Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

You're too predictable

If you wanted something easy

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

Ah yeah, ah yeah

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

Ah yeah, ah yeah



Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah

Hot, hot, hot like fire

Hot, hot, hot like fire

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

For more infomation >> Hope you like it! - Duration: 0:56.


【PUBG】カスタムマッチ参加します!!【Vtuber】 - Duration: 1:41:11.

For more infomation >> 【PUBG】カスタムマッチ参加します!!【Vtuber】 - Duration: 1:41:11.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD - Duration: 10:44.

পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD

For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD - Duration: 10:44.


Introducing USGSS (US Graduate School Series) + Why I Started Youtube [ENG CC] - Duration: 10:55.

Suppose there is my junior in school that I'm very close with

These would be all the information that I want to share with him or her

Hi guys, it's Cindy

What I want to talk about today is that

one of the videos that I uploaded was

about the three categories: exchange student program, language study abroad, and US graduate school

In that video, I said I would like to make another video

because there are too many things to talk about the US graduate school

It has been a while since I uploaded that video

I was gathering lots of questions and trying to organize those well

However, it was way too much

For example, I wanted to share the application process as well as some useful/personal tips

What else? like interview stories or

how to contact a professor

I thought all of them should be useful

"Add this, add that, and remove this"

It really took me a while just for this simple organizing step

So I just decided to make a series of US graduate school

The title is

the US Graduate School Series (USGSS)

I'm thinking to make 5 episodes

Although I'm planning 5 episodes, things might change

Because, I would definitely receive your feedback as I upload the video

Also personally I may want to include some contents instead of this or that, for example

Taking all into account, I'm willing to make additional ones in addition to 5 episodes

I'd like to mention what the topics are going to be

But before that, I want to stress that this USGSS may take a lot of time to create

It's because... for example, vlog doesn't take too long to film since it's more like an everyday life video

Besides, it's not a very important video. You guys don't have to watch it

But at least for this US graduate school series (USGSS)

I wanted to be more serious, because I know some people are really desperate for their dreams

I'd like to accumulate as much information as possible

and create a video that can help you a lot

So honestly I didn't want to make a video too easily

I already ran a simulation for the first episode

because I wasn't sure how long it would be

So I just recorded myself with voice memos instead of filming

Just for the recording, it took me about 40 minutes

So roughly it's gonna be like that

Not sure how long the video would be after I edit

For other types of video.. well.. I don't feel overwhelmed

But regarding USGSS, I kind of have a pressure in a good way, and I'm eager make it well

I really want you to watch every single episode (it's for you guys, not for me!)

Also, I'm not going to waste time talking useless things

I will talk about the things that are highly important and useful for sure

I want you guys NOT to skip the video. You guys shouldn't skip it

You guys are welcome to skip any other videos such as my vlog

But if you are desperate for your dream school, I do want you to take all of my tips and information

Suppose there is my junior in school that I'm very close with

These would be all the information that I want to share with him or her

So guys, trust me. I'm gonna make a video as I'm giving advices to people whom I really care

There's one thing I'm concerned with

I'm studying statistics and

I only applied for programs in this area

So of course, things could be different with other programs. You have to aware of that

But yeah, it could be similar in a way that they require things like

SOP (statement of purpose), recommendation letters, GRE score, etc.

These are regardless of which programs you're applying (there could be some exceptions)

But the standards can differ

I mean, what's more important could be different depending on which programs you apply

Now I'm going to briefly talk about the topics for the 5 upcoming episodes

For the first episode, I'll start with the introduction of Masters and Doctorate programs, and talk about

jobs after graduation and why I decided to pursue a PhD

Yeah, and what else?

Salary? It's to give you a rough idea

On top of that, I'd like to give you some personal/useful tips in the first episode

For the second episode, I'll be talking about what you need for application and things that were useful to me

It'll be a "must see" video if you want to get accepted

For the third episode, it's going to be about my interview experiences

I received acceptance letters from a couple of schools

and Columbia University is the one that I chose among those schools

For some other programs, I had to do an interview

So I'd also like to talk about how I prepared for the interviews and

some PhD interview questions?

So yeah, it's going to be my hands-on interview experience

For the fourth episode, perhaps, I'll be talking about tuition, fellowship

as well as some assistantships, such as RA (Research Assistance) jobs

But for this cost-related content..

I'm not so sure

It's true that cost is a big problem

Without thinking about all the expenses, it's really hard to say

"This is my dream. I'll just go for it"

So it's definitely going to be a good topic to discuss (but idk to what extent)

For the fifth episode, I'll be talking about how I contacted a professor, how to write an email,

and a list of useful websites

This is how I'm simply thinking right now

The series will consist of the questions you guys gave me, plus the questions from my juniors in school

and things that I (informal Korean) I mean.... I (formal Korean) sorry guys

things that I personally want to share with you

I enumerated them all and tried to organize them, and concluded that I need at least 5 episodes

If you have more questions, I mean if you have some questions that aren't in the expected topics I just mentioned

please comment down below. I want to know your concerns/questions

Even if I can't answer every single question

I'll try my best to reflect your thoughts as much as I can

In fact, my primary reason I started Youtube was

to make more of like vlogs rather than some graduate school videos

I initially wanted to make New York vlogs mostly

But you guys happened to know which school I'm attending

also what I'm studying because many of you guys asked me that question

So yeah, I happened to tell you a lot of things so far

Anyways, frankly speaking

I really had a hard time during my first and second year of PhD

I cried a lot

I didn't tell this to my parents, because I didn't want them to worry about me

So I pretended to be fine to my mom whenever I talk to her over the phone

Again I struggled a lot at the moment

So back then, I couldn't even take care of anyone else because I had to persevere

since I had a difficult time

We have PhD qualifying exams that students have two chances to pass

Students who fail to pass the exams are required to withdraw the doctoral program

So those pressures..

Understanding how far you come and how hard you work

it's just falling into despair if you have to leave school

It's a waste of time, waste of money

I see that most of my friends are pursing their careers successfully.. so I was under pressure

Of course I was totally stressed out

So yeah I really couldn't think of taking care of or giving advices to anyone else

Also, I had never dreamed of having my own Youtube channel back then

From time to time, I filmed and edited videos because it was one of my hobbies

It was 8 years ago I became interested in videography and started to make videos

I filmed not too often, but occasionally I did so because it was so much fun

So yeah it was my hobby that I enjoyed a lot

And now I can say I am able to spare time for making videos

I finished all my coursework, passed all the qualifying exams (we have two types)

and completed the oral presentation with my committee members. So I only have to focus on my dissertation

If you see more videos than usual, it means that I have more spare time

It's a summer vacation now

My advisors usually take a short break during this period

and sometimes they cancel the meeting from time to time because of their busy schedules

So once in a while I have more free time. But I have to work as a RA throughout the year

So I tend to spare... well

The thing is that let's say you go to a graduate school and do a PhD which is a long-term trajectory

I believe it's so important to have your own hobby, at least one

I am very lucky because I'm living in NYC

So I think I am less suffering from depressions or homesickness

But from what I've heard from my friends, seniors, or even from online articles

some students tend to suffer from these illnesses.. especially if they're attending rural universities

So it's a very good idea to have your own activity in your leisure time for pleasure

because again it's a long long demanding journey

Nobody asked you to do. It's your own decision (not all cases though)

There must a moment that you feel devastated

Anyways, making videos was joyful to me, and this is how and why I started Youtube

It was not my plan to talk about the graduate school at the first place but I started doing so

because many of you guys had been requesting it

It's very exciting

because, again it wasn't my plan at all to make this type of series

I was more like, for those who are visiting NYC, I want to introduce something like "best brunch places in NYC"

or like "best coffee shops in NYC" because I'm a true lover of coffee

The graduate school videos were made due to your requests

I'm so happy that my Youtube channel is growing with you guys together. It's so much fun!

I'm very pleased. Two thumbs up!

Of course there are difficult moments. For instance, some hate comments..

But I know there are much more people with love and support, which encourages me a lot

If you can write a short comment like "thanks for your video," I would be so happy to read it

For the first episode... I guess I would upload the video in late July or at least in August

I'll try my best and work hard to get things done while studying at the same time. I promise you the quality videos!

Thanks for watching today's video!

I'll see you guys in the next video


Oh, don't forget to give it a thumbs-up and click the subscribe button!

For more infomation >> Introducing USGSS (US Graduate School Series) + Why I Started Youtube [ENG CC] - Duration: 10:55.


Live Mabar Game Rules Of Survival (ROS) PC Steam - Ciken Gak Tuh - Duration: 3:33:01.

For more infomation >> Live Mabar Game Rules Of Survival (ROS) PC Steam - Ciken Gak Tuh - Duration: 3:33:01.


Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 9:23.

Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 9:23.


Family banned from YouTube has new channel - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Family banned from YouTube has new channel - Duration: 2:51.


SPORTS NEWS DAY 20/7/2018 - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> SPORTS NEWS DAY 20/7/2018 - Duration: 9:50.


Did Jesus Say He Was God | Bible Verses about the deity of Jesus - Duration: 8:48.

When you have disciples who spent three years

with him, and he's teaching them who He is,

over and over and over again,

and they leave those encounters with the belief

that Jesus was God in human flesh.

That tells you what Jesus taught, what they understood,

and what they ultimately died for.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to the Straight Truth podcast.

I'm your host, Josh Philpot, and we're glad

you've joined us today.

As always, I'm joined by Richard Caldwell,

the pastor of Founders Baptist Church.

And our special guest today is Dr. Nicholas Ellen,

a senior professor at the College of Biblical Studies,

and also pastor at Community of Faith Bible Church.

As always, please leave a comment for us

in the comments section, and do us a favor

and please go to the iTunes podcast section

and leave us a review.

Well, brothers, our first question today

is more of a Bible and theology question,

and we get this often where people read the New Testament

and they hear that Jesus says something along the lines

that He is the Son of God.

And that brings to mind this question:

Does just actually say that He is God?

He says He is Son of God, Son of Man,

these other questions, too.

Does Jesus explicitly say, Pastor, that He is God?

- Well, I believe that He does.

It all depends on what you mean by explicit.

So if someone is asking did Jesus use the phrase,

"Oh, by the way, I am God," you're not going

to find that in the New Testament.

But if you asked did Jesus make clear

that He is God and did His contemporaries understand Him

to say that He was God, and did His followers later,

in their writings that followed His resurrection

and ascension, make the case that He is God,

the answer clearly is yes.

So I just jotted down a few places

where Jesus made this clear.

So, for example, in John chapter 10,

He claimed to be one with the Father.

And those people listening to Him on that occasion

clearly understood what He meant by that.

John 10:30, "I and the Father are one."

The Bible says, "The Jews picked up stones

"again to stone Him.

"Jesus answered them, 'I have shown you many good works

"from the Father; for which of them

"are you going to stone Me?'

"And the Jews answered Him, 'It is not for a good work

"that we're going to stone You,

"but for blasphemy, because You, being a man,

"make Yourself God.'"

So when He claimed to be one with the Father,

they understood Him to be saying He was God.

In John 17;5, Jesus claimed to have a glory

with His Father before the world was ever created,

sharing in divine glory.

In John chapter 5, when He claimed to be the Son of God,

verse 17, again the Jews understood Him

to be claiming to be equal with the Father.

It says here, "But He was even calling God His own Father,

"making Himself equal with God."

So that's how they understood His claim.

In John chapter 8, He used a name

associated with the Father.

He said, truly before Abraham was I Am.

And, of course, thinking back to when God told Moses

to say that I Am sent you, so Jesus

associates Himself with the divine name,

Jews understood that.

In John 20, Thomas worships Him as God.

My Lord and my God.

Jesus doesn't refuse that worship,

Jesus doesn't correct him in any sort of way.

So He accepts that view of Himself that Thomas had

and accepts the worship that Thomas offers.

And then, of course, later on, in John chapter 1,

Philippians 2, other places, New Testament writers

present Jesus as God.

So, did Jesus say, "Oh, by the way, I'm God"?

He didn't use that language.

Did Jesus make clear that He was and is God in human flesh?

He did.

And His enemies understood Him to say that

and His disciples understood Him to say that.

And when they presented that view of Jesus,

He never refused it, He accepted it,

and accepted the worship associated with that claim.

- Yeah, good.

- I do think also, when you think about that,

those sections where they said,

"Well, show us the Father and to be sufficient,"

And He says, "If you have seen Me, you've seen the Father."

And so, even though it wasn't explicit

as I believe my brother's accurate in that,

it was a true telling, "I am equal to the Father

and have the same essence that He has."

- [Richard] Amen.

- Doctor (mumbles), why do you think

that the Jewish people, at the time that Jesus was on Earth,

were so violent with His claim to be equal with the Father?

What is it about that that makes them so angry with Him?

- I think it had to do with the fact that, again,

you have someone who was born,

because you've got the God man.

And so I know Your father, per se.

And so now You're claiming to be God,

well, I knew You when You were just a kid,

not understanding that Jesus was representing

both the perfect Godhead, or not Godhead,

but the second person of the Trinity,

and also representing the fact that He's the perfect man.

And so I think I would be a little challenged, too,

if my friend one day claimed and said, "Hey, I'm God."

(Josh laughs)

(laughs) I mean, it's kind of strange, I grew up with you.

So I think that had a lot to do with not understanding

the agenda that God had in mind of coming down

and taking on the form of manhood to represent us.

- Pastor, do you think that Jesus

always knew that He was the Son of God,

or was this maybe something that He,

as He's reading the Scriptures as a young man,

He begins to understand?

That's an interesting--

- Yeah, it is an interesting thing to think about.

All I know is that everywhere we see Jesus

on the pages of Scripture, He understood who He was.

And so I'm gonna just stay right there.

Everywhere we ever meet Him on the pages of Scripture,

He had no doubt but as to His identity.

Even as a child going into the temple

and interacting with religious leaders,

He had to be in His Father's house, He said.

So, everywhere we see Him, He has an understanding

of who He is.

And I agree with what Nick just said.

In terms of the reason for the violence and the anger,

the Jews were rightly monotheists.

They understood there's one God.

What they did not clearly perceive

is that God is a trinity, and now they were meeting

with the eternal Son of God face to face.

And so it presented a real challenge to their thinking.

- And, in a way, the belief of Jesus's followers

that Jesus is the Son of God, is partly what sustains

the faith what's for all delivered to the saints, right?

A group of men that were claiming

that Jesus was the Son of God actually died for that claim.

- [Richard] Absolutely.

- So that should show us that they knew

and died for Christ as well, right, understanding

that He is explicitly saying He is God.

- Yeah, and, in fact, you think about His enemies,

you could perhaps make the argument

they must misunderstood Jesus.

When you have disciples who spent three years with Him,

and He's teaching them who He is over and over

and over again, and they leave those encounters

with the belief that Jesus was God in human flesh.

That tells you what Jesus taught, what they understood,

and what they ultimately died for.

- I do think the implication as well, with his enemies,

ties back to the fact of whether they necessarily agree

with Him or not.

His popularity was taken away from their agenda,

(Josh laughs)

and I think that's a crucial element to say,

"Wow, when you are who you stand for."

He is the Son of God, He was coming to do something

that was totally different than what they expected,

and it took away from their political power

and their influence, and, again, totally different

than what they were looking for.

- Well, thanks again for joining us

for the Straight Truth podcast.

And you can find more details about this podcast

by going to our website,

And there you can subscribe to any

of our social media channels.

But also be sure to go to iTunes,

and please subscribe to our podcast feed

and be sure to leave us a review.

Now Straight Truth is a production

of Walking in Grace Ministries,

and you can find more details by going


Thanks again.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Did Jesus Say He Was God | Bible Verses about the deity of Jesus - Duration: 8:48.


Roxumentary S2 E1 "Family Meeting For Tour 2015" - Duration: 6:08.

We're taking it new school right now!


Don't believe me just watch

Right? And then you're gonna come out, you do your thing...

And then we're gonna make it all the way up to, "STOP"!


Right? And then I'm gonna do my thing.

I think we've gotta sing a little bit more right now! Ok?

And this is where you've gotta get your chutzpah on.

You've gonna match my energy. Cause I'm gonna do the-

So you want me to bring it down? :-)

"We want the FUNK... Gotta have that funk! Sing it!"

So I'm getting this side, right? Then you're gonna go, "Now this side!"


[Olivia] Can I do, "We want the funk"?

No! You've gotta do the harder singing part!

I'm not the singer! I get the easy part - you're the singer!

so then you get them to on that right so it'll be you and me

like getting them dog right and then by the way we're doing this exact same

Korea as well okay on the count of three one

yeah and it's me and J ripping stuff so we'll be probably on either side of you

plan it right you know this is what we have action every day from now until we

leave nailing it okay and then the only other thing we have to figure out is

what song is your doing the easiest thing that's what you're

doing yeah except you're also have to do the end in a Jew that's the so wait

there's that on corn is an ultimate awkward okay funny music but then I have

to do Hey Jude as well or or funky music uses my last song and then so can't come

is it our own show or shit in your set use it myself

wait yeah we're flying all the way to Korea to play two songs don't talk about

that many songs because you're gonna be doing in the middle of a war we black

dog and I want to know what love is are even going to create is there really

a war in Korea right now generals are meeting wait

so North Korea is bombing South Korean we're going in the middle well it's not

like they're launching you know Scud missiles into the cities it's just been

the load in one mile damn Z's know what I understand what I don't understand

this how they could start a war when they knew we were coming and now Ryan

seriously people like you need to do your research before you start works you

know I agree I like that when they are having a war and there's like these kind

of mountains and whatnot and that's where they're fighting

know what that is right that's a war in hell

it's not funny I'm cutting that out of the documentary that's not fun out so

you would put your daughter yes its life in jeopardy absolutely to go play a

concert in Korea absolutely gang you're ready for her for USO tours when she's

good okay entertain the troops now one day

went to South Korea is whether or not we should you block them because the one

thing is telling me is you wants more balance from me

that my show it might be to rock so my feeling is I designed the show and I

really need to like look at my show figure it out for Korea come up with

something special maybe it's just like the show because this you know so I can

he's into all the the rock and maybe their art stuff it's just not long

versions or something really exactly here that's your opinion always

will she react maybe the show's issue no

the dogs producing the show Rosie Rexy should go like this go like this

hey is this the rock cementery mm-hmm it's hit me

so in answer your question are you going to learn two songs no because you're

gonna be doing oh no love this black dog getting on funky music coming on Hey

Jude and your own two songs so it could be enough but but but if there was one

more guitar song we're doing single let's do it girl

push that yeah no I think you should be in my show I don't know I'm not

much I like you camera

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