Kermit: I'm back...
Kermit: And he's here!
Kermit: Kermit's Sweet Moves 3!
Kermit: Coming to no theater near you. Very, very, soon...
Kermit: Like, we're talking the next month or so!
Undertale The Musical: (Genocide Version) - Puns and Puzzles - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
11 Strange Behaviors That Indicate You Are Spiritually Awakened - Duration: 6:57.11 Strange Behaviors That Indicate You Are Spiritually Awakened
Matters of the spirit can be difficult for us to understand simply because they are so
much bigger than anything we can see or directly experience here on Earth.
When we first start our spiritual journey, we are like an empty vessel, eagerly seeking
something, anything, to fill it.
With each step towards true spiritual awakening we are provided with new knowledge and understanding
of the world, unique insights into who we are and why we are here, and a renewed sense
of purpose.
This journey of spiritual awakening is a long one, and for this reason, it is not uncommon
to overlook the fact that we have reached new heights and milestones along the way.
As these are matters of the spirit, they are generally not obvious or in our faces.
Instead, we must learn to watch for the subtle, overlooked changes and shifts in our lives.
#1 � You Enjoy Your Alone Time
It�s not that you don�t care to socialize with the rest of the world, but you are aware
of the value of time alone with your own thoughts.
You embrace the silence that comes when everyone else is gone, whether its home alone curled
up on the couch, or taking a long walk outdoors surrounded by nothing by nature.
While others are afraid to be alone, you welcome it.
#2 � You Believe Everything Has Deeper Meaning
Nothing is as simple as what you see on the surface.
You are well acquainted with the greater meaning of the universe, and for that reason, you�re
always looking for the hidden messages, signs and symbols that are all around you.
While others may simply see a clock, you see the number flashing on the display, pulling
on your knowledge of numerology to understand exactly what that number is trying to reveal
to you at that moment.
#3 � You Aren�t Afraid to Go Against the Mainstream
You have a unique understanding and confidence, embracing who you are and what makes you an
You realize that each of us is different in some way, and that�s what makes this world
such an interesting place.
For this reason, you stand tall and embrace your differences, allowing them to shine true.
Refusing to conform to social trends, you prefer to carve your own path.
#4 � You Are the Advice Giver in Your Social Circle
When your friends and family are trying to decide what to do in any situation, you�re
the one that they run to.
Others trust your opinions and advice because you always seem to have the right thing to
say and a fresh, clear view of the situation at hand.
You are approachable, non-judgmental and understanding, allowing others to come to you with even the
most challenging of situations without fear of how you may respond.
#5 � You Will Find Yourself Face to Face with Past Hurts
If there are negative or toxic experiences or situations from your past that have yet
to be resolved, a spiritual awakening will bring these memories to the forefront, demanding
to be heard.
Your new knowledge and outlook on the world will empower you to finally face these hurts,
releasing them from your life and freeing yourself from the unnecessary baggage that
you have been carrying around.
#6 � You Don�t Believe Everything You Hear
You begin to analyze and overanalyze the information that is presented to you, and in doing so
you start to see just how much incorrect information is actually out there in the world.
From daily gossip to the information being spread across social media, there is so much
hype, propaganda and outright false info.
You take the time to question the information, doing your own research to discover the facts
before deciding what you do and don�t believe.
#7 � You Don�t Always Do Well with Authority
It�s not that you set out to actively defy authority, however, the fact that you actively
question everything rather than just acting out of blind faith often gets you into trouble.
Those in positions of power generally don�t like being questioned or second-guessed, and
that�s what you do best.
You don�t generally outright break the rules, but if there is a problem with them or a loophole
to be discovered, you will find it.
#8 � You Possess an Open Mind
You have your own ideas, thoughts, and opinions, but you don�t allow yourself to become so
wrapped up in them that you close yourself off from other viewpoints or ways of thinking.
Instead, you maintain an open mind, allowing yourself to learn and grow through opposing
You realize you may not always have the right answers, and that�s okay, as long as you�re
open to discovering the right answer.
#9 � You Have Incredibly Vivid Dreams
As you reach new levels of spiritual awakening, you will find that you are better in tune
with the energies of the universe and the various entities that move among us.
One of the key ways that these entities will try to communicate with us is through our
dreams, providing us with vivid imagery full of signs and symbols.
Your dreams are incredibly realistic, to the point that you will sometimes wake up only
to find yourself questioning whether or not you were actually asleep.
#10 � You Genuinely Want to Save the World
While some people will talk the talk, acting as though they would do anything and everything
to protect and save those around you, however, when push comes to shove they refuse to step
outside of their comfort zone.
While others may refer to you as a dreamer, you genuinely believe that the world can be
saved with a little hard work and dedication.
Compassionate and caring, you aren�t afraid to sacrifice in your own life to make it happen.
#11 � You Are No Longer a Slave to Your Ego
We live in a society where the mainstream media creates the expectation that we should
put our own egos first at all times, seeking validation, adoration, and self-worth from
the people around us.
When you experience a spiritual awakening, you realize that this is all a lie.
Suddenly feeling free from your ego and the expectations of society, you begin to experience
the bigger truth of the universe and the role that you play in this master plan.
1 MAYIS NEDİR? - Duration: 1:53.The first period leading up to Labor Day The stairway in Australia in 1856
and construction workers' working hours protest
as long as it is.
These protests, however, workers from 1 May 1886 onwards
business day started for 8 hours In 1889, the International Laborers
At the Paris Congress of the Fraternity Organization accepted as "the common holiday of workers"
to reach the end.
8-hour business day for American workers The struggle for acceptance began in 1884.
In Chicago, Trade-Unions, The congress was also
business hours to be determined as 8 hours He agreed.
On May 1, 1886, in the major cities of the United States more than five strikes were declared.
In clashes between police and strikers a worker killed, many workers were injured.
3 days after the demonstrations are unionists Four of them are executed, four are sentenced to heavy imprisonment
He was sentenced.
The International Workers' At the 1889 Paris Congress (II.
International 1.
congress), the workers' solidarity announcing a common holiday one day a year
He was adopted.
On the proposal of American trade unionists that day was identified as '' May 1 ''.
Dub Just *REVEAL* Future Trunks TRUE RAGE! English Dub HD Dragon Ball Super! Super Saiyan Rage - Duration: 12:30.Have we all forgotten?
Never seeing him for over half the entire Dragon Ball Super series,
It isn't hard to understand why this character's moment of shine fell through the cracks of
our memories.
Once the Dragon Ball Super Episode 61 English Dub was released, the breathtaking performance
Sean Schemmel gave to Goku's revengeful cry left this special character to fall to
the back of our minds again.
That is until, he released a power that no other Saiyan has ever achieved before.
What do you think, #ANIFAM?
Can the Dub take our breath away again?
Let's find out with the moment Future Trunks proved his true strength, unleashing on Goku
Black and Zamasu his Super Saiyan Rage.
Already getting chills, I think we've instantly set our expectations high for this scene.
This clip holds 2 things we noticed with Goku's scene, too.
Firstly, the Dub likes to add an echo to their voice, which totally helps you feel the intensity
of their pain.
Secondly, who else felt more deeply for Trunks when he made it clearer that he wasn't just
protecting people.
He was protecting them specifically from these 2 monsters.
However, this shows us exactly why Trunks always failed to grab our attention.
His transformation is so far behind Goku and Vegeta, yet he's jumping in even after Goku
had just fallen.
And the consequences of letting his emotions overtake him were coming sooner than he realized.
I actually had to watch this clip a couple times to notice this, but you might've already
picked up on the fact that in the Sub, Trunks doesn't make a peep as Goku Black blasts
a beam straight through him.
However, in the Dub, you hear his painful cry.
But there was also what he said just as Goku Black captured him.
The Sub makes it clear Future Trunks realizes that he's been caught in a terrible situation.
But the Dub changes it to sound more like he's in a moment of shock and panic.
Both versions, however, in their own way match up to the moment of truth coming for him.
His actions had finally caught up with him.
But you're probably wondering what the Dub could possibly have changed from this clip.
See for yourself, #ANIFAM.
We just picked up on this in the last clip.
As Trunks is falling to the ground, you can hear both his fear and the disappointment
he has in his actions.
Whereas in the Sub, it was silent.
I hope that by seeing them side by side, you can tell how big of an impact tiny changes
can actually have in very emotional scenes such as this one.
However, sometimes the Dub makes changes that aren't nearly as hard to find.
I'm having a $500 giveaway for the #ANIFAM members!
Best way to win is clicking the notification bell!
I'll wait for 3 seconds.
More details in pinned comment and description.
Take this clip, for example.
Although you'll notice the meaning behind their statements are identical, the types
of detail are totally different.
Leaving the choice as to which version had a stronger impact up to you guys.
Our next clip is actually a rarity, #ANIFAM.
As in the clip you just finished comparing, the changes the English Dub makes to its original
Japanese version are hardly ever in the actual meanings of what's being said and rather
with a slight variation of details.
But every once in a while, we get major changes.
And that's exactly what you get here.
What you're about to see is that the Sub has Vegeta questioning his 2 enemies, most
likely trying to get inside their heads.
But then the Dub makes him that stubborn Vegeta we love so much.
No longer questioning, but instead rudely blurting out his own opinion.
Don't you find it fascinating how 2 completely different statements can bring to us the same
feelings that are attached to the story within the show itself?
Clips like those are one of the main reasons I love doing these comparisons.
But our next clip gives a change that does bring something new to the table.
Lately, I've been giving the Dub so much praise, especially when it comes to this episode.
But this clip is one of the things that I actually prefer the simplicity coming from
the Sub.
It's much clearer as to the reason Zamasu and Goku Black believe Vegeta can't understand
their plan.
While the Dub still makes this a clear point as well, they do it a little more vaguely.
In fact, it almost sounds as if they're talking about Vegeta specifically rather than
all mortals in general.
But check it out #ANIFAM.
Tell me in the comments which one you preferred and why.
But first, the show takes us back to the roots of this scene.
Thankfully, Future Trunks is OK, despite the attack Goku Black had surprised him with.
But this is only physically.
Can you imagine?
The amount of mental strain fighting these 2 for so long, watching countless innocent
lives being lost, and still not having the strength to win, even with the help of his
father and Goku.
Understandably, this next clip is very upsetting.
And it'll be interesting to see how each version handles its importance.
I think many of you will say the Dub did an awesome job here adding in a layer of emotion.
There was, of course that echo on the voice, but the change to what Mai said?
I believe that's something we have to thank the English language itself for.
Japanese doesn't have nearly as many descriptive words in it, so Mai's very simple stating
of Trunks' name honestly makes perfect sense for that language.
But what about when there are no words at all?
What do you think the Dub can change then?
Well, as we've already seen in this video, the Dub actually can change quite a bit when
it comes to screaming.
They usually add the echo for a fuller effect and then there's also just the voice actors
But then we get clips like the one you just saw.
There's no screaming to put an echo on.
The voice actors in both versions are really only just breathing.
Clearly, there's not really any changes you can make in this situation.
But you know what?
That's one of the beauties of the story within the show.
As you see, keeping something totally the same can be just as meaningful as all the
times differences are added.
However, you can't deny the impact the voice actors can have with other details.
As with the scene of Goku declaring his revenge for Chi Chi and Goten, sometimes the voice
actor can make the biggest difference of all.
And while watching the Sub, I'm sure you were with me on this one #ANIFAM.
This is one scene I couldn't wait to see get dubbed.
And its build up couldn't be any more intense than here.
The change the Dub makes to what you just saw is a common difference the #ANIFAM has
noticed before.
There's a few different reasons for doing this, including needing more words in order
to match up with the lip movements.
But with this clip, we see that sometimes the Dub writers realize that a lot is going
on and that the audience might've forgotten some details from earlier.
So they give us a reminder.
Both versions have their perks here.
The sub added a nice touch using the word sin, referring to when Zamasu blamed Trunks
for the Zero Mortal Plan.
But instead of getting straight to the point, the Dub chose to use words that help us remember
that scene more easily.
They also made the statement a little less vague.
We could pretty easily guess from the Sub that Future Trunks was telling Zamasu that
he didn't care if what he did was a sin or not.
But the Dub made this 100% clear.
Do you think adding that little phrase in there was needed?
Even more importantly, are you ready to see how the Dub handled one of the most emotional
scenes to ever occur in the history of Dragon Ball Super?
I don't know, #ANIFAM.
There were a lot of you who told me the Sub didn't do Goku's revengeful scream justice,
and therefore, you were so excited to hear Sean's beyond amazing performance of it.
But the Japanese voice actor for Future Trunks just gave me super chills.
Hopefully, the bar of expectations isn't set too high for the Dub.
But honestly, I think you guys won't be let down.
In fact, you'll even notice a small change in that the Dub has Trunks screaming for quite
a bit longer.
Cries of desperation like these are one of the reasons the Dragon Ball franchise is so
You know what's just as awesome, though?
The shocked reaction of those enemies who thought they couldn't be defeated looking
on in terror as the hero breaks their limits.
And that's exactly what you'll see here.
Hands down, my absolute favorite part of this clip, though, is the reaction of Trunks'
We all know how obsessed Vegeta is with gaining power.
And the realization of his own son's power as he becomes the only Saiyan to ever achieve
Super Saiyan Rage is amazing.
However, his power hasn't even reached its max yet.
Honestly, I'll leave the choice up to you, #ANIFAM.
But this next clip is something I can't wait for you to see.
Because, not only do we get our for real first look at Super Saiyan Rage, but we also get
one of the most spine-shivering statement changes you've ever seen the Dub create.
My god.
Both versions show a Trunks who is beyond done playing games.
His urge for revenge couldn't be any clearer.
But the Dub has his confidence soaring through the roof.
Have you forgotten about Future Trunks now?
شريف جابر أيقونة الإلحاد العربي ( Sherif Gaber is the Icon of Infantile Atheism ( English Subtitle - Duration: 20:19.May Allah's peace, mercy and his greetings be upon you!
Praise be to Allah!
and may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the most honored of messengers; our master Muhammad.
and upon all his family and companion.
Welcome all!
Atheism teaches us love
and to love each other
regardless of your religion, belief or ideology.
O Muslim women, you're so gorgeous and beautiful while wearing your veils [Hijab]!
You must spit in their faces (Muslim wearing Hijab).
You must spit in their faces?!
I'm sorry.
What I meant was the application to Methodology of atheism - not their words -
that deals with all people respectfully.
Have you ever heard of an atheist who killed or slaughtered people?
For example,
Vladimir Lenin, an atheist, issued a formal decision to kill all believers (of religions) and religious scholars [clergy]
throughout the Soviet Union.
As he said,
and you can find that letter #4 link in the description.
"We must precisely now smash the Black Hundreds clergy most decisively and ruthlessly
and put down all resistance with such brutality
that they will not forget it for several decades."
That what Lenin, the atheist, exactly said.
He also said, in another letter,
his letter has been recorded and documented,
and you can find that letter #4 link in the description.
"At this meeting pass a secret resolution of the congress that the removal of property of value,
especially from the very richest lauras, monasteries, and churches, must be carried out with ruthless resolution,
leaving nothing in doubt,
and in the very shortest time.
The greater the number of representatives of the reactionary clergy and the reactionary bourgeoisie
that we succeed in shooting on this occasion, the better
because this audience must precisely now be taught a lesson in such a way
that they will not dare to think about any resistance whatsoever for several decades."
Spitting in the face has turned to be more easier.
However, it may be such a speech
just to arouse the fanaticism of atheists.
Because it's impossible - for him - to kill all clergy in the Soviet Union!
No, he killed over than 8.000 clergies - after that letter.
Yes, indeed.
8.000 clergies and all religious scholars were killed
by Lenin - in the Soviet Union - after his letter and speech
Have you ever heard of an atheist who killed or slaughtered people?
Lenin is considered an exception.
What's this?!
This is a photo of (The Cambodian Killing Fields).
This is where (Pol Pot) the atheist murdered quarter of the Cambodian people!
according to the Official State Documents.
On behalf of atheism.
This is a photo of killing fields, ethnic cleansing and piles of skulls.
These concepts (murders) only known as a result by atheists unfortunately.
This is the result of atheism.
(Pol Pot) the atheist murdered quarter of the Cambodian people!
Let this be aside,
Frankly, atheists are intelligent. so clever!
Hence, you must admit that atheists are intelligent.
As they study a single book for days and nights,
read scientific articles and papers everyday
and they spend their entire life studying theories and science etc.
Eventually you call them stupid?! Don't fool yourself.
Atheists are criminals, bloodthirsty and piles of skulls only appeared when atheists ruled countries,
but they are intelligent!
They read and have knowledge
and that's we can see clearly in their (Arab atheists) videos.
Abdul-Malik says, "I'm afraid that I'll die in [during] the month of Ramadan,
as in Ramadan, I was born, weaned and gathered The Noble Qura'n."
So we can see clearly that Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan admits that he gathered The Noble Qur'an in Ramadan.
If Caliph Ottoman has already gathered The Noble Qur'an before him,
how come a Muslim leader (ibn Marawan) gather Qur'an after 40 years then?!
Why and how would he gather The Noble Qur'an once again?!
Wow! so clever.
Abdul-Malik says that he memorized the whole Qur'an in Ramadan
and reached puberty in Ramadan as well.
So Sherif Gaber the intelligent concluded that Qur'an was Lost and Abdul-Malik gathered in Ramadan.
Sherif Gaber is so clever - as I said.
He thought that "جَمَع" means that Qur'an was lost and gathered after that.
However, "جَمَع" means memorized it.
Excuse him as Sherif was lost [didn't understand that simple Arabic meaning and pronunciation] concerning that point.
Why would you fool yourself and think that atheists are stupid?
Please, read scientific surveys;
all studies and surveys state that - unfortunately,
Atheists, agnostics and freethinkers comprise only 10% of total Nobel Prizes winners
since 1901 till 2000.
So atheists may be around 2%
Excuse him, again, as Sherif was lost [didn't understand that] concerning that point.
and they spend their entire life studying theories and science etc.
Eventually you call them stupid?!
Do you consider atheists clever?!
Did you forget your stupidity while you uttered [pronounced] Imam Al-Bayhaqi's name?!
For example, Imam Al-Beheeqi says in his book,
You were honest when you said atheists spend their lifetime studying science!
This is called (Science of Al-Biheeqii)
Don't you know the story of (Um Qorfah) the old woman that Prophet ordered to kill by ripping her?!
(Um Qorfah)?!
So industrious!
First of all; Her name is (Um Qirfah) not (Um Qorfah).
Second; The narrator of this Hadith is a disregarded one - accused of lying.
So strange! you stick to a disregarded Hadith
yet turns a blind eye upon a quarter of Cambodian people who got killed
by an atheist - according to their Official State Documents?!
Wow! so clever.
Imam Al-Bukhari; His real name is (Muhammad Al-Ga'fie)
First, His name is (Al-Ju'fie) not (Al-Ga'fie)
Second; (Al-Ju'fie) wasn't a forefather of Imam (Al-Bukhari)
Imam (Al-Bukhari) is neither called: Muhammad Al-Ju'fie nor Muhammad Al-Ga'fie
Whilst (Al-Ju'fie) is a person who convinces (Al-Bukhari)'s forefather to embrace Islam.
Imam (Al-Bukhari)'s real name is; (Muhammad ibn Ismail).
Even though you made a mistake while pronunciation the name of the city.
(Al-Bukhari) gathered 7500 Hadith and he said that they are just the authenticated ones.
And (Al-Bukhari) made his book out of these Hadith.
"Those are just the authenticated Hadith." Did (Al-Bukhari) said so?!
And did he assumed that his Sahih Book is the correct [veracious] one?!
This proves that Sherif Gaber never saw (or read) the cover of Sahih Book.
Because the title of the book is written on the cover as;
The gatherer, the approved, the abbreviator,
That means this is the abbreviator Sahih Book of Hadith
and not all authentic Hadith are gathered and collected in this Sahih Book.
Whcish {stammering; which in Arabic} of these is important?!
I thought it's called: Which!
"Which of these really has the right to that microphone then?!" I asked myself.
Person no.1; He can't even speak found the microphone first
Like the Palestinians found the land first - supposedly.
But here comes Person no.2; who can use that microphone better
Like the Zionists use the occupied land better!
Whcish {stammering; which} of these has the right to demande?!
Sherif the Whcish :)
He assumes Israel has the right to occupy the land of Palestine!
Because they can use [exploit] it well and he presented pictures of skyscrapers.
This is the mindset of atheists.
As long as you can build a skyscraper, you have the right to occupy any land you want.
Atheism works on removal any sacred resistance.
Atheism of Sherif the Whcish is so catastrophic.
This is wrong in many points scientifically.
for example; bones are formed [created] before flesh.
This doesn't happen.
This is completely wrong - according to science.
As both of them, bones and flesh, are formed at the same moment.
Wow, so acquainted!
Both of bones and flesh are formed at the same moment?!
Well, according to this respectful medical reference; Somite Development says:
"Bones come first, after that flesh appears [is formed]."
This is a miracle because God tells us that in Qur'an.
Allah says in The Noble Qur'an; Chapter 23, Verse 14
"and We covered the bones with flesh"
So bones was created first,
then bones were covered with flesh.
That medical reference says [asserts] that.
Also you can notice the Arabic letter "ف"
because bones are being covered - immediately after being created - with flesh.
This proves, simply, that Islam is right whilst atheism is wrong.
And in order to settle such an issue,
we've got a person like Sherif Gaber with his mentality
and talks nonsense (like bullshit)
and - of course - we don't forget the retard people who will believe him.
Like a root or a wedge.
which mean, in Arabic, a pointed object reaches the depth of the earth.
There's no such thing.
Whatsoever you search online for images of mountains,
you'll never find your intentional image; which illustrate mountains with roots.
There's no such thing, Period.
The only justification I've found for Sherif being so stupid and fool
that he can't Google "Mountain Roots" correctly in English.
If he did so, he would see thousands results of respectful scientific websites.
These are photos came from respectful scientific websites
I found after typing "Mountain Roots"
Below each picture, I wrote its scientific website source.
Not a single picture comes from an Islamic website.
Do & Don't
Chemical interactions and nerve cells work together inside your brain to produce feelings like:
Love, hate, satisfaction, anger or sadness.
If you put that brain chemical substance on a paper inside a laboratory,
that paper won't feel love or hate.
Because relationship between hormones and chemical substance is synchronization.
For example;at the same time I feel loved and passionate towards a person,
my body releases endorphin hormone.
It's not endorphin hormone made me feel love.
Arab atheists and their logic is so wonderful!
Life, scientifically, is just chemical interactions that occur amongst atoms.
Life is chemical interactions that occur amongst atoms?!
Well, you have atoms and chemical interactions as well.
Create a life for us.
I bet you know that universities all over the worlds with their knowledge and techniques
can't create even the simplest form of life!
Yet, we have a stupid Arab atheist who believes that life is chemical interactions that occur amongst atoms.
Atheism fell into a great trap.
What is it?
As atheism assumes and believes that
randomization and accidents created amoeba, bacteria and human being.
However, scientists now with their top techniques can't create the simplest form of life.
This shows how atheism is so absurd.
How could accident and randomization create Amoeba and Human beings
whilst we - with the utmost technique of science and knowledge, accident, randomization, atoms and interactions -
can't create the simplest form of life?!
What's the solution?
It's so easy. Just give Sherif Gaber a camera and he will tell us that life is just interactions amongs atoms.
Unfortunately, so many stupid and retarded people will believe him.
Allah says in The Noble Qur'an; Chapter 22, Verse 73
"O people, an example is presented, so listen to it.
Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create [as much as] a fly,
even if they gathered together for that purpose."
It's so easy.
Create a life for us,
It's a shame that you speak and discuss topics that will make your belief (atheism) look so bad.
Craig Venter, with his team, was the first geneticist to create a living being from zero.
I'm pretty sure that if Craig Venter heard that sentence, he'd die immediately.
I'm serious.
Craing created a life from scratch only in your mind.
This is Craig's scientific paper with his experiment.
"Venter worked on a living mycoplasma
- he never started from zero [scratch] o, you stupid atheist -
"Venter worked on a living mycoplasma with membrane, cell enzymes, organelles
and full set of genes - inside the nucleus.
What Venter really did was entering [inserting] some Nitrogen bases inside the nucleus,
that cell produced many of them, then.
It means that cell produced many copies of them.
He didn't create a living cell.
He worked on a living mycoplasma with membrane,
and full set of genes and enzymes.
Then the stupid atheist says that Craig created a living cell from scratch!
He just lies and deceives the fools.
The extreme limit of science hope is to create a living being which is simpler that a bacteria with 1 million time.
Then Sherif Gaber says that scientists created a living cell from scratch!
"What we're trying to do is create some form of life that's simpler million times than a small bacteria."
Sherif Gaber and other Arab atheist are considered an absurd phenomenon.
They only work (lie and deceive) over people who are underage and not acquainted at all.
Le'ts see what happened with our brother; Sayyid Izzud-Din.
In fact, this episode didn't take me too much time to prepare.
Except for just one sentence that (Sherif Gaber) said took me three days to figure out.
Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came out of the room and called (Abu-Seedo) and told him ...
Just Imagine, I spent three days reading all dictionaries and historical books
to know the character of (Abu-Seedo) that (Sherif Gaber) mentioned,
yet I didn't know him unfortunately.
So I decided to read in other book s in different languages;
I read - books - in Persian, Hindi, Somali and Wolof (Senegalese).
Yet I didn't know that character of (Abu-Seedo)
Then I decided to travel.
And Al-Bukhari traveled to Baghdad, Basra, Kufa, Damascus, Jerusalem and Egypt,
also went up to the moon and descended.
So funny, dude.
All this effort just to know who (Abu-Seedo) is, yet I didn't know him.
Till I found out that so-called (Abu-Seedo أبو سيدو) is the Companion (Abu-Usayd Al-Sa'idi أبو أسيد الساعدي)
But (Sherif Gaber) uttered that name as you heard.
So you can imagine the mentality of the person we're arguing with.
the Companion: (Abu-Usayd Al-Sa'idi أبو أسيد الساعدي)
turned to his real name!! (Abu-Seedo أبو سيدو)
When God tells us the story of the birth of the Christ
Allah says in The Noble Qur'an; Chapter 19, Verse 24
"But he called her from below her, "Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream."
What does سريّا means?
Sariyya سريّا means a stream
but it can't be used as a stream in this text.
So other Muslim scholars tried to make up a meaning that can coordinate with the context.
They said that سريّا may be used as "generous"
Do they mean a generous man; Jesus?
As usual, this word doesn't have a logical Arabic meaning that coordinates with the context.
However, it does have a Syriac meaning.
The Syriac word سري means "Legitimate Child".
Now that verse has a logical and reasonable meaning (the word سري in its context)
The child, Jesus, says to his mother, Mary,
Do not grieve; God has provided you with a legitimate child.
That means, don't grieve because you gave birth to me - while you didn't have intercourse with a man.
I am a legitimate son سري
not generous or a stream - as Muslim scholars tried to twist the meaning.
Sherif Gaber quotes from Christoph Luxenberg the liar
Because Christoph Luxenberg doesn't have a certificate or studied languages
according to this study from London university, School of Oriental and African Studies.
And they exposed Christoph Luxenberg in that study.
He neither is called Christoph, foreigner nor studied languages as he assumes.
Sherif Gaber quotes from Christoph Luxenberg that سريّا means a legitimate son.
This is a lie about the Syriac language concerning both word and meaning.
The word that Sherif Gaber inserted is not pronounced - in Syriac - سريّا Sariyya
but it's pronounced شري Shari
Also شري Shari in Syriac doesn't mean a legitimate son,
but means divorced; separated from husband.
This word was mentioned as divorced in 1 Corinthians 7:27
Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife.
If that verse had been correct - according to Christoph Luxenberg and Sherif's quote,
it would have meant, "Don't grieve; you're divorce; separated from your husband. "
The Noble Qur'an says to Mary,
"Don't grieve; you're divorce."
According to that weird (funny) understanding of Syriac.
Sariyya سريّا means a stream; a small creek.
Allah says in The Noble Qur'an; Chapter 19, Verse 26
"So eat (from dates) and drink (from the stream) and be contented."
I challenged Sherif Gaber - concerning his episode about mistakes he assumed in The Noble Qur'an -
to give him 1000$ just to get me a single correct idea [assumption]
challenge persisted!
You can find the episode about this challenge #1 link in the description.
Zoroastrianism stated that there're Heaven & Hell, five prayer times, ablution and Testification [Tashahhud]
After thousands of years, Islam came and stated that there're Heaven & Hell, five prayer times, ablution and Testification [Tashahhud]
Concerning Islam and Zoroastrianism,
The oldest sacred book of Zoroastrianism dates back 1323 AD.
That means after Islam with more than 500 years!
In its official websites, Zoroastrianism admits that it transcribed from Islam.
After conquest of Persia and spreading Islam there, Zoroastrianism disappeared for centuries.
Eventually it appeared with New Look and new content.
That content was, indeed, influenced by Islam as they admit in their own books.
Zoroastrianism is a heavenly religion but it was distorted.
So it's similar to revealed religions (with sacred books).
Prophet Muhammad PBUH says in the authenticated Hadith:
(About Zoroastrianism)
"Follow the same Sunna with them that you follow with the people of the Book."
It means that Zoroastrianism had remains of prophecies.
So it's logical to be similar to Islam.
Zoroastrianism admits that it influenced and transcribed from Islam.
But Sherif Gaber and the Arab atheists reverse the fact.
It doesn't matter what bullshit they say.
Does this mean that Arab atheists lie?
Yes indeed.
Because it's impossible that they didn't read any of those books that
Sherif Gaber even lies about his personal life.
He wrote that his father forced him to study physics while he was enrolled in the literary section.
You feel that he has lack of self-worth, inferiority complex or wanted to become a doctor for example.
well, who knows?!
Arab atheists are seeking fame so badly,
so they emit [release] their poisonous ideas among ignorant people.
If you announce any debate to challenge them,
they flee at once!
Whom am I gonna debate?
There's a guy called Haitham Tal'at that made a respond [episode] to my first video I've made.
Here it shows that Sherif Gaber follows me.
Is Sherfi Gaber brave enough to debate me?
I swear by God, Sherif doesn't dare to debate me.
I challenged him to a public debate
and corresponded with atheists whom he trust - to tell him about the debate,
I swear by God, Sherif refused to debate me.
The challenge still exists.
Why is Sherif so scared to debate me in public?
Because he's apostate.
He earns his living from his atheism (blasphemy).
If he got exposed, finance will cut down at once.
A few days ago, he wrote an article in English - that contains twenty or thirty spelling and grammar mistakes.
he was begging people for emotions, says:
"I live in terror,
I can't sleep as I've horrific nightmares,
I feel afraid of getting caught (by police),
I live such a miserable and painful life,
This is basically not a life,
my family abandoned me
What do you want?!
and I need money as soon as possible.
I need financial support
you can't imagine how money will help me."
That what he said, literally.
Those are the new apostates
just a bunch of mercenaries.
And they have taken besides Allah false deities that they would be for them a source of honor.
After every episode he finishes, he upload the usual photo,
that (begging form);
"Support me on Patreon, please!"
He recieves 50.000 LE [Egyptian Pound] every month that's equal to 3.000 $ USD.
That's more than the salary of an Egyptian minister.
That's, also, more than the salary of 15 Egyptian doctors who work full-time.
This is the core [purpose] of atheism.
So those stupid atheists earn their living through those retarded people who follow and support them.
{He wants to show the spectators that he's speaking Chinese.}
Why are we doing our best to give responses to them,
as long as atheism is so absurd
and they're just bunch of mercenaries.
Because there're kids who may believe their fraud and quackery.
Our brother, Abu-Maryam who is a member in Tawhid forum, says,
"The problem is that you're discussing and debating people in the net of unfair equality - the Internet
where differences disappears between who spend their lifetime studying and seeking knowledge
and those who didn't read even a single page concerning what they are opposing.
So there's no modesty, customs or guard for the case [litigation]
In most cases, the one who judges is either a little boy or a shallow-thinking teenager.
Due to caring for him and for your religion in the time of globalization forced you to make him as a judge.
The difficulty here - in those debates -
which were were obliged to
was to protect the weak-minded of the public on the internet
neither to attack the falsehood nor to rise the word of truth
but you need to make the word of truth look so decorative
and make the falsehood look so bad.
In addition to your evidences and proofs, you gonna need master elocution and poetry
so that you may affect and leave a good impression in souls (of people) who only learn by good-looking and cute methods.
This is the truth!
This is atheism.
It's just about absurdity and trash.
Just a bunch of trivialities are promoted.
The problem lies within foolish people who believe and spread those trivialities.
I hope you share this video among his fellows (of atheists) as he targets people who didn't watch my previous episodes.
My last not least advice to you is to learn your religion well.
Because if you do, we won't find anyone like Sherif Gaber and other Arab atheists to spread their trivialities.
Sherif Gaber is a beggar and mercenary who publish his videos to earn some money.
I've written a book entitled: (Healing for what is in the souls)
it gives answers to most of atheistic suspicions with evidences related to faith.
The book is a gift for you to download.
#2 link in the description.
May Allah guide us and you all to the goodness,success and righteousness.
May Allah's peace, mercy and his greetings be upon you!
The Handmaid's Tale 2x03 Promo "Baggage" (HD) - Duration: 0:34.- I swore I'd never do that again.
- You can't leave me here!
- I used to think that too.
I would die first.
- I waited before.
- It's time to get out and fight.
- But she spends all her time waiting to be rescued by men.
I don't know how you could give your baby up.
- This country is going down the tubes.
- No!
- Get ready to go.
You were there, all the time.
- Go where?
- Hold on right there.
@tony_tpetrarca on Twitter - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Car Coloring Book for Kids - Video for Kids - Duration: 12:11.Car Coloring Book for Kids - Video for Kids
Mother's Day Gift Idea: DIY Watercolor Silhouette - HGTV - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Jared/Jensen-Nashcon 2018 (Sub.español) Parte 6 - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Roblox Gaming- Five Night's At Freddy's 2 (Night 1) - Duration: 8:59.Hey everyone BabyAngelPanda 19 just with another quick announcement I know my channel I have a
lot of announcements but I just wanted to just talk to all of you just for a
couple of minutes I recently looked at my channel and found out that I am now
down to 77 subscribers on my channel and that basically just kind of tells me
that whoever checked out my latest video that I posted not too long ago that
basically people are judging me for the way that I sound and people just don't
want to watch my content I mean yes I understand that the only thing on my
channel that I have is straight roblox and I have told each and every single
one of you awesome subscribers that are still with me
and I just wanted to give a couple shoutouts to cool Shadic243, JTF 1 24life,
and JBull Animatronic. All three of those people have helped me
grow my channel and I think each and every single one of them I'm basically
just kind of a little bit not upset but kind of sad because I thought my channel
was doing so good and then to find out that people are not even watching my
content the people who have unsubscribe to my channel they basically never watch
my content they judged me they just didn't like the fact that all I posted
with roblox and as of right now I don't really have a youtube set up and I've
been using a laptop to record all my videos on but once I get everything that
I need I will be uploading different videos if you guys have any other videos.
If you would like me to do like any other music videos that you have in mind or if
there's a specific game on roblox that I haven't played already leave it
down in the comments for me and just tell me what you guys want me
to play next. But I do hope you all enjoyed this short little announcement
it's not going to be very long but I hope you all enjoyed if you did leave a
like, comment down below, subscribe if you want more roblox content. And subscribe
if you want to be part of BabyAngelPanda 19's Army, it would mean so
much to me if I could have more people on my channel so please invite more
friends and and just bring anyone to my channel to help me out again thank you
so much to JTF 124life, he did a little stream about my channel not too
long ago actually he posted up a day ago please go check that out and just help
me grow my channel everyone please and I mean just please help me out it would
mean the most to me I know that I probably repeated a lot of stuff but
like I said I hope you all enjoyed and give me a like, comment down below,
subscribe for more roblox content thank you everyone
Goodbye :D
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