Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

So feet… there an interesting body part arnt they?

Theyre a flexible structure of bones- joints- muscles and soft tissue that let us stand

upright – along with allowing us to walk- run and jump.

Theyre great.

But theres also a strange and sometimes darker side to our beloved feet and thats what were

going to talk about today.

Hey youtube welcome back to the most amazing top 5 im court mcginley.

First off we just want to thank Smart Insoles StepG for sponsoring this video.

So not only will Smart insoles Step G warm up your feet and give you the best foot massage

using Thai methods- which just so happens to be a secret to longevity and youth.

They have also shown amazing results on the improvement of energy points located in the

human foot.

The reason for this is because each and every nerve ending is connected to a different organ

somewhere else in the body.

Because of this smart insoles stepG improve blood circulation- strengthen the metabolism

process- remove muscle fatigue and soreness- removes tension- faster healing of injuries

and fractures- helps with chronic tiredness- insomnia and depressive states- it helps with

disorders of the stomach and diseases of the nervous system and so much more.

With infrared radiation Smart insoles StepG work in 3 modes- 1.

Manually activated massage- 2 Automatically activated massage- and 3 manually activated


Also thanks to the software app you can see the full statistics over the whole period

you were wearing smart insoles stepG.

Its time to thank your feet and give them joy.

Click the Indiegogo link down below to receive an exclusive offer and check out this amazing


Lets get started on our list of the top 5 strange facts about feet

Starting off in our number 5 spot--26- 26 is the number on bones that are in your foot.

Theres also 33 joints- more than 100 tendons- muscles and ligaments and 250

thousand sweat glands.

Yeah that's a…thats a lot going on down there.

But when you think about it your feet have the task of supporting your entire body.

And with so many bones its no surprise that our feet are home to about a quarter of all

the bones in our body.

So it makes sense that all that anatomy would need to be packed in there.

But because there is so much going on your feet are pretty susceptible to injury.

And then theres the whole calluses and corn issue that were not going to get into.

In at number 4--Toenails- yep..who doesn't like talking about that.

So it turns out toenails actually grow a lot slower then fingernails.

About 1 millimetre per month to be exact.

If you happen to lose your toenail which if you play sports- or youre clumsy- you know

this possibility is all too real- it takes at least 5 to 6 months for it to grow back


Also as im sure you know some people like to really let their toenails grow out.

For example- Louise Hollis is the current world record holder for the worlds longest


Her toenails are an insane 6 inches long and that's on each toe.

She hasn't cut her toenails since 1982.

That's pretty impressive.

At number 3--Smelly feet- yes as we all know from time to time our feet can get pretty


Im guessing it has something to do with those 250 thousand sweat glands that are getting

to work down there.

Interesting fact- its not actually the sweat itself that smells bad- its the socks and

shoes that end up trapping in the odor causing bacteria to literally wreak havoc on your


But luckily for us there are products out there that prevent the odor from getting out

of had.

Such as the amazing smart insoles stepG.

Link in the description box.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Foot fetish- this one slightly pains me to talk about but

I said were going to talk about the dark side of feet today so were going there.

Yeah…the relationship between feet and sex..great.

Personally I don't understand why but certain people are really into feet.

Often people who feel this way like to involve feet into their sexual activities.

And its just something they get off on.

This is also known as Podophilia- this focuses on the foot as an object of sexual desire.

And its actually more common then you may think.

Online surveys have been taken regarding fetish groups and feet usually come back as the most

popular subject.

There have even been some celebrities to come out and admit their attraction to feet such

as- Quentin Tarantino- Ludacris-Tommy Lee and Jax Taylor.

So if youre into feet just know youre not alone.

And at number 1--Measurements- Now one of the biggest and most believed myths out in

the world Is that if you have big feet then you have a large penis.

And if you have small feet then you have a small penis.

It's a saying that's been going around for years.

It turns out foot size has zero to do with penis size.

In a study published back in 2015 researches synthesized data from 17 pervious studies

of more than 15 thousand men from around the world.

And the results ended up proving that there is little evidence that penis size is linked

to height- body mass or shoe size.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 strange facts about feet.

Just want to remind you guys once more to check out the Indiegogo link down below in

the description box to receive an exclusive offer and so you can check out check out the

amazing Smart Insoles StepG.

They truly provide you with so many benefits when it comes to keeping your feet as healthy

as possible.

So make sure you give that link a click.

Thank you all so much for watching.

Show this video some love by giving it a big thumbs up and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Strange Facts About Feet - Duration: 3:26.


Finis Agility HAND PADDLES vs Freestyler vs Speedo vs Bolster PROS, CONS, AND SWIMMING BENEFITS - Duration: 8:18.

- [Narrator] Mornin' Trainiacs,

that was a three thousand one hundred meter swim,

and for those of that chimed in and said

stop your watch in between big chunks of the set

so that it's not counting laps while we're treading water

hearing what the set is, it worked! Thank you!

So last week, I was chatting with the people at FINIS,

do all the swim gadgets,

and they sent me out a little care package of stuff

because for the last little while,

like a chump, I've been using these

while everyone else in the swim lane

has been using these, by now you probably know

how much of a conformist I am

to everyone else's expectations,

but they sent me out a care package,

so I tried these,

I got these,

they also included these,

and I've had these for a while,

let's compare 'em all today, okay?

Here's a real stud walkin' up,

attractive man coming into the frame here.

- [Second Man] Where the weight room? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

(narrator laughs)

- [Narrator] Okay, Trainiacs, so we've got

four different types of paddles

and four different

purposes, experiences, and difficulties.

Let's go one by one right now in no particular order.

These are the more traditional paddles

that a lot of people might be aware of,

they can be scooped, they can be flat,

they can be a square, the idea of these

is to lock your hand onto it

and to really just increase the difficulty,

increase resistance so that you build strength

in your upper body.

Do I like these? Meh, in moderation,

I find that because these have so much resistance,

sure, they build upper body strength,

but they are so resistant that essentially

you end up getting a stationary spot there,

and this elbow ends up coming up

and it kind of pulls your shoulder forward as you push back,

so I find that I've gotta be really careful with these,

maybe doing a grand total of four hundred meters

over the course of a swim before I gotta

put 'em away because my shoulders start getting twingey.

Do I like 'em? Not bad. Do I use 'em a lot? Not really.

These have been my go-to paddles for a long time,

the reason for that is because they do

a lot of work on your technique,

you end up just putting one finger in

and because the paddle is kinda loose,

and because the paddle is kinda loose,

it forces you to enter in straight,

and if you're entering in off to the side,

this keel on the bottom is gonna go

woop, woop, woop, woop, woop,

so it's gonna force you to have a nice straight entry,

and not be like this.

Do I like this? It's not bad.

It doesn't provide a ton of resistance,

so it's not developing a lot of upper body strength,

but I've never had an issue with this,

as far as injuries go,

the one thing that I don't like about it

is that it is a little bit unstable,

like the feeling of it is kind of like this,

that it's not quite right,

but, that said, this has been my go-to for a while.

This one, just used it for the first time today.

The purpose of this paddle is to work on

what I am terrible at, and that is getting a nice bent,

90-degree elbow, and early vertical forearms

so that you get all of this surface area here

pushing back for you.

It does what it says it's supposed to do,

for the last couple months, I've actually wondered

if my biomechanics and my shoulder flexibility

actually did have the ability to get

that early vertical forearm and push back,

three strokes in, I was like,

oh yeah, apparently I don't have any excuses anymore,

because right away this forced me into that position.

A couple of things about it, though,

is it's quite the procedure to get on,

once you get one on and then you're in the water,

and you gotta get the other one on,

or you gotta get outta the water to do it,

it's not super duper easy,

it also, of everything, feels the least realistic

because there's just so much here

that is throwing you off of what feels like a natural stroke

so it seems to, I guess, in my mind,

be good for really just reminding myself

that I do have the ability to get

that nice early vertical forearm

and that 90-degree bent elbow,

but I'm gonna use it in moderation

because it's just not, it's not simple.

This paddle here, this is what Coach Pat

and a few other people in the lane have been using recently,

I've actually never tried it,

all you do is you just put your thumb in,

the rest of it dangles out and I'm sold.

I am totally game for this.

Of everything, this is the nicest balance

of providing a little bit of resistance

without making it so much that

it's putting pressure on my shoulder,

it provides that nice feel at the front

where I can feel the catch but it's not unstable like this,

and it's so focused on technique that I'm basically

putting myself into just doing a technique set,

I could swim, like I can just go and have a good swim

with the help of a little bit of technique work,

but not being forced to do only technique work with that.

In addition to that, something that I have a problem with

with that is the ridges in this

basically encourage your hand to splay out

and have space in between the fingers,

and when you do that,

your fingers are acting like a fork.

What's gonna be a little bit more stable in the water,

a fork or a spoon?

You want your hand to be more like a spoon,

and because of that nice little curve,

it keeps your fingers together

and keeps that thumb nice and close

so it develops better hand position.

Now I'm not gonna go ahead and pick one of these

as my favorite, but I am gonna order these

in order of what I'm probably going to use

most frequently to least frequently.

Number one, it's gonna be this paddle

for all the reasons that I just mentioned,

and I forgot to mention, it also allows you to

basically just go like this,

you can adjust your goggles,

you can put your hand on the side of the pool,

and then instantly when you're ready to swim,

you just go, all right, let's rock 'n' roll, daddio.

Next is this paddle, because it doesn't end up

putting strain on the shoulder,

I like using this, I like doing a little bit

of technique work, and it's not a big deal

to end up using it, you just slide it on quickly

and you still have your fingers kind of, but not great.

Next is this, because it does serve

a really specific purpose when we are swimming

with that specific purpose, I'm gonna be using that.

Last on the list, I'll probably use this the least,

as maybe a reminder for technique to get

that early vertical forearm, that bent elbow,

maybe a few times a month,

but because it's such a big production to do it,

I have to consciously make an effort,

and make time in the middle of a swim set

while everyone else is pushing off the wall

to get this into the arsenal,

I don't really know if that makes sense

but it's more just because ease of use

that I'll probably use this one the least,

so, thank you to FINIS for sending me out the care package,

folks, if you're looking at paddles,

I highly recommend this one.

What's it called? These are the Agility Paddles,

they are FINIS's best seller, rightfully so,

and they cost $22, and they good.

If you want more of our daily triathlon videos,

hit the subscribe button below,

and hit that notification bell

so you don't miss the daily videos

when they come out every single afternoon,

if you are already an existing Trainiac and subscribe,

thank you very much for watching

and smash the like button below.

Let's smash it, smash away, smash it, smash it, smash it.

For more infomation >> Finis Agility HAND PADDLES vs Freestyler vs Speedo vs Bolster PROS, CONS, AND SWIMMING BENEFITS - Duration: 8:18.


Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune - Duration: 21:21.

Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease

Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant

symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease.

No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human


Concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMF) are branded pseudoscientific conspiracy theories

and relegated to the realm of tin-hat wearing quackery.

However, a recent publication in the peer-reviewed journal Immunologic Research entitled �Electrosmog

and Autoimmune Disease,� sheds new light on the validity of concerns about this so-called

electrosmog with which we are constantly inundated.

Although we encounter natural microwave electromagnetic radiation in the form of cosmic radiation

from outer space, the aurora borealis, and thunderstorms, the vast majority of electrosmog

that we encounter is largely manmade (1).

These atmospheric phenomena, however, emit electromagnetic radiation at lower radio frequencies

and are negligibly weak in comparison to manmade sources, which have increased exponentially

due to the emergence of television, cellular phone technologies, and WiFI, all of which

utilize microwave frequency bands (1).

According to researchers Marshall and Heil (2017), for instance, �The recent release

of WiGig and anti-collision vehicle radars in the 60 GHz region embody a 1000-fold increase

in frequency, and photon energy, over the exposures mankind experienced up until the

1950s� (1).

How Electrosmog Interfaces with the Bioelectromagnetic Body

It is intuitive that electrosmog would interact with human biology, since human physiology

operates in part via electromagnetic fields.

Apart from physical information superhighways such as the blood, nervous, and lymphatic

systems, the body uses electromagnetic forms of energy transmission and communication which

are several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion (2).

Called biophotonic emission (BPE), these quanta of electromagnetic energy have a visibility

one thousand times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye and are quintessential to

cellular metabolism and to the powering of our energy-intensive nervous and immune systems


Harbored within our genetic material, biophotons serve as a mode of instantaneous communication

from one body part to another and to the extraneous world (4) and their emission is influenced

by our global state of health (5).

Research even suggests that mental intention and the fabric of our consciousness is mediated

by these quantum of light, which operate as highly coherent frequencies and generate an

ordered flux of photons (4).

Thus, both the stuff of consciousness and the functioning of our cellular energetics

is premised upon electromagnetism, which may be susceptible to distortion by electrosmog.

Curtis and Hurtak describe the electromagnetic body as both �an entire body distinct from

the chemical body that interpenetrates it� and �a light circulatory system operating

on an energetic level in a markedly different manner from that of its molecular counterparts�


That there is �an incredible amount of activity at levels of magnification or scale that span

more than two-thirds of the 73 known octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum� (6) in

the human body is emblematic of our vulnerability to electromagnetic disturbances.

Potential Immune Disturbances due to Electrosmog Exposure

Although current public health laws are predicated on effects of short-term exposure, research

suggests that dosage and repetitive exposures likely influence health risk of electrosmog


Two thirds of studies examined report ecological effects of electromagnetic radiation, and

researchers state that, �current evidence indicates that chronic exposure to electromagnetic

radiation, at levels that are found in the environment, may particularly affect the immune,

nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems� (7).

Although the conventional mantra is that no harm is incurred from low-energy radio waves,

low-level exposures to ionizing radiation are known to manifest profound effects upon

human physiology (1).

Ionizing radiation exposure, which occurs secondary to nuclear energy accidents, for

example, produces immunosuppression, so much so that some scientists have even suggested

radon exposure as a therapeutic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis due to its inhibition

of inflammatory immune messengers such as the adipokine visfatin (8).

There is, however, often a substantial lag time between exposure and the materialization

of symptomatology (1).

The detriment to immune defense �often does not become apparent until the body catastrophically

fails to overcome an acute challenge� (1).

In addition, new science is overturning the previous assumption that immunosuppressive

effects are exclusive to ionizing radiation exposure.

A research group headed by Lushinov, for example, found that repeated exposures to low-level

non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation impaired the immune response in mice, negatively influencing

immunogenesis, or the ability of the immune response to respond to an immune-provocating

antigenic substance (9).

The exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic radiation negatively influenced thymic and

splenic cellularity, causing a statistically significant decrease in the immune cells generated

by these lymphoid organs (9).

The immunocompetence of the Aegean wall lizard was also significantly reduced upon daily

exposure to radiofrequency resembling the amount of electrosmog emitted from cordless

phones (10).

Moreover, Gapeev and colleagues (2006) elucidated that exposure to low-intensity non-ionizing

electromagnetic waves exerted equivalent immunosuppressive effects to a single dose of the nonsteroidal

anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac (11).

In another experiment, exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic radiation reduce the footpad

edema and local hyperthermia, also known as swelling and heat, that accompanied injection

of zymosan, an agent that induces acute inflammation (12).

This constitutes evidence that electrosmog exposure may impair the normal immune response

to potential threats.

Human Proteins are Responsive to Electromagnetic Waves

Biomolecules, which are constantly undergoing molecular collisions and interacting on the

scale of picoseconds, are subject to forces exerted by incident electromagnetic fields


According to researchers Marshall and Heil, �It seems likely that signals a million

times lower than those currently being used in research may be sufficient to elicit a

tangible change in human biology� (1).

Induction of Stress Proteins

Electrosmog at both an extremely low-frequency (ELF) or in the radio frequency (RF) range

has been found to stimulate a cellular stress response, leading to expression of stress

response genes including heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) (13).

As a consequence, there is increased production of highly conserved stress proteins, which

serve as chaperones by refolding and repairing damaged proteins (13).

Heat shock proteins have likewise been observed to up-regulate an immune response, �transferring

antigenic peptides to the class I and class II molecules of the major histocompatibility

complexes� as well as increasing activity of a class of immune cells which perpetuate

an immune reaction, such as macrophages and dendritic cells (14).

Aberrant Anti-Microbial Response

In addition, the function of another human protein, lysozyme, has been shown to be disrupted

by electromagnetic radiation (15).

Also called muramidase, lysozyme is an antimicrobial enzyme liberated from cytoplasmic granules

of immune cells such as granulocytes and macrophages (16).

Contained in human secretions such as mucus, tears, saliva, and breast milk, this bacteriolytic

element degrades glycosidic bonds in peptidoglycan, a molecule prominent in the cell walls of

gram-positive bacteria (17).

Lysozyme is a major contributor to bactericidal activity, facilitating elimination of inhaled

airborne microorganisms to prevent their colonization in the respiratory passages, which would interfere

with sterile gas exchange (17).

Studies have indicated that depletion of lysozyme reduces bacteria-killing ability of human

airway sections by approximately fifty percent (18).

Animal studies also highlight how lysozyme is especially important in host pulmonary

defense, since, �Increased concentration of lysozyme in the airspaces of transgenic

mice enhanced bacterial killing whereas lysozyme deficiency resulted in increased bacterial

burden and morbidity� (17).

Turton and colleagues (2014) published a study in Nature Communications showing that non-ionizing

terahertz electromagnetic radiation altered the binding of lysolyme to its ligand, triacetylchitotriose,

which in turn would affect the biological function of lysozyme (15).

Although this represents a much higher frequency than normal background electrosmog, the implications

are that human immune defenses against pathogen invasion and virulence may be adversely affected

due to repeated and cumulative exposures to electrosmog (15).

Derangements in Vitamin D Pathways

Research shows that Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) pathways are susceptible to interference by

electrosmog (1).

Functionality of the vitamin D receptor, a transcription factor that translocates to

the nucleus and influences gene expression when bound to vitamin D, is fundamental for


The cascade of effects that occur upon vitamin D binding to its receptor reinforce gut barrier

integrity, establish oral tolerance, and suppress autoimmune responses by enabling the immune

system to differentiate self from non-self.

According to researchers, the shape of the VDR molecule transforms with electrosmog exposure

within the frequency range of WiFi routers: �Groups of hundreds of atoms which form

the helical �backbone� of the VDR�shift together at the lower frequencies present

in electrosmog� (1).

Sophisticated molecular dynamics software, which illustrates the lock-and-key interaction

between the vitamin D receptor and its native ligand, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D (1,25-D),

have shown that so-called Lorentz forces act upon charged oxygen atoms in carboxyl groups

of the vitamin D receptor (1).

These Lorentz forces may either promote or hinder activation of the vitamin D receptor,

depending on both the frequency of the �molecular interactions, and that of the impinging electromagnetic

waves� (1).

Electrosmog Affects Human Brain Activity and Behavior

As far back as 1987, Bise published a pilot study wherein electrosmog exposure at levels

dramatically lower than that observed in urban areas elicited transient changes in human

brain waves and behavior (19).

He reports, �Constructive and destructive interference patterns from standing waves

within the skull possibly interact with the bioelectric generators in the brain, since

electroencephalogram wave amplitudes and frequencies increased or decreased respectively at different

radio wavelengths� (19).

What�s more, the literature reveals that neuroimaging and electroencephalography studies

demonstrate enhanced cortical excitability with EMF exposure, particularly in the front-temporal

regions, which is paradoxically correlated with faster reaction times, but may also interfere

with sleep (20).

Alarmingly, the patterns observed in human electroencephalograms (EEG) was altered by

wave amplitudes as low as -100 dBm (19).

Bise was able to induce an immediate frontal headache at a level of -60 dBm (19).

Unfortunately, barring use of a Faraday cage, these experiments are impossible to replicate

since electrosmog background levels in cities are now 100,000 times stronger at -50 dBm


Silver-Threaded EMF-Blocking Caps Improve Autoimmune Disease

In a recent case series, patients wore shielding clothing and tenting consisting of silver-coated

polyester threads interspersed with bamboo fibers that were partially capable of blocking

penetration of microwave electrosmog (1).

Due to anecdotal testimonies of improvement, researchers decided to distribute standardized

garments that would shield the brain and brain stem in order to systematically analyze the

results (1).

In this study, 64 patients with assorted autoimmune diagnoses such as systemic lupus erythematosus

(SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), Sjogren�s syndrome, and

celiac disease, many of whom were disabled and house-bound, were recruited (1).

Subjects wore the silver-threaded cap for four hours at night and for four hours during

the day, and patient-reported outcomes were collected (1).

Impressively, 90% of patients indicated a �definite� or �strong� change in their

symptomatology, which is at variance with the 3% of the population that is estimated

to be sensitive to electrosmog (1).

Some researchers have attributed this so-called electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathic

environmental intolerance (IEI) to the nocebo effect.

However, Dieudonn� explores the possibility of a psychosomatic mechanism in the journal

Bioelectromagnetics, and concludes, �Overall, symptoms appear before subjects start questioning

effects of EMF on their health, which is not consistent with the hypothesis that IEI-EMF

originates from nocebo responses to perceived EMF� (21).

In this groundbreaking study, it is also telling that the researchers found the therapeutic

efficacy of the silver-coated caps to be so theoretically plausible that they decided

the idea of using a control group was unethical.

These authors concluded that autoimmune patients exhibit a pronounced susceptibility to electrosmog

at levels normally encountered in home and occupational environments, and hypothesized

that the exposure may be contributing to their disease etiology (1).

Electrosmog and Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Because electric fields result from voltage differences, whereas magnetic fields from

the flow of electric current, EMFs may be capable of disrupting the finely orchestrated

proton gradient and flow of electrons within the inner mitochondrial membrane upon which

the process of oxidative phosphorylation is contingent (13).

Oxygen-dependent aerobic respiration, which relies upon oxidative phosphorylation, is

the process that drives production of the cellular energy currency adenosine triphosphate

(ATP) in our cellular energy factories, the mitochondria.

These organelles are fundamental to every energy-dependent process in the body but especially

quintessential for the energy-demanding nervous system.

Thus, EMF-mediated changes in mitochondrial function may affect cognition and even perpetuate

development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer�s and Parkinson�s in

which mitochondrial dysfunction has been demonstrated.

In fact, EMF-induced disruption of mitochondria may play a role in many diseases in which

mitochondrial collapse is implicated, including psychiatric disorders, autoimmune diseases,

migraine headaches, ataxia, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, neuropathic pain, chronic fatigue

syndrome, fibromyalgia, and liver disease (22, 23).

It has also been proposed that EMFs can interact directly with electrons in DNA, so it is not

a stretch that EMFs could interact with the electron transport chain (ETC) in mitochondria


This concept is supported by a study where pulsed electromagnetic radiation (EMR) resulted

in alterations in the ETC, leading to adverse metabolic changes, cellular hypoxia, and increased

generation of oxidative stress inducing free radicals such as the superoxide anion (25).

Electrosmog and Cancer

Although the undoubtedly industry-influenced mainstream consensus is that EMFs do not play

a role in the development of childhood cancers, �Kheifets and Shimkhada [2005] stated that

epidemiologic studies of ELF-EMFs and childhood leukemia are difficult to design, conduct,

and interpret due to the fact that EMFs are imperceptible, ubiquitous, have multiple sources,

and can vary greatly over time and short distances� (13).

Also, in an animal study, a correlation between ELF-EMF radiation and development of malignant

tumors, specifically gliomas and schwannomas of the heart, was discovered (26).

These findings led the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to revise their criteria

for EMF exposure in children, and include recommendations such as using hands-free and

wired headsets, holding the phone away from the head, limiting television watching, and

texting when possible (13).

Currently, a 14-country study called MOBI-Kids is being conducted to examine the carcinogenic

effects of RF-EMFs from mobile telephones on the central nervous system in children

and adolescents (27).

Further upstream, electrosmog has also been shown to induce DNA strand breakages, such

that �Any extensive damage or changes to DNA that need repair may increase the risk

of developing cancerous cells� (13).

Studies also suggest that electrosmog causes genome-wide alterations in methylation (28),

or the attachment of one-carbon tags to DNA sequences which modulate gene expression,

affecting everything from neurotransmitter production to detoxification.

Mitigating Electrosmog Exposure

Although more data is needed, the science warrants exercising the precautionary principle

and taking simple steps to minimize EMF exposure.

To remediate electrosmog, renowned doctor Dietrich Klinghardt recommends removing cordless

phones from the house, turning off WiFi, switching off fuses at night, considering an EMF-reducing

sleep sanctuary or canopy, and grounding.

Moreover, fundamental to neutralizing the toxic effects of electrosmog is spending time

in nature and grounding in order to scavenge free radicals and engender antioxidant effects.

Direct contact with the surface of the earth precipitates an influx of electrons, which

are absorbed and distributed throughout the ground substance of extracellular tissue as

well as intracellular biopolymers, neutralizing oxidative stress in the body (29).

Studies have elucidated that grounding decreases the voltage imposed on the body by a factor

of seventy upon exposure to alternating current (AC) electric potential (30).

This transfer of electrons that occurs as a result of grounding, therefore, can minimize

electrosmog-induced derangements in the electrical activities of our bodies, which is meaningful

since researchers state that, �There is no question that the body reacts to the presence

of environmental electric fields�

For more infomation >> Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune - Duration: 21:21.


The 'Fresh Prince' When Will Got Shot And Carlton Bought A Gun - Duration: 4:09.

- [Presenter] Will's going camping

with Carlton and Uncle Phil.

He asks why they're packing so much heavy stuff,

like this dumb box that Carlton claims

to contain an inflatable raft.

Will thinks Carlton is bullshitting about the raft.

Turns out Carlton was not bullshitting

and the raft breaks Carlton's bug-zapping lamp.

Will hits an ATM to pay Carlton back for the lamp

when a mugger holds them both up at gunpoint.

They hand over the cash,

but an ever-helpful Carlton announces

he has some more money in his pocket for their new friend.

Only when he reaches for the loot,

the thief gets skittish.

Will tries to protect Carlton

and takes a bullet in the process.

The family's in the hospital

trying to make sense of this tragedy.

Carlton has a rare form of survivor guilt

that transforms you into Mr. Mopey Pants.

Will's mom shows up from the airport

in tears that Will became a victim

of gun violence in Bel-Air

when he could have just stayed in Philadelphia

and got his ass beat on a basketball court.

Will wakes up in good spirits, joking and smiling,

and announces he'll be doing his banking by mail from now on

because the internet in 1995

was still some shit you paid AOL for by the hour.

Will goofs with Geoffrey, then Will goofs with Ashley.

Everyone's having a great time hospital goofing

except for Carlton, who is mayor of Mope City,

population: uno.

Carlton scolds the Goof Troop

and says this episode, that should have been about camping,

is now serious business.

Will says you have to laugh

because this kind of stuff happens all the time,

even though it certainly does not when you live six minutes

from the Beverley Hills Hamburger Hamlet.

Carlton sulks off in a real pissy mood

for a guy who wasn't shot that day.

Uncle Phil tries to stop him

and they start yelling at each other past midnight

in a hospital about whether or not the US legal system works

which is neither the time nor place

to have that conversation.

Uncle Phil suspects Carlton might be leaving

to engage in vigilante justice,

and tells him he can't go out on the street busting heads.

Carlton says he's all grown up,

which is a poor choice of words, since Will's done nothing

but make fun of his height for five seasons.

And now he's on his way to go play Batman

in the Cedars-Sinai parking lot.

Uncle Phil says Carlton went out to blow off steam,

and he'll be fine.

Everybody leaves Will alone with Lisa.

Will asks Lisa if she's heard the joke

about the black dude who got shot at the ATM

and is trying to get freaky

with his girl in a hospital room.

Lisa tells Will to stop trying to entertain,

and Will finally gets serious,

seriously bummed

he's not about to get freaky in this hospital room.

Carlton returns the next day

still upset that his jacket is yellow

and says he is forever in Will's debt.

Carlton adds, him and Uncle Phil

aren't seeing eye to eye right now

because this incident has sent him into a full tailspin

where he thinks everything Uncle Phil has

ever told him is a lie.

Carlton spent his whole life believing in law and order,

but now that he's learned about guns and robbers,

the rules have changed.

Carlton tells the guy who was shot

that he's sick of being a victim

and is going to start making his own rules.

Will wants a hug,

presumably to get Carlton to stop nattering.

And when Carlton goes in for the real thing,

Will feels a gun.

Will asks Carlton what he's going to do with the gun.

Carlton says he keeps that

motherfuckin' thang on him for protection.

Then Carlton flips Will's breakfast in the air

in a passionate fit of rage,

depriving his injured relative

of vital foods and liquids for his recovery.

Will says he understands that Carlton is scared and angry,

but he needs to find a way to deal with it

that doesn't involve firearms

or throwing scrambled eggs in the air.

Will demands Carlton give him the gun

because he saved his life and Carlton owes him.

Carlton hands over the heater

and Will breaks down in tears

that he doesn't have any breakfast.

So what did we learn today?

If someone tells you there's a raft in that box,

just take their word for it,

because there's probably a raft in that box.

And if you need to see the raft for yourself,

you might break a bug-zapping lamp,

which means getting cash in the middle of the night,

and that means getting mugged.

And if you are getting mugged,

don't make any sudden movements that get your cousin shot.

And if you do get your cousin shot,

don't sulk around the hospital

and make your family feel bad

and have a sudden falling out with your dad who loves you

and buy a gun in the middle of the night

and flip your wounded cousin's breakfast over

in a temper tantrum,

because when someone takes a bullet for you,

that should be the last time

they ever have to deal with your bullshit

for the rest of their life.

See you next time on A Very Special Episode.

For more infomation >> The 'Fresh Prince' When Will Got Shot And Carlton Bought A Gun - Duration: 4:09.


OBSTRUCTION First solid evidence that Obama was DIRECTLY involve - Duration: 5:22.

OBSTRUCTION First solid evidence that Obama was DIRECTLY involved in Hillary Clinton�s

email investigation

Most of us who have been watching the biggest political scandal in our country�s history

unfold over the past year � the politicization of our federal law enforcement and intelligence

institutions to spy on a rival presidential campaign � never for one second believed

that the 44th president was completely in the dark.

To believe that President Obama didn�t know that the bogus �Trump dossier� bought

and paid for by the Clinton campaign was an opposition research document and not an intelligence

report is the epitome of misplaced trust.

To accept that, somehow, Obama�s top FBI and Justice Department officials could hide

from him the fact that they misrepresented the dossier as an intelligence document so

they could get a surveillance warrant from the FISA court to spy on a rival political

campaign is akin to accepting unicorns, Middle Earth, and Arizona coastline as real things.

But until now there hasn�t been any direct evidence to prove that Obama was in on that.

Until now.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., head of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, just received

a new batch of text messages exchanged between anti-Trump FBI counterterrorism agent Peter

Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, proving that Obama was kept in the loop for

the Hillary Clinton email investigation � making it incredulous to think that, somehow, he

wasn�t aware of what was going on in the Trump spying scandal.

As reported by Fox News, among thousands of newly released text messages the network reviewed

was one from Page to Strzok regarding talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to

give to Obama.

On Sept. 2, 2016, Page wrote to her lover about prepping Comey because �potus wants

to know everything we�re doing.� �Potus� is the acronym for �President of the United


�According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama�s

personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation,� Fox News reported further.

You think?

Johnson, along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental

Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, �The Clinton

Email Scandal and the FBI�s Investigation of it.�

The newly uncovered text messages also reveal more regarding the timing of when FBI agents

discovered �hundreds of thousands� of emails on disgraced U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner�s

laptop, which eventually led to Comey�s now-infamous letter informing Congress about

them in October 2016 just days before the election.

On Sept. 28, 2016, Strzok wrote to Page, �Got called up to Andy�s [McCabe] earlier.. hundreds

of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner�s atty to sdny [Southern District of New York],

includes a ton of material from spouse [Huma Abedin].

Sending team up tomorrow to review� this will never end.�

As to the question of whether Obama knew about the FBI�s misrepresentation of the bogus

�Trump dossier� to get surveillance warrants so they could spy on former campaign official

Carter Page (and anyone else in the campaign he would be talking to), it�s hard to imagine

he didn�t.

First of all, the attorney general (in this case Loretta Lynch) has to sign off on all

FBI requests for a warrant from the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

But we also know that former FBI Director James Comey also signed off on three of them

(McCabe signed one).

Also, as reported by The National Sentinel, FISA warrant applications are included in

the President�s Daily Brief, a classified document that Obama often received electronically.

�As the Brookings Institute noted in a policy paper arguing for the Trump administration

to renew legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the FISA Act, which clarifies warrant

requirements of the Act, information gathered via FISA warrants �sometimes known as PRISM,

comprises a large part of the President�s Daily Brief,�� the website noted.

Revelations about Obama being in the loop for the Clinton email probe only reinforce

the belief that he also stayed on top of the Trump investigation.

The only question now is Obama�s level of involvement and whether he obstructed justice.

For more infomation >> OBSTRUCTION First solid evidence that Obama was DIRECTLY involve - Duration: 5:22.


The Magicians 3x06 Promo "Do You Like Teeth" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> The Magicians 3x06 Promo "Do You Like Teeth" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


Week 3 Low Stress Training Autoflower Grow Series | Starting to Flower - Duration: 23:17.

What's up GreenBox Growers and welcome back to GreenBox Grown! Now today I'm going to

be starting week 3 of my LST Autoflower series, and this entire video is going to cover that

each step of the way so you guys can continue to follow along. This week I'm going to let

the plants continue with their beds growth and I will also be giving them their third

nutrient feeding, and for the time being I have caused the low stress training to let

those branches grow up in length. I will be giving you more details about that in this

video though.

Before we get started I want to mention as always to check out our merch On the official

GreenBox Grown clothing page under merch and smoke. And also don't forget to check out

the link Down Below in our description to sign up for one-on-one growing advice with

a grow expert such as myself or I'll guide you each step of the way from seed to harvest

so you can get the best results possible from your plants. Alright, now that you guys know

what we're doing in today's video, let's get started!

All right folks here we are 4 day 1 of the week, and the plants look like they are ready

for their next watering but before I get into that I want to show you your their progress

from yesterday from the last video. Raising that light up to 33 inch or 32 I forget exactly

has really helped a lot and I may raise them even further.  But they are really starting

to take off up word and you can see the flowering has really officially begun. So for now the

only training I will be doing is kind of the individual training without tying down the

branches, just like that. Because now that they have started to flower I really want

them to just be growing up and not be trying them down, or just going to get a lot of really

short branches with small buds on them.   

So training has officially just about finished I might try this one down over here, but all

you really want to be doing right now Is all those tops that you created, you now just

want to try and keep them separated so they all have their own little space to grow big

buds in. So this guy's kind of towering over these two down here but those look like they

are growing to grow out and make it.

Training them into the sunlight will help a lot as well, so check the soil and it is

dry down below there so it is ready for their next watering. This is the second watering

since their last nutrient feeding so it'll be another plane pH watering at 6.3. And you

should be soaking them pretty well at this point, to the point that you are getting runoff

out of the bottoms. And is always guys you want to be very careful when watering so you

don't disrupt the roots and move the soil around too much.

So I like to give each plant a little soaking and then go to the next one and then I will

come back to that plant once that first fed of water has had a chance to soak in  And

go down below. And then after this I will be missing the plants lightly.  Now I probably

will be stopping the misting of the plants pretty quickly here now they're showing signs

of flower, but not just yet. And you can see these babies really needed a watering because

the soil is so dry that the water is actually staying on top for a second, but that's all

right.  Okay now give them a second watering and a little bit here but for now I'm just

going to miss them, and we're going to start to see a lot of good growth now that that

light is back up and we will also see that bud growth coming in really nicely. So I'm

very excited for that.  All right cuz that just about concludes day one of the week,

but before I go I want to mention first of all that 4 temperature I'm still keeping it

at 75 degrees Fahrenheit and trying to keep it in the range and at least 72 about 78 degrees

and humidity keeping in the range of 50 to 60%. It can be 55 to 65 to as that's a good

range, and now that they are officially starting to Flower a decent amount, I'm going to turn

on the bloom switch or the flowering switch on my grow light, so both switches are going

to be running from here on out. And that's going to just give them the full spectrum

of light to help get them growing on those buds a little better. All right that's it

for today and I'll be back 4 day 2 of the week in about 24 hours, peace guys.

What's up GreenBox Growers, so after the last shot I actually went on a last minute vacation

down south. So this is actually two and a half days later not 24 hours later, so we

are on day three Almost day for here of the week. What's really cool as I just watered

before I left for my trip  so they were totally fine while I was gone. I had some automation

stuff set up on my phone so I could keep an eye on temperature and humidity and make sure

the lights were working, but other than that it was really easy to be gone for a couple

of days and now I'm going to show you guys what the plants look like now that I'm back.

All right so I've already got the plain pH water already mixed at 6.3, and I've got the

gardening soft I as well as the paper clips I'll be using to tie it.   So what I'll

do is the LST before I do the watering and misting, and this you'll see they have definitely

started flowering, some are further ahead,  this one is definitely the furthest ahead

but you can see the pistol starting to form of top there. So I'm going to stop misting

after today this will be the last one, and let's see if I can get a better close up on


There you go, so definitely starting to flower they're still going to grow a lot in terms

of veg grow, and the training I'm going to be doing today isn't going to be as much as

telling them down as it is going to be like bringing them out into the open like this

one so they're a little more spaced out.  It's not going to really be too much more training

after that. All right so let's get started with the training.

All right so I'm going to start with this Tangerine Dream right here in the front left.

As you can see these tots really exploded up in the last couple of days while I was

gone. These were all just only an inch or two taller before I left, so this is the main

one that started in the very beginning and the rest of these are the ones that are grown

up 4 below the canopy. What I'm thinking is I'm just going to bring this guy down a little

bit and the rest I'm just going to train but not tie. And then that'll probably be it,

and for these other ones like this one in the back right this Tangerine Dream, I'm probably

going to tie this top one more time down just because it is still covering up all those

mean guys down below.

This one here I'll try this man top down one more time and I'll probably it, and then that'll

be the same with this guy over here. All right now I'm going to get start with that training.

 As always I'm just going to take a piece of my gardening soft hi, and clip that off

to turn it into the hook shape. And I might be able to use the same paper clip that's

already down there, all right here we go turn this part into the hook and then listen to

the Anchor. I'm just going to pull this guy down like that and then I'll also Loop it

like this a little more just to get a better hold on. And then I'm just going to get a

new paper clip pull that down like that and clip it on. And that's it!  Perfect!

All right so that'll Grow Up by tomorrow, and now these ones I'm just going to do the

3 finger LST training on them just to bend them out and Away. They'll grow right back

up just a little further away from the middle so they have their own little space and I'll

actually have to start separating these pots a little bit because plants are starting to

overlap and get into each other's sunlight space. Sorry grow light, there's no sunlight

in here!  

But yeah so look at this one, too this one has to new tops going, so that's 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10, 11 about 12 almost on that guy! Arts and I'm going to try these other ones down

and I'll be right back. All right here we are all finished with the LST for today and

to be honest this will probably be the last one. But you can see this guy this main top

right here I just trained with my fingers, Didn't tie it down, but this one back here

are tied this Mane top down as you can see and I made sure to have the wire around the

branch where there was no buds growing or no tops growing out. you can see there was

some buds growing there so I brought it right below so that was the only new one I tied

down. Main top right there. And the rest of these ones are going to grow up really well


Did the same thing over here with this main top just pulled it down and then expose all

these ones underneath. So they are all going to is completely shoot up and like I said

that'll probably be the last time I do this, I also had a pretty big now. So now I'm going

to give them their plane watering and misting.   All right thanks as always this is just

plain water pH at 6.3 and that is cuz I'm growing in. Fox Farm ocean forest, and the

fox farm ocean Forest is good at buffering pH but 6.3 is a good one to water at as well

so I just go that way. So be sure to consistently so call of the soil at this point. You should

be getting about 5 to 10% runoff out of the bottom of the pots maybe a little bit more.

And don't just water and one spot make sure to get all of this oil and to be gentle with

the leaves you don't want to be watering you know all of the tops, you just want to be

watering the soil below.

Or I should just about finished here and then I like to use a wet vac to vacuum up the water

runoff, you can leave it in here if you want but that will raise the humidity but it will

eventually evaporate.  All right so I'm going to let that soak in and then I'll give them

a little bit more, but in the meantime I'm just going to miss them for now and I will

be back in 24 hours with tomorrow's update. Also I've got the light raised about 3 feet

above the plants and that seems to be helping a lot and I have the fans turned up a little

more now that the plants are bigger as you want to keep those Fan Leaves dancing. Kind

of fluttering lightly in the Wind.

What up Growers were back 4 day 5 of the week, and this is 24 hours after the last shot.

The training I did on the plants work out really well as you can see they have grown

up a lot and they are getting all of those new tops going. I got temperature I'm trying

to stay at 75 right now but it is closer to 80, 77° so I'll try to drop that a few. I've

got the fans going and I still got the light up high. I'll probably drop it once they start

getting further into flower and are more adjusted to the 900 watt.  

But yeah good air circulation, good temperature humidity is at 60 degrees a little over under

60 maybe 59. Sorry not 60 degrees but 60% maybe 59% which is around 55 to maybe 60 or

65% range somewhere in there. So I gave them their third pH watering  yesterday since

the last Nutrients, so once they dry out they'll be ready for their next nutrient feeding.

But anyways now I want to give you guys a little bit of close up on how these guys are

doing and what they are looking like.

All right so I want to start with this Tangerine Dream right here, and this one is actually

not flowering as much as the other ones are. But it does probably have some of the most

tops out of all of them.   So I mean it's not really starting to flower yet just starting

its first couple pistils,  but it is doing well. And this guy over here is doing well

also and you can see this one is the furthest along and terms of flower. And yes this is

the blue Amnesia or at least one of them. And let's see the back right is the Tangerine

Dream and then the back left is the other blue Amnesia so these two are starting to

flower.  These two are starting to flower and this guy's about the same as the Tangerine

Dream that is not flowering that much and then this one is kind of in between because

it's not as much as that front right plant but it is starting to flower little.

So with these guys I'm not really going to be training much anymore I definitely won't

be adding any more hooks, I'm going to probably do some training like that where I pull the

tops away from each other, but besides that that's about it because I want them to just

grow up and height for now. If I do do training it's just going to be the main tops being

pulled over out of the way so it doesn't grow back over the tops of the plant. No more missing

at this point is just watering and that's it.  All right so this was day 5 and I will

be back in another 24 hours for day 6 of week 3, alright peace guys!

What's up Growers and welcome back for day 6 of the week, And I just checked the plants

and they are ready for their next watering, so today I'll be giving them their next nutrient

feeding. But first I just wanted to give you guys a close up on the plant so you can see

how they're doing. Also just discovered I got myself a little spider friend and you

just dashed off, he's in the black part there so you can't see him over there he goes. So

I've got a little spider in here protecting the garden holding down the fort. Spiders

are great because they will eat any past and they don't harm the marijuana plants. So let

them live and if they start spinning webs in your plants, just each couple of days remove

the web and they will grow a new one. But definitely don't kill the spiders because

they do help out a lot.

All right guys so here we are 4 day 6 of the week with the plants like I said, and he's

coming in for a close-up, and they are budding but they are also doing really well in terms

of veg growth and they still have a long ways to go even though they have started biting.

They are still going to get a lot taller and I am done with the training and LST as you

can see I've got all my tops going up now and they are all pretty well spaced out. I

might every once in awhile then them into a certain direction does this mean top here

is being kind of stubborn and keep staying over the rest of the plant.

These guys are still going up and another little tip or trick that I want to share with

you guys is leaf talking. So for example this big family for right here is covering up the

stop down here from getting enough light to grow up, so what you can do is just kind of

Tuck the leaf under that top so I can get more light from the grow light and then that

way we'll get tall enough to grow up above the canopy.

So another good example of this is right over here this top the stop right here was covered

by this Big fan Leaf over here, so what I'm doing is just pulling that down below so it

can be exposed to all of the light and that is pretty much it for the trick. This one

over here is doing really well and again it's got that nice even canopy up top and all of

these cops have grown up nicely. I also raised the light a couple inches today just  just

because they're still showing signs of that light stress, but I am surprised cuz there

is a good amount of space but anyways if they are showing signs of Lights Stress just raise

it up until they aren't anymore and then you can start lowering it. Usually once they start

budding more they will be able to handle a closer distance. But for now I'm just going

to give them what they are asking for.

I checked the soil and it is dry an inch deep for all of the plants,  so I'm going to do

this week's nutrient feeding now, and this is the third one that I'll be doing. The first

one I did at 1/4 strength, the second one I did at half strength, and this one will

be at ¾ strength.  What I am doing is since they are flowering I jumped ahead to the first

week of flower on the seating schedule and this is the soil feeding schedule since I'm

in the ocean Forest. So I'm doing 3/4 strength of week 5 which again is the first week of

flower. And I did everything I had on this list but I also added the kangaroos since

I have yet to do that and I still want these guys To get some good root growth going since

they are still going to bed where grow a lot in terms of veg and in terms of size, not

just buds at this point.

I also added my Cal Mag and I just did three quarters of a teaspoon since I'm not doing

full strength just yet,  And then I PH it to 6.3.   All right now let's do the watering,

and again I've got about A gallon mixed up right now and I'm probably going to use all

of that on these plants, but we will see how much they take before they start getting runoff.

So again you are going to want to I'm restA gallon mixed up right now and I'm probably

going to use all of that on these plants, but we will see how much they take before

they start getting run off. So again you are going to want to I'm restirring everything

because the nutrient mix has been sitting for awhile.

So you really just want to make sure everything is mixed up really well. And then I'm just

going to water slowly each plant a little bit at a time and just cover up all of the

topsoil so it's wet and then move on to the next Plant. And then what you are doing now

is just letting the other plant that got watered, that plan and evening out throughout the soil

and then you can come back for another bit of water to even that out some more.   but

just soaking it completely with all of the water you're going to give it at once is just

going to move the soil around a lot and the plant won't be able to up take all of that

nutrient you're feeding it, so it's kind of going to waste a lot. So letting it soak in

a little bit at a time is Going to let your nutrients go a lot further and your plant

is going to be more effective using them.

So I don't think I'm getting any runoff just yet I think that water on the ground is just

over spell so I'll keep watering. Sometimes you might notice your leaves droop right after

you water and that's okay no problem there, it's just the leaves are heavy so they are

going to hang down a little bit, but they will pop  back up after that water or nutrients

feeding has soaked and more. All right, so they are still a little bit left of the nutrients

but they seem to have plenty right now so I'm going to leave it at that, and I will

be back for Day 7 and 24 hours.

Again temperatures right now are at 75 degrees and I'm trying to keep it in the range of

at least around 72 to 77 fahrenheit Max. Humidity is in the 55 to 65% range and right now it

looks like it's just under 60%. And like I said I raise the light a little higher I'm

using the 900w So if your plants aren't showing any signs of heat stress or light burn, then

there really isn't any reason for you to raise that yours. So definitely just asked me down

below in the comments if you need a more specific answer to your grow. All right I'll be back

in 24 hours.

All right growers we are back 4 day 7 the last day of week 3, and I'm just going to

show you guys how the plants are looking, nothing needs to be done to them at this point,

they are good on water and I'm done with the training so I am just letting the tops grow

up as they start to flower.  You can see this one is the furthest along in terms of

budding and  with Autos they grow alot in terms of vegetative growth while they are

in 4 hours so these ones will still grow up a lot. Same with all these other ones, so

hoping they are going to be at least double this height by the time all is said and done.

And of course the buds will be much larger as well. You can see the two in the back formed

nice even canopies, and then the two in the front or catching up at this point and they

are starting to fill out on that other side as you can see.

Here is a good aerial view of the plan so you can see how the tops are all spreading

out so that they can all be underneath the light evenly. You can see here  these ones

have all spread out Nicely, and they are all having a lot more tops then they would without

the training and it's going to allow for them to have a lot larger yields per plant. Be

sure to stay tuned for next week's video which will be week 4 for these plants being in these

pots.  During that week we should see a lot more in terms of budding as well as vegetative

growth.  Since I haven't done any LST for a few days, they should start shooting up

big time.

All right GreenBox Growers, that concludes week 3 of the LST Autoflower series and like

I was saying in this video I am no longer going to be doing low stress training to the

plants. As I want them to just grow up tall and start the flowering phase. Otherwise they

are going to stay really short and they won't be using much in terms of Bud. Be sure to

stay tuned for week 4 of this grow series which will be out in the next week or two

and in that video These plants are Going to get a lot taller like I was just mentioning

and the buds are going to get a lot bigger and stick here.

If you guys enjoyed the video please give it that thumbs up and don't forget to comment

below with your feedback. Also don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for

updates on my latest grows. As always thank you guys for watching and until next time…

Happy Growing!!!

For more infomation >> Week 3 Low Stress Training Autoflower Grow Series | Starting to Flower - Duration: 23:17.


The Tragedy of Casca (Berserk) - Duration: 13:28.

Casca's story in Berserk is generally accepted as one of the most devastating in manga history.

She is quite unlikeable and maybe even detestable in the early acts of the story, but most people

gradually warm to her character as she learns about herself and as her layers are peeled


And this, along with an attachment to Guts, proves to be instrumental in making her fate

at the eclipse feel so exceptionally grim.

The rape and subsequent mental break of Casca is naturally so shocking because the bullet

points and associated emotional responses of her character journey paint a very disturbing

picture, but there is also an alternate, maybe even subconscious reason that we felt such

misery in witnessing her pain; because her arc demonstrates a gradual rise and a brutal

fall in terms of personal development.

Casca is a quick-witted and strong willed person, respected and even feared due to her

abilities and temperament.

She is someone who has realized the difficulties of being a woman soldier in such a dark world

and adjusted accordingly, and this manifests in her strict and aggressive disposition towards

most others.

However, this is just a compensatory shell that Casca puts up due to her desire to function

as a high ranking member of the band of the hawk, which stems from her yearning to be

accepted as a soldier, partner and warrior by Griffith.

This devotion to him is deeply rooted and at the beginning of the story, her sole desire

seems to be becoming Griffith's sword and his biggest asset in terms of achieving his


This is due to a mixture of Griffith's otherworldly charisma, his representation as a symbol that

one can fight for and achieve dreams no matter where one comes from, and Casca's perception

of him as the one that saved her from a pitiable life.

An important distinction to make is that Griffith did not actually save Casca - he simply threw

her a sword and gave her the means to save herself.

Yet to her, he was her savior in every sense of the word, and it's not hard to see why

given her situation before his arrival.

As a result of this, the early acts of the Golden Age portray Casca as someone who is

very dependent.

Not in terms of battle smarts, combat ability or leadership - because she's obviously

a strong woman who has that in spades - but in terms of emotional security.

The fact is, Casca spends a great deal of her life enamored with Griffith in so many

ways, yet insecure because of those sentiments never truly being reciprocated.

She judges her self worth based on her standing with him, and this is a dangerous thing that

a decent amount of readers should have been able to relate to.

Viewing your own value as a reflection of what someone else thinks of you, especially

when that someone else finds very little value in other people, is a surefire way to undermine


And sadly, Casca sells herself short by thinking this way.

Because of this, she experiences a downward spiral of loneliness that gets worse and worse.

While I do believe that Griffith did care for others, if you take his words to Charlotte

as the honest truth then it's clear that he only truly respected people who had a will

and dream of their own - those who didn't lean on others and those who pursued their

own ambitions independent from anyone else.

And while this is sad for every member of the band of the hawk, it was worst for Casca

because She is the antithesis of the type of person Griffith respects.

And the tragic part is that the harder she tried to gain his favour, the more antithetical

to his ideal partner or friend she became.

Because she measured her value of herself based on what Griffith thought of her and

on her ability to be his right hand woman, Griffith does not truly respect her because

there is a clear dependency in play.

Yet, Casca senses this in Griffith; this indescribable yet distinct sense of detachment from her,

despite his many actions that would seem to indicate otherwise.

And like tragic clockwork, she focuses even more on Griffith.

How can she get closer to him?

What can she do to please him?

How can she be more valuable?

This makes her even more reliant on his thoughts of her and in turn, makes him more and more

unlikely to reciprocate her affection and truly value her as something more than a valuable

tool in his army.

And when you add Guts to the equation, a man who simply walked into the band of the hawk

and gained more approval, attention and respect from Griffith than anyone else without really

trying, it makes sense that she treats the black swordsman so cruelly in the beginning.

Guts entering the equation made Casca and the rest of the band truly realize his detachment,

because now in front of them they had an example of how Griffith really acted when he was with

a partner - a display that was completely foreign to them.


devoted her life to Griffith and never accepted the possibility of him doing anything truly

wrong, and when you combine that with her jealousy of Guts, her behaviour is entirely


Sure, she gets cross with Griffith for making her sleep with Guts to keep him warm, but

she never truly accepts that he makes vital mistakes in situations where he was clearly

at least partly at fault and deflects the blame to something else - usually Guts.

For example, after Griffith is badly injured in the fight with Zodd, she puts all of the

blame for his situation on Guts, despite Griffith being at fault in part for recklessly charging


The point here is that these are unhealthy feelings she has.

Ones that degrade her and negatively affect her well-being.

It is unrequited idealized infatuation - NOT love.

She admires Griffith and what he stands for.. he is a symbol, an ideal that she idolizes.

But she is not truly in love with him as a person, and this is not good for her mindset

at all.

However, things begin to change after her and Guts are separated from the group and

the two begin to learn about one another.

Not only is she grateful for the help Guts provides, but she takes a huge step in personal

development here by opening up and letting him know why she hates him.

And with the wound fully opened, it finally begins to heal and at this point Casca starts

to build herself up as a person through building a relationship with Guts.

The more she learns about Guts, the closer she feels to him and the more she understands

why Griffith thinks he's so special.

And simultaneously, Guts reciprocates this growing respect, which is the key point here.

For Casca, this means that as she grows closer to Guts, she is learning about a man who values

her as both a woman and a person.

And while drifting to Guts doesn't necessarily mean that she drifted away from Griffith,

it does mean that she can use someone other than Griffith to judge how worthwhile of a

person she is.

Because of her specific circumstances, Casca is someone who was sadly incapable of growing

in true confidence from nothing.

She needed something to use as a reference point.

In order for her to value herself, she needed to take credence from the opinion of someone

who deeply respected her.

Griffith could not give her that.

But Guts could, and so she finally starts to grow.

Her circumstances obviously worsen after being forced into the role of a leader due to Guts

leaving and Griffith being captured, but even though she is having an incredibly rough time,

the faith in herself that was instilled by Guts' support helps her get through it and


If she had never met Guts and was put into this Griffith-less situation, she would likely

have cracked under the pressure long before Guts arrived.

She very nearly did, in fact.

But instead, she pushes through, with some help from the others, of course.

When Guts returns, she undergoes another massive shift in character development.

As said by Reddit User SharaGutspova, whose piece on this is linked in the description,

The simple act of sex itself is characterized by a vulnerability that is unfamiliar territory

for Casca.

Being a woman who has had to bury her femininity in order to rise to her high rank and perhaps

even just to be respected at all by a substantial portion of the Band of the Hawk, she has naturally

become guarded.

This also partly explains her spiky and abrasive nature towards guts as a result of her jealousy.

So allowing herself to be this vulnerable is one of the biggest steps of her life.

As someone who has not been the most inwardly confident in herself, this is a scary development.

Her and Guts share more than a night of passion here - it's an event that means something

sacred to the both of them.

Both were victims of sexual assault and are likely only familiar with the act as a method

of demonstrating power, so this is rooted in complete trust, and that makes their connection

a mutual bond deeper than simple romance.

Guts and Casca can understand each other on a level no one else can - not just because

of this shared experience, but because they are both taken in by Griffith's aura and

understand how lonely it can feel to not be respected by him.

So instead, they seek comfort and love in each other.

Not as compensation or replacement for Griffith, but because this was what they truly needed

all along.

Obviously, this doesn't mean that Casca's care for Griffith went away just because she

started a relationship with Guts.

She harboured feelings of guilt for choosing Guts, especially with Griffith maimed and

crippled, and she says and clearly demonstrates as much.

But realistically, development is not a uniform switch from one state to another, and this

does not at all change the fact that she had grown in strides as a person from the insecure

girl at the beginning of the arc.

She is far from someone in a good place due to the horrible circumstances surrounding

her and those she cares about, but through this experience she has gained something which

she had desperately needed her entire life - proper respect for herself.

It's a terrific thing for her, and a foundation to live the rest of her life however she wants.

And then, through one simple act, it all falls apart.

The Band is slaughtered, close friends are torn apart, and Casca is used as a conduit

for Griffith to display his power to Guts, a human being reduced to a simple tool for

displaying revenge and spite.

All of the self-worth that she had slowly built up through learning about herself with

Guts.. gone.

Completely broken through unspeakable mental trauma.

This is just as big of a reason as to why Casca is a tragic character as anything else.

Self-respect is one of the most important things that a human being can have, and it's

something that can change one's life significantly for the better.

But things that are worth having at a profound level rarely come easy, and this is shown

through the slow, arduous journey Casca had to go through to build herself up.

And just as she had just started becoming her own person, it was snatched away from


One of the ongoing plotlines that concerns Berserk fans the most is the fate of Casca

and whether or not she'll get her memory back.

This can obviously simply be explained by people simply being attached to her character

and wanting her and Guts to be happy together again, but I think there's a more personal

reason for this as well.

Because of how intimate and profound the concept of learning to value yourself is, Casca's

fate is something that the readers wait on with baited breath.

We want, maybe even need Casca to be restored because of how vicariously gratifying it is

to see someone gain self worth from essentially nothing and learn through connecting with

others that they do not need others to be their own person.

However, that unfortunately doesn't always happen in reality, which means there is a

genuine possibility that it won't happen in Berserk.

In the end, I suppose only time will tell us if Casca will ever find her happy ending.

Thanks very much for watching.

For more infomation >> The Tragedy of Casca (Berserk) - Duration: 13:28.


Pizza Co. Interactive Game by Osmo | Happy National Pizza Day 2018!!! - Duration: 10:36.

Today we're playing Pizza Co. from Osmo


Happy National Pizza Day

Did we get the package from Osmo?

Yes we did, yay!

I'm so excited to open this up

I'm opening up the base

You open that and then, tada!

You have a base

This is the Pizza Co.

and I'm gonna put the iPad on

so I can get into the app


Guys, I made my hat

Girls, I made my hat. You like it?

This is the base and then the base is to hold the iPad

The red thing up here is something

so it can see my pizza

It's the mirror

It looks like this, I'll show you

One cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents

$1, $2, $5, $10

This is the topping


Green Peppers





Guys, is everybody ready to go to Pizza Co.


Pizza Co.

We're gonna press "Open Shop" right now

It's saying "Help Me, Cathleen"



Mushrooms, please

Grand Opening!

I have to hurry because I have a customer


Means someone wants to pay

Change please

Six, four, I'm giving him back

Someone needs me to make the pizzas


VIP customer

Mushroom, got it

Exact bills

5 + 1, 6

3, 3, 3

I can do 2 + 1, 3

VIP customer

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Pretty cool

Mushroom, got 'ya

Got it

She liked it

2 + 2 = 4

He gave me a message

I already know how to read

10, but it cost 7


The heart means a tip

He likes pepperonis

He loves it



He likes fish

Oh, I happen to give you some


I've got it

I made 3 unhappy

But I made more happy

Fish pizza

[singing] Fish for the bear

He wants fish

He liked it

I have a VIP customer

[singing Rush Hour song]


Oh that was busy, busy, busy, busy

That was super busy

Now I can rest, I think

What's the next customer

This is how much money I've got

This is how much money I lost

That's how much money I lost

That's how much money I got

I have a rush hour right here, I can't talk

She wants mushrooms

I meant olives

She liked it

Ooh, I can rest

I checked, so I get a star

I got a star

I'm decorating the shop


I'm buying plants

But they cost money

Buy wall decorations

I'm not gonna use too much of my money

So I'm just gonna tap out


Fish pizza

She wants something

It's a hungry hippo

A rhinoceros is ordering me a pizza

She really loves it

Someone wants to pay


It's 20 but it cost 8

I really want to buy that oven

Only the bottom half

Very happy

All happy


Happy for you

Only the top half

10 but it cost 6

He gave me a large tip

So he likes pepperonis

He's asking me for some pepperoni

Only the bottom half


20, but it cost 13

1, 2, ... 3, 4, ... 5, 6, ... 7

I'm gonna try the bottom


[singing] Mushroom, I get you


It cost 7

I'll give him 3 then

He wanted some green peppers on 1/2

Only the bottom half

Change please

Two of the 25's

Two of the 1's

Osmo has a PIZZA my heart

Happy National Pizza Day


This game made me hungry

Five dollars, no problem

For more infomation >> Pizza Co. Interactive Game by Osmo | Happy National Pizza Day 2018!!! - Duration: 10:36.


Someone don't Like you becomes you're friend ! No Filter | Episode 1 - Duration: 9:45.

Aslam Alikom You guys and Today I'm back with a new

Video and Today I'm in Jordan and I have with me

the lovely Samar

Hi Guys How Are you , Today I have

a cool Designer , she's actually a lovely person

so sweet , I met In Jordan and I want you to meet her

She Have a page on Instagram

and I want you all to go ahead and support her

How are you ... Introduce yourself ...

I'm Samar I have a brand Called Ateeq

This brand Is like my baby .. I love my work

I cut the fabric I cut the patterns ....

and surely You guys followed her

cause I left you all of her social Network in the Description box

so for those who didn't follow go ahead and do so

and it will show up again here or here

so make sure you follow her

and Today we decided to have a discussion .. and have fun

and be so relaxed

and say everything naturally

And the Topic Is ... IS ... is

Is time what determines your relationships

and how strong it will be or not ?

honestly me and Samar know each other for how long ?

I have never seen her

she never saw me

we met in a recent event in Amman

and it was ...

I was Myself with her

Didn't plan what I was going to say , cause she's also like that

but the odd thing I'm not like that with everyone

who knows me says I have ego

with you ...

But I want to say one thing

Many people mixes it with

how well you would know this person

come here ...

for me the first impression is totally the opposite

so when I meet someone

but there is something called chemistry

when I meet people .. The ones I don't like

a confession to her

the one I don't like at first . I get close to them

so when I first met you

I din't Like you

I'm hearing this for the first time

even my best friends

the first Impression I had

I didn't like them

but then when we talked ....

I didn't feel that ... Of course I won't show it

Of course .. but when we talked

we had coffe

May Allah bless you

she's also amazing and you have to see her work

But here we're talking about the person as a person

Who doesn't know Aya

Put the talent Aside

she's so pure ... A white page

may Allah bless you . I'm Not her to talk about you

May Allah bless her parents who Raised her Like this

without your parents you wouldn't know Allah

what I wanted to say

is that yesterday I was listening on the radio

Dr, Suliman Bin Fahd Alouda

he says Mousa taught me

about Prophet Mousa peace be upon Him

he says that Prophet Mousa was one

when he meets someone anyone ... he is himself with everyone

he was always himself and that's how people loved him

and if we want to

take someone as our role model we take the prophets


If Prophet Mousa was like that Why wouldn't I

it stuck this idea in mind and I went saying Alhamdullah I was myself with Samar

because I was so lucky to meet her

so what I want to say . I don't now if you agree with me

just be yourself

there is nothing better that being yourself

don't be a Hippocratic

what you don't like .. You don't like . if you like something say so

the best people are the ones true to their feelings

with no fear

you hate something say so

you love something say so

that way people accepts you faster

but with some people being yourself

you would be understood in the wrong way

especially the other gender

I'm with you ... you should be honest

and be you ... because you'll be more comfortable

But sometimes you have to put

boundaries... a certain way of talking and so on

that's for sure .. muslims are Cautious

My Mom Always tells me that

see she's unbelievable

that's why A person should choose how to deal with people

this doesn't deny what I said

but you should judge by your brain

depending on the situation ... don't melt the relationship

wisdom of today from my mom .. what she said ?

that's for sure

if you like at the end

let's give tips

when you meet someone new

so when I was going to this event

because I was alone

I was like

how is it gone be .. I don't know anyone there

I knew we were going to do a lot of activities

and I was like who I'll be with

so worried

and then

at breakfast I met her . and Aunt Salwa

If she's watching ...

Moza and Moza

sajeda and ....

muna .. hope you reached safely

so all of us together

despite that we are from different backgrounds

and different ages

but SunhanAllah

the nature of the person is what gets you close to them

It doesn't matter How old they are and for how long you know them


and till now we don't what that thing is !

true . everyone is asking me who's Aya

Despite that our Interests are different

but SubhanAllah

and that's the odd thing

Bu I'm so Happy that I came To Jordan

all of this trip

The best Thing about it is meeting these people

all of us were different

Some from Dubai . Kuwait , you from Jordan I'm from Palestine

I advice people Aya

is to meet new people

Forget about the first Impression

because it's like this if we didn't talk to each other

it ..

you wouldn't have seen this video

I wouldn't have met her , didn't know about her work , didn't meet her mom

and this would grow to something much better

Don't fear

Be yourself .. and meet new people

cause everyone you meet , good or bad

you will gain from him\her

Didn't get that


My mom says that in Isalm you should say Salam

to the ones you know and don't know and that alone would brake the boundaries

and by the way Aya is way younger than me

I didn't believe it at first

we're not even close to each other's age

Now don't start Guessing .. Please don't

what I mean ... don't say I want someone to be from my same country , religion

or have the same Interests as me

Meet and meet new people

Because sometimes relations like this are a treasure

so I want to thank you

for being with me on this video

and thank the coincidence that allowed me to meet you

and I hope this relationship

would go on forever

and I hope you come visit us in Jerusalem

and I take around the city Film another thing together

but I want to say something else

This is my first time filming a video with this lady

I don't like the camera

but Now convince her

she should be on camera .. would you follow me if I opened a youtube channel

Say yes .. how many likes we get on this video she will be encouraged

If it was really encouraging I will

at the end of this video I wish you all a happy life

hope you achieve all of your goals

don't be afraid to meet different people

because each one add something to you

and as I end it all the time keep your smile on

Until next time Salam

For more infomation >> Someone don't Like you becomes you're friend ! No Filter | Episode 1 - Duration: 9:45.


JBugs - 1963 VW Beetle - Clutch & Accelerator Cable Replacement - Duration: 5:49.

Hi, I'm Sam with

With the throw out shaft, bushing, and spring replaced

in our last video, we can get on with our originally planned repair.

We are replacing the clutch cable and swapping out the stock accelerator pedal for a roller pedal.

As the 1963 Resto Custom Beetle hasn't moved since our last video,

the front wheels are still chocked,

the back of the car is sitting up on jack stands, and the engine is out.

The clutch cable adjustment nut is loosened from the cable with a wrench.

Holding the cable with a pair of pliers or vice grips is usually necessary to keep the cable from twisting while removing the nut.

1966 and later models have a wing nut and won't require a wrench.

Inside the car, the accelerator pedal linkage is disconnected so the pedal can be pulled away from the assembly.

The two 17 millimeter pedal assembly bolts are removed.

The accelerator cable is pulled off the linkage end,

and the brake pedal push rod clip is pried up with a flat head screwdriver

so the push rod clip can be removed.

Next, the push rod is pried away from the master cylinder and brake pedal.

The pedal assembly can now be pulled away from the tunnel a bit

so the clutch cable can be disconnected from the pedal hook and the assembly can be removed from the car.

The accelerator cable is pulled from the tunnel,

followed by the clutch cable.

The cables are probably greasy so be cautious if you have an interior you want to protect.

Back at the rear of the car, the stock Bowden, or clutch cable tube, is pulled from the tunnel and the transmission

along with the remnants of the old cable tube and the clutch tube boot.

A new clutch tube boot is installed at the chassis

and a new Bowden tube is inserted in the boot and into the chassis.

Inside the car a new clutch cable is routed into the hole in the tunnel

and slid into the metal clutch tube that runs inside the tunnel.

The cable is pushed back until it comes out of the Bowden tube at the back of the car-

having an assistant at the back of the car is helpful to let you know when to stop.

With the cable at the end of the Bowden tube, the tube is bent so it curves and then can be slid onto the bracket on the transmission.

The Bowden tube needs to have an arch across its length so that the clutch pedal operates smoothly.

We use some washers at the end of the tube before setting in the transmission

in order to set roughly one inch of droop or arch in the tube.

The clutch cable end is now pulled through a bit and the clutch tube seal is installed at the end of the Bowden tube.

We're prepping for a roller pedal, so the stock accelerator pedal is removed from the floor pan by pulling the pivot pin.

We prefer running a heavy duty accelerator cable, so we need to modify the accelerator cable tube on the chassis

for the longer end on the cable.

The tarboard is trimmed back on the tunnel to expose the full length of the metal tube

and then the tube is pried away from the tunnel a bit so that it can be cut with a cut-off disc on a grinder.

After cutting through as much of the tube as we can, without cutting into the tunnel,

the tube is bent back and fourth with a screwdriver to tear the tube away from the chassis.

Then the tube is tapped back into place with a hammer.

Now the new heavy duty accelerator cable can be slid into the tunnel.

You can see the longer end of the accelerator cable here

and see why we have to cut back the tube on the tunnel.

If not, the cable would be sitting too far forward to attach to the tunnel.

Then at the back of the car, the accelerator tube is slid over the accelerator cable and into the tube boot at the chassis.

Now, the rebuilt pedal assembly, can be installed by attaching the clutch pedal to the cable hook.

Then the clutch pedal is pushed forward to the firewall and held there,

while the pedal assembly base is positioned into the tunnel.

At the same time, the brake pedal return spring on the bottom of the assembly

must be pushed forward towards the front of the car, so that it [can] push the brake pedal away from the firewall.

The assembly can now be loosely bolted to the tunnel by hand

while making sure to keep the clutch pedal from falling down.

If the pedal comes down, the cable falls off and you'll have to pull the pedal assembly out and start over again.

An assistant at the back of the car is now needed.

While light pressure is still held on the clutch pedal inside,

an assistant can guide the clutch cable end through the clutch arm on the transmission.

Then the clutch cable adjustment nut is threaded onto the cable until the slack in the cable is removed

and the clutch cable is pulled to a stop on the chassis and no longer moves freely.

Then the two pedal assembly bolts can be fully tightened

and the brake pedal push rod can be greased slightly and slid into the master cylinder.

The brake pedal push rod clip is positioned next to it on the pedal

so the brake pedal push rod pin can be slid into place and seated with the help of a chisel.

Then, the clip is tapped down with a hammer and bent over the chisel to complete the installation.

The accelerator cable can now be hooked up to the pedal.

We now have a roller pedal and a heavy duty cable that require a small bolt and a few nuts to hold the cable in place.

If [you're] using a stock pedal and cable, attach the cable to the push rod oo earlier models,

or through the pedal lever on late models and the job is done.

We will be showing a tear down and rebuild of the stock pedal assembly in an upcoming video.

And you may have noticed a new master cylinder along with some primer on the firewall as well.

We will be showing you those jobs in a future video, in the mean time head over to

for all your vintage Volkswagen parts and accessories.

For more infomation >> JBugs - 1963 VW Beetle - Clutch & Accelerator Cable Replacement - Duration: 5:49.


How to Get a Mobile Passport | Is it Better Than Global Entry? - Duration: 3:31.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're exploring the Mobile

Passport program, and how it compares to Global Entry.

(light chiming music)

We recently did a video on

Global Entry and how to maximize the benefits. While I think Global Entry is

an awesome program that is totally worth getting, especially if you have a credit

card that will pay for it, I wanted to also review a program called Mobile

Passport that's been implemented at airports across the US. Mobile Passport

is a free program authorized by US Customs and Border Protection that

allows you to move quickly through checkpoints when returning to the US

from an international trip. The program is essentially an app that you can

download for free on your iOS or Android device. The app allows you to store your

passport and personal information, then when you arrive back into the country,

you'll complete the customs declaration form on the app itself, rather than

filling out the blue form, which basically translates into five quick

questions on the app. Then when you land, you'll submit the form which goes to CBP

and you'll immediately get an electronic receipt which contains a custom barcode.

And that's valid for four hours. Once you get to the customs line at the

airport, look for the Mobile Passport sign, and when you get to the CBP officer,

just show them the barcode so they can scan it.

Once the system verifies the information you should be cleared to go. It's really

that simple and easy. So, if you plan to use it, here are some extra things to

consider and keep in mind. Number 1: Family members. If you're traveling with

multiple family members, you don't have to load the app on separate devices. The

app allows you to create up to 12 additional profiles within a single app.

This makes it easy when traveling with kids. Number 2:

Limited airports. As of early 2018, Mobile Passport is only available at 25

airports. I expect this list to grow, but it's important to check whether your

arrival airport is on the list. Number 3: Connectivity. Since you need to submit

your entered information to CBP, you'll need to have some sort of

connectivity when you land. This shouldn't be a problem for most folks as

most people have a data plan these days. But I know that sometimes my reception

can be a bit slow and unreliable when I arrive at a crowded airport. I would suggest

turning on your phone as soon as you land so you can submit it while your

plane is taxiing to the gate. I would also avoid trying to

submit it when you're in the customs area, as you might have limited service

and connectivity in those areas. Number 4: Eligibility. As of February 2018,

only US citizens and Canadian visitors can use the service. Lawful permanent

residents are not eligible to use the program, but CBP says they're looking to

expand the service soon. So how does this compare to Global Entry? Well, if you

haven't seen our Global Entry video, make sure you check it out. I won't go through

all the details, but Global Entry requires you to answer the same

questions on a special kiosk when you get to customs. The cost is $100, but the

service lasts for five years and includes TSA PreCheck, which is an

awesome bonus and honestly one of the biggest advantages to the program. If you

have Global Entry already then you probably won't need Mobile Passport.

However, I've heard of folks who set up a Mobile Passport just in case the line is

shorter than the Global Entry line. It's not a bad strategy and can probably save

you some time and effort when going through customs. Have you used the Mobile

Passport service? If so, please share your experience below. And if you have any

questions, let us know. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit

the "like" button and consider subscribing. Also, visit our website and sign up for

our newsletter for travel articles, updates, and information on giveaways. Until next

time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> How to Get a Mobile Passport | Is it Better Than Global Entry? - Duration: 3:31.



For more infomation >> STEAM BEDAVA OYUN ALMA 2018 (PUBG,FOREST,RUST) - Duration: 2:15.


The Time Josh McDaniels Almost Became the 49ers Head Coach - Duration: 8:11.

Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers and going to

be talking about Josh McDaniels. Now, you're wondering why I'm talking about

Josh McDaniels in a 49er video. So I'm going to get to the nitty gritty right now.

So if you don't know already for the past couple of days that transpired

between him and the Indianapolis Colts, McDaniels had agreed to go to the

Indianapolis Colts, but then later that day is like nope, no more! I'm going to be

staying in New England now with Coach Belichick and maybe taking over for

Belichick after he leaves. No guarantees there. Just putting that out there just

in case. I don't know if that's going to be happening, but we'll see what happens

with Coach Belichick after the debacle I would say in the Super Bowl with the

whole Malcolm Butler incident and his defense not really doing a good job

against the Philadelphia Eagles, but that should be for another time. Right now,

Josh McDaniels? Pretty classless move I would say. I think everyone can agree

with me. Just a shady move on the Patriots organization themselves,

particularly probably Robert Kraft had something to do with this because he

wanted to get back at him [Colts] from Deflategate. I think that's a pretty true theory

right there. I don't think it's a complete truth, but I think there's some

merit to that just because of Deflategate and what have you. Just a little

back story right there. I want to talk about Josh McDaniels just because of the

fact that last year, he almost agreed to take a deal with the 49ers at the head

coach of the 49ers instead of Kyle Shanahan, but it didn't happen.

Kyle Shanahan is our coach right now. He ended up taking that job last year and

what have you. I'm just going to be asking what he'd be doing a good job right now

in San Francisco as opposed to Kyle Shanahan? Let's get into it.

Now, Josh McDaniels. He was the assistant coach for the Patriots I think for the

three Super Bowls for the early 2000s and then went to Denver in 2009-2010.

Got fired there. Had a videotaping scandal like the Spygate incident with

the Patriots against the 49ers of all teams. So that's pretty cool I guess.

Ew, that was a pretty bad thing for the Broncos. That's pretty much what it got

him fired and then St. Louis, he took a coffee break there. Was very bad in

St. Louis to be honest with you. I know they didn't have any talent, but still.

Ranked 32nd in offense, considering the fact that he was leading Tom Brady

to a Super Bowl in the undefeated season in 2007. Brady pretty much broke almost

every single record. Randy Moss was a freaking beast with 23 touchdowns.

I don't know how you go for that, all the way to 32nd in offense and when offense

your specialty. So that's pretty weird there. Then he goes back to New England

and with Tom Brady again? With Brady boy? Boom! He's like the number

one offense. He's leading the league in offense and what have you. I don't know

that's under his part I got to give credit to or I give credit to Bill Belichick.

Probably going to be giving credit to Bill Belichick because the pit

stops that he made in Denver and St. Louis? Ew, not really good for Josh McDaniels.

Whenever he leaves Brady boy, whenever he's not there, pretty much Josh

McDaniels fails anywhere else he goes and that's pretty disappointing. I think

it was a pretty good move that Jed York, McDaniels didn't agree to anything and

Kyle Shanahan ended up agreeing because I feel like Kyle Shanahan before he got

hired, I thought he was a better choice for the 49ers than Josh McDaniels.

I don't be a prisoner in the moment right now with the five-game winning streak,

but I feel like Kyle Shanahan long term would have been better than Josh

McDaniels because Kyle Shanahan has had a history with quarterbacks of all kinds,

from dual threat to regular pocket passers. You look at RG3 in

Washington. You look at Brian Hoyer in Cleveland and then you look at Matt Ryan

from Atlanta with the Super Bowl year. Like, his resume spoke for himself. He was

dealing with a lot of other quarterbacks besides a one franchisor like Matt Ryan

I guess you can say. Matt Ryan, I would consider him a franchise quarterback.

He didn't deal with him the whole season. There was multiple quarterbacks and he

had success with all of them as with McDaniels, he'd only had success with Brady

pretty much. Brady could succeed with any offensive coordinator in my opinion.

I don't know if they win the Super Bowl, but he can pretty much get to the Super

Bowl with any offensive coordinator and then when he left New England to go

somewhere else, he was pretty terrible. I think that was a red flag right there

for everyone in San Francisco I guess. For Jed York, it was a good idea to go

with Kyle Shanahan looking back. Also, Bill Belichick's assistant coaches

besides McDaniels. They'd all been terrible I would say as a pro coach and

even college as well. You look at Charlie Weis. How do you do bad in college of all things?

I know college isn't as easy as high

school or whatever, but it should be hell of a lot easier than the NFL because

you're dealing with men in the NFL. You have to deal with the draft. You don't

get to recruit players. You pretty much have a limit on what you can do in

the NFL and you pretty much have no freedom. Just ask Nick Saban and Jim

Harbaugh right now, although Jim Harbaugh did a really good job in the NFL, but he

has almost complete freedom in Michigan. Nick Saban has complete freedom in

Alabama as he didn't with the Miami Dolphins and what have you and Jim

Harbaugh didn't have freedom in San Francisco as well. He pretty much got

fired for doing a pretty good job in San Francisco, but another story, another time.

Don't want to talk about that. So Charlie Weis didn't do a good job.

Romeo Crennel was a bad coach for the Kansas City Chiefs. Eric Mangini was not a good

coach for Cleveland and/or New York, although he was the guy that whistle

blowed Bill Belichick in the whole Spygate incident. So hahaha. There's a little

fact for you guys. I don't know. I mean, Bill Belichick. He is a mastermind. He is

one of the greatest coaches in NFL history. Say what you want about

the Super Bowl debacle that he had against the Philadelphia Eagles a week

ago, but still. It doesn't tarnish the fact that he's still a great coach and

any assistant coach that goes anywhere else, they just don't do a good job

because it's mostly Bill Belichick that does all the work in New England.

The only coach that's had success outside of New England, another assistant coach is

Bill O'Brien for the Houston Texas and he used to coach Penn State as I said

before and then took the job with Houston. He's doing a pretty good job I

would say. I know they make the playoffs this year. I know he had a pretty bad

season record wise, but Deshaun Watson was out and he had a pretty bad quarterback situation.

He had a bad quarterback situation the whole time he was there, except when

he got the Deshaun Watson. That was like the only franchise quarterback he's ever

had pretty much and hopefully Deshaun Watson can get healthy and get ready for

2018 season, but Bill O'Brien. He's had some success in Houston. Not too bad of a job.

He's like Kyle Shanahan. Offensive coordinator/head coach. He calls all the plays.

He coordinates everything on the offensive side of the ball as well

as Kyle Shanahan and he has responsibilities as a head coach as well. So pretty

interesting there if you didn't know, but Josh McDaniels. I don't think he's a

leader of men. I think he's a little immature, I still think he's immature.

I mean, as we see with the situation with the Indianapolis Colts. Not a really

good sign for him and if he wants to get a job somewhere else, people better be

weary of getting Josh McDaniels and I know he's been doing a good job in New

England, but still. You got a credit Tom Brady and Bill Belichick for doing that

themselves over Josh McDaniels. If he takes another job, I think he keeps the

same mentality of being immature and being the guy that thinks he knows everything

I feel like he doesn't change after all. I mean, most of the time people

don't really change personalities. I feel if he took the 49ers head coaching job last year,

I feel like we wouldn't do a good job.

I don't know Bill Belichick was willing to deal Jimmy Garoppolo to the 49ers had

Josh McDaniels been here this year, but hey. I don't know. That's just a what if.

I'm happy that Kyle Shanahan got it. So I'm not too disappointed at all.

I think short term, McDaniels would do a good job for the 49ers for the next year

or two, but then after that, he'll just wear out. He'll be out with the 49ers

probably in 3-4 years if Jed York gives you 3-4 years as a head

coach with the 49ers. I know he's going to give Kyle Shanahan extra time to do

a good job with the 49ers, but McDaniels? I don't know. I think his

patients will wear out under Jed York and he would be gone pretty quickly I

would say. That's just how I feel about McDaniels. So I'm really happy that we

Kyle Shanahan. Not too disappointed at all. In hindsight, I was not wrong

about Kyle Shanahan. I thought he was a better coach in my opinion than

McDaniels, but hey. That's just my opinion and I kind of got lucky right there with

my pick of Kyle Shanahan over Josh McDaniels. I think this whole debacle

with the Colts pretty much proves everything that McDaniels is and what he is not.

He's a pretty good I guess offensive coordinator if you want to exclude the

St. Louis Rams, but he's a terrible head coach I would say and I don't think he'd

be improving his head coaching stock anytime soon. So that's pretty much it

you guys. I just want to talk about Josh McDaniels because he was on the news and

we were really close to getting him last year and I don't know if it was going to be

a good season or not. I don't know if it was going to be a good future. He might have

been a big debacle like it was in Denver, but I don't know. Don't want to do any

crazy speculations like that, but whatever. So please let me know what you

guys think about Josh McDaniels. Would he be good fit for the 49ers had he been

the head coach of the 49ers last year and coming into this year as well?

So please type it down below. Would he be better than Kyle Shanahan. Do all that

cool stuff and if you guys like this, please "Like," SUBSCRIBE, do whatever you

want this and I'll be catching you guys up tomorrow or next week because I think

I'm going to be taking a little break from making videos. I think three a week is a

pretty good fit for you guys and don't want to over blow your subscription

boxes with all these videos and what have you. So I'll see you all next week.

Probably talking about more about the draft and free agency.

Bye guys. Love ya'll!

For more infomation >> The Time Josh McDaniels Almost Became the 49ers Head Coach - Duration: 8:11.


7 Reasons why we Love our Favorite Pokemon | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 6:32.

Intro: Whether it be for appearance, competitive play, or a special and unique story, we all

have a different reason behind our favorite Pokemon.

Today, I will be going through all of the main reasons and also give you the reason

why I love my favorite Pokemon.

This is Pokemon Insider, and these are 7 reasons why we love our favorite Pokemon.

Appearance: One of the easiest reasons to point out for

why we like Pokemon is their look.

Some like them cool, some like them cute, and others like them quirky.

I'm sure there are other ways we like our Pokemon to look as well, but the point here

is that we like our Pokemon for what they look like.

Some of my personal favorites design wise are Rayquaza, Beedrill's mega evolution,

and Scizor.

One of the best things about Pokemon is the variety of designs, so there are so many out

there to love.

Battling: Pokemon can get very competitive, and there

are a lot of people out there who pick their favorite Pokemon based on how good they are

at battling.

It doesn't have to be strictly competitive though.

A lot of people just enjoy battling with certain Pokemon.

I, for example, really like using Pokemon like Starmie and Venusaur in battle.

They definitely aren't entirely overpowered or anything, but I just like using them.

Despite competitive play being a little polarizing, when it comes to Pokemon battles, there are

almost limitless possibilities, and it's no wonder people like the dynamics.

The TV Show: I'm sure everyone out there has a Pokemon

from the TV show that they just loved.

It could have been on Ash's team, or just a one-time appearance Pokemon, but all we

know is that it is awesome.

Pokemon like Lucario made huge impressions when they get the spotlight, and it's because

of the way we see them in a more detailed light that we love them even more.

I know for a fact that Lucario is one of my favorites just from its movie, and there are

plenty of other Pokemon with just as good stories.

Shiny Pokemon: Finding shiny Pokemon is one of the greatest

joys in life, and finding your first is a moment you'll never forget.

This is a popular reason for choosing your favorite Pokemon, as is the case for me.

As many of you know, Bellsprout is my favorite Pokemon because it was my first shiny, and

the excitement it brought me was priceless.

I know I'll never forget my first shiny, and there are probably plenty of you with

the same mindset.

Moment in the Story: Playing through a new Pokemon game for the

first time is an experience that never gets old, and the Pokemon you use in that first

journey always become special.

It could be the first Pokemon you chose from the professor, or it could be the starting

bug Pokemon, it really could be any Pokemon you chose throughout the game.

What's important is that it's your Pokemon, and it means something to you.

When you make memories throughout the play-through, the Pokemon on your team become unforgettable.

Trading Cards: If you grew up around the same time I did,

Pokemon cards were a big part of your childhood, and when you had the coolest card, you became

the king or queen of the school.

The TCG also has a big competitive scene, and if you have a good deck, that could be

really memorable.

I know I had a decent Darkrai EX deck back in the Black and White days, and that's

a big reason Darkrai is one of my favorite Legendary Pokemon.

It may not be big for everyone, but the Trading Cards can make a big impact.

Lore: A lot of Pokemon have interesting backstories.

For example, Mimikyu has a really sad history behind it, and a lot of people, myself included,

just want to give it a hug and tell it everything will be okay.

Plenty of Pokemon have intriguing stories behind them, and if you are the type to delve

deep into Pokemon, those types of things can really draw you close to a Pokemon.

And there you have it.

Those are the 7 reasons I came up with on why we love our favorite Pokemon.

What is your favorite Pokemon and why do you love it?

If your reason wasn't in this list, feel free to let me know!

Thank you so much for watching, and stick around if you're curious

on what's been

going on


where I've been.

For more infomation >> 7 Reasons why we Love our Favorite Pokemon | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 6:32.


Pokemon ultra soleil ☀ épisodes 22 la capture de artikoding - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> Pokemon ultra soleil ☀ épisodes 22 la capture de artikoding - Duration: 14:13.


Conversation and slang with Philadelphia Eagles fans - Duration: 6:57.

Today you're going to meet lots of very happy people, and get some great listening practice

with natural spoken English.

You're going to learn some colloquial expressions and slang.

So come with me and let's hit the streets of Philadelphia.

You're here today celebrating at the parade.

Have you been to the parade?

Yes we did.

It was lit.

Last Sunday the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, and today milions of people have

come to the city to celebrate at the parade.

Where have you come from?

Err, South Philly.


Wow, the celebrations must have been big there.

It is.

We followed the whole parade all the way up.

Where have you come from today?

I came from Delaware County.

Delaware County.

So quite a journey.

Was it difficult getting in?

It wasn't too bad.

We took the train.

It took about an hour and then we had to take a subway ride.

Was it worth it?


This was worth it ten times over.

It's the best day of my life.

I'm getting married next year.

That'll be the best day, but right now, this is the best day of my life.

Great day, great day, great day.

Go Birds!

Are you an Eagles fan?

Oh yeah!

What did you think of the game on Sunday?

Well I was actually there.

My Dad took me.


And well, I was like frozen for like an hour when I found out that the Eagles won.

So like, I...

I was speechless.

Oh, it was phenomenal.

It was a great game.

I mean Philly did amazing.

But I mean in general both teams played wonderfully, but obviously Philly came out.

It was a wish come true for every Eagles fan.

What do you think of the celebrations today?

Oh it was wild.

It was really cold out here, but you know what, being around all of the other Eagles

fans made it good.

It was a blast.

We had an absolute blast today.

It's been great.

Nothing really bad happening.

Everyone's loving it.

People are..

I mean people are drinking, but people are having a good time.

It's like everyone's supporting people.

High fiving everyone.

It's really a good time.

It is, isn't it?

It's a very happy crowd.

Great celebrations, yeah.

I mean...

There's no one better in the entire nation than Philly fans.

Philly fans are so dedicated but everyone's being safe so it's a good day today.

We heard lots slang and informal expressions there, so let's take a look at some.

Did you know this phrase?

Have you been to the parade?

Yes we did.

It was lit.

This is a slang expression and 'lit' means exciting.

So if a party is lit, it's exciting.

Next one.

Where have you come from?

Err, South Philly.

Philly - this is what the locals call Philadelphia.

It's an abbreviation.

So South Philly is the south part of Philadelphia.

Easy huh?

Next one.

This is the best day of my life.

Great day, great day, great day.

Go Birds!

The name of the Philadelphia football team is the Eagles, and an eagle is a bird.

So another word people use for the team is the birds.

But notice the word 'go' here.

This is like an instruction, telling the birds to advance and attack.

In informal spoken English, people say 'go' to encourage one another - especially in American



Next one?

This guy was interesting.

And well, I was like frozen for like an hour when I found out that the Eagles won.

So like, I...

I was speechless.

Speechless means not able to speak, and in this case it was because he was so happy and


But notice how he uses the word 'like' here.

Like has lots of meanings in English and in colloquial English, you'll hear it used as

a filler word, especially among young people.

We all use noises like err and um when we need to think.

They fill gaps and spaces and make our speech flow more smoothly.

'Like' is another one and with young people it can sometimes signal an exaggeration.


Next one.

Is this phrase grammatical?

Oh it was phenomenal.

It was a great game.

I mean Philly did amazing.

It's NOT grammatical.

You'd have to say Philly did amazingly to make it correct.

BUT if you listen to the next bit, you can see this guy knows how to use adverbs correctly.

But I mean in general both teams played wonderfully but obviously Philly came out.

He used the adverb there.

So what's happening here?

Well, 'They did amazing' is just a phrase we say in informal spoken English.

Sports commentators say things like 'He kicked the ball in magic' instead of 'He kicked it

in magically'.

Using an adjective instead of an adverb is common in some spoken English expressions

and I think they're examples of how the language is changing.

OK, last one.

It was really cold out here.

But you know what, being around all the other Eagles fans made it good.

It was a blast.

We had an absolute blast today.

A blast can mean a sudden gust of wind, or a sudden loud noise, but here it means something


Again it's an informal expression and it means an enjoyable and exciting experience.

Like, everyone had a blast at the parade today and we had a blast making today's video.

We hope you enjoyed it too.

If you did, please make sure you subscribe to our channel and see you next Friday.

Fly Eagles, fly!

On the road to victory.

Fight Eagles, fight.

Score a touch down 1,2,3.

Hit 'em low.

Hit 'em high.

And watch our Eagles fly.

Fly Eagles, fly.

On the road to victory.


For more infomation >> Conversation and slang with Philadelphia Eagles fans - Duration: 6:57.


Supernatural 13x14 Promo "Good Intentions" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Supernatural 13x14 Promo "Good Intentions" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.


Pokemon ultra soleil ☀ épisodes 23 la capture de xerneas - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Pokemon ultra soleil ☀ épisodes 23 la capture de xerneas - Duration: 11:00.


Petal Passion Wrapping Paper - Duration: 4:01.

hi thanks for joining me this is angie at chic n scratch this is the project

we're making today i'm actually showing you how to use designer series paper as

wrapping paper so during my Facebook live video I showed how to get the

measurements that video is still over there so if you want to see how to do

that it is still there this designer series paper measures 5 by 9 and a half

and this is the petal passion it's in the occasions catalog now I'm gonna

cover glue dots but you can cover anything that you would like I showed my

downline gifts in my live video and I'll get those and show them to you in just a

minute it's not glue dots that's in my package though it's something different

ok so I just want to make crisp edges just like wrapping a gift and then all

I'm gonna do is just put a little bit of adhesive here you can use whatever

adhesive you want ok now I want to make sure that it's the equal distance from

each side and we're just gonna wrap it just like a present which I love

wrapping presents I have found that most people either love wrapping presents or

hate wrapping presents I'm one that loves it ok now this side and that Nate

I'll show you the ones for my downline

here they are and like I said those are not glue dots

ok we're using petal palette stamp set love it

I'll show you a card that I made for my downline a few months ago and that cute

just simple okay let's use basic black ink to stamp our bird and the same color

ink for the thank you okay so while I'm making this head over to my website

leave a comment on this post I'm going to give this one's

going to the Facebook Friday winner and then this one's going to go to those of

you that leave a comment on my website so one winner I'll post it next week

next Friday okay sponge dauber soft sky and now we're going to cut this out with

the two inch circle punch and I want to make sure I leave room at the bottom for

the Baker's twine I'm going to cut out a starburst basic black okay silver then

basic black Baker's twine

okay I'm just gonna trim the ends and then I'm gonna get a glue dot add it

place it right where I want it and then I'm gonna add the twine that way I know

exactly where it's going and then we're gonna add this to the box or the

dimensional get all this stuff off my table here and that cute okay there they

are have a great day thanks a lot


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