Barbie Graduation! Let's make a graduation cap! | Xiaoling toys
ចម្រៀងបុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ ជម្រើសពិសេស ស្តាប់ហើយនឹកស្រុក | Best Pchum Ben Song New Collection 2018 - Duration: 47:53.Best Pchum Ben Song New Collection 2018
Kasper SCHMEICHEL (Denmark) - Man of the Match - MATCH 52 - Duration: 1:08.Kasper, congratulations on being man of the match,
you saved three penalties out of six, I believe.
How much had you prepared and done research in order to save that many?
Then how did you save that many?
I guess it was my gut feeling, what I was thinking and feeling at that moment,
but it wasn't enough.
Of course it's very disappointing now, but you had a heroic performance
against a difficult opponent.
How much faith does this give you in this young Danish team and is it
the start of something exciting?
Firstly, I'm very proud to be part of this team.
As you mention, it's a very young team, and we talked about how it's important that
we remember this feeling, and that we learn from this,
because we will stay together as a team for many years from now.
We'll face difficult situations and we have to remember this feeling,
so that we don't experience the same thing again.
3 True INTENSE Horror Stories From People Who Encountered MURDERERS | Scary True Stories - Duration: 20:02.It was the summer of 2012.
I had just finished my last year of high school, and I was 3 months shy of my 18th birthday.
I lived about an hour north of Toronto Canada, it was the suburbs but we had a giant rural
area with amazing nature trails and wildlife.
I can't lie life was pretty amazing, I was ready to go to college in a few months, and
I had amazing friends and family.
My best friends were a girl named Sam and her boyfriend Gavin whom I introduced to.
We did everything together, I didn't really mind third wheeling with them since we were
all close.
I never imagined that a single moment could effect my life so much, that everything could
just fall apart like that.
The last time all 3 of us were together was on a beautiful summer night, just perfect
weather the moon was out.
It was around 9pm and we all decided to get together and have a fire, drink, listen to
music, and pretty much just chill.
We walked to the rural area to have our little fiesta.
The walk there is a dead end road that leads up to this Forrest area.
There's no lights, just the sound of nature, crickets and what not.
It's about 50 minute walk from the nearest home.
We see the opening to the forrest and turn on our flashlight and start walking towards
the clearing about 1 km in.
Only one of us had a cellphone, as it still wasn't common to have one back then.
Sam had it, and it was a shitty old blackberry that was only to be used for emergencies.
So we finally got to our little spot, threw our wood in and got the music going.
It was one of those movie moments, fire and beer really make people come together.
We were laughing, joking around and shot gunning beers.
I started feeling the buzz and felt my body just getting disoriented.
I looked up and away from the fire, and from the corner of my eye I thought I saw headlights.
I shushed them and told them to look but it was gone.
They told me it was the moonlight playing tricks on me but I had this weird feeling
and anxiety in my chest that I'd never felt before.
And now I know it was my intuition.
I kinda just just put my fear aside and continued to party and get drunk
Gavin had drunk the last beer and we agreed it was time for bed.
So we put out the fire , turned on the flashlight and started following the trail back to the
When we were out of the brush and into the open road a pair of car headlights turned
on, blinding us.
I was so confused and out of it but I knew something was about to go down.
The person in the car turned on the engine and started speeding towards us almost hitting
us but kept going.
We were screaming WTF to this guy as he disappeared down the road.
We thought that was it, some douche bag just fucking with us for shits and giggles.
I didn't bring up the Forrest headlight thing because I didn't want to freak them out anymore
then they were.
We continued on our journey home.
About 3 minutes later the car speeds past us again the flash of the headlights blinding
This is when the alarm bells start ringing in my head and the adrenaline starts pumping.
We froze and looked at each other.
Sam was crying now and Gavin had this petrified look on his face that I will never ever forget.
I told Sam to call 911 on her phone and she dug into her pockets and couldn't find it.
We flashed the light on the ground looking, but she must of have forgot it at the clearing.
We were fucked.
The car flew by us again, and we started to run the opposite way.
I looked behind me and I could see it slowing down.
It stopped about a 100 meters from us, the loud honk of the car horn broke the silence.
It kept going and going beeping and flashing his lights.
This was fucked up.
My adrenaline was insane I started sprinting through the Forrest, branches and things hitting
me as I ran blindly in the dark.
I fell over a log and twisted my ankle.
I sucked in my breath from the pain and just laid there.
I could see Sam's flashlight moving.
She was running.
I could hear Gavin yelling for her to run faster.
She was smart and turned off the light and they hid.
It was so silent I couldn't take it I covered my mouth so my breathing could become steady.
The headlights started shining in through the trees.
I could make out that it was a tall man getting out the car.
He had a hunting rifle in his hand.
I was praying to god now silently in my head that he wouldn't find us.
He also had a flash light on the rifle, and he started walking towards me.
I thought I was done for.
The light moved a few inches from my head and he almost walked over me.
I heard a branch break from where my friends were.
I slowly moved my head and watched in horror as the man pointed the gun at my friends heads.
I kept quiet knowing that If something did happen I would be the last one left to get
He started yelling at Sam to get in the car.
They were both crying hysterically.
The man opened the trunk of his car and threw Sam into it.
Gavin was now kneeling on the ground beside the car.
The man violently started gun butting him in face.
I can still hear the cracks of gun hitting him till this day.
I could see him laying there all still.. is he dead I thought.
The car peeled off towards the city.
I ran up to Gavin and he was completely covered in blood and had a disgusting gash in his
face, he was knocked out.
I was a strong girl but I knew I could not carry him to the nearest home to get help.
I started yelling his name to try and wake him up but nothing worked.
I propped him up against the tree and covered him up as best as I could.
I started running, it was a blur, I don't even remember what I was thinking while I
ran i was so focused on getting help.
I saw a house and started screaming and banging on the door.
The lights turned on and the women opened her window and asked me what was wrong.
I yelled to her to call 911.
The police got there pretty quick, I told them where my friend was and that he was severely
injured and the description of the car that had taken my friend.I sat down and everything
overwhelmed me.
The emotions of what had just happened came over me.
I was crying, shaking and throwing up.
My parents came and picked me up from the station after a few hours of questions.
I was so happy to see them, we went home and I just lay there beside my mom.
The next day I found out that they had found Sam in the trunk of that car abandoned in
a parking lot at the lake, she was alive but something had obviously happened to her.
Gavin was in the hospital with severe head trauma.
They have to protect our names in the media since we were under 18.
It was a big news story in our little town.
A wake up call that maybe the suburbs aren't so safe after all.
Life was flipped upside down for all 3 of us, our friendship forever broken.
I saw Gavin in the hospital when he woke up and brought him flowers but we didn't speak
about what happened.
Sam's family moved and we never spoke again.
I tried to search for her on Facebook but nothing comes up.
Gavin and I still don't know what happened to her but it makes me sick to my stomach
thinking about it.
I didn't end up going to college and had to go through some serious therapy to start feeling
like myself again.
I hope I will get there one day soon.
I don't go out much at all, never at night.
The person who did ruined our teenage dreams never faced justice.
The case still remains open.
First, a little background information.
I worked the night shift at a local gas station when I was 19.
I am a female about 5'6" and was the only employee in the store, as usual.
On Christmas eve I had to work the overnight, 10pm-6am into Christmas day.
It was a normal night.
No customers and my cleaning was almost finished.
I had just got done eating and decided to go out for a smoke when I hear someone walking
towards the store in the distance.
Nothing out of the ordinary, until the person gets to the pumps and I can actually see them.
It was a male, about 5'9" and somewhat thin.
He was wearing a dark hoodie, jeans and was carrying a gift bag.
As he got closer I noticed he was bleeding from his forehead.
As he approached me I asked if he was okay and if he needed any help.
I noticed that the bag was empty which should have been my first red flag.
The guy looked me in the eyes, looking dead inside, and said, "You want to help?
Then don't call the fucking cops."
I agreed and told him there was a first aid kit inside and that I'd be happy to help him
with his wound (crazy I know, but I was just trying to be nice to him since he was someone
who could be a threat to me.)
We went inside the store and I got the first aid kit, as I pulled out the stuff for him
to clean himself up with, he said he needed to use the restroom and once again told me
not to call the cops.
I told myself that if he wasn't out of the bathroom within a reasonable amount of time,
I was going to call the police.
He did not come out, so I went outside and called.
The dispatcher told me to stay out of the store and find somewhere safe to be until
the officers arrived.
I stood at the side of the store where he wouldnt be able to see me but I could see
if he came out of the bathroom, he didnt.
The police arrived and asked where he was, I pointed and they went in.
Just as they got to the door he opened it, and tried to lunge at one of the officers.
They tackled him, threw a knife that he was holding, and promptly arrested him.
As they were walking him out of the store, he told me that I was lucky the police got
there when they did, and that he'd see me again soon.
I was a little shook by that.
One of the officers came to take my statement after the other took the guy away.
I told the officer what had all happened and then I asked something I really wish I didn't
know the answer to.
"What was he doing in the bathroom?"
The officer told me that it was a good thing that I called them when I did because the
guy had shot up some heroine in the bathroom, then was going to come out with a knife, stab
me, and run with what money was in my register, that's what the bag was for.
This guy had a lot of problems and a lot of anger inside of him.The reason he was so angry
was also the reason his head was bleeding, he owed his dealer money and got beat because
of it.
His solution to the problem was robbing the store.The officer told me, if I didn't call
when I did, I'd either be critically wounded or dead because he wasn't going to allow me
to stand between him and that money.
I hope I never see that crazy drug addict who wanted to kill me to free himself of debt,
To give some background to my story, I was 6 living with my mom.
My sister was 9 and my brother was 11 when my father died.
After a few years my mum started dating again.
She ended up talking to this guy after meeting him from a handyman job.
Our sink broke and my mum found him in the yellow pages, after that they started talking
and eventually started dating.
After a few months my mum got pregnant and they decided to buy a bigger house to be able
to fit us all in, so we moved to a small village away from everywhere.
200 people lived in the village, and the nearest town over was a 10-minute drive away at least.
We didn't know at the time, but this man was a psychopath.
We found out he had served 4 years in prison for armed robbery, which is very rare in Scotland,
and he had his fair share of fights and enemies.
However, by the time this was all revealed about him our mother refused to leave him
because she was so convinced he was not a worry, plus he was the father of her 4-month
She ignored her sister's advice and continued dating him.
After around 3 years of the dating, they started binge drinking their Tesco alcohol on Mondays
after getting paid on the weekend.
And the kids would be going back to school.
This lead to arguments and frequent police visits.
To put into perspective how much of a psycho this man was, at one of the police visits
there was a female and a male cop that showed up, the male cop took my mother in the living
room to talk to her and find out what had happened, and the female officer did the same
with him.
After a few minutes everything was normal until the female officer started screaming,
the male cop ran into the kitchen followed by everyone else wondering what the fuck just
happened, Allan was on the floor with his wrist bleeding, we were all quickly rushed
out of the room, but I later found that while talking to the officer, Allan had gone to
the knife block, pulled out the biggest knife he could and slit his own fucking wrist.
The officer being fairly new, and not expecting this from a simple row in a small peaceful
village where nothing ever happened, was shocked and started screaming.
I will also add, Allan was very over protective of my mother, he didn't want her to try to
leave him, or talk to anyone about their regular fights, this made him insist on going everywhere
with her, and feeding her more so she would look less attractive to guys so no one would
want her etc.
He hated seeing pictures of her with her ex (my dad) and it made him start arguments over
But one night, he took things to a new level, we went over to my aunt's house (my mums sister)
and started watching old home videos, Allan saw a few of the videos, in which my dad and
her were together, I believe the one that really pushed him was when he saw the camera
turn to them when they were on the beach and they kissed.
Allan was quiet on the way home that night, and you could see the anger on his face, it
just was not normal.
When we got home that night things seemed to be normal until my mum got back from her
karate class which she normally attends on a Monday.
Allan had been drinking and confronted my mum when she came in, he then smashed a bottle
on the wall and started shouting extremely loud, normally he would never shout this loud,
nor be this aggressive.
At this point they had been dating for 8 years, I was 13, my brother 19 and my sister 16,
my younger sister being 6.
However, my brother was working the late shift when this happened, and my 2 sisters were
both staying with their friends, so that meant it was just me, Allan and my mother in the
house at this point.
Normally at this phase in the argument me, my brother and sister would step in, but due
to it being just me, against a big built 50 year old I decided not to try anything and
see if things escalated.
After 2-3 hours at 11 pm I only saw escalation and after hearing my mum shouting something
like "drop the fucking knife" I immediately started the too familiar procedure of phoning
the police.
I thought at the time it was another self-harming attempt, but that was not the fucking case
here, he was holding it to my mother's throat, because of how often this has happened and
how to familiar it was to me, the operator doubted me for a moment passing it as a prank
call from another teenager, but it was on the phone that I heard it, my mother let out
a sound that I have never heard before, louder than anything I have ever heard, I realised
quickly that she had been stabbed by this psychopath, and when the operator could hear
the distress in my voice and the scream I was taken a little more serious.
I had already been on the phone for around 4 minutes when it happened, so the police
and ambulance were not that far away as they were expecting him to cut himself again as
I explained to the operator he had done previously, around 1-2 minutes after it happened 2 police
cars were on scene, 4 cops showed up, 2 went around the back and 2 went in the front, I
watched from my window which was directly above our front door as police went in the
house, after around 30 seconds I saw 2 come out carrying the psychopath down the stairs
to their car, and the other standing at the door repeatedly asking for the eta of the
ambulance which showed up 5-6 minutes after.
The Police started to check the house for anyone in it in case there was another suspect,
when it came to my room, a huge cop came in and shined his light around my room a bit,
he then told me to stay in the room and not to leave, I didn't know the condition of my
mother at the time, I just assumed it was bad as the road was closed as well as the
one behind our house, 2 ambulances and a doctors emergency response vehicle were outside, followed
by around 20-30 cops, if not more.
Our house was on the corner of the street, Police were around every 10ft of our garden
not letting anyone near the house, garden, or streets.
After awhile of waiting in my room, a detective came up to my room.
He told me my mother was pronounced dead at the scene and started asking me questions
about what happened.
I was then escorted down the stairs, where around 10 officers were lined up to try and
block my view of the room where my mother was lying dead, the cops all had their hats
on their chest and shook my hand as I walked past them and out.
I saw paramedics surrounding my mother, starting to pack up, they looked exhausted and tired.
Allan was sentenced to 16 years in jail, and I am thankful that the police responded so
fast, if they hadn't, who knows what would've happened, the paramedics worked hard to try
and save my mother, but she was struck straight through the heart with a single stab.
Years before Allan murdered my mother there were a lot of domestic fights and arguments
resulting in a wall, or a face having a hole in it, if you ever end up in a relationship
like this, please, get help and trust your family.
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