Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 18 2018

Good afternoon.

Let us talk today about additional measures to develop the Far East, but we will start with a more urgent event.

It is drawing to a close, but we need to review it and consider what to do with the World Cup facilities in the future.

Let us talk about the preliminary results. Ms Golodets, please.

[Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets] Mr President, ladies and gentlemen,

Let me recall that the decision to hold the World Cup was made in December 2010, and it took place from June 14 through July 15, 2018.

32 countries competed in 64 matches.

This tournament has broken many records in various areas.

3,031,768 people watched the matches.

The attendance was high at all matches and almost reached 100 percent (99.8–99.9).

About 806,000 foreign citizens received Fan ID cards, and in all, about 3 million foreigners visited this country over this period.

The highest number of tickets among foreigners were bought by fans from the United States, Brazil and Germany.

These three countries led in the number of guests.

The World Cup was visited by 25 presidents, seven representatives of different monarchies and 11 heads of government.

About 7.7 million people came to the fan zones.

The championship was a turning point in breaking a great many stereotypes about our country.

This is probably the first time that the people who attended the championship were able to form first-hand opinions about our country.

Several million positive testimonials have changed the image of Russia as an open, technologically advanced and hospitable country.

Even absolutely anti-Russian media, such as 'The Times,' admitted that this championship was unprecedented in its beauty.

This is a major achievement.

The development of infrastructure is, of course, the most important achievement for Russia,

with 269 new infrastructure sites built as part of preparations for the championship, which will continue to be used in the future.

This includes 12 stadiums and 95 new training grounds, of which, according to the new Championship Legacy Concept, 64 will be used to promote children's football in our country.

The airports in the 11 host cities have been renovated, and a new airport, Platov, was built.

The new airports led to tripling passenger traffic in Volgograd, and doubling it in Samara, Rostov, Saransk and Yekaterinburg.

Russian Railways' rolling stock received major upgrades: 75 new trains were purchased and 13 terminals and seven stations upgraded.

This represents a major boost for expanding tourism in our country.

We expect the infrastructural changes, including the construction of new hotels,

which increased by 15 percent in the host cities, to provide a stable base for higher numbers of tourists, both domestic and international.

Importantly, an innovative technology – the Fan ID card – was developed and proved its consistency.

Mr President, you have already decided to extend Fan ID validity until the end of the year.

However, we would like you to issue additional instructions.

We discussed this when working on the Concept, but we want the Fan ID approach to be extended to other cultural events held in our country.

We will soon be holding the Student Games in Krasnoyarsk, and next year is the year of a major musical event in our culture, the Tchaikovsky Competition.

This technology would very much help us accommodate guests, especially from other countries.

I discussed this with Mr Medvedev yesterday.

It is a good thing to do, so we will go ahead and do it.

Of course, the festivities would be incomplete without our team's success.

The remarkable performance by the Russian team deserves our gratitude as fans.

We hope that together with the football professionals, we will be able to lay a new platform for promoting children's and youth football in our country.

The concept is in place, and we will report on it in the coming days.

Mr Kolokoltsev, what about security?

[Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev] Mr President, colleagues,

The Russian Ministry of the Interior has fulfilled in full its task of ensuring public safety during the World Cup.

We used over 100,000 of our employees.

The relevant measures were taken during the football matches and Fan Fests.

Russian police officers were polite and tactful.

Fans who committed minor offences received minor penalties.

The International Police Cooperation Centre and the tourist police performed well.

Suffice it to say that due to interaction with our foreign colleagues and information exchanges, over 3,000 foreign citizens with previous sports event related violations were denied entry into Russia.

They were not allowed here, and this also improved the safety of the tournament.

Due to our measures, no serious violations of public order were recorded during the World Cup.

Given that foreign tourists with Fan IDs may be staying in Russia until July 25, we continue to operate in an enhanced mode.

I would like to note that the introduction of the Fan ID cards and the system of access control helped in the efficient provision of public order.

These were developed in Russia and were praised by both FIFA and the fans themselves.

I would like to ask you, Mr President, to give instructions to preserve the security infrastructure at the stadiums in order to use it during other sports events.

All right.

Mrs Skvortsova, what can you say for the Healthcare Ministry?

[Healthcare Minister Veronika Skvortsova] Mr President, colleagues,

A medical aid scheme with a response time of under five minutes was deployed in all 17 Russian regions where World Cup events were held and teams stayed and trained.

In total, 6,500 healthcare workers provided medical aid, with 4,500 working directly at the facilities.

Everyone had additional training in line with the FIFA-approved emergency aid protocols.

Volunteer and student medics helped us a lot, including in emergency situations when translation was needed.

There were 170 stationary medical offices at 12 stadiums and in fan zones, with 280 mobile medical teams patrolling spectator and festival zones.

Each team was comprised of three specialists: an emergency medicine specialist, a trauma specialist and a paramedic.

There also were 202 paramedic teams, including 68 intensive care units, for medical evacuation.

Medical aid for the entire FIFA team, including footballers, journalists and spectators, was provided at 147 medical institutions, including 14 hospitals authorised by FIFA.

During the World Cup, over 15,000 people, including 1,300 children, sought medical assistance.

Participants in entertainment programmes, volunteers and people working at the facilities were seen most often, over 7,000; followed by spectators at 6,879.

In addition, medical aid was provided to 547 FIFA team members, including 57 footballers and 366 journalists.

Aid was provided on the spot in 92 percent of the cases, while eight percent of the patients were taken to inpatient facilities and 277 were hospitalised.

I would like to note that all the host cities provided medical aid fully and in good time, including hi-tech medical care in emergencies, such as endovascular therapy for acute coronary syndromes

(the patients have already been discharged, with only one remaining at the inpatient facility, but improving).

A patient with a sudden subarachnoid haemorrhage into the ventricular system had most complicated emergency neurosurgery in Samara:

his life was saved, and two weeks later, the patient went home with almost no neurological defects.

A foreigner who had a car accident in Saransk was operated on by two surgical teams, with a very good outcome, and also went home.

Of 57 footballers who sought medical attention, 53 received it on the spot, four were hospitalised and two were operated on due to various traumas.

The Russian national football team received medical and psychological treatment according to their individual support plans designed by the Russian Federal Biomedical Agency.

I would like to say, Mr President, that the FIFA medical inspection noted the high standards of medical support during the championship.

We received a letter from FIFA Medical Officer Efraim Kramer saying that there had been nothing like it in all of FIFA history

and that he recommends our standards be used in other countries.

He has already sent a medical delegation from Qatar, the next country to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

People are studying and borrowing from our experience, to be able to use it in organising and hosting the 2022 World Cup.

The festival was reallya success.

We will return to this, especially in the context ofusing the World Cup legacy.

Now I would like to again thank everyone who took part in organising this grand event.

This applies to both those who are here now and those who are not.

Mr Mutko, I would like to express my gratitude to you.

You are not directly involved in this work at present but everyone knows that you were there at the start of this journey and did a lot to prepare for this championship.

Festivals have their place, but we still have current matters that demand urgent attention.

I mean, first of all, the aftermath of floods in several regions, in many regions actually.

In some places, water reached not just critical but record levels.

Let us speak about this.


For more infomation >> Putin Hold Meeting With Government: World Cup legacy, INNOPROM, Floods & Fires - Duration: 25:52.


Undefeated Sandwich Challenge w/ Cheesesteak, Burgers, Gyro, & More!! - Duration: 9:14.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel 'Atlas' with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited, but also very nervous today

because this thing is freaking massive! I'm at Fat Jesse's I'm in Addison, Texas

which is part of the Dallas metro area I am at Fat Jesse's like I said I'm taking

on Fat Jesse's Sandwich Challenge! This thing is frickin massive! It is

undefeated obviously not many people have tried but that's because it's

freaking huge, but it's gonna be $50 if I fail there is six different

cheeseburgers on there, there is 1.5 pounds of gyro meat there's

1.5 pounds of cheesesteak then there is some American cheese on the burgers then

it's all topped with five fried eggs there are I think eight jalapeno

bacon-wrapped jalapeno slices and then it's all covered with some mozzarella

cheese and then it's heated just to melt that cheese and then there is an entire

basket of fries, but I've got one hour to finish if I fail it's gonna be $50, but

if I win I will get the meal free, I'll be the first to be on their Wall of Fame,

and I will get a sweet t-shirt to add to my collection! Let's get this challenge


There's no record to beat for this thing because it's undefeated it's day

three of our Southwest USA winter tour I'm going for win number four which is

going to be like I said overall win number 560 had a great to a day

yesterday let's try to dominate this thing we've got an hour we may need it.

1, 2, 3. . . Boom! Alright I think I'm going to start with the burgers on the bottom.

Under five minutes in all of these cheeseburgers were gone and with those

I took some of the cheesesteak meat and the gyro meat down with it so good so

far. Let's get these eggs down all these

protein filled eggs, then we'll do the bacon-wrapped jalapenos get on with the

rest of the meat. In the past I have taken down a few pieces of tinfoil and

I'm going to try to not do that this time so taking this off let's finish the


Fifteen minutes in dough we're taking the last bite of meat.

This is like a gravy that they have they don't really have an aus jus sauce but I'm

going to see what it tastes like dipping the bread in, that it's not dunking it's

not a soda or nothing if I could do so we'll see how it tastes.

We are 24 minutes in so we still have 36 minutes left but we do not want

to use all those and lets get these fries now and get the win!

45 minutes in, thank god it's a one hour time limit.

There's a Toby Keith song that says... I had it out in my mind, ah screw

it, alright 51 minutes 40 seconds in.

That's what it was - I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever

was! Yeah did not think they wanted anybody to win with how many fries were on there

but I was able to do it! 51 minutes and 54 seconds the Fat

Jessie's sandwich challenge here is one of these chefs that made this thing, so

thank you! So many fries but that sandwich was delicious! For winning I'm

gonna get the $50 meal for free I'll get a sweet t-shirt down to my collection

and I will be the only person on their Wall of Fame

here at Fat Jesse's in Addison, Texas it was overall win number 560 thank you so

much thank you to diet coke and then I had my girl Halsey

"Bad at Love" in my ears I don't know why that helped but it isn't that

wrong and it helped me dominate the challenge so thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Undefeated Sandwich Challenge w/ Cheesesteak, Burgers, Gyro, & More!! - Duration: 9:14.


لا تنشغل بالجزئيات ◆ اهتم بالكليات أولا لأنها الأساس ◆ الدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي - Duration: 19:25.

For more infomation >> لا تنشغل بالجزئيات ◆ اهتم بالكليات أولا لأنها الأساس ◆ الدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي - Duration: 19:25.


GURAL już NIGDY nie wróci na YouTube!? - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> GURAL już NIGDY nie wróci na YouTube!? - Duration: 1:32.


Ohio GOP official quits over Trump-Putin summit - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Ohio GOP official quits over Trump-Putin summit - Duration: 4:42.


Hatsune Miku - Kagerou Daze/ じん - カゲロウデイズ - Duration: 4:13.

On August 15th, 12:30 in the afternoon,

The weather was incredibly nice

And amidst the sickening rays of the dazzling sun

I spoke with you, for I had nothing else to do

"Well, y'know, I kind of hate summer",

You boldly murmured while petting a cat

Ah, you pursued that cat as it ran away from you

And what jumped out was the traffic light that changed to a glaring red

Suddenly, a truck came out of nowhere

Suddenly, a truck came out of nowhere

you screamed

Your scent, now mingled

with sprayed blood,

choked me

In the haze of lies,

the haze of heat laughed, "This is all real!"

With that, like a cricket's sound being disturbed,

the light blue of summer

darkened away

I woke up upon my bed to the sound of a ticking clock

What time is it now?

On August 14th, sometime past 12 in the morning

I recalled the sound of an awfully annoying cricket

But, y'know, it's a little strange.

Yesterday, in a dream, I saw us walking in this same exact park

"Why don't we go home now?"

The second you stepped off the pathway, everyone surrounding us

Turned their heads up to the sky

and opened their mouths

From the sky, down dropped an iron pole

That pierced your body straight through

The sound of wind-chimes and your ripping screams filled the spaces between the park trees

In this unnatural scene, the shimmering heat laughed, "This is the real thing!"

As my vision blurred away, I glanced at your profile, and thought I saw you smiling

Countless times have had me black out

In the laughing heat like this

This cycle has repeated for decades

I realized that a long time ago

In this kind of clichéd story,

There must only be one ending.

There must only be one ending.

Suddenly, I pushed you aside and jumped into the street;

At that moment, the truck slammed into me

Your eyes and my twisted body were like hazy reflections of the blood that sprayed everywhere

If that praiseful heat haze laughed, "Serves you right!" again

Then this would be what you'd call a normal summer day.

But all of that ended today.

On August 14th, a girl awoke upon her bed

And she said,

"I failed this time, too..." as she cradled a single cat.

For more infomation >> Hatsune Miku - Kagerou Daze/ じん - カゲロウデイズ - Duration: 4:13.


PRINCE OF QATAR Lifestyle ★ 2018 - Duration: 8:02.

Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (born 25 August 1978) is the former heir apparent

of Qatar.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad is the third son of the former Emir of Qatar,

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, and the first child of the Emir with his second

wife, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al Missned.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad is the third son of the former emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa

Al Thani.

His mother is Moza bint Nasser Al Missned, second wife of his father.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad was educated at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.He attended

Sherborne international college School in Dorset

After graduation Sheikh Jassim was commissioned as 2nd-lieutenant in the Qatari armed forces

on 9 August 1996.

He was appointed heir apparent of Qatar on 23 October 1996.

He replaced Mishaal bin Hamad Al Thani, his older half-brother, in the post.

Jassim renounced his rights in favour of his younger brother Sheikh Tamim on 5 August 2003.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad was the personal representative of the former emir.

Sheikh Jassim is also honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) since


Furthermore, Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad has been chair of the high committee for coordination

and follow up since 1999, chair of the supreme council for the environment

and natural resources since 2000.

He is also patron of Aspire Academy since 2003.

Sheikh Jassim married Sheikha Buthaina bint Hamad Al Thani, the daughter of Shaikh Hamad

bin Ali Al Thani, at Al Wajbah Palace, Doha, on 30 March 2006.

They have seven children, three sons and four daughters:


Sheikha Mozah bint Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born February 2007)


Sheikh Fahad bin Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born 2008)


Sheikha Hind bint Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born December 2009)

H.E Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born 2010)

H.E Sheikh Tamim bin Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born 2014)

H.E Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born October 2015)

H.E sheikha Dhai bint Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani (born 1January 2018)

For more infomation >> PRINCE OF QATAR Lifestyle ★ 2018 - Duration: 8:02.


Glitter Soccer Ball, Football Coloring Pages | Learn Colors for kids | Fun Factory Studio - Duration: 6:03.

Hello Kids! Welcome to Fun Factory Studio

Today we will learn

how to draw soccer ball

first we draw outline of soccer ball

lets make all the lines bold

it is time for coloring

we use markers

red color

red color

orange color

orange color

yellow color

yellow color

light green color

light green color

blue color

blue color

pink color

purple color

purple color

gray color

it is time for glitter

we apply glue on the picture

green glitter

orange glitter

yellow glitter

pink glitter

silver glitter

blue glitter

red glitter

purple glitter

wow looks so cool

now coloring the background

with green crayons

use a piece of paper

to make the color silky

thanks for watching kids

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