Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 18 2018




me your host SUPERSORRELL and today we are going to

take a tour around my studio office and see all my awesome collectibles.

it is an update on my room and

all the goodies in it!

stay tuned for this new series of videos where we look at the collection ive managed to mass

over the past 3 years of youtube.

thank you for watching guys if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs

up and smash the subscribe button it would really help us out

and stay tuned for more geeky adventures.

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For more infomation >> SuperSorrell Room Tour Update 2018 Vlog - Duration: 18:01.


Receita de Bolo de Cenoura com Mario Brocolis - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Receita de Bolo de Cenoura com Mario Brocolis - Duration: 5:34.


I Found A Secret Mode In OpenHAB! - Duration: 2:25.

Hey guys Matt here from and in this video I am going to show you a secret

mode in openHAB.


In this complete guide I will show you how to activate the secret mode in openHAB.

The secret mode is dark mode for the basic ui.

I found this feature when I was playing around in the openhab settings and noticed that basic

ui had some drop downs.

I am so glad I found it because I usually have openhab up on one of my monitors and

at night it's very blinding.

With this dark mode it just blends into the night and I think it looks really cool especially

with the glow from the LED Strip behind it.

If you are a smart home enthusiast like me and want to show that you are an Elite Member

of the smart home community then check out for premium quality

hoodies, shirts and hats.

Also, for 24 hours from the time this video goes live you can use the exclusive coupon

code "darkmode" and get 10% off your entire order.

Supplies and time are limited so check out the link in the description now!

Anyway, to activate dark mode first access your web user interfaces.

Those that don't know how to do that type in your your openhab's ip address:8080 mine


Then click on paper ui.

Next click configuration.

In the sub menu click services.

After in the top navigation bar click UI.

You should see all the different user interfaces.

We are interested in Basic UI so click its configure button.

Next click on the drop down underneath the word theme.

Now click on the word dark.

Finally click Save.


Dark mode is now active, so let's check it out.

Go back to the web user interfaces and click basic UI.

There you go the beautiful dark mode is loaded up and ready to be used!

If you want to switch back to the default mode just go back through this guide and choose

default in the drop down and hit save.

That concludes this complete guide to activating the secret dark mode.

In the description you will find links to all the parts and devices used in the video

as well as a link to where I have a wide range of smart home kits

that you can put together such as blinds, led strips, sprinkler system and door sensors.

Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments

section below or head over to

Good Bye!

For more infomation >> I Found A Secret Mode In OpenHAB! - Duration: 2:25.


BANG BANG | PULI MORENO (Videoclip Official) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> BANG BANG | PULI MORENO (Videoclip Official) - Duration: 3:25.


Uma Contagem Regressiva Como Você Nunca Viu | Marília Guimarães - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Uma Contagem Regressiva Como Você Nunca Viu | Marília Guimarães - Duration: 3:08.


Roger Walco: Talking Shop - The New Gold Standard Part II - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Roger Walco: Talking Shop - The New Gold Standard Part II - Duration: 2:45.


Top 1 không MỸ MÃN-PUBG battlegrounds - Duration: 23:43.

For more infomation >> Top 1 không MỸ MÃN-PUBG battlegrounds - Duration: 23:43.


Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Nhạc Vàng Gây Nghiện II Nhạc Vàng Chọn Lọc 2018 II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:48:49.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Không Lời Rumba Nhạc Vàng Gây Nghiện II Nhạc Vàng Chọn Lọc 2018 II Organ Không Lời - Duration: 1:48:49.


SERES DO RAIO AZUL NA TERRA - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> SERES DO RAIO AZUL NA TERRA - Duration: 11:29.


I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! - Duration: 19:34.

i dont know

For more infomation >> I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! - Duration: 19:34.


How to make Sense of so much Health Information - Duration: 18:25.

Thanks to Dashlane for sponsoring this video.

When wading through the river of health advice, where you can find people saying one thing

is good and other people saying the exact opposite is good, it's helpful to have a

couple strategies for logically vetting information.

Some lines of logic are better than others:

"Ah, not a bear in sight!

The bear patrol must be working like a charm!"

"That's specious reasoning, Dad.

By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away."

"Oh, how does it work?"

"It's just a stupid rock!"

"Uh huh."

"But I don't see any tigers around here, do you?"

"Lisa, I want to buy your rock!"

I want to share with you four things to consider when analyzing health related information.

The History The Context

The Mechanisms, and The Short term vs. the Long Term

As we go through each of these four, we'll look at examples of how this can apply to

evaluating diets or medications, but throughout the video, I'll look in particular at antidepressants.

I should say at this point that this of course isn't intended to be medical advice, and

if you happen to be on an antidepressant, whatever you do, don't abruptly stop taking

it without consulting a professional.

Let's start with history.

For diet, this usually means looking at the diet from an evolutionary perspective.

For example, if I were looking at the fruitarian diet, I would be critical of the fact that

it's very unlikely that we were eating primarily fruit in prehistoric times considering our

guts shrank as our brain got bigger.

But, even if we were eating fruit, the fruit we would have gotten back then wouldn't

have been much at all like the modern day fruit that through domestication and cultivation

has come to be much bigger and much sweeter.

As Daniel Lieberman points out in his book "The Story of the Human Body," "almost

all the fruits our ancestors [did eat] were about as sweet as carrots."

That means a prehistoric fruitarian diet would be more like a modern day vegetable diet.

Moving on, when looking at medicines or prescription drugs, we'd want to know the history - what

was the logic that led to the development and application of that drug?

Let's compare the history of insulin to the history of antidepressants.

The history behind insulin, very briefly, goes like this: A disease called type 1 diabetes

was discovered that was causing children to waste a way and die within months.

German scientists suspected the pancreas was at fault for diabetes in 1889, and Eugene

Opie in 1901 very accurately suspected that a lack of an internal secretion specifically

from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas was the major problem.

Scientists made several attempts at turning the pancreas into a medicine, feeding patients

raw pancreas, giving them ground up extracts of the pancreas - with not so great results.

Finally, in January 1922, after many discouraging failed experiments, David Banting and Charles

Best with the vital help of James B. Collip, successfully treated a boy's diabetes with

a pancreatic extract.

This marked the discovery of insulin and was a historical moment for medicine.

So, in the case of insulin, the cause of the disease was first well theorized, and then

a medicine was created based on the assumed pathology of the disease.

Okay, so what about antidepressants?

The order of events is very different.

In 1955, Bernard Brodie and Arvid Carlsson found that an herbal drug called reserpine

seemed to make animals "lethargic," "apathetic," and "depressed."

This mood depressing drug also reduced brain levels of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.

These three are all technically monoamines but norepinephrine and dopamine are classified

as catecholamines.

Then, it was found that the drugs iproniazid and imipramine could prevent the lethargy

and apathy if given before the depressing drug reserpine - iproniazid and imipramine

seemed to have a anti-depressant effect.

These two so called "antidepressants" blocked the usual depletion of the catecholamines:

dopamine and norepinephrine and blocked the depletion of the monoamine serotonin.

You may be familiar with the famous chemical imbalance theory of depression and other mental


Joseph Schildkraut deserves some credit for this, in 1965 he said that "some, if not

all depressions are associated with an absolute or relative deficiency of catecholamines,

particularly norepinephrine."

After that, researchers quickly turned much of their attention to serotonin, guessing

a deficiency in serotonin to be a root cause of depression.

So in this case, researchers first understood how a drug worked, then assumed the cause

of depression based on the way that drug works.

What's the problem with this?

The American Psychiatric Association's own 1999 textbook explains that assuming depression

is caused by low serotonin because a drug that seems to prevent depression raises serotonin

"is similar to concluding that because aspirin causes gastrointestinal bleeding, headaches

are caused by too much blood loss and the therapeutic action of aspirin in headaches

involves blood loss."

So in 1999 the APA is making fun of the how the chemical balance idea came to be.

The next point is about context, which is especially important to consider.

For example, in the context of a low carbohydrate diet, plenty of good quality butter could

be perfectly healthy and not make you gain weight, but if you're consuming lots of

butter in the context of a high carbohydrate diet, the insulin effect of the carbohydrate

is going to have you store more of the butter you eat as body fat.

And, eating a lot of carbs by themselves is very different from eating a lot of carbs

when they're wrapped in fiber- in the form of vegetables.

There are many other contexts to look at, an obvious one is genes - certain populations

can be more susceptible to certain diseases, and certain gene polymorphisms can affect

your levels of certain vitamins like folate, Vitamin B6 and B12, beta-carotene and vitamin


It would be very interesting to see the differences in genetics or maybe microbiome status of

Rich Roll and Mikhaila Peterson.

Rich Roll is an ultra endurance athlete.

In 2010, he completed 5 ironman-distance triathlons in under a week.

Part of his fame comes from the fact that he manages these impressive feats of endurance

while maintaining a vegan diet - a diet that, for him, was a key component to his athletic


At age forty, Rich found himself winded just from climbing a flight of stairs.

This was the trigger to get him to switch to a plant only diet.

Two years later and fifty pounds lighter, he became the first vegan to complete the

320-mile super-endurance Ultraman event, finishing in the top 10 males.

On the other hand, we have Mikhaila Peterson, who, since at least as early as the age of

7 had severe rheumatoid arthritis, began taking antidepressants for severe anxiety and depression

from around age 11, had many joints replaced by age 17 thanks to the arthritis, and had

severe skin problems from age 19.

At one point she was sleeping 17 hours a day and had to rely on Adderall just to keep herself

awake, not to mention taking 2 different antidepressants and 6 other medications for her other health


Then, thanks to a very strict elimination diet which allowed basically only meat and

select greens, virtually all her problems cleared up: Her arthritis and skin conditions

cleared up in 3 weeks, her depression disappeared in 3 months.

A month after that, the extreme fatigue went away.

Grains, dairy, sugar and soy are what she's particularly wary of, but things as seemingly

healthy or at least harmless as almonds, rice, white cabbage, bananas, citrus, onions and

zucchini have all given her major issues when she's tried to reintroduce them into her


For the past six months she's been on a diet that is just meat, salt and water - this

was the last step in diet improvement for her.

She says on her blog that on the all meat diet, she just feels better and better, her

brain is the fastest it's ever been and she's happy and energized all day.

And now, she takes no medications at all.

Rich Roll and Mikhaila Peterson's diets do have some similarities - they've both

cut dairy, sugar, gluten and processed food, but the two diets are clearly very different.

And while both of these people would surely say that these diets changed their lives,

they probably couldn't imagine themselves on each other's diet.

Different diets, but different contexts.

Going back to antidepressants again, we'd want to know the context in which you introduce

this medication.

A genetic test for example would be helpful, but before you introduce a drug that increases

serotonin signalling, we would at least want to verify that the person actually has low

serotonin levels.

Especially because antidepressants are known to have a very high risk for complications

including the potentially life threatening serotonin syndrome and a black box warning

for "suicidal thoughts and behaviors."


As researchers at McMaster University explain, "It is currently impossible to measure exactly

how the [living] brain is releasing and using serotonin..."

However there is a kind of workaround for this.

After serotonin is pumped into the synapse, it is either taken up into the pre-synaptic

neuron for later use or it is metabolized by an enzyme into 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid


Researchers can comb the cerebrospinal fluid for this metabolite for an indirect measurement

of serotonin.

So, we should expect that people with depression would have low levels of 5-HIAA meaning they

have low serotonin.

But, how well does this pan out?

In 1971, investigators at McGill University failed to find a "statistically significant"

difference between the 5-HIAA levels of depressed patients and normal controls and there was

no correlation whatsoever between depression severity and levels of 5-HIAA.

Then in 1974, two researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that a serotonin depleting

drug didn't reliably induce depression at all.

Then, in 1975, investigators at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that thirty percent

of the depressed patients they tested indeed suffered from low levels of the serotonin

metabolite 5-HIAA.

But, they also found that 25 percent of the "normal" group also had low cerebrospinal

levels of these metabolites.

Finally in 1984, NIMH investigators wanted to see whether those depressed patients with

low serotonin would be the best responders to an antidepressant.

Unfortunately for the chemical imbalance theory, lead investigator James Maas wrote, "contrary

to expectations, no relationships between cerebrospinal 5-HIAA and response to [the

antidepressant] amitriptyline were found."

Simply put, researchers assumed that antidepressants were working their magic in a certain context

based on what the antidepressant does, not based on proper evidence for that context.

The next thing you'll want to investigate is the mechanisms behind whatever food, diet

or medicine is in question.

This can be a difficult step depending on your understanding of biochemistry and pharmacology,

but that doesn't mean the concepts are out of your reach.

For example, let's say you hear that margarine is bad for heart health whereas good quality

butter is actually good for heart health.

For some, this may sound dubious as it's the opposite of what we've been told in

the past - You can even find the mayo clinic website saying "Margarine usually tops butter

when it comes to heart health."

as recent as last month.

But then you learn that the vitamin K2 in butter promotes the decalcification of soft

tissues like the heart because decalcification is a vitamin K2 dependent process.

And, the hydrogenated vegetable oil in margarine inhibits these vitamin K2 processes making

it easier for soft tissues, like the heart, to calcify.

"I can't believe it's not butter!"

We now even have mechanisms for how the cholesterol-lowering so called "heart-saving" statin drugs

actually worsen calcification of the heart.

Statins block a step in this decalcification process.

Now that you have a mechanism in mind, you can investigate further.

If you look up "statin-induced arterial calcification," you'll find papers showing

that yes, high dose or long term statin therapy advances arterial calcification.

Going back to the antidepressants, this one of the problems - the mechanism for how they

work is not known.

For example with the common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI-type antidepressants

- we of course know they inhibit reuptake of serotonin, but it's not known why that

would have a therapeutic effect.

Have a isten to Psychiatrist Daniel Carlat's comment on this:

"But on the other hand, what we don't is we don't know how the medications actually work

in the brain... when patients ask me about these medications, I'll often say something

like, well, the way Zoloft works is it increases the levels of serotonin in your brain... and

presumably the reason you're depressed or anxious is that you have some sort of deficiency.

... I say that because patients ... certainly don't want to hear that a psychiatrist essentially

has no idea how these medications work."

So with antidepressants, we don't actually know why they would work, and there's doubt

about whether they actually do work.

"Today, British researchers said several popular antidepressants are essentially no better

than a placebo."

However, some people have experienced antidepressants as being truly helpful and life saving, making

the topic of their efficacy complex and out of the scope of this video.

The last point is the Long Term vs. Short Term.

This is a very tricky to consider when it comes to nutrition for many reasons, one being

that the body is constantly adapting and responding to what you put into it.

For example, many people have had weight loss success on caloric restriction diets, but

some will find later on that it's difficult to maintain the lost weight thanks to an adaptation

called "metabolic adaptation" This is where the body drastically reduces its resting

calorie burn and makes you hungrier from hormonal adaptations in response to the calorie cutting.

This leads us to maybe the most concerning point about anti-depressants.

Most of the more recent data on depression today turns out to be data on medicated depression.

It's widely thought that depression is a chronic disease, and patients are often informed

that they'll have to take antidepressants for life to keep their chemical imbalance

corrected - sort of like a diabetic who needs to take insulin long term.

Then, it's very common for people to have a depressive relapse when going off the drugs,

which is thought to be evidence for the necessity of drugs.

But what happens in people who just don't take medication?

In Robert Whitaker's book "Anatomy of an Epidemic," he explains that before the

age of antidepressants, people's depression would usually resolve by itself eventually.

A 1931 long term study of 2,700 depressed patients reported that more than half of those

admitted for depression only had one depressive episode and no relapse.

A Swedish physician, Gunnar Lundquist, followed 216 depressed patients for eighteen years

and found that 49% never experienced a second depressive episode, and 76% became socially

healthy and could resume their usual work.

Bulgarian psychiatrist Nikola Schipkowensky said that tricyclic antidepressants were inducing

the disease to "change to a more chronic course."

Then, in, 1995, an NIMH study looked at people diagnosed with major depression who received

antidepressant treatment and those who did not.

At the end of 6 years, the people who received the medication were more than 3 times as likely

to have stopped functioning in their usual societal roles.

Finally, in 2006, Robert Posternak led a study that looked at people who had a depressive

episode who, after recovering from the first bout of depression with medication went on

to relapse but did not use medication thereafter.

It was found that 23% of these unmedicated people recovered in one month, 67% of them

recovered in six months and 85% recovered within a year.

So while antidepressants might be speeding up the recovery for some depressed people

in the short term, thanks to the medication, the depression becomes a long term disease.

History, Context, Mechanisms and the Short term vs. the Long term - four points for investigation

that by themselves won't necessarily allow you to say "case closed," but it will

help you more efficiently process incoming health or diet information and make better


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For more infomation >> How to make Sense of so much Health Information - Duration: 18:25.


Corrections and clarifications - Duration: 1:41.

Our report on 10 June last year about claims made by a German television documentary wrongly accused football legend Roberto Carlos of using banned performance-enhancing drugs, including when Brazil won the 2002 World Cup

We accept that this allegation is untrue and apologise for the distress and embarrassment caused to Mr

Carlos and have agreed to pay him substantial damages and costs.'   To report an inaccuracy, please email corrections@mailonline To make a formal complaint under IPSO rules please go to

uk/readerseditor where you will find an easy-to-use complaints form. You can also write to Readers' Editor, MailOnline, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT or contact IPSO directly at ipso 

For more infomation >> Corrections and clarifications - Duration: 1:41.


Video shows how well store security can monitor shoppers - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Video shows how well store security can monitor shoppers - Duration: 1:45.


Modes of Transport for Kids | Learn Vehicles | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 6:20.

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

For more infomation >> Modes of Transport for Kids | Learn Vehicles | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 6:20.


Health care professionals share strategies on opioid crisis - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Health care professionals share strategies on opioid crisis - Duration: 1:31.


Organ donor's family meets recipient - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Organ donor's family meets recipient - Duration: 2:17.


Sling Bag Review - Amazon Review - Duration: 4:13.

thank you guys for checking this video out right here I have a nice sling bag

alright I'm always you know when I'm working in the city

I am always carrying like a messenger bag sometimes it's a little too big but

sometimes it's just a little inconvenient to carry that thing around

when I'm moving around the city so I decided to go try on a sling bag alright

I found a really cool sling bag on Amazon alright I'll leave the link down

below if you're interested but I wanted to show you guys exactly what this thing

has now why you know I decided to try it out so it's called the brand is called

magic two-door all right you can see that says magic two-door now it's got a

like a grey type of look to it it feels really good and the first thing that I

really liked about it was that not only you know let's see is it a sling bag but

it has a buckle on the other side so that this can switch sides all right you

can switch the way you want to hold it which honestly having it on one shoulder

all day will begin to bother so you can you know

flippity other side so each sold if you get that equal amount of of carry

another important thing is that it does have the it does have a pocket that is

RFID safe so that is right here alright you go right here you have a protective

pocket right here so in the city I'm walking around I'm safe alright so we

have another important thing that I really like is when I'm walking around

on the go is a holder for the water bottle not the worst then when I have my

messenger bag and I have to put a water bottle inside the bag or I just have to

straight up hold the bat the water bottle alright that condensation starts

to get the things inside the bag wet whereas right here there's a dedicated

holder for it alright you also have a couple little you have this right here

to hook up something that you might need to hook up you have nice little

right here you have the more of an organizer pocket right here for some

pens some different things like that then you have the main pocket all right

with a sleeve that will probably fit a small laptop definitely your tablets

when I'm walking around the city I have my tablet on me this is a perfect fit

for my tablet and you got a nice size pocket and like I said the sleeve and

then you have your RFID pocket right here that is gonna protect you when

you're walking around you'll have to worry about your cards getting jacked

you know alright so another thing I like right here is that this bag is

waterproof okay being waterproof like I said I'm walking around the city

unexpected things can happen so being waterproof is amazing alright and then

you have the strap it is a little bit wider but that's because of the cell

phone pocket and our cell phones nowadays are extremely big so you have

your cell phone pocket right here headphone so you can easily get your

headphones out and that's all I got guys I mean the water bottle fits great I'm

extremely happy because this bag was only $27.99 alright

comfortable on the go a nice bag this is magic to door let me know what you guys

think I mean I like the sling bag I feel like it supports is more balanced of a

support rather than a messenger bag flopping around on your side all right

it is a little more active but I really like it it's definitely gonna serve a

purpose for me switching up my bags here and there this is definitely if I know

there's gonna be some weather issues today and I still got to go out I'm

gonna take this bag up because it is waterproof but this is the magic two

door bad guys thank you for checking this video out links down below

definitely go check out my other videos I have some really nice shoes that I

just reviewed and also go check out some of my

playlists guys so thank you have a good one

For more infomation >> Sling Bag Review - Amazon Review - Duration: 4:13.


A look at most vulnerable states for election: Where does Ohio stand? - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> A look at most vulnerable states for election: Where does Ohio stand? - Duration: 1:42.


SPORTS NEWS 19/7/2018 - Duration: 9:24.

For more infomation >> SPORTS NEWS 19/7/2018 - Duration: 9:24.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary online: Pros and Cons - Duration: 5:40.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video about how to learn English

When it comes to learning a foreign language, I strongly believe that

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all free, on the internet

In this video, I will walk you through some of the main features of

Merriam-Webster dictionary

The most famous American dictionary

An okay dictionary at best

Here are some of its main features

Say you are reading an article and you come across a new word

the word: Success

Let us type it in Success

Big and easy to see

and since it is an American dictionary, you only get the American pronunciation

Next we have this interesting feature giving us Trending words

not useful to non-native learners of English

Next is the definition of success

And Merriam-Webster says "obsolete" about the first definition it has chosen to list

Obsolete = no longer used, out of date, old

Why would you list a definition nobody is using first

Makes no sense

At number 2 Merriam Webster writes

Basically explaining a common word with a much more rare word

No good

Definition 3 is

Same thing

The verb "succeed" is less frequent than the noun "success"

As you can see Merriam-Webster gives no grammar points, no collocations

How about example sentences?

Examples of success in a Sentence

This is not for language learners

This is bad, these are bad example sentences

Next here we have: Origin and Etymology of success

something I never cared much about

And to the right, Merriam_Webster gives us Synonyms of success

synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning

Synonyms of success are Accomplishment, achievement

and some antonyms Antonyms are words of opposite meaning

Near antonyms of Success are: Failure, Fiasco, Disaster

Not bad Merriam-Webster

Next we have: Related Phrases

And next we have success defined for English language learners

Much simpler, much better

And then we end with Success defined for Kids

basically you need to skip the first definition

and go down here to read those much easier definitions

it makes no sense

No example sentences either

There you have it, Merriam-Webster Not your first choice for a dictionary

not your second or third either

Lots of negatives, but there is one positive

You can download Merriam-Webster app, the whole dictionary, for FREE

You can use it offline, that's nice right?

available on the App Store and Google Play an okay dictionary

and believe it or not, this is just half of it.

There is so much more about how to use monolingual dictionaries

how to cross-reference them, how to study grammar and collocations

how to study example sentences

I talk a lot about monolingual learner's dictionaries in my book Virtually Native

I give you step-by-step instructions on how to use them

My book is available on Amazon and

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