Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018


Okay, so far? Do you like it?


It'll do.

TONY: And so, as Christmas morning began,

my journey had reached its end.

You start with something pure,

something exciting. Then, come the mistakes.

The compromises.

- We create our own demons. (REPORTERS CALLING)


Great to see you! Oh, bloody hell!

TONY: As promised, I got Pepper sorted out. It took some tinkering.

But then I thought to myself, "Why stop there?"

Of course, there are people who say progress is dangerous,

but I'll bet none of those idiots ever had to live with a chestful of shrapnel.

And now, neither will I.

- Let me tell you... (METAL CLINKING)

...that was the best sleep I'd had in years.



It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

(WEAKLY) No, look.



TONY: So, if I were to wrap this up, tie it with a bow, or whatever...

I guess I'd say my armour, it was never a distraction,

or a hobby.

It was a cocoon.

And now,

I'm a changed man.

You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys.

One thing you can't take away...

I am Iron Man.

For more infomation >> The Clean Slate Protocol - Ending Scene | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:26.


The Italian Julien Bam | Kaio - Duration: 3:46.

the italian Julien Bam - Kaio

For more infomation >> The Italian Julien Bam | Kaio - Duration: 3:46.


The Most Dangerous Railways In The World - Duration: 4:40.

Lots of people are afraid of flying.

But have you ever met someone who's afraid of trains?

Sure, trains used to derail all the time way back in the day, but they're perfectly safe


Or... are they?


"oh, s---."

Keep watching at your own risk, because you may develop a deathly fear of trains yourself

once you get a look at the most dangerous railways in the world.

The one that goes backwards

The Devil's Nose is a train route that operates in Ecuador.

The route — which, according to Ecuador Train Journeys, killed around 2,000 workers

during construction — is famous not just for it's amazing scenic views, but for a steep

descent where the train actually goes backwards through a series of switchbacks.

And until recently, they actually allowed passengers to experience this while riding

on top of the train.

That's crazy!

The one with cyclones

Built in 1914, The Pamban Bridge spans a staggering 1.25 miles of ocean on the route between Channai

India, and Pamban Island.

It's also right in a major cyclone alley, and is frequently battered by wind, rain,

and even tidal surges.

In 1964, a storm struck a passenger train crossing the bridge.

The bridge was wrecked and the train overturned with an estimated 115 people on board.

There were no survivors, but the wreckage of the old bridge can still be seen by train


The one on a volcano

Japan's Minamiaso Railway Takamori line boasts a unique claim to fame, as it crosses the

southern part of the caldera of Mount Aso, Japan's largest active volcano.

Yes, that's right, the train goes through an active volcano.

If that sounds like a bad idea, well, it is, as proven in 2016 when a series of devastating

earthquakes caused a landslide that destroyed the tracks.

Repairs aren't expected to be fully completed until 2021 at the earliest, which… is probably

just as well.

The one with no air

At its highest point, The Qinghai-Tibet Railway reaches a staggering 16,640 feet above sea

level: the highest point on the planet through which a train travels.

It's so high that the train has to supply oxygen to passengers.

At lower elevations, it's just pumped into the cabin, but higher up, passengers have

to wear oxygen tubes.

Don't worry, though, because each train has a resident doctor on board… just in case.

The one that goes vertical

The Pilatus Railway in Switzerland is the steepest cogwheel railway in the world.

Just how steep is it?

According to Pilatus' official website, the train runs up a staggering gradient of 48

percent on tracks that were first built in 1889.

Luckily, the railway's design prevents the cogwheels from climbing out of the rack, despite

the rails themselves being over 100 years old, and keeps the carriages from being thrown

over by the region's tremendously high-speed winds.

The one that's underwater

You might not expect to find a genuinely dangerous railway somewhere as innocuous as Devon, England.

But the train line runs right up against the English Channel, leaving trains often battered

by massive waves as they pass through.

In fact, back in February 2014, the sea wall itself was swept away, leaving rails dangling

in mid-air.

The line was closed for months as a result.


The one that crosses a runway

New Zealand's Napier-Gisborne Railway isn't particularly out of the ordinary for most

of its length.

But things get weird at the Gisborne Airport, where the train crosses an active runway.

When a train goes through, takeoffs and landings are put on hold, and vice versa, making it

quite likely that these are the only trains in the world which have part of their route

managed by air traffic controllers.

The really, really high one

Called the "Train to the Clouds," this Argentinian rail line earns the nickname.

One of the highest railways in the world, according to Argentina's tourist board, it

crosses no fewer than 29 bridges and 13 viaducts.

Perhaps the scariest is La Polvorilla Viaduct, which sits at 207 feet above the ground and

curves around 735 feet in length.

You should probably just close your eyes and hope they're on the ball when it comes to

track maintenance.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Dangerous Railways In The World - Duration: 4:40.


ตอบชัด 6 เหตุทำปวดหลัง : คลิป MU [by Mahidol] - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> ตอบชัด 6 เหตุทำปวดหลัง : คลิป MU [by Mahidol] - Duration: 4:59.


দেখুন খালেদার রায় নিয়ে অবশেষে মুখ খুললেন জাতিসংঘ l The United Nations - Duration: 0:51.

bangladesh topnews

For more infomation >> দেখুন খালেদার রায় নিয়ে অবশেষে মুখ খুললেন জাতিসংঘ l The United Nations - Duration: 0:51.


Wavy Hair Tutorial: Draping Waves Hairstyle - EIMI Hairspray | Wella Professionals - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Wavy Hair Tutorial: Draping Waves Hairstyle - EIMI Hairspray | Wella Professionals - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> EKUMENICKÁ SVATBA NEVĚSTKY & falešné spojení PAPEŽSTVÍ a ODPADLÉ PROTESTANSKÉ CÍRKVE!!! - Duration: 40:54.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 16:56.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today Bangla News BD - Duration: 16:56.


Cara Cooks: Chopped - Duration: 4:17.

Four chefs, three courses, only one chance to win.

The challenge:

with these mystery ingredients hidden in the basket before time runs out.

In round one we said goodbye to

Chef Rocco Paulie La Tony.

And after a confusing round two...

I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with these darn little trees.

The judges said 'bye, y'all' to full time

nana and owner and operator of

"Butter, Grits, and Double D Tits" private catering company

Chef Tracy May LeFray.

Oh, fiddlesticks.

In the entree round,

self-described alternative bad boy

Atticus Rogue impressed the judges with

his confidence and absolute refusal to

play by the rules.

Chefs, I have prepared for you a Swan Lake inspired

poultry sashimi. Enjoy.

I can't eat this.

And our youngest ever chef to compete

child prodigy Preston Wallace Roberts

wowed the judges.

Hello, my name is Preston Wallace Roberts.

I am 8 years old and I am highly pleased to be

making my first televised cooking appearance.

I published my first cookbook at the age

of 37 months.

I'm proud of that.

Preston and Atticus, for the final round

you were asked to make a fantastic dessert

using only popcorn kernels,


raw ginger,

and sharks' teeth.

For my dish I have created

a gelatin-based cricket encrusted soufflé

with a shark tooth compote and

and a ginger vapour essential oil.

Mmm, that bite was quite sweet

on the palate

but I did notice that you're missing an ingredient.

Where is the popcorn?

I just wasn't able to get it done.

I see.

Atticus I see you decided to make us

an ice cream, and uh,

decided to plate it on the rocking chair.

Interesting choice. Can you tell us why you plated it that way?

Look, I grew up in a really rough part of town.

The only places that I ever fit in

were at the dojo and in the kitchen.

I wasn't going to get into this on the show but

I was raised by a pack of

panhandling raccoons

and plating my food

on found objects is one of the only ways that I still

can feel connected to the memory of

my raccoon dad.

Thank you, chefs. The judges will now need

a moment to deliberate.

We have Atticus, who has really been pushing

the boundaries this entire competition

And has presented us with three completely

inedible dishes.

This guy really doesn't like to play by the rules.

I respect that.

I loved the shark tooth garnish.

However, it did rip my mouth to shreds.

Atticus Rogue don't play by the rules, okay son?

You might get a high kick. I don't know what's going to happen.

There's no rules in raccoon street fighting, okay?

I mean, we have Preston who's clearly

talented, has loads of potential, and has

delivered amazing dishes every round

but he did forget the popcorn.

I don't know how to get past that.

I think we've made our decision.

The judges have made their decision.



AAGGGGH! (screaming and grunting)


It's not fair.

For more infomation >> Cara Cooks: Chopped - Duration: 4:17.


Oil painting "AKT 3" w/ subtitles - Duration: 7:33.

Welcome everybody to the first episode of this cycle: «Maciek, home alone»

This cycle is devoted to everything I make when I'm alone at home

In the first episode I would like to share with you

how I painted this oil painting,

for my friend who turned 50 years

Today this painting will change its owner,

I hope he will like it.

Not only is the painting my work, but also the frame

The frame will be presented in detail, in the next episode of this cycle.

What is interesting about this frame is that it's made of pallets.

Nothing else than pallets.

Pallets are quite popular at this time

and I'm diving into this theme as well.

Today I will show you how this painting was created, step by step.

And I would also like to invite you

to the next episode: how this frame came to life.


For more infomation >> Oil painting "AKT 3" w/ subtitles - Duration: 7:33.


LES BICHES C'EST MECHANT! - Duration: 6:11.

Hello dear traveller!

If you are in the neighborhood of Kyoto, one thing I can suggest you is going to Nara!

Nara it's the city of deers, of mochi, where we hit the mochi like this

It is a very attractive town and here we are going to begin this video by eating a Melonpan

Some Youtubers won't contradict me when we say that it's good, let's see... Yes, it's good!

As always we will finish with a typical restaurant from this City! Let's go!

42 km south from Kyoto, Nara gives us a green aspect of Japan and lots of surprises. It's a calm town where it's good to go for a walk with some guests

In Nara, there are deers, tea, mochis and also a park where the deers are and also some temples

And also the biggest temple made by wood in the world I think let's see it!

Under construction ...

We are going to see some deers ... Deers are cute ...

Wow you ate it all!

And then, the tragic event ...

I think I will disappoint you but ...Deers are not kind ..

They attack, they bit, they push

And all of that for this! Food!

Nara, temples, deers, mochis, here we are going to be lost in the forest, let's go!

For today's restaurant we are going to eat Okonomiyaki it's a speciality of Osaka but as we are not that far away

There is no big deal, it's going to be good! We go to the restaurant called Parco

I will give you the address just below and here is the motorcycle.....

The other restaurant was closed for the moment so we are in a little pub just next to it to drink sake

We took 2 sweet and 1 hot, let's taste them...

It looks like a really great place and he explained it in English!

Let's begin with the hot... Oh it's not hot but it's not cold either...

I'm gonna be drunk

The okonomiyaki is a Japanese omelette. It is really traditional

I'll take a little piece to begin it

Actually we should prepare it by ourselves but this time he cooked it. It's better because I am hungry

Yes it is really good but it's hot!

Back from Japan for the conclusion of the restaurant!

It was really delicious! When I was for the first time in Japan I also tried it but it was not as good as this time

It is a small restaurant and really familial and it really worth it!

I hope that you like this concept, going to different city and always try a speciality at the end of the video

What I suggest you is to give me a thumbs up if you liked it! And of course subscribe to my channel!

It will be really nice!

It is just right here to subscribe, you will see the snow and a little circle so just click on it!

Now I hope to see you soon for my next travel, still in Japan!

For more infomation >> LES BICHES C'EST MECHANT! - Duration: 6:11.


AMAZING! President Trump's Approval Rating Tops Barack Obama BY - Duration: 2:17.


President Trump�s Approval Rating Tops Barack Obama BY 4 POINTS at Same Time of His Presidency

Since his electoral landslide in November 2016 Donald Trump has had to deal with spying

by the Obama administration, a corrupt deep state special counsel on Russian collusion,

a lackluster economy, a foreign policy disaster, and a radical far left mainstream media that

reported negative hit pieces on the new president 90% of the time.

Despite all of this bad news President Trump holds a 48% approval rating today in the Rasmussen

daily tracking.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 48% of Likely

U.S. Voters approve of President Trump�s job performance.

Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 34% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing

and 42% who Strongly Disapprove.

This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.

President Trump has a stronger approval rating today than media darling Barack Obama did

back in 2010 on this same day.

Back on February 7, 2010 Barack Obama had an approval rating of 44% while 56% of likely

voters disapproved of the far left president.

Trump had a tremendous first year despite an unbelievable barrage of attacks against


Results matter.

For more infomation >> AMAZING! President Trump's Approval Rating Tops Barack Obama BY - Duration: 2:17.


LGR Tech Tales - The History of Bonzi Buddy - Duration: 10:06.

The year is 1999 and the internet has just been introduced to BonziBuddy.

*Bonzi speaks in text-to-speech sound*

Before the YouTube videos, endless memes, and unscrupulous reputation, it was just a

simple freeware program.

One that promised to help users search the web, keep an itinerary, and even tell jokes

and sing songs to keep you company.

But by 2004 the jig was up, and people wanted nothing to do with BonziBuddy, with its deserved

reputation as being a manipulative piece of adware that spied on its users.

And yet, even after the public backlash and legal trouble that sank the company, the people

behind BonziBuddy still have an online ad business running to this day.

What happened?

This is LGR Tech Tales, where we take a look at noteworthy stories of technological inspiration,

failure, and everything in-between.

This episode tells the tale of the Internet's favorite hated downloadable assistant, BonziBuddy.

Our story begins in 1997 with the release of Microsoft Agent.

This was a software package distributed through Windows 98 and the Microsoft website that

allowed for the use of interactive, animated characters.

The idea was to make computer interactions easier and more natural by using a conversational

system instead of the traditional Windows menus and desktop metaphor interfaces.

While it began as an offshoot of the actors in Microsoft Bob, the high-profile failure

of a Windows shell released two years prior, Agent was a separate product entirely.

Each of the four agent characters could communicate with users through interactive speech bubbles,

voice recognition, and text-to-speech functionality.

The whole idea was to do what Microsoft Bob failed at and bring virtual assistants to

computing, and these were included in everything from Microsoft Office 97 in the form of Clippit

the paperclip, aka Clippy, to Windows XP's search function in the form of Rover the dog.

But while Microsoft intended for these freely-released agents to be used by everyone to improve the

computing experience, others saw the potential for more profit.

Enter the Bonzi family, and specifically Joe and Jay Bonzi, who started their own company

in 1993, Bonzi Software.

Since 1995 they'd been selling a $30 piece of software called Voice E-Mail.

Ambitiously declaring itself "the next wave in online communications," Voice E-Mail

was a browser software plug-in that let you record and compress short sound recordings

and send them through your email provider of choice.

It was successful enough to support the product with multiple updates for years, but eventually

standalone e-mail clients like Eudora started including similar functionality as well, taking

away some of Voice E-Mail's thunder.

It was around this time that Microsoft's Agents started gaining traction with the release

of Windows 98 and Office 97, as well as a sizable number of websites and independent

programs built using the technology.

One of these programs was Bonzi Buddy, first released by Bonzi Software

in the latter half of 1999.

And really, it wasn't anything particularly special.

For one thing, there were tons of these Agent-based "desktop assistant" applications flooding

the internet around the same time, several of which went a step further by using their

own custom characters.

By contrast, Bonzi Buddy didn't even include its own artwork.

It simply took the files from the existing Peedy the Parrot package from Microsoft and

called it a day.

*Peedy Buddy speaks in text-to-speech sound*

But Bonzi Buddy soon set itself apart.

In May of the year 2000 the next iteration of Bonzi Buddy was released and featured the

titular Bonzi, a pre-rendered 3D purple Gorilla sporting a globe,

sunglasses, and a goofy grin.

While it did similar things to other Agent applications, like keeping you informed of

your schedule, the latest news, and popular websites, Bonzi Buddy was free.

Although, Bonzi Software stated on its website that it was for a limited time only and it

would normally cost $40.

That, however, was misleading at best.

For the entirety of its existence, Bonzi Buddy remained free with that threat of a $40 version

looming overhead lest you question its value.

But the bigger thing that made Bonzi Buddy so appealing for a time was the fact that

it had a personality of sorts, along with a text-to-speech engine from the Microsoft

Speech API 4.0 package...

*Bonzi "sings" Hello Ma Baby in text-to-speech voice*

This was somewhat useful as a way to have the text of websites and emails read back

to you, but it was also a source of easy and free amusement

for those with less mature inclinations.

However, as enjoyable as Bonzi Buddy could be, especially to young children, there was

a dark cloud behind the silverback lining.

The first sign of shadiness came whenever you set up Bonzi Buddy for the first time

and it required you to enter lots of personal information to "register" the product.

It may have seemed innocent enough, after all Bonzi Buddy would use some of this information

to react to you personally.

But accusations of this being Spyware arose when it was found that this information was

being transmitted over the internet in potentially problematic ways.

The next sign of something foul were the questionable pop-ups that

occurred when Bonzi Buddy was running.

Specifically, these pop-ups looked just like Windows system error messages, and when clicked

they would refer you to a program called InternetAlert.

A program that, uncoincidentally, was also made by Bonzi Software and cost $49 a year

to use and make the fake pop-ups go away.

Bonzi Software disputed these claims as being overblown, stating "all we are trying to

do is grab your attention the same way the employee outside Wal-Mart does by telling

you what's on sale as you walk in."

But the accusations continued, including an article in Consumer Reports on October 21,

2002, which labeled Bonzi Buddy as spyware, and specifically a "Backdoor Santa" due

to how it "serves adds [sic], frequently prompts users for personal information, tracks

all usage, deposits icons in the startup folder, system tray and on the desktop, repeatedly

resets the browser homepage to BONZI.COM without asking permission, and leaves components behind

after users use its uninstall program."

There were also accusations of Bonzi Buddy being a Trojan Horse in some situations, due

to its backdoor downloading of additional unwanted software, such as the infamous Clicktilluwin

spyware that infected the Windows system folder and registry.

Then came the legal trouble.

In late 2002, a class-action lawsuit was brought against Bonzi Software for its quote, "diabolical

scheme" of displaying 300 million deceptive pop-ups in Bonzi Buddy.

This was settled the following year, and while Bonzi Software paid $170,000 in legal fees,

they didn't agree to remove the pop-ups completely.

Instead they would make them slightly "less deceptive" by doing things like placing

the word "advertisement" on top of them and

making the "OK" button say "more info."

But the real trouble was just over the horizon, when in early 2004 the United States Federal

Trade Commission found Bonzi Software guilty of violating COPPA: the Children's Online

Privacy Protection Act.

Due to the way Bonzi Buddy required users to enter their personal information, and how

many of those users were under the age of 13, they were deemed to have knowingly collected

personal information from children without first obtaining parental consent.

This resulted in a fine of $75,000 for Bonzi Software, and was another huge stain on the

product of Bonzi Buddy.

Combined with the growing accusations of it being malware and appearing as a threat to

virus scanner and spyware removal programs, the writing was on the wall for Bonzi Buddy.

By August of 2005 the Bonzi Buddy website and servers were shut down, and Joe and Jay

Bonzi had quietly moved onto other ventures.

Although they didn't go very far.

In fact, they continued doing business at the same location as Bonzi Software had: 3000

Broad Street, Suite 115 in San Luis Obispo, California.

And the new business they started there, 2KDirect Incorporated, continues

to operate to this day.

Their main service is iPromote, which is -- surprise surprise -- an advertising platform that specializes

in targeted online ads.

Their AdXpert Engine acts as a middleman to sell and show ads on services like Facebook,

LinkedIn, Amazon, WebMD, and YouTube.

And amusingly, one of their biggest current clients is Microsoft, whose Agent software

helped kick off this whole Bonzi Buddy trip in the first place, and now relies on the

same guys to push ads through Skype.

Which brings us full circle with Bonzi Buddy.

A program that started off as an asset flip, turned into a viral hit, earned such a bad

reputation that it was canceled, and then oddly enough became a viral hit once again

about a decade later.

Bonzi Buddy may not have expanded as big as other memes, but it's certainly had a surreal

time in various subculture spotlights over the past several years.

There are even fansites that recreate the original Bonzi Software page and provide downloads

to the software once again.

And because the ad servers shut down when Bonzi Software did, Bonzi Buddy itself doesn't

really connect to anything at this point and is now considered as benign spyware at worst.

But if you want to experience it again or for the first time by downloading it, do yourself

a favor and use a virtual machine.

Some pieces of software truly are better off left in the past, or at least a protected,

virtualized version of it.

And yeah I do find it strange to consider that theoretically my channel may have profited

in an indirect way as a result of iPromote's ad system.

Oh well I'm not gonna start saying "sponsored by Bonzi Buddy's corpse" or anything,

so I hope you enjoyed this video and thank you very much for watching.

For more infomation >> LGR Tech Tales - The History of Bonzi Buddy - Duration: 10:06.


Essence Of Murli 10-02-2018 - Duration: 6:26.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 10th February 2018

( In today's Murli, the Sweetest of all 'Baapdada" says.. )

Essence: Sweet children, you have received the saccharine of knowledge. A drop of that saccharine is "Manmanabhav".

Continue to serve everyone this nourishment.

Question: What is the real hospitality and welfare? What spiritual hospitality must you offer everyone?

Answer: To give each one the Father's introduction is true welfare and hospitality.

You have to continue to feed everyone the nourishment of happiness according to shrimat

Continue to give everyone the nourishment of a life of liberation that you have received from the unlimited Father.

Stay in supersensuous joy and serve everyone the first-class nourishment of knowledge and yoga:

this is the best spiritual hospitality.

Essence for Dharna: 1. Practise seeing souls as brothers.

Consider yourself to be a soul and give knowledge to your brothers. Become a mahavir and obey this order.

2. If anyone says anything wrong, just remain silent.

You need two hands to clap.

If one says something and the other one remains silent, the first one will then automatically quieten down.

Blessing: May you have love for the yagya and accumulate in all your three accounts of service you're your thoughts, words and deeds.

BapDada has accumulated with Himself every child's account of three types of service.

Those who have love for the yagya are always co-operative in service through their thoughts, words and deeds and body, mind and wealth.

There are 100 marks for each account.

If someone has the duty of serving through words, let the percentage of serving through thoughts and deeds be no less.

Serving through words is easy, but it is a matter of paying attention when serving through your thoughts.

Serving through your deeds is not just doing physical service, you also come into connections and relationships in a gathering.

This too is accumulated in the account of deeds.

Slogan: To be a self-sovereign is to be one who is able to rule oneself, not one who rules his companions.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 10-02-2018 - Duration: 6:26.


Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - Il Primo Volo! - ITA - Duration: 1:08.

Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - Il Primo Volo! - ITA - Duration: 1:08.


Sony Xperia XZ Pro with world's first 4K OLED display? | 短新聞 【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Sony Xperia XZ Pro with world's first 4K OLED display? | 短新聞 【小翔 XIANG】 - Duration: 5:51.


Скорочтение для коучей и консультантов в Академии Нейроника/Квантовые Скорости Мышления - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Скорочтение для коучей и консультантов в Академии Нейроника/Квантовые Скорости Мышления - Duration: 1:06.


15 Best Tips On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work | Long Distance Relationship Advice - Duration: 6:01.

If you think long distance relationships are never going to work out, you are wrong.

It's true that this kind relationship is sometimes problematic for your mental and

physical desire.

But nothing is going to be straight; it has some dark side also.

But if you are manageable, you may have a very good relationship, though it is long


To keep your love alive and strong, here are some tips to make your long distance relationship



See relationship as an opportunity Life is an opportunity.

So, think your relationship as another opportunity to enjoy.

Explore it as much you can.

You may have the belief that both of you will be bound together even stronger.


Avoid too much communication Excessive is not good for anything.

When you will try to communicate your partnership too much, it will lead you to some destruction

instead of developing it.

If you are sticky to your partner, he or she thinks it as your extreme weakness that might

only make things worse.

So, too much communication should be avoided.

But you must have regularity or sincerity to communicate him or her.


You may have a goal in mind Both of you need to be clear with what you

expect of each other during your relationship.

You may have a future plan with your partner.

Normally it's very tough to continue with someone forever.

So, do up a timeline, marking down the estimated times apart and times together, and draw an

end goal.

It's better if both of you have the same goals.


Do things together but avoid "dangerous" situations

Doing things together is a good plan to enrich your interaction between the two.

You can play an online game, watch a documentary on YouTube or sing to each other on Skype

while one of you plays the guitar.

But here is a thing to remember.

You must avoid the situation which has possibility to create some unexpected or dangerous things.

For example, if you already know that going to the club or going drinking with your group

of friends late at night will displease your partner, then try to avoid meeting together.


Enrich sexual interactions Sexual tension is undoubtedly one of the most

important things between couples.

Sexual desire is like a glue that keeps both parties from drifting apart.

Beside the biological sex you can make dirty talk, dirty text to each other.


Stay honest with each other It is very important to have belief on each

other in a long distance relationship.

Don't try to make yourself falsely high-profiled to your beloved.

It will be revealed in no time.

So, be open and honest with each other.

Let your partner help you and give you the support you need.


Go for a regular visit together Visits are the highlight of every long distance


So, try to make regular visit together.


Keep track of your partner's social media activities

Now social media is the second world.

Your partner are active in this vast media, it's very normal.

You should keep track of your beloved's social media activities.

But remember, you shouldn't do something like you are a spy or suspect your partner.

You may like each other's photos on Facebook and Instagram, tweet each other and share

things on each other's walls.

You should be updated with your partner's friends, family members, classmates, teachers,

colleagues etc. 9.

Try to stay positive Keeping yourself positive is an important

thing to keep up with the long distance relationship.

Waiting can be painful but be thankful thinking this that you have someone to love.

Don't be upset in your loneliness remembering- the fruits at the end will be sweet as heaven.


Respect each other's schedules As a human being your partner may have a schedule

to lead his or her life as you have.

You should have respect on it.

Try to be updated with your partner's schedule and let him or her know about your own.

This will increase credibility.

Try tokKnow the small and big events that are taking place or will take place in each

other's life e.g. college mid-terms and exams, important business trips and meetings,

job interviews and etc. 11.

Try to exchange regular gift Exchanging gift is a good practice to make

your long distance relationship strong.

Make sure what your partner likes or dislikes and try to send a gift to your partner at

times . 12.

Try to know your partner well Knowing each other is very important to continue

a relationship.

Budget a time to know your partner well.

If you get to know them deeply and well, that will pay off big-time in the long run.

Here is the point that you may make your partner also understandable to you by revealing the

lifestyle of you in dealing with pressure.


Find new things to talk about If you make a discussion with your partner

with the same topic what you discussed yesterday or the day before yesterday, it could be boring

to him or her.

So, it's wise to find new things to talk.

Don't give chance your relationship to be monotonous.


Write each other sometimes Though it sounds awkward to write each other

in this modern era, it has a good appealing you should know.

Writing a letter with romantic words can have a great impression still now.

Don't you believe?

Start testing at once.


Ignore what haters say about your partner It's very natural that long distance relationship

can experience a third person in you.

They may create a suspicion or dilemma in your relationship.

Ignore this if you want to make it longer.

So, what are you going to do?

Don't hesitate; follow the tips for a reliable and never-ending relationship with each other.

Try to stay good.

Hit the like button and subscribe if you find this video beneficial.

As for always, stay happy, stay healthy and stay with SMOOSIE.

For more infomation >> 15 Best Tips On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work | Long Distance Relationship Advice - Duration: 6:01.


Get Up Get Out Get Gone - Cẩm Phả For What?!?! - Duration: 5:33.

Hello beautiful people.

Thank you so much for joining us again.

If this is your first time watching, thank you very much for watching.

So! previous footage, did it look like I was on vacation?

I feel like I'm on vacation.

So one of the things that I really enjoy about the center that I teach for is that it allows

us the ability to travel a.k.a substitute teaching in any one of their centers in the

entire country of Vietnam.

So this week I am in the beautiful city of Cam Pha.

I will be here for the next 10 days and I thought that I would take you along with me.

So let's go.

So I have no food in my hotel room so we're going to head to the market.

It's time to go to work. It is 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I start school at 5:30.

I will be meeting my new students.

It's always interesting to see their reactions because for a lot of them, it's their first time

seeing black skin in the flesh.

So, gonna go get something to eat first and then we'll be on our way.

One class down. One to go.


Very eventful day.

Fun classes.

I had a really good time and I'm going to stop by a coffee shop and head home.

OK so I am finding out in my exploration that Cam Pha is actually a really small, quaint

town and this is one of the lakes where the people come in the evening to run and I'm

gonna take a walk around cuz it's going to give me some exercise and an opportunity to

enjoy that amazing sunset.

Hello, Hello - Hello, what's your name?

My name is Lea. What's your name? My name is Samain (??) How are you today.

I'm good. How are you? I'm fine. I love your English. Nice!!!

Where are you from?


For more infomation >> Get Up Get Out Get Gone - Cẩm Phả For What?!?! - Duration: 5:33.


Mini Militia League by KingAnBru and MiLiTian | First Time Ever | Doodle Army 2 - Duration: 11:09.

Hello Guys! It's MiLiTian and Welcome back to my channel Multiplayer GamePlays

So, Today I have an announcement related to Mini Militia League and

before getting into that topic, I'd like to say you about

''MiLiTian on iOS''

So, There are two MiLiTian{wtf dude} one is on 1+5T and Second one is on iPhone 7

So the MiLiTian on iOS is GAMX7 so please make sure you also support him{1 sub=1 blessing}

and...let's continue to the topic!

So....! What is this league about?

Basically this league is about** all about to prove yourself that you are a freaking pro{Not apply for KingNoob} but!

It won't be that easy because we four emperors Hydro, Apollo,Fade and Vengeance!

Also we have 8 Guardians so before challenging these 4 emperors!!

You have to challenge these 8 guardians and if you defeat 8 guardians

You will get 1 badge from each, Similarly You've to collect 8 badges from all 8 guardians

Then You'll be able to challenge all 4 emperors (Hydro,Vengeance,Fade,Apollo)

So Please don't hope any gameplay with Hydro and Vengeance if you don't have 8 badges!

So it's time to proove youself that You are a pro!

So Please Join Our Mini Militia League. Link is in the Description:)

All You have to do just join our Discord Server{1300+members}

and you will get ahh other help in that server

ahh I am talking too much

okay! so Enjoy this Gameplay! KingAnBru{KingNoob} just called me to play with him

I was damm busy at that time but I played with him {Big Heart MiLiTian :)}

So Please! Enjoy this video it was my first gameplay on 1+ 5T and

Now I will continue my gameplay on 1 + 5T

SO Please be subcribed to get the 1+5T gameplay in HD

{RiP English Mode Activated}

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