Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

hey guys! it's Hashtag Zoe! welcome back to my channel! so for today's video I'm gonna

be telling you the things that single people do when they don't have a BAE on

Valentine's Day so when you do have a Valentine on Valentine's Day normally

they get you presents like chocolate or flowers or whatever, but chocolate is like

the main thing. like the chocolate hearts really cute super cute I like that idea

except I don't have a Valentine to get me chocolates on Valentine's Day so I

just get them for myself so obviously after you buy the chocolate for yourself

naturally you need to eat two chocolate by yourself and you can't just eat it

like normal like just have oh well just have one you're gonna try every every

single candy in that box because you need to know the flavor of each one


no you know what I bought this for myself I'm gonna eat myself

it just takes time so this is the kind of thing that happens before Valentine's

Day when someone is hoping me to have a Valentine or to have their crush ask

them to be there Valentine or something like that and a lot of times it doesn't

it doesn't really turn out quite the way that you want it to oh my god I forgot

to tell you you know that really cute guy Justin in our science class the

other day he asked for my phone number yeah no he hasn't called me yet but I

hold on I'm getting another call hello hi Zoe

hi I hope you are having a be a beautiful day today thank you yeah

actually I'm having a lot I'm having a really beautiful day mmm I'm sure you

are with your sunny personality at all ah speaking of sunny for today only we

have a 50% special of solar panels for your home might you be interested I'm

sorry is this just I'm not interested so

the next one happens a lot in movies and TV a lot but this is kind of the one

where you know if no one else is gonna send you flowers set yourself some damn

flowers okay self-love is important guys love yourself! Be your own Valentine

Flowers for Hashtag Zoe! thank you

the next one is so lovely um when your mom calls you to a wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

because you don't have a boyfriend, so she feels bad and she needs to call you

instead. dude it wasn't even Justin I know whatever it's fine it's fine

wait I'm getting another call I'll call you back I'll call you bye bye I'm here

hi mom! wait what number are you calling from?

Oh Judith's house! no no I still don't have a boyfriend and I don't really want

to meet Judith's grandson! it's fine yeah it's really okay so if you guys didn't

know the other name for Valentine's Day is #singleAwarenessDay

#ValentinesDayismybae #ValentinesDay

#single4Ever #single5ever #HashtagZoe anyway you guys thanks so

much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up and

if you don't have a Valentine this year I'll be your Valentine you can send me

chocolate any way all my social media links are down below and I will see you

guys in my next video bye

When You Don't Have a Bae on Valentine's Day!

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> When You Don't Have a Bae on Valentine's Day! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 5:14.


What You Don't Know About The Mother Of Tom Brady's Oldest Son - Duration: 4:02.

Bridget Moynahan is a force to be reckoned with.

She started her career as a model, and before long, she transitioned into television and

film acting.

Her ex, Tom Brady, is the father of her son, so gossip about her personal life has sometimes

overshadowed her career.

But her life goes far beyond tabloid headlines.

Here's what you may not know about Bridget Moynahan.

Single mom

Football superstar Tom Brady and Moynahan were in a relationship for three years before

splitting in 2006.

Brady had already moved on to his now-wife, Gisele Bündchen, when Moynahan revealed she

was pregnant.

In addition to her initial fears associated with being a single mother, the actress also

felt nervous to tell her family.

She told Harper's Bazaar,

"When you're suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side …it's a hard conversation.

I'm a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that's the way I'd

be doing this."

It didn't take long for Moynahan to adjust to being a mother.

She relished her pregnancy, saying that she felt, quote, "beautiful" while, quote, "creating

life on a daily basis."

Once her son was born, the proud mom admitted to being the kind of person who can't stop

talking about their kids, saying,

"I have become that mother I used to dread.

Every time he does something, you think he's a genius."

When she spoke to Parade about the challenges of balancing motherhood with a social life,

she shared,

"I'd rather spend time with my son than anyone in the world.

But I think it's also important to take care of yourself.

Make time to see your girlfriends or get to the gym.

If you're only working or only spending time with your family, you're out of balance.

You have to make you a priority."

45 over 25

Some people age gracefully.

For others, like Moynahan, age isn't even a factor.

After being asked whether she viewed her 45th birthday as a milestone, she told Parade in


"I really don't pay attention to age.

I got married last year, I look good and I'm having a lot of fun, so I don't really know

when age matters."

"I finally figured it out in my 40s that when it works it works, and there doesn't have

to be drama."

The actress went on to say that she'd "rather be 45 than 25," adding,

"I think of things that really bothered me at 20, it's like, 'Why did I waste so much

energy on that?'"

Moynahan says she has her mother, who is, quote, "Grace Kelly beautiful" to thank for

her youthful looks.

She also eats healthy, doesn't smoke, and drinks a lot of water.

Hidden talent

Eating healthy doesn't mean shunning your favorite foods — and Moynahan thinks the

key is simply to have balance.

Though she avoids junk food, she told the Los Angeles Times she does love anything "salty,

and buttery and creamy."

Luckily, she has a knack for making homemade treats, a skill she learned from her mother.

The actress turned her love for food into a second career as an author when she wrote

The Blue Bloods Cookbook, which was heavily influenced by recipes from her mother.

"There's a lot of recipes from my family of what I grew up on.

There are some that were inspired from the dinners that we actually had on the show,

No ditzy roles

Moynahan has played strong characters throughout her career.

She told Irish America that she gravitates towards material where the women are intelligent

and powerful, adding,

"I think in a lot of the romantic comedies the women are portrayed as being kind of ditzy,

and I just can't relate to it.

So I think it is harder for me to pursue those parts."

President Smith?

Moynahan has nothing but good things to say about her I, Robot co-star, Will Smith.

When asked by Future Movies in 2004 if she thought her leading man should run for president,

Moynahan laughed, saying,

"I think about anybody should at this point."

She does think her friend and fellow actor has some serious leadership skills, though.

She explained,

"He impressed me so much in the running of his life, business, his commitment to his

family and friends.

So he is a role model and there are not many of them around.

To have someone like him as a politician would not only be great — but unusual."

Navigating tabloid fodder

Life as a celebrity can be difficult, especially when your private life becomes tabloid fodder.

Moynahan told Self,

"My personal life has been so public, which is an oxymoron."

She said that in all situations, she tries to follow her mantra, which is to "find the


In order to keep her spirits up, she put up a "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster in her house.

She added,

"It's amazing how easy it is for everyone to talk about the negatives.

The negative drama is just going to bring you down.

You just have to rise above and take the high road and focus on the most important and positive

aspect of the situation.

There's always a positive part.

It's life."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What You Don't Know About The Mother Of Tom Brady's Oldest Son - Duration: 4:02.


Pias Tipp für Aloe Heat Lotion - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Pias Tipp für Aloe Heat Lotion - Duration: 8:57.


5 Creepiest Supernatural Unsolved Mysteries That Can Not Be explained - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepiest Supernatural Unsolved Mysteries That Can Not Be explained - Duration: 11:06.


Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [2. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [2. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 6:31.


No sense e bestemie su CS:GO w/TrustyZeus - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> No sense e bestemie su CS:GO w/TrustyZeus - Duration: 14:46.


Rule 1: Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back - Duration: 15:14.

What is going on guys, Jake here, and today

I've got a video that I'm actually pretty excited to make. And this is a video that's been

sort of in the making for the last few months ever since I heard about this book that I'm really excited about.

I've been like anticipating it for I don't know probably four or five months, and it's finally here. I ordered this book on Amazon.

I've been reading it for about two weeks now give or take. I've

only scratched the surface of this book.

I'm only about into the second chapter so while I want to call this like a book review, that comes later, down the line,

but this is gonna be a first chapter review of

Jordan B. Peterson's 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos and for anyone who doesn't know Jordan Peterson,

I've talked about him in one of my previous videos, and I'm probably gonna talk about him in a lot of my other videos.

This should basically be like a Jordan Peterson

fan club page at this point, but nevertheless.

Fantastic book so far, like I said, I'm only in the first chapter of this. It's pretty lengthy. The first chapter is about

28 pages, but I'm really, I'm loving it so far. Jordan Peterson, for anyone who doesn't know, quick introduction.

He's a clinical psychologist, and he was an associate professor at Harvard and

he's now a professor at the University of Toronto. I mean if you go on YouTube quite often

you've probably seen Jordan Peterson. He has his own channel on YouTube,

it's got like almost a million subscribers, but he's gain-

he's been gaining a lot of traction, the things he's been saying and the ideas he's been discussing. It's been gaining a lot, traction

especially on social media and especially on YouTube. He's been like blowing up over the last few months especially.

I like to call him like, like our, our time's most famous psychologist, but

nonetheless. We're gonna dive into the first chapter here, and I'm not going to be reading the entire chapter.

I'm not going to be breaking it down or analyzing it but but yeah


12 Rules for Life: An Antidote To Chaos and so as you'd expect the chapters are broken down. Each chapter represents a rule and these

are his twelve rules that he feels if you follow these and adopt these to your life

it would- it wouldn't guarantee a happy and successful life, but it would definitely set you on the right track.

That's his intention for this book. It's not- it's not some kind of a gospel. Rule one:

stand up straight with your shoulders back.

You can see this picture of a little girl and her friend, and they're looking at a lobster exhibit.

It's a big tank full of a few lobsters and lobsters

are, it's, there's a, kinda like the main theme of this first chapter; lobsters dominate this first chapter and

Jordan Peterson himself has said

in videos and of course he says it in the book too that he has sort of an affinity for lobsters.

And he explains why here. So, rule one:

stand up straight with your shoulders back. That in itself is great advice and he dives into it and in twenty eight pages so

it's sort of lengthy, but rule one: stand up straight with your shoulders back. He talks about lobsters and

he really, he delved into the,

the topic of how we can learn a lot from lobsters, these


350 million- year- old

organisms, these crustaceans.

How much we can learn from them and one of the main things that he talks about a lot in the chapter are

how how we could model our society based off of lobsters

and how they live. So, well he uses the example of

two lobsters, two male lobsters who are attempting to be dominant, are trying to rise up in the dominance hierarchy which is

another theme in the chapter. It's about the dominance hierarchy and,

so you have two lobsters, two male lobsters fighting each other and there are various stages of their fight. The lobster that eventually

you know, reigns victorious and comes out

winning the fight,

he actually in a way you could say he stands up

you know taller and straighter with its shoulders back in a way probably more of a, more of a crawl.

But if they do stand up, their chest comes out a little more

and they do stand a little taller

and they occupy more space around

them. So, a lobster that's victorious in a fight, the lobster starts occupying more space.

What this does for the lobster when the lobster feels more confident because these levels of serotonin that are in his body are like off-the-charts

and serotonin is

an important chemical in your body that really helps with confidence and overall like just feeling good about yourself.

So, naturally, the lobster who comes out victorious with a fight, it has these

boosted levels of serotonin in it, in its system, and it starts occupying more space because it feels more

confident and feels like it can control more space because it has a right to because it won that fight.

And so, what that communicates to other people is that he's confident.

And the other people like, especially male lobsters, shouldn't get in his way. What this does for him the benefits are

well, there's three different benefits. One: he has a better selection to potential mates, potential females. Two:

he has a better selection, a better choice of

habitats, with different kind of shelters.

And three: he has a better chance at food. Now,

let's talk about the lobster that doesn't, that doesn't win, that actually, that's the loser at the fight.

S,o the lobster that comes out of the fight who loses turns into this sort of a coward. So Jordan says here

talking about the aftermath of the fight. He says high serotonin, low octo- octo-

octopamine, characterizes the victor.

The opposite neurochemical configuration, a high ratio of octopamine-

I think I'm saying that right- octopamine-to- serotonin produces a defeated looking, scrunched up, inhibited, drooping,

skulking sort of lobster, you know very likely to hang around street corners and to vanish at the first hint of trouble.

So what he's saying is a defeated lobster is turned into a coward and so, I just, we just discussed the benefits of

a lobster that wins and the benefits that come from, from winning that fight. He struts his stuff around, he's more

confident, he spreads himself out more, gets all the girls. He gets the best chance at food, gets the best chances for shelter,

you know, he's able to occupy enough space. The defeated lobster on the other hand, it's like the exact opposite.

He gets like you know the very bottom like the food scraps. You know at the bottom of the table.

That's what he gets as far as food. As far as girls,

little to no chance of success with girls because he's not confident, his confidence has been totally shattered after losing that fight and, and he

could try and go and fight again, but, but with every fight

he loses his chances of ever winning and like regaining his confidence and redeeming himself go lower and

lower and lower.

So, his confidence goes lower and lower, he droops more like

literally droops more and kind of has his face more pressed into the sand. Not as good of a selection with girls.

Most, most females aren't even gonna want to mess with him. Not gonna have as great of a selection with food.

He's gonna get mostly scraps from whatever is left behind above them.

You know, he'll wait for stuff to fall down. And, not a great chance at shelter or at least very good,

you know, effective shelter it's gonna be things that that are gonna be exposing him to the enemies, while the

courageous and the confident lobster that comes out victorious from that fight,

he's gonna have the best

chance at shelter. He's gonna have the shelter that's gonna put him away from the bigger guys in the ocean. So then of course Jordan

goes on to translate this into our lives, because he doesn't spend the whole chapter talking about lobsters

obviously. And this one part here, one part here that I found pretty profound: if you slump around with the same bearing that

characterizes a defeated lobster, people will assign you a lower status and the old counter that you share with

crustaceans sitting at the very like, base of your brain will assign you a low dominance number. Then, your brain will not produce as much


This will make you less happy and more anxious and sad and more likely to back down when you should stand up for yourself.

It will also decrease the probability that you'll get to live in a good neighborhood, have access to the highest quality resources, and

obtain a healthy, desirable mate.

It'll render

you more likely to abuse cocaine and alcohol as you live for the present in a world full of

uncertain futures. It will increase your susceptibility to heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

All in all, it's just not good. And this is the reason why this chapter even exists.

He's stressing the importance of

standing up straight with your shoulders back and the benefits it can have for you, which is what he states at the very end

of the chapter here

he says, "So attend carefully to your posture. Quit drooping and hunching over.

Speak your mind. Put your desires forward as if you had a right to them, at least the same right as others.

Walk tall and gaze forthrightly ahead. Dare to be dangerous.

Encourage the serotonin to flow plentifully through the neural pathways desperate for its calming influence. People, including yourself,

will start to assume that you're competent, and able, or at least they won't immediately conclude the opposite.

Emboldened by the positive responses you are now receiving, you'll begin to be less anxious.

You'll then find it easier to pay attention to the subtle social cues that

people exchange when they're communicating. Your conversations will flow better with fewer awkward pauses. This will make you more likely to

meet people and interact with them and impress them. Doing so will not only generally increase the probability that good things will happen to you,

but it'll also make those good things feel better when they do happen," and ends the chapter with,

"Look for your inspiration to the victorious lobster with its

350 million years of practical wisdom," which is something that blew me away right there.

"Stand up straight

with your shoulders back." He's stressing the importance of standing up straight with your shoulders back and,

so after I read that chapter, I started doing that and I

made it a


reminder for myself. So, whenever I step out the door in the morning, I'd be reminding myself during the day you know - like

I'd be walking down the street or walking to class or something, walking down the sidewalk,

and I'll remind myself to stand up a little straight and put my shoulders back.

And it felt kind of uncomfortable at first and it felt weird to always be like forcing myself to do that.

What actually happened over time and this is true, it actually happened.

It's just what Jordan said. I started feeling a little more confident.

So I was able to walk up to someone and and look them in the eyes

while I was talking to them and that's something I've struggled with for a while now. I've struggled with confidence in the past.

I've always thought that I never really started gaining confidence at all or really, really just

realizing that I lacked in confidence in the first place until

about halfway through my senior year of high school.

That's a long time to go without being confident.

But I really wanted that to change going into my first year of college, so this was like,

like an eye-opener, and so I started employing these tactics.

I really, I started standing up straighter with shoulders back whether I was

talking to people or walking, or I was sitting, which is something that I still have to work on. Posture for some reason, sitting is

a lot harder to work on and remember to fix

than standing up straight. But regardless,

I started standing up straighter with my shoulders back when I was walking or talking to people and I did like, I almost instantly

pretty much instantly felt more confident when I was talking to people. My conversations did start feeling better,

and one of the reasons was because I was able to make eye contact with people,

one of the reasons why was because I was standing up straighter.

He says in part of the chapter that standing up straighter,

it shows that you're more comfortable because you're opening yourself up, and what that shows is

opening yourself up when you're standing up straight with your shoulders back

you're exposing all of your vital organs.

And that shows that you're actually comfortable and you're confident that no one's going to do you any harm.

And that's what happens with the victorious lobster. The lobster is victorious from that fight, and he's confident.

He struts his stuff 'round when he's walking, he has his chest out, and it shows that like yes, okay,

so here's all of his vital organs, and you puncture those,

he's probably dead.

But he doesn't worry about that because he knows no one's going to mess with him and that's sort of the same thing and

this is something Jordan talks about.

We're actually not as different from lobsters as we think, we're not very different from

many animals in the animal kingdom that we think we are. A lot of this confidence and

you know, being able to interact socially with people and have success in our

conversations that everything, it's feeling more confident, and feeling good about ourselves, and

getting the results we want from the interactions with people in our daily lives, a lot of it actually just boils down to

instinct - animal instinct and we can look at animals like the lobster and learn a lot and

remember that we're actually not that different. So sometimes all it boils down to is standing up straight with your shoulders back and

yeah, exposing those vital organs,

but you don't, you're not worried about that because you're confident. Someone

who's like a coward, like that lobster in the book, he's gonna be hunched over

because he's protecting himself because he's scared because he knows he's vulnerable and that around every corner there could be an enemy,

someone that wants to hurt him because he's lost that first fight, now

he's very likely to lose that next one, because of a lower level of serotonin.

He's not as confident in himself and his ability to fight back and

most likely won't the next time. He's more likely in the next fight that he, that he faces

to just curl up in a ball and protect his organs.

But the confident lobster stands up straight with its shoulders back and exposes his vital organs, not because he's inviting people to

come over and puncture him in his vital organs to kill him, but it's showing that,

"I'm not worried about it."

You know, "I'll stand up straight with my shoulders back and open myself

to the world to show everyone that 'here

I am and I can take it', you know, and I'm not afraid of anyone." So, that's what the lobster does.

I meant it when I said that

standing up straight with my shoulders back like, I saw

immediate results when I did that. I was able to look people in the eyes when I talked to them, my conversations flowed, better

I was just more comfortable

overall in my own skin, and it all boils down to which Jordan Peterson says in the first chapter of

12 Rules for Life: An antidote to Chaos:

Stand up straight with your shoulders back. If you guys enjoyed the video today

let me know in the comments what you thought about the review, if I should do more reviews of this book.

I'm really enjoying it. I really suggest that you guys go check out this book.

I can put a link to his channel and a link to how to find the book.

It's a really great read like I said, I'm only through the first chapter so far. I'm really enjoying it.

They're pretty lengthy chapters, so it's gonna

take me a while to get through them because I really like to try and

internalize what he's saying in a way 'cause there's a lot to learn from this book.

There's a lot to learn and the first chapter alone was

really eye-opening. If you liked the review and you guys want to see more,

let me know down in the comments if you want to see more reviews.

I can do reviews for a chapter when I'm done,

and then at the end I can do like a total comprehensive review of the book and my opinion on it.

But we'll start small with the chapters. I have a lot to read, like I said, and let me know in the comments

what you guys want me to talk about next in my next video, and until then, stay awesome guys.

For more infomation >> Rule 1: Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back - Duration: 15:14.


KARMA İS A BİTCH YENİ AKIM TÜRKİYE - Eleştirel Parodi - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> KARMA İS A BİTCH YENİ AKIM TÜRKİYE - Eleştirel Parodi - Duration: 4:28.



Hello! Welcome back to my channel!

As you can see by the title, yes I am doing another ASL video.

And this one is Valentine's Day themed.

And, there's not a lot of words for that, so it's going to be a short video.

Valentine's Day is a love day, and that's not for me!

The day after Valentine's, I do celebrate, which is Signle's Awareness Day.

Yes! That is a thing!

The first sign is...

"Valentine's Day"

That one's easy. You go like this...

make a heart.

"Valentine's Day"

Make the letter D and you go like this...

"Valentine's Day"


That's the same thing as Valentine.

So, "heart".

You use your middle fingers and go like that...



You just make a fist, and you go like this...


Or, like, sometimes people do this...

a little heart shape.


This one's easy.



Or, "flowers".

"Roses", you make an R, like you're crossing your fingers.

And you go like this, "Roses".

From over here, to over there.


Then, "flowers'.

You go like this...

For example, like you're making an O, but kind of like, go like that.

Like an oval shape.


"Teddy Bear"

This one's similar to "love", but you just go like this...



This one, make a fist and then, do the letter C.

Go like this, in circles.


And this one's "Vanilla".

Where you make a V.

This could be either "boyfriend" or "girlfiriend".

'Cause, this is like boyfriend, and then this is like girlfriend.

You put it together, "boyfriend"/"girlfriend".


You make the letter D, using your both hands and you go like this...



That's my sign for jewelry because you're thinking of a necklace, or like, a bracelet.

Um, earrings.

You go like this...

Like, you point at your ears.

And for a necklace, you just go like that.

"True Love"

I don't know what it really means, but I'm gonna just go like this...


which means real...

and, something else.

So, "true love".

I'm going to show you something about this.

This means, "I love you".

I actually found out what it actually means,

'cause if you go like this, it means "I".

Or "I", as in the letter I.

And then, when you make "L"...

it's this....

for love.

And then, this is Y.

For "you",

and it spells "I love you".

For short, in slang, it's "ILY".

In case if you didn't know.

So yeah, you can see the I, and then there's the L, and then there's the Y.

Hmm. Interesting!

There's no sign for Cupid, but...

there's a sign for "bow and arrow", which is like, pretend you're playing bow and arrow.

And you go like that...


And you go like that...bow and arrow.

Like, you actually have an invisible bow and arrow.


That one's easy! You just hug yourself!

Ok, this one definitely describes me!


Like, pretend that this is me...alone.


It's simple too. You go like this...



Pretend this is a person, and then this is another person.

Pretend they're kissing.

It's like playing with Barbie dolls, all over again!

Alright, that is the end of this video!

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you do celebrate Valentine's Day, Congratulations!

And, if you don't,

still Congratulations!

And, give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't.


I'll see you next week!

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