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The Monkey King - The Prominence of an Immortal Icon - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
[Killing Floor 2] Guía de Especialización: Experto en Demoliciones - Duration: 15:37.-------------------------------------------
Climate Change | Why Did We Stopped Caring? - Duration: 14:58.the earth you may know it is that blue thing Bruce Willis is always trying to
save this video is gonna be about climate change and I know I know we're
all tired of hearing about climate change but it's still an important time
so I'm gonna attempt to make a video about it
depicting both sides those calling it hopes and those saying that it's real
and I'm obviously biased I believe that it's real I believe that was caused by
humans and I believe that we have a human responsibility to limit it affects
on our adversary that being said I will do my utmost to make this video as
unbiased as possible and depict both sides of the argument what I ask of you
is that you weigh in on the topic down below and that you share the video if
you feel this is an important topic to talk about share it on your social media
any person that we can get this information out to and potentially
convince someone that it actually is real and that it's not made up by
governments any person that we can get to at least consider climate change once
again easily see you guys next week hope you enjoyed the video the earth had some
genuinely bad news this week a White House report that says global warming
threatens every part of the US this isn't something in the distant future
climate change is already affecting us now now smart move Obama that is a key
shift in how to talk about climate change because we've all proven that we
cannot be trusted with the future tense we've been repeatedly asked don't you
want to leave a better earth for your grandchildren and we've all collectively
responded there's a fascinating frailty of the human mind that psychologists
know all about and it's called argument from ignorance and this is how it goes
somebody sees lights flashing in the sky they've never seen it they don't
understand what it is so they say I don't know what it is
it must be aliens from outer space visiting from another planet well
if you don't know what it is that's where your conversation should stop
you know then say it must be anything okay
that's what argument from ignorance is it's common I'm not blaming anybody
psychologists know all about it and it may relate to our burning need to have
to know stuff because we're uncomfortable steeped in ignorance the
public it appears seems to have the burning need to have to have an answer
to what is unknown and so you go from an abject statement of ignorance to an
abject statement of certainty so that is operating within us let's start there
second we know not only from research and psychology but simple empirical
evidence in the history of science that the lowest form of evidence that exists
in this world is eyewitness testimony 2011 my wife and I were in Antarctica
renewing our vows for most of you they don't know Antarctica's on a mountaintop
and there is a 500 million dollar for scientific facility there and in the
scientists came to give us presentations about global warming did they had cores
of ice that they had drilled so they're going through the second or third Corps
and they said 55,000 years ago the world was two degrees warmer Celsius than it
is today this is 2011 tell me you may remember that climate summit in
Copenhagen there was only one number in the final two page voluntary Accord that
people signed only one number in it two degrees that's how much the world has
said it would be safe to let the planet warm
every signatory pledged to make sure the temperature wouldn't rise above that the
EU Japan Russia China countries that make their money selling oil like the
United Arab Emirates the most conservative recalcitrant reluctant
countries on earth even the United States if the world officially believes
anything about climate change it's the two degrees is two months tops up and he
said and I said would you mean the whole world it says yes and the polls are only
benchmarks and I said well what about the things the young woman alluded to
this technique of saying what about is actually an old Soviet propaganda tool
and the reason it is dangerous is but it's because it implies that all actions
regardless of context share a moral equivalency and since nobody is perfect
all criticism is hypocritical and everybody should do whatever they want
it is a depressingly effective tool and although the gas may have exacerbated it
in the cosmos of time it's not a fart in the wind in 25,000 years it's most
likely not going to be a problem if the water on the planet is going to rise up
ten feet that means the southern part of the United States is gone England is
gone most of Europe is gone if that's the case in the Prospectus when you
invest there should be in the footnotes if global warming is for real they won't
put it that way Global War happened and water rises 10
feet this investment you made is called now one single investment prospectus
written this century has alluded to global warming if it were really true
the banks wouldn't invest the banks wouldn't finance because the financial
institutions the banks of this world no it's not going to
happen the global warming hoax will continue and it's going to take a lot of
people to convince America the United States that it's a hoax and then every
dollar that has been spent is a dollar flex down the toilet which has lowered
the standard of living for the people who actually include the money of the
most US News and World Report movie in time all had covered stories about a new
ice age coming down upon us it was basically always the effort and the in
journalism to scare the public so we'll run to government and want them to save
us while Earth's climate has fluctuated in the past atmospheric carbon dioxide
hasn't reached today's levels in hundreds of thousands of years
climate change has consequences for our oceans our weather our food sources and
our health ice sheets such as Greenland and Antarctica are melting incredibly
this latest damning scientific report might still fight an uphill climb with
some of us there's that Gallup poll that came out last month which found one in
four Americans is skeptical of all the effects of climate change and thinks
this issues been exaggerated who gives a shit
that doesn't matter you don't need people's opinions on a fact you might as
well have a poll asking which number is bigger 15 or 5 or do owls exist the
debate on climate change should not be whether or not it exists it's what we
should do about it there is a mountain of research on this
topic global temperatures are rising heat waves are becoming more common sea
surface temperatures are also rising glaciers are melting a survey of
thousands of scientific papers that took a position on climate change found that
97% endorsed the position that humans are causing global warming and I think I
know what people still think this issue is open to debate because on TV it is
Bill Nye and Marcia Blackburn welcome both of you to Meet the Press
Bill Nye joins us now along with climate change skeptic Mark Marana and joining
me now to go head-to-head Bill Nye science educator to see other punchtrees
society in the crossfire Bill Nye the Science Guy Bill Nye the Science Guy who
believes in manmade global warming that's right more often than not it's
Bill Nye the Science Guy versus some dude we hear it so much that it feels
like a buzzword but it is far from it climate change is a real and serious
issue but isn't the climate always changing
what exactly is climate change why should we care well the Earth's climate
has changed throughout history most of these slight changes are caused by small
variations in the Earth's orbit but climate change as we know it today is
characterized by an abrupt increase in the earth's temperature it is estimated
to have gotten 1.2 to 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in just the last
century the main cause is a phenomenon known
the greenhouse effect I mean there just is no evidence whatsoever we can double
the amount of carbon dioxide in the air it will have no effect I don't think we
can even measure the impact of carbon dioxide but I know right now any
increases will have no effect gases in the atmosphere such as a water vapor
carbon dioxide methane nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons let the sun's light
in but keep some of the heat from escaping human activities like the
burning of fossil fuels have increased the amount of co2 in the atmosphere by
more than a third since the Industrial Revolution while the rapid rate of
climate change is caused by humans humans are also the ones who can combat
it if we work to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources like solar
and wind which don't produce greenhouse gas emissions we might still be able to
prevent some of the worst effects of climate change the worst case scenario
for where climate the environment might go in this century is there's good
indication from past records that the earth my tree stabilized at a slightly
higher temperature five degrees Celsius warmer than now and then level off again
one problem with that is the carrying capacity for humans in that world is
about a billion billion and a half people in other words the difference six
or seven billion at that point would be killing each other off over vanishing
resources because of drought and rising sea levels and so on so that's the
future which we can see right now in Darfur I'll basically drought is war
that's what that's how it plays out it's it's resource wars it's chaos Wars
it's failed environmentally failed States it's a really ugly world 10 out
of the last 13 years were the warmest on record 97% of climate scientists agree
that this new tendency is not caused by the variations of the Earth's orbit but
rather very likely caused by human activities that
you me the composition of greenhouse gases traps heat radiated from the Sun
the more heat they trap the warmer our planet gets I believe that against
ignorance we have education against the threats on the planets science I believe
in concrete action I believe the solutions are in our hands
I believe in building a better future for our children which requires offering
them a planet that is still habitable in 25 years some people think that securing
current industries and their jobs is more urgent and transforming our
economies to meet the global challenge of climate change
I hear I hear this concerns but we must find a smooth transition to a low-carbon
economy because what is the meaning of our life really if we work and live
destroying the planet once sacrifice is the future of our children what is the
meaning of our life if our decision our conscious decision is to reduce the
opportunities for our children or grandchildren by polluting the oceans
not mitigating co2 emissions and destroying our biodiversity we are
killing our planets let us face it there is no planet B we have to work together
with business leaders and local communities let us work together in
order to make our planet great gain and create new jobs and new opportunities
once evolving our earth and I am sure one day the United States will come back
and join the Paris agreement although its consequences can be planet
threatening scientists still believe there are things we can do on
personal level to help recycle and reuse things walk or use public transportation
to get to work turn off your electronics when you're not using them eat less meat
eat more locally grown vegetables and foods and last but not least spread your
knowledge and concerns about climate change with others which the main
takeaway is that it's real and although we are part of the cause we can also be
part of the solution that's gonna be it for this video guys thank you so very
much for watching again share it if you liked what you saw in this video please
share it and if you like the channel then subscribe I do my best to take big
concepts it's not always as big as climate change I promise it doesn't it
usually it's very interesting and fun but I do my best to boil it all down get
the gist of both sides and then I give you guys my opinion but yeah it's gonna
be for this video guys I'll see you guys next week
take care capitalizing on this global warming hi brought you the left-handed
hammer and tried to market a recycle pamper you could say the colorful
brothers have always been the entrepreneurial type
painting choi youngjae - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Independence Day Pet Safety PSA - Duration: 1:33.Hi everybody!
Did you know that more pets go missing in America during July 4th than any other time of the year?
Please keep your pets safe at home, or boarded at day care, during fireworks and other festivities.
Check out this video's caption for more tips!
Have a Happy & Safe Independence Day!
(and a Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends!)
Thank you for watching!
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to see more of my adventures!
See you again soon!
كنز العطاء ◆ من أعطى ولابد سيأخد ◆ كلام لايقدر بثمن للدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي - Duration: 17:56.-------------------------------------------
SEMANA A BASE DE ENQUETES DO INSTA PESADÃO - Duration: 7:25.(Paulo) Guys, this video is about one day that we recorded doing polls...
(Paulo) Two weeks doing polls, we made 5 polls (or 4?)
(Paulo) We did it on Instagram so you guys could vote.
(Paulo) It was like "Bleached hair or crop top?", you guys voted bleached hair so... here it is.
(Paulo) So that's it! Here's the video.
As promised, the polls ended in bleached hair, so that's what we're doing.
(Paulo) So what's your thoughts on it? (Tiago) Mine's gonna suck.
(Paulo) My hair already sucks, it will be even worse...
(Tiago) What a goof.
(Tiago) It's starting to be like... "Loira do Tchan"
(Paulo) I'm starting to be blond, It's too hot in here, it feels like a sauna.
(Paulo) It's burning... (Tiago) Yeah...
(Tiago) Mine's finishing... thank god.
(Tiago) Focus on him...
(Tiago) Look at his face... lol
(Paulo) Guys, i'm going to the bathroom. Everyone's looking at me.
If I'm not judged, it isn't me.
I'm looking like Belo. (Brazilian singer)
(Paulo) I'm looking like a robber (Tiago) He's looking like a robber, isn't him? You tought he was a robber
(Driver) A robber with a cap
(Paulo) Looking like a robber?
Now we're doing tattoos
The poll about us doing tattoos, we're going for it.
Tiago is going for it...
(Paulo) He's looking like Elvis, so handsome...
(inaudible conversations)
(Tiago) The people that will ask about the tatoo, the semicolon means that you shouldn't give an end, you should give continuation.
The semicolon tatoo started with the "To Write Love On Her Arms" movie, and it became a global movement that deals with suicide.
(Paulo) We're here at the Consolação subway and we will donate clothes... She looks like Iza (Brazilian singer)
(It has pants too?)
(Tiago) You'll get a nice look there...
(Does it fit?)
We're here at Cidade de São Paulo mall, we're making up.
Tiago is...
(Hey guys, how are you?)
Vinicius is... what? Who's Vinicius?
(Tiago) Who's Vinicius? (Make-up artist) Thunder Tiago.
I'm looking like a pineapple, Tiago's copying me... (Make-up artist) Sure he is.
(Paulo) He's putting my warpaint.
Hey guys...
(Paulo) You don't! You don't!
She got scared! Am I that ugly?
(Paulo) Come here! (Woman) Pink hair?
(Paulo) Am I that ugly?
(Woman) You're pretty!
(Paulo) Can you borrow me your tampons? I'm in my period.
(Woman) I don't have any...
(Paulo) I'm on my period...
(Paulo) Hey, do you have any tampons?
(Woman) No I don't... (Paulo) What do you think of my make-up?
(Paulo) I'm going to the party... (Woman) It's gorgeous!
I forgot to take my off my mustache.
(Paulo) It happens... and you, how are you?
(Woman) I'm fine, just finished of my job. (Paulo) Yeah... just like me, a real worker.
(Paulo) Now we're entering the woman's bathroom.
(Paulo) There's no one in here, just me...
(Paulo) We were too late... My voice's like transvestite...
(Security) You know that you can't be in there...
(Paulo) Omg, the security...
(Paulo) The security... "Oh, you can't be in there..." why not? I'm a woman.
He's following me...
(Paulo) Omg, I'm ignoring it..
Even kicked out we look amazing...
I wanna see who can stop me...
His nose is runny, lol, get out you b*tch
Can someone buy me a ticket?
(Tiago in male voice) Someone buy me a ticket..
(Paulo) Buy me a ticket... buy me a ticket!
(Paulo) Be careful! She's crazy!
(Hey, can I talk to you?)
I spent all my money on make-up, can you buy me a ticket?
(Woman) What's happening? Why there's a guy filming?
(Paulo) We're trying to make money with YouTube
(Woman) I got it...
(Buy me a ticket!)
(Paulo) Would you buy me a ticket?
(Tiago) So... we got the results from the pool that you guys voted.
And that's it...
(Paulo) Our Instagram's will be here... (Tiago) You can find it in the description
(Tiago) Our Instagram's will be... Shut up!
Our Instagram's will be in the description
If you guys want to follow us...
(Tiago) Kisses! (Paulo) That's it!
Work Out With Me, My NO GYM Summer Workout Routine | TLLY BEE - Duration: 6:13.Today's video is my workout routine for the summer. Follow along and get your arms, core and legs in shape for the summer!
I'm working out the arms, core and legs.
DIVINE 5 JUG SPEC LION PA VS PUDGE - Duration: 5:01:09.-------------------------------------------
Darcy flagra Olegário em seu quarto - Duration: 2:29.Camilo salva Jane. Tibúrcio discute com Josephine. Ema se irrita quando Ernesto concorda que ela deva trabalhar, como sugerem Ludmila e Elisabeta
Jane discute com Camilo. Darcy flagra Olegário em seu quarto. Mário/Mariana explica o que aconteceu entre Brandão e Josephine para Luccino
Susana descobre que Olegário passou a noite com Briana. Ema aconselha Camilo a procurar Julieta
Darcy se desespera ao saber que a irmã não dormiu em casa. Charlotte descobre que está presa no quarto de hotel
Rômulo sai para nadar com Edmundo. Josephine incentiva Fani a voltar para a Mansão do Parque
Elisabeta e Darcy decidem ir atrás de Uirapuru. Briana enfrenta Lady Margareth e afirma que se casará com Olegário
Cecília sai para passear com Mariana. Lídia passa mal novamente e Ofélia deduz que a filha está grávida
Os resumos dos capítulos da novela são de responsabilidade da emissora. OFuxico se isenta de culpa no caso de alterações
The Highgate Vampire - Haunted Highgate Cemetery in London - Duration: 4:40.I couldn't help but feel as though I was being watched. Hey guys thanks for tuning
in to Amy's Crypt. Today we're going to visit the Highgate Cemetery which is
supposedly one of the most haunted places in London and home to the
notorious Highgate Vampire. So Highgate Cemetery was actually opened in 1839
it's a very old very large and very famous Cemetery.
Some of you horror fans might even recognize it from the opening of Tales
from the Crypt which is one of my favorites...
...In around the 1960s it started to fall into a bit of disrepair which is also
when the sightings of the Highgate Vampire coincidentally started.
So around this time there are many claims of people citing the Highgate Vampire.
It was always described as a very tall creature, completely shadow black. The
police started finding animal carcasses in and around the cemetery, dead
and completely drained of blood. Then further reports of people actually
getting attacked by the vampire rolled in. Soon the media grabbed hold of the
story and the legend of the Highgate Vampires was born.
So Highgate Cemetery is actually divided into two parts -
There's the West and East. Currently, I'm in the East which is a little less
overgrown than the West. The West contains a bunch of other graves and is
a lot more architecturally significant. You can only go through that on by
guided tour this one you can just kind of come in and browse yourself. Alright
so time for a quick poll I really want to know your thoughts on the Highgate
Vampire - Is it a fact or fiction? please let me know in the comments below.
This cemetery is amazing it looks like something right out of a horror movie
and although looks like it's out of a horror movie, I don't know if I buy the
legend of the Highgate Vampire, but it's definitely creepy in here.
So whilst I didn't find the Highgate Vampire today I did have a really lovely black
cat cross my path which might be bad luck to some but not for me.
Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video please remember
to like, comment and subscribe. You can find more haunted content at
and remember - until next time, stay spooky!
コーヒーに小倉あんを入れた事ありますか?面白い雑学 - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
徐梦圆 - Blue ♪ 【1 hour】 - Duration: 1:04:51.Subcribe To My Channel 💖 (っ´▽`)っ 💕💕
Channel introduction - Duration: 0:53.Aslam O Alikum
thanks for watching please subscribe my channel
thanks for watching and subscribe
"AMERICA"- A Musical Parody - Duration: 3:27.Great rehearsal, everyone.
Suni, are you auditioning for the new West Side Story?
Oh well...
I love West Side Story! It is my favorite musical.
You have to audition for Spielberg!
Puerto Rico, you lovely island, island of tropical breezes.
Always the colonizers coming.
Always the emigration growing.
And the Jones Act stealing.
And the Congress lying.
And my people dying.
I'm cold in the island Manhattan.
Smoke on your paper towels and put that in!
Oh my God, real-life sharks?
I have to live in America!
Follow my dreams in America!
Nothing is free in America!
Missing our land in America!
I've never been to San Juan.
I know a plane you can get on.
Hundreds of dollars to visit.
Hundreds of businesses need this.
More Sharks!
Racism lives in America!
Trump is destroying America!
Facebook is running America!
No one is free in America!
Wait! Can we do something more authentic?
West Side Story, a musical about Puerto Ricans
Was not created by a Puerto Rican.
Do you know the only Puerto Rican in the movie was Rita Moreno?
And all the actors who played Puerto Rican wore brown face
included Rita!
It's okay...we're used to it.
All the Latinos get in the van!
We're Puerto Ricans!
Oh, I'm so sorry about the hurricane...
Now, get in the van!
When can you take me to San Juan?!
Why are we still singing this song?
I want to dance like you people.
Who are you calling you people?!
That's Flamenco, actually. It's from Spain, not Puerto Rico.
What kind of sound is that?
Are you barking?
That's not even a thing...
That's Mexican. We say "eso" or "wepa"!
I love West Side Story!
Yeah, we don't need a remake of this.
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