Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 18 2018

Hey bitches Oh welcome back to my channel and I just want to make a quick video about huda beauty kissing Jeffery stars

Ask if you're familiar with Jeffery stars video where he basically put on some makeup from expiring brands and rands that do not like him

he went in on a bunch of people and one of the people that he went on is who did Beauty herself because

She stole a whole concept of

Another brands idea for their campaign, which is pretty freakin shitty

So who did Beauty decided to send him a DM and say hi, Jeffrey?

I just want you to know I have so much respect for you

Not only as a self-made entrepreneur, but also an influencer who is dedicated and works incredibly hard


Heard of your recent video and just wanted to say I absolutely do not hate you and I was upset to learn that you felt

That way I appreciate all your hard work and the support you've given us we truly are so grateful

I'm not completely aware of anything that's happened between us but I hope we can work this out

Wishing you and Nathan love and happiness now. I love that

She probably didn't even see the video because she would have addressed the fact that you know

She stole the campaign from a different brand. I think it's called Beauty bakery

I'm not exactly sure of the brand as I'm not someone that wears makeup

So therefore I wouldn't know but I love that

She ignored that and just went off the title of you know, using brands that hate me

So, what do you guys think?

Do you think if she's kissing Jeffery stars ass?

I definitely think that she has let me know in the comments below and

Do you think this is some way for her to try to save face?

That'll things though bye everyone

For more infomation >> HUDA BEAUTY KISSES JEFFREE STARS A$$ - Duration: 1:20.


Marco Rossi a mérkőzés előtti napon Grúziában | Tbilisi On Tour - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Marco Rossi a mérkőzés előtti napon Grúziában | Tbilisi On Tour - Duration: 1:18.


NOWË - Money - Duration: 2:18.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> NOWË - Money - Duration: 2:18.


Vecinos | Magdalena y Lorena se burlan de la soltería de Silvita - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Vecinos | Magdalena y Lorena se burlan de la soltería de Silvita - Duration: 1:12.


5 Ways to Generate Income & Keep More of Your Own Money. With Jordan Goodman - Duration: 26:26.

5 Ways to Generate Income & Keep More of Your Own Money. With Jordan Goodman and David Moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell today I've got a very

special guest he is mr. Jordan Goodman and he is known as America's money

answers man because he has been answering Americans personal financial

questions for about 40 years he is the host of money and the weekly

money answers radio show he has written 13 books on financial topics including

the dictionary of Finance and investment terms vast profits in hard times and

master your debt he was the wall street correspondent at

Money Magazine for 18 years and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows

across America and he's with me today on looking at the markets mr. jordan

goodman thank you for coming on the program today sir great to be with you

they would appreciate it yeah I appreciate coming on my youtube channel

after you've done all those things I mean you've been on money magazine

you've been I've seen you all over the internet all over the radio television

and so on so we're really glad to have you here and I and I understand that

we're actually going to have a special page that people can go to today it will

be go dot money forward slash market and I know that's a lot to

remember so we're gonna put that link in the description below this video people

are going to want to click on that and go there alright but let's talk about

the markets that's what we're here for I wanted to start with an overview of

the stock market and why it's just continuing to grind upward despite the

escalating trade war around the world can you give me some insight on on why

this is it's not all grinding up there's it's kind of a narrow market

particularly the technology stocks itself college paying stocks Facebook

and Google and Amazon Apple Microsoft those kind of companies have really been

leading the market but other areas are the banks haven't been doing that well

industrials have been getting hurt by the trade war I think the markets to

some extent levitating because underlying the surface is this

escalating trade war and it's getting more intense every day and normally you

think of the stock market is a discounting mechanism looking forward as

to what's coming and this is clearly what's coming and yet something

bothering anybody so I think that's a sign of danger actually and I've been

through a lot of cycles there as of you and I this reminds me

similarly to 2008 ten years ago when the economy seemed to be doing quite well

there were some cracks in real estate but not too bad and then there was a

little incident Bear Stearns went down in March but things were going along

pretty well the market was doing quite well and then all of a sudden in

September you had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and

AIG and gentlemen our distance unit the layman brothers and all these things

happening at once and things really crunched tremendously at that time it

feels that way to some extent now now this is not because of real estate but

because of the trade situation I'm just to summarize briefly we started this

back earlier this year with some small tariffs it had the opposite impact we

want to do higher tariffs so these other countries will do lower tariffs China

Canada Europe and what's been happening we do higher tariffs they do higher

tariffs they're gay and we're down at the point where we've got roughly 50

billion in tariffs on China they've got 50 billion tariffs on us we've now

announced what specific products would be 200 billion dollars on top of that on

China that would be 250 billion and then if that doesn't work we're talking about

everything we import from China which is over 500 billion dollars worth of goods

this really slows economic growth it hurts China it hurts us the Chinese

markets in a bear market if you actually look at what's happening over there the

Shanghai is down well over 20% it's already hurting their economy and it's

starting to hurt Americans in several ways it started with the industrial base

steal a moment in particularly steel aluminum prices have gone up

dramatically because now we're putting a 25% tariff on overseas so our

company's saying what's raise prices because we can get away with it now so

that means that people buying steel aluminum whether it be car makers or

motorcycle makers or washing machines or airlines are paying much higher prices

and having a lot of supply disruption that was the beginning and now we're

going to a much wider variety of products it's clearly going to hurt

American farmers soybeans poultry wheat you name it just a tremendous amount of

damage to be done there so if you think of like a caterpillar or deer the

Monsanto the companies that are supplying farmers they're gonna get hurt

by that so I just see this gathering storm and the stock market for the most

part has been ignoring it so that's what my message is right now things look good

but when you see this happening I think it's time to take a little money off the

table and be a little bit conservative here I completely agree with you Wow

okay so some storm clouds forming possibly and maybe things are not as

they seem that's a great message I wanted to talk

about earning income because that's what we're all about here are looking at the

markets specifically yeah earning high income potentially high income from

secured real estate funds oh that's the potential for income in that in that

space you get 8% quite securely and so what I'm saying is take some not sell

everything but take some money out of the stock market basket and move it into

this is to be an alternative to bonds and cash cash you pretty much get zero

or you know less than one percent these days and bonds you might get two point

eight three percent something like that but with a lot of volatility here you

can get eight percent without volatility so you're right they're called secured

real estate funds and there's a website for that secured real estate funds calm

and what they're doing is they lend money short term like over a year or so

to high-quality commercial real estate projects all over the country they may

have 30 different deals going on during a particular time could be apartment

buildings could be medical offices assisted living student housing parking

lots just kinds of different projects all over the

country and these places want to do renovations improvements construction of

some type but they have a very very hard time getting loans from to the tional

bank's partly because the dodd-frank law making it difficult to do that it's

sometimes that and sometimes the projects are too small banks like to do

a 25 million a 50 a hundred million dollar project these may be 1 million or

500,000 much smaller than the banks that typically interest to them so that's why

they're willing to borrow and they're gonna borrow maybe a 10% something like

that you the shareholder are gonna get what's called a preferred return of 8%

meaning you get money before the management gets anything the fee they

get the management fees another 2% on top of that but it's coming out of the

returns of the fund as opposed to what you put it are the minimums 5,000 the

minimum whole time is one year after that can get you money whatever you like

you can get monthly checks if you like or you can reinvest the money put back

in you can do it inside an IRA outside an IRA so to me and the value of these

shares the net asset value does not change it stays at $10 a share so it

doesn't go up doesn't go down it's not impacted by the value of the stock

market the bond market gold or anything else so it's a nice what I would call a

hiding place to earn an 8% yield as opposed to zero in cash or 3% in bonds

so again the websites that you can find out more about it's secured

real estate funds com they've also got a phone number eight eight eight four four

four to 102 I'm all in on this thing I'm on the

board of it I know all the people very very well they've got a thirty year

track record of doing this thing and it's the kind of thing I think a lot of

people would wanna know about and then for the most part don't know about

absolutely it's a lot better than staying in cash or staying in bonds

right now this sounds like a much more secure and just better yield talking

about 8% per year not too bad at all David eight percent from the interest

also they get a profit sharing distribution as well in quarterly basis

so what you lend it to a building that has been improved or renovated and it's

sold the borrower shares some of that profit with the fund

and the fund shareholders get 80% of that profit so for full year 2017 the

actual return the fund was eight point seven percent eight percent from the

interest on the mortgages the first thing mortgages point seven from the

profit sharing over time there's more projects coming to fruition you'll guess

so it's another half to one point so it may be eight and a half to nine percent

when you actually look at the complete thing on a quarterly basis they're gonna

make those distributions got it and once again the website for that is secured

real estate funds da-fu nds funds dot-com or they can call

eight eight eight four four four two one zero

- fantastic all right speaking about cash flow about income in order to

create more cash flow to invest to learn about the mortgage equity optimization

strategy to pay off a 30-year mortgage in five to seven years that wow that

sounds pretty pretty impressive and ambitious how does that work so while

people are not familiar with the strategy as you're called mortgage

equity optimization and literally what you just said is possible you're never

going to hear about this from the bank's where you can pay off for 30 mortgage in

five six seven years something like that so nobody's give you a simple example of

how it works with the traditional system you take out a 30-year mortgage you make

the same payment for 30 years the first 10 to 15 years pretty much all interest

you're making very very little progress on the principle and meanwhile you keep

your income your salary dividends whatever it may be in a checking account

pretty much earning nothing this is the system that works very well with the

bank's right because you're giving them your money for free and you pay them

interest for thirty years and even better if you refinance your mortgage

you may get a lower rate you start a new 30 year clock all over again

right so that's the existing system which the banks are very very happy with

so this kind of flipped the tables completely you use a home equity line of

credit what's called the HELOC which is a liquid line against your house it's a

second mortgage coming behind your first you can put money in you can take it out

whenever you like the interest rates based on the prime rate primary today is

five so it's gonna be five or something like that

but the differences you keep your income which is normally sitting in the

checking account in the HELOC pushing down the principal every day you're

making progress on the principal literally every day and every month that

goes by the amount of principal goes down at an accelerating rate and then

you take money from that to pay off your first and literally in five six years

the whole thing is paid off if it would be helpful David I'm just doing a simple

oversimplified example of how this might work would that be helpful absolutely

so let's say you have a house worth three two thousand and say you have a

two hundred thousand dollar first mortgage have a good rate four percent

something like thirty words you would then go and get a HELOC for say fifty

thousand right so you've got plenty of equity in the house so you just open the

HELOC and i'm used it yet you'd write a check on the HELOC fifty thousand

towards the first so instead of only two hundred in the first you now or 150 on

the first and 50 on the HELOC okay you now use this technique we can have your

income going into the HELOC all the time and over nine months a year or however

long it takes that fifty thousand on the HELOC has paid down to zero okay cuz

you're constantly making progress on the principal you then do it again you are

another fifty thousand dollar check on the HELOC towards the first now we're

sending 150 over 100 pay that off do it twice more so in four years your first

is paid off and then you pay the HELOC off over that fifth year and you want to

know mortgage free that's a simplified example there are three things you need

to make this work first thing gotta have that put in your

house you're under water in your house of telling the bar against second thing

gonna have a decent credit score 680 or higher its bill to qualify for that

HELOC and copy the most important thing positive cash flow during the month more

money coming in and going out that positive cash flow is what's pushing

that principal down every day now there's a free website we can actually

model this for yourself which is called truth in equity calm and what they do is

you go on will fill out what's called a personal profile and you put in all the

numbers that apply to your situation your income your expenses your mortgage

your house value all those things and it's going to come back instantly and

say okay what you're doing today it's

take you 20 8/9 years to pay off your mortgage whatever it may be and with the

numbers you just gave us you could pay it off in 6.2 years whenever it comes

out to be and then they show you step-by-step how to implement that

strategy so you could imagine a couple that's 30 okay and their mortgage is

paid off by 35 instead of 60 what a difference that's gonna take of their

life right yeah really save tens of thousands of dollars in interest when I

call needless interest on your mortgage and literally cut about twenty five

years off your mortgage on your existing level of income you don't need more

income you just need the income you have to work for you every day instead of

working for the bank does that make sense to you it does and I like the

sound of that mortgage free in five to seven years that's fantastic a lot

better than 30 years and a lot better than giving away money to the banks I

think they have enough of our money already we don't not give more and so

once again people can fill out that form on the links and that'll

make it easier for them all right David now keep making a mortgage payment into

your investments or retirement vehicles the Roth IRA whatever be so you're

you've not paid your mortgage on 435 you know keep making those payments you've

been making to pay your mortgage down but pay it to yourself which is gonna be

pounding and making money for you so this will fund people's retirement much

much better absolutely it's just a great idea and that's truth

in equity dot-com speaking of getting to keep more of your

own money and hopefully for investing that kind of thing wanted to talk about

refinancing your car loan in order to lower your car payments this sounds like

it might be analogous analogous to what we just put us book about with a

mortgage except it could apply to car payments would that be accurate that's

correct so a lot of people got some really nice cars last few years but the

payments are bigger than they can really afford and in some cases the cars

repossessed now it's easier for the companies to repossess your car because

they'll put what's called a defeat device in your car and if you don't make

your payment they literally can disable your car wherever you are you're driving

in the highway and all of a sudden all right dies and then you know by GPS

exactly where to send the hook truck to go pick you up okay that's you don't

really want your car repossessed so most people don't think you can refinance a

car loan but in fact you can there's a free website called my loan Jim calm ge

on my loan Jim calm and you go on there you put in your current and how many

payments you have what your payments gonna be interest rate everything about

your car loan and says okay here are your choices gives you a little dial you

can move back and forth and then you pick the car payment that you want lower

your interest rate and change your maturity of the car loan so you get a

more affordable payment this is an oversimplification but say your current

payment is five hundred dollars and you have three years to go if you move the

dial out to six years your payment might go from five hundred to two fifty

so you're going to keep the car anyway so if you've just lowered your payment

by half which makes it more affordable for you but you get to choose exactly

what your payment is and what your maturity is and when you do something

you like it fits your budget you click Submit and then a whole bunch of credit

unions will come back and compete for your business to get you the best deal

and it's all done online refinancing your car loans so a lot of people have

car loans at 7 8 10 % much kind of rates and kill them so this way of saving

yourself a ton of money and avoiding the repo man taking the car in the middle of

the night yeah wouldn't want that that sounds pretty scary all right so it's WW

on and calm and I'll put that in the description of this video as well so

many resources today I like it so speaking about generating cash because

that's what all this is about keeping more of your own money and making money

another way to generate cash is to invest by selling your life insurance

policy right which a lot of people have so how does that work again this is

something insurance companies will never tell you

okay there's a hole what's called the life settlement market which allows you

to sell your life insurance policy for potentially hundreds of thousands of

dollars and once you sell it you don't have to make the premium payments

anymore either now this is typically for older people I would say 60 65 plus if

it's not you maybe your parents are in that situation where this would be

helpful to them so there's a whole bunch of people institutions hedge funds

pension funds that are like to buy life insurance policies in bulk and then some

of them are gonna pay off for every year you pay the premiums and then when you

die you know they they collect a death benefit they become the beneficiary of

the policy let me just give a simple example David sweat works a metal policy

worth a million dollar death benefit okay and say you are 65 something like

that I'd say even better you've got a health condition you've got a heart

attack or something where you you may not last that much longer people who buy

the policy will pay more for that spring it's kind of strange the worse your

health the more money you're going to get because they think you're not going

to hang around that much longer so say you're 65 you got a million dollar

policy your premiums are whatever twenty five thousand a year or something like

that so you would sell that policy and maybe you'd get three and a thousand

something like that and so the people buying it pay you three two thousand

they take over paying those premiums when you die they get the millions so

they triple their money now they don't know exactly when that's gonna be but by

buying a whole portfolio of these things every year they're gonna have some

payoffs and they keep making the payment a let's throw from some buyers point of

view they know they're gonna get a big payoff someday when you die from your

point of view you get three in a thousand that you could then invest

maybe in that secured real estate funds we talked about burning 8% and have your

money work for you and you know to premium payments anymore now there's a

place that can put buyers and sellers together which is called funding and they've also got a phone number eight seven seven four eight five

six six eight one and they have tons of people wanting to buy policies there's

many more there are sellers what they need of

people who want to sell their policy and potentially get hundreds of thousands of

dollars which again you can use to invest so that's what I call found money

most people don't even know this is exists and they left their policies

lapse which the insurance companies are real happy and ok insurance companies

just they just collecting premiums for you for many many years and then you

just let them off the hook so they're not going to tell you lifestyle what's

your possibility I really like all the ways you're helping people to keep more

of their own money and to generate income this is great and so this one

that you just mentioned now is funding

or by telephone it is eight seven seven four eight five six six eight one rah

yeah yeah great great and and finally as if we haven't learned enough ways to

keep more of your own money and generate income today well let's do one more what

do you say I wanted to talk about student loans refinancing those student

loans because so many people out there are just crippled by these student loans

so how can we refinance in order to keep more of our own money this is the

problem of us millennial generation average person is graduating with about

thirty-nine thousand in student loan debt these days total outstanding is

about 1.6 trillion adding about a hundred billion a year

retailers a graduation seniors have another 100 billion in student loan

debts that's a pretty high interest rate six because private loans could be ten

or higher and it's not only the students the graduates but in medications the

parents are taking a while student loan debt and now David even the grandparents

are taking on student debt of their grandchildren because the kids are maxed

out the parents are maxed out and now the grandparents being asked to take

money out of their 401k or IRA to help the grandkids so it's a kind of a

multi-generational problem yeah so what people don't

realize is you can refinance your student loans to typically in the two to

three percent range there's a place that does that called credible and their

website is credible calm and then slash money answers they know it's me

that way you get 200 bucks off your first payment if you do it that way

they've also got a phone number eight five five eight seven zero six zero zero

five so they've got about ten different lenders who have different programs

that'll help you refinance your student oh so you find what's best for you when

you do the whole application online takes about two or three minutes you

kind of combine any federal loans you have with any private loans so you'll

have one loan and a lower interest rate two to three percent it's still gonna be

a lot of money but if you're paying off for two to three percent instead of six

or ten or whatever it may be that's gonna save you a lot of money and you

have one loan to pay a month instead of many so for a lot of people they can't

even think about investing because they had so much you know going towards their

student loans this will help them pay it off a little bit quicker okay so that

website once again and I'll put that in the description below the video is

credible CRE di ble credible dot-com forward slash money answers or they can

go to on the telephone eight five five eight seven zero six zero zero five for

some help with refinancing those student loans Wow so we've got what was it five

or six different ways to generate income and keep more of your own money today I

mean it's it this is great talk about getting back if you pay off your student

loans you get your car loan in better shape you get your mortgage paid up in

five use instead of thirty years I've just given you several hundred thousand

extra if you can sell your life insurance policy and now you can earn

eight percent of your money without having volatility hopefully people are a

little bit better shape than when we started half an hour or so I would think

so even if they just use some of these things and if they do all of them not

that not that all of these apply to everybody all the time but if they check

out these free resources why not avail yourself of all these things you know

again just check them out you've got nothing to lose and also while you're at

it check out Jordan Goodman's landing page over at you can get the

free reports you can get the free monthly newsletter

over at go dot money forward slash market go right there click on

that link in the description below this video I'll make that the first link

right at the top and just while you're at it check out money all

the free resources there check out the podcast listen to all the episodes

subscribe Jordan goat mr. jordan goodman has been

in this business for quite a while he knows a thing or two and i'd love to

answer questions as well i've got a little - jordan button on money answers

calm I've got a youtube channel just like you yep I interview a lot of people

I've got all kinds of resources I've got a blog a monthly newsletter this is what

I've been doing for a long long time as you can see I've tried to be as helpful

and practical as possible giving people specific resources it can make a huge

difference in their lives well as soon as I put out this video I'm also gonna

be over at money and I'm gonna Vale myself of all the resources

myself I'm gonna check out all the episodes of your your YouTube channel in

your podcast because there's it's such a rich well of information there that why

wouldn't people take advantage of that as well as all the other resources and

so this video has been so informative to me I hope to have you as a frequent

guest here I'm looking at the markets yeah bringing bringing all the resources

bringing all those good links and phone numbers that people need to check out

for sure again I've been speaking with mr. Jordan Goodman America's money

answers man we've gotten some answers today I've got more questions but we'll

have to save that for another time mr. government Goodman thank you so much

for coming on looking at the markets we hope to have you again here sir thanks a

lot alright thanks David thanks very much

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Generate Income & Keep More of Your Own Money. With Jordan Goodman - Duration: 26:26.


Down 85 lbs - Jessica C - Shape It Up - Success Story (2018) - Duration: 4:33.

Down 85 lbs - Jessica C - Shape It Up - Success Story (2018)

Hi, My name is Jessica and I decided I needed to Shape It Up about three years ago.

I was pregnant with my daughter and I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and the

nurse at the time said if I didn't get the weight off by the time I turned 40, I would

have full-blown diabetes.

So I started with Shape It Up.

I started with Get Fit.

It's really hard-- I have two kids and I work two jobs so it doesn't work for me to be at

the gym at ten o'clock every morning--that was not going to happen.

I tried to do things like that and it just really didn't work.

Get Fit worked for me because it was on my time and on my schedule.

Sometimes that time is at five o'clock in the morning before the kids get up and sometimes

it's at nine o'clock after the kids go to bed.

When I first started my journey, I remember my son saying to me, "Mommy, why is your

belly so big?"

It really made me sad because I didn't want him to be embarrassed by me or to not want

to be around me.

He wanted to sit on my lap and sometimes it was hard for him.

I'm doing it for me but I'm also doing it for my kids.

I want to be healthy for them and I want to live a long life for them.

It was really important that I get healthy and I get fit.

As the weight started to slip away, the more I got motivated.

It did not feel good when I would walk up the stairs at night and I would be out of


Now that I have lost 85 pounds, it is amazing that I can run up the stairs and I'm not out

of breath.

I can run up and I can check on the kids, because those of you who have kids know at

nighttime it's--I need a drink, I need another story …. so it's up and down the stairs.

Before I would just yell from the bottom on the stairs, "You guys are fine, you're fine".

I would tell myself that was normal but it's not normal.

Now I can run up and down the stairs 15 times at night.

I can run up and down as many times as I want because I don't have that 85 pounds dragging

me down.

I feel better, clothes fit so much better and it's so much more fun shopping.

Before I would only order clothes online because I was embarrassed to go in the stores and

have to go into the plus-size and I just didn't like the way I felt in those clothes.

Now I can go and put anything I want on and it just feels awesome.

My clothes are getting smaller and smaller and I'm wearing clothes that I haven't worn

in 15 years.

I just feel awesome, I feel more alive, I have more energy and I can do stuff.

I can go to the pool in the summer with my kids and not worry about people looking at


I'm also a teacher and I know that those kids were making fun of me behind my back.

I know they were saying that I was the fat teacher and I didn't want to be that anymore,

I didn't want to be embarrassed, I didn't want to be self-conscious and now I'm not.

I feel great.

I know I'm eating better, my body feels better and the big thing is, I don't have to worry

about diabetes.

When I turn 40 in two short years, I know I'll be healthy for my kids and I won't

have to worry about medication.

I've been taken off of several of my medications because I lost the weight and I just feel

great and I gave it all to Get Fit and Shape It Up and that is what made me change.

The Shape It Up App is great because I have my workout right there, it's all listed in

my phone and I can do it at any time.

Time is a big thing for me with two kids, two jobs, and a lot of responsibilities.

I can do it whenever I want--I can do it at five o'clock in the morning and I can do it

at nine o'clock at night.

I don't need anyone's help because the App is right there.

It lists all my exercises, it walks me through them and if I forget what I'm supposed to

be doing, there's an awesome video there.

I just push on it and I can see Nicole doing it perfectly (not that I ever look like that

but I'm getting there).

I keep working on it.

I really love the Shape It Up's App because it is so easy to use.

It's user friendly and if I forget to do it, it reminds me at seven o'clock, "Don't forget

that it's time for your workout".

I also get emails from Shape It Up that remind me, "Don't forget you need to weigh in today

and don't forget to do your measurements".

It keeps me accountable and it helps me to make sure that I'm doing what I need to because

sometimes I'll be honest, if I didn't do my workout in the morning and it's getting to

be seven or eight o'clock, I think I could skip one but then I see that reminder and

I know--nope--I can't skip it.

I don't want to let myself down and I don't want to let Nicole down.

Shape It Up is there for me in so many ways.

For more infomation >> Down 85 lbs - Jessica C - Shape It Up - Success Story (2018) - Duration: 4:33.



For more infomation >> WIELKA WYGRANA NA JACKPOT | GIVEAWAY | SKINBET.GG - Duration: 13:20.


HONG KONG CLAYPOT RICE: Two Types To Try (煲仔飯) | HK Food Tour Travel Vlog - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> HONG KONG CLAYPOT RICE: Two Types To Try (煲仔飯) | HK Food Tour Travel Vlog - Duration: 8:17.


Why Broly was the Evil-Doer that Killed Jiren's Parents, Hints from Toriyama - Duration: 4:13.

Hello and welcome back all my dragon ball theorist with all the talk about Broly and

how Toriyama has stated since he is introducing him into Super that he will rewrite his Origin


I went ahead to circle this important paragraph here to note Toriyama stated after watching

the Broly movies he felt this could be quite interesting once he rearranges some things,

Toriyama got right to work on a story that incorporates Broly into the Dragon Ball Super


The key there is the rearranging some things to incorporate him into the Series as a new


Of course a perfect way to do that is go back to a recent story we just saw in the tournament

of power when Jiren said his quest for absolute power happened because an evil doer killed

his parents.

As we know that they only show a silhouette on purpose any time someone is evil in dragon


To build suspense on who or what this villain looks like for then they actually decide to

reveal them.

So the images in the flash back of Jiren's past of the evil doer aren't revealing much

to give the writers freedom so latter they can tie the story all together.

So has the long asked question about who is the evil-doer that killed Jiren's parents

now been answered with the upcoming Broly movie?

Well I will break down how Toriyama can pull this off and why it actually

will make for a great story.

So little Jiren is running home and to his surprise someone or something has destroyed

his village and killed his parents.

Jiren trained and attained power to fight this evil doer again but when he returned

he wasn't strong enough.

So Jiren saw who the evil doer was and if he was a Saiyan then Jiren would of noticed

the similarities right off the bat with Goku and Vegeta right?

Probably not as Broly is this ancient Saiyan that still holds onto his tail.

In the movie about Saiyans Broly is a battle hardened Saiyan with scars on his body from


Also if Broly has a tail then you know what that means right?

It is possible that Broly actually turned into his Oozaru form to destroy the village

and conquer his enemies defeating a much younger Jiren.

So when Jiren met the Universe 6 and 7 Saiyans at the tournament he didn't realize

that it was actually a Saiyan that killed his parents long ago.

We then must ask ourselves how did Jiren even survive if he lost and why wasn't he killed

by the evil doer.

This is a question that has bugged many of us and perhaps

Jiren was actually able to scar Broly in their first fight.

This act of battle determination from Jiren as just a young fighter caused his life to

then be sparred by Broly.

Maybe Jiren reminded Broly of himself and he praised him as a fighter so he was allowed

to live to then fight another day.

If this is the story of the evil-doer and then in the movie Broly is standing in front

of Goku and Vegeta.

Maybe Broly will have a flashback of when he was younger and tells them what it means

to be a Saiyan and how he fought and conquered villages and other fighters on many planets.

That the reason he has these scars was from a young fighter that impressed him and he

let live many years ago.

Shocked by this story Broly told, Goku and Vegeta realize that fighter he let live was

Jiren and that Broly had killed his parents.

They then tell Broly that Jiren became a powerful fighter and the strongest they ever fought

but was defeated by them.

Which make Broly elated and says that's because we are Saiyans!!

We are the conquerors and then he transforms and begins his fierce fight with Goku and


Well this is at least my story on how Broly was the evil-doer that killed Jirens parents

and how his battle with Goku and Vegeta will begin.

Maybe Toriyama has something similar in mind with how he wants

to incorporate Broly into Dragon Ball Super.

Guess we will just have to wait and see.

However as always I want to hear from you on what you think.

Could Broly now be the evil doer and would that then make Jiren's back story that much

better with this connection?

I always love to hear your theories in the comments below and

if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit that like button and please subscribe

and turn on that notification bell to keep those theories coming!!

For more infomation >> Why Broly was the Evil-Doer that Killed Jiren's Parents, Hints from Toriyama - Duration: 4:13.


коррекция на таро 2 серия - Duration: 21:26.

For more infomation >> коррекция на таро 2 серия - Duration: 21:26.


Chappie PC Case Mod World Series 2018 by Indylaser - Duration: 16:52.

Ohh there he is!


- This way in!

Oh S***

Wow what is going on?

What have you been cutting?

Cutting circles...

Is this for the Cooler Master project?

No no no...

Hey let me see your shirt

Cool shirt!

So in today's video we are going to be checking out

Indylaser's Cooler Master Case Mod World Series 2018

and I think he has been cutting some stuff already

but we'll check out his overall designs

And there it is everybody

I mean it's obviously not completed

but like he has made some cuts already.

This is super damn thick look at this!

I think it is around 15 to 20 mm thick

and I guess this is some part of it

It seems like it is going to be really heavy because these acrylic are heavy!

I think he has cut out some circles but we'll check out

his overall concept and design

Come on, Coco get out

Oh gees!

Go play outside!

This is it? What case is this?

Cooler Master Scout 2

And you've made some modifications to the PSU bay right?

Yes correct

That looks pretty promising

Oh this is the Cooler Master G650M power supply

Hey is this the Colorful?


It's Colorful!

So this is a pretty well known graphics card from China

Okay that is little bit better we have some more light

so I was talking about this cool graphics card this is the Colorful

and is this the Vulcan X right?

Yes correct

Let's see on the bottom, oh okay maybe we can take it out later

Okay anyways, so your concept of this Scout...

Cooler Master Scout.. What is the concept?

I plan to mod the case to look like a scout...

based on Chappie the movie

I will try to gather all the important characteristics of the case...

modify the case but still have that look and feel of the original case

So excited, please show us your design

So we are going to modify the case to look like Chappie's head

So this is the side am I correct?

Yes correct

Wait... will we see the internal hardware?


What? we will not see the hardware??

We can show the hardware but the concept of Chappie's head will not be fulfilled

Okay so the main colors will be like this right?

Yes something like this, weathered and old paint

I am not planning make it look 100% like Chappie's head

My goal is to try portray Chappie's head by having important Chappie's features

If we look at the side you can see my design plan can be easily mounted on the chassis

I drew out all individual parts so that I can cut it a scale 1:1

and also make appropriate resizes so that it can be mounted onto the chassis appropriately

I also have to decide how many layers of acrylic I needed for the side panel

and drew multiple wireframe for each individual parts

So what are these tubes? Is it going to be water cooled?

These will be stainless steel pipes

If we look at the front of the case there will be 2 stainless steel pipes

over here and here...

So there will be two of them

and also on there will be 1 more on each side.

So if we look at the overall design of the case, people will definitely see that it is a scout case

and since Chappie's head looks very similar to the case, I decided to go for it

It's too bad we are not spray painting the case

Spray paint is the very last step, there is still a lot to do

Hey the Colorful graphics card looks cool!


Do you want it?

For free?

Yeah for free

don't BS me

I am just kidding lol

We are going to pre assemble to acrylic side

It's very thick

I forgot how to install it...

I think it is like this... lol

this and this on top of each other...

but we have to extrude this circle

Chappie's ears...

This is Chappie's ears

What is this?

It's like a microphone on Chappie's head

So that Chappie's can hear us

To be honest I am getting confused how to assemble this lol

Let me see...

All this is laser cut am I right?


Will we have to use any hand tools for this project?


I will show you the process

So we will have to shave off all the corners of each acrylic

For example we will bevel / chamfer the edges

to the desired angle we want

with these special chamfer bits

This thing is very important

so this is the chamfer bit called carbide

this chamfer bit can shave off up to 30mm

notice it is rounded corners...

we are going to be using with this machine

This machine?

Another chamfer bit it shaves off 45 degree

We are going to extrude this circle with a heat gun

Like extrude upwards??

like a plate

So you have never done this before?

No but let's try it together

Oh you were prepared...

Let's give it a shot

If we messup we have to cut another circle?

Let's dip it in water!



Let me see?

Okay that looks good

Yeah not bad, just need a little fixing

See it is extruded!

Yeah looks good

It looks tight!

I don't think we can use this chamfer bit

what really??

see? it is too big

what should we do?

We have to buy a smaller one


Wow we are at a wood shop

where we are going to get some accessories

I am looking for a bigger axis for my chamfer bit

Here, this is the machine I am using with that axis

This one is pretty big, but we need the one that has a bearing at the tip of the bit

So that we can control the level of shaving off the edges

Is that for me?


Oh for you? lol

How about me?

No more left...

Ah okay take it!

Don't worry you are already wearing glasses!

Safety first!

Let's do the thickest one first

Wow this is nice

Nice and round

Okay so we have a really nice rounded corner of this acrylic

looks very good

- but it is not finished yet, we need to sand it to make it smoother

and so the paint will look seamless

alright we are done with the first one, now we have to do all of them

So that everything will look smooth and not look edgy on our eyes

okay let's do the ears


Okay so we can see it is not angular no more

wow that looks amazing

Our first ear!

So while we were away, it seems he has painted all the acrylic panels and all that

Looking pretty good, I guess he is going for the dark blue theme

and this is what we saw earlier, this is the Chappie's ear

and I guess this some part of it as well

Just a little bit of update of the project itself

we have put in some hardware as well

so this is the Colorful motherboard

and this looking UFO right there is the Master Air G100M

and as you can see we are putting some kind of a panel here

showing that the battery is charging and you have to be cautious because you might get electrocuted

Special thanks to Cooler Master, Colorful, Zadak, Cablemod and WD

Incase you are wondering what cablemod cables Indylaser is using

so he is going for the carbon black with aluminium cable combs as well

so that looks really really slick

so this is the Zadak RAMs that he is using now and I think he made some slight modification to it

if you noticed... I think he just shoved in a type of acrylic in there.. but thats pretty cool

since the cooler is kind of big and it is eating up some RAM space

we might change the cooler to some other cooler

very nice

I will give you this...

You mean the entire build?

Thanks man

You never refuse right?

No! hahahaha

So why is there a SATA cable hanging out

Yeah that is the one of the cool features

I will tell you later when we complete the build lol

Alright the graphics card! Let me see!

So this is the 1080 by Colorful

Can we peel the sticker?

Yes go ahead

I feel like....

matte black...

can i see the front?

this is the front

three fans

oh there is a fan underneath

this is an LCD screen right?

yes it tells the status and temperature

so this PSU cover that is see through dark black

I want to dim the LED lights down here

where the logo Cooler Master Case Mod world series

see it dims the logo light so it is not too bright

Joe can you push the panel

like really push it hard right?

what happened?

Don't worry my fingers and the fans.. lol

okay let go...

okay looks good

we'll add more LED lights

yeah switch off the lights

how's the lights?

yeah the case mod world series looks clear

however this side is not that clear...

yeah this is all we want!

no no I meant the left side is dimmer that the right side


we are running out of space

we have to clear the area!

so we are going to mount the Cooler Master logo right?

how on earth are we going to glue this?

it seems its hard to hold it in place...

we have to work inconveniently...

should Indylaser make this more of a weathered case or just leave it as is?

so how do you feel about this tower mod?

This is my first time competing in the Cooler Master Case Mod World series 2018

which I put a lot of thoughts and effort in, in the past month

and finally the end results I am happy and more than satisfied

I am really proud of myself... I love this case! I don't know what else to say...

so don't forget to check out Indylaser's Cooler Master posts

and if you do like this case build or case mod... DO VOTE FOR INDYLASER

alright I will put the link in the description down below

wait before I end this video do you have anything else to say?

yes I hope you guys like my case and please vote for me!

vote for me because I think no one else has done something similar to me

Normally I only do scratch builds for competitions but this is my first tower mod and I have put a lot of effort in.

So this is the project SCOUT-22


For more infomation >> Chappie PC Case Mod World Series 2018 by Indylaser - Duration: 16:52.


O QUARTO DO PAPAI - HOUSE FLIPPER 👨‍⚕️👨‍🚒 - Duration: 24:07.

For more infomation >> O QUARTO DO PAPAI - HOUSE FLIPPER 👨‍⚕️👨‍🚒 - Duration: 24:07.


Voici comment soulager toutes vos douleurs avec la technique japonaise - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Voici comment soulager toutes vos douleurs avec la technique japonaise - Duration: 4:28.


KV-2 Mastery German Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz | ENG-SUB available - Duration: 3:58.

Welcome to a new video.

Before we start: Sorry for no videos but it's-

just terrible if it comes to time...

And real quick to the song: I don't know where i got this from.

But if you're interested tell me right now in the comments.

I will upload the song as privat and you'll get a link to that.

The name is just "Aura" not more.

Now to the video.

No, to the gameplay. I played this battle today a few hours ago.

With my beautiful KV-2 Manecing or how you pronounce the name.

I think this is one of my highest dmg games so far. But i'm not sure.

I got above 3.700 dmg.

Pretty good.

We got just one heavy.

They got 3.

So i have to drive to the right side. But i drove through the mid to make this:

Sadly i had to aim and shoot a little bit earlier.

The HE flew a little bit too low.

Now we have to reload, reload and reload.

I wanted to bait someone in here.

There is the AMX 12t.

I wanted to make him run away by aiming at him since i'm still reloading.

Normally people run away if a KV-2 aims at them. (ESPECIALLY IN A LIGHT!)

And there he goes. This is cuz he didn't run away.

You shouldn't do that.

Most of you guys know how dangerous the KV-2 is.

Now i activated adrenaline so i can deal with the Pz. IV

A Churchill 1 is approaching. But he is super slow so i got plenty of time.

The shot was pretty lucky. RNGesus was on my side. And of course Stalin.

He guided the HE Shell to him.

The Churchill 1 is slowly comming so i gotta go soon.

Before he'll spank me with his fire rate.

Now i'm up here. He injured my gunner.

I gotta get going. KV-2 could had shot me.

Or the Churchill me nails.

You can see i just have 1/3 HP.

Not great. There is a VK 30.02 M

I wanted to shoot HE but before i don't deal much dmg i shot AP.

So i can make more dmg than just splashing him.

But now i can see i could have penned him with HE.

I wanted to make the KV-2 wait for me. So my team isn't getting shot for now.

Now he lost patients. Next target is the Churchill. If i ignore him he will get on our nervs.

HE? AP? I rather go with AP.

Even loaded Prem AP so i'll pen him with a high chance.

2 enemies left. A KV-2 and a KV-1.

We're 5 tanks. (Welp 4)

Now the enemy KV-2 got our SU-85.

This is my chance to kill the enemy KV-2.

Before he gets the next one.

I wanted to shoot much earlier but i should take my time. So i did this.

Safe kill.

Quick activating adrenaline again. Or the KV-1 will get me or my mate.

Me might have killed me if he pushed me. But that wouldn't be a good idea since i got my mates around me.

He has the DERP gun and did quite a lot of dmg to me.

Well i'm almost done reloading so he is pretty much dead.

Thanks to the KV-1 that he drove like this. Normally i would need AP.

It was a decent battle.

At first passive. In the end game aggressive

3704 dmg. (4 kills)

42k earned. Pretty good.

Thanks for watching! See ya next time!

Bye bye

For more infomation >> KV-2 Mastery German Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz | ENG-SUB available - Duration: 3:58.


Kisnou - Vertigo (feat. Amethyst) (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 4:16.

I falter on your alibis

I understand what you mean

In this way, the lines that we tread upon

Make themselves very discrete

I take it all off for you

I let it go

Though these mistakes leave me in vertigo

But you don't know

Do you know?

When you came to show me all the ropes

And watched me grab hold on my own

I think I'd know

But am I sure?

I can't control

No I can't control you

The things I know

Do I really know you?

Who have you chose

To stand as your martyr?

To prove purposeful

In courses uncharted

For more infomation >> Kisnou - Vertigo (feat. Amethyst) (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 4:16.


Twin Dolls - Escape the Night S3 (Ep 6) - Duration: 28:17.

Male announcer: Previously on "Escape the Night"...

Joey's secret has begun to unravel.

I've been here before.

That's where the carnival master is.

I died, and if I don't save this town,

I die with it.

Announcer: The adventurers have found half the artifacts

and escaped the strongman's prison.

Okay, Manny, come on.

Announcer: Safiya uncovers a Lazarus coin.

- Yes! - Yes!

Announcer: And Matt is killed in the final challenge.

Hey, wait! Hey! Wait, wait!

Rosanna: His last words were, "Go find that other coin,"

and that's the only way we can honor him.

( ominous music )

♪ ♪

I can make them so alive and magical.

Everyone in town will need one.

And soon they'll be knocking down your door.

What do I need to do?

Place your hands on the altar.

♪ ♪

( ominous whooshing )

( ominous music )

♪ ♪

( laughter )

♪ ♪


we'll be able to keep the shop now.

I'll never let anything happen to you.

( soft whooshing )

I promise.

♪ ♪

Knife. Knife.


- Knife! - ( screams )

( sinister music )

( woman screams )

( woman cackling )

( motorcycle engine roaring )

( blade shinks )

( woman screams )

( man choking )

( man groans )

♪ ♪

( monster roars )

♪ ♪

I'm over this! All my friends are dying!

Matt was one of our last hopes.

Now he's dead because of Joey, thank you so much.

If anyone, blame Manny!

- Manny's the one who went up-- Manny: Me?

You went up against him!

'Cause I'm the strongest bitch here!

Nobody misses him more than I do.

I miss him so much.

Colleen: Listen up, guys!

I've come to the conclusion we're all gonna die anyway,

so we might as well just enjoy our last moments.

Cheers to that.

Honestly, Colleen can go somewhere else,

because she keeps pointing the finger at me.

Go ahead, Colleen. Go talk to Mortimer.

I don't want to be around Joey, 'cause I'm positive he's lying.

So why don't you and I just leave together?

We need to find that coin.

And I'm gonna make it my mission to find that.

If I have to prove myself, I will.

I would honestly love to do that.

Let's just go upstairs.

They're gonna die anyway!

I mean, we're gonna die anyway.

Colleen, what are you doing?

Let her live her own damn fantasy.

Honestly, Mortimer was, like,

so an hour ago, so Colleen can have him.

All right, Colleen, enough is enough.

Get over here. We have work to do.

Something has changed on the map.

Manny: What does it say? - "There will be blood

"on all of your hands.

The price of being a hero in this town of horrors."

What else is new on here?

Joey: The Dollmaker's Shoppe!

- No! - No.

Creepy dolls are the-- like, creepy!

It says, "The Doll Maker's children have changed.

"They want to spin in circles,

"but keep fighting over which horse to ride.

Maybe you can help?"

All right, so, clearly,

they're gonna be dolls.

But what about the horses?

"Spinning in circles," that's obviously the merry-go-round.

( gasps ) Let's go the merry-go-round!

- Horses, merry-go-round. Duh. - Yes.

- Good job, Nikita. Let's go. - All right. Yeah.

Come on, lover boy.

I'm pissed at these people, but at this point,

I have to work with them if I want to survive,

so I follow them out to the merry-go-round.

Nikita: We see a box and a big button,

and I'm like, "Should I just press it?

Like, I don't know, guys, should we just start this damn thing?"

- Can I do it? - Press it.

( buzzer blares )

- There it goes. - Oh, my God!

- It works! - There it goes.

Colleen: Nikita pushes the red button,

and the merry-go-round starts spinning.

Safiya: The box opened! Colleen: Hurry up.

Safiya: The box opened! Colleen: Yep. Okay.

- Oh, God. - All right.

"The Night Killer's doll is split in two:

"the body and the head.

"To begin cleansing the doll,

"you must find the body and reconnect the head.

"But be careful!

- "The Doll Maker's children were corrupted by the artifact. Nikita: Oh, God.

Safiya: To cleanse this artifact,

we're gonna have to reattach this head to the body,

- wherever that might be. Joey: We need to find a body.

Nikita: I'm thinking the doll maker's place. That's the only place.

Mortimer: I think she's got a good point.

( spooky creaking )

I bolt over there because I want to figure this out

and I want to go home.

And suddenly, right in front of the front door,

I see a little, tiny doll foot.

Wait, there's feet!

Manny: Follow the trail. Colleen: There we go.

- There's another one. Manny: There it is. There it goes.

We see the next foot

and then another little foot.

There's more over here!

It's like a trail of bread crumbs.

Rosanna: Wait, there's a key on this one!

- We have a key now. - Here's a lock!

- There's a lock in here. - Yeah, and that was the last one.

It leads us to this door

in this really sketchy part of town, honey.

We have a key.

- Let's get inside, guys. - It worked!

Manny: I feel like I'm watching a horror movie

with us and I'm yelling at myself on the screen,

"Don't go in there, you dumb bitch!"

And we're walking in.

Does it feel right?

- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.

Nikita: Well, you guys, come on, let's get in.

This warehouse looks like a torture chamber for dolls.

Nikita: This is literally out of my nightmare!

( suspenseful music )

Wait, guys, this is the body! It's over here!

Safiya: Inside of the glass case

is what looks like the body that corresponds to the head

of the doll that we need to connect.

Okay, what's this?

Joey: What?

Ugh, not that I want to be reading a creepy journal.


Manny: "I didn't know what the carnival master had given me."

- Mm-mm. - "It's no ordinary doll.

"I discovered it's made from the skin of a serial killer..."

- Oh, my God. - Oh, my God.

"Known as the Night Killer.

"I couldn't fathom the things he did to people.

"I locked the case with each act.

"Only a sick and twisted mind will be able to open it.

And they'll deserve what they find."

A sick and twisted mind? Joey, that's you!

( laughs sarcastically )

Safiya: There are these clues in front of every doll.

And by the looks of it, you guys,

I think we're gonna have to torture these dolls.

( shudders )

Safiya: Each torture device basically tells us

how we have to torture each doll

to open one of the locks on the glass case

in the middle of the room.

Colleen: The first doll I'm seeing is sitting by a big bowl of water,

and I know that I need to drown this doll.

- Come on over. Let's drown this bitch! - Who wants to do it?

Colleen: So the note says, "The bad ones he sent

to the bottom of the lake."

This is full of coins. There's one on this ankle,

so we gotta put one on the other to make him sink.

I do not like being a serial killer.

♪ ♪

Wait, you guys, one of the locks just opened!

Manny: Oh, my God! It worked! Colleen: Oh, it's working.

You guys did it! You drowned him!

Manny: You guys did it!

Okay, keep going. Let's get it done.

"This one is tongue-tied.

Getting her to talk may be a stretch."

I have to stretch something.

What do I have to stretch?

Joey: Oh, my God, this is so creepy!

Colleen: Tongue-tied... stretch it--

Oh, the tongue just broke, so...

Wait, Colleen, what is this?

Colleen: Hmm...

♪ ♪

- Did it work? - Yeah, I think you got it.

Safiya: I don't understand this one.

"Sawing right down the middle is the key.

No touching the doll, but you may still have to get your hands dirty."

We need to find a saw.

Joey and I end up in front of this doll

that needs to be sawed in half.

But we don't have a saw.


We found a jar.

It says, "Reach inside if you dare."

Manny: I bet it's in there. I bet the saw is inside that thing.

All right, someone hold my jacket.

- I got it. - "Reach inside if you dare."

- Oh, that is some weird texture! - Oh! Oh!

- Ohh! - Okay. ( grunts )

- Put your hand into this. - ( screams )

I don't know what that is. It's like ramen noodles.

- Like old, crusty-- - Definitely doll hair.

- ( gags ) - Oh, I got the key!

I feel around, and I find a key.

Colleen: Which corresponds to a red toolbox

that was also on the shelf.

( shimmering tone )

- Here's the saw. - Oh, yeah.

- All right. - Okay, great. Saw down the middle.

Colleen and Safiya: "No touching the doll."

♪ ♪

Oh, this angle is not any better.

Joey: Right there, right there.

Colleen: Did it work? Oh, it opened!

The last lock falls off. We've got the body!

Joey: "The Night Killer murdered over a hundred people

"before he was carved up and turned into a doll.

"His evil acts live on in this child's toy,

granting it the power to bring the inanimate to life."

"After reconnecting the head, place the doll in the base

"of the Maiden of Madness to complete the cleansing.

"Rumor has it the doll maker locked the maiden away

inside his shop."

We're gonna have to put this doll

inside of the Maiden of Madness,

whatever that is.

Nikita: No, you guys, I have a really bad feeling about this one.

( dramatic music )

( crank rattling )

- Oh, my God! - What happened?

That opened. That opened. That opened.

Boom! Another clue just gets unlocked.

- "Be careful of the twins." - Twins?

And we have a key.

We have a key. I have no idea what exactly the key's for.

Okay, let's go back to the doll shop.

Let's go this way, guys.

Oh! Guys, come on, come on.

Nikita: This note basically said beware of twins!

What do those look like? Twins, bitch!

Hi, are you guys nice?

All of a sudden, these bitches break out

into full Speed Racer.

- ( woman screams ) Joey: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God! - No, no, no!

Colleen: What do you want?

Go, go, go!

( spooky laughter )

( woman screams )

- Right here, right here. - Oh, my God.

Manny: I realize the key that I have

is actually the key to unlock the lock that's at the front

of the Dollmaker's Shoppe.

Oh! Oh, God! Go!

Where is everyone? Where is everyone?

Close the door! Close the door!

We bust in, and we're safe for the moment.

( dramatic music )

Guys, guys, guys, guys!

Oh, my God!

Come on, you guys, come on.

- Ro, come on! - I'm coming!

Get in the doll shop!

( breathing heavily )

- Ro, get in! - Ro, hurry!

( laughing )

- ( screams ) - Close it! Close it!

Jesus Christ!

( laughter )

We barely make it inside of this doll maker hellhole,

and I'm like, "Oh, my God,

why are there so many creepy things in this room?"

Manny: So now we know that we need

to find the Maiden of Madness' chamber.

Okay, guys, it says,

"I've hidden the Maiden of Madness behind three tests..."

- ( tapping on window ) - ( laughter )

"One of fear, one of pain, and one of blood.

"For the trial of fear, hit the switch

and then place your hand inside the chute for ten seconds."

- A garbage disposal? - Yeah.

Nikita: I'll do it. Joey: You will?

Nikita: Yeah, I'll do it. Joey: Okay.

Nikita: That's the switch? - The switch.

- ( rattling ) - Oh, no!

- Oh, my God! - Oh...

- Nikita, are you sure you want to do that? - My God!

Who would want to put their hand down there?

It's the challenge of fear.

I'm the troublemaker. I'm not supposed to be scared.

Maybe I'm not good at puzzles, maybe I'm not the strongest,

but I'm probably the most fearless in this group.

Do you want to take your jacket off?

Yeah, you're right.

Roll your sleeves up too. You don't want that dress

getting dirty when your hand gets chopped off.

( rattling )

( ominous music )

You got this, Nikita!

- One, two... - ( screams )

All: Three, four, five...

six, seven, eight,

nine, ten!

( screaming )


( rattling stops )

- You okay? - Yeah, fine.

Colleen: You still have your hand. Nikita: Yeah.

( all gasp )

"Pull the lever if you can handle the pain.

It's quite shocking how hard it is to hang on to."

I just saw Nikita go through the test of fear.

- I'll do it. - ( electricity crackles )

- Whoa! - Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Manny: It's zappy?

Are you sure? I've had a lot of laser hair treatments.

So I grab the metal lever, and immediately,

I feel a jolt of electricity go through my arm.

Can I hold on to this lever long enough

to pull it over to the other side?

- You got it, got it, got it. - Push, push, push, push!

- Come on, come on, come on! - Push, push, push, push!

- Come on, push, push, push! - Oh, God!

- You did it! - Got it.

( rumbling )

It opened! Look, look, look, look!

"The group must divide in two.

"One will return to the warehouse

"to claim the blood doll,

"which can open the Maiden's frame.

"The other group must remain

"and solve the trail of blood.

But hurry, the twins are coming." - Oh...

"Sooner or later, you must lead them to the jail cell

and lock them up, or they'll stab you."

All right, guys, we don't have much time.

- Okay, let's go. All right, good luck, guys. - We gotta go back.

Okay, great, we're gonna split off into two groups again.

It's not like there's strength in numbers or anything.

Somehow, I get mixed into the group

that has to go retrieve the blood doll.

Oh, my God.

- I'll lock the door. - Lock up behind you.

Joey, lead the way.

( creepy laughter )

Joey: ( screams )

Run! Go, go, go! Guys, this way!

- Go, go, go! - Come on!

Mortimer: Hurry, Safiya!

Hurry, hurry, come on! Come on!

Come on, come on, come on. - Hurry, come on, come on!

- Close the door! - Oh, my God!

Mortimer: Door shut, door shut, door shut!

Good day, sir!

Joey: Oh, my God. Hold it, hold on.

Here, here, here, here!

Joey: Yeah, board it up!

- Board it! Board it! - Good job, Ro.

( singsongy ) Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God. - Okay, you guys, let's start.

Come on, let's do this quick.

I'm staying with Nikita and Manny,

and we have to figure out what the next blood challenge is.

Manny: Come on, open it up.

Oh, my God.

Oh, wait, no, no, no, it's a book.

Nikita: "Once Upon a Murdery Time."

Maybe we have to read to them.

I'm looking around. I'm trying to figure out what to do next.

Oh, wait, no!

Oh, my God, go! Get out, get out, get out!

All of a sudden, a twin walks in.

( laughter )

Colleen: Then I remember we have to entice

this little twin into prison.

And what do these creepy little twins like? They like dolls.

- Manny? - Yeah.

We have to get this bitch to the jail.

You need to come out, and we have to lure him with dolls right now.

Okay, come on.

- Hi! - Go!

- See this? Want a doll? - Go.

Manny: You like this?

You like it? Come on!

Come here! This way!

Look at the dolls I have!

Come here. Don't kill me!

( ominous music )

Nikita: I'm honestly so shocked that this is working.

We are luring this demon doll into the jail.

So we realize, okay, we have this bedtime story

that we got from another clue.

"She left her family to travel the world

in pursuit of the perfect methods"--

- It's over! - ( screams )

Bam! We locked that mother trucker inside.

Manny: It's in. Colleen: Go to bed!

Manny: Lay down. Let's go back. Let's go back. Come on.

Okay, we have one little bitch locked in jail.

Let's keep it going, and let's solve the rest of this clue.

♪ ♪

So we're at the warehouse to claim the blood doll,

which is supposed to be able to open the Maiden of Madness,

wherever that might be.

Okay, so we have a key.

We need to look for what this opens.

Rosanna: Here, what about this?

- Yes! - That's definitely it.

So Joey has the key from the Dollmaker's Shoppe,

and we're able to open this crate.

"Four cups of blood exactly in one pour."

We've got two jars,

one that has three cups and one that has five.

( gasps ) I saw this-- There's blood here.

I think we have to insert the four cups of blood into this.

We have to pour four cups of blood with one pour.

One vial is measured at five cups,

one vial is measured at three cups,

and we have a big tub of blood.

Safiya: First, we just start pouring blood into the cups,

almost just to visualize it.

- What if we fill the five... - Yes!

And then we pour this into that cup?

Because whatever's left in here is what goes in there.


We realize that the difference

between five and three is two.

- Okay. Cool. - So basically, we fill this up

- all the way, pour it into here. - Yes.

- Three. - And whatever we have left

in here is two cups.

- Two cups. - Yep.

- Nice. - So this is--in here

has gotta be two cups, right?

- There are now two in here. - This goes back in here.

- Right. - Exactly.

- Whoa, I'm so sorry! - That's okay.

Joey: Girl, you have blood all over your hands!

Oh, gross!

Oh, gross! Oh, gross!

Grab this stuffing.

Safiya: Here, there's this. - Oh, jeez.

Now I look like I'm feathered.

So now we've got two cups exactly in here, right?

So we need to double this somehow.

The problem is that we need to do this twice.

And if we do the same method again,

we'll lose our original measurement.

We just need to figure out where we can hold that amount,

because we have to do all four in one pour.

And then I see the jar full of blood and doll's hair

that Joey reached into earlier.

- Here we go. Rosanna: Okay, go for it.

Joey: Ugh. Safiya: Oh!

Joey: That's sick.

- Give me that two cups. - Two cups! In we go!


This is gross.

So fill this up again to five cups.

Colleen: So we do it again, leaving two behind

in the original cup.

- Give me that one. - The leftover in here...

- Yes. - Will give us the final amount.

Two and two, that should be four.


Steady pour.

Joey: Okay...

- That should be four-- - ( crashes )

- ( screams ) - Shh!

( chuckles )

Joey: Oh, my God!

That is the most terrifying demonic doll

I have ever seen in my entire life.

Safiya: So we run back into the shop,

and we have this drawer full of doll heads

that we need to figure out what to do with.

Nikita: It's the last and final piece

we need to get this Maiden of Madness.

- Mine are looking in different directions. - Wait, mine are too.

We notice that the directions they're looking in

are very, very specific.

What if we line them up?

We have one going right, up, left,

- down, down. - And left.

- Wait, there's six! - There's six.

- And there's six heads! - And there's six dolls. Okay.

Okay, so we have to--

- We have to-- - Yeah, we have to put them on the spikes.

Wait, get the book. Get the book.

The book has to be a clue.

We notice that all the eyes on the dolls

are going different directions.

And we have this weird, creepy book.

Here. Oh, yes, "She left"--

- Okay, the keys are in here! - "She left"--

"Once upon a time, a maiden grew up"--

Manny: Up! Grew up! Colleen: Grew up! So that's--

The first one's looking up!

We need to put these doll heads in the order

that the story tells us.

"She left her family to travel the world

in pursuit of the perfect method"--

( gasps ) Oh, my God, it's bleeding!

"Though many dissuaded her, she insisted her path was right."

- Okay, so is that one looking right? - That's looking to the right.

Nikita: And we have to put the corresponding doll

on this, like, spear thing.

- Is it down? - It's down.


We finally get the last doll head on,

and boom, trapped door opened up.

Colleen: Oh, it opened!

( door slams )

Oh, my God!

( ominous music )

- Oh, my God! - One more challenge.

Ro, you-- you want a baby?

Okay, thanks. Thanks, Joey.

Ooh, creepy creep creep!

"You have the blood doll and should go,

"but if you're a seeker of thrills,

"there's one last treasure to uncover.

If you want to play, swallow the red pill."

This is some "Matrix" shiz.

The question is, do we want to play?

I'll do it.

- It says-- - Joey, this is dangerous. I--

If you want to do this, I support you,

but this looks like drugs.

You guys trusted me,

and you didn't vote for me in that competition,

so I'll take this for the team.

I need to really redeem myself. So you know what?

I'm gonna take one for the team,

and I'm gonna swallow this damn red pill.

( ominous music )

- ( door opens ) - Something opened!

( spooky laughter )

"At the bottom of the molten tar

- lies a treasure." Rosanna: Uh-oh.

I got this.

You got this, Joey. You got this Joey.

It's just chocolate cake batter!

Oh, it's thick!

Oh, my God. Okay. Oh, my gosh!

- What is this? - Whoa!

Holy crap! Okay!

Yep, I'm gonna keep searching.

Oh, wait. I think I got something.

Rosanna: Oh, yeah? - Ugh!

I have no idea. Okay.

What is it?

- It's a coin! It's a-- - It's a coin?

- Yes. - Wait, let me see. Let me see. Here.

It's a Lazarus coin. Oh, shit.

It's the final coin!

So now we have both, so if we get out of here,

we can open that box.

Okay, let's get out of here. Let's meet up with the others.

( spooky laughter )

Joey: ( screams ) Go! Go!

- Go, go, go! - ( screams )

- Come on, guys! Joey: Run!

Joey: Run till you can't go no more!

Rosanna: Door, door, door, door, door!

Go, go, go! Come on, go, go, go!

- Come on, come on, come on! - Come on, come on, come on!

Oh, hell no!

Just as the trap door is opening, Joey and all of our friends

come running into the shop.

Oh, my gosh, guys.

- Are you okay? - Are you okay?

- What the hell is that? - I found the other coin.

- Joey found the other coin! - You're lying!

- What? - Yes!

Oh, my God, we have two coins.

All this time, Colleen was accusing him.

He proved himself to the group.

Now I'm kind of eating my words,

'cause maybe he was telling the truth.

We also found this door over here!

So I think we need to go inside.

We need to go inside there and figure out how to cleanse

this artifact.

Oh, dear Lord.


Safiya: All there is is this

sort of large metal contraption

in the middle of the room.

She's real scary-lookin'.

"Seal the blood doll in the Maiden's face

to open the chamber."

Do we have to go up there?

Yeah, I don't think I can reach that.

- I'm the tallest. Let me do it. Joey: Yeah, Manny.

In order to unlock whatever's

inside of this Maiden of Madness,

we have to present it with the doll that we got.

( clanking and rumbling )

Okay, Manny, I think we need to open it.

( creaking )

- Oh, my God! - Oh, my God!

Nope, nope, uh-uh.

There are spikes, tons of blood, organs on the ground.

It honestly looked like something out of a horror movie

or a really bad Saturday night.

"You have opened the Maiden of Madness,

"and regret will surely follow.

"To cleanse the Night Killer's doll, it must first be placed

in the chamber beneath her feet."

( creaking )

Oh, my God!

Nikita: RIP, bitch.

( slams )

"Then one of you must be chosen by vote

"to forfeit their life and enter the Maiden.

"Once the door has been sealed

"and their screams have ceased,

"the doll will be cleansed.

Choose wisely. Their death will weigh on your conscience."

- What? - Wait, so one of us has to commit suicide?

We have to choose someone right now to go inside there.

I'm stepping down. Don't want to get murdered.

- Any volunteers? - Hell no!

We literally have to choose one of our friends

to die right here, right now.

No challenge, no chance to fight.

Do you remember how, on the map, it said that

there will be blood on our hands?

This is what they meant.

Should we all, like, plead our case right now?

- Like, I don't know-- What do we do? - I don't know.

I was not expecting this.

Okay, guys, I think this is definitely a plead your case moment.

Colleen: Okay. - Yeah, I stuck my hand

down that drain and down that pipe,

and I was very active as a member

and especially in this challenge, for bravery.

Agreed completely.

I'm not going in there, honey.

I think that you guys are all great, but I don't think

there's another puzzle solver in this group

the same way that I can do it, so...

We've never actually killed one of our friends before,

so I don't know what to do.

- Ro? - I have a lot of heart.

I have your back, 100%.

At this point, I love everyone in the room.

It's a no-win situation.

I'm one of the strongest competitors.

I feel like we might need boot string for something. Who knows?

Please let me not get voted in.

I found this coin.

And we know that this coin

is going to give us an advantage in some way.

So I feel like I brought an advancement to us.

I have proved myself. Thank you!

One of the biggest things I feel I've done so far,

even though it might have been a little bit problematic,

was have a gut feeling about Joey,

and because of that, we found out something really important.

And you have proved yourself,

and I'm sorry that I came for you.

I'm super confused, because I was so sure

that Joey was doing something terrible to all of us,

but now I feel like maybe he's trying to help.

But we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for that.

I really think you need me to get to the end.

Any rift that I've caused in this group

is because I'm angry that my friends are dying.

So basically, all we've said is, we all need to be here.

This really isn't that difficult for me.

I know what I have to do, and it's just

right in front of me, and I'm just gonna do it.

I guess I'm just gonna be up front and honest.

I'm gonna vote for you.

Joey, I'm sorry I came for you earlier,

but you were lying to us.

But that was my secret to tell,

and you forced me into that situation.

But you forced all of us

into a town where everyone is dying.

I understand.

Joey, do not vote for me, please.

I think we're running out of time. I think it's time.

We gotta keep this fair.

Everyone stand over here.

Nikita: Everyone did contribute in some way.

So this is really, really tough, but at the same time,

we need to all come to one consensus here.


Colleen: These are all my friends.

Everyone's working so hard together.

I honestly don't know who to vote for.

( ominous music )

Joey: At this point, Colleen's just trying

to cause drama between me and everyone else.

And we just can't have that.

♪ ♪

I don't want to be shady about this.

I'm sorry, Colleen.

I just want to prove to everyone

that I have all my cards on the table.

Colleen: I just don't know how anyone

can look someone in the face

and say, "I'm gonna put you in

this terrifying spike box and murder you."

Manny: I'm gonna have to vote Colleen in,

'cause I don't know if I can trust her fully.

She started going after Joey, but then all of a sudden,

now she starts to be like, "Oh, I forgive you."

If she can turn so fast on Joey,

can she do that to me too?

Nikita: I honestly think Colleen deserves

to go into the Maiden of Madness.

She is a maiden, and she's a little mad.

♪ ♪

You were wrong to accuse him.

Colleen: I feel betrayed. I'm heartbroken.

I've apologized to him.

I thought we fixed this situation.

- I'm sorry. Joey: It's okay, Ro.

Rosanna: Voting for her is breaking my heart.

I just know that I have to have Joey's back.

Safiya: I'm the last one to vote.

And I already know that Joey, Nikita, and Ro

all voted for Colleen.

I'm not saying that I want Colleen to die,

but I don't want it to be me.

♪ ♪

I will now shuffle and draw one.

Colleen: I cannot believe that my friends

are trying to kill me.

I've never been more scared in my whole life

than I am right now.

♪ ♪

The disco dancer.

- Please, please... - Colleen...

- Please don't do this, please. - You have to.

- I'm sorry. - Stop!

Please don't do this! Please don't do this!

- Stop! - I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Please, you guys!

- Please stop! - Guys, seriously?

- Don't do this to me, please! - Colleen, I'm sorry.

( Colleen screaming )

( melancholy music )

♪ ♪

( rattling and clanking )

♪ ♪

( eerie whooshing )

There's no point in shedding tears anymore.

We have to all be strong.

If we don't complete all of this before sunrise,

everyone would've died for absolutely nothing.

I'm just as sad as everyone else that Colleen's gone,

but at the same time, hello, people!

We gotta go!

Now that we have the two coins,

we can open the box.

( dramatic music )

♪ ♪

The artifact is cleansed. We gotta get going.

What happened to it?

Once we cleansed the artifact, he's a goner.

Oh, my God, you're right.

Nighty night, bitch.

( eerie whooshing )

But there's also this.

The good news is, we have the second coin

for the Lazarus box.

So I pull my coin out.

Joey: I'm just hoping that this coin

can offer some sort of hope for us,

because the morale in the group is pretty low.

This better be worth it.

One, two...


( creaking )

It's a harp.

"The harp of Lazarus only has one song left to play

"before its magic is gone.

"Its music has the power to bring one

"of your friends back from the dead.

Name them and strum the harp three times."

Oh, my God! I just got chills!


We're gonna bring someone back?

This changes everything.

"The two who found the coins will make the final choice

on who returns."

We have to decide who comes back.

Please choose wisely.

Who in the hell are they gonna pick?

It better be someone good.

I think there's definitely one person in my mind

that I want to bring back for sure.

There's one person in my mind as well.

There are a lot of people to choose between,

but I'm looking at Joey,

and Joey's looking at me.

And I think we both know

who we want to bring back.

( strumming harp )

For more infomation >> Twin Dolls - Escape the Night S3 (Ep 6) - Duration: 28:17.


[日] I'm taking JLPT N3! Book tour | 日本語能力試験の為に使う本ツアー - Duration: 7:14.

Hello everyone! This is Rinko (my Japanese name). Today I am gonna talk about the JLPT test.

I'm taking the test for the first time on the 2nd of December this year

I already registered, yay!

I'm really nervous cause it's my first exam!

Today I'll talk about how I'm preparing for the exam.

I'm mainly using this book.

This is grammar rules for the N3 level.

I don't think I'm anywhere near N3 to be honest

But bookstores in South Africa don't really sell Japanese books, so I bought this in advance when was in Japan and now I'm finally using it to study.

While using this book, I write in this notebook.

First I write the grammar and sentences, then I make a list of words I don't know

After that, if I still haven't learnt the words after studying it over and over,

I'll write them in this separate notebook.

This is a cute notebook from Kakao talk's Kakao Friends series!

The word list looks like this.

Black pen is for Kanji and Kana. Blue is for explanations either in English or Korean, and pink is for example sentences.

I don't have many secrets - I mean, contents. Contents. In these notebooks lol

I just started studying 1 week ago (why did I hold up two fingers loool)

But once I continue I'll definitely keep using these 3.

I'm a bit worried about studying for Kanji.

I don't have specific books dedicated to Kanji, so

I just search online for N5, N4 and N3 Kanji lists.

And I have to just learn them that way

It's. Not. Fun.

But it's important I guess

I got these books from the library at the Japanese embassy

First is the N3 pattern study book

It has words that will come out in the exam

I mean questions, not words

There's a CD so I think it's really good but I haven't used it yet. Clearly neither has the person before me lol

Next is the official JLPT N3 practice test book

I. haven't. used. it. yet.

Apart from the books I got at the embassy,

I'm also using these books I have.

First is Speed Master. I think a few of you have this book cause I see it on studygram a lot.

So lemme just run through this one quickly

The book has themes and under the themes there is a word list

I talk about this book in an earlier video so that's it for now haha

Mini phrases for Japanese conversation book!

I listen to this book's CD in the car

By doing that, when I use this book later, I've already heard the example sentences many times and it makes studying a lot easier.

I feel like I speak so badly now cause I haven't made a video in Japanese for such a long time!

Next is this grammar dictionary

It's not specifically for N3

But in this blue book it has grammar explanations and if I don't understand something or want more detail, I can just look it up in the dictionary

Oh I almost forgot about these

Lastly, these

These two are pretty much the same but for different levels

For Kanji, language and grammar

Next is this one, for N3.

Lots of example sentences

And the grammar explanations are in English, Chinese and Korean!

It's got a lot of intensive lessons so if you just want a quick review, rather don't use it unless you have lots of time

These types of books are best if you want to practice quickly

Lots of people on Instagram have this too

All my books are for grammar!

Looks like this~

Pretty simple book

I'm gonna use all of theeeessseeee

Apart from that,

of course I'll be watching Japanese movies and calling my Japanese friends over the phone

Okay I think that's it

If anyone is taking the test, please let me know!

It's my first time so I'm nervous!

Please support me! See y'all in the next video, bye!

For more infomation >> [日] I'm taking JLPT N3! Book tour | 日本語能力試験の為に使う本ツアー - Duration: 7:14.


Parker House Rolls Homemade - Duration: 5:42.

Written recipe in the link below

Soft & very fluffy

250ml (1 cup) warm milk. 7g (2-1/4 tsp) active dry yeast.

Add a pinch of sugar. Stir.

Cover 10 minutes until foamy

50g (4 tbsp) sugar

62.5g (4 tbsp) margarine, melted. Stir.

Add the yeast

1 large egg, room temperature. Stir.

375 + 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

Transfer to the counter

Start kneading

Sprinkle with flour to help the kneading process

Knead about 5 minutes

Form a ball

Put in a bowl and coat with oil

Cover for an hour

Put back on the counter

Form a ball again

Divide into 2 for the easier working

Flatten and roll out into a square 24 x 24 cm

Brush with melted butter

Divide into 9 squares

Fold each square dough like a book

Cover the folded dough while working with the other half of the dough

Brush the pan with butter. My baking pan is 28 x 22 cm

Put the folded dough in the pan

Cover for 30 minutes, brush with butter before baking,

or cover 15 minutes, brush with butter and cover again 15 minutes or longer.

Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 25 minutes. Preheated oven top-bottom heat. An oven may vary.

While still hot brush with the remaining butter

Sprinkle with sea salt flakes

The texture is soft like a pillow

For more infomation >> Parker House Rolls Homemade - Duration: 5:42.


Who's REALLY to Blame for the US-China Trade War? - Duration: 12:34.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

It's time for the blame game.


Welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

The US-China trade conflict has been heating up in July—

like a New York City apartment without an air conditioner.

I would know.

President Trump put tariffs on

34 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods.

And the Chinese Communist Party retaliated,

by doing the same to American goods.

Why the tariffs in the first place?

As US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer put it,

the tariffs are "proportionate and responsive

to forced technology transfer

and intellectual property theft by the Chinese."

In other words,

the Chinese regime was cheating,

and the tariffs aim to balance that out.

It's like a golf handicap.

Except instead of taking a handicap

because your opponent is better at golf,

you do it because your opponent cheats at golf.

And anyway,

with the Chinese regime putting its own tariffs on American goods...

that kind of defeats the purpose of the US tariffs, right?

Well don't worry, because Trump has threatened even more US tariffs.

They would tax imports on a whopping 200 billion dollars of Chinese goods.

Which is smart when you think about it, because China doesn't even buy

200 billion dollars worth of American goods in a year.

So in order for China to retaliate with equal tariffs,

they'd actually have to buy more American goods than ever before.

It's a foolproof plan.

Of course, there are other ways the Chinese regime could retaliate.

No, no, no.

They know that can't win that kind of war.

So they've chose a different tactic:

Blame the US for being a horrible,

no-good bully.

"They are just a trade bully.

They are hurting the global value chain."

And you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, right?

Yes, China is a major victim of trade protectionism,

according to Chinese state-run media.

Don't worry, though.

Because the trade war is going to hurt the US more than China,

according to Chinese state-run media.

I know that makes it sound like the US is going to be the victim,

and that's true.... as long as you remember that China

is still actually the biggest victim here, ok?

Actually, that sounds like a great idea for a reality TV show.

The US vs. China: Who is the biggest victim?

Again, remember, it's China.

And that's why Chinese officials announced on Monday

that they had filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization

against the US over the proposed new tariffs.

Meanwhile, Chinese state media have launched a campaign

to show the world how China is actually the country

everyone should do business with.

Multinational firms hail China's global role as a trade partner,

according to Chinese state-run media.

And China and the EU agree to support free trade, hint hint.

Also, according to Chinese state-run media.

So is China really the best trading partner?

And is the US to blame for starting a trade war?

Well, to answer those questions,

let's take a time machine back to 2001.

A simpler time,

when Harry Potter was still innocent...

...when the coolest phone you could buy looked like this...

...and when China was admitted to the World Trade Organization,

or WTO.

At the time,

hopes were high that China would embrace our rules-based system

of international trade.

Chinese authorities promised they would play fair.

And really, how could you not trust a face like this?

Just because the Chinese dictator

was throwing Chinese dissidents in jail...

without due process...

and torturing them...

that doesn't mean he wouldn't respect the laws

of other nations, right?

And anyway,

Chinese officials at the time totally promised

not to do unfair stuff—

like forcing foreign companies to turn over key technologies

in exchange for market access.

Or artificially blocking Hollywood movies

from screening in the Chinese market.

Or giving subsidies to factories to help them

outcompete foreign companies.

Or... well, the list goes on.

But this report titled "False Promises:

The Yawning Gap Between China's WTO Commitments and Practices,"

says...well, it's called "False Promises",

so what do you expect it to show?

Did China live up to its WTO commitments?

Looks like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

Ok, but things are getting better, right?

According to the report, also no.

"If anything, [China's] aggressive innovation mercantilism

has grown stronger in recent years."

Mercantilism is an aggressive trade policy

of intense government meddling in a nation's economy,

with the intention of making that country's economy stronger

at the expense of other trading partners.

Mercantilism has fallen out of vogue

over the last several hundred years

because of its nasty tendency to cause not just trade wars,

but also actual wars.

This study titled "Economic Nationalism:

From Mercantilism to World War II"

concludes that "economic nationalism tends to make peace

more precarious and conflict more likely."

In fact,

one of the reasons the WTO was set up

was to give countries a forum

to resolve trade disputes peacefully.

But, as the "False Promises" report says,

"China has simply failed to fully comply with

its WTO accession commitments

and membership requirements.

But even worse is the fact that Chinese economic

and trade policies increasingly reject

or undermine the foundational tenets

and principles upon which the WTO,

and indeed, globalization is based."

Not that multinational firms shouldn't hail China's global role,

according to state media... it's just that its global role has been

to undermine

the very rules global trade is based on.

For example, China has been manipulating its currency

and using export subsidies to run up

a massive global trade surplus.

Its surplus with the US alone

is hundreds of billions of dollars per year.

By the way, when American politicians pitched the idea

of China being in the WTO,

they promised China's trade surplus would look

more like this blue line—

where the trade surplus eventually balances at zero.

Boy, did that not happen!

The "False Promises" report says that

"China continues to develop a robust set of mercantilist policies,

virtually all of which violate the spirit,

if not the letter, of the World Trade Organization's laws."

Now if you think that report is just making things up to criticize China,

well, it turns out, the Chinese regime's policy is actually outlined

in its own strategic plans.

Like this 2006 plan by China's State Council.

It reveals that Chinese policymakers intentionally violated WTO rules

by restricting Chinese markets for advanced technology,

limiting it to Chinese companies.

But, they also exploited the same WTO rules

to get Chinese technology companies

unfettered access to global markets.

The US has filed 22 WTO complaints

against China since 2001.

Of course, the US isn't perfect.

China has filed a dozen cases against the US,

and, well,

everyone complains about each other in the WTO.

That's kind of what it's for.

But China is definitely the winner.

Assuming the goal is to commit

as many WTO violations as you can.

But don't forget,

it's also the victim.

Carson Block, who lived in China and co-authored the book

Doing Business in China for Dummies...

...says it's not just the US that's getting a bum deal

doing business with China.

In his recent article "Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade -

The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up",

Block says that entire global trading system

is being harmed by China's cheating.

And that comes from the guy who literally wrote the book

on how to do business in China.

But that book was published back in 2011.

Clearly his views have changed.

And I get it.

Your views can change

as you learn more and wise up.

Like, five years ago,

I thought this mustache looked amazing.

Anyway, according to the US Trade Representative's report

this past January,

over the past several years,

China has been using its state power more and more

to undermine the free market

and hamstring foreign companies,

and that "it is now clear that the WTO rules

are not sufficient to constrain

China's market-distorting behavior."

And that is why that "False Promises" report we looked at earlier

suggests that "only a policy of 'constructive confrontation'

will prove adequate in addressing China's increasingly

'innovation mercantilist' trade practices."

And so when you get to the bottom of it,

US tariffs are looking more and more like

standing up to a trade bully than being one.

So when China's Deputy Trade Minister says this...

"As a WTO member,

China needs to do something

to safeguard the WTO rules."

I suggest that instead of going around

complaining about the US,

the best thing the Chinese regime can do

to safeguard WTO rules

is to follow them.

I know, it's so unfair.

And before we go,

it's time for another question from someone

who contributes a dollar or more per episode

on the crowd-funding website Patreon.

Saitama asks:

"Can China withstand the trade war with the US?"

That's a good question.

One of the great things about being ruled

by an authoritarian regime that controls

most major sectors of the economy

is that China has a lot more ability

to withstand economic hardship than, say,

a democracy does.

Like in the 2008 financial crisis,

the US suffered an enormous recession.

But the Chinese Communist Party

was able to bail out its economy

with a massive stimulus package.

And that's largely because it controlled

China's banking sector, energy, mining,

steel, and really most of the big industries.

Now usually in a trade war,

the net exporter will lose the most.

And China is the net exporter in this case.

But at the same time,

the Chinese Communist Party is highly skilled at

dealing with financial crises

and it has lots of money to spend.

So it will try to outlast the US as long as it can.

It's not going to just give in to Trump's arm-twisting

after a few months.

This could be a long war.

What the Chinese Communist Party is most worried about

is a massive economic downturn.

That could easily lead to unemployment,

unemployment to riots,

and riots could bring down the Communist Party—

since its legitimacy is based on its promise

to deliver economic prosperity.

In America, angry citizens can vote new people into office.

But in China, angry citizens can bring down the entire system.

Thanks for your question, Saitama.

And what do all of you think about the reasons

behind the US-China trade dispute?

Leave your comments below.

Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

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