(Loud Screaming)
I hate fortnite!
Maya Calendar May Unlock Secrets of Time Travel - Duration: 3:54.Maya Calendar May Unlock Secrets of Time Travel
BY Paul Seaburn
Are you tired of all of these alleged time travelers tripping to the future and bringing
back boring tales of robot overlords, blurry pictures of apocalyptic destruction, conflicting
stories of what�s going to happen � and no lottery numbers? Well, Timothy Alan heard
your cries and has released the secrets of time travel that have been right under your
nose the whole time � if your nose was over a Maya calendar.
�Hi there, my name is Timothy Alan and I am a multi-dimensional archaeologist.�
Tzolkin calendar
A what? Alan�s explanatory video identifies him as a multi-dimensional archaeologist � that�s
one who collects 3D digital data from artifacts and use it to create detailed computer simulations
that can be shared, analyzed, picked apart and more without damaging (or looting) the
original. He claims he�s spent five years studying the Maya Tzolkin calendar � that�s
the 260-day Tzolk�in (�Division of days�) calendar. The Maya had many calendars (the
infamous �world ends in 2012� calendar was the Long Count), with the Tzolkin being
the oldest. Why is this multi-dimensional archaeologist interested in it?
�I found this hidden code in the Mayan calendar that unlocks what you can see here � a vortex-quantumatics
like a quantum agreement for a spiritual technology. It�s a multidimensional language.�
Whoa, Tim. Too many big, confusing words in that explanation for the people you�re hoping
to convince. Try again.
�After 5 years of daily study trying to figure out what these 10 KEY where about I�d
uncovered 40 KEYS and discovered the QELF (Quantum Encoded Light Fractal) as well as
Time Portals within the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar.�
Maya calendar days
OK, so Timothy Alan (who goes by the name Timothy Rabbit on another video � is he
another time traveler trying to hide his real identity?) seems to be saying he found a key
or keys to time portals, which he later identifies as a �passage of time� portal and a �personal
vision� portal. Ah, so he didn�t find a time machine � he found time travel doorways.
Now we�re getting somewhere. Where are they so we can go get our lottery numbers?
Unfortunately, that�s where Alan�s explanation gets as blurry as the photos his fellow �time
travelers� bring back. He says the Maya calendar was invented to map the evolution
of human consciousness and the keys helped him make a �divine� time travel map that
he plans to use to end our dependency on money.
Just when he appears to have lost everyone, he throws in one thing everyone can relate
�All this calendar stuff keeps on coming. It�s like the Da Vinci code � some sort
of cosmic Da Vinci code that opened.� And that�s when we give up on getting our
future lottery numbers because the Da Vinci code is fictional and a much better plot for
a novel than a Quantum Encoded Light Fractal.
Sorry, Timothy Alan or Timothy Rabbit or whoever you are. Since the world didn�t end in December
2012, we demand more proof of your Maya calendar time traveling.
Supergirl 3x16 Sneak Peek "Of Two Minds" (HD) Season 3 Episode 16 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:07.Okay, so mean doctor said we have to lift the quarantine.
She's not mean, she's just serious.
And she's correct.
If the same thing that happened to the birds happens to these patients,
they could descend into catastrophic organ failure.
There's a possibility that Pestilence is still here.
Mon-El did say that there's an incubation period.
Those scratches did not look new.
She's probably not even here anymore.
Well let's get all these people to the hospital.
And J'onn, you and I could fly the really sick ones.
All right people, let's keep it calm.
The last thing we need is a panic.
What is that?
(police sirens, screeching tires)
So much for avoiding a panic.
Conchita about 'Purple Rain' (incl. subtitles) - #ConchitaLIVE - Spielberg, 14.04.2018 - Duration: 0:42.The next song is probably my absolute favourite, because this song
makes me so deeply sad, but fills me at the same time with so much hope that
every time I am deeply moved.
And I think if a song can do that then it is rightly a world hit.
And this world hit was written by Prince and the song is called 'Purple Rain'.
🔥Иностранец реагирует на Oxxxymiron - Where we are not 🎙 - Duration: 6:23.-------------------------------------------
Farming Simulator 17 PC - Oregon Map 2018 - Duration: 1:54:39.-------------------------------------------
Will JAPAN go BANKRUPT because of the OLYMPICS? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 13:10.Japan is to economics what Axl Rose is to music business.
They both rocked in the late 80s and beginning of the 90s, then they started losing ground
and nowadays, anytime they try to make a comeback, the results are… pretty disappointing.
I know what you are thinking… from the first glance, Japan doesn't seem to be that bad,
They have the videogames, the anime movies and world class tech behemoths.
And their capital, Tokyo, looks like a Scy-Fy city.
It is the World's biggest metropolis, with over 30 M people, and they have the fastest
trains, the most modern TVs and even human-like robots.
Nonetheless, this country has been 2 decades without no economic growth.
And this is not the worst!
Japan is the most indebted country in the whole planet.
They owe more than twice their entire GDP.
And their population is decreasing faster than anywhere else, which poses a big problem
in order to pay retirement pensions.
This is one of the reasons why Japanese workers make crazy hours and have almost no vacations.
And those good old technological juggernauts like HITACHI or PANASONIC are falling behind
the more modern companies from China or America.
But hold on just a second because things might change!
Yes, I'm talking about the TOKYO OLIMPICS, 2020.
A peerless opportunity to make to showcase the whole country and get the world's attention.
Yes, my dear viewers… since Japan won the Olimpic bid, in the year 2013, tourism has
skyrocketed from one day to the other.
And the same goes with private investment.
By that year 2020, Tokyo will have 45 brand new skyscrapers.
Nothing more and nothing less.
And companies like PANASONIC will set state of the art solar cells all over the place
so people can charge their electric cars.
If this was not enough, SONY will launch their brand new 8K TV screens.
Yep, you heard that right.
If 4K was not enough, now we will have 8K so you will be able to see even the microfiber
of the athletes Tshirts.
But hold on just a second because… not everything is as beautiful!
You see, when Tokyo won the Olympic bid, they budgeted them in 6.5 billion dollars.
But once they started with the building, the costs have doubled.
And they haven't even finished!
In fact, Tokyo's city hall has predicted the total cost might end up near the 20 billion
So the question is… would this Summer Olympic Games be an opportunity for Japan… or the
Are Olympic Games as good for a country's economy as some people say?
Today we are gonna answer all of this questions but, before, let's take a look back at history.
Few things spark nacional pride as much as Olympic games.
Of course, we all like to brag about the gold medals our country has.
But what really inflames patriotism the most is to become an Olympic host.
The excitement it generates is so big that everyone, regardless of their ideology, seems
to think that organizing an event like this is a good thing for the country.
Nonetheless, inside the economists field, things are not that clear.
In fact… the arguments in favour of hosting Olympics are a little bit like… hmm… how
should I say?
They are so inconsistent they could be a tweet written by Donald Trump
According to a paper from the Bank of Japan, the effects of the Olympics are so good that
you can tell even before they have been celebrated.
More specifically, the same year the International Olympic Committee named Tokyo as the host
city, everyone started to see Japan as a perfect place for investment.
Remember that we are talking about a paper from an institution as prestigious as the
Bank of Japan.
This would be the Japanese equivalent to the American Federal Reserve.
This said, one of their main arguments is that, if your city gets to be an Olympic host,
the whole country can join all those big organizations every country would like to be a member of.
Want examples?
Here you have examples!
Barcelona got the nomination in 1986 and…
That very same year, they joined the European Union.
Beijing was nominated in 2001 and…
That year they joined the World Trade Organization.
What do you say?
It seems like nobody could argue this train of thoughs, right?
Well… wait a second because this is a textbook example of a correlation fallacy.
In other words, the fact that Spain joined the EU the same year Barcelona got chosen
as the Olympic host does not mean one thing caused the other.
In fact, Portugal also joined the EU on the same year without hosting anything.
And the same happened with China.
On the same times, other Asian countries joined the WTO without organizing no sport events.
But I know what you are gonna tell me now!
Hey Simon, what about the international attention?
During two weeks, the whole world is going to put their eyes in Japan.
We are talking about the biggest sport event in the world.
Or maybe not?
You see, the London Olympics 2012 got an average audience of, around 31 million people in America.
To make a comparison, this is twice as much as a Game of Thrones episode.
Yes, it's not bad.
But… what happened with the rest of the games?
For example, Sochi Winter Olympics, 2014, didn't even get to have 22 million viewers
in the States.
And Rio 2016 was around 26 million.
This might look big to you, guys, but is nothing if we compare it with a much cheaper event
like the SUPERBOWL.
The 2016 Superbowl surpassed 110 million viewers.
In other words, even though Olympics are watched all around the world, when you look at the
audiences country by country, the figures are not so impressive.
And this means that the perception that people have about a country does not change.
At least, it doesn't change… for good…
In a study of the impact of the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australian researchers interviewed
people one year before and after the Games.
They found little change in perceptions, with one surprising wrinkle: South Africans had
soured on Australia "because of the way in which the Aboriginal issue was highlighted
and portrayed by the South African media,"
Nonetheless, there is one thing where it seems fair to agree: Olympic games kickstart your
tourism industry.
Actually, since Tokyo was chosen as the Olympic host, tourism in Japan has skyrocketed.
They almost didn't have tourists in 2013 and now they surpassed 24 million people last
You can say a brand new industry has been born in Japan.
And this is an industry that attracts lots of foreign money…
Who wouldn't be happy with this?
Well… hold on a minute because even this figures can be argued.
Of course, tourism in Japan has increased a lot.
But… do you know of other countries with a booming tourism sector? Chile and Thailand.
They have grown at a similar rate as Japan.
And… don't even google it because I will tell you here: none of this two countries
is planning to host any Olympics.
The Thailand example is pretty paradigmatic.
They get 6 million more tourists than Japan with half of its population.
And their tourism growth is directly correlated to that of the Chinese middle class.
In other words, as Chinese people have more money, they want to do sight seeing… and
where do they go?
Of course!
They go to countries that are nearby and have beautiful things to see!
But I know what you are thinking!
Despite the Olympics not being that profitable as they seem… what's the problem if Tokyo
wants to have Olympics?
Who doesn't like to have a giant stadium on his city, huh?
Well… let's have a look at this right now.
We all know it…
Olympics are costly.
From one day to the other, Tokyo will have to build an Olympic Stadium to host more than
80,000 people.
And also, they have to impress them with lights and colors.
But it doesn't stop here!
They need other special venues for the many competitions that are held at the same time.
Each of the sports have its own specifications.
Athletism requires different things than swimming or canoeing.
In summary, 31 venues will be built or remodelated for this Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games.
Add to this the media centre, which is another big White Elephant and, on the top of it,
the Olympic Villa.
This is short of a small town where more than 10,000 athelets will live during the time
the Olympics are held.
And, as you can imagine, this will not be cheap, either.
The total cost for this was meant to be 6.5 billion USD.
At least, this is the figure given by the local authorities to the International Olympic
Committee in 2013.
But, you know, one thing is the theory and another thing is the reality…
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games costs just keep rising
By December 2017, Tokyo City Hall had already spent over 12 billions.
And just a couple of months later, the local authorities said that, at least, they will
end up spending 20 billiones!
And maybe, this figure will keep rising before they burn the Olympic flame…
In fact, nothing of this is a surprise.
Since we have memory, every Olympic Games have cost overrun.
And we are not talking about little pennies here!
Rio de Janeiro 2016 ended up being 51% more expensive than expected.
But the record, so far, is Montreal 1976, that costed 700% more than the initial budget.
Yes, you heard this right.
This is 8 times more that what it was planned at the beginning.
And now you might wonder…
All this billion dollars are little or big money for a government?
I mean… compared with the normal spending in a big city hall… is this a big number?
Well, the answer is a big YES.
For a better understanding, with 20 billion USD you could build, for instance, a highway
that connected the extreme north of Japan to their extreme South.
But wait a minute because this is not the worst of all!
You see… an airport or a highway can and up being a waste of money.
But, still, you can always reutilize it.
A country with better infrastructures and communication can have better companies in
the future, brand new industries or better public services.
But what do you do with an Olympic stadium that can host 80,000 people?
Well… if we look at past examples, the answer is pretty much bitter…
Rio Olympic venues already falling into a state of disrepair
Rio de Janeiro example is pretty harsh.
Despite having Olympics, they still have entire neighbourhoods that are not even connected
to the city centre by a bus line.
And the place where the Olympic Villa has is becoming a slum.
But wait a minute because this is not the only example.
Athens Olympic site in ruins 10 years on from 2004 Games
Add to this the fact that Japan is the most indebted country in the planet.
They owe a sum equivalent to 230% of their GDP.
The government is already struggling to pay the retirement pensions and they have been
2 years without any economic growth whatsoever.
So now this is your turn…
Do you think the Tokyo Olympics 2020 will mean the ruin of Japan?
Or maybe, against the odds, Japan will take some advantage of hosting this event?
Please, leave your answer in the comment section below.
And if you wanna know more about this Japanese failed economy, click on this video.
Also, visit our friends from RECONSIDER MEDIA at RECONSIDERA MEDIA.COM, this is the podcast
that provided the voices on this audio that are not mine.
And don't forget that we publish brand new videos every Monday and every Thursday so
hit that subscribe button and you will not miss any post.
If you liked this video, please, give us a thumbs up and, as always…
I see you next time.
Lowepro Tahoe BP150 - Camera Backpack Unboxing - Duration: 3:14.Lowepro Tahoe BP150
The 100 5x02 Sneak Peek "Red Queen" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Province of Skyrim | The Elder Scrolls - Duration: 9:34.How the race of men first set foot on the continent of Tamriel may forever be lost to
the mists of antiquity.
Yet according to myth, when a civil war split the mighty northern kingdom of Atmor asunder,
the legendary warrior Ysgramor lead a vast host of his people south in search of new
lands where they might live in peace.
After a perilous journey across the icy waters of the Sea of Ghosts, they arrived in an untamed
and beautiful wilderness marked by snow-capped peaks, deep valleys and ancient forests.
The first settlers named this place the "Throat of the World", today it is simply "Skyrim".
On the coast of this new frontier a great city known as Saarthal was founded, which
flourished as thousands migrated to seek out a new life of opportunity or adventure.
Yet Ysgramor and his settlers were not the first to call this land home.
The race of Mer, known to men as Elves, had long before dwelt here, though they soon became
threatened as men from all areas of the world pushed deeper into the continent.
During what would become known as the Night of Tears, these Snow Elves attacked the men
of Saarthal, sacking the city and reducing it to a burning ruin.
Ysgramor and his sons fled back across the Sea of Ghosts to their former homeland, bringing
with them tales of the beautiful country they had discovered and the Elven treachery and
barbarism that drove them away.
Modern scholars differ on what motivated this attack, with some saying it was Elven fears
of men spreading unchecked across the land, while others have speculated that an ancient
and powerful artifact was discovered beneath the city, which forced the Elves to act.
Whatever the reason, Ysgramor rallied the people of Atmora and gathered an army that
would become known as the "Five Hundred Companions."
Once more he crossed the Sea of Ghosts to avenge Saarthal and retake Skyrim, sparking
the beginning of a new era known to history and legend as "The Return".
Across the whole of Skyrim, the armies of men and elves fought a long and brutal struggle
until finally the resolve of the Snow Elves was exhausted, and their kind was all but
wiped out.
Without the Elves to hinder their migration, The Five Hundred Companions lead a great expansion
across Skyrim.
Great new cities such as Whiterun and Windhelm were founded, and over the centuries, as they
pushed ever onward, the men of Skyrim uncovered some of the deepest mysteries and secrets
of the world.
The ancient practice of worshipping dragons was widespread across Skyrim, brought across
the Sea of Ghosts and encouraged by the dragons themselves.
Alduin the World Eater was worshipped above all others, believed to be the most powerful
dragon and the harbinger of the apocalypse.
The reign of Alduin and his Dragon Cult was marked by cruelty however, and in time, the
men of Skyrim rebelled.
At first thousands perished in flame, until it is said the Aedric Goddess of the Storm
herself intervened, convincing the Dragon Paarthurnax to betray his brother Alduin and
teach the Thu'um to humanity, a powerful form of voice magic which utilized the dragon
language to form shouts of immense power.
With this new knowledge, the tide swiftly turned.
The Dragons were hunted down, and their cultists killed or overthrown.
Alduin himself was said to have perished atop Skyrim's highest mountain, destroyed by
three of Tamriel's greatest heroes with the aid of an Elder Scroll, a powerful artifact
said to exist outside of time.
Today, the final remnants of that conflict are the giant dragon mounds, where the last
of the cult entombed themselves alongside the corpses of fallen dragons in the hopes
of one day being resurrected by Alduin born anew.
The defeat of the Dragons marked a new era for Skyrim.
King Harald, thirteenth of the Ysgramor Dynasty, renounced all claims to their ancestral homeland
Atmora, declaring his Kingdom a new nation, and his subjects a new people: The Nords.
Across the eras, the Kingdom of Skyrim's fortunes waxed and waned.
It conquered new lands to the south and west, only to lose them centuries later to attacks
by Elves, Orcs and others.
In time, Skyrim itself would become part of the Third Tamrielic Empire, not as a conquered
subject, but as a willing member.
When the Nords first encountered the legendary Emperor Tiber Septim and witnessed him use
the Thu'um, they recognized him to be the Blood of the Dragon and a worthy heir to the
Empires of Men.
When the Imperial Legions marched to unify the remainder of Tamriel, the Nords were among
Successive dynasties have ruled the Empire since, but the status of Skyrim has remained
largely unchanged, even as Imperial rule begins to fracture, challenged by the Thalmor elves
of the Aldmeri Dominion.
Today Skyrim is the northernmost province in the Empire, stretching from the frigid
northern coastal cities of Solitude, Dawnstar, and Winterhold to the more temperate regions
to the south known as the Rift.
Skyrim has the highest mountains in all of Tamriel, but they are surrounded by plenty
of arable farmland and the oceans, rivers and forests provide more than enough fish
and game for most Nords to live comfortably.
Skyrim itself is divided into nine Holds, each governed by a hereditary appointed Jarl.
While each Jarl has full jurisdiction over their Hold, each swear fealty to the High
King or Queen of Skyrim who turn rules in the name of Emperor of Tamriel.
The High King or Queen of Skyrim rules for life or until abdication, in which time the
Jarls will form a Moot to select a new ruler for the province if no suitable heir is named.
While Skyrim remains a part of the greater Empire, it has always been a land apart, separated
from the rest of Tamriel by its people, religion, and culture.
The often brutal climate and frequent wars have molded the Nords into capable warriors
with both an innate resistance to the cold and a fierce and uncompromising attitude.
In times of war, both men and women take up arms willingly to defend their lands and lifestyle.
The Nords are a very religious people, venerating nature and placing special importance on the
Kyne, the Nordic name for the Aedric Goddess of the Storm, represents the breath and life
force of the Nords and was said to be responsible for first teaching men to speak.
Of the remaining Nordic Pantheon, the worship of Talos, known to the Nords as Ysmir, is
the most contentious.
Known in life and beloved by the Nords as Emperor Tiber Septim, it is believed that
upon his death he ascended to godhood.
The terms of peace in the White-Gold Concordat that ended the Great War between the Empire
and the Aldmeri Dominion included a condition that the worship of Talos be banned, although
this has been widely ignored in Skyrim despite the danger.
This has fostered a deep resentment between the Nords and the rest of the Empire, and
now all of Skyrim is beset by civil war.
Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm, is seen by many as the rightful High King of Skyrim,
a liberator who personifies the Nordic spirit of freedom.
To the Imperials, he is a traitor, a man who hungers only for power and has committed many
acts of cruelty.
Others say Ulfric is simply an unknowing puppet of the Aldmeri, a destabilizing influence
let loose across Skyrim to further weaken the Empire in preparation for a renewed attack
by the Elves.
Whatever his true motivations, his miraculous escape from Imperial authorities mere moments
before his execution has become the stuff of legends.
Witnesses say he called a dragon using the Thu'um, while others claim this is impossible
since Ulfric was bound and gagged.
Some also whisper that this dragon was not called by Ulfric at all, this it was Alduin
come again, who once more flies above Skyrim on black wings in the cold with a hunger to
swallow the world.
The Templin Institute investigates alternate worlds and realities.
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Does Your Dog Love You? - Duration: 5:06.[INTRO♪]
Dogs may be man's best friend, but it's hard to tell if the feeling is mutual.
It's tough to figure out what's going on in anyone's head,
let alone a species that can't talk.
But there are techniques researchers use to look for emotions in animals,
and studies suggest that dogs do form deep emotional bonds with people.
And their ability to do that might be why they became our best friends in the first place.
Dogs certainly do things that seem loving,
and not just when they snuggle up to you on the couch for some extra pets.
Research suggests that your dog has your back, for example,
and will snub those who snub you.
And if it seems like your pup tries to console you when you're sad,
that might not be your imagination.
In studies, they do seem to display empathetic concern,
like nuzzling a person when they're sobbing,
or becoming anxious at the sound of an infant crying.
Dogs are also able to distinguish among human emotions by smell alone
because how we feel changes the chemicals in our sweat.
So even if you're putting on a brave face, they probably still know you're sad.
But none of that is love, per se.
To find evidence for emotions, researchers have looked to see
if dogs exhibit the same physiological responses we do when we feel things.
For example, a 2015 study used fMRI, which monitors brain activity based on blood flow,
to look at how 12 dogs reacted to the smell of themselves,
people they knew, strangers, and familiar and unfamiliar dogs.
The scent of people they knew activated an area of the brain that the other smells didn't:
the caudate nucleus, the same part of the brain's reward system
that activates when we humans look at pictures of people we love.
Other lines of research have looked at oxytocin levels.
Oxytocin is sometimes called the 'love hormone,'
which is a major oversimplification of how it affects your body and brain,
but it does seem to play a big part in creating and maintaining emotional bonds.
And when you interact with people you love—
like when you hold your baby, or flirt with your partner—
the levels of oxytocin in your blood and saliva jump.
Studies have found that there's a similar rise when you play with your dog,
for both you and them, and that just gazing into each other's eyes
can be enough to cause a mutual spike.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that your dog loves you—
or that you love your dog.
Psychologists are quick to note that it's impossible to prove emotions with physiological tests.
Even with people, blood tests don't equal feelings.
You can ask if someone loves you, but there's no lab result
that can tell you if they mean it when they say yes.
So a lot of our understanding of dogs' emotions comes from
the same techniques used in studies on emotions in humans—
especially humans that can't convey their feelings verbally, like babies.
Psychologists study infant attachment by looking for certain key behaviors:
things like seeking physical closeness with their caregivers,
becoming more adventurous when they're nearby,
and being distressed when they're separated.
And multiple studies have found that the bond between dogs and their owners
is super similar to the bond between children and their caregivers.
For example, both babies and dogs have done Strange Situation Procedure tests,
where you watch them while they're left in a room either alone,
with a stranger, with their parent or owner, or with some other combination of people.
And while both babies and dogs seek physical closeness with their person,
they also tend to display more independence by
exploring or reacting more positively to strangers when their caregiver is around.
That's probably because their caregiver acts as a safe base of support,
giving them the security they need to take risks.
Both babies and dogs also tend to get distraught when their person leaves
and seek comfort from them when they return,
suggesting they're a kind of "safe haven" that reduces stress.
Studies like these have even revealed different attachment styles in dogs,
similar to what's been described for how people bond with their parents.
It makes sense that babies and dogs have similar types of bonds with those that raise them.
Dogs are a social species, too, and when they're young,
they rely entirely on whomever cares for them to survive.
Scientists think that in humans, that reliance is part of why we form such strong social bonds.
So it wouldn't be too surprising if dogs have
similar psychological pathways to reinforce their own social bonds.
And some researchers think their ability to form these bonds
especially across species, is a big part of why they ended up being our companions.
They connect with us in a way we find meaningful.
So, the science does suggest that your dog is deeply attached to you.
But attachment doesn't necessarily translate to love.
Psychologists still debate whether love can be measured,
if non-human animals are cognitively capable of feeling it, or even what love really is.
Science can tell you that certain chemicals spike
when your dog interacts with you, and show the strength of their attachment.
But whether that really means your dog loves you is a question science can't fully answer.
You'll just have to look into those big round eyes, scratch an ear,
and decide for yourself.
SciShow Psych is a production of Complexly, which brings you over a dozen channels,
like The Financial Diet.
Here's Chelsea, from TFD to talk more about it.
-If you want to learn more about how to be a person in the world
and make the tough parts of adulthood not so scary,
you should check out The Financial Diet, on of SciShow Psych's sister channels.
We talk about money—everything from how to save it, to how to spend it,
to what to do when you owe a lot of it—
because even though you don't want to think about money,
life is so much better when you know how to handle it.
So check out The Financial Diet at the link in the description.
See you there!
Asian Street Food at Songhyun Night Market in Incheon, Korea [ENG SUB] - Duration: 15:12.Hi. Guys! How are you?
I'm Rio
I'm christian
I think it's been a long time since we made the recording at night
so today we are in front of a traditional night market called Songhyun.
Do you know why it is called the night market?
Because during the day people work normally attending customers who visit their stores
and at night the stores close and the entire market becomes a totally different place.
that is, it is changed to a place full of stores that sell exquisite street foods.
So today we have decided to come to this place to explore this curious and interesting place
Ah! I want to give you some surprising news through this video.
Today the South-North Korean summit was held.
In 1953 the armistice between the 2 countries was signed.
And finally today both of them coincided in the termination of the war, according to the declaration of the nuclear renunciation of North Korea.
How exiting!
Although I do not have the expressive face
Although it would take more time, but on the day of the future I hope we can travel to Europe through the train instead of the plane.
And I would like to film this trip for our Youtube channel.
Good. We are going to explore this market.
Let's turn around
Why do we turn?
This market has an artificial sky
I think the government has put it to call attention to visitors
Here are many shops
In this store is selling this thing
French fries on a stick
So Rio is going to try this food.
You can choose the powders of two different flavors.
And I chose the flavor of the onion
Here is an ice cream that is inside a pineapple
This is empty because the owner ate everything
Look! Why are you eating in such a dark and dirty place?
To get away from music
Good! I'm going to try it.
It looks very crispy.
Not so crispy. But I like this texture.
And because of the powder, it has a sweeter taste.
Yes, sweeter than other potato chips.
I like this taste.
Give me a little.
Sweet, isn't it?
A bit
Of the flavor of the onion
Look! Here is a store that is selling Thai food.
In Korea is selling a Thai street food
I'm going to try a food called "Pad Thai".
This food is only 5,000 won, it means 5 dollars.
I finally have a a meal
Because all day I have not eaten anything.
Now I am looking for a darker and dirty place, because I love that place.
Rio,too! because we are very dark and old.
To escape from music
This food is called "Pad thai"
And the good thing about this food is that it has noodles made from rice powder
And a little bit of peanut and even egg.
Let's see! I will try it to see what flavor it has
The owner, that is, the chef says that if this food does not taste good, he will accept that he will return this food for the compensation.
Very kind, is not it?
It has a very rich smell.
Oh It fascinates me but the noodle is very sticky.
It is a bit spicy and also has a soy sauce flavor
It also has an acid taste, because the chef has put a lemon sauce, too
It really tastes good
And with this..
I don't know what this thing is called.
Now I have to try a very interesting meal
This food is not a Korean street food, but a Japanese street food
In Japan, there is a food called "Okonomiyaki"
And the food that I'm going to try now is called "Chibilo Yaki"
"Chibilo" means "a little boy"
So "Chibilo Yaki" means "Okonomiyaki" very small.
In this store is selling the 3 types of "Chibilo Yaki"
One has the taste of octopus.
And others have flavors of meat and shrimp.
It has a very delicious and exquisite appearance.
This is the food that I just mentioned
This food is called "Chibilo Yaki"
Ummm. I know "Okonomiyaki" and this food has almost the same smell.
I bought one that contains octopus.
It's pretty soft
It's like a torta that contains egg and octopus.
In addition, the sauce itself has a good seasoning.
The size of this meal is quite large
With one of this it fills up my stomach.
This costs approx. 3 dollars.
Very delicious
Look! I'm going to make a challenge.
Going back
This plate contains the salad
And the salad has a little scallion.
No. It's not scallion but onions.
Pineapple, right?
Yes, I think it's pineapple
And this meal is like a shrimp wrapped in pork.
This meat is part of pork belly
In Korean, it is said "samgyeopsal"
This plate has 1,2,3,4,5,6
6 PCS of this.
This plate costs 5,000 won.
it would be 5 dollars.
I do not think it's expensive nor cheap.
It is a little spicy.
How weird.
I have never tried mixed food with shrimp and pork.
It's a weird combination.
It's a taste that I've never been able to experience in my life
The music too.
How elegant is the music
Walking further back.
We are running away from music
We want to eat the food
In truth, honestly these ingredients do not combine well.
I like this meat, I like shrimp
But it is a bad combination.
They don't combine well
Let's see! I'm going to deliver this dish to Rio to see his reaction
I think it's the first time Christian says that the food is not so delicious.
Recording more or less 4 videos of gastronomy.
So I want to try this food too.
How's the food?
For me, the combination of pork belly and shrimp is not so bad.
But the sauce is not so delicious
We have to remove the sauce.
Except the sauce, it's very delicious for me
Now 10 minutes to 11:00
And it's time to close this night market
I think it ends very fast, very early
It would be better to finish at 12 o'clock or at one o'clock.
As soon as we arrive we must return.
We are just beginning to eat more meals.
But it's ok, because we do not want to take the taxi.
We do not have money to spend
Question Period: Carbon tax, aluminium tariffs, Quebec border asylum seekers - April 30, 2018 - Duration: 51:48.-------------------------------------------
Dr. David Anderson and Herman Bailey "Did Jesus Claim to Be God?" - Duration: 28:31.-------------------------------------------
Did Jesus go to Hell between His Death and Resurrection? | GotQuestions.org - Duration: 4:41.Today's question is: "Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?"
In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.
Afterwards, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.
There is a great deal of confusion in regards to this question.
The concept that Jesus went to hell after His death on the cross comes primarily from
the Apostles' Creed, which states, "He descended into hell."
There are also a few Scriptures which, depending on how they are translated, describe Jesus
going to "hell."
In studying this issue, it is important to first understand what the Bible teaches about
the realm of the dead.
In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word used to describe the realm of the dead is sheol.
It simply means "the place of the dead" or "the place of departed souls or spirits."
The New Testament Greek equivalent of sheol is hades, which also refers to "the place
of the dead."
Other Scriptures in the New Testament indicate that sheol or hades is a temporary place,
where souls are kept as they await the final resurrection and judgment.
Revelation 20:11–15 gives a clear distinction between hades and the lake of fire.
The lake of fire is the permanent and final place of judgment for the lost.
Hades, then, is a temporary place.
Many people refer to both hades and the lake of fire as "hell," and this causes confusion.
Jesus did not go to a place of torment after His death, but He did go to hades.
Sheol or hades was a realm with two divisions—a place of blessing and a place of judgment.
The abodes of the saved and the lost are both generally called "hades" in the Bible.
The abode of the saved is also called "Abraham's bosom" (in the KJV or "Abraham's side"
in the NIV in Luke 16:22 and "paradise" in Luke 23:43.
The abode of the unsaved is called "hell" in the KJV) or "Hades" in the NIV in Luke 16:23.
The abodes of the saved and the lost are separated by a "great chasm" (Luke 16:26).
When Jesus died, He went to the blessed side of sheol and, from there, took the believers
with Him to heaven, Ephesians 4:8–10.
The judgment side of sheol or hades has remained unchanged.
All unbelieving dead go there awaiting their final judgment in the future.
Did Jesus go to sheol or hades?
Yes, according to Ephesians 4:8–10 and 1 Peter 3:18–20.
Some of the confusion has arisen from such passages as Psalm 16:10–11 as translated
in the King James Version: "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou
suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
. . . Thou wilt show me the path of life."
"Hell" is not a correct translation in this verse.
A correct reading would be "the grave" or "sheol."
Jesus said to the thief beside Him, "Today you will be with me in paradise" in Luke
23:43; He did not say, "I will see you in hell."
Jesus' body was in the tomb; His soul or spirit went to be with the blessed in sheol
or hades.
Unfortunately, in many versions of the Bible, translators are not consistent, or correct,
in how they translate the Hebrew and Greek words for "sheol," "hades," and "hell."
Some have the viewpoint that Jesus went to "hell" or the suffering side of sheol
or hades in order to further be punished for our sins.
This idea is completely unbiblical.
It was the death of Jesus on the cross that sufficiently provided for our redemption.
It was His shed blood that effected our own cleansing from sin.
As He hung there on the cross, He took the sin burden of the whole human race upon Himself.
He became sin for us: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him
we might become the righteousness of God" 2 Corinthians 5:21.
This imputation of sin helps us understand Christ's struggle in the garden of Gethsemane
with the cup of sin which would be poured out upon Him on the cross.
As Jesus neared death, He said, "It is finished" in John 19:30.
His suffering in our place was completed.
His soul or spirit went to hades (the place of the dead).
Jesus did not go to "hell" or the suffering side of hades; He went to "Abraham's side"
or the blessed side of hades.
Jesus' suffering ended the moment He died.
The payment for sin was paid.
He then awaited the resurrection of His body and His return to glory in His ascension.
Did Jesus go to hell?
Did Jesus go to sheol or hades?
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Visit GotQuestions.org for more great content.
And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along
with several related articles.
If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,
subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.
Now remember, Got questions?
The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!
Harppia - Magia Negra (Ao Vivo'88) - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
1 - Alif, Lam, Meem.
2 - These are verses of the wise Book,
3 - As guidance and mercy for the doers of good
4 - Who establish prayer and give zakah, and they, of the Hereafter, are certain [in faith].
5 - Those are on [right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful.
6 - And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment.
7 - And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.
8 - Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - for them are the Gardens of Pleasure.
9 - Wherein they abide eternally; [it is] the promise of Allah [which is] truth. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
10 - He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you, and dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down rain from the sky and made grow therein [plants] of every noble kind.
11 - This is the creation of Allah . So show Me what those other than Him have created. Rather, the wrongdoers are in clear error.
12 - And We had certainly given Luqman wisdom [and said], "Be grateful to Allah ." And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] - then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy.
13 - And [mention, O Muhammad], when Luqman said to his son while he was instructing him, "O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allah . Indeed, association [with him] is great injustice."
14 - And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.
15 - But if they endeavor to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them but accompany them in [this] world with appropriate kindness and follow the way of those who turn back to Me [in repentance]. Then to Me will be your return, and I will inform you about what you used to do.
16 - [And Luqman said], "O my son, indeed if wrong should be the weight of a mustard seed and should be within a rock or [anywhere] in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Indeed, Allah is Subtle and Acquainted.
17 - O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination.
18 - And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.
19 - And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys."
20 - Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and amply bestowed upon you His favors, [both] apparent and unapparent? But of the people is he who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening Book [from Him].
21 - And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that upon which we found our fathers." Even if Satan was inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?
22 - And whoever submits his face to Allah while he is a doer of good - then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. And to Allah will be the outcome of [all] matters.
23 - And whoever has disbelieved - let not his disbelief grieve you. To Us is their return, and We will inform them of what they did. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts.
24 - We grant them enjoyment for a little; then We will force them to a massive punishment.
25 - And if you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth?" they would surely say, " Allah ." Say, "[All] praise is [due] to Allah "; but most of them do not know.
26 - To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and earth. Indeed, Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
27 - And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
28 - Your creation and your resurrection will not be but as that of a single soul. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing.
29 - Do you not see that Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term, and that Allah, with whatever you do, is Acquainted?
30 - That is because Allah is the Truth, and that what they call upon other than Him is falsehood, and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand.
31 - Do you not see that ships sail through the sea by the favor of Allah that He may show you of His signs? Indeed in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful.
32 - And when waves come over them like canopies, they supplicate Allah, sincere to Him in religion. But when He delivers them to the land, there are [some] of them who are moderate [in faith]. And none rejects Our signs except everyone treacherous and ungrateful.
33 - O mankind, fear your Lord and fear a Day when no father will avail his son, nor will a son avail his father at all. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver.
34 - Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.
נגמרו לך הכוחות? זהו? אז הנה הפתעה! - Duration: 2:09.Do you think you're incapable?
Do you think this test is especially hard for you?
Do you think this assignment at work, or this task, doesn't exactly fit you?
Do you think this child is one that you can't educate?
Do you think this home is one that you can't build?
So you should know there's someone who thinks that you can.
That "someone" is God,
who put you at this point in time and place,
and who knows that you ARE capable, and that's why He put you here.
And He's always far more correct than you are.
You can fail, but that's your decision.
Because if God presented you with a struggle,
He also gave you the strength to be victorious in that struggle,
because He doesn't put a person to a test that he can't withstand.
Even if you think your father and your mother have overstepped their bounds
and so you can't help being rude to them,
even if your child seems to have gone too far
and so you can't continue showering him with warmth and love,
you're making a mistake.
Because if you're in this race,
then God's in the background saying
"You can! You're capable! And you'll only succeed!"
The only one who needs to be convinced is you yourself.
Your acquaintances are not the ones
who need to be convinced that you're capable,
nor should you try to prove to anyone what you are capable of doing and what you're not.
The only person you're supposed to prove it to that you're capable,
competent, magnificent, omnipotent… is you yourself.
If you got here, that means you're capable!
If you got to the river's edge, that means you can cross it.
There are no crocodiles here,
and you have all the necessary swimming skills.
Because if you're here, it certainly looks like you're about to succeed.
Believe, convince yourself with all your might,
and succeed! Be blessed!
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Fermentation - Duration: 8:35.Captions are on! Click CC at bottom right to turn off.
When I was a kid, swimming was one of my favorite things to do.
I was on the swim team starting when I was four years old and then on and off throughout
grade school, although I wasn't especially fast.
I just loved the water.
I used to dream that there was a way I could be like a fish.
When I was little, I had a misconception that fish didn't need oxygen.
Later on, I learned that, no, most fish have gills that allow them to extract the oxygen,
which they need, from the water.
So then I just thought it'd be really cool if I just had gills.
But, alas, no gills for Pinky.
Oxygen is a really big deal---so many organisms---from fish to plants to humans---need oxygen.
And yes, even though plants make oxygen in photosynthesis…they still perform cellular
respiration and therefore plants still need oxygen themselves.
There's often a misconception that plants don't need oxygen; that's just not true.
So why do these organisms need oxygen?
It's similar to why you need oxygen.
If you've ever wondered why you need to breathe, which is done by the respiratory
system in your body, zoom into the cell level.
Cells in your body use the oxygen you inhale to perform cellular respiration.
The formula here requires inputs, otherwise known as reactants, to make ATP.
And oxygen is one of those reactants in the overall equation that is needed to break glucose
down in forming ATP.
Why ATP?
ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate, and it is action packed with three phosphates.
It has the ability to power many cellular processes.
Typically it's coupled to other things that it may be powering.
Now after losing the phosphate, the molecule is ADP, adenosine diphosphate, because it
has 2 phosphates.
In cellular respiration though, there are enzymes that can add another phosphate to
it and convert it back into ATP again.
This particular formula of cellular respiration is aerobic, meaning overall, it requires oxygen.
It is pretty complex, and we have a video breaking down steps.
But that's not what this video is about.
This video is about what happens when there is no oxygen.
Because cells still need to make their ATP.
So what kind of cells can handle the no oxygen thing?
Well many types of bacteria can.
Many types of archaea.
Yeast, which is a fungus that could be helpful like making your bread rise.
Your muscle cells can, for a while anyway.
These are all just some examples.
Now these organisms handle the lack of oxygen in different ways.
Some organisms such as some types of bacteria or archaea can do anaerobic respiration---
they can continue to perform glycolysis, krebs, and the electron transport chain just like
aerobic cellular respiration.
But since there is no oxygen to be that final electron acceptor at the end of the electron
transport chain, they use something else.
Sulfate for example.
These organisms are specifically adapted to be able to use a different electron acceptor
in this anaerobic respiration.
Another option is the organism may just stick with doing just glycolysis, which doesn't
require oxygen, and then the addition of some way to get their NAD+ back.
We'll talk about what that means in a minute.
This process is called fermentation and that's what we're going to focus on.
Fermentation is a way to be able to handle the little to no oxygen issue: it allows for
glycolysis to happen and for glycolysis to keep going.
That means making ATP when there is no oxygen.
And while you won't make as much ATP in this process as you would aerobic cellular
respiration, you can't be too picky when oxygen isn't around.
Recall what glycolysis is from our cellular respiration video: in glycolysis, you take
glucose---a sugar---and it gets converted into pyruvate.
This takes a little ATP cost to actually start it up, but overall, per glucose you make 2
net ATP and you also produce 2 NADH.
What's that?
Recall that NADH is a coenzyme and an electron carrier.
We also need to mention that NADH didn't just *poof* appear as a product.
No, because NAD+ actually was reduced to NADH when it gained electrons.
And if the words reduced and oxidized are confusing…you can remember the famous LEO
GER mnemonic: Lose electrons= oxidized.
Gained electrons=reduced.
So NADHNAD+ is oxidation because it loses electrons and NAD+NADH is reduction because
it gains electrons.
Now NADH, the electron carrier, would normally be delivering the electrons gained to the
electron transport chain if this was aerobic cellular respiration.
Once losing their electrons, NADH would be oxidized into NAD+ and be ready to be involved
all over again in glycolysis.
But there's no electron transport chain step in this fermentation process.
So we've got to regenerate the NAD+ somehow—NAD+ is needed here after all for glycolysis to
Fermentation therefore adds another little step to the end of glycolysis---a step to
help regenerate NAD+.
This happens because fermentation allows NADH to give its electrons to an electron acceptor
which, in the two fermentation examples we are going to give, will either be a derivative
of pyruvate or pyruvate itself.
So here we go with two types of fermentation which both result in different products from
Alcoholic fermentation: as done by some types of yeast.
So first glycolysis which yields 2 net ATP, 2 pyruvate, and 2 NADH.
Now we need the step to regenerate the NAD+ so we can keep doing glycolysis.
The 2 pyruvate is used which will ultimately produce carbon dioxide and 2 ethanol (alcohol),
but the derivative of pyruvate shown here, acetaldehyde, can act as an electron acceptor
in this process so that the 2 NADH can be oxidized to 2 NAD+ so that glycolysis can
start all over.
Since ethanol (alcohol) is a waste product in this process, this is why many yeasts are
used to produce alcoholic products.
Yeasts also can do alcoholic fermentation in making bread, and the carbon dioxide product
we mentioned is involved with helping the bread rise!
The tiny amount of alcohol produced in the short fermenting time of bread will evaporate
in the baking process.
Lactic acid fermentation: as can be done by cells such as your muscle cells for example!
While your muscle cells can do aerobic cellular respiration, they can shift to lactic acid
fermentation if they experience an oxygen debt.
This could happen if you are working out very intensely where your blood is unable to deliver
a sufficient amount of oxygen to them for their demand.
Just like with alcoholic fermentation, we start with glycolysis that yields 2 net ATP,
2 pyruvate, and 2 NADH.
But now we need the step to regenerate the NAD+, and this step is a bit different from
alcoholic fermentation.
The 2 pyruvate on the reactant side will ultimately yield 2 lactate.
The pyruvate can act as an electron acceptor allowing NADH to be oxidized to NAD+ so that
glycolysis can start over.
By the way, this lactate product or specifically its other form lactic acid, has often been
blamed for the muscle soreness that occurs after intense exercise- in many of my teaching
years this was often discussed- but there's some recent research that may contradict that.
Science is so cool- check out our further reading suggestions in our video details to
learn more!
Lactic acid fermentation is also done by bacteria that are involved in making yogurt and lactic
acid can contribute to its sour taste.
So overall, fermentation is a pretty remarkable process.
Although, it does make us appreciate oxygen because despite how absolutely awesome fermentation
may be….…it just can't make as much ATP as aerobic cellular respiration.
Well, that's it for the Amoeba Sisters and we remind you to stay curious!
Green Sanctuary Episode 04 " Underground Shortcut" - Duration: 4:57.Strange ruins…
I wonder what that once was?
This place looks so lost...
It seems that nobody has been here in years.
He said, beyond the stairs, through the collapse and across the lake.
I am on the right way.
This must be it!
The entrance into the tunnel system…
I think I found the actual tunnel.
It looks… empty.
I wonder how long this tunnel is?
It must be hours by now.
So many intersections… this is a labyrinth!
What's this?
Those are bones!"
Does something this big live down here?...
Does something live down here, that can kill something this big?!
I need to get out of there!
Where is the exit?!
Finally daylight!
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