.


Never Do These Things With Your Mobile | Mobile Tips In Telugu || Omfut Tech - Duration: 2:32.

Never Do These Things With Your Mobile

Mobile Tips In Telugu

Omfut Tech

For more infomation >> Never Do These Things With Your Mobile | Mobile Tips In Telugu || Omfut Tech - Duration: 2:32.


Clean and Re-grip your Evolve Skateboard - Duration: 6:19.

Hey everyone welcome to another Evolve Weekly.

This week we're going to take you through how the clean

your Evolve Board

and how to regrip the deck.

So there are few ways we can look at clean your skateboard

deck ranging from the very simple

all the way through to the more involved process

involving a pressure washer.

The first method I'd recommend involves a toothbrush

or a nylon brush

and just spot cleaning the deck basically

looking at where the dirt surfaces are giving

them a light brush seeing if you can loosen up the dirt

and clean the spot for you.

Sometimes if it hasn't been ingrained for a while

it does come away quite easily.

Sometimes when it's a little bit more ingrained you might need to

try a little bit more force

but basically it is just like you would brush your teeth.

Brushing across the deck.

No chemicals involved,

no liquids anything it's literally just

using the brush to loosen up the dirt.

That'll work on our Bamboo ONE series

our Bamboo GT series our Bamboo


and also the Carbon models

but only the grip tape not the surface

of the deck itself.

Now the grip gum method I'd probably

do after I've tried using the toothbrush

or the nylon brush to loosen up the dirt.

If that hasn't helped the process I simply take

the grip gum. I dab it over the

dirty area on the board repetitively

for about 10 seconds just to pull some dirt away.

If after that it hasn't removed the spot

just move on to the next spot.

We may need a deeper cleaning method to get

that spot out.

For the Carbon GT model once we've finished

with the deck using the toothbrush

nylon brush and grip method.

I recommend wiping over the Carbon

surfaces using a slightly damp rag.

Given the coating that is on the Carbons that

should wipe dirt away very easily,

make it very easy to clean.

If there are small scratches however that you'd

like to get rid of, we've had good results using

car polishers specifically something like scratch

X and that definitely reduces

the visibility of the scratches on the board.

For the final method we recommend using the

pressure cleaner.

This will apply with all our boards

from the Bamboo series through to the Carbon model

though with the carbon it does only apply to

the deck lid itself.

So you simply remove that before you take

any pressure hose near it.

On the Bamboos series you have

to disassemble the board completely before we

start this. We only want the deck to

clean so we don't want any of the other components

nearby when we're carrying figure this out.

So to start we recommend removing

the eight bolts on the top of the bamboo deck.

This will help you remove the battery case which should drop

down very easily.

Make sure you have something under it to support it

because you don't want to drop this component.

It is the brains of your skate board.

Once this is away you will notice there's two cords

that run through your motor.

I recommend disconnecting these.

The first one will be a yellow plug on each

motor. The second will be a hall sensor

plug that plugs into the motor controller.

This will separate the trucks

and the battery case completely so you

can take the battery case somewhere safe well

away from water.

With the trucks themselves you can either remove

the kingpin first

or the base plates themselves whatever you find

easiest but to remove the base plates,

we recommend four screws on the top of the deck

supported by the T tool upside down

holding in the truck nut.

Remove these slowly,

once it's slightly moving remove the second

kingpin which is on the truck arm of

your skate board

and this should allow you to pull the base plate away

and lift the board straight out.

For the Carbon board disassembly when we're

using the pressure cleaner we only need the deck.

There's eight screws on top of the deck,

they're only very small so use your small

Allen key to loosen these up

and simply lift the lid away.

This is the only part we'll take outside

and the only part that we'll try

and get near water.

If yo u're looking to regrip your Bamboo board,

firstly you're going to need to get the original grip

off now we recommend using paint

thinner type product to loosen up the surface

itself and then you simply

go through and wipe that away.

You can see one of our previous videos for a more detailed

explanation of how we did that.

But once you've got to that process we recommend

a full sand on the deck.

Giving a nice smooth surface to work

with and then you can either use a standard skate

grip tape,

a clear grip tape if you've done artwork

or for the best visibility something

like a clear spray on grip tape is a good option.

If you're looking to regroup your GTX

or your Carbon board,

both of these have a stick on style grip tape

already so you'll only need

a hairdryer

or a heat gun on a very low heat

just to brush over the board,

slightly loosen up that adhesive

and peel the grip tape away.

With the GTX you may be left

with some residue that you're not wanting for your

next grip tape design.

So I recommend either that paint thinners

or some other gentle solution

just to remove the stickiness away

and a light sand to give you the best surface to

work with.

So to reassemble the board I recommend

starting with the front truck

and then the rear truck.

But it is simply the four screws

on the base plate that we took off to remove

the board, simply the opposite,

T tool on the bottom screw

and tightened them in.

Flip the board over,

put your truck arm back

on and turned down the kingpin to whatever

tightness you prefer.

On the rear, it's exactly the same

but you may notice there are some cable retainers.

Please make sure you put these in on the front

truck bolts.

As this will help keep the cables up

and away from the ground

and help prevent damage to your board.

Once we have the cables up we simply plug

these cables back into our motor controller,

remembering the white square plugs into the

motor controller itself

and the yellow bullet plugs matching up to

each bullet plug in the inside

of the board itself.

Once this is done I recommend lining

the screws up above the board.

Putting two screws in loosely at one end.

Tighten them down slightly

and then turn your board on its side so you can line

those cables back up safely.

Once they are in tightly,

tightened both those screws down

and simply replace the rest of the remaining.

Thanks for watching.

If you have any questions about maintaining your deck

please post in the comments below

and remember to subscribe to our channel

for more tips.

See you later.

For more infomation >> Clean and Re-grip your Evolve Skateboard - Duration: 6:19.


Possible third Inter-Korean summit in 11 years? - Duration: 2:08.

Speculation and anticipation mounts regarding the possibility of an inter-Korean summit

or high level talks during the Olympic season.

Reflecting on past meetings is one good way of finding out what to expect if such events

take place.

Our Cha Sang-mi help us look back at the noteworthy inter-Korean exchanges.

The year 2000.

The first ever inter-Korean summit since the Korean War takes place in Pyongyang.

Then-South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and then-North Korean leader Kim Jong-il shake

hands,... and sign the June 15th Joint Declaration.

The two leaders pledged to consolidate mutual trust and promised economic cooperation in

various fields.

The declaration led to numbers of separated families and relatives from the two Koreas

meeting twice the same year, and to Kim Dae-jung being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

7 years later,... the second summit takes place.

This time between Kim Jong-il and the next South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, a former

democracy activist.

And a historic moment took place when President Roh became the first South Korean leader to

cross the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone on foot, hoping for a (quote) "peace

settlement together with economic development".

The three-day summit in Pyongyang led to the two leaders vowing to end the armistice agreement

signed in 1953, and forge a permanent peace treaty between the two Koreas.

Eleven years have passed since.

But now a third inter-Korean summit may possibly happen during the Winter Olympics, with the

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's younger sister Kim Yo-jong joining the Olympics VIP

guest list.

Yet some experts say any bilateral summit is merely a formality.

"What people are getting wrong about the inter-Korean summits is that they are not the most essential


The bottom line for the South Korean government is to bring the North to the table to talk

about nuclear disarmament - denuclearization."

Mere formality or not, if a summit does take place, it will be a historic moment.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Possible third Inter-Korean summit in 11 years? - Duration: 2:08.


Japan Vlog #1 Tokyo! FRIED BEEF?! Youtube Space! || 東京旅遊集 - 炸生牛肉! - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Japan Vlog #1 Tokyo! FRIED BEEF?! Youtube Space! || 東京旅遊集 - 炸生牛肉! - Duration: 6:24.


The Cast of Once on This Island Performs "Mama Will Provide" - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> The Cast of Once on This Island Performs "Mama Will Provide" - Duration: 4:11.


BREAKING 100 GOLDEN BOOTY CHESTS (LUCKY) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:02.

*dramatic entrance*

''let's start breaking''

aww this is a new scam..?

For more infomation >> BREAKING 100 GOLDEN BOOTY CHESTS (LUCKY) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:02.


What is a Bystander Intervention Programme? - Duration: 2:53.

What is a Bystander Intervention Programme for the prevention of violence and abuse

in student populations? My name is Dr. Helen Mott and I am the

co-creator of the intervention initiative, which is a programme developed at the

University of the West of England and commissioned by Public Health England to

address levels of sexual assault, sexual violence and harassment in our

universities. The intervention initiative is very strongly grounded in the

social psychological theory. It takes as its premise the idea that we are all

bystanders all the time in life and we can harness the power that we have as

bystanders in order to make interventions that help to improve life

for others. And that might be an intervention when we witness something

that is happening that is problematic or it might be an intervention at a low

level if somebody's behaving in a way that we

think could escalate into problematic behaviour, or it could be learning how to

be a really supportive listening ear when somebody is telling us about a

traumatic experience that they've had. Bystander Intervention Theory is classic

social psychological theory, Latane and Darley, who studied this extensively many

years ago, taught us that there are a number of stages that we need to

progress through in order to become effective bystanders.

We have to notice that there is a problem; we have to feel that we want to

do something about the problem; we have to feel that we have the skills and the

confidence to act and that we need to be able to act appropriately. And in

understanding that there is a problem in the first place, that implies the level

of learning that we need to move up on, for example, if we're thinking about rape

culture in universities, sexual assault in the universities, identifying that

there is a problem in the first place is the first step towards a journey of

changing problematic attitudes that are held more widely in society and that are

also reflected in the student population. So Bystander Intervention Programme

deals with all of these stages that we need to go through to become an

effective bystander, and at the same time it encourages the people who are

participating in the programme to reevaluate the way that they think about

the world in a way that does help to change attitudes.

Get more from The Open University check out the links on screen now.

For more infomation >> What is a Bystander Intervention Programme? - Duration: 2:53.


Congress passes major budget deal - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Congress passes major budget deal - Duration: 12:11.


Beer tasting # 181 - two Belgian beers from Brouwerij 'tVerzet! 18+ - Duration: 12:37.

Hello friends!

Today, once again, I will acquaint you with

the Belgian brewery T'Verzet,

and today we taste two of their sour beers.

Meet Oud Bruin and Doktor Rudi

About the Brouwerij 't Verzet brewery, I told in video # 165,

so immediately to the beertasting

Oud Bruin or Flanders Brown Ale

also known as the old ale -

the native Belgian style of sour beer

It appeared in Flanders presumably in the 17th century,

and this even today is very important

An interesting fact is that in Belgium this can only be

called beer, produced exclusively in the specified region

The technology of beer production in this style

is characterized, as a rule,

by prolonged aging and

blending of aged and young beers

As a rule, Oud Bruin twice fermenting

Primary fermentation usually takes place

with selective pure yeast strains,

and in the secondary fermentation,

yeast from containers not treated after

the previous fermentation process,

whether wooden barrels or steel tanks, participate

That is, the residual, practically already wild microflora

is included in the process

At some of these stages, a mixture is made,

as I already said of older and younger varieties

Secondary fermentation lasts for a while,

maybe up to several months

Then the beer is aged

Approximately so

In general, the process is rather complex

and time-consuming

and that is why beer brands in this style tend

to be expensive

I have information that

T'Verzet has also moved away from

traditional technology here

In this case,

they do not use fermentation in bottles

At the last stage, brewers

pour all the barrels into one tank

and add only sugar there, without the addition of yeast

There beer ripens and only then it is bottled

What will the t'Verzet brewers tell us about this beer?

They say: "This is a traditional southwestern Flanders

beer, a mixture of old and young beer,

aged in different wooden barrels

The taste of each barrel is unique, but

mixing beer from different barrels

and different aged beers, produces beer in this style

Then the beer ripens in the bottle for at least

six months,

developing its flavor and aromatic subtleties. "

Alcohol content - 6%

In the composition: water, barley malt, hops, yeast

Term of implementation, attention! - 10 years

Bottle capacity 0.33, dark glass

The lid is metallic without logo

The label is circular.

On the front side is the name of the beer Oud Bruin.

Here the name and logo of the brewery,

the capacity of the bottle and the alcohol content

Pictures: an old man in a baseball cap,

glasses and a chain with a t'Verzet pendant,

a lump of hop with a walker,

an apple and a strawberry circling in a dance,

a bottle of beer with the inscription Mmm,

an oak barrel with sprouted branches,

an hourglass and the inscription: "Hip hops"

On the left is traditionally a description of the variety

and address of the brewery

On the right - information about the composition

and bar code

Try it!

Quite calm carbonization.

Foam immediately settled.

Beer is dark brown,

of amber color

Beer is clear.

with bronze gleams

Foam hat appeared and immediately disappeared

Foam is beige.

Foam consists of very small bubbles.

Look at how the beer looks in the glass and will try.

Aroma: immediately fermented balsamic vinegar

associations with wine notes,

sweet and sour tones of red fruits

such as cherry, prunes, figs,

red grapes and dates,

notes of green apple, nut and vanilla,

wood oak tannins

caramel hints and spicy yeast phenols

Taste: malt with a bright acidic sour,

with hints of balsamic vinegar,

fruit ethers and light notes of caramel

After an initial acid shock,

fruit esters of red fruits

with obvious tones of red grapes, cherries, plums

and red currants gently appear,

a little strawberry-compote associations,

with notes of a green apple,

woody tones,

yeast grain nuances

Nevertheless, slightly softened mild acidity

lasts throughout the taste perception,

as if accompanying its complementary flavoring

nuances and gives a kind of dryness.

The very light presence of woody hops

perfectly complements the notes of wood oak tannins.

Medium-dense astringent body of a smooth texture.

The aftertaste is rather sour

with a tart, dry finish and

light earthiness.

Summarize: This style has its main distinctive feature,

which actually distinguishes this beer

from the Flanders red ale

and this is a deeper malt character.

But in this beer you will be greeted by a bright vinegar,

with wine notes of acidity,

which is characteristic yet of the

Flanders red aleys.

It is certainly good, but

the malt base was crushed in the bud.

The touch of wood tannins

with hints of caramel malt is present,

but it is the acidity that governs the dance.

I really enjoyed the beer, but

still the malt presence here

is not exactly typical for the Flanders brown ales.

But it's delicious.

Class! Sour in general - a bomb!

The next beer that I taste is called Doktor Rudi.

It is not positioned by the manufacturer in a certain style,

but it is definitely sour and I admit that in wild yeast and

with dry hopping.

It turns out such a dry-hopped wild sour.

Alcohol content - 6%

In the composition: water, barley malt, hops and yeast.

Term of realization: 2 years.

Bottle capacity 0.33, dark glass.

The lid is dark brown without a logo.

The label is traditionally circular.

On the front side is the name of the beer Doktor Rudi,

the name and logo of the brewery,

the capacity of the bottle and the alcohol content.

Figures are represented by the doctor himself, a pot,

bags with something, spices,

a chemist's mortar for grinding,

a sheep and a Kiwi bird,

as well as a lemon that cater for the need

and the plane dropping loads on parachutes.

The inscription: "healing liquid"

To the left is the address of the brewery

and the description of the beer,

which literally narrates about the following.

Dr. Rudi is an authority in the treatment of acute thirst.

The herbal smell of this drink,

reminiscent of oregano, pine and lemongrass,

is the first step to your healing process.

And if you take it orally, it will quickly quench your thirst,

which will disappear in the air.

There is also a warning that the refreshing acidic and

extreme drinking capacity of a beer

can significantly increase the likelihood of its recurrence.

On the right - information about the composition

and bar code.

Try it!

Beer is golden yellow, clear.

with very active carbonization

with a wonderful, beautiful, high white foam cap

Foam hat, unfortunately, very quickly falls.

but thanks to a very active carbonization -

replenished again.

At some level, the foam cap hangs and stays on it.

The structure of the foam is almost uniform.

Beer looks great in the glass.

That's how the beer looks in the glass, let's try.

Aroma: light and refreshing, sourish,

with herbal tones of lemongrass, rhubarb, oregano and

green apple,

grapefruit nuances and hints of wild brettas.

Taste: light, dry, refreshing,

sour, tart,

with citrus-herbal notes.

Hop bitterness is light present,

it introduces fruit esters, reminiscent of

pineapple, gooseberry and lemon,

herbal and spicy notes refer to oregano,

lemongrass and rhubarb.

Bretts give light conifers and apple-sour nuances.

The body is very light, pitiful,

with fruity-acidic astringency.

The aftertaste is rather short,

with mild acidic dryness,

backed up with slightly spicy tones of grapefruit peel.

Summarize: Light refreshing beer,

dry, fruity-herbaceous,

slightly wild

and pleasantly sourish.

Actually, all this is stated on the label.

It really can serve as a kind of

Healing liquid on a hot summer day.

And it's definitely better quench your thirst than Sprite.

I recommend.

Both presented varieties came to me

for tasting thanks to the project of Belg-Bier-Toer,

links to which, as well as to the site of the brewery


I lay out below under the video.

I want to tell you that these beers are very cool.

It's made a very positive impression on me.

If you are given the opportunity to taste this beers,

do not miss such a moment.

Because they are very worthy and quality

representatives of their styles.

And on this I have everything.

Drink the right beer, subscribe to my channel,

join my group in VK, link below,

leave comments, put likes, make outposts.

It will be interesting.

Bye, bye, friends!

For more infomation >> Beer tasting # 181 - two Belgian beers from Brouwerij 'tVerzet! 18+ - Duration: 12:37.


[WancoBeads] How to make Dragonfly - Duration: 12:42.

Beads abacus 4mm gray 20 Beads abacus 4mm navy blue 11 Beads abacus 4mm transparent 8 Beads round 4mm black 2 Nylon string 0.23mm(dia.) 90cm 1

At first, Add 3 beads(black, black, navy blue) to red nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads(navy blue)

The number of beads that are in a ring is 3

Add 3 beads(transparent, navy blue, transparent) to blue nylon string, It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Pick up 1 beads(black) in blue nylon string

Add 1(navy blue) to blue, Add 2(navy blue) to red, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Pick up 3(navy blue, black, transparent) in red

Add 1(navy blue), cross

ring (5)

Add 2(navy blue, transparent) to red, cross

ring (3)

Pick up 1(navy blue) in red

Add 1(transparent), cross

ring (3)

Pick up 3(navy blue, navy blue, transparent) in blue, cross

ring (3)

Add 4(navy blue) to red, put the tail

Pass the nylon string to the position of the right wing

Add 1(gray) to blue, Add 3(gray, gray, transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Add 3(gray) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Add 4(gray, gray, gray, transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(gray, transparent) in red

Add 1(gray) to blue, Pick up 1(transparent)in blue, cross

ring (4)

Pass the nylon string to the position of the left wing

Add 1(gray) to red, Add 2(gray, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Add 4(gray) to red, cross

ring (5)

Add 3(gray, gray, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(gray, transparent) in blue

Add 2(gray) to red, Pick up 1(transparent) in red, cross

ring (5)

Pass the nylon string to the position of the stomach

Tie the nylon string

After connecting, through the nylon string to 2 or 3 beads

Cut a little pull state the nylon string

It was completed

Use 3mm of Swarovski beads

For more infomation >> [WancoBeads] How to make Dragonfly - Duration: 12:42.


Jogging Music 2018 - Gym Hard Rock Workout Music - Jogging Workout #10 - Duration: 35:41.

Jogging Music 2018 - Gym Hard Rock Workout Music - Jogging Workout #10.

For more infomation >> Jogging Music 2018 - Gym Hard Rock Workout Music - Jogging Workout #10 - Duration: 35:41.


సెక్స్ పిచ్చి ఎక్కువై ఈ మహిళ ఏం చేసిందో తెలిస్తే || Viral News Updates In Telugu || Telugu News - Duration: 2:05.

Viral News Updates In Telugu

For more infomation >> సెక్స్ పిచ్చి ఎక్కువై ఈ మహిళ ఏం చేసిందో తెలిస్తే || Viral News Updates In Telugu || Telugu News - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> ANİ ÖLÜM MÜCADELESİ 9 YAPABİLECEĞİNİZ SÜPER DESTE ! - Clash Royale - Duration: 14:54.


Contest : Win a legend COC account! - /-\ll in One TV Contest - Duration: 2:00.

/-\ll in one TV offers you a contest to win a Clash Of Clans account, the one you currently see on video !

This account is of a high level TH11, improved defenses, high level troops, this account is almost up to you!

To try to win it, go to the channel website! Link in the description of the video. More explanations now!

By clicking on the link of the description, you will find yourself on the contest page of our site. Then just click on

"I participate" after reading the contest rules and accepting it. You will then get a unique code of participation.

You will then have to make a screenshot of the page to get the account if you are designated winner of the contest.

Then you just have to cross your fingers. The winning code will be designated on the "winner" page, link in the description.

Good luck to you !

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