How to YouTube Dark Mode For Android app 2018 || hasan360
[Eng Sub] 180426 두근두근 실화냥 PENTAGON 신원(SHINWON) - Duration: 1:36.(Let's start with Shinwon!)
(With the moving ears controlled by brainwave)
HS: I'm cute, right?
A: No
(ears are moving)
SW: You annoyed me!
Q: You think you're handsome, right?
A: Yes
HS: Your favorite member of these days is me, right?
A: No
you annoyed me again!
why are you even asking me about that?*lol*
Q: I'm hungry right now.
A: I just ate something before shooting this
HS: I want to be a roommate with Hongseok.
A: No
WS: I want to be a roommate with Wooseok.
(Hongseok's feelings are hurt)
SW: It was joking haha
Q: I'm the funniest person in the group.
A: Yes
Hui: I want to move his ears!
SW: Try it!
Q: I'm good at bowling.
Q: I'm a better bowling player than Jinho.
A: Yes
Jinho: Noooo I can make your kneel down
SW: Then try it
THE BEST WAY TO MAKE COINS FOR FIFA 18 TEAM OF THE SEASON!! 😀 - Duration: 10:07.-------------------------------------------
How to build Lego Logan Paul - Duration: 0:49.i love icecream
sub to kristian dimov
BUSCO COLABORACIONES ENTRE YOUTUBERS | VER VIDEO - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
HASTAHANENİN MORGUNDAN GELEN SESLER +18 KORKU İÇERİĞİ - Duration: 3:28.sounds from hospital morgue +18
sounds from hospital morgue +18
sounds from hospital morgue +18
sounds from hospital morgue +18
sounds from hospital morgue +18
sounds from hospital morgue +18
MASHABIKI wa Simba Kimewaka Msimbazi Wawasha Moto!! - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
GLOBAL HABARI: Naibu Spika Awaonya Wanachuo UDSM Kuhusu Mapenzi - Duration: 26:25.-------------------------------------------
Posters for a children's room - Duration: 3:57.You do not have to be an artist to make a lot of money selling prints or posters. It is enough to know Photoshop and be able to work with images. And, with the simplest images. Such, which are painted in the literal. After all, these pictures are for children. Posters with such images, caring parents usually hang on the walls of children's rooms, so that their children develop as they go along. And they learned to correctly name the objects: "This is a bus," "but this is a tractor," etc. You can sell similar prints not only in the form of physical posters, but also in the form of digital files - because in the West there are a lot of services where customers can print the purchased file in any convenient format. And to create a similar print will be any more or less familiar with the Photoshop designer. And not even a designer, but simply not a stranger to Photoshop. You buy in a children's toy store some beautiful car, for example, racing, photograph it. And then you process the photo so that this simplified children's digital image (print) turns out. Or you can even not even buy a toy car, but take a ready-made free image from the Internet (there you can find similar images in large numbers). Since you will process the photo in your own way, this will be your author's image. Author's print, which you can sign and sell on Etsy. Although, perhaps you can create the original image with paints, for example, watercolor. In this way, perhaps, the graphic designer Moraya Landau has gone. As she writes on the images of her prints, they are created with the help of watercolors (although, perhaps, this is just such a style of image processing - specialists will prompt, if that). The young woman designer has a small son, so almost all her prints are cars, motorcycles, excavators, planes, locomotives. Perhaps, due to her narrow specialization, she quickly achieved great success on Etsy - in just one year she sold more than 3500 prints (7 dollars each). Her store at Etsy - I'll tell you one of her little secret, how she could overcome competition so quickly and get out in successful sellers. Best of all, she sells prints of fire trucks. The competition for prints of fire trucks is very small - only a few hundred listings. You can promote such listings without much effort. Therefore, if you want to start earning by selling digital products on Etsy, start with these simple children's prints that depict fire trucks. Use in the description of your product the key phrase "fire truck wall art" (or "firetruck wall art") - then you have a chance to be noticed by the first buyers.
1 - Alif, Lam, Meem.
2 - The Byzantines have been defeated
3 - In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome.
4 - Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice
5 - In the victory of Allah . He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
6 - [It is] the promise of Allah . Allah does not fail in His promise, but most of the people do not know.
7 - They know what is apparent of the worldly life, but they, of the Hereafter, are unaware.
8 - Do they not contemplate within themselves? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term. And indeed, many of the people, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, are disbelievers.
9 - Have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? They were greater than them in power, and they plowed the earth and built it up more than they have built it up, and their messengers came to them with clear evidences. And Allah would not ever have wronged them, but they were wronging themselves.
10 - Then the end of those who did evil was the worst [consequence] because they denied the signs of Allah and used to ridicule them.
11 - Allah begins creation; then He will repeat it; then to Him you will be returned.
12 - And the Day the Hour appears the criminals will be in despair.
13 - And there will not be for them among their [alleged] partners any intercessors, and they will [then] be disbelievers in their partners.
14 - And the Day the Hour appears - that Day they will become separated.
15 - And as for those who had believed and done righteous deeds, they will be in a garden [of Paradise], delighted.
16 - But as for those who disbelieved and denied Our verses and the meeting of the Hereafter, those will be brought into the punishment [to remain].
17 - So exalted is Allah when you reach the evening and when you reach the morning.
18 - And to Him is [due all] praise throughout the heavens and the earth. And [exalted is He] at night and when you are at noon.
19 - He brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living and brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. And thus will you be brought out.
20 - And of His signs is that He created you from dust; then, suddenly you were human beings dispersing [throughout the earth].
21 - And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.
22 - And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge.
23 - And of His signs is your sleep by night and day and your seeking of His bounty. Indeed in that are signs for a people who listen.
24 - And of His signs is [that] He shows you the lightening [causing] fear and aspiration, and He sends down rain from the sky by which He brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in that are signs for a people who use reason.
25 - And of His signs is that the heaven and earth remain by His command. Then when He calls you with a [single] call from the earth, immediately you will come forth.
26 - And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and earth. All are to Him devoutly obedient.
27 - And it is He who begins creation; then He repeats it, and that is [even] easier for Him. To Him belongs the highest attribute in the heavens and earth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
28 - He presents to you an example from yourselves. Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein [and] would fear them as your fear of one another [within a partnership]? Thus do We detail the verses for a people who use reason.
29 - But those who wrong follow their [own] desires without knowledge. Then who can guide one whom Allah has sent astray? And for them there are no helpers.
30 - So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah . That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.
31 - [Adhere to it], turning in repentance to Him, and fear Him and establish prayer and do not be of those who associate others with Allah
32 - [Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has.
33 - And when adversity touches the people, they call upon their Lord, turning in repentance to Him. Then when He lets them taste mercy from Him, at once a party of them associate others with their Lord,
34 - So that they will deny what We have granted them. Then enjoy yourselves, for you are going to know.
35 - Or have We sent down to them an authority, and it speaks of what they were associating with Him?
36 - And when We let the people taste mercy, they rejoice therein, but if evil afflicts them for what their hands have put forth, immediately they despair.
37 - Do they not see that Allah extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]? Indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe.
38 - So give the relative his right, as well as the needy and the traveler. That is best for those who desire the countenance of Allah, and it is they who will be the successful.
39 - And whatever you give for interest to increase within the wealth of people will not increase with Allah . But what you give in zakah, desiring the countenance of Allah - those are the multipliers.
40 - Allah is the one who created you, then provided for you, then will cause you to die, and then will give you life. Are there any of your "partners" who does anything of that? Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.
41 - Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].
42 - Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the land and observe how was the end of those before. Most of them were associators [of others with Allah ].
43 - So direct your face toward the correct religion before a Day comes from Allah of which there is no repelling. That Day, they will be divided.
44 - Whoever disbelieves - upon him is [the consequence of] his disbelief. And whoever does righteousness - they are for themselves preparing,
45 - That He may reward those who have believed and done righteous deeds out of His bounty. Indeed, He does not like the disbelievers
46 - And of His signs is that He sends the winds as bringers of good tidings and to let you taste His mercy and so the ships may sail at His command and so you may seek of His bounty, and perhaps you will be grateful.
47 - And We have already sent messengers before you to their peoples, and they came to them with clear evidences; then We took retribution from those who committed crimes, and incumbent upon Us was support of the believers.
48 - It is Allah who sends the winds, and they stir the clouds and spread them in the sky however He wills, and He makes them fragments so you see the rain emerge from within them. And when He causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His servants, immediately they rejoice
49 - Although they were, before it was sent down upon them - before that, in despair.
50 - So observe the effects of the mercy of Allah - how He gives life to the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed, that [same one] will give life to the dead, and He is over all things competent.
51 - But if We should send a [bad] wind and they saw [their crops] turned yellow, they would remain thereafter disbelievers.
52 - So indeed, you will not make the dead hear, nor will you make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs, retreating.
53 - And you cannot guide the blind away from their error. You will only make hear those who believe in Our verses so they are Muslims [in submission to Allah ].
54 - Allah is the one who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after strength weakness and white hair. He creates what He wills, and He is the Knowing, the Competent.
55 - And the Day the Hour appears the criminals will swear they had remained but an hour. Thus they were deluded.
56 - But those who were given knowledge and faith will say, "You remained the extent of Allah 's decree until the Day of Resurrection, and this is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not used to know."
57 - So that Day, their excuse will not benefit those who wronged, nor will they be asked to appease [ Allah ].
58 - And We have certainly presented to the people in this Qur'an from every [kind of] example. But, [O Muhammad], if you should bring them a sign, the disbelievers will surely say, "You [believers] are but falsifiers."
59 - Thus does Allah seal the hearts of those who do not know.
60 - So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And let them not disquiet you who are not certain [in faith].
Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 3:24:31.Title: Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube
Years ago I had a work colleague who considered himself an intellectual.
He was also a member of a religious denomination.
It was his stated belief that only people who belonged to his particular denomination
would be saved, and the entire rest of humanity was doomed.
When I asked him how he, as an intelligent person, could hold such a polarizing position,
he delivered a line that I will never forget: �What would be my faith if I believed otherwise?�
Faith is a tricky, amorphous thing.
In one way or another, most of us have experienced definite and noticeable manifestations of
faith in our lives; however as a collective we have not yet gained the ability to discern
between faith as a natural human phenomenon, and faith as characterized by institutions
that portend to be authorities on the subject.
These institutions make faith more accessible and easier to grasp, because they constrain
and �dumb down� this spiritual experience within their particular limited paradigm.
These institutions, you may have guessed, are called religions.
Mechanism Of Control The word �religion� comes from the latin
word religiare which means �to bind.� How fitting.
Because it describes exactly what religions do: followers are bound to the particular
set of characteristics of that religion that differentiate it from other representations
of things that are universal: faith, love, and our inherent connection to divinity.
Here�s how it works.
Highly evolved masters throughout history who have spoken about spiritual truth may
gain a following.
The elite few in power do what they can to quash this movement.
In some cases, though, their efforts fail, because the master�s grasp and expression
of truth is too powerful, and has inspired too much joy and inspiration among followers.
So Plan B then becomes to infiltrate, co-opt, and eventually control the movement.
Over time it becomes a religion, that is, it binds people to the enactment of external
rituals whose actual meaning has become obscured.
The Catholic Church Let�s take the Catholic Church as an example.
It starts with Jesus, a highly evolved master who preached the same spiritual truths as
all other highly evolved masters, but in a particularly effective and illuminating way,
one that resonated with many of the people of his time.
And so he was crucified, ultimately by powerful people who did not like the threat Jesus posed
to their power over others, since he encouraged people to think for themselves and have their
own personal relationship with God.
Is it not the height of irony that these teachings were taken over by powerful authorities that
sought to place themselves as intermediaries between people and God?
Authority, of course, would prefer that its subordinates would have no idea about the
joy and satisfaction of a powerful personal relationship with Divinity.
But if unable to quash a powerful spiritual movement that had been grown by its followers,
the next best thing is for authority to declare itself as �head� of the movement.
Constantine the Great This is exactly what Roman emperor Constantine
did in 313 A.D.
He ended the ubiquitous persecution of Christians by declaring a particular sect of Christianity
the official religion of Rome, and himself a Christian ruler and Head of the Church.
He became a great patron of this now-budding institution.
Once he had the �official� sanctioned version of Christianity established, what
would be the next step?
Of course, label all other offshoots of the teachings of Jesus Christ, many of which had
retained a much higher purity, as heretical and blasphemous.
Devotees of branches such as Gnostic Christianity were forced to go underground, although likely
some members would simply adopt the official religion which, after all, was still a form
of Christianity guided by the teachings of Jesus.
The Canonized Bible What was next?
Get it all in writing.
Councils were convened by government and church authorities to put together a �canonized�
Bible by determining which writings were truly �the words of God.� Lol.
In actual fact, the determinations of what would and wouldn�t make the final cut in
the official Christian bible was predicated on what would enable the Bible to be a tool
of control for Church authority.
As an example, any gospel that hinted at Jesus discussing reincarnation was summarily set
aside; after all, how could Church authority control their followers through fear and the
threat of eternal punishment if those followers thought they would simply come back in subsequent
lifetimes to eventually get it right?
Once power was consolidated by the word, and the authorities of the church became the only
people who could interpret the word for the masses, would that be good enough?
The Crusades No.
Holding power over others tends to breed the desire for more power.
And so the church and the military power of government banded together for �noble�
enterprises such as the Crusades, to spread �the word of God� to heathens of other
The basic method was this: invade a culture, completely destroy any traces of their own
systems of spiritual truth, and force them to adopt the �true� spiritual system under
pain of death if they don�t.
Ah, God�s work is carried out in mysterious ways, isn�t it?
In this way the Roman Catholic Church became perhaps the wealthiest and most powerful body
on the planet�as long as it maintained some form of unholy alliance with the military
powers of the day.
On The Defensive In more recent history, the Catholic Church
has had to go a little bit more on the defensive, as people started to �smarten up.� Cue
in the Scientific Revolution, for example.
When Galileo made statements that spoke of scientific proof that the Earth revolved around
the Sun, in direct contrast to Catholic doctrines, the church used threats of torture and death
for heresy to force him to recant his statements.
Soon after, though, the Church had to admit to this truth and position themselves more
as the �spiritual� authority of the world.
This type of thing has happened often over the course of the history of the Catholic
It must be embarrassing how many times they�ve had to admit their �immutable truths�
were actually falsehoods founded on ignorance (or duplicity).
But they keep doing it anyway to reasonable success.
Like any good control structure, they really try to stay ahead of the curve in order to
maintain power.
What�s next?
The pope himself admitting the possibility of extraterrestrials, and saying he would
be willing to baptize them if they asked?
Wait, Sorry.
That�s already happened.
Well-Informed Controllers But these people are not stupid.
They are smart and well-informed.
They do not follow the core values espoused in Christianity, in any important sense�the
amount of evidence of pedophilia in the Church and the odious efforts to cover it up should
say enough�but they are still seen by many as a positive force.
One advantage they have is access to knowledge about our true history, our origins, and all
aspects about us that would facilitate control over us.
Why do you think the Vatican library is so impenetrable to the general public?
Their ways of control continue today.
Pope Francis has argued that it is dangerous to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Recently, he has become a strong advocate of a one-world government.
And he may just be a pawn of something bigger and more ominous: the global elite we have
so often referenced.
The Vatican serves as the spiritual arm.
The other tentacles are the City of London, which is the economic center, and Washington,
D.C., the military headquarters.
Does it now make sense that these are the only independent city-states in the modern
world, with borders that insulate them from the true governing authorities of the countries
within which they reside?
In effect, those who would control us don�t care what the means of control is; whatever
offers the promise of increasing their wealth, reach, and domination over the planet will
As one control structure wanes, another arises in its place.
The Antidote Fortunately, the antidote is at hand.
Of course it is our awareness.
Clearly, our awareness has led to a decline in the power and reach of the Catholic Church.
It is more difficult for them to retain followers or gain new ones.
They cannot force people to go to mass, pay their tithes, or adhere to their moral code
of conduct.
But today our greater challenge is not only to free ourselves from any particular control
structure, but more so to grasp the overall pattern of control that is ever-present in
our society, and bring our collective awareness to bear on the fact that we can only be controlled
if at some level we are giving our consent for it.
This awareness will ultimately give us the power as co-creators of our reality to form
a new world that has moved beyond the binds of control.
Jesus Cristo - Mauro Biglino - Duration: 27:21.-------------------------------------------
youtube videos - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Light Codes – A Gentle Reminder - Duration: 5:11.Light Codes � A Gentle Reminder
by Angelina Stojic
As we know there are still many upgrades occurring on the planet earth and especially within
our own physical, mental, emotional and energetic systems.
I have written about this before but will touch on it again as it is a progressive process
that is happening continually over time now and is a different experience for each of
As the changes upon the planet with light infiltrating our world increases, so do the
light codes or our light quotient within our cellular structure.
This just means that our cellular make up has more light than ever before, which allows
us to connect to a higher frequency.
The new light codes that are being put in place is building the new.
The old DNA structure is being cast aside for the new to be implemented completely.
It can be quite a restructure for many of us.
A great shift.
Our DNA.
The code to our existence as a human and all that we have experienced and all we know within
this structure is being shifted now.
Know, there will be movement in all spheres and worlds.
This is a great shift.
So, with more light within our systems, this leads to many different experiences happening
within our own sphere or world.
Not only on the inside but on the outside.
Some high and some low.
There may be much change and upheaval, or so we perceive it to be, to help us expand
our light, to help us really shift.
To sit in the experience we are having is to really shift our perceptions of it.
Yes, it may be harder said than done, I know, for I am currently undergoing great upheaval
and change in my world, which is pushing me to the places and depths that I have never
Emotions can be high and low.
Thoughts may be disjointed and unfocused.
Our health may be up and down.
All our systems are being stirred and stimulated.
And revisiting old patterns to clear.
Remember there are no comparisons to people, lives or journeys of others.
This too, is another perception we are changing together.
Focus on our own experience and do the best we can to feel a balance when we can.
Again, at times this may be hard to do or feel.
Just know that this too shall pass.
It is just a moment.
Each moment creates the next moment.
When you catch a glimpse of the incredible feeling of joy or love, hold it for as long
as you can.
It may be momentary, but they will come.
It is just a reminder of who you truly are.
Be kind to self.
Know that you are being guided and protected at each movement.
Again, a gentle reminder to catch those light moments and hold onto them if you can to create
and recreate more.
As it takes some time (and I say time as this is how many perceive it to be at present)
to build our new codes, know that our human side is processing it also on a physical level.
Yes, we are spiritual beings having a human experience and many of us may have forgotten
to honour the physical upon this journey, as we have been caught in the 7th heavens
for too long without grounding this into our being and earth.
Honor dear Mother Earth, for she is our strength and the nurturer of our human-ness at this
This is important.
Nothing that I am telling you here is news� It is but a gentle reminder.
Light codes are being upgraded.
You may be feeling the changes in many ways in your sphere of life.
Much of it will be out of your control for the light is about flowing with source as
Trusting the flow of light.
This is all happening naturally.
With no effort.
It is a natural evolution of the progression of our world.
Each one of us will have a completely different experience with some similarities, which help
us share an understanding of it to create a feeling of unity in change.
Know that whatever you do and decide to help you feel balance currently is perfect for
Surround yourself in people that will lift your spirit, whilst also sharing what you
need, to help alleviate any burden you may feel.
It is an exciting time to be on the planet with great change on every level.
Know you are looked after.
Know you have the power within even if it feels frail right now.
You are pure light beingness.
And Love.
Just breathe.
And allow.
For all is in divine order.
Trust that.
Remember that.
You are divinity.
And you are beautiful life.
Fireman Sam Toys Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme Youtube Video For Children Kids Toddlers - Duration: 2:10.Finger Family Song For Children
Daddy finger, Daddy finger where are you?
Here I am, here i am, how do you do?
Mummy finger, Mummy finger where are you?
Here I am, here i am, how do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger where are you?
Here I am, here i am, how do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger where are you?
Here I am, here i am, how do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger where are you?
Here I am, here i am, how do you do?
Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Han" TV Spot (:30) - Duration: 0:45.- You might want to buckle up, baby.
- You're off to something.
Is it revenge, money, or is it something else?
- If you come with us, you're in this life for good.
- Why not?
- "Solo-- A Star Wars Story."
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