Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Dear Monkey Lover !

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For more infomation >> Babies are Follwing Achab and Ashley ,They are love visitors also - Duration: 5:25.


tori rambles way too long [project announcement] - Duration: 4:35.

hey pals it's tori

this is the cast from apt. 51

this is fernid from gnupea,

galva from vaux'ix,

siles from wroenahxu,

and nox from amnolti.

then we have alise from earth

and two other earthlings who are minor characters

you don't need to know about yet

it is also based on a tumblr post which has since

spiraled out of control.

aliens studying humans living together

in an apartment

not knowing the others are all aliens too

except there is also an earthling.

the roommates all are far from their blood relatives,

they all have something that makes them different,

or "other," and marginalized,

and they all want to change the world

but feel powerless to do so.

together, they will learn that true family

is stronger than blood,

and that individuals can make a difference.

the script for unweld is 45 pages long,

which is where i am in the script for this right now,

and it's definitely not over yet.

it's gonna take a while to fully develop it.

the aliens' pronouns on earth are arbitrary

because, in space, gender doesn't exist

some of the dialogue will use spanish

as well as, hopefully, somehow,

american sign language.

i'm transitioning to 90s music.

"everybody wants to rule the world" was the song™

from unweld.

i've recently chosen the song™ for apt. 51.

♪ L A Y D O W N Y O U R F U N K Y W E A P O N ♪

[yeah, y'all, here we go]

[pumpin' the big noise in the 90s]

i've already created a lot of modified versions

of the songs that i want to put in it

and i've been listening to them and it's far more


apt. 51 will be quite visually different from unweld

or anything i've ever made.

it'll be in part found footage format


y'see this?

that is the inspiration for how i'm gonna do part of it.

i am putting a whole lot more into it this time.

with unweld,

i just wanted to see how much i could do


and i tried to create like this cliché, DCOM-style story.

i can say that it takes place right after

the events of unweld.

like, very, very, immediately after.

it's not really a sequel or crossover,

but there will be at least one cameo scene

with the original kids that you all love so much.

there will be supernatural stuff

and amazing visuals

and experimental scenes.

and all sorts of cool stuff.

whatever i can get out of my imagination.

themes will include:




the power of love.

everything will be made from scratch.

it's gonna be a bit longer than unweld.

maybe /much/ longer.

maybe so much longer it'll have to be split into

several videos.

it's gonna be pretty long, dude.

i don't know how much behind the scenes stuff i can do

'cuz y'all'll actually watch it this time,

so i can't spill too much in those things.

as far as other plans,

this will be my first semester of my junior year

in college.

also what i'm working on is my

one second a day video for 2018.

i promise that it will be amazing.

it's cut kind of like a music video

so it'll be way more interesting to watch.

thank you so much for one hundred thousand views

on unweld.

someone said it will forever be the video they watch

when they're feeling down.

someone else said they have braces and

and they didn't know someone with braces

could change the world.

someone else said they appreciate the inclusion

of LGBT because they're transgender themselves.

all of those things mean a lot to me

and i'm really happy that this film meant something

to any of you

and i wanna keep making things like that.

also i'm incorporating into this film


because alise likes to make art.

i will work hard

and share what i can

so please look forward to it.

thank you for watching and listening.

God bless~


here is concept art of the aliens

and the ship they come from

and here's something else i drew, 'cuz why not?

i'm also thankful for your responses to TYDANF.

it's small but i'm proud of it

and i'm glad some of you liked it as well.

i'm now a one-woman army—

just not in the way i originally intended to be


i'm on book three of warriors and boy

did i miss out on some stuff in middle school.

that SvtFoE season three finale, am i right?

[bubble wrap popping sounds]

you're welcome.

i'm keeping a hero analysis for the future

to encourage myself to be a hero

and to study american ninja warrior.

i have a wonder woman calendar

and i salute to her every day.

i've been studying spanish

and translating lyrics from BTS songs.

it's helped me learn a lot.


that was not- i shouldn't have done that.

[singing] ♪ si es para ti, lo sé ♪

♪ puedo actuar feliz cuando me triste ♪

♪ si es para ti, lo sé ♪

♪ puedo actuar fuerte cuando me duele ♪

♪ esperando que el amor es perfecto ♪

♪ que mis debilidades están oculto ♪

♪ en este sueño que no se hará ♪

♪ crecí una flor que no será ♪

in one of my duolingo exercises

they were like "what's the word for sad"

and i was like "HA i know this"

it's triste

i really need to do something with these sets eventually

this is actually a box of earrings which i never wear

but i can't just throw entire earrings away.

i heard someone also liked this set a lot

so that's why i used it in this video.

that is a lactaid pill that doesn't go in this crate

i heard that the season three soundtrack

to my hero academia was released

and i wanna hear it soon.

how do you like season three of my hero academia

by the way?

how's your summer goin'?

my hero academia makes me cry all the time.

every /episode/ made me cry!

last time i thought

"oh they're just moving into dorms"

"i'm not gonna cry at tha-" of course i cried anyway!

it's incredible, though.

i like feeling stuff like that sometimes

but other times i'm just tired of crying and i want

to take a break.

until next time, pals.

i don't know if i can-

whatever you know what i mean

love yourselves!

yeah! bye

For more infomation >> tori rambles way too long [project announcement] - Duration: 4:35.


Nghe thử đi bạn sẽ bị đốn tim với giọng hát độc lạ này, ghiền là cái chắc - Duration: 1:12:54.

For more infomation >> Nghe thử đi bạn sẽ bị đốn tim với giọng hát độc lạ này, ghiền là cái chắc - Duration: 1:12:54.


Guerra na Síria - Forças Tigre andam ao longo das colinas de Golã - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Guerra na Síria - Forças Tigre andam ao longo das colinas de Golã - Duration: 2:10.


15 TRAITS THAT REVEAL YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL HEALER (And You Don't Know It) - Duration: 5:42.

15 Traits That Reveal You Are a Spiritual Healer (And You Don't Know It).

In this world of modernity, we people feel like there are so many things to ruin our


In this devastating situation, we need those people who have a healing ability.

Those healers may help us out of our misery we find in life.

However, sometimes those people don't even know that they have such ability.

So, it might be you that become one of those healers if you are familiar with these 15


But before we talk about those signs, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video

until the end to know the complete information.

#1 - Empathetic.

Nowadays, it is so difficult to find such people with empathy and sensitive traits towards

their circumstances caused by this busy, noisy, and fast paced life.

However, spiritual healers can feel how people around them feel.

#2 - Helpful.

You might be one of those healers if you feel that you want to help people in some way rather

than just making yourself busy gaining profits.

#3 - Intuitive.

Spiritual healers don't work based on logic.

Instead, they prioritize emotions.

This is what makes them to know when something goes wrong and follow their instinct to fix

it, without questioning.

#4 - Easily Get Tired of Social Situations.

It sounds weird but dealing with crowds can annihilate healers' energy.

#5 - Called to 'Repairing' Profession.

A natural born spiritual healer will mostly prefer a profession which has a good purpose

for the benefit of humanity, and not merely to pursue financial gain.

#6 - Not Easily Affected by Society.

If you are a spiritual healer, you will feel just different from others.

It means that you love being who you are, not drifting in the people's stream, and

you see it just fine.

#7 - Deep Thinker.

You think about everything you will do or say.

You have a vision of the future that most people don't.

#8 - Excellent Listener.

You do not like to talk too much.

In fact, you tend to prefer to listen to what people are about to say, then take action

based on the situation and conditions.

This is a sign that you are a healer.

#9 - Absolute Loner.

As already mentioned, the crowds makes you tired, so you love spending your time on your


It doesn't mean spiritual healers hate people, just saving their energy from draining.

#10 - People Often Asking You For Advice.

Most of people you know often times coming to you just to ask your advice for the problems

they are encountering.

They probably think that everything you say can be solution to their problems.

And, it is perhaps the sign that you are truly a spiritual healer.

#11 - Having Fought Mental Disorders.

Many spiritual healers saw any path in front of them would only lead to other problem,

making them feel frustrated and depressed.

It is just because they are more sensitive than any other people, which make them give

up themselves on solitary.

#12 - Sensitive to People's Emotions.

As spiritual healers are empathetic persons, they are the best in terms of feeling the

emotions of others.

They can easily read feelings through body language, expressions, and so on.

If you are so, it may be your destiny to be one of them.

#13 - People Feel Calm And Happy Near You.

As a result of positive energy radiated from within healers, people will feel comfortable

to be near them.

Healers have the ability to raise the morale of others so that people feel that they still

have hope for what they are dealing with.

#14 - Idealist.

As a spiritual healer, you see the real world is simple; the community alone makes it complicated.

You have your own picture of how the world should work.

#15 - Connected to Nature.

This is the main characteristic of a spiritual healer.

If you have attachment to nature and you can find peace in it, maybe you are a spiritual


Well, those are the 15 traits that reveal you are a spiritual healer (and you might

not realize it).

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 15 TRAITS THAT REVEAL YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL HEALER (And You Don't Know It) - Duration: 5:42.


OMG! NEW 'MEGA RIFT' FOOTAGE!! (Fortnite: Battle Royale Update Ideas) - Duration: 4:48.

OMG! NEW 'MEGA RIFT' FOOTAGE!! (Fortnite: Battle Royale Update Ideas)


YouTube what's going on? My name is eclipse

And today we're gonna be going over an awesome season 5 update

Concept before we begin though show some love down below leave a like comment and be sure to subscribe with notifications

On if this video does well who knows epic may just come across it and potentially add some of these features in the future

Now it's important to note that everything in this video is fan-made so it's not like super

Professional but considering just a regular dude made it all. It's pretty damn good. So shout out to sardar

I will have a link to his channel in my description below honestly

Today's video wouldn't be possible without him as you all know season 5 just came out the other week

So that means we have an entire season full of mysteries and surprises

And i'm hoping that one of these happens to be portals

so a portal is essentially a hole in time that allows you to travel from one place on the map to a

Completely new one and I know what you're all thinking right now

Well, uh eclipse isn't this just the same thing as a rift and the answer to this question is yes, and no

So when rick does teleport you but it's in the sky and it's generally close to the rift that you entered

Portals are a little bit different because they can teleport you anywhere on the map a few locations include this new

Egyptian area we have sand everywhere pyramids. But over on the left, you can see the portal and on the other side

We have a new jungle biome I know for us

The areas aren't too common slash light in fortnight, but with the new location and this mega t-rex

I reckon forests may just become like the new paradise palms and the final location

For today's video is actually the Wild West and out of everything that I've mentioned so far

I think that this is my favorite location yet

Like I can easily envision this being added to the sand area in fortnight

Look at all these like Oh school buildings

We have cactus for easy wood and most importantly we may be able to ride on these

Majestic horses now even though that was the final portal for today's video

Sardar did leave us with two more things firstly. Here's a potential loading screen

We have t-rex dude, real t-rex and our boy John wick

I'm pretty sure Sardar made this before season 5 even came out

So John wick was probably a little bit more relevant at that time and the second thing I have for you all

Is this little trailer showing the portals in action?


As you saw a Sardar is pretty much hopping into portals in traveling to different locations and overall

I feel like this would just be a major upgrade or even addition to the current rifts we have now

That was everything I had to say for today's video found in my comment section below

Let me know how you feel about

Portals should epic add these or should they ditch them?

If you're a fan of portals leave a like down below and most importantly if you made it this far and like you're not already

Subscribed yet, you clearly enjoyed the video. So please hit that subscribe button down below. So guys. This has been eclipse

I appreciate you all spending your time watching this video and peace out

For more infomation >> OMG! NEW 'MEGA RIFT' FOOTAGE!! (Fortnite: Battle Royale Update Ideas) - Duration: 4:48.


Daily Current affairs in hind|19 July current affairs in Hindi|General Knowledge|Current Affair Quiz - Duration: 12:49.

For more infomation >> Daily Current affairs in hind|19 July current affairs in Hindi|General Knowledge|Current Affair Quiz - Duration: 12:49.


Sharing FAMILY PROBLEMS: Ep 53 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:17.

Greetings and welcome to Awakening With Brahma Kumaris.

Welcome, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti and welcome to Soul Reflections.

Thank you.

We discussed an important point in the last episode.

When there is a problem in relationship between two people

And we involve third person into it, for example

Suppose my daughter is having a hard time with her husband - suppose he is abusive, or has wrong habits

Apart from caring for her

What happened was that an unwanted energy was getting into the situation.

Because it is not a positive one. It is about criticizing how bad he is.

We say she is so soft and sweet by nature. He is so rough.

It is an unnecessary and never ending energy which we create towards them.

You said this is unnecessary energy.

It is not only unnecessary energy, it is damaging energy.

Damaging and depleting.

We need to remember that it is entirely a game of vibrations.

In every situation and in every problem

And in every relationship we need to focus only on one thing

About the vibration which this problem, issue or relationship is getting.

And as it starts getting vibrations

Things happen in that direction.

If there is a problem and the situation gets more negative energy

The problem will aggravate.

And if there is a problem but all of us together start radiating pure energy to it

The problem will weaken.

Like we saw last time, there is a relationship issue between two souls.

The energy between two souls should be restricted to the energy only between those two souls.

As far as possible we should not discuss small scenes of life with others

Otherwise we add their energy into it.

I agree to an extent.

But if there is a group which wants to set things right for you

There the first thing that discuss is about that person - they will say he is so bad

They will discuss what he did, and say that is the reason we get together to pray together

Even for them to do meditation they should first discuss the reason why they are doing.

Because that man is not right, things have to be set right.

If we are going to together do meditation

That is also very good.

That we are collectively creating a very good energy.

But what did we create before and after that?

Before - they create that this is how bad he is. And after - they create a thought of hope that he should change.

Collectively we are praying, meditating and sending a focused energy

During normal conversations what energy are we sending?

We are discussing the problem as it is.

We should not discuss the problem.

The problem is not even being discussed as it is, we magnify it. 50 people are talking about it.

And everybody is adding his Sanskar to it.

If we discuss any issue with 5 people

One soul might have the habit of magnifying it.

So he will magnify the energy of that situation.

Another soul may have the habit of criticizing.

He will criticize the two people who have an issue in their relationship.

The third person may have a habit of creating fear.

So he will start creating fear of what will happen to that relationship.

Whether there is so future in that relationship or not.

This is how we speak when we get together as a family.

Everyone contributes his perception.

Suppose the fourth person has a Sanskaar of worrying.

He will radiate that vibration.

Then all this vibration comes together.

And then if they all collectively decide to pray or meditate

How long will the prayer meditate for? 2 minutes.

Or 5 minutes? That is very good.

Good to do it, but what else should they pay attention to?

Throughout the day during their normal conversations

We cannot create negative energy.

Discussing the problem exactly the way it actually is

Also means we are aggravating the problem.

This is very very important and very subtle.

We have seen since so many episodes

We say that whatever is the reality, we can look at it only that way.

But if we start looking at it the way it presently is

Then the current vibration of that situation

We create more vibrations of the same quality

And thus magnify or multiply the same vibrations.

The situation complicates further.

Suppose we check at a physical level that there is a stain on your dress.

That stain is present and that is the reality.

But if I look at that stain and think about that stain

And discuss with others about that stain

People who had not noticed it earlier will also start noticing now.

Very good, now what is the vibration of those 5 people who noticed?

Their vibration now is about the stain. Earlier their vibration was that it is a clean dress.

Now vibration of those 5 people is - There is a stain on his dress.

When 5 more vibrations get added

Then the stain also magnifies.

So instead of getting solved, the problem gets multiplied.

Now let us take this one step at a time.

About how to handle it.

First - the issue between any two souls

As much as possible it should remain between those two only.

Suppose 4 people live in your house.

When there are four people, difference of opinion is obvious.

There will be discussions but those discussions remain within the four of you.

But if one of them shares it with other people

What happened and what all of you discussed

What did outsiders think about you earlier?

That the relationship between the four of you is very beautiful.

That your family is united.

So what was the vibration you got from other people?

That you are united and that yours is a very beautiful family.

What will these vibrations do to your relationship?

They make it more beautiful.

This means you are getting other people's blessings.

Where I am automatically creating I thought about your family that all your relationships at home and beautiful.

That it is a nice family and in today's times it is rare to find such families where people are united.

The two generations of people live together in the same house.

Whenever we get to know any family which lives like this

We say things like - it is so beautiful that 8 of you live together.

When people ask me where I live or where my son lives, I just tell them we all live with my mother.

What vibration will people getting this message, radiate?

That all of you have retained good Sanskars even in today's times.

So what did you invite into your house?

Vibrations of blessings.

Vibrations of positivity and power.

These vibrations increase your unity further.

Everyone is creating a thought that you are so united.

You mentioned it to 5 or 10 people, and they will further share it with 5 or 10 more people.

That so many people live together in that house.

That it is a beautiful and united family.

So hundred people give their blessings.

Suppose out of four people, one of them

Shared with somebody outside your house, that there is a problem at home.

The problem is very small but the moment it was shared even with one person

It might just be a difference of opinion or a small argument that happened.

But the moment somebody outside the house got to know about it

That one person creates a thought - they don't get along with each other.

He creates only one thought.

Until then what thought was that person creating about your family?

That your family is so united.

Right now his thought is - they don't get along with each other.

The energy coming to your house immediately changed.

You are mentioning about third party.

Till today I have never mentioned about any differences of opinion between me and my wife, to anyone. Even my son does not know.

My son says he wants to live with his wife that way.

He says he has never seen such a couple.

Because not once have I complained to him about his mother.

This is important.

So what vibration have you been getting from everybody?

That this is a beautiful couple.

At the same time it may not be true that you have never had differences of opinion with your wife at all.

We have had differences at least a thousand times.

But in all those thousand times, the differences arose between the two of you

Even if we have differences in front of children, we immediately discuss, resolve and finish the matter there.

We never complain to our children that your mother is like this or your father is like that.

Children have never heard it from us.

When people outside your house come to know of it

If I tell someone - my wife is like this.

And if my wife says to someone - my husband is like that.

It could be a very small quarrel in the morning.

It started and it got over also.

When we tell somebody else that we had a quarrel and the other person scolded

After that we don't go back and update them that now everything is fine between us.

We only inform them in the morning when the issue happened because we were hurt at that time.

Because the mind was heavy we wanted to share it with someone.

As soon as we told someone, we invited another energy into our relationship.

The issue between the two people will get resolved by evening.

But the third person with whom it was shared.

If his energy did not change

That became a constant vibration coming into your house.

A label gets created that you both do not get along with each other.

Label that you keep quarreling among yourselves.

And everyone else also will radiate their vibrations through that label.

If a relationship starts getting this vibration

What happens to that relationship?

The relationship gets knotted because everyone's energy is coming into it.

Instead of putting off the fire, we are adding fuel.

When fire breaks, when we inform somebody about it

The person who had has only created one thought - that it has caught fire.

Even that thought intensifies the fire.

So we have to be extremely careful on this.

Because again another reason

Because so many souls around us, whether they are family or friends.

We are not very empowered at this time.

They are unable to create pure and powerful thoughts, once they consume a particular piece of information.

We cannot share our problems and issues with such souls.

You had once mentioned that when we go to a professional or psychiatrist

They are at least professionals who are detached

Since they are not related, they will listen to the whole thing like a third party.

And they will get the solution out of you.

Moreover they will not create any thoughts regarding your issue.

And once you leave his room

He will not even remember you.

Which means you are not inviting energy into your problem.

The most important aspect is

Is to always take care that we don't need additional energy invited into our problem.

I don't want anybody else is vibration coming into this problem.

The fewer people come to know about this problem, the better.

Do not invite people's opinion into your problem.

My mother taught me to not make excuses for if I cannot or do not want to attend an event. She told me to never tell someone I am unwell and hence I cannot make it to the occasion.

She said such things are never to be spread.

Why shouldn't we spread?

Because otherwise what thought will hundred people create about you?

That you are ill, you are sick, you unwell.

So many people have this experience

That when we speak a lie

When we make an excuse

That excuse becomes reality.

Yes something happens to the person, he may even have a fall.

Yes but how is this possible?

When we make an excuse for not going somewhere, and when we lie to someone about it

The excuse that we make

That itself becomes reality.

Who makes it happen but?

Maybe like they say - a lie repeated hundred times becomes the truth?

Who makes it a reality?

Our own vibrations Plus all of their vibrations

Those vibrations make it a reality.

This clarifies about the power of what vibrations we need to invite into our life.

We need to invite only and only blessings from other people.

By discussing our problems we should not invite the opposite of blessings.

Because people listen to our problem as it is and think accordingly.

And speak to others also about our problems.

So more vibrations of problems radiate back to us.

So we need not invite it.

So the first step is that whatever is happening in our relationship with somebody

We should not discuss it with anyone else.

We should not add more vibrations to it.

Also we should not add the perspective of other people's Sanskar into it.

Can you explain that?

When we share it with somebody he will add a perspective based on his Sanskars.

He will add a thought?

He will give his opinion

So he will share his opinion, and maybe she thinks like - the world has become this way, even we have arguments at home, I don't speak to my wife for 3 days after a conflict, and so on.

So they have some or the other opinion about the matter.

Nobody says that they cannot help.

They always say that they can solve enter can understand our problem.

When all these perspectives are added through their sanskars

And the advice given through it, does it empower the other person?

I met a friend at a friend at a party and asked her how she is doing. She complained about her husband.

After sometime her husband came. As soon as I saw him I created negative thoughts for him.

Superficially I exchanged pleasantries.

But I sent so many negative thoughts for him.

To whom did you send?

You didn't send it only to her husband. You sent it to their relationship.


This is important.

So by telling me, my friend spoiled her relationship.

Because she shared with you, you automatically created negative thoughts for her husband.

Yes it was at a party and he was late. So she spoke to me in detail about what was going on.

And the moment I saw him I created wrong thoughts.

And you don't even know what the truth is.

It is very important because you don't know what is the truth.

We have heard only one perspective.

If you take out 5 minutes and sit with the husband

You will get a completely different perspective.

We should never listen to just one perspective.

No they don't lie to us.

They never lie but they are only sharing about their hurt.

About only their pain.

Whatever they can see through their perspective, is what they share.

As per their Karmic account whatever is happening from their side, that they will not share.

My son's friend complained to him about me saying - your dad would talk to me very lovingly earlier, but now he avoids me.

When my son shared it with me I explain to him about whatever had happened.

Until then my son knew only his friend's perspective.

This happens in every case.

We should never create thoughts based on one person's perspective.

When we don't like somebody's behaviour

We feel uncomfortable about it and share it with other people.

And we never feel we are wrong.

We feel the other person is wrong.

We find the other person Sanskar wrong. We feel our Sanskar is fine and normal.

So one is that we don't share our problems with people. And the other is to not create thoughts based on one person's perspective.

Don't create a perspective based on one person's views.

This is applicable for relationships and also applicable for leaders of organisations.

For example you have 5 staff members working in your house.

If one of them complains to you about the other

Don't take a decision based on his views.

If you listen to him and come to a decision

The rabbit chances that your decision will not be right.

You should not even listen when that one person is sharing with you.

Tell them - both of you come to me and then we will discuss.

Once both of you are here, let us discuss and see what happens.

Listening to only one person is actually a waste of time and energy.

If you are an organisational leader.

Or a team leader and if you need to resolve a problem.

You will need to listen to both of them.

But even after listening to both of them, some of them have a personality

Suppose the wife goes on saying - he did this, he did that.

The husband might just keep quiet looking at the amount of lies she is making up

He just becomes silent.

That is fine but the point is if you have that role in an organisation

Yes it happens in our house where one staff complains about the other.

At that time don't listen to just one person.

Bring both of them together to speak.

Sometimes we listen to one person, send him back, and then call the second person.

We should make both of them share their perspectives in front of each other.

I just tell the person to leave and tell him I will explain to the other person.

The first step is - if there is an issue between the two of us, we should not discuss it with anyone else.

With the clarity that we need not invite more vibrations.

Second is - if we are on the listening side where somebody is sharing with us about their problems

Don't create your perspective based on one person's views.

And don't advise the person based on the perspective of your Sanskar.

Even if somebody sharing something with you, practice the art

Practice the art of not creating a perspective.

You shared that your friend complaint about her husband

Practice the art of not creating a single thought here for her husband.

Which means whatever was your opinion about him

It should not change here after you listen to what she had to say.

This applies even to news magazines and newspapers

Because they publish news based on one person's views.

Often they don't talk to the other party involved.

They just quote somebody's words and leave it at that.

It will not have the other person's point of you.

And when everybody reads that information

Everybody's opinion about that person starts changing.

It is an art and it is very simple to do it.

Whether you are reading something or listening to someone about someone else.

Where you listen about a person but your thoughts about him don't change.

Sometimes we believe it to be true and put a label on that person.

We should not do that. We have to practice it because people are going to share about others.

Because they are part of your family or maybe your children. So they will come and share with you.

But your first point of cooperation to the problem is

Do not create a vibration for that problem.

That was about media but when people are sharing something with us

It is applicable everywhere.

When it is happening through media it is visible to us

That someone has shared it, we read it

And it became our perspective also.

And we realise that from today we should not repeat it.

If we look at it at a subtler level - off when one person tells us about another person

I listen to him and I also create thoughts about that person.

I should not do it, because then I am adding to the conflict.

What is my role?

If somebody tells me about another person, let us understand what a counselor does.

She listens as a detached person. It means

The counselor does not create a negative thought about the other person.

Always remembers that both of their perspectives will be different.

If we have to resolve any issue within the family

Or among kids, what we need to do is

We need to add white energy into that black energy.

We need to add white energy.

If we get to know about a problem in relationships

Especially within our family or among our kids

Then the problem which we hear is black in colour.

But we cannot add more black to the existing black colour.

But we can add white to that black.

Which means suppose children complain about their spouse

You immediately will need to create a white thought.

We have seen about it in the last few episodes.

How do we create white thoughts towards that person?

What is the specific thought or blessing to give?

Suppose your child tells you - my spouse scolded me

He quarrelled a lot today. He snubs me for everything

Now you have to immediately add a white thought.

What thought will you immediately create?

That he or she is a peaceful soul.

The person is a loving soul and this relationship is always very beautiful.

Add a white thought immediately.

This is a practice which we must and should do.

So that black goes towards white

Black does not get blacker.

Anyone can apply to any problem and see the results.

Whether it is a problem at office, in business or in a relationship

If somebody shares a problem with you

You add your blessings

You add your blessings to that problem.

Which means as soon as you listen, your first thought has to be white.

You mentioned about a group which meditates

It is very beautiful but they are not doing it as soon as they hear the problem.

If a child comes and shares a problem we say - everything will be fine and I will pray for you.

I am sure that basically the person is very good.

These things happen occasionally.

I will pray and everything will be 100% fine.

This is how we tell children.

We need to create a vibration of the reality that we want.

If hundred people create a thought - He is unwell

We fall ill in reality.

Likewise if a hundred people create a thought - He is fine.

Then we will really be fine.

Similarly if 100 people create a thought - Their relationship is very beautiful

Then that relationship will indeed become beautiful.

So as soon as we listen to a problem, the immediate thought should be a white thought.

It should not be that we create several black thoughts, and then say we will meditate for them.

And after we are done with meditation

We should not again create black thoughts.

If the first thought is white

Then the series of thoughts after that

They will also be white. After that throughout the day we can consciously give them white thoughts

This relationship is beautiful. The soul is very pure.

She is very loving and very powerful.

Honest, loyal and sincere.

Just give them a shower of blessings.

Shower them with your blessings.

Thank you, Sister.

Let us shower people with blessings.

Always remember that our blessings

Our blessings can create miracles.

Thank you, Sister.

Om Shanti.

Om Shanti.

For more infomation >> Sharing FAMILY PROBLEMS: Ep 53 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani (English Subtitles) - Duration: 29:17.


SirensCeol - Coming Home - Duration: 4:34.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> SirensCeol - Coming Home - Duration: 4:34.


wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,lion,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 3:52.

nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> wild animals finger family song for kids | nursery rhymes,children,toddlers,lion,NASH TOON Tv - Duration: 3:52.


SAMYDEE: Quand quelqu'un pleure pour rien !! - Duration: 1:32.

Your teeth are yellower than the sun !


*weird laugh*

Yo ! How dare you talk about me while your laugh sounds like a broken engine !

It must be a joke !

Samy, he's sensitive !

Yo ! You roast me, I roast you back and you start crying ?!

It's gonna be alright !

It's okay, I'm strong, I'm strong !


What happen ?!

OMG, why are you crying again !


Are you serious ! Are you really crying for this ?!

The insect probably had a mother or a father !

It will become a single parent !

What kind of people are they ?!

Bye, I'm leaving !

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