Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Title: Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube

For more infomation >> Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 5:03:20.


6 Tips to achieve a successful date - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 6 Tips to achieve a successful date - Duration: 2:29.


Hearthside Chat: Bumm Labortechnologie (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Hearthside Chat: Bumm Labortechnologie (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 5:00.


Charla junto al fuego: Bienvenidos a los Laboratorios Bum (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Charla junto al fuego: Bienvenidos a los Laboratorios Bum (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 5:00.


Chiacchierata attorno al fuoco con Peter Whalen: benvenuti nei laboratori Boom (IT) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Chiacchierata attorno al fuoco con Peter Whalen: benvenuti nei laboratori Boom (IT) - Duration: 5:00.


Đen - Đừng gọi anh là idol ft. Lynk Lee (Official Video) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Đen - Đừng gọi anh là idol ft. Lynk Lee (Official Video) - Duration: 4:22.


Top 5 Shading Mistakes - Duration: 14:37.

Hey guys, I'm Stan Prokopenko.

I've been teaching drawing and painting for 10 years now.

I've seen a lot of portfolios.

I've critiqued thousands of assignments.

And the problems I saw in student work back when I first started teaching are the same

one's I'm still seeing now.

These are fundamental issues that don't change with the latest version of photoshop or even

what century you live in.

Before we jump in, I want to quickly mention that I'm working on a drawing basics course.

It's meant to be a new artist's first course.

Get you started doing the right things and hit the ground running.

If you don't want to miss it when it comes out, get on the newsletter at

So, here are 5 shading mistakes you're probably making, and how to fix them.

#5 - Icing Before Cake

I meet artists all the time who are just starting out, and they're practicing techniques and

anatomy and shading details and all this really cool stuff...

But it's not making their drawings better.

Why is that?

While they're focused on all the fancy fun stuff, they're making huge proportion mistakes,

their perspective is off, and their gesture is stiff.

That's not even icing before cake, that's icing without cake.

You've got to build your pictures and your skills with the fundamentals first.

Each concept builds on the last.

Surface stuff like anatomy, techniques and rendering details are all at the tippy-top,

awesome but initially unnecessary and less important than the stuff at the bottom.

You can't shade correctly if you don't know the simple form; you can't draw the simple

form if you don't understand perspective; The forms don't matter if you can't draw a

straight line, keep your proportions in check or establish a dynamic pose.

This is a drawing I did a few years into my studies.

If you think it's really good, you've fallen for my tricks.

At this point in my development I got good at shading.

But it's filled with structural errors.

I didn't really understand form.

I just learned some effective tricks to make the drawing appear 3d.

An exaggerated core shadow, some reflected light, and a bright highlight as a cherry on top.

Wow, it's so easy!

But it's all just a cheap distraction from the uninformed construction.

The icing might be the part that makes it look pretty or makes it stand out, but icing

by itself is gross...

It's empty calories.

Remember this every time you want to draw eyelashes before the eye socket.

#4 - Bad reference

Whoa, hold up guys, I just got tagged and I've got to take a selfie... let's see...

First, camera up high, very slimming.

Kinda dark in here, turn flash on...


Alright, now I've got to choose a nice filter...

Hmm... Tweak that a little bit...


We've distorted and edited the shit out of that photo.

It might be flattering or maybe even a good photo, but photography and drawing are two

different fields.

Something that makes a good photo won't necessarily make good reference for drawing.

You won't be able to draw something like this, from a photo like this.

Drawing from bad photos is super common, but super easy to fix.

I wrote a blog post about it ages ago, so you can go there for a more detailed lesson

on what makes good photo reference.

But to paraphrase...

Don't use overexposed or underexposed photos.

Don't use flat-lit or flash-lit photos

Don't use blurry photos

Don't use photos with extreme lens distortion

Don't use tiny photos.

Make sure the resolution is high enough so you can at least see the forms of the nostrils

and eyelids

And don't use photoshopped photos from magazines

When looking for reference, look for photos with good lighting and clear shadows, like this.

This will translate into a dimensional drawing.

Drawing from a flash photo like this with no shadows makes it much harder to define

the forms in your drawing.

It's possible, I've done it, but it takes a trained eye and ability to use subtle halftones

to define the forms.

Beginners usually end up with flat, muddy looking patches of tone.

If you're just getting started, I recommend sticking to photos with lighting that clearly

defines the forms.

You can find photo packs made specifically for artists that have good lighting and minimal


I've got some here.

In the long run, the best thing to do is learn how to take your own reference photos.

And if you can draw from life instead, well, that's better than any photo.

#3 - Outlines

There's always a silver lining, but there's also not, because the real world doesn't have


Yet as beginners, we all start by drawing thick, dark outlines around everything.

Now, there's nothing wrong with linear drawing or cartoons if that's your intention.

But if you're trying to draw realistically, you need to be thoughtful about your outlines.

It's ok to use them.

It's a mistake to overuse them, or use them as a crutch.

Stop thinking of 2D shapes and start thinking of 3D planes.

Knowing the structure of the nose - that means the planes of the nose, which are based off

of anatomy, will help you place patches of tone that make it look like a convincing nose.

No need for outlines.

You can draw a whole picture without any outlines, since that's how we actually see things.

Masters like John Singer Sargent, know how to use both.

In the face of this drawing, he's not using outlines, just tone.

It's the center of interest, so he makes it more realistic.

In all these secondary elements, he uses outlines.

The outlines are deliberate.

The tonal face and the outlined parts have a nice contrast.

And the outlines don't look boring.

They have a variety to their weight.

The jaw and neck are outlined.

But the ear isn't.

The edge is lost into the background.

He used the outline sparingly, and only in areas where he wanted the forms to pop.

The left side of the figure is separated from the background with a value difference.

The jaw, neck, shirt, bowtie, and jacket are all very similar in value.

To separate them with tone, would require very subtle shading.

In a quick drawing like this, too much detail in secondary elements could look overworked.

A well placed outline is clean and simple.

It does the job.

#2 - Afraid of the Dark

The next mistake is not going dark enough with your shadows.

I see this all the time, especially on portraits.

People are afraid to put dark shadows on fair skin, because they know that the local color

of the skin is pale, so they think light skin, light values.

But the shadow is just a shadow.

It's the lack of light.

It's supposed to be dark.

Or some people are afraid to go too dark because they might not be able to erase it, so their

shadows end up being just as light as their halftones.

By removing the shadows, you remove the mood that the lighting created.

And you're losing the 3-dimensionality of the forms.

If you don't like the lighting in the photo, why did you use the photo?

Retake it!

Don't make it that hard on yourself.

Inventing a new light setup on a face is really hard.

If you're advanced you can do whatever.

You can draw a pretty girl while looking at a beaver!

But if you're a beginner, don't.

So, to avoid muddy or cartoony drawings, learn how to see values correctly.

When you're drawing, make sure you separate the light family from the shadow family.

Remember the rule: the lightest dark is darker than the darkest light.

If you're not sure what that means, this next mistake is for you.

And #1 - Sloppy Values

The most common shading mistake I see is not organizing your values correctly.

Not making your shadows dark enough like I mentioned in the last mistake is one way,

but making your halftones too dark is just as bad.

So, general sloppiness with your value control is the bigger issue.

The first thing that is important to understand is that the value on any particular point

on the surface is mostly determined by the angle of the surface in relation to the light source.

Unless you're dealing with highly reflective surfaces, then they act more like a mirror

to the environment.

For now, let's stick to surfaces like skin, which are slightly reflective.

I did a lesson on "How to Shade a Drawing" a while ago.

I highly recommend you watch that next.

But generally, the part of the surface that points directly toward the light is called

the center light.

It will be the brightest spot, excluding any reflected highlights.

As the surface turns away from the light source, those planes will get progressively darker.

These are known as halftones.

The more they face away the darker they are.

After we pass what's called the "terminator" the planes don't receive any direct light

from the light source, since they are facing away from the light.

Everything in there is shadow.

Unless you're in space, shadows won't be pure black.

Light will bounce off other things in the environment.

So, within the shadows you'll have bounce light, or reflected light.

But those are still darker than the halftones in the lit side.

That's the general concept.

There's also occlusion shadows, cast shadows, core shadows and highlights, but you can go

go over the other lesson for the full explanation.

Ok, now that you understand form and how light reveals form, it's important to stay consistent

throughout your drawing.

Light revealed the 3 dimensional forms because the value of a plane tells the viewer the

angle of that plane.

If you make your halftones as dark as your shadows, then you're not communicating the

correct plane angles and that breaks the illusion of form.

That brings us back to that rule: the lightest dark is darker than the darkest light.

Let me rephrase that a little.

The lightest shadow is darker than the darkest halftone.

Make a little more sense?

You'd think that this reflected light under the jaw is lighter than this halftone on the

side of his check, right?

Well... wrong!

I'll prove it.

Sample this color.

Extend it out so you can see it's the same color.

Then do the same with this side.


So, if it's in the shadow family, it should be darker than anything in the light family.

Organize your values and use them correctly in your drawing.

And I don't mean that you have to organize your values exactly like this.

You can stretch your light family and shrink the shadows.

Or you can add more contrast between the two.

You don't even have to use the full value scale.

You can limit your values so that your darkest dark is a value 5.

But the relationship of the values are still organized.

And the key is to stay consistent with that throughout your drawing.

If you break that, it should be intentional.

There's also incomplete shadows.

Scratchy shading that has all these little holes of light in the shadow.

The holes are as light as a highlight, and they break up the shadow and ruin the effect

of light on form.

So the shadows don't actually look dark, they just look spotty.

Shadows look like halftones and halftones look like shadows...The result is dirty looking skin.

You can fix this by filling in the holes manually, blending, or preventing it from happening

in the first place by shading with tight, close-together lines.

When the shadows are consistent and clean like this, it has a much more realistic and

3-dimensional feeling.

The goal is to clearly communicate what is light and what is shadow.

That makes clear 3D form.

Here's another example of a master breaking the rules.

Harry Carmean doesn't always fill in his shadows with clean tone.

But, he's still clearly communicating what is shadow and what is light.

He uses the dark pencil only in the shadows.

He uses the white pencil only in the lights.

This clearly distinguishes the two.

His mess is extremely well controlled.

It's full of energy and fun to look at.

It's skillfully designed, the anatomy is accurate and dynamic.

It all holds together.

Again, if you want to participate in the Drawing Basics course, make sure you're subscribed.

And if you have a few seconds, do me a favor.

If you have any friends or classmates that make some of these mistakes, save them!

Tell them about this video.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Shading Mistakes - Duration: 14:37.


Fort of Hard Knocks - A Best Fiends Animation - Duration: 4:38.



Let's do this!

Please input password.

Incorrect password.



No problem.

You are now out of moves.


- Nice work, Howie. That was genius. - Thank you.

She was the best one yet. I could do that all day.

I couldn't have done a better job myself.

Well, at least, not much of a better job.

Well, looks like 953 failed!

954, you are up!

Good luck, soldier!

For more infomation >> Fort of Hard Knocks - A Best Fiends Animation - Duration: 4:38.


Marvel's Cloak and Dagger "Comic Book vs. TV Show" Featurette (HD) - Duration: 1:13.

- [Aubrey Joseph] Maybe one similarity between the TV show and the comic

is definitely Ty's love for basketball.

There's a lot of basketball in Season 1.

- [Olivia Holt] in both the TV series and the comic, Tandy has a love for ballet.

- [Emma Lahana] One thing in the series is my character Detective Bridget O'Reilly is

pretty true to the comic book.

And it stays pretty true to the origin story.

- [Gloria Reuben] The similarity between Marvel's Cloak and Dagger comic book and television show

is that both Ty and Tandy get their powers swimming in water.

- [Jaime Zevallos] Father Delgado appears in both the comics and the TV series.

- So one difference in Marvel's Cloak and Dagger comic book to the TV series,

in the comic book, when Ty uses his power, people go numbingly cold,

and in the series that doesn't happen.

- [Andrea Roth] Tandy's mother is a fashion model.

- [Olivia] Tandy and Ty were kidnapped and

taken to a chemist who is experimenting on runaways.

- [JD Evermore] Well actually the pictures move in the television series.

They don't move so much in the comic book.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Cloak and Dagger "Comic Book vs. TV Show" Featurette (HD) - Duration: 1:13.


Kiddyzuzaa Land - Malice Retires | Episode 4 | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Cartoons - Duration: 15:53.

- [Girl] Kiddyzuzaa.

(cheerful music)

- So all I'm saying is I ran a marathon in my dream

last night, and this morning I'm feeling exhausted.

- It doesn't work like that, Esme.

Oh no, Malice.

(ominous music)



- Well that was weird.

- Yeah, what's up with Malice?

- Oh I was talking about that dog riding a hot air balloon.

But yeah, Malice didn't seem herself.

Normally she'd at least manage an insult.

Princesissy, goody no shoes.

- Esme, what are you looking at?

- Sorry, just remembering Malice's insults.

- Hey guys.

What's up with Malice?

- Hey Lilliana.

We were just wondering the same thing.

- Yeah, I thought she was gonna knock my

ice cream out my hand, but it's still here.

- She's being so un-Malicey.

Normally she'd never miss an opportunity to prank us.

But recently it's like she doesn't care.

- I noticed that too.

- Seriously guys, what are you looking at?

- Nothing.

It just helps when you're remembering things.

- Scientifically proven, try it.

(metal clanging)



(door slamming)


- Whew.



- Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with Malice.

- Amazing.

Maybe I'll finally be able to do,

well, anything without her ruining it.

- We can't just ignore it if something's wrong with her.

- Yeah, I suppose you're right.

- Someone should go speak to her to find out what's wrong.

- Great idea.

Not me though.

- Yeah, me neither.

- Well I'm definitely not doing it.

So what's wrong then, Malice?

- Right, now what's wrong is that you're in my tower.

- Come on Malice, what's up, you're not being yourself?

- I know, I've retired.

- Retired, why?

- Because I suck at being evil, Esme, that's why.


- Malice, you're not bad at being evil,

you're brilliant at it.

- I'm not.

- You are.

Look at all the evil stuff in this room.


A witches broomstick.

Only a truly evil witch could fly one of these bad boys.

- I use that to sweep up.

- Hmm.

Ah ha.

A cauldron.

There's even something terrible brewing in there now.

What's this then?

A potion to give whomever drinks it feathers?

Or doom them to eternally smell like a foot?

- That's my dinner.

- Ah, then I take it back, you are bad at being evil.

- See?

Now get out.

I'm going to do whatever it is

people do once they've retired.

Knit, or play golf, or do some gardening.

- Gardening eh?

I hear the palace is looking for a new gardener.

I'll put in a good word for you.

Okay, so Malice should be here any moment.

We all know the plan, right?

- Yes, she thinks she's coming around to do some gardening,

then we're going to loudly laugh about

how bad she is at being evil.

But you never told us what happens next.

- Yeah, Esme.

- No time for that, here she comes.

Just follow my lead.


Yeah Malice is so bad at being evil.

Would you believe she's got

a broomstick but she can't ride it.

- Hah, what kind of witch can't ride a broomstick?


- Yeah, and I heard she still sleeps with a teddy.


- I suck at being evil, eh?

Well how's this for evil?

(loudly exploding)

Malice is back, princesissies.

- Well at least she's feeling herself again.

She's got better at magic as well.

- Actually her spell missed.

- But the fountain?

- That was me.

I put my foot on that hose so it'd explode

with a giant burst of chocolate when I let go.

- So what happened to Malice's spell then?

- I have no idea.

(silly music)

(video game music)

- No way, eaten by the demon surprise egg again.

Mr. Snuggles?

Who put this here?

This isn't funny anymore whoever keeps doing this.

- Tell me again why we're going

for a night time walk in the woods.

- Because it's fun.

- It's not, it's scary.



- It's just Mr. Snuggles, Olivia.

- Well I'm sorry but even teddy bears

falling from the sky is scary.

Where did he come from?

- Malice. - Malice.

- Looks like she's just gone to sleep, come on.

- What do you mean come on?

- Malice is asleep.

Have you ever been in her tower?

- No, and I never plan to.

Ugh, well I'm not going, I'm just gonna stay here

alone in the woods, the scary, dark, woods.

Esme, wait up!

Ugh, Esme what have you done?

This place is a tip.

- It was already like this, and shh.

- [Olivia] What a mess, this place is disgusting.

- [Esme] This is weird a school yearbook.

Our class as well.

Hmm, I remember that girl, Alice, Alice something.

- [Olivia] Why would Malice

have circled Alice in our yearbook?

- [Esme] I don't know, unless.


- Malice is Alice. - Malice is Alice.

- [Esme] Hey, when did we learn

to communicate telepathically?

- [Olivia] We didn't.

- So we're just talking out loud in silly voices?


- Let's hope we didn't wake.

- Malice?

- We should run.

- Quickly, before she knows our plan.

- You do realise you guys are speaking out loud, right?

- We did it again.

- [Esme] Run!

- So you're saying Malice used to be our classmate Alice,

and then she turned evil?

- Yes. - Yes.

- But what turned her evil?

- Maybe it was something we did.

- Can I have a go?

- I dunno Alice, it's Mr. Snuggles turn next.

- Two seconds Esme, I'm coming up.

- Oh I wouldn't, this branch might not

take the weight of the three of us.

- The three of us?

- Yeah, me and Mr. Snuggles are already up here.

- You princesses.

So that means we can talk to each other whenever we want.

Mr. Snuggles, Mr. Snuggles, do you copy,

repeat, this is Olivia to Snuggles.

Okay, maybe I wasn't that kind either.

- It's all our faults.

We didn't share our things with Alice

and that turned her evil.

She became Malice because of us.

- Oh no, what are we going to do?

- Princesses it's simple,

we'll go around there and apologise.

(ominous music)


(doorbell ringing)

(silly music)

(loud thudding)

(rocket whirring)


(glass shattering)

- Lilliana, are you okay?

- I've got it.

- Got what?

- Malice didn't turn evil because we

didn't share our things with her.

She turned evil because we didn't

share Mr. Snuggles with her.

(cackling evilly)

- You think I turned evil because of

you princesses and some stupid teddy bear?

- Exactly.

- Ha, I turned evil because my whole family was evil.

It's in my blood.

- But you were cuddling Mr. Snuggles.

- An experiment to see what it felt like.

Well it felt awful.

Anyway, you princesses are trespassing on evil property.

Do I need to use my teddy canon again?

(all talking)

- Lots to do.

- I'm sorry, Mr. Snuggles.

Let's keep this between us, yeah?

(exploding loudly)

- Ha ha.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.


- Isabella it's okay, you're not gonna get

splashed by the fountain, you know?

- You can never be too careful, Olivia.

Chocolate stains, you know.

- Honestly I've sunbathed here a million times

and I've never been splashed by the chocolate fountain.

It just doesn't happen.

(loud splashing)

- You were saying?

- What did that?


- It's gone into the forest.

What was that thing?

- I have no idea, but I know someone who will.

- Oh, do we have to?

- If there's some weird forest creature coming into

the palace gardens, Isabella, I want to know what it is.

Now come on.

- Oh fine.

But if I get mucky, I'm sending you the dry cleaning bill.

- Come on Isabella.

- Ew, so, gross.

- Esme.

- Uh Esme.

- It wasn't me.

What, huh?

Oh hey guys, what brings you here?

- We need your help.

How much do you know about the animals of the forest?

- Oh, I think I can help.

Did it look like this?

- What is that?

- Zuzan stink bats.

They're pretty cool.

- Ugh.

- I don't think it was one of them.

It wasn't flying, it was bouncing.

- Hmm.

A fluhdonk?


Then was it Willard the sloth?

- No.

- Guys.

- There's nothing else it could be?

- [Isabella] Guys.

- Not that I know of.

- [Isabella] Guys!


- That's it.

- Quick, grab it.

(silly music)

Ah come on let's get after it.

- What are those for?

- You'll see.


(loud crashing)

Right, the thing went this way.

It has to be around here somewhere.

- Okay, let's split up and find it.

Wands at the ready, princesses.

- Hmm.

- Hmm.

- Oh.

(loud squishing)

Oops, just my shadow.

- Hmm.


Ah, time for a break I think.


Hello you, you cute little thing.

You like raspberries.


- Esme, you find anything?

- No, you?

- Nothing.

Have you seen Isabella?

(distant giggling)

- Isabella?


That's it.

- Esme, you scared it off.

- Quickly princesses, after it.

(intense music)

- A break, at last.

- Where did it go?

- Hey, is that a door in the rock?

- Quick, let's see if we can get it open.


- [Princesses] Alright!

- Where are we?

- Who's that?


- Where?

- Wait, Lilliana?

- Oh, hey princesses, welcome to my new lab.

- Oh there you are.

- I see you've met one of my fragabbits.

- Fragabbits?

Those aren't real.

- They are now thanks to my Creature Creator 3000.

Simply place one animal in one end and another one on

the other, and boom, you have a completely new animal.

- Oh.

- And before you ask, Esme, we can't try it on you.

It's early days, you see.

There are still a few glitches.

- Lilliana, what kind of glitches?

- Oh, it just makes a few more versions

of the creature than you want.

- A few more?

- Huh yeah, don't worry about them.

They'll be fine as long as you

closed the door on the way in.

- Uh.

(loud rumbling)


- Whoa.


(cheerful music)

For more infomation >> Kiddyzuzaa Land - Malice Retires | Episode 4 | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Cartoons - Duration: 15:53.


Ahmad ya habibi - Nissa Sabyan [ Music Video ] - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Ahmad ya habibi - Nissa Sabyan [ Music Video ] - Duration: 3:21.


How To Cure Acne With Diet - Dietary Cure For Acne! - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> How To Cure Acne With Diet - Dietary Cure For Acne! - Duration: 3:04.


4 Natural remedies to treat gray hair - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 4 Natural remedies to treat gray hair - Duration: 3:14.



In this snapshot my friends!

We are see 2 strikes!

To a group

From cantharus!

Here we see!

One fish that comes up to the boat !

Here's where it goes down!

The next rigging!

And here!

There is another strike!

The next cantharus comes up!

The group with the cantharus is here!

In which you see the apses what they look like!

And here in the second strike

you see crystal clear!

How are the fish!

How do apses look when we meet cantharus?

Which at that time was at meal time!

He has a group of schoolfishes of boops αnd trachurus!

Who feeds!

And here schoolfish!

It happened and I was in the right moment when they ate!

Still Better Appears Here!

In another image, in another strike!

That I had!

I believe strike is the only way

To see inside the snapshot, the fish that rises!

It is the only way to prove it

How fish look!

We see cantharus look even better!

You see it!

Another group with cantharus!

You see the lines!

It looks crystal clear!

In this screenshot!

We see a group of Epinephelus costae!

Once I spot the group!

I throw my rigging!

Where i have a strike!

Fish on!

As I bring the fish to the boat!

Follow the rest of the fish!

Which then goes down again!

And since I brought the fish to the boat!

I was assured that this is how the Epinephelus costae are depicted on our sonar!

Here we see and enlarge the same picture!

The Epinephelus costae, strike and comes up to the boat!

And the rest of the group that descends to the bottom!

In this picture!

We see a Epinephelus marginatus !

Here, guys, I had huge waves!

It was one day difficult to fish!

It looks from the lines!

Made in the apses and generally in the picture!

From the noses seen at the bottom!

Here as I was moving forward, I saw school fish!

Concentrated school fish! Suddenly!

I saw concentrated school fish here!

At that moment I realized something must be underneath!

There is a hunter!

And really!

After a while, the first apse appeared!

Here is a straight line!

I thought they were Epinephelus aeneus(white grouper) !

I did not know what the fish is!

I was sure it was ''black''!

I threw my bait!

Does not seem bait to descend!

Because the weather take me off from the spot!

There was too much!

Wave and too much air!

So I threw my bait and the boat was removed!

From where I was trying to stay verticall!

It appears here at this point!

I was back!

And here with the back I made I cut and a bit of the picture!

Because the propeller threw its waters on the eye!

And after a while!

I had a strike!

Which it was ..

Epinephelus aeneus!Who was very big!

In this screenshot!

We see my friends, a group of amberjacks!

You see amberjacks how looks like!

Apses big and green!


Here are big fish!

From 8-10 kilos and up!

I was fortunate to catch one, which I unfortunately lost too!

I could not keep it! I did not keep the fish!

I only had the snapshot !!!

This is how the amberjacks appears!

On our sonar!

Here again a group of amberjacks!


I just saw them!

I threw my rigging!

That's why there's a downward movement at all!

There was a strike here! I brought the fish to the boat!

Somehow so here!

We see!

And how look like the amberjacks on our sonar?

Here my friends!

In this screenshot!

We see a group of Dentex Filosus!

Which I see them at the time of hunting!

That's why the school fish are in the bottom!

There is intense hunting!

I was lucky! I threw my rigging!

And I managed to get a fish!

In such situations it is not very difficult!

Getting a strike!

Here's the fish that's coming up!

So here we are seeing a group of Dentex Filosus!

Who Eats!

In this instance, we see a school of Scomber colias !

Here is my rigging!

Which as he goes down a fish take it!

And on climbing I get a fish!

This fish is seen here going up!

And I brought a Scomber colias to the boat!

So that's how look like a group of Scomber colias on our fishinder!

Here we see as I throw the rigging!

A group of Trachurus mediterraneus!

And here I'm uploading!

It looks as it's going up!

The Trachurus mediterraneus is about 150-200-300 gr. Such sizes!

Here we see small Synodus saurus!

200 -300 g! These lines are!


When the armor goes down and rises!

And he has a fish on!

Which is it here!

And here we see an image that has everything in it !!!


Flock of Spicara maena !

Scomber colias!


The sinker of my armor from the squid rigging!

And here we see a flock of sardines, Spicara maena and generally a small fishes!


Stand out from each other!

Small fishes! 50 -100 gr

In this picture!

We see three apses upside down!

When i met them!

I threw my rigging!

I knew it was hunting and fast fishes!

Because in the past!

Seeing such apses I catch a amberjack!

I threw my rigging!

And here I had a strike which I uploaded!

And it was a Εuthynnus alletteratus!

Here we see the rest of the fish from the group!

As they leave!

And here!

We see!



These nets, for the story!

You see what they look like!

On the sonar!

They are said to be a ''barber''!

And each sheet is 60 eyes!

That is, from the bottom, it is 1.5 meters high!

These nets I met while I was fishing!

When a professional fisherman threw his nets at that time!

And I went over to see how they looked at the sounder!

I hope you enjoyed the video and my effort!

If you liked, click like and share!

Why it helps me!

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I'm waiting for your comments and questions!

In the next video we will see!

Separating the bottom into stone, sand, mud, etc.!

Read bottom at speed!

And scroll screen!

Bottom Line!

And the displacement of water that makes the fish when caught or when they are hunting in general!

May all of you be well!

And thank you very much for your time!

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