Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 18 2018

Welcome to a new video.

Before we start: Sorry for no videos but it's-

just terrible if it comes to time...

And real quick to the song: I don't know where i got this from.

But if you're interested tell me right now in the comments.

I will upload the song as privat and you'll get a link to that.

The name is just "Aura" not more.

Now to the video.

No, to the gameplay. I played this battle today a few hours ago.

With my beautiful KV-2 Manecing or how you pronounce the name.

I think this is one of my highest dmg games so far. But i'm not sure.

I got above 3.700 dmg.

Pretty good.

We got just one heavy.

They got 3.

So i have to drive to the right side. But i drove through the mid to make this:

Sadly i had to aim and shoot a little bit earlier.

The HE flew a little bit too low.

Now we have to reload, reload and reload.

I wanted to bait someone in here.

There is the AMX 12t.

I wanted to make him run away by aiming at him since i'm still reloading.

Normally people run away if a KV-2 aims at them. (ESPECIALLY IN A LIGHT!)

And there he goes. This is cuz he didn't run away.

You shouldn't do that.

Most of you guys know how dangerous the KV-2 is.

Now i activated adrenaline so i can deal with the Pz. IV

A Churchill 1 is approaching. But he is super slow so i got plenty of time.

The shot was pretty lucky. RNGesus was on my side. And of course Stalin.

He guided the HE Shell to him.

The Churchill 1 is slowly comming so i gotta go soon.

Before he'll spank me with his fire rate.

Now i'm up here. He injured my gunner.

I gotta get going. KV-2 could had shot me.

Or the Churchill me nails.

You can see i just have 1/3 HP.

Not great. There is a VK 30.02 M

I wanted to shoot HE but before i don't deal much dmg i shot AP.

So i can make more dmg than just splashing him.

But now i can see i could have penned him with HE.

I wanted to make the KV-2 wait for me. So my team isn't getting shot for now.

Now he lost patients. Next target is the Churchill. If i ignore him he will get on our nervs.

HE? AP? I rather go with AP.

Even loaded Prem AP so i'll pen him with a high chance.

2 enemies left. A KV-2 and a KV-1.

We're 5 tanks. (Welp 4)

Now the enemy KV-2 got our SU-85.

This is my chance to kill the enemy KV-2.

Before he gets the next one.

I wanted to shoot much earlier but i should take my time. So i did this.

Safe kill.

Quick activating adrenaline again. Or the KV-1 will get me or my mate.

Me might have killed me if he pushed me. But that wouldn't be a good idea since i got my mates around me.

He has the DERP gun and did quite a lot of dmg to me.

Well i'm almost done reloading so he is pretty much dead.

Thanks to the KV-1 that he drove like this. Normally i would need AP.

It was a decent battle.

At first passive. In the end game aggressive

3704 dmg. (4 kills)

42k earned. Pretty good.

Thanks for watching! See ya next time!

Bye bye

For more infomation >> KV-2 Mastery German Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz | ENG-SUB available - Duration: 3:58.


Twin Dolls - Escape the Night S3 (Ep 6) - Duration: 28:17.

Male announcer: Previously on "Escape the Night"...

Joey's secret has begun to unravel.

I've been here before.

That's where the carnival master is.

I died, and if I don't save this town,

I die with it.

Announcer: The adventurers have found half the artifacts

and escaped the strongman's prison.

Okay, Manny, come on.

Announcer: Safiya uncovers a Lazarus coin.

- Yes! - Yes!

Announcer: And Matt is killed in the final challenge.

Hey, wait! Hey! Wait, wait!

Rosanna: His last words were, "Go find that other coin,"

and that's the only way we can honor him.

( ominous music )

♪ ♪

I can make them so alive and magical.

Everyone in town will need one.

And soon they'll be knocking down your door.

What do I need to do?

Place your hands on the altar.

♪ ♪

( ominous whooshing )

( ominous music )

♪ ♪

( laughter )

♪ ♪


we'll be able to keep the shop now.

I'll never let anything happen to you.

( soft whooshing )

I promise.

♪ ♪

Knife. Knife.


- Knife! - ( screams )

( sinister music )

( woman screams )

( woman cackling )

( motorcycle engine roaring )

( blade shinks )

( woman screams )

( man choking )

( man groans )

♪ ♪

( monster roars )

♪ ♪

I'm over this! All my friends are dying!

Matt was one of our last hopes.

Now he's dead because of Joey, thank you so much.

If anyone, blame Manny!

- Manny's the one who went up-- Manny: Me?

You went up against him!

'Cause I'm the strongest bitch here!

Nobody misses him more than I do.

I miss him so much.

Colleen: Listen up, guys!

I've come to the conclusion we're all gonna die anyway,

so we might as well just enjoy our last moments.

Cheers to that.

Honestly, Colleen can go somewhere else,

because she keeps pointing the finger at me.

Go ahead, Colleen. Go talk to Mortimer.

I don't want to be around Joey, 'cause I'm positive he's lying.

So why don't you and I just leave together?

We need to find that coin.

And I'm gonna make it my mission to find that.

If I have to prove myself, I will.

I would honestly love to do that.

Let's just go upstairs.

They're gonna die anyway!

I mean, we're gonna die anyway.

Colleen, what are you doing?

Let her live her own damn fantasy.

Honestly, Mortimer was, like,

so an hour ago, so Colleen can have him.

All right, Colleen, enough is enough.

Get over here. We have work to do.

Something has changed on the map.

Manny: What does it say? - "There will be blood

"on all of your hands.

The price of being a hero in this town of horrors."

What else is new on here?

Joey: The Dollmaker's Shoppe!

- No! - No.

Creepy dolls are the-- like, creepy!

It says, "The Doll Maker's children have changed.

"They want to spin in circles,

"but keep fighting over which horse to ride.

Maybe you can help?"

All right, so, clearly,

they're gonna be dolls.

But what about the horses?

"Spinning in circles," that's obviously the merry-go-round.

( gasps ) Let's go the merry-go-round!

- Horses, merry-go-round. Duh. - Yes.

- Good job, Nikita. Let's go. - All right. Yeah.

Come on, lover boy.

I'm pissed at these people, but at this point,

I have to work with them if I want to survive,

so I follow them out to the merry-go-round.

Nikita: We see a box and a big button,

and I'm like, "Should I just press it?

Like, I don't know, guys, should we just start this damn thing?"

- Can I do it? - Press it.

( buzzer blares )

- There it goes. - Oh, my God!

- It works! - There it goes.

Colleen: Nikita pushes the red button,

and the merry-go-round starts spinning.

Safiya: The box opened! Colleen: Hurry up.

Safiya: The box opened! Colleen: Yep. Okay.

- Oh, God. - All right.

"The Night Killer's doll is split in two:

"the body and the head.

"To begin cleansing the doll,

"you must find the body and reconnect the head.

"But be careful!

- "The Doll Maker's children were corrupted by the artifact. Nikita: Oh, God.

Safiya: To cleanse this artifact,

we're gonna have to reattach this head to the body,

- wherever that might be. Joey: We need to find a body.

Nikita: I'm thinking the doll maker's place. That's the only place.

Mortimer: I think she's got a good point.

( spooky creaking )

I bolt over there because I want to figure this out

and I want to go home.

And suddenly, right in front of the front door,

I see a little, tiny doll foot.

Wait, there's feet!

Manny: Follow the trail. Colleen: There we go.

- There's another one. Manny: There it is. There it goes.

We see the next foot

and then another little foot.

There's more over here!

It's like a trail of bread crumbs.

Rosanna: Wait, there's a key on this one!

- We have a key now. - Here's a lock!

- There's a lock in here. - Yeah, and that was the last one.

It leads us to this door

in this really sketchy part of town, honey.

We have a key.

- Let's get inside, guys. - It worked!

Manny: I feel like I'm watching a horror movie

with us and I'm yelling at myself on the screen,

"Don't go in there, you dumb bitch!"

And we're walking in.

Does it feel right?

- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.

Nikita: Well, you guys, come on, let's get in.

This warehouse looks like a torture chamber for dolls.

Nikita: This is literally out of my nightmare!

( suspenseful music )

Wait, guys, this is the body! It's over here!

Safiya: Inside of the glass case

is what looks like the body that corresponds to the head

of the doll that we need to connect.

Okay, what's this?

Joey: What?

Ugh, not that I want to be reading a creepy journal.


Manny: "I didn't know what the carnival master had given me."

- Mm-mm. - "It's no ordinary doll.

"I discovered it's made from the skin of a serial killer..."

- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.

"Known as the Night Killer.

"I couldn't fathom the things he did to people.

"I locked the case with each act.

"Only a sick and twisted mind will be able to open it.

And they'll deserve what they find."

A sick and twisted mind? Joey, that's you!

( laughs sarcastically )

Safiya: There are these clues in front of every doll.

And by the looks of it, you guys,

I think we're gonna have to torture these dolls.

( shudders )

Safiya: Each torture device basically tells us

how we have to torture each doll

to open one of the locks on the glass case

in the middle of the room.

Colleen: The first doll I'm seeing is sitting by a big bowl of water,

and I know that I need to drown this doll.

- Come on over. Let's drown this bitch! - Who wants to do it?

Colleen: So the note says, "The bad ones he sent

to the bottom of the lake."

This is full of coins. There's one on this ankle,

so we gotta put one on the other to make him sink.

I do not like being a serial killer.

♪ ♪

Wait, you guys, one of the locks just opened!

Manny: Oh, my God! It worked! Colleen: Oh, it's working.

You guys did it! You drowned him!

Manny: You guys did it!

Okay, keep going. Let's get it done.

"This one is tongue-tied.

Getting her to talk may be a stretch."

I have to stretch something.

What do I have to stretch?

Joey: Oh, my God, this is so creepy!

Colleen: Tongue-tied... stretch it--

Oh, the tongue just broke, so...

Wait, Colleen, what is this?

Colleen: Hmm...

♪ ♪

- Did it work? - Yeah, I think you got it.

Safiya: I don't understand this one.

"Sawing right down the middle is the key.

No touching the doll, but you may still have to get your hands dirty."

We need to find a saw.

Joey and I end up in front of this doll

that needs to be sawed in half.

But we don't have a saw.


We found a jar.

It says, "Reach inside if you dare."

Manny: I bet it's in there. I bet the saw is inside that thing.

All right, someone hold my jacket.

- I got it. - "Reach inside if you dare."

- Oh, that is some weird texture! - Oh! Oh!

- Ohh! - Okay. ( grunts )

- Put your hand into this. - ( screams )

I don't know what that is. It's like ramen noodles.

- Like old, crusty-- - Definitely doll hair.

- ( gags ) - Oh, I got the key!

I feel around, and I find a key.

Colleen: Which corresponds to a red toolbox

that was also on the shelf.

( shimmering tone )

- Here's the saw. - Oh, yeah.

- All right. - Okay, great. Saw down the middle.

Colleen and Safiya: "No touching the doll."

♪ ♪

Oh, this angle is not any better.

Joey: Right there, right there.

Colleen: Did it work? Oh, it opened!

The last lock falls off. We've got the body!

Joey: "The Night Killer murdered over a hundred people

"before he was carved up and turned into a doll.

"His evil acts live on in this child's toy,

granting it the power to bring the inanimate to life."

"After reconnecting the head, place the doll in the base

"of the Maiden of Madness to complete the cleansing.

"Rumor has it the doll maker locked the maiden away

inside his shop."

We're gonna have to put this doll

inside of the Maiden of Madness,

whatever that is.

Nikita: No, you guys, I have a really bad feeling about this one.

( dramatic music )

( crank rattling )

- Oh, my God! - What happened?

That opened. That opened. That opened.

Boom! Another clue just gets unlocked.

- "Be careful of the twins." - Twins?

And we have a key.

We have a key. I have no idea what exactly the key's for.

Okay, let's go back to the doll shop.

Let's go this way, guys.

Oh! Guys, come on, come on.

Nikita: This note basically said beware of twins!

What do those look like? Twins, bitch!

Hi, are you guys nice?

All of a sudden, these bitches break out

into full Speed Racer.

- ( woman screams ) Joey: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God! - No, no, no!

Colleen: What do you want?

Go, go, go!

( spooky laughter )

( woman screams )

- Right here, right here. - Oh, my God.

Manny: I realize the key that I have

is actually the key to unlock the lock that's at the front

of the Dollmaker's Shoppe.

Oh! Oh, God! Go!

Where is everyone? Where is everyone?

Close the door! Close the door!

We bust in, and we're safe for the moment.

( dramatic music )

Guys, guys, guys, guys!

Oh, my God!

Come on, you guys, come on.

- Ro, come on! - I'm coming!

Get in the doll shop!

( breathing heavily )

- Ro, get in! - Ro, hurry!

( laughing )

- ( screams ) - Close it! Close it!

Jesus Christ!

( laughter )

We barely make it inside of this doll maker hellhole,

and I'm like, "Oh, my God,

why are there so many creepy things in this room?"

Manny: So now we know that we need

to find the Maiden of Madness' chamber.

Okay, guys, it says,

"I've hidden the Maiden of Madness behind three tests..."

- ( tapping on window ) - ( laughter )

"One of fear, one of pain, and one of blood.

"For the trial of fear, hit the switch

and then place your hand inside the chute for ten seconds."

- A garbage disposal? - Yeah.

Nikita: I'll do it. Joey: You will?

Nikita: Yeah, I'll do it. Joey: Okay.

Nikita: That's the switch? - The switch.

- ( rattling ) - Oh, no!

- Oh, my God! - Oh...

- Nikita, are you sure you want to do that? - My God!

Who would want to put their hand down there?

It's the challenge of fear.

I'm the troublemaker. I'm not supposed to be scared.

Maybe I'm not good at puzzles, maybe I'm not the strongest,

but I'm probably the most fearless in this group.

Do you want to take your jacket off?

Yeah, you're right.

Roll your sleeves up too. You don't want that dress

getting dirty when your hand gets chopped off.

( rattling )

( ominous music )

You got this, Nikita!

- One, two... - ( screams )

All: Three, four, five...

six, seven, eight,

nine, ten!

( screaming )


( rattling stops )

- You okay? - Yeah, fine.

Colleen: You still have your hand. Nikita: Yeah.

( all gasp )

"Pull the lever if you can handle the pain.

It's quite shocking how hard it is to hang on to."

I just saw Nikita go through the test of fear.

- I'll do it. - ( electricity crackles )

- Whoa! - Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Manny: It's zappy?

Are you sure? I've had a lot of laser hair treatments.

So I grab the metal lever, and immediately,

I feel a jolt of electricity go through my arm.

Can I hold on to this lever long enough

to pull it over to the other side?

- You got it, got it, got it. - Push, push, push, push!

- Come on, come on, come on! - Push, push, push, push!

- Come on, push, push, push! - Oh, God!

- You did it! - Got it.

( rumbling )

It opened! Look, look, look, look!

"The group must divide in two.

"One will return to the warehouse

"to claim the blood doll,

"which can open the Maiden's frame.

"The other group must remain

"and solve the trail of blood.

But hurry, the twins are coming." - Oh...

"Sooner or later, you must lead them to the jail cell

and lock them up, or they'll stab you."

All right, guys, we don't have much time.

- Okay, let's go. All right, good luck, guys. - We gotta go back.

Okay, great, we're gonna split off into two groups again.

It's not like there's strength in numbers or anything.

Somehow, I get mixed into the group

that has to go retrieve the blood doll.

Oh, my God.

- I'll lock the door. - Lock up behind you.

Joey, lead the way.

( creepy laughter )

Joey: ( screams )

Run! Go, go, go! Guys, this way!

- Go, go, go! - Come on!

Mortimer: Hurry, Safiya!

Hurry, hurry, come on! Come on!

Come on, come on, come on. - Hurry, come on, come on!

- Close the door! - Oh, my God!

Mortimer: Door shut, door shut, door shut!

Good day, sir!

Joey: Oh, my God. Hold it, hold on.

Here, here, here, here!

Joey: Yeah, board it up!

- Board it! Board it! - Good job, Ro.

( singsongy ) Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God. - Okay, you guys, let's start.

Come on, let's do this quick.

I'm staying with Nikita and Manny,

and we have to figure out what the next blood challenge is.

Manny: Come on, open it up.

Oh, my God.

Oh, wait, no, no, no, it's a book.

Nikita: "Once Upon a Murdery Time."

Maybe we have to read to them.

I'm looking around. I'm trying to figure out what to do next.

Oh, wait, no!

Oh, my God, go! Get out, get out, get out!

All of a sudden, a twin walks in.

( laughter )

Colleen: Then I remember we have to entice

this little twin into prison.

And what do these creepy little twins like? They like dolls.

- Manny? - Yeah.

We have to get this bitch to the jail.

You need to come out, and we have to lure him with dolls right now.

Okay, come on.

- Hi! - Go!

- See this? Want a doll? - Go.

Manny: You like this?

You like it? Come on!

Come here! This way!

Look at the dolls I have!

Come here. Don't kill me!

( ominous music )

Nikita: I'm honestly so shocked that this is working.

We are luring this demon doll into the jail.

So we realize, okay, we have this bedtime story

that we got from another clue.

"She left her family to travel the world

in pursuit of the perfect methods"--

- It's over! - ( screams )

Bam! We locked that mother trucker inside.

Manny: It's in. Colleen: Go to bed!

Manny: Lay down. Let's go back. Let's go back. Come on.

Okay, we have one little bitch locked in jail.

Let's keep it going, and let's solve the rest of this clue.

♪ ♪

So we're at the warehouse to claim the blood doll,

which is supposed to be able to open the Maiden of Madness,

wherever that might be.

Okay, so we have a key.

We need to look for what this opens.

Rosanna: Here, what about this?

- Yes! - That's definitely it.

So Joey has the key from the Dollmaker's Shoppe,

and we're able to open this crate.

"Four cups of blood exactly in one pour."

We've got two jars,

one that has three cups and one that has five.

( gasps ) I saw this-- There's blood here.

I think we have to insert the four cups of blood into this.

We have to pour four cups of blood with one pour.

One vial is measured at five cups,

one vial is measured at three cups,

and we have a big tub of blood.

Safiya: First, we just start pouring blood into the cups,

almost just to visualize it.

- What if we fill the five... - Yes!

And then we pour this into that cup?

Because whatever's left in here is what goes in there.


We realize that the difference

between five and three is two.

- Okay. Cool. - So basically, we fill this up

- all the way, pour it into here. - Yes.

- Three. - And whatever we have left

in here is two cups.

- Two cups. - Yep.

- Nice. - So this is--in here

has gotta be two cups, right?

- There are now two in here. - This goes back in here.

- Right. - Exactly.

- Whoa, I'm so sorry! - That's okay.

Joey: Girl, you have blood all over your hands!

Oh, gross!

Oh, gross! Oh, gross!

Grab this stuffing.

Safiya: Here, there's this. - Oh, jeez.

Now I look like I'm feathered.

So now we've got two cups exactly in here, right?

So we need to double this somehow.

The problem is that we need to do this twice.

And if we do the same method again,

we'll lose our original measurement.

We just need to figure out where we can hold that amount,

because we have to do all four in one pour.

And then I see the jar full of blood and doll's hair

that Joey reached into earlier.

- Here we go. Rosanna: Okay, go for it.

Joey: Ugh. Safiya: Oh!

Joey: That's sick.

- Give me that two cups. - Two cups! In we go!


This is gross.

So fill this up again to five cups.

Colleen: So we do it again, leaving two behind

in the original cup.

- Give me that one. - The leftover in here...

- Yes. - Will give us the final amount.

Two and two, that should be four.


Steady pour.

Joey: Okay...

- That should be four-- - ( crashes )

- ( screams ) - Shh!

( chuckles )

Joey: Oh, my God!

That is the most terrifying demonic doll

I have ever seen in my entire life.

Safiya: So we run back into the shop,

and we have this drawer full of doll heads

that we need to figure out what to do with.

Nikita: It's the last and final piece

we need to get this Maiden of Madness.

- Mine are looking in different directions. - Wait, mine are too.

We notice that the directions they're looking in

are very, very specific.

What if we line them up?

We have one going right, up, left,

- down, down. - And left.

- Wait, there's six! - There's six.

- And there's six heads! - And there's six dolls. Okay.

Okay, so we have to--

- We have to-- - Yeah, we have to put them on the spikes.

Wait, get the book. Get the book.

The book has to be a clue.

We notice that all the eyes on the dolls

are going different directions.

And we have this weird, creepy book.

Here. Oh, yes, "She left"--

- Okay, the keys are in here! - "She left"--

"Once upon a time, a maiden grew up"--

Manny: Up! Grew up! Colleen: Grew up! So that's--

The first one's looking up!

We need to put these doll heads in the order

that the story tells us.

"She left her family to travel the world

in pursuit of the perfect method"--

( gasps ) Oh, my God, it's bleeding!

"Though many dissuaded her, she insisted her path was right."

- Okay, so is that one looking right? - That's looking to the right.

Nikita: And we have to put the corresponding doll

on this, like, spear thing.

- Is it down? - It's down.


We finally get the last doll head on,

and boom, trapped door opened up.

Colleen: Oh, it opened!

( door slams )

Oh, my God!

( ominous music )

- Oh, my God! - One more challenge.

Ro, you-- you want a baby?

Okay, thanks. Thanks, Joey.

Ooh, creepy creep creep!

"You have the blood doll and should go,

"but if you're a seeker of thrills,

"there's one last treasure to uncover.

If you want to play, swallow the red pill."

This is some "Matrix" shiz.

The question is, do we want to play?

I'll do it.

- It says-- - Joey, this is dangerous. I--

If you want to do this, I support you,

but this looks like drugs.

You guys trusted me,

and you didn't vote for me in that competition,

so I'll take this for the team.

I need to really redeem myself. So you know what?

I'm gonna take one for the team,

and I'm gonna swallow this damn red pill.

( ominous music )

- ( door opens ) - Something opened!

( spooky laughter )

"At the bottom of the molten tar

- lies a treasure." Rosanna: Uh-oh.

I got this.

You got this, Joey. You got this Joey.

It's just chocolate cake batter!

Oh, it's thick!

Oh, my God. Okay. Oh, my gosh!

- What is this? - Whoa!

Holy crap! Okay!

Yep, I'm gonna keep searching.

Oh, wait. I think I got something.

Rosanna: Oh, yeah? - Ugh!

I have no idea. Okay.

What is it?

- It's a coin! It's a-- - It's a coin?

- Yes. - Wait, let me see. Let me see. Here.

It's a Lazarus coin. Oh, shit.

It's the final coin!

So now we have both, so if we get out of here,

we can open that box.

Okay, let's get out of here. Let's meet up with the others.

( spooky laughter )

Joey: ( screams ) Go! Go!

- Go, go, go! - ( screams )

- Come on, guys! Joey: Run!

Joey: Run till you can't go no more!

Rosanna: Door, door, door, door, door!

Go, go, go! Come on, go, go, go!

- Come on, come on, come on! - Come on, come on, come on!

Oh, hell no!

Just as the trap door is opening, Joey and all of our friends

come running into the shop.

Oh, my gosh, guys.

- Are you okay? - Are you okay?

- What the hell is that? - I found the other coin.

- Joey found the other coin! - You're lying!

- What? - Yes!

Oh, my God, we have two coins.

All this time, Colleen was accusing him.

He proved himself to the group.

Now I'm kind of eating my words,

'cause maybe he was telling the truth.

We also found this door over here!

So I think we need to go inside.

We need to go inside there and figure out how to cleanse

this artifact.

Oh, dear Lord.


Safiya: All there is is this

sort of large metal contraption

in the middle of the room.

She's real scary-lookin'.

"Seal the blood doll in the Maiden's face

to open the chamber."

Do we have to go up there?

Yeah, I don't think I can reach that.

- I'm the tallest. Let me do it. Joey: Yeah, Manny.

In order to unlock whatever's

inside of this Maiden of Madness,

we have to present it with the doll that we got.

( clanking and rumbling )

Okay, Manny, I think we need to open it.

( creaking )

- Oh, my God! - Oh, my God!

Nope, nope, uh-uh.

There are spikes, tons of blood, organs on the ground.

It honestly looked like something out of a horror movie

or a really bad Saturday night.

"You have opened the Maiden of Madness,

"and regret will surely follow.

"To cleanse the Night Killer's doll, it must first be placed

in the chamber beneath her feet."

( creaking )

Oh, my God!

Nikita: RIP, bitch.

( slams )

"Then one of you must be chosen by vote

"to forfeit their life and enter the Maiden.

"Once the door has been sealed

"and their screams have ceased,

"the doll will be cleansed.

Choose wisely. Their death will weigh on your conscience."

- What? - Wait, so one of us has to commit suicide?

We have to choose someone right now to go inside there.

I'm stepping down. Don't want to get murdered.

- Any volunteers? - Hell no!

We literally have to choose one of our friends

to die right here, right now.

No challenge, no chance to fight.

Do you remember how, on the map, it said that

there will be blood on our hands?

This is what they meant.

Should we all, like, plead our case right now?

- Like, I don't know-- What do we do? - I don't know.

I was not expecting this.

Okay, guys, I think this is definitely a plead your case moment.

Colleen: Okay. - Yeah, I stuck my hand

down that drain and down that pipe,

and I was very active as a member

and especially in this challenge, for bravery.

Agreed completely.

I'm not going in there, honey.

I think that you guys are all great, but I don't think

there's another puzzle solver in this group

the same way that I can do it, so...

We've never actually killed one of our friends before,

so I don't know what to do.

- Ro? - I have a lot of heart.

I have your back, 100%.

At this point, I love everyone in the room.

It's a no-win situation.

I'm one of the strongest competitors.

I feel like we might need boot string for something. Who knows?

Please let me not get voted in.

I found this coin.

And we know that this coin

is going to give us an advantage in some way.

So I feel like I brought an advancement to us.

I have proved myself. Thank you!

One of the biggest things I feel I've done so far,

even though it might have been a little bit problematic,

was have a gut feeling about Joey,

and because of that, we found out something really important.

And you have proved yourself,

and I'm sorry that I came for you.

I'm super confused, because I was so sure

that Joey was doing something terrible to all of us,

but now I feel like maybe he's trying to help.

But we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for that.

I really think you need me to get to the end.

Any rift that I've caused in this group

is because I'm angry that my friends are dying.

So basically, all we've said is, we all need to be here.

This really isn't that difficult for me.

I know what I have to do, and it's just

right in front of me, and I'm just gonna do it.

I guess I'm just gonna be up front and honest.

I'm gonna vote for you.

Joey, I'm sorry I came for you earlier,

but you were lying to us.

But that was my secret to tell,

and you forced me into that situation.

But you forced all of us

into a town where everyone is dying.

I understand.

Joey, do not vote for me, please.

I think we're running out of time. I think it's time.

We gotta keep this fair.

Everyone stand over here.

Nikita: Everyone did contribute in some way.

So this is really, really tough, but at the same time,

we need to all come to one consensus here.


Colleen: These are all my friends.

Everyone's working so hard together.

I honestly don't know who to vote for.

( ominous music )

Joey: At this point, Colleen's just trying

to cause drama between me and everyone else.

And we just can't have that.

♪ ♪

I don't want to be shady about this.

I'm sorry, Colleen.

I just want to prove to everyone

that I have all my cards on the table.

Colleen: I just don't know how anyone

can look someone in the face

and say, "I'm gonna put you in

this terrifying spike box and murder you."

Manny: I'm gonna have to vote Colleen in,

'cause I don't know if I can trust her fully.

She started going after Joey, but then all of a sudden,

now she starts to be like, "Oh, I forgive you."

If she can turn so fast on Joey,

can she do that to me too?

Nikita: I honestly think Colleen deserves

to go into the Maiden of Madness.

She is a maiden, and she's a little mad.

♪ ♪

You were wrong to accuse him.

Colleen: I feel betrayed. I'm heartbroken.

I've apologized to him.

I thought we fixed this situation.

- I'm sorry. Joey: It's okay, Ro.

Rosanna: Voting for her is breaking my heart.

I just know that I have to have Joey's back.

Safiya: I'm the last one to vote.

And I already know that Joey, Nikita, and Ro

all voted for Colleen.

I'm not saying that I want Colleen to die,

but I don't want it to be me.

♪ ♪

I will now shuffle and draw one.

Colleen: I cannot believe that my friends

are trying to kill me.

I've never been more scared in my whole life

than I am right now.

♪ ♪

The disco dancer.

- Please, please... - Colleen...

- Please don't do this, please. - You have to.

- I'm sorry. - Stop!

Please don't do this! Please don't do this!

- Stop! - I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Please, you guys!

- Please stop! - Guys, seriously?

- Don't do this to me, please! - Colleen, I'm sorry.

( Colleen screaming )

( melancholy music )

♪ ♪

( rattling and clanking )

♪ ♪

( eerie whooshing )

There's no point in shedding tears anymore.

We have to all be strong.

If we don't complete all of this before sunrise,

everyone would've died for absolutely nothing.

I'm just as sad as everyone else that Colleen's gone,

but at the same time, hello, people!

We gotta go!

Now that we have the two coins,

we can open the box.

( dramatic music )

♪ ♪

The artifact is cleansed. We gotta get going.

What happened to it?

Once we cleansed the artifact, he's a goner.

Oh, my God, you're right.

Nighty night, bitch.

( eerie whooshing )

But there's also this.

The good news is, we have the second coin

for the Lazarus box.

So I pull my coin out.

Joey: I'm just hoping that this coin

can offer some sort of hope for us,

because the morale in the group is pretty low.

This better be worth it.

One, two...


( creaking )

It's a harp.

"The harp of Lazarus only has one song left to play

"before its magic is gone.

"Its music has the power to bring one

"of your friends back from the dead.

Name them and strum the harp three times."

Oh, my God! I just got chills!


We're gonna bring someone back?

This changes everything.

"The two who found the coins will make the final choice

on who returns."

We have to decide who comes back.

Please choose wisely.

Who in the hell are they gonna pick?

It better be someone good.

I think there's definitely one person in my mind

that I want to bring back for sure.

There's one person in my mind as well.

There are a lot of people to choose between,

but I'm looking at Joey,

and Joey's looking at me.

And I think we both know

who we want to bring back.

( strumming harp )

For more infomation >> Twin Dolls - Escape the Night S3 (Ep 6) - Duration: 28:17.


Parker House Rolls Homemade - Duration: 5:42.

Written recipe in the link below

Soft & very fluffy

250ml (1 cup) warm milk. 7g (2-1/4 tsp) active dry yeast.

Add a pinch of sugar. Stir.

Cover 10 minutes until foamy

50g (4 tbsp) sugar

62.5g (4 tbsp) margarine, melted. Stir.

Add the yeast

1 large egg, room temperature. Stir.

375 + 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

Transfer to the counter

Start kneading

Sprinkle with flour to help the kneading process

Knead about 5 minutes

Form a ball

Put in a bowl and coat with oil

Cover for an hour

Put back on the counter

Form a ball again

Divide into 2 for the easier working

Flatten and roll out into a square 24 x 24 cm

Brush with melted butter

Divide into 9 squares

Fold each square dough like a book

Cover the folded dough while working with the other half of the dough

Brush the pan with butter. My baking pan is 28 x 22 cm

Put the folded dough in the pan

Cover for 30 minutes, brush with butter before baking,

or cover 15 minutes, brush with butter and cover again 15 minutes or longer.

Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 25 minutes. Preheated oven top-bottom heat. An oven may vary.

While still hot brush with the remaining butter

Sprinkle with sea salt flakes

The texture is soft like a pillow

For more infomation >> Parker House Rolls Homemade - Duration: 5:42.


TBC1: Taarifa ya Habari (Julai 18, 2018- Usiku) - Duration: 19:57.

For more infomation >> TBC1: Taarifa ya Habari (Julai 18, 2018- Usiku) - Duration: 19:57.


Mokumokuren, the Eyes in the Walls - Japanese Folklore - Duration: 0:58.


In traditional japanese homes you would have paper screens for the walls and doors, you

know those shoji screens.

Well, a mokumokuren is a haunted shoji screen.

If the screen is damaged and is not patched up, countless eyeballs would start to form

on the screen and would start staring at you especially at night.

These mokumokuren are pretty helpless and quite harmless as you can pluck the eyes out

of the screen one by one if you want to and they would still do nothing but stare at you

as told in one of the lores.

To stop them from regrowing or staying on the screens, the only thing you need to do

is patch the shoji screen so that there are no more holes in it.

Easy peasy.

For more infomation >> Mokumokuren, the Eyes in the Walls - Japanese Folklore - Duration: 0:58.


What's In My Gym Bag? | DIY WEIGHTED DIPS - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> What's In My Gym Bag? | DIY WEIGHTED DIPS - Duration: 5:40.


7 Health Benefits of Garlic You Didn't Know - By Healthy Ways - Duration: 4:26.

7 Health Benefits of Garlic You Didn't Know - By Healthy Ways

For more infomation >> 7 Health Benefits of Garlic You Didn't Know - By Healthy Ways - Duration: 4:26.


Descubra a Dança com a Decathlon - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Descubra a Dança com a Decathlon - Duration: 1:57.


What's Next. | Channel Update #1 - Duration: 1:27.

Hello, my name is PlayRannon.

Welcome to my first channel update.

We'll see my projects and plans for the future.

We'll be seeing Fortnite, Splatoon 2, Minecraft and MicroSD issues?

I guess know one future project.

Getting a new MicroSD card, and download all those games again.

I've decided to change how most of my future videos are going to be.

On my Splatoon 2 videos, I show off my defeats and victories.

That's how most my future videos are going to be.

My video schedule is going to be changing too.

Instead of 3 p.m. EST, it is going to be at 2 p.m. EST.

For now.

I've decided to occasionally livestream on YouTube and others.

Links will be in the description.

That is pretty much it and thanks for watching.

Don't forget to subscribe and check out my future videos.


For more infomation >> What's Next. | Channel Update #1 - Duration: 1:27.


⚣ Gʀᴇʏ Rᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡ [𝑩𝑳] | We keep this love in this photograph | TQC ❧ - Duration: 4:12.

Nuer? Nuer?





Where are you?

Please come and pick me up

For more infomation >> ⚣ Gʀᴇʏ Rᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡ [𝑩𝑳] | We keep this love in this photograph | TQC ❧ - Duration: 4:12.


La qualité de l'air - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> La qualité de l'air - Duration: 1:11.


Öldüm Sandım - Umut Ahmet - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Öldüm Sandım - Umut Ahmet - Duration: 2:03.



what is up guys welcome to the funnest channel on YouTube if you're new here

I'm Lizzy and we got this huge concrete wall that we're building I got you this

is the last brick let's stick it on oh yeah we had to bring extra hands on to

help cuz this is just absolutely huge and today we are gonna grab that

abandoned safe use it as a wrecking ball and smash it into this concrete wall

okay so we have the concrete wall setup Carter can you bring the machine over

yeah I'll go grab it right now okay there is Carter he's coming up with the

machine they call that thing an excavator so if you guys don't know it's

called an excavator and it's supposed to help you like dig stuff but today we're

not using it for that we're using it for something even cooler

whoa whoa easy easy

and this is the machine that we're going to be using we are going to tie a strap

to the end of the claw hang the abandoned safe from the claw and then

swing this thing as fast as it'll go and smash the safe through the concrete wall

and see how much damage we can do come on Carter



whoo okay we got the machine now we need to attach the safe onto the claw

okay wait Carter how are we gonna attach the safe onto the cloth to do that we

got these ratchet straps I think these will be strong enough to hold the safe

even though it's very heavy and then we can tie it all into the end of the cloth

so it'll swing underneath just like a wrecking ball would oh okay let's get to

work that's the easy par Liz but think the hard part is getting this over to

the machine all that concrete just came out of the hole this thing is filled

with like concrete yeah that's correct okay I'm gonna try dragging it across

the ground do you want love to have gloves okay ready yeah mom we're almost

there Carter Oh whoa careful whoa okay okay now we

just need to tie it on okay we are just latching this safe on to the rope so we

can swing it the next steps is to hook this hook onto here right over here like

that and then this hook goes on the other side goes right over yeah that and

then we gotta bring this string this long string all the way to the safe and

we hook it here Carter can you go in the machine and start lifting it up and lift

the bucket let's see if this works comment down below if you think there's

a makeshift wrecking ball is gonna work I think it might hey Carter are you

ready all right start lifting

machines on slowly-slowly

okay there's some time

be good wait

what I'll killed it okay just let it go okay ready yeah

whoa Wow we have a wrecking ball it's working Carter you know else wink

at okay oh I think it's gonna break off

okay so we got the safe all wrapped up ready to go whoa even when it's hanging

it's like so heavy whoa nothing looks crazy it's tied up there

to the big machine brick wall yeah this is gonna be awesome

okay Carter I'm gonna go in the machine wait hold on you don't even know how to

drive this thing let me show you how to drive it for okay fine I'm gonna do a

couple swing tests just to make sure everything's lined up and then Liz

you're gonna drive it through the wall okay okay it is my time to shine I'm

gonna drive this thing into the wall Carter's just gonna kind of like do a

little test make sure it's lined up hey Liz make sure I've lined up come a

little closer just a little like one inch forward good


okay so I'm gonna have in the machine let's do this thing okay so this is

what's about to happen listen top it up in there she's gonna drive we have the

safe tied all in by a heavy-duty strap this trap can hold 500 pounds I think

the safe is about a hundred pounds and we are going to then swing this from all

over there all the way across and into that wall hitting the center of that red

X and hopefully exploding both the concrete wall and the safe at the same

time I'm not really sure how much damage is gonna happen I'm not really sure

what's gonna happen but comment down below what you think is gonna happen I'm

in the machine we're gonna smash the concrete wall let's do this

okay I'm ready to list the shoes in the machine with the wrecking ball safe

concrete wall go ahead let's do it give it a couple tests give it a couple

swings Liz whoa here it goes I think this is Liz's first time ever driving

one of these machines as well so this could be a little crazy I think this is

gonna be really awesome I got my hard hat on just in case anything happens

oh whoa you got to go faster than that Liz you got to give it a big swing so we

can make it through the wall

whoa there you go oh wow you're hardly even moved it give it up nice big wine

now we need a lot of distance he can get as fast as you can

yeah that looks pretty good I'm Lizzy and this is the safe breaking ball for a

concrete wall whoo we got the safe right there we got the concrete wall right

there and Liz's in the big machine she's gonna swing it all the way across and

smash through that concrete wall oh and I know a secret that don't tell Carter

this but I know how to make this thing go extra fast you dial this up

oh yeah now we got super speed on this thing so this isn't gonna be so bad

oh nothing yeah we're ready to go okay I think liz is ready she's gonna swing

this thing I just need to figure out where I can stand I don't want to get

hit by this safe moving super fast only the concrete wall okay I think I'm gonna

be good right here Lizzy you ready okay I'm ready - let's do this

smash that like button right now if you think that concrete wall is gonna get

smashed one go full speed

laughs what happened you missed the wall Liz you missed the wall I mean you kind

of missed it but you kind of hit at the same time I think you went too fast

how'd you make it go so fast okay so I told everyone not to tell you this if I

turn the dial up too fast you turn it back full speed it's totally swung all

over the lawn hit the back side of the wall okay well let's look at the damage

because I think we could probably set this up real quick and do it again and

see if we can hit that wall because he completely missed if you thought she was

gonna miss I guess you were right I didn't think she was gonna miss I mean

it went completely over okay there's a broken one right there and otherwise I

think they all look good you barely even hit the wall

okay so let's set this up real quick and try it again we got the wall set up we

put all the blocks back into place Carter is gonna go in there and what are

you gonna do card I'm gonna line the Machine up this time so no matter what

is gonna hit first try no we're gonna keep it fast let's climb up there and

let's make this happen this is going to be try number two I think this is it I

think we figured out what we did wrong the first couple times I guess it's kind

of trot number three really but let's make it work let's do this thing okay

ladies I think that looks pretty good lined up

yeah thanks oh okay this is it it's starting to rain things are coming down

that wall is for sure coming down next we are going to smash this thing I think

we're all lined up this time liz is the operator

let's see s she thinks she's going to be able do it Liz okay if you haven't

already special like one special like button because liz is about to smash a

concrete wall this is awesome let's do it okay okay let's go here we go

well is it broken your blocks are shattered everywhere look at these

pieces it got wrecked

yeah in this in the safe ripped off of the machine look at this this much power

yeah it's pretty easy look at that okay now let's look at what happened to the

safe see if it's okay yeah wonder if the safe got wrecked or not we gotta flip it

up Liz Wow look at it look at all those scuff marks Oh concrete

what's that hit do you think okay it looks like there's a mark right there

but I wonder if I'm trying to figure out what side hit first yeah it was the back

side because look at all the concrete scuffs on the back yeah it's got so many

scuffs all over the back whoa okay so I don't think anything really happens it

seems like it's in pretty good condition yeah it looks like the safe is okay

except for a few like small marks but check out the wall the wall got

completely wrecked look at this yeah it broke like almost every cinder block was

a few that are okay but most of them are like just shattered into pieces so

Carter I think we're gonna have to do something a little bigger to get this

thing open yeah Liz I think I would have to use like a plasma cutter or something

I cut that door open so I'm gonna get a plasma cutter and I'm gonna post that on

a video on my channel so you got to check it out you guys need to check that out right

now okay

start the ballgame because we knew because we went back flips

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