Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

You're too predictable

If you wanted something easy

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

Ah yeah, ah yeah

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

Ah yeah, ah yeah



Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah

Hot, hot, hot like fire

Hot, hot, hot like fire

Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du

For more infomation >> Hope you like it! - Duration: 0:56.


How to fold towels - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> How to fold towels - Duration: 4:25.


"Свидетели-2". 46 серия - Duration: 46:05.

For more infomation >> "Свидетели-2". 46 серия - Duration: 46:05.


Meeting Aussie BookTubers! A Melbourne Book Swap + Meetup - Duration: 9:14.

I haven't done this vlogging thing in a while, and I'm feeling pretty weird about

it. But hi! I'm gonna watch where I'm going when I cross the road. Anyway. It is

Sunday evening here in Melbourne, and I am going to a book event! The gorgeous

Amy* from polyreads? Polyana reads? Poly... ah fuck me I don't know. I'm just

gonna put it here, and then you'll know. She has organised a charity book swap

where we bring along a book and some gold coins, and swap them around, and

raise money for a charity that I'll also put here cause I've forgotten what it is... Anyway I'm going to that

tonight, and I'm gonna be meeting some Melbourne BookTubers, and other

Melbourne bookish people, and I'm gonna try and remember to film it as I do it,

so that you guys can see a bit of the Australian-Melbourne bookish community!

It's gonna be great! Alrighty, we're at the thing that I

told you about earlier, with the lovely lady who organised it.

A: Hi! J: It's Amy!

A: It's Amy. J: From polyreader.

J: Tell us about what we're doing as well, because I forgot to explain it properly. A: Okay.

A: So, raising money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, for NAIDOC week, which is right now.

J: Tell me about the books that you got for yourself today!

A: I can't even remember what I got to be honest. J: You got so many books!

A: Lots of Australian fiction, which is usually what I go for,

lots of female writers, and lots of Stella Prize winners, and Stella Prize nominations.

J: Damn. A: That's pretty much it.

J: You are the reader I aspire to be. A: Haha.

J: That's amazing. A: The lighting is so bad!

A: It's all shadowy. J: I know! Like, shadows and shit everywhere.

J: It's all because of these things on the ceiling. The olive branches are ruining our lighting!

P: Hello! where's your camera I keep forgetting. J: It's there.

P: Oh over there. J: It's this lil thing here. P: Hi!

J: Remember Pip! Pip is the girl that I keep trying to make be my friend!

P: It's working! J: It's working?!

J: Tell us about the books that you've got, Pip!

P: Oh my god, I have so many guys, like, this is the situation right now.

P: A couple of them I've already read. We've got, like, a couple of plays which are looking

pretty good, we've got Sourdough, from.. Matthew ??? I think suggested that one?

J: Okay! P: And then we've got this one. J: Which I forced her to get!

P: Yeah! Yeah, and then I've got some more. J: Another one that I forced her to get!

P: There's too many! There's too many good books! J: I'm kind of bullying you into getting all the books

that I want you to read! P: Oh, that's totally fine! J: Speaking of which! P: Yes?

J: I want you to choose some books for me. P: Ooh!

J: If there's any around, that you've seen, that you think I should read.

P: Okay! J: That's what you should do. P: I'm definitely gonna find you some!

J: Yeah! P: Just one?

J: Yeah, well any! All! P: Yeah. We'll keep it easy!

J: As many as you want! Do it!

J: Hi guys! A: Hello! J: I'm just attacking everyone that I meet here tonight!

J: This is Alyce. A: Sup!

J: From a channel, that neither of us can remember. A: I can't remember

J: But I will put it somewhere when the time comes. A: Haha, yeah!

J: Tell us about the books you've found today! A: Okay, sure!

A: I'm... getting books that I have already read. J: I... I live that life. I live that life.

A:The Amber Spyglass, just because my copy doesn't match the other two in the series, and

it's really bugged me so I'm really happy I found this! J: I know that feel!

A: The screenplay of Sense and Sensibility! J: Screenplay?! Wow! A: Yeah!

A: I like reading screenplays. J: Is that from the..? A: From the movie version

J: From the Emma.. Emma Thompson movie? A: Yeah, Emma Thompson.

J: Wow! Keen! A: So I'm doing that.

A: And then, um, the Call The Midwife Trilogy. J: Nice! Good choices!

A: I love the show, I've read all the books. I'm getting it for my nan who I know will appreciate it.

J: I like your style. A: Yeah I just... I already have so many books

on my shelf that I still need to read, that I'm trying to get ones that I don't have to add to the pile!

J: What is this dilemma? P: I can't take home this many books!

J: Why not? P: Because my bank balance will be sad, and my shelves will be even sadder!

J: Oh no! P: I know! I have like a 'one in one out' policy guys! So I need to, like, really think hard about this!

J: Okay. What are you... what are you considering? P: Well, I'm thinking I've already read The Power.

P: And, like, what if I leave that one for other people to, you know, enjoy for the first time?

P: That seems like a nice idea. But then out of all the rest I've got, I don't know!

P: Okay, hang on, maybe you can help me. Out of these two, which one?

J: Oh no! You can't do this to me! P: I know I'm making her choose between her babies!

J: You literally are! P: Mmm hmm! J: Okay, well, I can.. I can actually lend you

The No. One Ladies Detective Agency. P: Ooh. Good compromise, good compromise!

J: So maybe The Buried Giant because I genuinely... like, this is a book that I know you will love,

and that is a book that I want you to love. P: Okay. Alright! I'm into it!

P: So that one's pretty easy then, I'll get that one!

P: And then there's all these plays. Which, some of them I have studied, some of them

I've worked on, and some of them I have very fond memories of, and some of them I really really don't!

But I'm just like "Ahh but I kind of want them," you know? J: Nostalgia!

J: Nostalgia, right?! P: Yeah it's the nostalgia.

P: This one is such a nice copy though guys. Like, you can't tell but it just feels really nice! It's got a

really nice feel. Oh you can't feel it either, because you're- J: I can't feel it cause I'm holding wine!

J: So I'll just have to trust her... P: Yeah, she's got her priorities right!

J: Wine or books!

P: Okay it's looking like these three, guys! J: Nice! P: I think so!

J: I think we've figured it out. Good problem solving. P: Definitely those two.

J: What else have you got there? Oh Sourdough, that's right, you told me about that.

P: Yeah it looks interesting! J: Noice!

P: And it's floppy, ya know? Like, it's... J: Hahah. Gotta love a floppy book!

J: I'm back home from the thing and I have a friend! H: Hello!

J: This is Heidi! H: Jeez I'm on video now!

J: Yeah you are! You have now been introduced to the world of BookTube!

J: Heidi is a gorgeous friend! She sings, she's smart, she wants to be a librarian.

J: I keep telling her that she should join BookTube. H: Eventually! It'll happen.

J: We're gonna start, like a soft launch with her on my channel!

J: And then we'll do a hard launch later, and it'll be great. I'm gonna get you on there!

J: Anyway I'm gonna show you the books that I got

from the book swap, and Heidi's gonna hang out as well, while we do it. It's gonna be great!

J: So what should we start with? H: Your pretty ones!

J: The pretty ones! We're gonna start with the pretty ones!

J: I found these two amazing vintage copies of... just random books?

I didn't even look at the titles, I just got them.

But we've got Under The Greenwood Tree, which is by Tom Hardy,

which is one that my grandparents have told me I should read anyway. H: Ooh!

J: And selections from Wordsworth! Which is, like... he's poetry and stuff, right? H: Yeah.

J: Yeah! So both of them are ones that I actually really want to read. But just look how pretty!

Look! Look at how pretty!

Then we have two prize-related books that I'm curious about.

One of them was A Case of Exploding Mangoes. There's Heidi in the corner.

Let's.... *pterodactyl noises* .. my arm isn't long enough.

A Case of Exploding Mangoes. I saw the title on the spine and was like 'this is a hilarious title.'

And then I picked it up, and saw that it's been like shortlisted and long-listed

for all kinds of things, and it actually sounds kind of interesting, so that's cool!

H: It looks pretty good! J: Then Elise, who you saw on the vlog earlier,

told me that I should definitely get this book, which is a Stella prize... winner?

J: So that's pretty cool. H: It sounds pretty cool. I saw the word 'dystopian' and was like 'tell me more!'

J: Right?! Right! And then Pip from Pip Reads I made her choose a book for me and she chose this.

The Light Between Oceans. Which is another book that I've heard and seen

around, all over the place, and I've been told that I should read. And so that's

cool. And then last, but definitely not least, we have a random memoir... Cause

he's written a few, right? H: I think he's written a few..?

J: There was another one there, that was a different title that I... so...

Anyway, memoir by Stephen Fry. Who is officially my celebrity crush. Basically.

J: I think he's amazing H: He's pretty cool.

J: He's amazingly eloqu-- J: Eloqq. Pfft. I'm not.

J: Eloquent and articulate. Two things which I'm not being now, because I

drank too much mulled wine. I've just been fascinated with his life

and everything that he has to say on almost every topic ever.

J: So... H: I love listening to him talk. J: Right?! He's so pretty.

H: And, like, narrating books. J: Yes! H: He should just be the narrator for everything.

J: He should! So I got that too, and that's my.. I.. I came home with more books than I went there with.

J: Anyway. Now that I've introduced you to Heidi. And Dave

D: Who's this? J: This is BookTube. Say hi to BookTube. D: Oh, hello book shoes.

D: Book shoes? J: Book... yes.

J: BookTube. Like YouTube, but for books.

D: BookTube! Hello BookTube. J: Yeah. There he is.

J: I'm gonna do a video with him soon. Now it's official. It's on a video. I've made the promise.

We have to keep the promise now.

J: I'm... this is terrible filming on my part. I don't think I've ever filmed a

video like this before...

H: There's a first time for everything! J: Right?! Anyway. So as you can see

I have a guest. So I should stop being a weirdo on camera, and say goodbye.

I hope you enjoyed meeting some Melbourne BookTubers at this Melbourne BookTube (kind of) event.

And seeing the books that we chose, and things. We'll be doing some more collabs with you soon, it's gonna be

great. I will see you for another video very shortly, I'm sure. And until then, as

always, stay classic!

For more infomation >> Meeting Aussie BookTubers! A Melbourne Book Swap + Meetup - Duration: 9:14.


Hawaii is Open - Duration: 1:43.

- Hi everyone, I'm John Chernesky.

Now we've all seen the media coverage

of the recent Kilauea eruption on the big island of Hawaii.

And like everyone else, our hearts go out to those

who've been uprooted from their homes

due to volcanic activity and we hope their lives

return to normal very soon.

The eruption has also taken a toll on tourism

to the Hawaiian Islands,

affecting countless locals who rely

on tourism to the Islands for their livelihood.

But while the magnitude of the eruption is real,

I want you to know that Hawaii is open for business

and Princess continues to offer

15 days cruises to support tourism on the Islands.

And, if you've been thinking about booking

a Hawaii vacation, and have been holding off

contacting your travel agent,

here are some important things you should know.

First, Kilauea's been erupting for the past 35 years.

And while recent activity has increased,

the total lava flow area

is still less than ten square miles.

That's about .2% of the entire Island.

And with the exception of 2/3

of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,

all shops, restaurants, and more are open on the Big Island.

As for the other Islands we visit,

they have not been affected.

In fact, I wanna share some recent photos

shared by travelers to Hawaii,

including Princess guests who are taking in

all the world famous scenery and beaches

that Hawaii is famous for.

And that includes these stunning shots from the Big Island,

as well as the Islands of Oahu, my birthplace.


And Kauai.

We at Princess are all in to support

the beautiful Hawaiian Islands and hope you will too.

Now I'm sure your local travel agent can help you plan

the Hawaii vacation you've always dreamed about,

hopefully sailing with us.

Mahalo and we hope to see you all very soon.


For more infomation >> Hawaii is Open - Duration: 1:43.


Alicia Graf Mack's Live Performance Moment | Juilliard Snapshot - Duration: 1:52.

♫ ♫ ♫ [upbeat jazz music]

I've had many blooper moments, that's for sure, but one of the best ones was in one

of the first weeks that I was performing with Alvin Ailey, there was a lot of talk

about my transition from a more classically oriented company to a modern

dance company. And so I was doing the personal work to make sure that that

transition was successful, like taking more Horton classes in the school--at the

Ailey school, and just really understanding different techniques. And I

had some time with Complexions Contemporary Ballet, which gave me even

more information about how to use my torso and things like that.

Well, in the first couple weeks working with Alvin Ailey, I was

performing "The Yellow Section," which is in these long, yellow dresses, and there's

a section where you sort of roll your body--you undulate your body and you plié

and you stamp your foot. And then after that, you kind of parade very proudly

forward. Well after I had so nicely undulated my body, the first step I took

was actually inside my skirt, not on the floor. The second step went lower down to

the floor because I was stepping on the dress.

And then as everyone in, you know, two lines paraded forward, I tucked and

rolled, all the way down the stage and I popped up and I started the rest of my

pointing ,and sort of--you know-- pretended that that didn't happen. Well

afterwards, the rehearsal director at the time, Ronni Favors, she said, "Well, Alicia,

you have perfected the modern dance roll!" [laugh]

♫ ♫ ♫ [upbeat jazz music]

For more infomation >> Alicia Graf Mack's Live Performance Moment | Juilliard Snapshot - Duration: 1:52.





Home For Sale Oshawa | 1555 Greenvalley Trail | Dan Plowman | #dealwithdave - Duration: 4:31.

Hey guys! It's Dave Irons here from the Dan Plowman Team Realty Inc., Brokerage

and I want to share with you this home for sale in Oshawa. Stick around till the end of the

video because we got an awesome giveaway that I'm gonna talk about.

Located at 1555 Greenvalley Trail this home is close to all amenities

located in a great quiet neighborhood and it has a backyard like no other. Let's check it out!

Now that we're inside let's take a look at this beautiful main floor and

see all that it has to offer.

The second floor features this beautiful open landing. Four great sized bedrooms

including an awesome master ensuite.

This basement is one of my favorite things about this house it's a great

space for entertaining and the customization is absolutely endless.

Thanks for sticking around for the full video. Don't wait around because you'll

definitely miss out on this beauty.

Now I'm giving away 3 separate sets of Blue Jays tickets. For a chance to win

Hit the LIKE button and

comment #dealwithdave down below.

Good luck!

For more infomation >> Home For Sale Oshawa | 1555 Greenvalley Trail | Dan Plowman | #dealwithdave - Duration: 4:31.


【PUBG】カスタムマッチ参加します!!【Vtuber】 - Duration: 1:41:11.

For more infomation >> 【PUBG】カスタムマッチ参加します!!【Vtuber】 - Duration: 1:41:11.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD - Duration: 10:44.

পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD

For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপের খামারে নতুন কিংকোবড়া সাপ!! | BD Snake Channel | King Cobra | HD - Duration: 10:44.


Sobae (소베) - Holiday (Feat. San E) Music Video - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Sobae (소베) - Holiday (Feat. San E) Music Video - Duration: 3:42.


Passion & Purpose: Finding Direction in Life (RSD Max Motivation) - Duration: 2:53.

passion and purpose it's pretty much one thing passion and purpose I remember

it's walk back through time five years ago I'm sitting there doctor tells me

max will never be able to play guitar anymore and I saw like I literally saw

my bubble of me being a guitarist doing that for the rest of my life first thing

no more dream max you're done and I think that the one thing that made me so

depressive that made me so unhappy was the fact that I didn't have a

direction to go anymore I was just there I was just a penny little being that was

just there what am i what if what's my purpose why am I on earth that's what I

asked myself I'm like well I had this amazing talent I was building it I was

building it I was working on it and now it's gone where am I going now why am I

even alive and then I came to the idea well I need something where my life

is steering Towers I need a goal in my life and I started acceptance okay I can

accept it I can never play guitar anymore

so I started getting into languages Latin and English is what I studied and

all of a sudden I became a lot happier I felt this purpose in myself I'm like oh

my god now I have a way where I can put all my

anger into now I have a direction where I can steer talents and even even be

even though I was angry because I couldn't use my arms anymore because I

could play guitar at least I had some purpose that I could work on

in all of a sudden I've called this happiness knowing in the head and then I

got the idea dudes a man needs a purpose in his life the pure male energy is

about thriving man have to strive a man has to have a purpose and for me it was

I studied Latin in English and then I was like plug the shit I wanted the game

started game and that was my purpose and the cool thing is you can put all your

energy into that and it makes a very happy person I'm on a happy one I don't

have shit to do cuz I haven't I had this one dream that I wanted to follow I want

to become a pickup artist and I knew ok every single second I can steel tower to

that goal Tower is becoming a better and a more attractive man I started working

out I was happy I started going out I was sad because I knew ok I'm doing this

right now and it makes me better I wasn't just sitting at home playing

video games without a purpose know everything I did I knew this shit makes

me better and all of a sudden I had a direction in life and it was awesome

For more infomation >> Passion & Purpose: Finding Direction in Life (RSD Max Motivation) - Duration: 2:53.


How To Break Up With Someone Nicely (1 STEP = CLEAN BREAK) - Duration: 5:24.

Breaking up with someone is hard especially if you care about the person.

I'm going to show you how to quickly make a clean break and also do it in a

way that honors him and you. And you're gonna do it in one step. My name is

Michelle Baxo and for the best advice for women on falling in love without

compromising themselves, be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell

so that you're notified of our new trainings every week.

If you're like many of my clients, you're at a point in your life where you want

to be in the relationship with the person that you're gonna share and build

your life with and even grow old with and if that's not the person you're

dating, you may know it's time to break up. But let's be sure that you do it in a

way that honors you both. This only takes one step, isn't that exciting? The only

thing you need to do is to help him understand that being together is

inconsistent with the future that each of you are creating. So tell me what are

some of the things that you want your future to include? Is it kids, travel

living in the inner city? Whatever it is, you're the only one responsible for

fulfilling that dream. Now you might be asking, Michelle, why is this the best

approach to breakups? I'll tell you. It's honest, it's clear and it's not personal.

Many people just give a whole bunch of reasons and excuses and they're either

petty like, I hate the way you chew, or they're terribly vague like, I'm just not

feeling it anymore or I need to do my own thing. This is so frustrating for the

other person and frankly it's a distinct sign that you haven't done the inside

work in yourself to have any relationship work. But letting someone

know that your goals have changed or that you're finally clear about your

goals and that they're just simply not a match for this relationship, is a gift to

both of you. Now you both have an opportunity to find a puzzle piece that

fits instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Now you might be

wondering, how do I say this? How do I do that? Well, the last thing I want you

doing is reading a script in this conversation, but just so that you can

get the flavor of it, here's an example: "I really enjoy our time together but I

have to think about my future. I know I want (fill in the blank) and since that's

not in the cards for us, it just doesn't make sense for us to continue." But here's

the thing, you cannot waffle or waver on this. If you want there to be a clean

break, it needs to be a clean break. Now unless through

communication you find out that he is in fact in alignment with the future that

you're out to create, then you can't become uncertain or start wavering

simply because he's disappointed or feels bad. He may very well be

disappointed or feel bad. People get disappointed. People won't always like

your decisions especially if they're impacted by them, but your job isn't to

make him happy, it's to make you happy. So doing a halfway breakup is a perfect

recipe for drawn-out pain and neither of you actually moving on. And that, is cruel.

So how do you make a clean break without being harsh? Well, you can say something

like this: "I care about you and I'd like to stay connected and be friends in the

future, but I also want to make sure we both have a clean break and move on. So

let's touch base in a few months." The break in communication needs to be

long enough to allow any attachment of that relationship to subside. But what if

you've only been dating for a few weeks and this is more about a compatibility

issue than necessarily your future goals? Well, here's what you can say: "I have to

come clean here, I wanted to really explore this because your a lot of what

I'm looking for, but I'm looking for something really specific when it comes

to who I commit to, and this just isn't it." Again what works about this is that

it's not personal to him. You're basically letting him know that most

people on the planet wouldn't make the cut, so it's not personal to him, he's

just simply not your match. And whatever you do, do not feel sorry for him. That's

the part women get wrong a lot. They feel guilty and bad instead of being clear.

Which is frustrating to that man on the other side of the conversation.

He's a grown man and can definitely handle it so talk to him that way. Alright,

so now that you know how to end it nicely and have it be a clean break, it's

now time to look ahead. First, I recommend you get a taste of our Power Love

Project by participating in the Clean Slate exercise, which is a great start

for moving on. Secondly, be sure to check out our website and start thinking about

what Power Love might look like in your next relationship. The links are in the

description below. So tell me, was this helpful and do you have any questions?

If you do, be sure you write in the comments below and I'll

personally respond. And if you liked the video hit like, subscribe, share it with a

friend. But no matter what, be sure to Love yourself, Love your life and Fall in

Love...Don't settle! See you next week.

For more infomation >> How To Break Up With Someone Nicely (1 STEP = CLEAN BREAK) - Duration: 5:24.


Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 9:23.

Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Make Your Own Edible Bubbles! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 9:23.


SPORTS NEWS DAY 20/7/2018 - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> SPORTS NEWS DAY 20/7/2018 - Duration: 9:50.


City looking for public input on replacement for historic Birmingham bridge - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> City looking for public input on replacement for historic Birmingham bridge - Duration: 1:58.


Labor deal in place, more design photos released for new KCI - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Labor deal in place, more design photos released for new KCI - Duration: 1:25.


Sesso, la scienza svela il momento migliore per avere un figlio - Duration: 2:45.

 Alle coppie che desiderano concepire un figlio tornerà utile l'esito di una recente ricerca pubblicata sul 'Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research', secondo cui sarebbe meglio avere rapporti sessuali al mattino e nei mesi primaverili

 Per stabilire quanto la fertilità abbia i suoi 'tempi preferiti' calcolati in ore e mesi, i ricercatori dell'ospedale universitario di Zurigo, in Svizzera, hanno analizzato 12

245 campioni di sperma di 7.068 uomini e studiato la concentrazione, il numero, la mobilità e la morfologia degli spermatozoi

L'odore del sesso: l'olfatto ben sviluppato facilita l'orgasmo   I risultati hanno mostrato che i campioni prelevati alle 7

30 del mattino avevano livelli più alti di concentrazione, di numero e morfologia spermatica

 Quanto alla mobilità, se il picco era tra le 8.30 e le 10, non si evidenziano differenze reali tra le ore del giorno e le stagioni

 Gli scienziati, tuttavia, hanno osservato un aumento marcato della concentrazione di spermatozoi e del loro numero totale in primavera e un calo in estate

 "La qualità dello sperma cambia secondo i ritmi circadiani e nel corso delle stagioni

Per aumentare le chance di avere un bambino - commenta Min Xie del Dipartimento zurighese di endocrinologia - sarebbe raccomandabile moltiplicare i rapporti sessuali al mattino e in primavera"

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