Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

How to draw SIMPLE BIRD for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw SIMPLE BIRD for kids - Duration: 2:12.


Top 5 kênh Youtube khủng nhất VN – NTN chỉ đứng thứ 5 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Top 5 kênh Youtube khủng nhất VN – NTN chỉ đứng thứ 5 - Duration: 2:56.


TRUMP Mang NỖI ĐAU Cuộc Chiến Thương Mại tới Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:43.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

here comes the pain!

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

For years, the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in

unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.

Which leaves us with a very important question…

"How do you get the Chinese to change behavior?"


Got to give them pain."

And President Trump is dishing out the pain.

I know, but believe me,

this graphic could have been a lot worse.

Anyway, Trump has taken another step

in his trade war with China.

At the end of May,

Trump announced the US was putting

$50 billion dollars in tariffs on Chinese goods.

And now, Trump is threatening to bring that total

to more than $450 billion dollars.

That's basically the same price tag

as the total value of goods

the US imported from China last year.

For that kind of money,

Trump could buy 90 million Chinese fidget spinners.

Or 9 of those golden toilets from Hong Kong.

Those would go well inside Trump's golden New York Penthouse.

I know I should be impressed,

but all I can think about is how you can buy

multiple castles in the French Riviera

for less than Trump's New York apartment.

But this week,

Trump backed new measures against China.

So whether you like Trump or not,

we can all agree,

he's bringing the pain.

"Senior officials saying the administration

is getting behind bipartisan legislation

that passed yesterday in the House

on a 400 to 2 vote

that would expand the powers of

the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

It would expand CFIUS."

We've talked before about CFIUS.

It's a group of government agencies led by the Treasury Secretary.

It's supposed to monitor foreign investment in US companies.

But CFIUS doesn't have the resources or authority

to deal with all of the recent investments from China,

where big companies usually have ties to the Communist Party.

That's a big deal because Chinese leader Xi Jinping

has been promoting Chinese investment

in American tech companies

as part of his "Made in China 2025" plan.

He wants China to become a world leader in cutting edge tech—

and one way to do that is by buying

or even stealing it from American companies.

So if Congress approves the new measures

Trump is pushing for,

it would strengthen CFIUS by expanding

the types of transactions CFIUS can review.

Trump said in a statement supporting the legislation,

"We have the greatest technology in the world,

people copy it and they steal it,

but we have the great scientists,

we have the great brains,

and we have to protect that.

And that can be done through CFIUS."

Chinese state-run media have responded

the way you might expect.

"State media blasted the Trump administration

in an editorial titled

'Protectionism symptom of paranoid delusions...'

The paper said it reflects the damage

being done to trade with China

by the, quote, 'crusade of Trump and his trade hawks.'"

Trump does not like the term "trade hawks" though.

He prefers trade...golden eagles.

But anyway, state-run China Daily

said it would be the US that would "feel the pain."

Aww, it's so nice that state-run media cares about

how the US feels.

My favorite state-run media the Global Times said,

"It's time for China to take further self-defense measures."

For example, they're going to come up with a safe word.

Actually, because of fears of a trade war,

the Chinese economy is already dealing with

some potentially serious issues.

For example, one state-backed Chinese think tank

warned in a leaked note of potential "financial panic."

The leaked note was obtained by Bloomberg.

Why could China have financial panic?

The note cited bond defaults,

liquidity shortages and the recent plunge in financial markets

against rising U.S. interest rates and the trade war.

It doesn't stop there.

As you know,

the Communist Party loves to censor things—

from critical voices to Winnie the Pooh memes.

But now there's a new thing to censor—

China's own economic plans.

Since CFIUS has gotten everyone talking about

Made in China 2025,

Chinese state-run media has apparently

decided to go the opposite way.

"The government has instructed Chinese state media agencies

to avoid mentioning Made in China 2025 in their reports."

So all in all, it looks like the Trump administration

is making China feel the pain.

It's still too early to tell exactly how

this trade war will go down,

but one thing's for sure.

The biggest loser in this war is going to be...

vape nation.

And before we go,

it's time for another question

from a China Uncensored supporter.

Shane Butler asks:

"What would your first question be

if you did land an interview with Xi Jinping?"

I'd ask Xi Jinping the hard-hitting questions

that viewers want to know.

Like, "Why do you wear your pants so high?

Is it a stylistic choice?

Or is it a medical thing?"

Thanks for your question, Shane.


What do you think I should ask him?

Leave your comments below.

Once again I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Trump may be bringing the pain,

but he won't be bringing you the latest China news!

So subscribe to China Uncensored

and turn the notification bell on!

And share this video with your friends.

Because for some reason,

YouTube has decided to remove us

from the search autocomplete.

Go on, give it a try.

Search China Uncensored in YouTube

and see what it suggests.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

For more infomation >> TRUMP Mang NỖI ĐAU Cuộc Chiến Thương Mại tới Trung Quốc | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 5:43.


Ovillos de Cemento - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Ovillos de Cemento - Duration: 6:32.


Box of Toys Ironman Superman Wonder Woman Hulk Super Heroes - Duration: 7:19.

Box of Toys Ironman Superman Wonder Woman Hulk Super Heroes

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Ironman Superman Wonder Woman Hulk Super Heroes - Duration: 7:19.


როგორ შევქმნათ Batch ფაილი Command Propt ში - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> როგორ შევქმნათ Batch ფაილი Command Propt ში - Duration: 3:53.


EGYPT 2018: EGYPTIAN CLOTHES / BUYING CLOTHES FOR MOTHER (English subtitles) - Duration: 14:14.

Here is a store. It is called "Lazord". And here by the way, you can buy clothes of large sizes

We go in. Mom: Beautiful. And what material? Mom: Normal materials

Mom: Colors. And this stuff is very good.

Oh well. And there are still such dresses called abaia.

Most are black.

Different models.

And there are here are very cute.

before there was no such things

Malyak: And there's this white one. Yes, there are such

Cute colors

It's probably more homely. We go upstairs.

how they found something, it immediately became interesting

Large lineup of dresses

Such all sorts. Malyak: I want this. The cost of dresses is 300-350 pounds. Do you like that? Malyak: Yes.



There are such. Malyak: No, it's not. I do not want this.

Egyptian version of clothes

this is a pure Egyptian style of children's clothing for girls

Egyptian style is very different

from stores like H & M

And Malyak liked this dress

heavy heavy

We are even remembered here, although we have not been here for a long time

probably a few years

Malyak: Swimsuits. Swimsuits? Malyak: Yes.

Aya: These are the swimsuits.

there are now such closed

Malyak: I do not want this.

Malyak: I want to have a swimsuit.

It's for teenage girls clothes.

it is significantly different.

by the way the cost of 550 pounds. It is very expensive

Malyak: Great. Great, because it's on adolescent girls

In addition to dresses for girls intended for different events, there are for boys.

Suits by the way. How much is the suit?

Here for boys it is much cheaper than 195 pounds.

A little more costumes cost 208 pounds each.

Those. different prices, different sizes.

Everything is different. Depending on the amount of material used. The more material , the more expensive

Vaughn's mother is standing with the girl as a seller who remembers us. A long time ago.

she helped us

a long time ago

and this seller well done all at once to mum has picked up all what she needs

Mom: This one's very good.

Mom: This is a very good material. I had one. Light.

Malyak, Malyak, please.

Written summer of 2018

Different sizes are sold here. And big and small and for every taste.

Pants. Well, there are also different evening dresses.

Here are all the evening dresses.

The joyful exclamations of Malyak that many different dresses

women's dresses

completely closed

than they look like tulle. And there are these

very beautiful by the way

but this is how I understand for party

This is white. Good?

There are such here. Everything is long on an Islamic motive

there are these dresses

and of course everything is long and as I understand it for the parties

Here such are, very nice. There is a pink

This dress costs 637 pounds.


But Malyak found a dress.

Malyak: That's so different. Can you try it on?

Malyak: Here it is, here it is necessary to try

Malyak: Go and dress. And there are such dresses

but it's all evening

Malyak: Please. Dress this one.

This neckline, but for some reason closed

Malyak: Try it, try it. The material is interesting

Malyak: Please, try to dress it.

And there are still these.

Different. There are such

Many beautiful for female

But again, all on the Arabic motif

Malyak: And I like that. And where to go in such a thing?

Malyak: Out on the street. Outside? For potatoes to the store?

There are so many different jackets and large sizes.

Everything is filled up literally with clothes

Trying on? Mom: Yes. Mom tries on. Let's wait for the appearance

Girl seller brought a lot of clothes. And by the way the materials are very good

and the sizes are different


But this is very good

Malyak: What a beauty.

The sales has brought a bunch.

very good.

Ah, I found it.

Aya: Whoever did not hide, I'm not guilty.

Mom: Look. Oh, well, that's very good.

Yeah, that shirt and shirt. Mom: And the material is very light.

Excellent. That's a good thing very much.

Mom: Well, let's stop here. I'm trying my pants now.

Mom: Or it still to try on?

Good, too. Beautiful.

Try on mom while we are here. And the fact that we were traveling so long.

This mother is taking it. Fits good.

The material is very light.

This suit costs 435 pounds.

very good.

Mom: In principle, the same material as this one.

You blue color is very good.

very good

year-old. And trousers. Light jacket and trousers

you just go and look

Malyak: One, two, three, four, five. I'm going to look. Who has not hidden .....

very decent

very decent, mom. Malyak: Beautifully

Malyak: What a beauty

Very good. Decent.

Mom: You're not tired. No, here is the sit

Great. Excellent.

Excellent. Very good. Mom decided to go in a new one.

Congratulations with new stuff.

the stairs are very steep.

The remaining clothes will be taken at the checkout. Thank you very much girl seller.

Well, we all leave. We'll take the remains of things and go.

Decent. True. You know very well.

How do you like the colors of the scarves?

Maybe somewhere else. There's still a store there

good color gray with pink. Good combination

Malyak: Beauty

Malyak: Wow, beauty.

Malyak: Beauty, Beauty.

Malyak: very Beautifully

Mom says thanks for the service

Well. Good. Congrats with new stuff. Malyak: Now we will go to McDonald's

Well, we all came for a snack. Malyak: I have Pony. And what about Aya? A car.

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: EGYPTIAN CLOTHES / BUYING CLOTHES FOR MOTHER (English subtitles) - Duration: 14:14.


12 New Moons of Jupiter Discovered! - Duration: 4:07.

Astronomers announced the discovery of 12 new moons surrounding Jupiter. We're

going to learn more about those moons, and what they can tell us about the

formation of our solar system, starting right now. Hello everyone, I'm Christian

Reddy. your friendly neighborhood astronomer welcome back to Launch Pad,

where we help you to make sense of the universe and our place in it. If this is

your first time visiting us, please make sure to hit that subscribe button and

ring that notification bell so that you don't miss out on any new videos. Twelve

new moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter, bringing its total count of

moons up to 79. The moons were discovered accidentally. A team led by Scott S

Shepard of the Carnegie Institute for Science were using the Dark Energy

Camera, a 520 megapixel camera mounted to the prime focus of the 4 meter Blanco

Telescope in Chile. They weren't looking for moons around planets so much as they

were looking for a new planet in our solar system. Jupiter just happened to be

close to their camera's field of view and sure enough, they happened to detect some

objects that were moving over time. However, those objects were not moving

around the Sun. Instead they were moving around Jupiter. The moons were discovered

in 2017, but they take between one and three years to make one orbit around

Jupiter, so it took a full year before they could confirm the orbits and verify

that these were in fact moons of Jupiter and not some background objects. Two of

the moons orbit relatively close to Jupiter. They follow what are called

prograde motions. That means that they orbit the planet in the same direction

as Jupiter spins on its axis. The rest of the moons orbit much farther away from

the planet in a retrograde, or backward motion. And then there's Valetudo, a

real oddball of a moon because it orbits in the same region as the retrograde

moons, but follows a prograde orbit around Jupiter. This is like driving your

car at high speed down the opposite lane on a highway; not exactly a particularly

stable situation. Valetudo is named after the Roman goddess of hygiene and

cleanliness and is the great-granddaughter of the Roman god

Jupiter. But no matter how clean Valetudo keeps herself, she's probably not

long for this world, at least not in the grand scheme of things. A million or a

hundred years from now, Valetudo will almost

certainly crash into one of those moons and disintegrate. The outer moons most

likely formed as a result of collisions between once larger bodies that smashed

into existing moons around Jupiter long ago.

Valetudo may be the very last of these once larger objects. These moons are

really tiny, only about one to three kilometers across.

but Valetudo and the nine retrograde moons that were discovered with it tell

us something significant about when they formed. You see, when the solar system was

really young, it was filled with gas and dust everywhere. Had these moons been

orbiting Jupiter in those days, they would have been moving against this dust.

The dust would have caused drag forces on the moons and the moons would have

spiraled in much closer to Jupiter. So the fact that they are where they are

today even at this tiny size tells us that they must have formed after the

solar system's dust dissipated. So there you go! Jupiter has 79 moons - more than

any other planet in our solar system by a long shot.

Although I would not be surprised if we discovered yet more moons surrounding

Jupiter and indeed around other planets in our solar system as well. It just goes to

show that there's always something new to discover, even in our neck of the

universe. Now if you'd like to learn more about how our solar system formed, I have

a video on that. I also have videos on moons of our solar system and on the

giant planets themselves so feel free to check them out.

I'll make sure I've got some links for them in the description below. And if

this is your first time here, thank you again for watching and please make sure

to subscribe and ring that notification bell so that you don't miss out on any

new videos. Thank you so much for watching, keep watching the skies, and

we'll see you soon. [BEEP] ...interesting because....[birds tweeting ] AARRGHH, birds.


[sighs] [birds keep tweeting]

For more infomation >> 12 New Moons of Jupiter Discovered! - Duration: 4:07.


Install Android P Developer Preview - Duration: 5:25.







For more infomation >> Install Android P Developer Preview - Duration: 5:25.


Download Semua App Mod Game Maupun App Tertentu||TipsTorial #2 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Download Semua App Mod Game Maupun App Tertentu||TipsTorial #2 - Duration: 3:10.


Introducing Mozart's Fortepiano - Duration: 4:53.

So this is a fortepiano, this is the predecessor of the modern grand we know

and love so much today. It's obviously much smaller and this

instrument has black and white keys the other way around. This is a copy of an

instrument originally made in 1785 by a maker called Matthias Heilmann in South

Germany and it's absolutely the sort of instrument that Mozart would have

played. In fact Mozart would have played it towards the end of his life, he was actually

probably more of a harpsichordist in the early parts of his life and even

Beethoven and it's hard to think of this very small sound that big piano concerto

would have been played on this and it really changes the way we think about

the music. It's got very small leather covered hammers and we've got a

wonderful array of special effects that these instruments do as well.

This particular one doesn't have pedals but what it does have are three knee levers under

the keyboard. It gets all a bit complicated but here we have a device

called a moderator and what that does is it pushes a strip of cloth in between

the leather hammers and the strings so if I press it with my right knee this

strip comes into play and it gives me a very veiled, muted sound.

Then next to it we have the sustain mechanism which is the same as the right

pedal on the modern piano. Now obviously it gets a bit complicated because

instead of pressing down with your right foot you press up with your left knee

and this does get very complicated.

The sound carries on forever. There's quite a difference though in the way that we use

the sustain, it's a special effect here rather than something we use throughout

a piece of music and this gives us a rather wonderful tone colour and Haydn

calls for it in one of his sonatas that we just open the pedal and just let

the sound ring on and I think certainly that was very much a part of piano

technique right through, including Mendelssohn, they would use the pedal as

a special effect rather than just using it throughout as a means of playing

legato, it relies a lot more on finger dexterity and finger touch.

Then the third knee lever on this instrument is a real special effect and I'm

sorry to all my colleagues in the bassoon section because this gadget is

called the fagotto or the bassoon and what it does is it pushes little leather

covered strips of brass into contact with the bass strings and gives you this

really quite nasty noise

Now the interesting thing is we have no idea what they use that for they

probably used it for dance music, they probably used it for sort of special

effects, the best thing I can think of is...

...which is a little bit raucous and horrible so as I say I do apologize to my

bassoon colleagues who don't play anything like that.

Most of the time.

So here we have the Viennese piano action, it's a really really simple thing

where we have a key and then this tiny little hammer here. As we press the key

the whole action is lifted and this little beak at the back catches the

hammer and flicks it up. So yes it's a it's a wonderful expressive

tool and it gives us much better control of the dynamics that people that

Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven write. It is a much more appropriate sound world.

For more infomation >> Introducing Mozart's Fortepiano - Duration: 4:53.


A small child on vacation | Arena Of Valor #3 - Duration: 6:54.

Shortly in advance...

The dear Solkiller is on vacation... That's why I took a video, byEdge. Now have fun... :P

Thank's for watching... Subscribe and Like the Video! Most popular Video --->

For more infomation >> A small child on vacation | Arena Of Valor #3 - Duration: 6:54.


যারা বিশ্বকাপের সর্বশ্রেষ্ট খেলোয়ার, একনজরে দেখেনিন সকলকে | World Cup Best 11 | Bangla News Today - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> যারা বিশ্বকাপের সর্বশ্রেষ্ট খেলোয়ার, একনজরে দেখেনিন সকলকে | World Cup Best 11 | Bangla News Today - Duration: 1:50.


Турция: Цены в салоне красоты. Массаж, Маникюр. Парикмахер. - Duration: 19:32.

For more infomation >> Турция: Цены в салоне красоты. Массаж, Маникюр. Парикмахер. - Duration: 19:32.


Five tips to survive grad school - Duration: 6:13.

Today's question comes from Fraser Smith of the Get Psyched YouTube Channel.

"Hi Ali.

What does it take to succeed in grad school today?"

The first thing you have to understand is the skills that helped you succeed in undergrad

might not work in grad school.

An undergraduate education is mostly focused on completing short term projects: readings,

papers, and exams, stuff you have to do doesn't last for more than a few months.

Grad school is different, especially if you're getting a doctorate.

There's a greater focus on long term projects you have to independently create and complete.

Undergrad is like studying pop music while grad school is about creating your own album.

This transition was really hard for me.

It took my 7 years to finish my 5 year PhD.

But I got through it and trust me if I can do it you can do it.

Here are the top 5 things I learned that helped me succeed in grad school.

#1 Understand your procrastination

In college I got away with waiting till the last minute to get my work done.

It's how I managed my anxiety.

But this turned out to be a horrible way of dealing with anxiety in grad school.

You can't do a thesis or dissertation the night before it's due.

Believe me, I tried.

I procrastinated for many reasons: anxiety about what to do next on my research, anger

at my advisor for giving me critical feedback, guilt about falling behind my peers, and sadness

over not being able to do all the things my friends outside of grad school were doing.

Understand why you're avoiding your work.

What thoughts and emotions come up when you slack off?

Then, get help that will best address these barriers.

Getting support and accountability from my roommates helped me.

I also worked with a therapist and a dissertation coach at different points in grad school who

helped me understand how much perfectionism was leading me to create these big unrealistic

goals that I never could achieve.

Learning how to break things down into smaller, realistic, daily goals helped me finally get

my dissertation done.


Invest in self-care

When you're a grad student working long hours in a crappy office with little to no

funding, it's easy to burn out - to feel like what you're doing doesn't matter.

The good news is most grad students have a lot of opportunities to invest in self-care:

access to campus gyms, campus sports and clubs, and student health insurance.

I made a whole video about self-care, so check that out for more, but my number one tip is

to find something that you love that's outside of the stuff you're doing in grad school.

For me it was photography.

Weekend photography projects gave me a welcomed escape from grad school.

Create photos made me feel good even when my research lacked significant results.

Yes, that is a cheesy grad school joke.


Find your people

Most of what you do in grad school is isolating and all that loneliness can mess with your

physical and mental health.

This is why you have to connect with a larger community.

Your greatest sources of support are the people in your department.

Start by getting to know your cohort, the people who are in the same year of grad school

as you.

They may become your closest friends and future collaborators in your field of study.

But don't stop there.

Reach out to students who are a few years ahead of you.

Advanced students can give you an honest answer to what you need to get through your program.


Get involved

A lot of grad students miss out on the opportunity of getting involved in professional organizations.

Some don't think they have anything to contribute.

Others are told to avoid getting involved under they have "more time" after they


Spoiler alert - you're never going to have "more time" after you graduate.

You're always going to be super busy doing a lot of stuff.

The reality is graduate students have a lot to contribute to their professions and a lot

to gain from being involved.

Many organizations are hungry to get new members, fresh perspectives, and hear from the future

of the profession.

Professional organizations can help you learn skills you don't get in grad school, expand

your professional network, and might lead to new opportunities.

At the American Psychological Association, I advocated for the brain and behavior sciences

on Capitol Hill, learned about strategic planning and budgeting, and met psychologists from

all over the country.

Most of the awesome opportunities I've had in my career came from meeting people through

this organization.

Find an organization related to your field of study and reach out to see what opportunities

there are to get involved.


Build a Professional online identity

Grad school is also about transitioning from a student to a professional.

A big part of this transition is creating a professional identity.

You're likely to get mentorship on how to own that identity IRL (in real life), but

few grad students learn how to do this online.

This is a problem for two reasons:

People find you through a Google search and they will judge whether or not to reach out

to you based on what they find.

Start by learning what's already out there.

Search the internet for your name using different search engines and remove unflattering content.

Setup a Google alert for your name, increase privacy settings on social media accounts

you want to keep private and shift others to include more professional content.

Creating a professional website with a headshot, biography, and links to your work.

I know it sounds like a lot, but I've got resources in the description below that will

walk you through the process.

And if you do this early, you can be confident future employers, clients, and students will

see what you want them to see.

What are your favorite grad school tips?

Let me know in the comments section!

Thanks to Fraser Smith for submitting this question.

Be sure to checkout his YouTube channel - Get Psyched!

He's got some great videos about dealing with procrastination, how to take notes, complete

essays, and lots more on staying productive in grad school.

What question do you want me to answer next?

Let me know with #ThePsychShowQA.

For more infomation >> Five tips to survive grad school - Duration: 6:13.


Overwatch Moments #158 - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #158 - Duration: 10:21.


Star Wars: Die 10 besten KLON KOMMANDANTEN der Klonkriege - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Die 10 besten KLON KOMMANDANTEN der Klonkriege - Duration: 4:48.


Come Capire se è il Tuo Uomo dal Suo Cavatappi - INSOMMELIER - Katoo | Cucina da Uomini - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Come Capire se è il Tuo Uomo dal Suo Cavatappi - INSOMMELIER - Katoo | Cucina da Uomini - Duration: 3:36.






NEW! The Lost Scouts - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 3 Episode 10 - Duration: 11:07.

[Ginger] I was seven, going on eight,

the first time I learned what being a Scout Boy is all about.

All right.

Who's ready for the best wilderness survival trip ever?

-I am! -This wasn't just any trip.

This was the trip where I'd earn the Ribbon of the Forest,

a prize given only to the top scout in each troop.

-Ready to do this, Tom? -Ahem. Don't you mean, Scout Leader Tom?

I know that we are a small troop, but we've got what counts -

heart, gusto, and backpack snacks.

I'm Robbie. It's an honor to be your scout brother.

[Ginger] No way was he getting the ribbon.

Um, has anyone seen my hat?

-Hank was no competition either. -[Tom] Listen up, scouts!

They call it "the wild" for a reason,

but with me as your leader, you'll be able to face anything that comes your--


See? I've already taught you so much.

That ribbon was mine.

So, we're just waiting for one more scout,

-and we'll be ready to go. -[helicopter whirrs]


Darren? Nooooooooo!

♪ Wa-oah! ♪

[Ginger] Darren was in my scout troop!

So much for the perfect wilderness survival trip.

Aw. Does someone miss home already?

Did we have to bring Darren? He's a trouble boy, Tom.

[barrel organ playing]

A trouble boy!

We've had our differences with him,

but when he put that uniform on, he became your scout brother.

But he cheats at everything, and he's the nephew of the CEO!

Darren is in our troop now, and that means he's one of us.

Now. Who wants to make s'mores?


-Yummy yummy yummy! -Grrr!

-[on TV] I'll admit it, mate... -What are you watching?

This is Survival Bloke! Tom was watching this show to get ready for his trip.

[Australian accent] I'm officially lost now, but not to worry!

I'll just follow this line of ants to--

Oh, dear. Those are bees that are just walking!

-[Survival Bloke screaming] -Seriously? You like this guy?

Well, Survival Bloke isn't perfect. Bees wouldn't be able to trick me.

If I were Survival Bloke,

I'd get out of this predicament with the proper technology.

Oh, Ben! Survival Bloke is about forming a true nature connection with the Earth.

[sniffing] Oh yeah, that's the good stuff!


Sure, Angela. This guy's got it all figured out.

Ah! The bees are in me trousers!

[Ginger] I was still mad that Darren was with us,

but I wasn't going to let that ruin my trip.



[screams] Tents are stupid!

Ha! You'll never get Ribbon of the Forest if you let the big scary tent defeat you!

[shrill whistle]

Okay, who can tell me what side of a tree moss grows on?

-Oh! All the sides? -No.

-The mossy side. -No.

This was my chance to impress the Scout Leader and get that ribbon.

Moss grows predominantly on the north side of trees!

-[Ginger] But the-- -That's right. Great work, Darren!


Next question. If the sun rises in the east,

-then where-- -It sets in the west!

Take that, Darren! Ginger wins this round!

-Guys, this isn't a competition. -Yeah.

Now, where is the best place to make--

-Juniper berries! -A bowline knot!

The first ray of morning light beyond the horizon!

♪ I don't know, but I've been told ♪

♪ Scout Boys aren't afraid of mold ♪

♪ I don't know, but it's been said ♪

♪ Scout Boys go where they are led ♪

Give me the map! I should be the pathfinder.

No way! I'm the navigator!

-You don't know what you're doing! -I know everything!

Huh? Where is everybody?


[Ginger] Suddenly, my chances of getting that ribbon were not looking good.

[both moaning]

Way to go, Darren!

Oh, come on! The best way to survive in the wild isn't a "nature connection."

-[crash] -That's just malarkey!

Such a typical Ben response. "Nature connections don't exist."

"The sea captain on the cereal box isn't a real person. Malarkey!"

There's one way to settle this.

[marching band]

Good hike, gang. Now, sound off!

My name is Tom, the Scout Troop Leader!

Sound off! My name is Hank, the salty snack eater!

Sound off! My name is Ronnie, the last person in line suddenly!

Wait, what? No, no, no! This is not good.

The scout leader manual specifically said that you can't lose scouts!

-[phone rings] -Ginger, is that you?

Hey, it's Angela, your girlfriend.

-I need you to settle an argument. -Don't you "girlfriend" him!

-He has to be objective! -Guys, I don't have time for this.

-We have an emergency out here! -[Angela] If it's bees, get out of there.

No, it is worse than bees, okay? I lost Ginger and Darren!

Oh, no. All right, don't panic.

I am panicking and I really need someone's help right now!

Okay. We're on our way! And one of us is bringing a superior philosophy.

Check it out, Darren. Somebody's prepared for everything. Jealous?

Of last year's flashlight?

-Never! -Agh! I don't need to see, anyway.

I'm brave. I like it in the dark!


-[Darren laughs] -Grr!

We looked everywhere!

We checked the creek and behind the rock that looks like a gravy boat.

-But there was no sign of them. -Okay.

Keep looking, team. Scout Boys never leave a scout behind!

-Ginger? Darren? -Ginger!

[Hank] Hello?


-Agh! -Agh!

-[Ben chuckles] -You guys made it!

That's right. I brought technology to find Ginger.

And I've brought natural instincts, which is way better.

I don't care how you find them. It's almost night time. Let's do it!

[jazz theme]

-[owl hoots] -Well, I don't see a way out of here.

Looks like I'll be stuck here forever, listening to your annoying voice.

You're the one with the annoying voice!

If we can't get out, here's how it's going to be.

That's Darren-land.

This is Ginger-topia.

You're not allowed to visit!

I would never visit Ginger-topia.

I would never visit Darren-land because it's full of ruiners

who only became Scout Boys so they could ruin everything I like.

That's not true. I'm here because I deserve the Ribbon of the Forest.

Oh, no, you don't! That ribbon is mine!

[birds tweet]

It was then that I realized I was about to be tested

in a way I had never been tested before.

Darren, we don't want to live in this pit forever,

so we're going to have to do something horrible.

-Please don't say work together. -Fine, I won't say it!

But we still have to do it.

We can do this.


Don't you quit on me, Darren!

I wasn't going to!


-Ugh! -[panting]

Oh. We... we cooperated.


-Woah! -Ooh! Bully for us!

[awkward laugh]

-[owl hoots] -But now what do we do?

All that looking and all we found was two kids who weren't even lost.

Hm! It looks like Ben's rescue plan wasn't so genius after all.

At least I had a plan! All you did was wander around and eat dirt!

-Would you two knock it off? -Stop being so bossy, Tom.

Yeah, who do you think you are, some kind of leader?

-I'm literally the Scout Leader! -Stop fighting!

This day was tough on everyone. Look, I'm all itchy from poison ivy.

Oh, don't play victim, Ronnie. It was poison oak, and I told you not to eat it!

[all yell at once]

-What's everybody yelling about? -Quiet, Ginger.

-We're mad because we couldn't find-- -[both] Aloha!

Hey! How did you...? Where have you been?

All over. We crossed a river, swung on a vine, we even saw a cave!

We were lost, but we worked together and found our way back.

Wow! You got over your differences and made it through the wild.

It's not like we had a choice,

since it looks like you were all too busy arguing to come save us.

-Hey! That's not true! -Yes, it is!


You guys learned the real meaning of being a scout,

so I think both of you earned this today.


The Ribbon of the Forest!

Huh. That's funny. I thought I had two.

Well, you can share one until we get home.

-Right? -Of course we can! I get it first.

We'd still be in that pit if it wasn't for me! I get it first!

[Ginger] And that's how I gained a brother. A scout brother. Sort of.

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