Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

- [Sam] I am on this team now and I've got its best interests at heart.

- [Donna] Well you've got a funny way of showing it.

- [Louis] You better pull up a seat for me at that table,

or I will break that whole god damn thing in two!

- [Robert Zane] I asked you to help the man, not piss him off.

- [Harvey] The next move you're going to make behind my back is finding yourself a new job.

- [Narrator] Suits all new episode Wednesday at 9pm on USA Network.

For more infomation >> Suits 8x02 Promo "Pecking Order" (HD) Season 8 Episode 2 Promo - Duration: 0:20.


10 Songs Commonly Used on the SAKs! | CrazyProductioneers - Duration: 4:45.


There are always times where we hear a really cool song on the SAKs.

You get so excited, decide to check the description of the video, and-- oh no.

Music is never listed.

So, do you ever wonder what songs are used so many times in the videos,

it gets stuck in your head, you want to find it, but can't?

Well, this video is for you then!

I'll be playing 20 second clips for each song, and they should sound familiar to you.

Let's begin.


So, are there any other videos on the SAKs that have music you like, but wasn't on this list?

Let me know, and I'll definitely be featuring them in a future video.

So, I'm Brandon from CrazyProductioneers, and I'll see you soon.


For more infomation >> 10 Songs Commonly Used on the SAKs! | CrazyProductioneers - Duration: 4:45.


The Originals 5x12 Promo "The Tale of Two Wolves" (HD) Season 5 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

(Hope screams)

- [Klaus] It's starting.

- [Narrator] Next Wednesday...

- [Marcel] She won't survive the night.

- [Narrator] Only two episodes left…

- [Klaus] I can't allow my daughter to die.


- [Narrator] The Originals: The Final Season all new next Wednesday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Originals 5x12 Promo "The Tale of Two Wolves" (HD) Season 5 Episode 12 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Nghe anh đẹp trai này hát mà không biết bao nhiêu người đã rơi nước mắt - Duration: 49:27.

For more infomation >> Nghe anh đẹp trai này hát mà không biết bao nhiêu người đã rơi nước mắt - Duration: 49:27.


Gacha Verse Bug (Ah Chan) - Duration: 2:54.

Gacha Verse Bug

For more infomation >> Gacha Verse Bug (Ah Chan) - Duration: 2:54.


Nicaragua: otra revolución de sangre - Duration: 4:53.

0 comentariosComentar Hemos visto tantas veces lo que está pasando en Nicaragua que solo sorprende que siga sucediendo

Un líder carismático de inspiración marxista-leninista, que un día luchó contra una dictadura conservadora, acaba con las instituciones democráticas que lo auparon, instaura otro régimen dictatorial -más arbitrario y corrupto que aquel contra el que luchó- y trata de perpetuarse en el poder

Cuando la gente protesta, la reprime con brutalidad sirviéndose del aparato de terror estatal

La cifra de muertos sube día tras día -ya va por tres centenares-, sin contar heridos y desaparecidos

La resistencia civil, aterrorizada, pide ayuda a la comunidad internacional y aguarda a que Naciones Unidas se pronuncie claramente contra el dictador

Al mismo tiempo, confía en que la Organización de Estados Americanos vote de una vez una resolución que sirva para aislar al régimen, incluyendo las sanciones pertinentes

Hasta la fecha, Estados Unidos, 13 países latinoamericanos y el secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, se han limitado a pedir el fin de la violencia contra los manifestantes, pero Guterres se resiste a señalar a Daniel Ortega como responsable directo de los crímenes

 Una ley histórica establece que las dictaduras se endurecen a medida que se perciben más débiles: cuando nota que pierde el control, el tirano se vuelve más cruel

Esa norma juega en contra de la oposición a Daniel Ortega y su mujer, Rosario Murillo, a la sazón vicepresidenta de Nicaragua

El hecho de que el jueves se cumplan los 39 años del triunfo de la revolución sandinista explica la escalada represiva que el oficialismo, deseoso de llegar a los fastos conmemorativos con las calles bien quietas, está desatando en los últimos días

Primero atacó la Universidad Nacional de Managua, donde se habían hecho fuertes los estudiantes

Después envió dos millares de efectivos armados -entre Ejército, Policía y paramilitares a las órdenes de Ortega- a la ciudad histórica de Masaya, bastión resistente ubicado a 35 kilómetros de Managua

La orden era «limpiar la ciudad» a cualquier precio. Entretanto, la propaganda del régimen trata de desacreditar a la oposición presentando a los manifestantes como terroristas y antipatriotas y cercenando la libertad de prensa

Pero en la era de las redes sociales bastan unas horas para sacar una multitud a la calle con una convocatoria digital

Ortega cree que la mano dura los desmovilizará, pero según pasa el tiempo las manifestantes crecen, probando el coraje de quien lucha por su libertad aunque sepa que hay orden de tirar a matar

 La comunidad internacional debe reaccionar si no quiere otro caso como Venezuela: la triste imposición por aplastamiento de un dictador cuya vesania termina por desmoralizar a una oposición abandonada a su suerte

Lo hemos visto tantas veces que sorprende que el comunismo tenga hoy un solo apóstol sobre la faz de la tierra

For more infomation >> Nicaragua: otra revolución de sangre - Duration: 4:53.


বকুলের আসল পরিচয়, বয়ফ্রেন্ড, বয়স, ইনকাম | Ushoshi Roy Biography - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> বকুলের আসল পরিচয়, বয়ফ্রেন্ড, বয়স, ইনকাম | Ushoshi Roy Biography - Duration: 2:53.


SEC football fans adjust to media days in Atlanta - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> SEC football fans adjust to media days in Atlanta - Duration: 1:50.


Un chico de 15 años, preso por matar a sangre fría a un gendarme - Duration: 0:21.

CLARÍN > Policiales Politica Sociedad Deportes Espectáculos Mundo Economía Opinión Policiales Ciudades Rural Autos Viajes EntreMujeres Tecnología Videos Fotogalerí as Arq Cultura VIVA Revista Ñ Especiales

For more infomation >> Un chico de 15 años, preso por matar a sangre fría a un gendarme - Duration: 0:21.


Fewer storms, more heat up ahead - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Fewer storms, more heat up ahead - Duration: 1:16.


Video: Rain may dampen your weekend plans - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Video: Rain may dampen your weekend plans - Duration: 1:48.


الكنيسة المصرية.. بريد سعودي للغرب - Duration: 3:30.

 ضمن توجه سعودي غير معتاد نحو الفن والسينما والسماح للمرأة بقيادة السيارة، تكررت الزيارات الرسمية من مسؤولين بارزين بالمملكة للمقر البابوي للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية كبرى الكنائس المسيحية في مصر

 وفي 3 يوليو/تموز الجاري، زار السفير السعودي أسامة نقلي بابا أقباط مصر تواضروس الثاني بالمقر البابوي

في زيارة هي الثالثة لمسؤول سعودي بارز للمقر البابوي.  وزار هذا المقر كل من ولي العهد محمد بن سلمان في مارس/آذار الماضي، وبعده وزير الدولة للشؤون الأفريقية أحمد قطان -في الـ 20 من الشهر ذاته- والتقى الاثنان تواضروس

 وقالت الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية إن زيارة بن سلمان تعد أول زيارة لولي عهد سعودي منذ نشأة السعودية عام 1932 وفق بيان آنذاك

وخلال تلك الزيارة عرض الأمير على البابا ورموز الكنيسة زيارة المملكة، دون تحديد موعد

 وفي أبريل/ نيسان 2016، استقبل الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز -خلال زيارته للقاهرة آنذاك- تواضروس بمقر إقامة الأول بالقاهرة في لقاء هو الأول الذي يلتقي فيه ملك سعودي ببابا للكنيسة القبطية، وفق بيان كنسي آنذاك

 وخلال لقاء بن سلمان، قال تواضروس "نتابع بإعجاب التطورات الحادثة في السعودية التي تساهم بشكل كبير في تنمية المنطقة العربية كلها"   كما قال القس بولس حليم (المتحدث باسم الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية) في تصريحات سابقة إن الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية مؤسسة مصرية قامت بدور وطني على مدار عشرين قرنًا، وتعبر عن مصريتها في كل الأحداث التي مر بها الوطن في ظل قيادة حكيمة ينتهجها الرئيس (المصري) عبد الفتاح السيسي

 وأضاف أن الكنيسة أيضًا أكبر كنيسة في الشرق الأوسط، ومن ثم لها أهميتها ودورها الذي يتلاقى مع الدور الإصلاحي الكبير على مستوى الأصعدة كلها الذي يقوم به ولي العهد السعودي في المملكة، ودارت أغلب هذه اللقاءات حول عمق علاقات المحبة التي تربط بين الجانبين

أسعد يرجح استقبال الرياض بابا أقباط مصر (الجزيرة-أرشيف)  حساباتالمفكر المصري القبطي جمال أسعد قال للأناضول إن مثل هذه الزيارات ضمن المتغيرات السعودية الأخيرة، وسياسة الانفتاح التي يتبناها بن سلمان

 وأوضح أن تلك الزيارات نقلة موضوعية لإعلانات سعودية أخيرة انفتحت على المسرح والسينما والغناء والتصريح بقيادة المرأة، مضيفا أن هذا لم يكن ليكتمل إلا بانفتاح على الآخر، خاصة مع الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية بثقلها العربي

 وأشار أسعد إلى أن الهدف الإستراتيجي منها هو رسم صورة ذهنية جديدة عند الغرب، ورجح أنه من الوارد في ضوء تلك التمهيدات أن تستقبل السعودية بابا أقباط مصر في ضوء استقبال شبيه لوصول اللبناني بشارة بطرس الراعي أول بطريرك ماروني يصل المملكة في نوفمبر/تشرين الأول 2017

 واتفق المحلل المصري مختار غباشي نائب رئيس المركز العربي للدراسات السياسية والإستراتيجية مع الطرح السابق، بالقول إن ما يحدث يعد تماشيًا مع الانفراجة غير العادية بالمملكة في الفنون والتعامل مع الآخر، مضيفا أن من ضمن الأسباب رسالة سعودية للغرب بأنها منفتحة على الجميع

For more infomation >> الكنيسة المصرية.. بريد سعودي للغرب - Duration: 3:30.


Acidente durante America's Got Talent choca o público - Duration: 1:41.

O episódio da última terça-feira (17) de America's Got Talent deixou o público e os jurados chocados

Durante uma apresentação de acrobacias, a performance de um casal de trapezistas acabou dando muito errado

  O rapaz, de olhos vendados, deveria segurar a namorada enquanto ela descia de uma barra suspensa, porém a garota acabou escorregando das mãos do amado e despencou de uma altura considerável

  O palco ainda estava em chamas por conta da pirotecnia do espetáculo, mas, por sorte, o acidente não foi tão grave e a ginasta apenas se feriu levemente

  Depois da queda, ela logo se levantou e pediu para tentar repetir a apresentação, mas Simon Cowell a tranquilizou e disse que não era necessário, que, mesmo com o acidente, o show tinha sido muito bom e não necessitava ser perfeito

  Assista ao vídeo completo:

For more infomation >> Acidente durante America's Got Talent choca o público - Duration: 1:41.


Crews searching MA pond near site of Rindge body discovery - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Crews searching MA pond near site of Rindge body discovery - Duration: 1:25.


Iconic stretch of Highway 1 reopens south of Big Sur - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Iconic stretch of Highway 1 reopens south of Big Sur - Duration: 1:55.


Wednesday p.m KSBW Weather Forecast 07.18.18 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Wednesday p.m KSBW Weather Forecast 07.18.18 - Duration: 4:46.


Dancing On Dewdrops 19th july 2018 નવરસ નો નવમો રસ - ૯) શાંત રસ - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> Dancing On Dewdrops 19th july 2018 નવરસ નો નવમો રસ - ૯) શાંત રસ - Duration: 13:01.


7. La Confiabilidad del Nuevo Testamento: Respondiendo Objeciones (Sub. Español/English) - Duration: 13:20.

Throughout this series we have examined the New Testament through and through and looked at it from every angle.

The evidence for its reliability is simply overwhelming.

So to wrap up this series we'll cover the left over objections.

The reason we did not get them during the series is, unlike other objections, these ones are not that good or well thought out.

But unfortunately people still bring them up, so we'll close this series my easily refuting them.

The first one is that the New Testament authors were biased, so we can't trust anything they said.

Well, then it is clear that the person who brings up this objection is biased against trusting the New Testament,

so by their own logic we can't trust any accusation they make against the New Testament.

The biggest problem with an argument like this is it is clear example of tunnel vision.

It points out the New Testament writers were biased while ignores every writer is biased, because that is part of being human.

Richard Dawkins opened his book admitting he is biased, "If this book works as intended, religious readers who open it will be atheists when they put it down." [The God Delusion, Page 5]

Gerd Lüddeman opens his book with, "Its aim was to prove the nonhistoricity of the resurrection of Jesus and simultaneously to encourage Christians to change their faith accordingly." [The Resurrection of Christ, A Historical Inquiriy, Page 7

Are we to dismiss these authors just because they are biased?

Or every historian who has written about early Christianity, since they are all biased towards their own theories?

In reality just because someone is biased that doesn't mean we dismiss them outright

because what if they are biased towards the truth of what actually happened?

Historian Michael Grant says Caesar's "Gallic Wars is among the most potent works of propaganda ever written" [The Ancient Historians, Page 190]

But also says "…it is extremely hard to fault him on facts." [The Ancient Historians Page 188]

So being biased doesn't mean one cannot report facts.

This is a very silly argument and hardly a good response,

because we can just reply [that] we cannot trust the skeptic's argument against the New Testament because they are also biased,

and by their own criteria they must be dismissed.

What this objection is really saying, is the other person is presenting something that doesn't agree with my 'already determined view,'

so I'll just dismiss it outright, since it doesn't conform to what I already think is true.

It is cleverly disguised ad hoc dismissal, because someone is challenging their beliefs.

So moving on to another objection, this one is used often but it actually comes from a few scholars.

Here is Dr. Bart Ehrman to present it during his debate with Mike Licona:

Moreover, the followers of Jesus were Aramaic speaking peasants from Galilee.

Lower-class men who were not educated

In fact Peter and John in Acts chapter 4 verse 13 are literally said to be illiterate

They couldn't read and write

Of course not, they were fishermen, they didn't go to school

The vast majority of people in the ancient world never learned to read let alone write

and their native language it was Aramaic, these books are written in Greek

by highly educated rhetorically trained writers who are skilled in Greek composition

So Ehrman claims the New Testament writers were all poor aramaic speaking fishermen from Galilee

and they could not have written the New Testament because they were illiterate.

Well, first off, the early church did not claim the new testament was written by only illiterate fisherman and neither do Christian scholars today.

The external evidence indicates it was Matthew who wrote a Gospel, who was a tax collector and would have to have been trained in linguistics to keep track of records in Greek for Rome,

as well as understand the local language of Aramaic to speak with the taxpayers to do his work.

So he would not have been illiterate.

Mark was said to be the Greek scribe and interpreter for Peter, so He would also have to understand how to read and write in both languages.

Luke was said to be a physician, so he was also educated.

No one doubts that Paul was educated as a pharisaic Jew who studied under Gamaliel.

That leaves us Peter, James, Jude and John.

All who could have learn to write later on, once they took leadership roles in the church.

But lets just throw all that out and agree with Ehrman that, yes, they were all illiterate fisherman.

The best way to respond to this quote from a scholar is with a quote from another scholar.

So to respond to Ehrman, we'll pick... Dr. Ehrman:

Reginald Finley: Are just some theories that suggest that even maybe Paul himself had a scribe that wrote for him?

Bart Ehrman: Every person who wrote epistles in the ancient world dictated them to scribes.

So as Dr. Ehrman rightly points out for Dr. Ehrman everyone dictated to scribes in the ancient world.

So it doesn't matter if al the New Testament authors were illiterate, they simply could hire scribes to write for them.

And since just about every scholar agrees that the early church grew by attracting many gentile converts across the Empire,

it is quite easy to see they could have either received help in writing from possible new convert,

or at the very least, the gentile members could have help them funding to hire scribes to write the epistles and gospels.

And we know from Paul the Christian missionaries sought financial help from the new gentile converts to continue the work of spreading the Gospel.

So it is not hard to see other Christians were able to write the New Testament by hiring scribes, with the financial help of their growing church.

And Dr. Ehrman should know not to use arguments in debates against Christians, that he knows are untenable when he debate Christ-mythes.

One should not change their argument based on who they are talking to.

Moving on, some try to dismiss the New Testament because it mentions miracles,

and any book that mentions miracles should be dismissed outright.

However, anyone who has made this claim clearly has not read any ancient history, as Gary Habermas points out:

Well, then you go "yeah but they got miracles in them"

so do all the greco-roman historians

"oh are you kidding? No, they do.

Virtually every greco-roman writer

Now, Thucydides is an exception

He says he doesn't believe in that stuff and he doesn't do it

but I mean, Herodotus, the so-called father of history

Tacitus, although he has fewer than Suetonius,

Suetonius says a lot, pretty normal,

Just about every ancient work mentions miracles,

and just because they do that does not mean the historians throw them out.

In reality all texts are judged on a case by case basis.

If one text says an event happens and offers good evidence for it then we should at least evaluate its evidence,

not dismiss it outright from a presupposition against miracles.

And if the supposed event is found to be false in light of evidence or lack thereof, that also doesn't mean we simply dismiss everything else they report.

That would be an association fallacy, and that is not how the study of ancient history works.

So why would we apply a different special standard to the New Testament that is not applied to any other ancient works?

In reality, this objection, like the first, is an example of someone arguing with tunnel vision

and ignoring the rest of ancient history,

as well as trying to dismiss an entire book just because they don't like certain parts.

The final objection is probably the most popular, and it is, "the New Testament contains contradictions,

so it must be false, because they cannot agree on certain facts."

Well, to bring this up again, but this is also arguing with tunnel vision, and is also ignoring the real point.

First off, most of these so called contradictions can easily be resolved by looking at context or using common sense

and we've already begun to do this

Second, even if these supposed contradictions cannot be resolved

this is ignoring the fact that many different eyewitness testimonies and written accounts that report the same event almost always contradict,

yet no one thinks the event did not happen.

For example, did Nero openly send men to burn the city of Rome in 64 AD as Suetonius puts it?

or did he do it secretly as Dio Cassius says?

Or perhaps he wasn't responsible at all, as Tacitus hints to?

Did Nero watched the city burn from his palace roof tops as Dio Cassius says?

or from a tower [of Maecenas] as Suetonius reports?

Or was he miles away [in Antium] as Tacitus tells us?

By the very logic skeptics apply to the Gospels, we could use it to conclude Rome was never burned,

just because the accounts contain contradictions.

Yet you won't find one historian who claims contradictions in the accounts prove Rome was never burnt.

Differences in accounts do not prove an event did not happen.

On the contrary, many rightly point out differences in account show reliability that something did in fact take place

and that there was no latter cohesion to make sure everyone was telling the exact same constructed story.

N.T. Wright: This business of "how many women went to the tomb? at what point? and who did they meet? and where did the appearances happen?"

Now, those are not quite as difficult as has sometimes been made out

and there is some harmonizing that is possible

but I have tended to take the line, as I hinted, that many other writers have done

which is confirmed again and again by those whose the volute laws of evidence in police courts and so on

that if five people, all see the same traffic accident

and at once give an excited and breathless account to the policeman (or to different policemen)

then you will find that those accounts do not exactly match up

but that doesn't mean there wasn't a traffic accident

it just means that people are trying to describe what they saw and it's more complicated than you might have thought

indeed, one of the things which was missed out from this lecture in my determination to get it down for nearly an hour, which it wasn't when I started today

was a wonderful scene from a book called "Wittgenstein's Poker" which describes an incident which took place in a seminar in Cambridge

when [Ludwig] Wittgenstein brandished a poker from the fire appearing to threaten the philosopher Karl Popper with it

and those present, included some of the finest theological minds in the mid twentieth century world

but none of them could agree afterwards about what exactly had happened

what order the events had taken place in, and so on. There's a whole book written about that

And so, I mean, this is how real life works

but if somebody skewers me and says: well, you can't tell me whether it was two women who went or one or what

then I'll put my hand up and say: no, I probably ultimately can't tell you that, but actually I don't think it matters

and I think if anything that rather strengthens the case for the breathless eye witness theory.

Homicide detectives who interview witnesses, who have seen a murder, will often receive accounts that contain contradictions,

or mention varying facts,

or leave out certain facts altogether.

This is common in all eye witness testimony,

but that doesn't mean the testimonies are unreliable,

and this especially does not mean someone was not murdered before their eyes.

J. Warner Wallace was a Cold Case homicide detective for over a decade

and has a wealth of knowledge in working with eyewitness testimony

and says contradictions often appear between different eye witnesses.

"As a detective, I've learned to accept the variation I see between eyewitness accounts.

I've interviewed witnesses of crimes (occurring just hours earlier), only to find what appeared to be significant "contradictions" between the accounts.

It's my job, as the investigator, to determine why the eyewitnesses appear to contradict one another,

even though there is no doubt the event occurred and the witnesses were telling the truth."

This simply happens because different facts will stick out to different people,

but this in no way shows what they are telling is false.

In fact, it shows a great amount of honestly and reliability if the Gospel writers, in writing about the same events, often differ in how they report.

They preserved how the reports were and show us they didn't get to together later on to make it all up, but kept the accounts as they were told.

The differences in the accounts match how typical eyewitnesses report events,

so this actually can be used to strengthen the reliability of the New Testament, instead of dismissing it.

And with that I'll leave you with the words of J Warner Wallace,

a homicide detective and expert on eye witness testimony, who was an atheist,

then the examined the eye witness reports of the Gospels and became a Christian because of how reliable their accounts were on the resurrection.

You want to be able to assess the opportunity for collusion when any eyewitnesses come together to report an event

here's what I mean, typically when I am called out in the middle of the night, I make sure that I asked to have the witnesses separated

if you don't separate witnesses you end up with people talking to each other

and colluding, not colluding, but just getting their stories lined up

it can be very innocent but I don't want that to happen

Do you honestly think if we had four Gospels that all said the exact same thing

that they would be under any less scrutiny? under any less criticism?

of course they wouldn't be

because you would think: well gosh, these guys got together and got their story together

I want to see a certain level of variation between accounts because then I know

especially get this, there's times when I [get] late to a crime scene

and people have had the chance to talk

and if they've had the chance to talk, but then, when I separate them and I asked them all their stories

there's still some apparent variation between these stories, I feel really good about it!

because even when they had the chance to line up their stories, they didn't

they saw it slightly differently given their backgrounds and they reported it that way

Well, here's what we have in scripture, folks who had the opportunity to line up their stories

you don't think that the gospel authors couldn't have done that? or the early church couldn't have done that?

But, they didn't

And that to me gives me great confidence that this variation is the natural kind of variation I'd expected to see.

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