Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Thanks to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

We've made some improvements in recent decades when it comes to how we power our society.

But by and large, our world still runs on fossil fuels and nonrenewable energy.

And as long as we're dependent on these limited resources, we'll need to design the most efficient ways to harvest their energy.

But, that's difficult, because the laws of physics are not in our favor.

The fact is, you can't make a super-efficient system without any waste.

No matter how good of an engineer you are, you can't invent a perfect engine.

Why? It's because of an energy crisis that pervades our universe.

And it's caused by entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.

[Theme Music]

Since we've started designing engines, we've constantly tried to improve them.

Our first engines weren't that efficient, but we've come a long way since.

Take, for example, a heat engine.

Simply put, a heat engine is a machine or system that converts heat into other forms of energy.

And we can see how efficient they are, by looking at their thermal efficiency.

The thermal efficiency of a heat engine is the amount of useful work it can produce based on the amount of heat that we give it.

So the more work we get out, the more efficiently we use our fuel, and the less of it we need.

That's why engineers are constantly trying to make engines that are as thermally efficient as possible.

Many of the internal combustion engines that you find on the road are around 20% thermally efficient,

meaning that 20% of the heat that's applied n the engine actually does work.

There are some prototypes of automotive engines that are 40% efficient.

And there's even an air-cooled gas turbine that delivers an over 61% combined cycle efficiency.

That's impressive, but still it's not even close to 100%.

This seems to be our limit for how efficient our engines can be – at least for now.

So what gives? Why aren't they any better?

Well, we're restricted by thermodynamics.

You see, the first law makes it all seem pretty simple.

If we can't create or destroy energy, then any change in energy that we have, must have an equal and opposite change in energy somewhere else.

But in reality, it's a bit more complicated than that.

Based on the first law alone, you might think that you could simply recycle energy over and over again.

But while energy can't be created or destroyed, it can change into less useful or even unusable forms.

In fact, every real-world energy conversion has some amount of energy that changes into a form that's unavailable to do work.

And this less-usable energy that's lost is usually heat.

But can't we just convert that heat back to work?

Well yes, but not entirely.

Heat can never be turned into another, work-performing type of energy with 100% efficiency.

So every time you have a transfer of energy, you'll end up with some more "useless" energy.

For example, let's say you have a hot bowl of soup in a cold room.

Over time, the soup will cool off, and whatever energy it loses, its surroundings will gain.

But you can't take the energy from the cold room and use it to heat the soup back up,

even though the exchange didn't violate the first law.

Or think of it in terms of electricity running through a wire that goes to a radiator and generates heat.

Electricity goes in, and heat comes out.

But if you tried heating the wire, you wouldn't get electricity back, even though, once again, the first law isn't violated.

This is where the second law of thermodynamics comes in.

While the first law is all about the total quantity of energy, the second law is all the quality of energy.

The second law states that as energy is transferred or transformed, more and more of it, is wasted.

It basically restricts the inter-conversion between heat and work.

100% of the work that you put into a system can be converted into heat, but 100% of heat can't be converted into work.

So to understand what this really means, let's look at a heat engine, an engine that converts heat into energy that does work.

Say we put some heat energy into the engine.

The system will take the heat, go through a process, and give us energy in the form of work.

But some of the heat will always be released at a cooler temperature as a secondary output.

No heat engine could operate without doing this.

Basically, unless we're only trying to get heat, we're going to have some amount of inefficiency.

So how did we find any of this out?

Well, it all goes back to the work of two great minds.

The first of these minds belonged to Sadi Carnot, a French scientist who was probably more brilliant than we'll ever know.

Carnot came from a famous and influential family.

His father was a mathematician and a military engineer whose name would eventually be emblazoned, along with those of other scientists, on the Eiffel Tower.

And Carnot followed in his father's footsteps, joining the French army corps of engineers in 1814.

But, then things got sticky.

His father had become minister of the interior, under a fellow named Napoleon.

And after Napoleon met his literal Waterloo and the monarchy was restored, Carnot's father was sent into exile.

But Carnot was allowed to stay – languish is probably a better word.

He spent years inspecting army facilities and writing reports that no one read.

Until, in 1819, he transferred back to Paris and, out of curiosity, started attending lectures on chemistry and physics.

And there, he became especially interested in improving the performance of steam engines.

He published his research in a book called Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire, in 1824.

And although his work was largely ignored, it contained a revolutionary idea: a model for the most efficient steam engine possible.

Today it's known as the Carnot engine, and the process by which it works is called the Carnot Cycle.

The Carnot cycle is actually a hypothetical process – it's the most ideal cycle of changing pressures and temperatures in a fluid.

And it's ideal because it assumes there aren't any sources of waste, like friction or the conduction of heat between different parts of an engine.

So we use this cycle as a standard to judge the performance of heat engines.

The Carnot cycle consists of four processes, all of which are reversible – two adiabatic and two isothermal ones.

And it can take place in either a closed or a steady-state system.

Let's look at it in a closed system.

Let's say we have a gas that's contained in an adiabatic piston-cylinder device.

As we start up our piston, the first process in the Carnot cycle is called reversible isothermal expansion.

In this stage, the head of the cylinder starts in close contact with an energy source, or reservoir, at temperature TH.

This will transfer heat, which we'll call QH, to the gas.

As the energy source transfers heat, the gas starts to expand slowly, which does work on the surroundings.

As the gas expands, its initial temperature, TH, tends to decrease.

But as soon as the temperature drops by a very small, almost negligible amount,

some heat is transferred from the reservoir to the gas, which warms it up, bringing it back to its initial temperature.

That means that the temperature of the gas is basically kept constant throughout the process, which will continue until the piston reaches position 2.

At this point, we come to the second stage of the Carnot cycle: reversible adiabatic expansion.

Here, we'll make the process adiabatic by replacing the reservoir with insulation.

This means that as the gas expands, it can cool down, since it won't be heated back up by the reservoir anymore.

It will do this until its temperature drops from TH to TL, which brings us to position 3.

Halfway there!

Now we just need to go in the opposite direction as we begin the third stage of our cycle: reversible isothermal compression.

So now let's remove the insulation and bring the cylinder into contact with an energy sink at temperature TL.

This will cause the gas to transfer heat, which we'll call QL, to the reservoir.

Now, when some external force pushes the piston inward, which does work on the gas, the gas will compress and its temperature will tend to rise.

But as soon as the temperature rises by a very tiny amount,

some heat is transferred from the gas to the sink, which cools it down, causing the temperature to drop back down to TL.

Now, you'll notice that this is really similar to what happened in the first stage!

The temperature of the gas will stay the same throughout this process until the piston reaches position 4.

Now we're at the fourth stage of our cycle: reversible adiabatic compression.

In this last stage, we'll put the insulation back on, making the process adiabatic again.

The gas will continue to slowly compress until its temperature rises from TL to TH, which will complete the cycle and bring us back to where we started.

And, since we're back where we started, we have a fully reversible cycle.

This makes the Carnot cycle the most efficient cycle that we can have between two different temperatures.

Now, even though we can't actually achieve it in reality, we can improve the efficiency of our cycles if we try to model them more closely to Carnot's design.

His work shows us that the efficiency of a heat engine is only dependent on the temperatures of its heat reservoirs, rather than the types of fluids that it uses.

As such, the maximum attainable efficiency of a heat engine is equal to one minus the temperature of the cold sink divided by the temperature of the heat reservoir.

Now, remember when I said that Carnot was probably more brilliant than we'll ever know?

Well, let me finish his story.

Soon after he published his work on the Carnot cycle, he quit his job with the army and was left without an income or any pension.

Diagnosed with "mania" and "general delirium," he was then sent to an asylum, where he contracted cholera, which was sweeping through Paris at the time.

Carnot died at the age of 36.

And because all of his personal belongings were considered to be contaminated, they were buried with him, including all of his notebooks and papers.

So, the full scope of his work, and his genius, has been lost to history.

Nonetheless, we do know that Carnot discovered the limitation of efficiency, and his work has become foundational to our understanding of wasted energy.

But, Carnot's insights alone don't fully explain why we can never build the perfect engine.

We still need to understand another property – one that wasn't even put into words until a few decades after Carnot came up with his cycle.

The great mind who gave us this property was Rudolf Clausius.

Clausius was a German mathematician and physicist who introduced the concept of entropy around 1850,

after he recognized the confusion between Carnot's work and the conservation of energy.

Entropy is the measure of a system's thermal energy per unit temperature that's unavailable for doing work.

It's also the measure of the disorder, or randomness, of a system.

Mathematically, if the entropy for a system is 0, then we have a reversible process with no change in entropy, like with a Carnot engine.

Any value over 0, and then the process is irreversible and gains entropy.

So, every process results in either no change in entropy or an increase in entropy.

It's impossible to have an overall decrease in entropy.

If you're only looking at a system itself, it's possible to have a decrease in entropy.

But, and this is very important, the entropy of the system's surroundings and the universe would have to increase by an amount greater than or equal to the loss of entropy inside the system.

Simply put, our universe always tends toward disorder.

It's just the way of all things.

In fact, scary as it may be, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics actually predict the end of the universe as we know it!

If everything is tending toward disorder, than the logical conclusion is that all of the usable energy in the universe may one day be converted to heat.

This event is known as the heat death of the universe and, in addition to being a really wonderful band name, it may one day be our fate.

I wouldn't worry about it, though, because while it makes sense in theory, many doubt if it would actually happen.

And even if it did, it probably wouldn't happen for a really long time.

But whether or not entropy will cause the universe |to end, it does make it impossible to create a perfect engine with an output of 100% work energy.

We can try to get closer than we already are, but no matter how inventive we get as engineers,

we always have to follow the rules of the universe – even if it's one that will lead to our own doom.

So in today's lesson, we learned about the second law thermodynamics and how we came to understand it.

We started by talking about the differences between the first and second law of thermodynamics and how the second law focuses on quality over quantity.

Then we talked about the Carnot cycle and how it's the most efficient form of a heat engine with temperature differences.

We ended our lesson by going over entropy and the randomness that can occur with a system.

I'll see you next week, when we'll learn more about heat engines and how systems can operate on a cycle.

Thank you to CuriosityStream for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

CuriosityStream is a subscription streaming service that offers documentaries and non-fiction titles from a variety of filmmakers, including CuriosityStream originals.

For instance, CuriosityStream has a series called "Breakthrough" that's a deeper look at some major recent developments in physics, astronomy and other sciences.

You can learn more at and use the code crashcourse during the sign-up process.

Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

You can head over to their channel to check out a playlist of their amazing shows, like The Art Assignment, Deep Look, and It's Okay to Be Smart.

Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> Why We Can't Invent a Perfect Engine: Crash Course Engineering #10 - Duration: 12:55.


Kennywood unveils "Steelers Country" themed section featuring new roller coaster - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Kennywood unveils "Steelers Country" themed section featuring new roller coaster - Duration: 3:44.


[PAYDAY 2] Lanzallamas MA-17 y cambios en el parche 184 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> [PAYDAY 2] Lanzallamas MA-17 y cambios en el parche 184 - Duration: 2:31.


Tobu - Hope - Duration: 4:43.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Tobu - Hope - Duration: 4:43.


LouGotCash On Collabing With Rich The Kid | The Initiation - Duration: 2:40.

♪ I don't need no bitch I'm straight yo ♪

♪ I don't want her 'cause she knows she too fake yo ♪

Definitely I learned how to make

the dancin' type music.

The club vibes.

That definitely came from livin' down south.

I was influenced by that.

Everywhere else is kinda like somebody sound

like they from somewhere else regardless.

I feel like that's how I stand out in New York.

I've lived down south

and I've lived in New York.

I got both sounds easy.

I'm tryin' to change the direction that we goin' in.

Right now I write about sex a lot.

I feel like it's not an artist my age

that really rap about that.

Like everybody my age really rap about

drugs and violence.

I ain't really into that.

Like I write about chicks and money.

With what I'm doin'

I'm trying to take it to the next level.

I was in Long Island, did a show.

15,000 people there.

That was the most I ever performed with.

Everybody knew the word.

I was like, "Oh shit!"

That's when you be like, damn, hold on.

People really like, they care about me being on that stage.

You know what I'm sayin'?

They pay attention to what you doin'.

It was crazy, that was my craziest show.

Also when I signed my deal

feel like I got drafted or some shit.

Rich DM'd me one day like, "Yo, send me a track."

Just out of nowhere one day.

So I sent it to him or whatever say like two days later

he was in the studio and he was on his story

he ain't even hit me.

He was just on his story with it.

So he sent that, I'm like, "Nah, that shit heat."

That's a fact, definitely when I lived down south

I used to bump Rich all the time.

The Streets on Lock.

Stuff like that.

I used to bump that shit.


Everything he do just fire to me.

Like Drake the goat.

He the best of all time.

He my favorite artist ever.

My homie Lighter, first time I ever heard Drake

pulled his headphones off and was like, "Listen."

It was the best I ever had.

That's when I became a Drake fan.

Like officially.

I'm like, "Nah, he tough."

New Drake is just like, I ain't even think

he could top the old Drake, you know I sayin'.

It was like damn.

One of my favorite London on the Track.

'Cause it different between

makin' a beat and bein' a producer.

He'll come in the studio and, "Nah, take that part off.

"Chop it, put this right here, this goes right here."

I'm pretty sure there's a lot of other producers

that do that but I got to see that personally.

So I feel like he one of top dogs ever.

I listen to like 2000s R&B.

That's the best era of R&B music.

They don't make songs like that no more.

Like Ja Heems.

Untouched legendary music.

Like classic stuff.

That early 2000, 2003, 2004, that was fire.

That was a crazy era for R&B music.

Not everyone but a lot of older people

be like kinda bitter towards it,

instead of embracin' it like they should.

The NBA changed.

You know what I'm sayin'?

Like Steph Curry don't play like Michael Jordan.

He got his own game.

Still gettin' done, you know what I'm sayin'?

We still makin' our money and stuff.

It's like you can't hate man.

Just gotta let us do what we do.

For more infomation >> LouGotCash On Collabing With Rich The Kid | The Initiation - Duration: 2:40.



Hi everyone, this is Anastazia Custom speaking

and welcome to this new video work in progress

Today I got inspired again from NoFlutter's work

with this beautiful fanart of Tinkerbell

I wanted to change it a little bit to make her as a pirate

and for that I'm going to make her a wooden leg and a hook

Draculaura being my favorite doll model

I chose her for this custo

I skipped the step where I remove makeup and hair

since it is visible on almost all my other videos

I start with the wooden leg knowing that

Draculaura does not have removable legs like Create a Monster

it's cruel but I'm going to have to cut it

I found a repainted leg that I had ordered

a few years ago on an Etsy shop

which unfortunately no longer exists today

It's perfect for our Steampunk Tinkerbell

I finally did well to wait until now to use it

but to insert it into the knee of my Draculaura

I'm going to dig inside using my Dremel

It just fits

and at least I do not need to put glue inside

Let's go for the makeup

I use watercolor pencils and pastels

I now realize the wig

in a way that you will certainly judge a bit peculiar

but it's a technique wich I love more and more

and that I will probably continue to use for a while

even evolve in this way

since it allows me to make hairstyles

a little more complex than usual

You have often asked me in the comments

why do not I reroot like other artists

so just because I started custo

by doing reroot

and I always hated it

It took me about 3 days to do a head

while a wig takes me about 1 hour

So you will tell me

« Yes, but it's prettier »

I do not agree

Each artist has his own tastes

his own way of doing his custo

and for my case I prefer to make a glue wig

rather than having a bad time on a reroot

There you are surely wondering

« But what is she doing ? »

I let the suspense you will see at the end

I reassure you right away

I will not leave the base of the wig like that

I'm going to make hair buns and for that

I used cotton balls soaked in white glue

which I then allowed to dry in order to stick the fiber all around of it

To be able to integrate these buns to the hairstyle

I used my UV resin and a pin to be able to insert them in the head

The hairstyle is made

I'm going to have to cut her hand to make her hook

I used resin to carve it

The varnish that I mainly used is Tamiya X-22

which I find shines much more than the others

Until now, I have only tested fimo varnish and nail polish

but if you know of other glossier varnishes

do not hesitate to tell me in the comments so that I can test them

This custo is a collaboration with French seamstresses

Les Procréastinatrices Associées

and here is their wonderful work on Tinkerbell's outfit

And here is the wonderful Steampunk pirate Tinkerbell

You could find her for sale on my stand

at the Ldoll Festival in Lyon at the end of October

I want to thank again NoFlutter

and Les Procréastinatrices Associées

but also La Petite Clinique des Poupées

for giving me some technical advice

I have still planned some custo on the fanarts of NoFlutter so stay connected

I hope you enjoyed this video and see you soon

Tchuss !!

For more infomation >> TINKERBELL PIRATE STEAMPUNK - MONSTER HIGH REPAINT - Duration: 13:54.


Electro-Light - Symbolism - Duration: 4:51.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Electro-Light - Symbolism - Duration: 4:51.


Man, 19, charged in paintball shooting spree - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Man, 19, charged in paintball shooting spree - Duration: 1:33.


Coming home with the crown: Miss USA spends time at assisted living facility - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Coming home with the crown: Miss USA spends time at assisted living facility - Duration: 1:33.


NYC Pride (part 2 of 3): How New York is where it all began - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> NYC Pride (part 2 of 3): How New York is where it all began - Duration: 3:43.


Chef prepares to feed Artscape crowds - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Chef prepares to feed Artscape crowds - Duration: 1:24.


Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart - Duration: 4:27.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart - Duration: 4:27.


BOXDEL zorganizuje kolejnego streama CHARYTATYWNEGO dla dzieci z hospicjum. (Klaun z Koszalina) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> BOXDEL zorganizuje kolejnego streama CHARYTATYWNEGO dla dzieci z hospicjum. (Klaun z Koszalina) - Duration: 2:49.


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🗡️ NEW Series OFFICIAL TRAILER w/ Bonus SNEAK PEEK | Nick - Duration: 3:20.


♪ Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Heroes in a half shell Turtle power ♪

You are about to be part of an experiment

that will change the very nature of humanity.

This can't be good.


This represents a new level of mutant ability!

Let's play!

Unleash the flavor!

Capture those specimens!


You guys from Jersey?

Someday you will be great ninjas.

- Time to put our training to use. - What training?

You guys have been training?

It's go time!

We're getting nowhere fighting these guys.


How about we take the glowy ones?

♪ Rise of the ♪

OK, guys. This is our moment.

[music playing]

Let's go out and bust some bad guys!

We're gonna be heroes!

Smash and bash!


♪ Turtle power ♪


Ah, boy.

[music playing]

[laughing menacingly]


[music playing]

Yellow Submarine, are we clear?

Affirmative, Red Rover.

Copy. All right, boys. It's go time.

[music playing]


[music playing]

- Cow.. - A...

- Bun... - Ga!

Cannon ball!

[water splashing]




Ha, you must be this rad to ride that ride.

Oh, based on our velocity and entry angle...

I concur. We rad!

You guys crushed it!

Give me five! Or three...

Couldn't have done it without you, April. Our girl with the plan!

And keys to the roof.

Let's go bungee dunk on the hoops at Ruckle Park.

Game on!

Just one thing first.

Wet floor and dry pool.

My work is done here.

For more infomation >> Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🗡️ NEW Series OFFICIAL TRAILER w/ Bonus SNEAK PEEK | Nick - Duration: 3:20.


XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:32.

XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:32.


How Do Plants Move? 5 Methods Plants Use for Seed Dispersal! - Duration: 4:57.

In 2012, this stormwater retention basin behind me was constructed to keep the surrounding

neighborhoods from flooding during large rain events.

It has five artificially constructed ponds, and a canal that connects them all.

When the environmental engineer and his team built the basin, they planted 18 different

species of plants that are native to the area and thrive in the wetlands setting.

It's been six years since construction, and you can now find over 60 different plant

species in this basin.

So how did so many different plant species find their way in?

Well, over the past hundreds of millions of years, plants have evolved many different

and unique methods of dispersing their seeds and moving throughout their environment.

First, trees and other plants can drop a large and heavy fruit full of seeds from their branches.

Some of these fruits, like apples and coconuts, roll away from the parent plant, decompose,

drop their seeds, and begin a new plant.

Some of the softer fruits can actually open upon impact with the ground, and scatter their seeds in

the process.

These fruits can also be carried away from their parent plant by water or animals, which

brings us to our next method.

If an animal eats and digests the fruit, the seeds will pass through the animal's digestive


Because of harsh, acidic conditions of the stomach acid, plants have evolved to make

seeds with very hard outer coatings or shells.

This way, the seeds pass right through the animal's intestines and the animal drops

the seeds out in a nice, fertile… poop.

Often times, the animal's waste provides a good place for the seed to sprout and begin

growing and spreading.

Plants that use this strategy have evolved to produce a brightly colored fruit that tastes

very sweet… and animals love sweet food.

Raspberries, grapes, dates, and other berries use this method to attract birds and small

rodents, who travel long distances.

Other plants use animals to disperse their seeds in a different way.

These plants have evolved spiny or hooking seeds that get stuck to an animal's fur,

skin, or feathers as they walk through their environment.

You've probably had this happen to you if you have gone on a hike and noticed plant

seeds and debris sticking to your pants or socks.

Eventually, these seeds fall off the animal, or your pants, a long distance away from the

parent plant.

Plants like trifolium angustifolium, or the narrowleaf crimson clover, use this method.

Perhaps the most interesting method of seed dispersal uses the natural process of evaporation

to actually burst open a seed pod with an explosion.

During hot, sunny days, the side of the seed pod that faces the sun gets warmer and drier

than the side in the shade, building up pressure that creates a mild explosion or popping and

sends seeds flying up to 100 meters away from the parent plant.

This tree is nicknamed the dynamite tree because of how loudly the fruit explodes when the

pressure builds up.

Other plants that use this method include exploding cucumbers, and touch-me-nots … you

can see how they get their name.

Next, many trees and plants simply use the wind to disperse their seeds.

Some of these plants have evolved to produce seeds so incredibly light, they can fly in

the wind and land miles away from the parent plant.

Many of the annoying weeds that keep popping up in your garden use this method, like the

common dandelion, whose flying seed looks kind of like a Fortnite glider, and Canadian Thistle.

Maple trees, on the other hand, don't necessarily have super lightweight seeds, but evolved

wing-like structures that look like helicopters when they fall off the parent tree.

These seeds don't fly as easily as a dandelion would, but can still travel great distances,

especially if the wind is strong.

Lastly, seeds can find their way into rivers, streams, and other bodies of water.

Aquatic plants have evolved lighter, more buoyant seeds that stay afloat or stick to

the surface of the water.

The seeds settle in the downstream soil usually right next to the stream or river, which is

why certain plants like Willows or Foxgloves are found near water.

Water lilies produce fruits that stay afloat on top of the water for a while, but eventually

fall beneath the surface to start a new plant.

Coconut and palm trees can travel on long ocean currents and reach new islands or even


The plants that found their way into the basin used a bunch of these methods.

Whether they were brought in from the birds, the wind, or by water, they have successfully

spread and established themselves as part of another ecosystem.

These evolutionary adaptations help the plants survive, reproduce and spread to new areas,

and for me, it's always interesting to observe.

Thanks for watching.

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