Box of Toys Toy Guns NERF Spiderman
Tio Snow - SUPER SAYAJIN 4 prod. Balta | AMV Oficial - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 16:37.Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, what's your name?
Farmi ...Mr...Farmcis...Farmi...Mr...Farm
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, Where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, What's your name?
Commy...Mrs Index..Commy...Mrs Index
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, what's your name?
Middle finger...Middle finger...Please call me middle finger
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, what's your name?
Call me main Finger ...Finger is my name
Baby finger, Baby finger, Where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, what's your name?
I am Pinky finger and this my family!
Tony Robbins: DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF (Powerful Motivational Speech) - Duration: 11:09.[Music]
and confidence is not something you have
is something you create and you can
create at any moment in time a sense of
confidence is nothing but a sense of
power within yourself a sense of
certainty that you can pull something
off and you can create that feeling
literally in a moment it's not something
that you live with there is no one that
I've ever met that no matter what
situation they're in is always confident
everybody gets knocked off kilter at
times the key is can you turn the
confidence on when you need it so you
can get the most out of yourself does
that make sense so far so you've got to
remember that feeling confident is
nothing but a state of mind and you can
change and create any state you want at
any moment in time no matter what's
going on around you you've got to
remember that any feeling you've ever
had in your body whether it be fear
anxiety concern depression frustration
or ecstasy power unstoppable 'ti
confidence success those emotions any
emotion you feel comes from the way you
use your physical body the only way you
can feel anything is by the way you move
the way you breathe your facial
expressions so if you're not feeling
confident you don't have to
intellectually try and pump yourself up
because it doesn't always work
I'm sure you've tried it time to go well
I need to be confident I know I should
be confident but you're still not there
let me tell you the quickest way to get
confident is to change your physiology
radically emotion is created by motion
the way you move your body physically
the way you breathe your facial
expressions instantly affects your
emotional state the way you feel and the
way you think so if you need confidence
you must move in a confident way you
must literally put yourself at level 10
or above if you're confident enough you
can develop the competence but if you're
competent and you don't have confidence
you'll never succeed
there are many competent people who
could accomplish incredible results but
they're missing the confidence am I
suggesting to you to be foolhardy no
what I'm suggesting to you is learn how
to turn on the confidence rapidly use
enough of it to learn what you need to
know to be competent in effect
and produce the results but you'd be
surprised how much more you know then
you realize if you really get yourself
in the right state of mind does that
make sense
try it try moving your body in a
confident way stand the way you be
standing if you felt unstoppably
confident breathe the way be breathing
if you felt unstoppably confident really
go for it put the kind of expression on
your face that you have if you are
unstoppably confident and make some
gestures actually move your hands out
with some powers if you're trying to
make a point with real power and what
you know that what you're gonna say is
gonna be effective and just notice how
that feels
say something say yes and the tone of
voice is somebody who is totally
confident don't lose yes with some power
and just feel that feels in your body
get a sense of it turn on more intensity
than you would normally use when another
person just feel it in your body so you
feel what it's like you want to be able
to turn it on just by turning your body
on this is critical with this is a power
you can go from being afraid to strong
in a matter of moments
now try something really stupid and
silly using your physical body
effectively can put you in a state of
confidence no matter what was happening
around you no matter how intense the
situation no matter how scary no matter
how difficult you always have that
don't ever say to yourself again what
good food is break out of that jail if
you don't feel like you have confidence
create it right now it's not a thing
that somebody gave you years ago it's
not something you missed out on it's
something you create by the way speak by
the way you move by the way you gesture
control your mental focus remember what
you focus on is going to determine how
you feel so if you focus constantly on
how things might not work out and you
look it in your brain all the
possibilities of well what if this
doesn't work or what if that doesn't
happen about your mental focus of course
you're gonna lack confidence
remember we experience whatever we focus
on so if you're focusing on how things
won't work you're gonna feel the pain
that you associate to that you're gonna
create a tremendous amount of doubt and
then it usually becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy you don't get
what you want but when you expect and
focus on one result you say this is what
it is I'm going to accomplish this I
expect it immediately your level
self-confidence goes up and you feel
active immediately because your brain
says hey if I do this I can get some
pleasure in my life does that make sense
that's the process we're talking about
we must control our focus and one way to
do it of course is to control our focus
by controlling the questions we ask
ourselves invariably people who have a
lot of doubt ask questions are creative
if you walk around in life believing
that the only way you can feel confident
is if you've already accomplished
something you got a problem you're
limiting yourself to the number of
things you can ever feel confident about
and succeed in other words some people
say well how can I be confident when
I've never done it before
listen I feel confident all kinds of
things I've never done before you say
well that's because you're a screwed up
well that's not why it is it's because I
come from a belief system that says this
that if I can imagine it I can achieve
it so if I can even imagine it I know I
can achieve it and that allows me to be
confident plus I have a belief system
that says if I'm committed there's
always a way to make it work and no
matter how tough the situation is if I
don't know how to make it work somebody
else does and I can get their help so I
come from that place and that allows me
to be confident I know I can get help I
know if I'm committed there's a way to
do it and I know that anything in the
past I've really been able to imagine
accomplishing and finding a role model
for I can't accomplish
hey listen everything you do now you
once weren't good at everything you do
now there was a time when you had not
done it why wait to get confident
besides that I know I can be confident
about what I'm about to begin because I
know look if it doesn't work out I'll
learn something and that makes me feel
confident because of that learning will
allow me to be better in the future
in other words set yourself up to be
able to be confident again I'm not
suggesting me foolhardy I'm just telling
you how to turn confidence on when you
need it and most the time you do need it
what's the potential of any human being
I personally believe it absolutely is
unlimited none of us even come close to
scratching are real potential there are
a lot of people who go out there and
take a lot of action and still get lousy
results why action by itself is great
but it is not
enough success starts with our beliefs
that is the core of your performance
think about it see the potential is
there but if for some reason you start
out with some learning beliefs like well
I don't have that much self-confidence
anyway or I don't have the background or
I've never done this before so I
probably won't succeed anyway if you
have that belief are you likely to tap a
lot of your potential highly unlikely
now if you don't think you're gonna
succeed you're not using much potential
are you likely to take massive action
hardly now when you tap a little bit of
potential and you only take a little bit
of action what kind of results do you
get a little bit of results if any now
what does that do to your brain and your
beliefs your brain goes see I told you
so now you have this reinforcing belief
matter because it points back to that
experience so what happens you have even
less belief you have even less potential
you take even less action if that's
possible you get even worse results and
now you're truly locked into the
downward spiral to the point where now
you start looking and how can you do the
very least to get by that's called death
rattle to personal success the opposite
is also true too sometimes people have
an experience in life or for some reason
they get a result or something happens
and they begin to absolutely believe not
just hope but know that they can
accomplish something when that happens
whether it because you changed your body
or you had a new experience you're gonna
tap a lot more potential when you know
you're gonna succeed aren't you and
therefore you're gonna probably take a
lot more action knowing you're gonna
succeed you're inspired you're gonna go
for it when you take a lot of action and
use a lot of your potential what kind of
results you get usually great results
when you get great results what does
that need your belief your brain goes
boom see I told you you would succeed
and sure enough now your beliefs are
even stronger so what do you do you tap
even more potential you take massive
action and you get even greater results
what happens you believes even stronger
and now you're in that success cycle
you're in that place where you literally
have momentum that drives you to a whole
new level
that's how beliefs are formed you might
say well how can I get results though
what do I do if I'm on the downward
spiral well you don't change your
potential that's always there you don't
just take action although that's a great
first step you've got to change your
beliefs and that one of the easiest ways
to do that is change your results in
advance if you want to succeed you need
to rehearse over and over succeeding
until it's so real for you your brain
begins to believe it now you'll tap or
potential you'll take better action in
real life you'll get better results
then it'll reinforce your belief and now
you're off and running does this make
sense this is the way to create lifelong
unstoppable self-confidence if you
really want to be confident know what
causes people to lack in it focusing too
much on yourself and not enough on other
people will guarantee that you'll lack
confidence what do I mean I mean some
people like confidence because they pick
themselves apart they spend all day
every day
analyzing themselves why did I do this
why don't I do that how come I never
accomplish these things they asked lousy
questions they get lousy answers and
they create a tremendous amount of
self-doubt you wanna have more
confidence stop analyzing yourself so
much and focus on other people how you
can contribute to them and as you start
giving better people you'll feel more
confident about what you can even do for
yourself that makes sense and finally
this you can feel confident if all you
do is remember some of the things you've
accomplished in your life you are a
successful competent person you've done
a lot of things in your life extremely
well no matter who you are what your
background is there are things in this
world that you are really good at things
you've really accomplished in your life
that you've got to be proud of every
human being I meet I know is my superior
because I know all of us in life have
focused our attention on various things
and whatever you focused on a lot you're
good at
and every human being I meet in my life
I know that I'm superior to in some way
as well that makes me feel confident as
well knowing I can learn from other
people and that I can give too so in
order to help yourself really have
reasons to feel confident not just put
yourself in state but to feel like you
got reasons all you've got to do is
manage your memories better pull out
some of your memories of tough
situations in your life well you didn't
think you could pull it off but you
turned it around you have some of those
don't you situations when you thought I
could never figure a way to pull this
off and yet you did you need to remember
more of those and lessen the times and
you felt overwhelmed pull out of your
memory files some of the references that
can show you that you deserve to be
confident that you're competent and
confident that you can make things
happen even in the toughest of times and
use those examples to remind yourself in
the future that whatever's going on you
can find a way
Prachanaya Purunjuko | zero Seconds - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Travel Bullet Journal Ideas - Travel Channel - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S60, S80. Removing the handle cover, automatic transmission, and Parking brake. - Duration: 5:51.Dear friends welcome today we have a very short video
from a series of answers to questions on how to change the cover on the handle automatic and how to change the cover on the handle
to replace the cover on the handle of automatic transmission, we will need to open this plastic to remove the handle and remove the cover
now from the big facing pull out the inner part of the big plastic pull out smaller plastic
there are latches inside.
push the locks and
now it is necessary to remove the cover itself are also locks inside
well, probably to show I not able to but fingers, they are easy to grope those braces
click and
everything falls inside.
take out carefully the case for what I'm doing it
that he was free now we have to
pull out the handle and honestly you admit that the very first time I did it I had a case was inside this panel and
when I pulled that handle, I almost tore off that cable.
because the case I have managed to seep through her with such force it was a breakthrough but luck
to remove the handle
take one second hand but work only on the elbow no need all your strength to try to cheer her up
50: 50 which will arrive in the mirror it's you and
perhaps the mirror will be broken so only by bending the elbow I do
all pulled
here we have a locking ring that snaps and holds on to two snaps right here.
well, all collected in reverse sequence
here she resists a little
everything works
insert neatly back and
from inside snap
next, take the plastic cladding and in him snap
all our farm plug-in
everything works everything is in place for removing the cover from the Parking brake but all is just open the armrest
and the back side is up and toward you and pull out latch
pull out the latch on this side because here it is inserted
took it off and do it
simple movement
That's all
case withdrawn case here in a terrible state but we will remove the video
Pro recovery dress up back
the case is here on the elastic
click all over the place
this dear friends, all easy repairs all the best and see you soon
Nhìn CMND Biết Ngay Số Phận Giàu Nghèo, Chẳng Cần Xem Bói - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
Winter in Prostokvashino | Russian Language - Duration: 15:44.-Well, well. Well, well. -Yes!
- What is going on? - Yes.
- The end of the 20th century is near... - Yes!
While we have only one pair of valenki for two. Just like at the days of Yore.
-How did that happen? Do you not have any finds?
Meaning, you don't have enough money?
We have enough funds, we don't have enough intelligence.
I told this hunter- get yourself valenki. And what did he do?
What did he do?
He's gone and got himself a pair of sneakers. They're cuter, he says.
He did it without thinking.
In the winter, what's our national countryside clothing?
Valenki, warm pants, sheepskin coat, and a fur hat.
Nobody wear sneakers in the winter, even students.
-Dummy, he's a dummy -Well, tell him that
Open his eyes, so he can be enlightened.
I can't, we are not talking for 2 days already.
Not two- three!
- That's not a problem, you can send him a telegram, or a letter. That's why you have mail service.
What you can't say you put in writing.
What form do you prefer? An ordinary one or a congratulatory one?
Ordinary, ordinary! Why would I spoil him?
- He doesn't want to spoil me! I don't need anything from you!
- I don't have ordinary ones, only congratulatory.
- See, again unpredictable expanses. Well, give me your thing, congratulatory.
Sharik, you're a dummy.
That's incorrect!
If the form is congratulatory, you need to congratulate the receiver.
Well, okay okay.
Congratulations, Sharik. You're a dummy! What should I say further?
- Typically, they are talking about weather. -Weather? Our weather is good.
This is what you call "good"?
There's a storm blowing for 2 days, woof! Has stormed the entire hunting down!
And you, dear Dog, be quiet!
When you'll be writing your response, you'll talk about your weather.
I won't be responding to him!
I will throw this rake at him, so he won't be calling names!
-Why throw it, when there's mailing service? We will pack it and give it to Cat.
It's going to be a parcel now.
You were sent a rack through a parcel, they wanted to throw it at you.
-What, what, what, what? For that I will throw an iron at him!
Hold on a minute!
More than a kilo now, it's going to be a package.
We'll mail it in a moment.
And if you want to roll a barrel at him,
it's a container shipment.
Trans-agency of countryside deals with that.
I am so annoyed by this all.
Our apartment reminds of a TV programm
It's called "What? Where? When?"
And why so?
- You never know, what is thrown where, and when it will all end.
All also, from your gasoline all of my flowers have withered.
They didn't wither from gasoline.
Flowers typically wither in those home, where the atmosphere is too strict.
But ours is too silly.
You and Uncle Fedor play ping-pong and chess.
And bought this "Zaporozhets" old and corroded.
I don't even know anymore, what else you need.
- We have discussed it and decided
- That we absolutely need to get the second child from somewhere.
To take down strictness and anger.
Oh! Never!
- And for New Years we want to go to Prostokvashino.
- If you so desire, go to your Prostokvashino as much as you want.
But I can't, I have a performance at the New Year's "Blue Light" TV show.
Hop on the last train, and come to us.
I definitely love nature,
but not that much
for me to hop on trains with a concert costume.
-That's right! It's very cold now in Prostokvashino.
You need a concert coat and concert valenki there.
- Oh, I wonder how are my Sharik and Matroskin..
- Department of Communications, Prostokvashino sector.
Talking letter.
It's the first time I ever receive such thing. I wonder, what's in there?
- It's me postman Pechkin, I got a magazin "Murzilka"!
- Sharik and Matroskin start to divide their belongings.
P-R-D (period)
- Will soon start to saw down the furnace. -C-M-M (comma)
- And the the hut. - P-R-D
-Postman Pechkin - P-R-D
Wow, it's good that you came. I need to send an urgent telegram to Sharik.
-Please, fill out this form. - Sharpie
Uncle Fedor will soon arrive. Period.
Hurry and get my valenki and go to the forest and get a Christmas Tree.
14 words and shipment. It will be 50 kopeks.
Dear Sharik!
You have got a telegram. Will you respond?
- I won't, I don't have money. - Well, search in your pockets.
-Ha-ha-ha! I don't even have pockets. I will draw him an answer.
- Well, and what is it? What kind of folk art is it?
- This an Indian national hut. It's call "finger to you" (wigwam, wordplay)
- That's crazy! We found him, almost, in the trash.
Washed him, cleaned him well. And he's showing us fingers!
Oh, would be better if Uncle Fedor found a turtle in a box instead of you.
Really? I feel bad to shop down Christmas Trees!
If everyone will start doing that for New Years,
We will have stomps instead of a forest.
It's only good for grandmas, when there're only stomps in the forest.
And why so?
- Why so? Dumb! You can sit on them!
And what will happen to birds and rabbits? Did you think about them?
Look at him, thinking about rabbits. Who will think about us?
Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern?
- Let me wonder with a purpose of professional development.
Who will be this Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern?
I don't know, only that it was a name of a ship, on which my grandma would travel.
Ha-ha! He probably wasn't like you!
He was a good person, since they they called a ship in his honor.
He wouldn't chop trees down, unlike someone...
It will be New Year soon, the bell is already ringing.
- To me it seems like it's not the bell, but someone is kicking the door.
- Yes? Come in! - Hello! Guess, who I am.
- Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, a man and a ship.
-Oh, you've lost your mind - Who's there, Who's there?
- This is me postman Pechkin, I brought a magazin "Murzilka"
- Hurray! Happy upcoming New Year. And... where's Uncle Fedor?
- He's in the car, we can't get through, the road is covered in snow!
- Well, I heard of riding dogs
But a riding cat- that's too much!
- Have you heard of a riding postman? - It's nothing!
Our road are so bad in winter...
that's you can meet a riding scientist. Saw it myself!
-Hold up, hold up!
The car got out of the pit. I can go further myself.
(Song) And more and more I notice, that it looks like someone took my place.
I am not dreaming of seas. A TV replaced the nature for me.
What happen yesterday, I need to forget starting tomorrow, starting tomorrow.
Not neighbours, not friends, nobody can recognize me.
- You have got a weird setting table, going in circles.
-It's not a table, but everything got a spider web on it.
Every pot has that "table", on a furnace even.
Since they weren't talking.
- But we've already resolved everything, when we were pushing Uncle Fedor out of the snow.
Because, a collective labor, for my good, it unites.
- I am glad that everything ended well, Happy New Year to you!
- You won't be celebrating it with us?
No, and don't try to convince me. In our days, the main entry at the table is what?
- Flowers? - Bones!
A TV! But yours is only showing a spider web. I will go to my place.
- Don't leave! We will fix our TV for sure.
Since, they will show our mom on a "Blue Light" show.
We'll definitely fix it!
And there's a beautiful Christmas Tree in the backyard. Real and alive. Let's dress it up!
Yay! Let's do it. But we don't have any toys. Nothing to dress up with.
What do you mean nothing? We have a lot of ancient things in the attic.
Let's dress it up with those!
Can I have your undivided attention? Please make
smart faces- I open a photo-hunt on you.
What's the news there in Moscow?
- Me and dad decided to get a second child
Oh wow, people used to get coats and cars,
but now they started to get children.
What a moment!
on TV, some guy with bug moustache has gifted your mom flowers.
- I would twist out this big-ear guy's ears.
- I will show you this guy. Here he is!
Here, this insidious dude with a normal appearance.
Oh, hahaha! It's not a dude at all!
It's a manager of mom's activity.
Oh, now our mom will sing.
- But it's all in vein. Your TV doesn't have any sound.
So bad that we don't hear our mom.
She was getting ready for this show for half a year.
Oh wow!
They show your mom here and there. How far the technology has gone.
- It's not technology, it's me who's gone here, by skies.
But a concert was recorded on tape.
Hurray! Our mom has come!
I have told you that I can't live without our Prostokvashino!
If there was no winter in cities and countries.
We would never know these joyful days.
Kids wouldn't be circling around a snowman.
Ski trail wouldn't be going around if if if
Ski trail wouldn't be going around if if if
If there was no winter, but always summer, we wouldn't know this New Year's mess.
Ded Moroz wouldn't be rushing to us over hills,
Ice wouldn't have appeared on a river if if if
Ice wouldn't have appeared on a river if if if
If there was no winter in cities and countries,
We wouldn't never know these joyful days...
Refrit x Deys - Nie tak jak planowałem (KruKu Blend) - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
UCFB Wembley - Studiuj FOOTBALL BUSINESS - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
A Color Ride With Bob The Train | Learning Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:08:39.A Color Ride With Bob The Train...
King without Queen - ARGE - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
Horror Trilogy Official Teaser - Duration: 1:02.ESFLIX PRESENTS
- It's so miserable that you consider me a Terminetor -
- I'm not a person who kills so ...
random -
- I am a predator ...
waiting patiently for its prey -
- I...
Szeszosztag csapatfilm D-Days 2k18 - Duration: 19:56.-------------------------------------------
FANTÁSTICO! Você NUNCA MAIS Vai Jogar a CASCA DE BANANA No Lixo! ADEUS DOENÇAS! - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
RANE SEVENTY TWO | Unboxing & Review - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
QIU FENG ZE [ THE GIRL ] OFFICIAL MV - Duration: 4:30.
As I look above
watching the sunset falls
As I look across the window
feeling the lonely drizzles of the rain
All the wild memories
and youth
who has it been given to
All the drifting memories
and stories
In a blink of an eye
where has it all gone to?
There is nothing wrong with letting go
Its never too late to say sorry
We both knew
There is no right nor wrong
Honesty can be difficult
but it allows a quicker acceptance
The clear skies after the rain
Symbolising the journey I've been through
I'm still looking for an answer
I'm still looking above
enjoying the sky full of stars
As I look across the window
watching the lonely leaves falling
All my happiness
and bliss
who has it been given to
The times when we were young
and silly
when I close my eyes, its all there
There is nothing wrong with letting go
Its never too late to say sorry
We both knew
There is no right nor wrong
Honesty can be difficult
but it allows quicker acceptance
The clear skies after the rain
Symbolising the journey I've been through
I'm still looking for an answer
Is it gone?
does it still hurt , i could feel my heart beating
But it feels all empty inside
Being strong isn't easy
I'm not completely alright
We both have regrets
but life still goes on
Love can't be forced
acceptance takes time
The clear skies after the rain
symbolising the journey I've been through
Perhaps there is no
'She's My Friend' Music Video ft. Breanna Yde & Jade Pettyjohn | School of Rock | #MusicMonday - Duration: 2:24.I wanna tell you a story.
It happened a long time ago on a bright, sunny day here in Austin.
There once was a first grader, riding the bus.
♪ I was alone If I'm not mistaken ♪
♪ Scott Buck was mean No one made room ♪
♪ That's where we began The seats were all taken ♪
♪ Then all of a sudden A friendly face ♪
♪ A wonderful girl ♪
Played by Lawrence!
♪ Said she'd save me a place ♪
I question your casting choice but continue.
♪ Her name was Summer Her hair pulled back ♪
♪ Wore light up sneakers And a Dora backpack ♪
♪ We played charades Shared Gummy Sours ♪
♪ It seemed like minutes But it lasted hours ♪
♪ She is a smile Without an end ♪
♪ She is a gift She is my friend ♪
♪ We boarded the boat To watch the whales ♪
♪ We set our sights They set the sails ♪
♪ The sky grew dark The sea grew rough ♪
♪ There were no whales She'd had enough ♪
♪ She started to barf Into a dumb bowl ♪
♪ I bought for my mom For $14-94 ♪
♪ Summer said she'd fix it up But I didn't want it anymore ♪
Lawrence, you're over acting, less!
This is how my character would barf!
No, it isn't.
♪ Soon we docked And headed home ♪
♪ From that day on We were never alone ♪
♪ She is a smile Without an end ♪
♪ She is a gift She is my friend ♪
I got this.
That's not how my character would hug!
Singaporeans Try: Non Drivers Take The BTT - Duration:
You might as well just replace (it) with a quote.
"Do whatever you want."
"Do what makes you happy!"
PD: Hi guys!
What is your most frequent mode of transport?
Grab too, actually.
Oh yah, Grab too.
Bus and train, because you can save money.
PD: Then, do you all drive?
Do you mean like a car?
PD: Ya.
Uh, no.
Singapore is so convenient; there's public transport everywhere.
Let's say you have a car.
You don't count the cost of the car right.
It's just like, insurance,
petrol, road tax, ERP, parking.
Just like that, every month,
you calculate, you can take lots of Uber rides eh.
Today, on Singaporeans Try,
we're going to get non-drivers to take the Basic Theory Test (BTT).
It's common sense lah.
Eh, I fail before leh.
My strategy is just going to be like
what I always do, Random.
but then I could be doing the wrong thing all along.
Aiya whatever la. Like any test, just get it over and done with.
She's breaking the law!
How many areas cannot be viewed in the mirrors of a vehicle,
when seated on the driver's seat,
which are referred to as the blind spots?
Well, I imagine myself sitting on the driver's seat right,
I think I cannot see anything from the mirror because of my height.
Now, cars have all the technology, and the cameras, everything
so technically, there's no blind spots right?
PD: Still have.
Still have ah?
I can see all.
You can see all areas?
That means it's 0.
Huh? My answer's not in the multiple choice!
It's 1!
Usually when they ask me to check my blind spots,
it's just like that.
I know that there's at least 1,
but then 1 is not the answer.
PD: 3, 2, 1.
I think it's B (3).
Gwen: B Charmaine: A
Wow, I don't know leh.
I just chose because I think it's 1,
and the closest is 2.
Directional signs are usually
A) Circular with a blue background
B) Rectangular with a blue background
C) Rectangular with a green background
What is directional signs?
Oh! Is it the arrow? Ya!
From what I remember right, (the sign for) U-turn is blue.
I think it's blue?
But I don't know if it's circle or rectangle.
I think it's circular leh,
because I remember that there's this street sign
which is very cute. It's like an umbrella
with raindrops.
Then that one is square. Is that a directional sign?
I don't think that one is a directional sign.
So maybe that's the distinction between a directional sign,
and a cute sign.
Why is this important leh?
You just see can already what.
Why must you know if it's circle or rectangle?
PD: 3, 2, 1.
Gwen: A Charmaine: B
Xenia: A Sean: B
It's C?
Wait, green?
Oh oh, wait, wait, wait! That is called directional sign?
That is called road sign what?
I thought directional signs were the reverse (signs)... Ya!
Then you all never correct us! Ya lor!
Your English...
No good.
PD: That one is... you're telling the traffic police.
You all should change the question to 'Road name signs'.
Then we would understand.
Which of the following statement is correct about reversing?
A) It is illegal to reverse from a side road into a main road.
B) It is illegal to reverse from a main road into a side road.
C) It is illegal to reverse from one road to another, no matter main or side road.
You confirm cannot reverse into a main road.
Sounds funny.
I think either way, it is illegal to reverse.
Because there's confirm cars behind. Ya. You're obstructing the traffic.
I think reversing is only okay when you're parking.
People park sometimes, at the side roads.
Uhuh. So it's okay.
I've seen before at MacPherson Road
People eating prata, then from the main road, they just beep beep.
But maybe that is illegal.
1, 2, 3!
Oh my god, yes!
Ya, it's C.
That means it's legal to reverse from main road into a side road.
Under what circumstances will a car need to reverse from a main road into a side road?
They make a mistake lor.
Uncle, uncle, uncle, uncle!
Uncle, uncle, uncle, uncle!
You hear a fire engine siren approaching from oncoming traffic.
You should A) Slow down and keep to the left.
B) Stop immediately.
C) Maintain the speed as you are not in its way.
Is it the same as ambulances?
Because I know for ambulances right,
when it comes, it's always on lane one,
which is on the right.
I know already!
You hear a fire engine siren approaching--
So it's behind you la. Oh it's behind. Oh.
Oh, it's maintain the speed.
It's oncoming traffic.
You just... normal la.
Just don't slow down and just like, "Aiyo, what happened?"
Please repeat that Mandarin word!
1, 2, 3!
PD: I think you all also need to sit for basic English lessons sia.
Huh? Wait x10
So you should slow down and keep to the left...
No! I know what's wrong!
Oncoming traffic!
That means towards-- Oh my god!
So stupid.
Can you imagine you see the fire engine, then we keep to the left?
In which of the following situations may you use the horn?
Bo bo (horn sound)
A) Near hospital to avoid accidents.
B) Near zebra crossing to warn old man.
C) Near junction to warn slow moving car in front.
B is like even if you don't know any traffic things right,
you learn civic mindedness also you'll be taught not to do this kind of things to old people.
B is the kind that only pricks will do.
Where got people horn near hospitals to avoid accidents?
But you use-- Okay. You do horn to avoid accidents right?
Ya, but not specifically near hospitals.
Ya, as long as to avoid accidents, can already.
So it doesn't matter if A says near hospital,
near school,
near bus stop,
near Chris.
Don't knock Chris out.
3, 2, 1.
Gwen: A Charmaine: C
Where got people--
Oh my god. She's one of those people that I hate on the roads.
Eh, I have never driven!
Like anyhow bam bam.
PD: Do you know why?
Avoid accidents.
PD: Correct.
PD: The horn is only supposed to be used to avoid accidents.
The sign indicates
A) Series of bends ahead.
B) Uneven road ahead.
C) Slippery road ahead.
I feel like (for) uneven roads, they'll draw the cross-section.
That kind of thing.
The car is slanted.
It looks like the car is skidding.
It's not bends. Bends will be like proper bends.
It'll be parallel.
It's a parallelobend.
3, 2, 1.
Chris: C Joyce: A
Yay! Yes!
Yay! Damn it.
When people mop the floor, that's slippery sign...
Maybe you all can add that in.
People will understand better.
Upon seeing this sign, you should
A) Turn either right or left.
B) Beware of traffic from the right and left.
C) Give way to traffic from the right and left.
I feel like because it's red colour right,
it's beware.
Just now this one is also beware.
Good observation, Chris.
A is confirm wrong, because either right or left.
You can go straight.
I've seen A before, the sign.
You know the one, like this.
That looks like the main road.
So I think the BTT principle is always
the main road is king.
Then all the side roads is like,
"You all go and wait one corner for me to drive past first
then you come out and talk." That's true.
You don't have to give way.
B. Be-ware.
Gwen: B Charmaine: A
Yes! Oh my god.
Nice, nice! Yes!
When you see the sign whilst driving, you
A) May turn right or left if there is a side road.
B) Must keep left if you are not overtaking.
C) Cannot turn left or right but must proceed straight ahead.
I think turning left or right does not require a sign.
No, you must proceed ahead.
Yeah, must proceed ahead.
Because the street signs are usually very intuitive.
1, 2, 3.
Gwen: A Charmaine: C
It's B ah?
PD: No, it's A.
Wait, then what's the point of the sign?
You may turn right or left.
Then just don't say anything la! Ya lor.
Normally, you can turn right or left already.
This sign is like the annoying friend that when you ask something,
then they would say, "Hmm, I may or may not..."
Ya! It's exactly like that friend eh.
You might as well just replace (it) with a quote.
"Do whatever you want."
"Do what makes you happy."
"You do you."
I won't remember all this when I'm on the roads leh.
Driving is already stressing me out. Ya!
And then I need to look out. Ya and I still need to look out for shapes leh.
Are cars coming?
Can I park here?
Can I cross there?
Is this the right way?
Where's the ambulance sound coming from?
Where's the fire engine coming from? Oh my god there's so many things
that I have to take note of.
Huh? If it's so difficult, then I don't want to drive already sia.
How did you find the BTT quiz?
Exactly as full of trick questions as it was five years ago.
Honestly, it was quite difficult.
It was quite mindblowing.
I actually thought I would be more observant
when it comes to road signs,
because I always like to sit in front for some reason.
Confusing one is the straight up (sign), then can turn left or right,
because it's an unnecessary sign.
I didn't know that they would have the same sign,
same colour,
different shape. Oh ya ya.
That's the most shocking part for me.
The green background one.
Directional... signs.
PD: Do you think this knowledge is important?
Actually, even for non-drivers right,
I think it's good to know.
Then you can look out for the driver.
There should be refresher courses.
For drivers, I feel like traffic rules are something
which a lot of people study for the exam,
after that they just freestyle.
Especially nowadays, for Uber and Grab,
there are more younger drivers,
so I think it's way more important for everyone la.
Like everyone's safety and all.
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