Most Beautiful Football Fans Ever Spotted In Stadiums
Turkey and America Relations - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
20 LAKH 100% GUARANTEED Canada VISA || Canada Tourist Visa || Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 11:26.
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El amor es LIBRE - Irene Jotadé - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Ninja Réagit au LANCEMENT de la FUSEE sur Fortnite (vostfr) - Duration: 10:57.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Sheep Family and M&M's Chocolate Candies plus Surprise Egg Unboxing - Duration: 1:43.Green
One Minute of One-Liners - NBC Comedies (International Joke Day Mashup) - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
TALKING ABOUT WORKING OUT AND HOW THAT DOESN'T HELP YOU LOSE THE WEIGHT - Duration: 4:49.hey guys back with another video today I want to talk about working out and the
reason why I want to talk about that is because I don't want working out to be
why you feel on losing weight because the working out part of it if you
stopped doing this while on trying to lose weight at the beginning of your
journey it can wait you out and just knowing
that part of eating right you have to work out which is only 20% sometimes
people just give up the eating right into working out part because they're
just so drained from the working out routine I just want to let you know that
80% of any regiment or diet any weight loss program gram weight loss journey
that you're on any deeper Sun is what you put in your mouth if you don't have
that under control when you start to you know change your eating habits and stop
working out the 20% which is exercise it's not going to matter because I at
first chose working out before I went on my weight-loss journey over my food so I
still ate what I ate still have my snacks in between and I worked out 12 a
day seven days a week on my station everybody now some people might say two
hours a day how is that possible well for number one when you're working out
you should do a regiment that works for you so if you know that you can't do 40
minutes of Zumba like your best friend can she's enjoying it she doesn't even
want to miss one class but it's not working for you then you should find
something that you can do for 40 minutes that you enjoy doing or even if you
don't enjoy doing it it's doable and YouTube can work out for
seven days a week for whatever how long your body permits you to work out so
that's how I was able to on my stationary bike which is a low intensity
workout workout for two hours but getting back to what I'm saying you
weight loss is not lost by working out weight loss is lost by what you are
putting in your mouth consuming on a daily basis that's causing you to gain
weight you're probably when you're working out
even myself two hours a day not even burning nowheres near the calories that
you're in taking so therefore you still will have food calories all the same
thing that will store as fat if it's not burned off that day so
always keep that in mind that you have to get control of what you put in your
mouth when I learned that it was all about what I put in my mouth and not
exercising which I still do the exercising because the exercising makes
me feel good also against the body flowing especially if you're also on a
detoxing journey like myself it gets the kidneys filtrating and getting all that
stuff out of your body that the body can't always get out on its own and you
know you know those are the reasons why I work I also it tightens and tones at
the body so as you use weight you start to see that 20 percent bonus of the
working out is fats to tighten and lift and put everything back into place
almost like a facelift you know but you're doing it with manual labor on
your own with exercise but once you get control over your eating and you know
how much you need to eat in order for the skill to drop the pounds offering
the body you then have control over your life so get you eating under control
and then losing weight is not really an issue I think the two main things that
make losing weight difficult is spotting and having control over to eat so what
all that being said please subscribe to channel like and share this video making
a favorite and I'll see you guys and then makes me
Asketa & Natan Chaim - Underneath My Skin (feat. Jessame) - Duration: 3:39.Skylr Infinite
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