Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door

Last night a little angel came pumpin' on my floor

She said, come on baby, I got a license for love

And if it expires, pray help from above

In the midnight hour she cried, more, more, more

With a rebel yell she cried, more, more, more

In the midnight hour, babe, more, more, more

With a rebel yell, more, more, more

More, more, more

For more infomation >> The Last Jedi | Rebel Yell by Blue Stahli - Duration: 2:16.



#Make Chester Proud

Should've stayed

were there signs

I ignored?

Can I

help you , not to hurt


We saw brilliance

when the world

was asleep

There are things

that we can have

but can't keep

If they say

Who cares if one more light

goes out? In a sky of

a million stars

It flickers, flickers


cares when someone's time runs

out? If a moment

is all we are

Or quicker, quicker

Who cares if one more light goes

out? Well I


The reminders pull the

floor from your feet

In the kitchen

one more chair

than you need


And you're angry

and you should be

it's not fair

Just 'cause you can't see it

doesn't mean it

isn't there

If they say

Who cares if one more light goes

out? In a sky of a

million stars It

flickers, flickers

Who cares when someone's time runs out?

If a moment

is all we are

Or quicker, quicker

Who cares if one more light goes


Well I do

I Do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who cares if one more light goes

out? In a sky of a

million stars It

flickers, flickers

Who cares when someone's time

runs out? If a moment

is all we are

Or quicker


Who cares if one more light goes


Well I


Well I


For more infomation >> ||CHESTER BENNINGTON - ONE MORE LIGHT TRIBUTE (TRIBUTE COVER)|| - Duration: 4:12.


เริ่มทำ youtube - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> เริ่มทำ youtube - Duration: 0:36.


Grace and Forgiveness | Group's KidVid Cinema - Duration: 4:06.

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!

My name is Keizo and I'm nine years old.

Named after a samurai my grandma's Japanese family.

And I'm Keizo's mom and my name is Miki.

I like playing sports and hanging out with my family.

I have a pet guinea pig and his name is Chewy.

I have to clean the cage, feed him every day and change his water every two days.

I like guinea pigs because they're fluffy and they make cute noises.

Keizo and his family love to spend time together.

Our family likes to play games a lot, mostly board games but we also like to play video

games together.

I like playing video games with my dad and my brother.

My favorite video games are LEGO games and sports games because I try to beat my brother

in them.

Keizo and his big brother like to borrow video games from their local library.

Their parents have a rule that when the kids get a library card they are responsible for

the materials that they check out.

One day, Keizo and his mom went to the library to return their games and books.

When they arrived, they were surprised to discover that Keizo had failed to return the

games and they were very overdue.

So we went to the library together and Keizo had pulled some other video games that he

had wanted to check out and when we went to, when we put his card in the slot, we had to

see a librarian.

And so we went there and I expected that there would probably be a fine and usually it's

about ten dollars.

After you reach $10 that won't let you check out materials anymore.

And the librarian said that I had a $60 fine and I was freaked out.

That was quite a fine.

That meant the games were overdue for a long period of time and so I was just scrambling,

like what are we going to do with that.

Initially I asked the librarian at the desk, "Is there any mercy?

Is there any way the fine can be reduced?"

And she had to call another librarian, I guess who was more senior librarian and so while

we were waiting for that librarian to come I looked at Keizo and I said, We're going

to have to figure something out because that's quite serious.

I was getting really scared and nervous when the librarian had to go talk to the other

librarian about my fine.

Even though he was scared, Keizo knew that in the Bible it says "Here on earth you

will have many trials and sorrows.

But take heart because I have overcome the world."

And so when the librarian came I had Keizo actually explain the situation to the librarian

and take responsibility for his mistake.

And the librarian listened very patiently and was very kind and spoke directly to him

and said, you know, you do understand that when you check out materials it is your responsibility

to turn them back in.

But the librarian offered grace and said, we'd be happy to reduce your fine in half,

so instead of $60 it's going to be $30.

I had to pay the fine with my allowance.

It's a big responsibility to check out books and video games from the library.

Keizo made a mistake when he failed to take the games back when they were due.

Isn't it great that God's love is so big that even when we make mistakes he doesn't

abandon us?

God helped Keizo and he will help you.

When you do wrong…Jesus rescues!

For more infomation >> Grace and Forgiveness | Group's KidVid Cinema - Duration: 4:06.


The fast and easy way to make popular YouTube videos - Duration: 6:33.


Today we are going to take a look at how to record a YouTube video so you can look really

good while doing it.

So first you need some proper lighting inside and take a look at and read about three-point

lighting and color temperature.

Now I don't have 3 lights, I only have this one here and it's one temperature.

But I am going to use the outside ambient and the sun and remove the blinds.

So now I have light from the outside in one temperature and I am just going to add this

one and it's a different temperature, so it is not going to be all that good but you know,

you can't get all in one day.

So now I have a bit for the other side as well, and we need something in the background.

And behind me have these shelves with all the gadgets I use when I make videos like this.

And now this is falling over but yeah, just, right.

So there's some lighting on all of these shelves so I can turn that on and so there is something

interesting in the background as well.

So now we have something in the background as well and you can see it's third color temperature

and but it's OK if you have a good camera which I don't, then you can focus on your

face and have everything a bit blurry in the background, a shallow depth of field.

And if your viewers are into Apple products, make sure that you have all your Apple products are in view.

For example, I have my iMac here and.

Remember you iPhone, just casually place it like her because, you know, it is just where it is.

It doesn't matter, it just happens to be there, you know, no biggie, and maybe an iPod Nano

another iPhone.

You know, whatever, it just happens to be there, it is just how it is.

And if you want to present yourself even better then some musical instruments in the background.

Maybe that's a good idea, maybe you should try that.

Yeah, let's try that.

Much better, you see it looks substantial now, you are someone to be reckoned with,

you have creative powers also.

I need another.

Two instruments, even better.

Even better yet if you have different instruments, because them, wow, you can play multiple instruments,

that's awesome.

So now we have the gadgets and the background and the instruments and it is almost there.

I am still not entirely convincing yet, because there is something very important missing

in this picture.

Because if you are to take what I am saying seriously, then, unlike TV where you hide

all the small microphones, that does not work on YouTube.

On YouTube, you need a big microphone, because the more,, let me show you.

I am right here.

So now we are almost there, we have the background, we have the lighting, we have the gadgets,

we have the instruments for the creative side.

We have the big microphone so that we can see that you are serious and what you are

saying are important and people should be listening to you.

Also even if they can't see you, that doesn't matter, all the other things are important.

If you have something like, here's a mug from Aperture Science Innovators, we can you put

that casually here.

An old game, an old joke.

So the last thing you need to do now is to adjust the sound because it is very important

the sound is good and it sounds right and it is not clipping, it is not too loud and

spend some time adjusting it.

Check, check, 1, 2, 3, check check

[sounds gets more and more distorted].

And then all you need are some fancy graphics and pick a topic that is popular on YouTube.

I completely forgot one more thing, it is, just a second.

You should, of course, have some site running on your screen behind you, it counts up all

the new subscribers to your channel.

It's another one of those things, it's just casually there in the background, no need

to mention it or, you know, acknowledge that it's there.

It is just sitting there quietly in the background and you just forgot about it.

So that is just about it.

I think I have covered all bases now.

I think that all you need to do now is to come up with some fancy graphics and find

a popular topic that's really popular on YouTube right now and then have an opinion on that.

You know because with the big microphone.

It's got to be important what you have to say, everyone would acknowledge that and say

hey, what he is saying there, that's really something because he has the big microphone,

you know.

Let's try it out, I have adjusted the sound, light and everything is ready.

[unintelligible garbled voice]

Now don't forget to hit the like button, it really helps out a lot and if you feel like

it, share it and comment on, and well you could also subscribe.

But no pressure.

Until next time, see you on the interwebs.

For more infomation >> The fast and easy way to make popular YouTube videos - Duration: 6:33.


KOCHA Mpya wa Simba Afunguka Amtaja Okwi, Manula - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> KOCHA Mpya wa Simba Afunguka Amtaja Okwi, Manula - Duration: 10:37.


NONSTOP Vinahouse 2018 | DJ Phiêu SML 2018 - THÁI HOÀNG FULL TRACK | - Duration: 1:30:55.

For more infomation >> NONSTOP Vinahouse 2018 | DJ Phiêu SML 2018 - THÁI HOÀNG FULL TRACK | - Duration: 1:30:55.


My First Ever Sewing Project! - Duration: 6:56.

Hey! Today i'll show you my first sewing project!

My name is Asumpt and i make diy fashion videos here on youtube

so if youre interested in that please subscribe

so for my first project, i was inspired by pleats and made a skirt

I made an a line skirt that had pleated layers

so let me show you the project

this is the skirt

It probably looks decent ontop, but you don't want to see the inside

it has 4 layers

an elasticated waist

the pleats are also not even

the lining doesnt match the fabric

theres no overlocking either

safety pin

so yeah, that was my first sewing project

I hope you enjoyed this ideo. If you like it please subscribe! and iill see you in the next video

For more infomation >> My First Ever Sewing Project! - Duration: 6:56.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 384 - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 384 - Duration: 10:11.


C-peptide — The Secret Test That Saved Anna's Life - Duration: 13:45.

My C-peptide was registering at 0.8.

Now, the range given by Quest Diagnostics is 0.8 - 3.85.

And so, I was registering at the low end, which my doctor had thought was still considered

the normal range, and that's why I was believing

that I was still producing insulin.

I knew it was low, but I thought it was still okay.

But what Cyrus was able to explain to me was that, that meant that my body wasn't producing

enough insulin to meet my own metabolic needs.

That by consuming any food I was going to go

high, because my body was not producing sufficient insulin.

And so, because of that, that one piece of information was essential, it was the critical

piece of information that was missing.


My name is Anna and I was first diagnosed with diabetes 11 years ago, when I was pregnant

with my daughter, and during that first pregnancy my blood sugars were all over the place, and

with my second pregnancy I actually used insulin.

I was pregnant with my son, about 20 months later and after I delivered him, my blood

sugar never stabilized.

I started down the road of a lot of different medications.

So, first I was just on 500 milligrams of metformin once a day, then twice a day, then

a thousand twice a day.

Then Victoza started off at 0.6, worked up to 1.2, you know, every

few months I'd go back to the doctor, and up we go,


So, eventually I was just on the highest dose of every medication.

Let's see, it was metformin, Victoza, Jardiance and Actos.

I think that's where we ended.

And when I saw the doctor at that point, he said,

"we've probably still got a few more medications we

could try."

I thought to myself, there has to be a better way, this can't be the best that I can do

for myself.

I had, all along the way, been trying everything I had done.

60-day juice cleanses.

I was, you know, barely eating anything.

I was hungry all the time, I was living on nuts, and seeds, and

eggs and thought I was doing, you know, a great job for myself avoiding carbs.

And of course I was getting sicker and sicker.

And it was right before Thanksgiving, and I watched "What The Health" and I googled

Dr. Barnard, and I got his book, on rushed delivered

from Amazon, and it's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and arrived, I stayed up all

night reading it.

We left from my in-laws on Wednesday morning, and I was vegan, and from

that moment forward I hadn't eaten any meat.

And then I found the Mastering Diabetes program, and I talked to Cyrus, and one of the first

things he said to me when I listed all the things I've been doing, and how careful I

had been with my diet, was that I needed to have my C-peptide

test right away.

He said, "I think you probably are going to need insulin, given what you're


And I completely ignored that, and thought no, there's no way, I'll be able to

do this by just modifying my diet.

When I had my blood work done, C-peptide was registering at 0.8.

Now, the range given by Quest Diagnostics is 0.82-3.85.

And so, I was registering at the low end, which my doctor had

thought was still considered the normal range, and that's why I was believing that I was

still producing insulin.

I knew it was low, but I thought it was still okay.

But what Cyrus was able to explain to me was that, that meant that my body wasn't producing

enough insulin to meet my own metabolic needs.

That by consuming any food I was going to go

high, because my body was not producing sufficient insulin.

And so, because of that, that one piece of information was essential, it was the critical

piece of information that was missing.

It didn't matter how little I ate, there was nothing that I was going

to do, other than not eat at all, that would allow my body to have the insulin it needed.

Really, not even even if I had starved myself.

I mean, I was eating a vegan ketogenic diet, so I basically was just eating vegetables

and leaves, and it still wasn't enough to get

my numbers low.

And I was still taking metformin at the time.

So, even taking medication and not eating, I still was not producing enough insulin to

cover the food that I was eating.

And so, it just left me always feeling defeat, and feeling as if I had failed, because I

was trying to be so good with my diet, and so perfectly

restrictive, and so controlled with absolutely every


But then, to see those numbers on the meter, you know, 180, 160, 200, 250.

If I ate any beans at all, if I had eaten any beans at

all, my numbers would go up to 180, 190, 200, 250.

Any carbs would cause a tremendous increase in

my blood sugar levels.

And so, when Cyrus was able to explain to me, and he took the time, one-on-one on the

phone, during this small group coaching, to really

explain to me what was happening inside my body,

and why it wasn't working, it made so much sense.

It took me a while, at least 24 hours to process the information, because I had been so focused

on reversing my diabetes, and that was all I had cared about.

I just wanted to get off my medication, I wanted to be the person who

reversed their diabetes and got better.

And that was never going to be possible, but that was okay,

because I had a solution that actually worked.

Why I wanted to reverse my diabetes, was because nothing was working.

I would take these medications, but I still couldn't eat.

And so, the whole goal of trying to get off the medication and

reverse my diabetes, was I wanted to be able to eat and be healthy.

Now, I can eat and be healthy, and so it really is just the perfect

combination, you know, to be able to eat, to eat

healthy, vibrant, living food, and to feel good, and to have my sugars respond, my blood

sugar numbers respond, and to be perfect every time,

it's such a relief.

And so, I don't worry right now about getting off of this, or trying to use less of that,

or get off of it.

I'm using just the right amount for my body.

My body is incredibly insulin sensitive, I respond

immediately to insulin, so it's not like I have to wait a long time, and my numbers never

want to come down, because I follow the diet, and

because I follow their program, and I only eat green

light foods, and I really stay away from yellow light foods.

And then, if you go through their program, you'll see they have a whole formula of foods

that you can eat, and things that you can't, and

it's actually incredibly simple.

This isn't a complicated formula, food combining, and you

know needing to do certain things.

It's very simple, it's incredibly straightforward.

And because of that, and because of a support I've received, I've just been incredibly healthy

through this process.

I received so much support.

Every question that I've had, has been answered, and quickly, not like when I call

the doctor's office, and sometimes I have to wait over

a week for a reply, and call multiple times.

It just isn't like that, you'll have all the support you

need to be successful.

And sometimes success doesn't look like what you thought it was going to be.

For me, I thought I would be getting off of all these medications,

and the truth is, I did.

I got off all the medications, I just had to take one more, but it works.

And that was the problem, all those medications, year

after year, just increasing the dose, and adding another medication, every time I get

to the highest dose of a medication, then they would

add a new medication.

And every time I get to the highest dose of that, they just add another


And I'm sure my endocrinologist have more in

store for me, but now I don't need them.

And it's a tremendous relief.

And it's great to be able to travel, and know that you can make healthy choices, and I don't

have to, what was happening before, I started on

the insulin, as I would just open up the refrigerator door and stare at all of this wonderful, healthy

food, and have no idea what to eat.

There was just nothing that I felt like was an acceptable

choice, that wasn't going to harm my body.

And so, I would open the refrigerator door, and stare at everything, and close it again.

And open it, look, be hungry and just close it, because

I couldn't figure out what was the right thing to eat.

So that C-peptide was essential.

And interestingly, in my 11 years of being diabetic, nobody had

ever ordered it.

I had to ask for it, and was turned down by my endocrinologist, and then had to

go to my primary care doctor, who doesn't specialize in diabetes, so she didn't even

know how to order it, or what exactly it was.

So, it really was the insistence of the program and Cyrus insisting that I get that done when

I started this process, that has made all the

difference for me.

And I'm so grateful for that.

Some of my favorite things to eat, since discovering this Mastering Diabetes program are

actually incredibly simple.

I love a big salad.

I thought I would miss the olive oil and fancy dressings, but I love it now, just drizzled

with some balsamic vinegar, I chopped some fruit up in

there, and I keep it incredibly simple.

The interesting thing with this program is, you don't have to do a bunch of complicated

meals, it really is so simple to just open up a big

pouch of salad, chop up a nectarine, or a peach, or

some oranges, throw a little balsamic vinegar on there, maybe some beans.

But I keep it incredibly simple.

I like to just be able to grab food and go.

I also enjoy a lot of fruits.

I have been loving cherries, and mangoes, and peaches, and

nectarines, and we're just getting in our Jersey blueberries, so those are delicious


And it's so great to have all of this wonderful fruit


And then hummus is actually the other thing that I've been enjoying.

I do try and get a good amount of beans in every day, and I find the

hummus is a really easy way to get them, and I just

mix it on a salad.

And, I eat a salad a couple times a day.

I buy a 1-pound tub of organic greens, from the supermarket, and I eat that every


I do try and get in at least a pound of greens, I

usually go a little bit over that, and then I do a lot of chopped up raw vegetables.

So my time in the kitchen is really minimal.

It's so liberating, not having to think about cooking.

You just open up a package of lettuce, and eat it, and it's great: And I never, ever,

thought I would eat salad without a fancy dressing.

And it's amazing how much my taste buds have changed.

Things that I never really liked before, like a spring mix, I now enjoy thoroughly,

or like raw kale, I never thought that that would be the

kind of salad that I would crave.

But I really do enjoy it.

And whenever I travel away, and I have to eat food someplace else, I can't wait to

get back home to my own salads, that I like, that are

made just the way I like.

I stayed away from fruit or really limited myself, you know, small apple a day.

Well, now I am like, I don't know, like 15 pieces of fruit

a day.

So, it's more than an apple a day.

But, I just enjoy knowing that all those micronutrients, they're

getting into my body, and helping me be healthy.

So, it feels like I have a much less conflicted relationship with food.

I don't feel like food is the enemy anymore, that my body is betraying me.

My body's working exactly the way it's supposed to.

I think it's really important to understand that doctors are trying to do the best they

can, they really care about us, and they believe that

certain things are the healthiest for us.

And so, when they're responding in a negative way, as you

approached them about your Whole Foods, Plant- Based diet, low-fat, they're not angry, they're

just concerned.

They don't know what you're doing, they may not be educated.

I think there are a lot of doctors who are willing to listen, and

hear what you're doing, and kind of see, and let the numbers be the guide.

So that if you say, "let's just give it three months, and see what happens to my numbers",

I think there's going to be a willingness to consider

what you have to say.

I think there are also some doctors who aren't.

They don't have time in their busy practices to

educate themselves, or learn about what specifically you're doing.

They need their patients on the same medication so they can manage them,

and that's what they're comfortable with, and

that's what they know how to use.

And that's wonderful for them, and that works great for many

of their patients, and that's fine.

It just may not work for you during this program.

And so, I would say that it's also important to consider your own needs, that they are


And if it's, you know, even if it's somebody a couple hours away, to make the time to make

that connection.

It really was helpful for me when I was taking the insulin, starting on the insulin, to

have a doctor who understood this program.

And so, it was worth it to me to travel a few hours.

It's not like I need to see him all the time, it really is only a couple times a year.

Although I will say that, with the Mastering Diabetes team behind you, it's really not


This program is sufficient, and the information is really accurate.

For diabetes specifically, this program is exceptional.

It really gets the job done, in a way that nothing else does.

Because it really focuses on fat, in a different way.

A lot of the other programs include fat, or processed

foods, and that's really was eliminated in this program.

So, whereas other programs may promote the use of tofu, or using nuts at

every meal, this program really does not, and that has

made the difference.

And I can tell you that the few times that I try to incorporate more now my

blood sugar immediately increases.

For more infomation >> C-peptide — The Secret Test That Saved Anna's Life - Duration: 13:45.


Playerunknown Battlegrounds Highlights (PUB-G) | Gameplay | #1 | Day-9 | - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Playerunknown Battlegrounds Highlights (PUB-G) | Gameplay | #1 | Day-9 | - Duration: 5:29.


Hamile Olduğumu Nasıl Öğrendim - Bebek(ler) Cinsiyet Ne? | When Did We Find Out We Are Mom & Dad 👪 - Duration: 19:09.

Hello friends, Hello

today we came with good news

today we have a very good news already...

you might have seen the short trailer we uploaded

first and foremost I will tell you...

how I plan the surprise

Nuru too will relax a bit he is so excitement

he is still excitement over it

really since last...

Sunday till today everyday...

that's my topic for discussion

is your baby going to be a boy or girl

which do you want, all day my friends at work that's what we talk about

And You (Our lovely subscribers) we didn't share this news on a more serious note with you

there was a short video we shared on Instagram

we didn't give you details on the surprise...

arrangement the woman of my child tobe made for me

how they plan it and...

really speaking it was a great arrangement, the best surprise...

I have ever seen in my

the surprise of me becoming a father

I love you so musch

I love you too

how did I learnt that am pregnant

actually there wasn't any signs I didn't...

the stomach aces. I recently started seeing them

No stomach aces no vomiting nothing

I just feel it

Nuru is asking how did you know? I said I just felt it

already if there was signs f pregnancy Nuru would have notice

Because there weren't any that's why

It was too early even...

from our calculations is 5 weeks now

5 weeks is still early

not 5 weeks this will be the 7th week

is it up to 7 weeks

yeah 7th week, you learnt a week ago and...

em.. already we normally..

we had a photoshoot arrangement with our friend Kadir Ateş he is a photographer

also Sister Dilek

she is a Designer, she said let me design a dress for you, so that you wear on the photo-shoot

em.. it fit perfectly

Things just fit into each other like that, there wasn't any pre-arrangement in my mind

I learn that am pregnant 2 days before the day of the photo-shoot

I mean I did test (HPT) but I couldn't believe it

I didn' believe it

So I went to the Doctor and confirmed it but then how do I hide this from Nuru

I have never hide anyting from him

It was a very dificult task for me

she can't hide anything from me for more than two days

I can't

that day Nuru came home from work very late he went to cut his hair

one of the signs of pregnancy is sleeping, normally I don't sleep much ,

so because he came home late I also went to bed right away

before he even came home

that was how I hide it from him

and from that day I have been crying over everything

I cry from love, I cry over hiding this from Nuru

the photo shoot was at Pursaklar (an araa in Ankara)

she went to take a bus, she couldn't find the bus stop

she called me, crying over and over

I was also at the tailor's place

I sent a Shirt there for alteration

I sow this afican dashiki strips on it

I went the tailor wasn't around he doesn't work on sundays

I called he said his coming for hours

I was waiting, she's on the phone crying and crying

even the photographer she cried on the phone with him

I cry oer everything

there is a lot of emotions involved

earlier on I said nuru went to cut his hair

that was the time I went to the hospital

after our honeymoon there was a bit of pregnancy suspicions

I always say what if am pregnant

already I love to have a child I always expect

I used to pray that may this blessed ramadan month brings us babay

should we have a baby in this month he or she will be a blessed child

not knowing God accepts my prayer

you know sometimes you pray for something

and not quickly expecting a results

I made such prayers

and God answers me

we didn't know.

you know my love, that night when you call saying am in the hospital ı was expecting a baby news

yeah I know you were expecting baby news,

everyday in the ramadan month on iftar table you always pray for baby

so she called me am in the hospital but nothing serious am ok

I was also at Keçioren to cut my hair

my phone power was going off too, I think I had 3% charge

she called I answered, My love am not feeling good am in the hospital but nothing to worry am ok

then my phone went off

should I alite and comeback home

or should I reach Awudus place and called her

but because she said am ok I didn't come back

I called awudu I told him to tell Nuru not to return home am fine

because I know Nuru he will return back

as soon as ı each there she called

and see how she sold the lie to me

I was so excited I thought I was pregnant but I wasn't

after hearing that I felt so bad

for me I know Nuru will suspect something, I rarely goes to hospital

from there I bought your lie and removed pregnancy and baby from my head

For more infomation >> Hamile Olduğumu Nasıl Öğrendim - Bebek(ler) Cinsiyet Ne? | When Did We Find Out We Are Mom & Dad 👪 - Duration: 19:09.



For more infomation >> UM QUARTO TIPICAMENTE INFANTIL - HOUSE FLIPPER - Duration: 22:11.


Is Oral Sex a Sin in Marriage? | Dave and Ashley Willis - Duration: 2:59.

- Hey guys, Dave and Ashley Willis

here with MarriageToday.

And we are excited about today's topic.

It's one of the most common questions that we get.

And it's kind of a hot topic, I guess.

And the question is, cutting right to the chase,

is oral sex a sin in marriage?

And sweetie, why don't you tackle this one?

- And we get that all the time.

I mean, all the time from both husbands and wives.

And you know, when you look in the Bible,

'cause that's where we're gonna go,

that's the best marriage book there is, is the Bible.

And so, when you look in it,

we have not found anything that directly goes against oral

and in fact, if you look to the book of Song of Solomon,

it is very clear that that was going on

in the Book of Song of Solomon

and if you're not familiar with that book,

I highly suggest that you read it.

It's very steamy and it's really this beautiful picture

of a husband and a wife

who are passionately pursuing one another.

And it's very sexual in nature.

- It is, the bottom line, here's the beauty of it.

God made sex, we act like the devil owns it now, right?

And so, 'cause he's tried to hijack it

and try to redefine it but within the gift of marriage,

within the covenant of marriage,

there's a ton of freedom for you

to express your love to one another as long as,

as long as there's mutual consent, right?

If it's one spouse always pressuring the other

to do something, whether it's oral sex or some other act,

then that's gonna create tension.

But as long as there's mutual, it's a safe place.

Your bedroom, your marriage bed

should be the safest place on earth for both of you.

But also a place to express creativity,

a place with a lot of freedom.

And so, just give yourself permission to have fun.

Sex is supposed to be fun in marriage,

and as Christian married couples following God's plan

for sex in marriage, we should be having

the best sex on the planet.

The most uninhibited love making on the planet

because we're using the gift

the way it was meant to be used.

- Exactly and when you look at kinda the boundaries

that are put there for sex,

like Dave said, there's a lot of freedom there.

But it's very clear in the word

that we should not bring other people

into the marriage bed, in person or virtually.

And so, we really need to watch out for things

like pornography and even kinda some of the things

we read and that we can even watch in modern day movies.

We just have to be very careful where our minds go

because it's meant to be focused on one another.

- Right, it's all about each other.

Because all those other things

will try to just train your mind towards lust

and even marriage, you'll be acting out different things

really just to feed that lust

instead of it being an expression of love for one another.

Lust looks at someone just as an object to be used.

Love looks at someone as a soul to be cherished

and within marriage,

it all has to be rooted in that love for each other.

But as long as it is, have fun.

- That's right, have fun.

- Have fun, it's supposed to be fun.

We've got a lot more resources on the subjects of sex

and a lot of other subjects

that can help you with your marriage.

You can click on the link below,

you can subscribe to the YouTube channel

where you'll be the first to know about all the videos

and check out

which is a one-stop shop for everything.

There's a ton of free resources there

and we'll continue the conversation there.

Thanks for watching guys.

For more infomation >> Is Oral Sex a Sin in Marriage? | Dave and Ashley Willis - Duration: 2:59.


Smart Meter – mehr Schaden als Nutzen! | 19.07.2018 | - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Smart Meter – mehr Schaden als Nutzen! | 19.07.2018 | - Duration: 1:10.



The Timid Chicken

Story by Rebecca T. Anonuevo

Illustrated by Ruben de Jesus


Mang Oca's roosters don't seem to grow tired.

The moment one of them crows, the others will follow.

They will crow and crow by the hour

From morning till noon, till dusk, till midnight --

All of them alert, all of them awake.







Onyok, the youngest of the roosters,

is the only one who sulks.

His beak turns red again

But he still can't crow like the others.

One day, his beak turns black.

Onyok slips on the mud as a storm forms in the sky.

The more Onyok cannot look at his neighbors straight in the eye;

Oh no, he won't Even join them--

-these roosters old and young who eat together like one, big gang.

Onyok hides in his little corner.

He's always sleepy.

He always sobs.

He always sinks and sags.

His beak folds every time he tries to crow like the others.

"Ugh, ugh."

Onyok can only cough his lungs out and no more.

So the others like to think,

To the question which comes first--

The chicken or the egg -- if Onyok is the egg,

he has definitely chickened out.

In Onyok's mind, the others are laughing at him.

They are crowing and crowing

And there is no end to their crowing

Because they're all making fun of him!

"Onyok," his friend Kokok says,

"Our fellow roosters are good-hearted.

They only want you to learn to crow,

So crow and crow, keep on practicing,

Don't give up.

What are you a rooster for if you can't crow with all your might?"

"My dear friend Kokok,

Why did I have to be born?

Why did I have to be a rooster when all the sound I could make is BAWL?

What voice is this I have when it can't be useful?

Do you call it a voice after all when it cuts worse than a rusty ax?"

Onyok's mother is listening to her son.

She touches him gently, she sings to him,

She makes him smile.

"Onyok, my dear Onyok, no other voice can be more beautiful than yours,

that is music when it trembles because it is pure."

"Krrrruuukkk," Onyok murmurs, as he blows his nose!

He bends his head and tries to crow.

"Look at all the roosters, Onyok.

No one bends his head when he starts to crow.

Whether they wear a crown or none at all,

Whether they are white or red,

They joyfully wake up, and wake up others with joy,

They raise their heads to the sky, clap their wings,

Give honor to the self and to the world around."



Yes, it's Onyok!

The shy, little rooster,

Stretches his back,

Stomps his legs,

Raises his neck,

Spread his wings,

And crows, the high crows without end.



Now, Onyok the young rooster cannot be stopped from crowing.

One day, he tells his mother and his friend Kokok,

"When I grow up, I will teach the other shy, little roosters

how to crow the finest crow."

"First: Stand straight..."



Top 10 Celebrities With Sexy Eyebrows - Duration: 3:13.

Top 10 Celebrities With Sexy Eyebrows

For more infomation >> Top 10 Celebrities With Sexy Eyebrows - Duration: 3:13.


PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.

(upbeat music)

- Hey guys, I'm Roxette Arisa

and you're watching This Week in Beauty with ipsy.

So today we're testing out one of the hottest treatments

on the market right now for perfecting your skin's tone

and texture.

It's called Pico Skin,

and we actually sent Ipsy staffer Karen over

to one of the top med spas in Los Angeles.

It's called Blue Medi.

So let's take a look at how it went.

(jazz music)

- My name is Melody Afvari.

I'm one of the physician assistants here at Blue Medi Spa,

and I'm going to be performing the treatment on Karen today.

So what brings you in today?

- I just have like a really uneven skin tone.

I have to roll with hyperpigmentation.

Like if I get a break out, it just turns into a dark mark

and it just won't go away.

I never go out without foundation,

'cause I feel like my skin tone's like 50 shades of, like,

- [Melody] Different colors.

- Yeah.

- Lemme just take a look at your skin.

Pico sure is a great treatment

for what you were describing earlier.

It's a laser that helps with pigmentation.

It evens out the skin tone.

It decreases the pore sizes.

If you have any indentations or scarring from prior acne,

it also helps with that.

Pico skin's pain level is very minimal.

It feels like a little bit of heat on the skin.

We use a machine called the zimmer to cool down the skin

as we're doing the treatment, so pain is very minimal.

It's great for anti-aging because it stimulates a little bit

of collagen and elastin production in the skin,

so it helps with fine lines and prevention as far

as anti-aging altogether.

So it's a great laser.

It has a very minimal downtime.

You're red for about a day, max.

Your skin just looks a little bit swollen and red.

And that's it, it goes away.

For best results, you wanna come in once every six months

for maintenance.

- So Karen was already gorgeous before the treatment,

but she had some serious glow afterwards.

You have to check out this before and after.

It's crazy.

So let us know in the comment section.

Would you try out Pico Skin?

And also let us know what other beauty treatments you want

the inside scoop on.

That's all we have time for today,

but make sure to tune into tomorrow because we're going

to be talking about all of the best beauty sleep products

that will have you waking up feeling like,

I woke up like this.

I'm Roxette Arisa,

and thanks for watching This Week in Beauty by Ipsy.

For more infomation >> PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.


Is the Atheist Prejudice Against the Bible? (Greg Bahnsen) - Duration: 12:45.

Sometimes you'll find unbelievers

both educated and uneducated

Who will take the offensive against Christianity before they become familiar with what they're really talking about?

so that in the place of research and honest assessment of the available evidence what they end up giving you is

Personal conjecture about what seems likely to them

Trust me

About 90% of the arguments you hear against Christianity come right out of this from people who have no idea what they're talking about

But it just seems like it to them

It's not as though they've read a book on the subject have done any research much less have become

Philosophically astute and have thought it through

These are people who have heard this or heard that it just seems like this to them for instance

The Bible was supposed to be written many hundreds of years ago

And so it will seem likely to many unbelievers that we cannot trust

The text of the Bible which we have in our hands today

They will think surely scribes have altered and supplemented the original text so much

That we cannot be sure what was originally are actually written by Moses or Jeremiah or John or Paul?

Why we know what we read in our Bibles came from the pen of some monk in the dark ages

you ever heard people say that I

Hear it all the time. People say well, we don't know what the Bible originally said anyway

Now that kind of ignorant



Intellectually sophisticated to some unbelievers after all in our natural human experience

Messages which are passed from one speaker to another usually do get garbled or distorted or augmented

Don't they in our natural human experience? We see that happen

so the end believer says well the Bible's just another book like any other book and so probably that happened to

Two unbelievers who reason in this way. We must not tire of pointing out that they are relying upon

conjecture not


It may seem likely that the biblical text would no longer be reliable authentic after all these years

But that rightly hood is in fact, nothing more than an evaluation based on prejudice

What is the prejudice of the unbeliever when he or she throws this argument at us?

The first prejudice is the assumption that the biblical text is no different from any other written document which we find in our natural human

experience throughout history

Now when I was rehearsing that argument did that that dawn on you that the unbelievers reading the Bible like it's any other book?

But of course if that's the assumption of the unbeliever

The unbelievers assumed what he or she's supposed to be keep up proving that the Bible is like any other book

We don't begin with that assumption. We have two different worldviews here

They have begged the most

fundamental question over which the believer in the unbeliever are arguing if the Bible is as it claims to be

The inspired Word of Almighty God then the history of the textual transmission of the Bible may very well be quite different

from other human documents because God ordained

That the text of the Bible would be preserved with greater integrity than any other ordinary book

I mean if our worldviews, right?

Then we don't worry about the the text of the Bible becoming so corrupt that we don't have the original anymore

But there's a second kind of prejudice seen in this as well

That's the prejudice that the unbeliever of

the evidence of that prejudice is that the unbeliever doesn't offer any concrete evidence that

Some medieval monk tampered with the text before us today

But I can tell you that it is my belief that

prior to our walking into the cafeteria for

breakfast lunch or dinner

this last week that

The people who actually were serving us the food were not the ones who were working in the kitchen that it was in fact

Martians who came down brought the food

Had put it in their microwaves as they came to earth brought the food into the kitchen and then placed their own

Humanoids in the place of real people working in the cafeteria. I

Could be real sophisticated scientific about that make it sound real intellectual

You're still going to say do you have any evidence for that? Dr. Bronson?

Is that just some kind of prejudice you have some kind of opinion you have?

When the unbeliever throws something out don't forget to ask


Why do you believe that on what basis do you believe that?

You say when they attack Christianity, they've got to have some evidence

That substantiates their attack just as much as we need evidence to defend ourselves

Don't give them a free ride

And so when the unbeliever says well very likely the text of the Bible has changed over all these years

The first thing you might want to ask them is well, have you studied the subject?

do you know that do you have some reason for believing that and

You know that they're gonna answer

Well, no, but it just seemed likely to me

That is prejudicial

Conjecture that's not argument. That's not evidence. It's just a prejudice an opinion that they have


If they want to play that way then we can with equal arbitrariness conjectures of the words

Which came down to us as Paul's own words

Were actually written not years later than Paul but years before Paul

Arbitrariness is the two-edged sword

if they're going to arbitrarily

according to their prejudice

Conjecture that the Bible the words in our Bible are actually many years after Paul

I could come back and be equally absurd to say no. I think those words were written many years before Paul

Now you're thinking why would you want to do that

Well, I want to do it only to show how asinine what the unbeliever is saying. I think anybody can be arbitrary

I could I could tell you the words were written by Martians after all they not only control cafeterias, but they write books

the third indication of prejudice in the criticism of this unbeliever is

That she or he has not taken into account the actual evidence

Which is publicly available regarding the text of the scripture if the scripture

Now if the critic had taken the time to look into the subject

He or she would never have offered such an outlandish subjective evaluation of the text of the Bible

This may surprise you

Unbelievers who know anything about the textual criticism of ancient texts. Do not criticize the Bible

The only people I have ever run into who criticized the text of the Bible are those who know nothing about the subject

This came home to me

Very forcefully when I was taking advanced courses in Plato and Aristotle and graduate school at USC

To do textual criticism means to compare the transmission the history of the documents that contain

What you are reading in this case the treatises of Plato or Aristotle

Or in the case of the Bible the works of Paul or Moses or whoever

We had to do textual criticism on the corpus of Plato's writings

Listen to this I don't want you to have to get bogged down in the facts as I told you earlier in the week

But when the unbeliever brings this up

It's good to have a few at your disposal and say have you done any research you even know what you're talking about our?

earliest extent

manuscript our earliest existing


that is to say a

Manuscript that I can put into my hand or your hand or anybody who wants to study it of those that exist

The one which is the earliest

testimony to the text of plato's treatises and

It's incomplete the earliest extant

Manuscript of the works of Plato dates from about 900 AD actually just a few years before but roughly

900 AD it's known as Oxford B

And it's found it was found in a pot most monastery by EB Clark

It's one of the best known ancient finds manuscript finds


the works of antiquity

Now when did Plato write or?

Talk when did play to live?

Anybody know about three hundred and fifty years before Christ, so let's put this together

350 BC Plato is writing treatises or some secretary anyway

350 BC we have no manuscript evidence of what Plato wrote none

Zilch nada zero have I made my point

None, we have no manuscripts from 350 BC

We have no manuscripts from 200 BC 100, BC 50, BC

We have no manuscript from the time of Christ 100 AD 280 300 400 500 600 700

980 now how many years then? Is there between when Plato wrote and when we have a manuscript of what Plato wrote?

Over 1200 years

By contrast do you know?

What the gap is between the earliest fragments of the New Testament?

The gap of time between when they were alleged to have been written or very likely written and the earliest

manuscript fragments of the New Testament

50 years

We actually have a particle of John's Gospel the

dates from roughly 50 years after it was originally written and

The back of our most important extant manuscripts date from 200 to 300 years after the original composition

the text of the New Testament is remarkably uniform the text of the New Testament is well established by

Textual critical science and the reliability of the Old Testament has been demonstrated over and over again by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Now I can't go on and on and give a technical lecture of just non textual critisism

But let me just take this much then to point out to you when the unbeliever starts throwing this arbitrary

Criticism at you. You need to be able to come back and say well have you studied the subject, you know anything about this

because no one questions that we know what Plato wrote and

Yet there's a 1200 year gap between when he wrote it and the evidence that we have of what he said

Well, there's a lot of room in there for people to mess around with the text and change it but we have pretty good confidence

That it's alright and but people will turn around and say well we can't be sure what Paul wrote we can't be sure

What John wrote we can't be sure what Peter wrote and there we have a gap of between 50 and 300 years

Does that seem reasonable to you know the person who makes this kind of criticism is living by a double standard?

one standard for secular works and a different standard for the Bible the overall authenticity and accuracy of the biblical text is

Well known to scholars in the field

Like I said the gentleman who taught me

Plato in graduate school and was an excellent excellent translator of classical Greek and

knowledgeable of textual criticism and so forth and

One of the most wicked men I've ever known in terms of his lifestyle

He's not a Christian, but he had no question about the New Testament

He said it would be a ridiculous for anybody to question the New Testament by comparison

Frederic Kenyon had concluded and I quote him the Christian can take the whole Bible in his hand and say without fear or hesitation

That he holds in it the true Word of God handed down without essential loss from generation to generation

throughout the centuries

Such assessments from competent scholars could be multiplied easily

So much for the idea that it's very likely we've lost the original text of the Bible

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