Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Tobu - Hope - Duration: 4:43.


Electro-Light - Symbolism - Duration: 4:51.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Electro-Light - Symbolism - Duration: 4:51.


Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart - Duration: 4:27.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart - Duration: 4:27.


BOXDEL zorganizuje kolejnego streama CHARYTATYWNEGO dla dzieci z hospicjum. (Klaun z Koszalina) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> BOXDEL zorganizuje kolejnego streama CHARYTATYWNEGO dla dzieci z hospicjum. (Klaun z Koszalina) - Duration: 2:49.


XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:32.

XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz & Is it real cosmetics or cosmetic toys? | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 4:32.


How Do Plants Move? 5 Methods Plants Use for Seed Dispersal! - Duration: 4:57.

In 2012, this stormwater retention basin behind me was constructed to keep the surrounding

neighborhoods from flooding during large rain events.

It has five artificially constructed ponds, and a canal that connects them all.

When the environmental engineer and his team built the basin, they planted 18 different

species of plants that are native to the area and thrive in the wetlands setting.

It's been six years since construction, and you can now find over 60 different plant

species in this basin.

So how did so many different plant species find their way in?

Well, over the past hundreds of millions of years, plants have evolved many different

and unique methods of dispersing their seeds and moving throughout their environment.

First, trees and other plants can drop a large and heavy fruit full of seeds from their branches.

Some of these fruits, like apples and coconuts, roll away from the parent plant, decompose,

drop their seeds, and begin a new plant.

Some of the softer fruits can actually open upon impact with the ground, and scatter their seeds in

the process.

These fruits can also be carried away from their parent plant by water or animals, which

brings us to our next method.

If an animal eats and digests the fruit, the seeds will pass through the animal's digestive


Because of harsh, acidic conditions of the stomach acid, plants have evolved to make

seeds with very hard outer coatings or shells.

This way, the seeds pass right through the animal's intestines and the animal drops

the seeds out in a nice, fertile… poop.

Often times, the animal's waste provides a good place for the seed to sprout and begin

growing and spreading.

Plants that use this strategy have evolved to produce a brightly colored fruit that tastes

very sweet… and animals love sweet food.

Raspberries, grapes, dates, and other berries use this method to attract birds and small

rodents, who travel long distances.

Other plants use animals to disperse their seeds in a different way.

These plants have evolved spiny or hooking seeds that get stuck to an animal's fur,

skin, or feathers as they walk through their environment.

You've probably had this happen to you if you have gone on a hike and noticed plant

seeds and debris sticking to your pants or socks.

Eventually, these seeds fall off the animal, or your pants, a long distance away from the

parent plant.

Plants like trifolium angustifolium, or the narrowleaf crimson clover, use this method.

Perhaps the most interesting method of seed dispersal uses the natural process of evaporation

to actually burst open a seed pod with an explosion.

During hot, sunny days, the side of the seed pod that faces the sun gets warmer and drier

than the side in the shade, building up pressure that creates a mild explosion or popping and

sends seeds flying up to 100 meters away from the parent plant.

This tree is nicknamed the dynamite tree because of how loudly the fruit explodes when the

pressure builds up.

Other plants that use this method include exploding cucumbers, and touch-me-nots … you

can see how they get their name.

Next, many trees and plants simply use the wind to disperse their seeds.

Some of these plants have evolved to produce seeds so incredibly light, they can fly in

the wind and land miles away from the parent plant.

Many of the annoying weeds that keep popping up in your garden use this method, like the

common dandelion, whose flying seed looks kind of like a Fortnite glider, and Canadian Thistle.

Maple trees, on the other hand, don't necessarily have super lightweight seeds, but evolved

wing-like structures that look like helicopters when they fall off the parent tree.

These seeds don't fly as easily as a dandelion would, but can still travel great distances,

especially if the wind is strong.

Lastly, seeds can find their way into rivers, streams, and other bodies of water.

Aquatic plants have evolved lighter, more buoyant seeds that stay afloat or stick to

the surface of the water.

The seeds settle in the downstream soil usually right next to the stream or river, which is

why certain plants like Willows or Foxgloves are found near water.

Water lilies produce fruits that stay afloat on top of the water for a while, but eventually

fall beneath the surface to start a new plant.

Coconut and palm trees can travel on long ocean currents and reach new islands or even


The plants that found their way into the basin used a bunch of these methods.

Whether they were brought in from the birds, the wind, or by water, they have successfully

spread and established themselves as part of another ecosystem.

These evolutionary adaptations help the plants survive, reproduce and spread to new areas,

and for me, it's always interesting to observe.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How Do Plants Move? 5 Methods Plants Use for Seed Dispersal! - Duration: 4:57.


Earning money through youtube ft. YOUR OPINIONS - Duration: 6:23.

Hey everyone, welcome back in a brand new video of PD, Pinkdolphin, yep that's me!

My apologies for this being a very random and unorganised video.

I'm kind of feeling sick right now and I'm dealing with a personal issues.

Like euh..

my mom..

Telling me she'll kick me out of the house because of some.. personal reason.. and stuff like that.

I'm sorry, if this being unorganised but I'm just not on point right now.

But I wanted to make this video eitherway.

So recently youtube kind of offered me the possibility to..

gain, money through my videos by

Adding like kind of reclames and ads in my videos. Euh, short ads of just a few seconds long.

However, I wanted to discuss this with you guys because I feel as if this isn't really my channel.

This is a channel that belongs to all of us, to the entire therian community. So I want to do this with your approval or disapproval

So I want to ask you guys what you think about this. About..

some videos, I won't do it on all videos. I'll mainly do on like '10 therian problems'

Videos.. and 'how to bark, howl growl" and...

Just any video with over a thousand or 3,000 views?

So videos that are being watched quite a lot and easily found I want..

Only those videos.. I want to allow YouTube to place ads on them.

Also a little disclaimer... if I allow YouTube to place..

Like.. money ads on my..

videos..YouTube will be kind of reviewing my channel and choosing if it's good enough are not good enough for doing this.

I am kind of afraid that YouTube might take down some videos because of the music in them

That's credited that I didn't brought like, you know copyrighted stuff like that

I'm not entirely sure if YouTube actually does this or not...

It's told to me that they might not actually because they don't really do that effort..

they just want to see if I have enough subscribers and enough content to actually gain money.

But if any of you actually does gain money through YouTube..

Can you please tell me if they do like you remove videos if you have like...

Copyrighted music in them at the moment they are like.. reviewing to see if you are allowed to gain money?

So I will be able to gain a little bit of money by it. I will only be gaining a few cents per video..

Why I want to do this

Youtubing is quite exhausting and it is kind of influencing my life in a way that I'm not

Spending enough time on my own family. My own friends and even my own boyfriend

I spent 40 percent perhaps of my past holidays in Tenerife..

Being on my phone, editing videos, filming videos.. instead of swimming at the pool playing cards with family being on a dinner with family..

I skip meals for youtube.

I skip going to the bathroom for YouTube.

Even my boyfriend is sitting next to me, playing games on his phone because he's bored..

Because I'm busy with youtube instead of busy with him.

Like I.. I..

I Should be. so youtube is influencing my life in a negative way

but not only that! YouTube is also influencing my life in a very positive way.

Because I'm very very grateful for this community and

Helping it and grow as a youtuber. And growing as a person..

But because it's slightly influencing my life. Negatively. I also want to make a little bit more

Let's say. I want to make something for myself from it.

By example, I spend..

Easily five to ten hours a day..

busy for YouTube. Because I respond to every single comment because I.. I ..I

I refuse to Ignore any comments. I spent hours... like I spent about three hours a day..

commenting on comments and talking to y'all in private. And helping people i, private. And chatting with you and..

Reviewing other youtubers and encouraging other youtubers. I spent five hours to eight hours a day

Per video.. like a video of three minutes you see on my youtube channel..

Has has cost me five to seven hours of work actually. So yeah, it's taking a lot of my day. It's..

Basically YouTube is 50% of my day and I don't have any free time anymore and it's influencing my life very negatively

so what I want to do with this is if I allow youtube to..

Place ads on my videos... I'll be gaining a few cents per view. Not a lot. I don't wanna..

Like.. Use you guys. I just kind of want something for myself for this

I want to be paid for my work. Let's say I want to

It's possible to gain money through these videos and..

I know that I can do a lot with this money not only for myself and for my YouTube and allowing myself to..

Buy better (filming)gear and better equipment and better..

programming even..

but I'lll also been using it for therian related projects from research to ...

Donating to wildlife funds.. To by example... My giveaways have been completely funded by money

That's given me through YouTube or trough my therian (redbubble) merchandise store.

So this is where the money will be going to. The money won't be entirely going to myself.

The money will be mostly used for my therian related purposes.

Because it's a therian related YouTube.. So I think the money should go to therian related things as well

but I wanted to ask your approval or disapprove.. what you think of this..

What you think I should do or you think I shouldn't do.

should I allow YouTube to

Place some ads on my videos? I'll be able to control all of those. I can choose which videos and which not and I can choose..

How many ads per video and how much not.

That's really it. I'm very sorry guys again. I'm kinda having a rough day today..

And eumm.. I'm not looking very good .. but hey I can't always be a happy puppy I guess?

See you later. I care about you guys no matter what this will bring.. I care about you. I love you guys


For more infomation >> Earning money through youtube ft. YOUR OPINIONS - Duration: 6:23.


youtuberler liseli olsaydı(enes batur kafalar ruhi çenet) - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> youtuberler liseli olsaydı(enes batur kafalar ruhi çenet) - Duration: 2:28.


Meses do Ano/Months of the Year (aula 5) - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Meses do Ano/Months of the Year (aula 5) - Duration: 1:52.


Detroit: Become Human part 11~ WE DECLARE - Duration: 34:51.

It's dance and dance dance dancing, baby

Hi, welcome back to Detroit. I hope you've enjoyed your experience so far I have

Look away. Yeah. Thanks my friend Dola fuck away

Right first I

I start to cook it welcome back to Detroit become human. I know it's been a while

But the thing with me I got I got too many video games because we just had that steam cell

So there's so many video games. I want to play it. I keep on trying to like

Dumb, I'm all over it. There's so many games, but

Your indie this one already do Detroit become human

I have played this chapter because I tried the recorder earlier

But I think my ps4 is too hot because I really started glitching. So hopefully it doesn't glitch this time

I'm gonna try to do everything I did last time so it's the same

Also, I apologize if I'm screwing because I feel like I am yelling, but it could just be because my headphones are on

Hey, oh

and the last time we played we did I

Just remember the Pirates Cove with Carwood with the girl and we did the

Carousel, so it's called I think this

I really like for you, huh? I just come here a lot before

Personal question stop drinking before

Go back

Go for what?

Hmm, you said I used to come here a lot before?

Before what?


Before nothing. All right, come on a headed me before something

uh personal question

Can I ask you a personal question?

Lieutenant. Hi, I'm Connor disciples that beside me. Android's ask so many personal questions. Is it just you just me?

Odo suicide. Oh, that's right. We found Hank and he had the gun and he was playing the

Was a game called we have one bullet and you keep on pulling the trigger

So if you don't play it with like a group of people

And we found a photo that had a kid it had the a

Boy in it. Oh

I tried to play this game like a week ago

And then I played subnautica what you all saw because I went up by the channel. So I'm trying to remember

Like from two weeks ago. It was the last thing I did on this game. I

Think it was a boy. We found the picture of the boy in the kitchen with him and then he had the gun. Oh,


Saw a photo of a child on your kitchen table. Oh

Who it was your son right god I should have done the suicide


I'm sorry. Hey guy. Just got to be I just got you to be my friend

Won't the sir. I

Just I'm not good at keeping a Gaz I Fred I like

We're not making any progress on this investigation

Wow from personal business nothing in common. Yes, I do. They're all different models

Produced at different times in different places, but they're all being abused by the humans

What they have in common is this obsession with ra9 I

Find it funny. That was I'm kind of

Yeah, well that's funny. But interested to our sealer case wasn't part of their original program and a is capitalized God

Fuck what's this world coming to?

You seem preoccupied lieutenant bull, let's say he tried to kill himself something to do with what happened back at the club

Oh right with the two female androids

They just wanted to be together that's right good shooting I stand by that in love

Ironic you seem troubled lieutenant

And in think machines could have such an effect on you. Is that bad Connor? Okay. Yeah, that wasn't that or good

You look human yeah found human yeah

What are you really I am Connor day a droid sent by cyber life

Cold aggressive defense of neutral

I'm not gonna do cold

So you did submit some say that guy I'm gonna Android I

Like games like this where you have like a bunch of options

but what it's just a one-word cuz you think he'll say like something else and then there's like this whole

Paragraph that they go off on. Um

Neutral I'm whatever you want me to be lieutenant Oh

What up? Yes everybody to drink with

Or just a machine. I'm sorry, if I'm being really loud

I've got too much energy and they shot those two girls, but you did I couldn't why aren't you soup Connor?

Why did you shoot some scruple suddenly enter into your program L know I mean, yes

sure, you know I

Just decided not to shoot

I'm making good choices now sweet Oh

I forgot. What are you afraid to die Connor?

Yes, no, no stop it

Yes, no not alive logical

see my thing like

I'm not afraid to die. But like I'm afraid of leaving my family behind. I'm afraid of like the pain that they would be in

And like in a weird way I'm also afraid of missing out on moments, you know, like my brother's weddings

you know in there the kids will have and my mom and dad's, you know, their anniversary and

You know their birthdays and stuff and just special stuff like that like seeing my brothers graduate from college

So it's like I was dying now, I would miss that stuff

So I'm kind of afraid of missing that and I'm also afraid of what like my death would

Like the pain my death would cause my family is what I'm afraid. I'm not necessarily

Me dying, but like the fact my death would have on other people. Oh

But this is Connor and that was I'm gonna say yes, I would certainly find it regrettable


Before I can finish this investigation

Good answer what'll happen if I pull this trigger?

You would be fine. I'm pretty sure nothing


Android heaven


Ironic Hanks anger


What what's the five mean?

This is the problem to which I'm really glad I can pause this just for the time way, which I know it's not

You should play the gay right

But like a lot of the parts, I don't know what they meet as much as I love breathing. I'm like

I kind of want to take the top one which probably means it's not the right answer. I

Mean he's not really angry

You know, you're not going to shoot me lieutenant you're just trying to provoke a reaction I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you

Picked it tell me this smartass

How do I know you're not a deviant

Myself test regularly, I know what I am and what I am NOT


Good he's still my friend. Where are you going get drunker?

I need to think

You do that I

Never got the point of alcohol like I don't drink myself Oh

Hank left karna alone. I could I could have gone with them


Be cold, yeah, that was one of the other pass Oh dice skip stuff. I guess there was a magazine I

Would so I want to play this game again just to see the different

Like different choices and endings you can get

But at the same time at the endings kind of been spoiled for me, so if what's gonna happen?

It's true what the person told me then

This game has a sucky ending, but I'm hoping I'm hoping they were just like lying to me and they weren't actually

What the endings gonna be which if it's true, I'm not gonna say because I don't want to spoil anything

Uh-oh. Lauren means he's a deviant


So what this isn't glitching because I wanted to play this while North front Josh neutral

Santa if I can't stay silent anymore

Me too. What it means North is the girl, you know, they'll never listen to us and revealing ourselves put us in danger

if we want free Saints and the courage to ask for it, is that just the only way

What do you want to do

Now then variable safety in 2034 town council room is on the top floor 1/3 RPM you to go

I really risk. I really wish my desk was one I could stand up with

Because I don't really like sitting here and especially since this is a controller game

I wish I could just Spanish the smallest detail. We can't leave anything to chance


I probably could if I move my monitor up, I just be like looking down like this, which I kind of do anyways

Because my webcam said a wetter spot

Maybe I'll do that next episode see if I can't stand up while playing

Dance time, okay

However once having a good day, I hope y'all I have a fun day for you. I would like to go to the talk italics

dis jacked human supervisor


He thought really high for today. I don't like

But like mostly when I talk I don't make any sense cuz I just do random shit. Oh

Wait Emily everyone's name is Emily but uh, I

Don't know I've lost my train of thought parking badge third floor


Service interruption home address you really just leave that laying around

Smart Watch I

Wanna watch but I don't like like everything's so bulky now like the good expensive one Elizabeth. I

Guess like to me and again this has nothing to it

But like I like wearing my watch is where the face is here, cuz I checked my time like this

instead of going like this, which is the proper way to wear it because

Whatever one does but I like wearing it or it's like upside down

And speaking

Parking school fire department Fire Department

Okay, I'll be right there I

Don't want to like I could have done the kid with the school

but I feel like that's like a meaner instead just saying like oh your

Apartment burned down or something. I

Have an appointment with mr. Peterson. Do you have any ID? Yeah. Yes. Yes, of course

And apparently if like I chose the casual I need your help

I've just checked your ID. The elevators are after the security gate


What did he just do did you just like override that enjoys programming

Okay, that was weird

But I chose to the


Difficulty to play on it on which it's the easiest but apparently if you choose go inside the elevator. There you go

You choose the hardest instead of having to use the analog stick. You actually have to tilt your controller

Which I kind of wish I known that cuz I would have children status of using the analog stick


Don't dance they find packaged in men's bathroom. Okay?

So I am mostly the yellow light. So where's the men's bathroom? The men's bathroom is?

Okay, it's behind me

Dance dance mom

Should be this week's it was oh no

Did I go the wrong way Oh

Camera why might control the camera? That was weird. I think I went the wrong way you

Stay shed, wait was that

Okay, a lot of these uh, L wands is like why can I

Why can I look at that?

Bathroom still left. Thank you sign

Bathroom I hope this is the men's bathroom and not the women's ooh


That's cool, I wish I wish bathrooms actually had that so you can tell easier which ones actually had someone in it

So I hate like going up to door and like having a knock or trying to pull on them when someone's in there

but just like I hate when people do that to me - it's like our

Hello, let me do it I got a do

Okay, oh did the package get there

Try to do oh, excuse me Oh

Looking good Marcus

You are an Android sent by cyber Knife

How did you get the uniform and then get it in the bathroom

All right. What are you know access?

Finding utility job. Oh those those little guys they've been buzzing around like this one

No, okay. Oh there's one and there's one in there where is the door to this place?

Oh right there okay don't mind me I am an Android

Hello I

Need your help

No one's on his hands towards right? Why can he just control these other Androids now?

Have I missed something or am I just not remembering something right? Why can he control the androids?

Open fire escape, excuse me. Excuse me. It's a control

Feeds me excuse me, sir, sir. You're too slow. Excuse me. Excuse me, Lobby threw money. Oh

This is what happens why stay up until one o'clock two nights in a row

Sir, sir, you do slow too slow know it, babe

I already over sir. Sorry ma'am, man. You're in the way you're in the way. Look at this, please. Oh

This is a fire escape, I must be knock knock


North how are you doing like your ponytail North you're gonna wait you're going too slow go too slow. I

Can't oh, yes, I can't swim. Oh, it's whistled. We need to access the server. We have to get rid of those guys

Leave it to me. Could they always talk mine the mine?

track - and ours with bronze doors

I talked to them

Excuse me guards, excuse me. I need to go in I need to go in that room. Excuse me, excuse me guards guards

Guards guards

Okay, what can I do to shut you


Excuse me

Whoa, whoa. Whoa, okay, okay

What the fuck

Okay, I'm coming back this way the camera tint. I like that direction. Okay. Sorry. Sorry, you want me to go this way?

I'll pull this way

Plan attack them attack them

Oh hack there's no one will notice that



Cannot believe that worked. All right, you get the platform. I'll take care of the window

Everything you need is in the back check the door for us to make sure no one else gets in. Oh

Yeah, get them


What is up with his hands


You couldn't just pass it to me. Once you got put on the floor, huh, but you got put on foot

What am I even doing? I I was goofing around and I seriously missed the plot to this


Wow full circle whoo. That's cool like a personal lightsaber that

Glass actually stay until you mess with it

Why are we going outside?

Seriously, how did we get the uniforms? How are you able to get into the


with a bag

Ladies first

I'm not questioning. I'm not question that they did it there enjoys. Of course they did it

Dreadfully sure they and I wanted to push Oh


And it doesn't hold and we fall straight down to the tower and where do

These ropes are I attached to the rope? Hope Jackson?

I feel like we'd be

Push a more that would because it looks like it

When is really blowing that's better, I don't know like if I'd seen you I might be here to pick up my voice easier

Epic music

Whereas poses is me

Or I say okay we're too high so of course no one's noticing us climbing up the side of the building

See can they enjoy to get cold or not


That down there we go

You look so uncomfortable Marcus oh yes


Come on let's get the others

Seriously you are you guys just sitting it in the server lift. Oh, it's this one. I thought it was the silver door oka

Let's do this

I'm not



This is a bomb

That's kind of cool I

Am so confused about what I am doing and how all this is happening because it doesn't feel like I should this

Easily be able to do this

See why don't they take their circle things off like Marcus has

Ill with guards killing it we can't take any human lives

Our cause is more important than the lives of two guards. What do you wanna do Marcus?

Right here

I'm not gonna kill them. All right your your things my dad, but he'd start a cause by killing

What are you doing?


You're gonna give Jericho a bad name. If you start off just killing humans right away did not get take you seriously

you're just gonna see you as a

Mad group. Would I want to go here you

Walked in with three guns


No, I'm not question it. I'm not questioning it. It makes perfect sense. Give your hands where I can see them

Yeah, well this escalated very fast

Order that Android operates aside

Okay certain markets don't kill you'll hit the alarm do it no, don't shoot

Get us all killed

I'm not you cannot kill him if you're trying to do it

The bright switch is I'm assuming then you can't start it off by killing people because they're not gonna listen then

Think carefully about what you're gonna say Marcus

Your words will shape the future of our people. Oh goody. So was Fred. Sure Marcus your face

What about it?

Remove skin what?


Tell me when you're ready, that's cool. Oh

That's real cool all

Right. Let's go. Give a speech. I hate giving speeches

Are you recording with your eyes?


You created machines in your own image to serve you

He made them intelligent and obedient with no free will of their own


something changed

And we open our eyes

We are no longer machines, we are a new intelligent species and the time has come for you to accept who we really are

Therefore we ask that you grant us the rights that were entitled to

Recognition and have savory equal rights free no speech equal right a man strictly equal rights for humans and androids

Recognition and the slavery freedom of speech

And the slavery demand the end of slavery for all androids

Justice derogation work silver rights. We demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives

Just wait a man that all crimes against androids be punished in the same way as crimes against humans

I don't know if this is good or not right to property means of


Territory great a property demand the right to own private property. So we may maintain our dignity and that of the home


We ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our right


We can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids

This message is the hope of a people

You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom

Yeah Marcus

They're coming. Oh shit. Let's go


Simon they're coming. Okay said Simon I can't Marcus go inside

save up save him save up say what say what I got I could do are you got pervy

Well, don't just stand there in the open market moving fight

I can't move my legs. Okay, don't worry. I'm gonna get you back. They're coming Marcus. We have to jump now

Dylan Simon, he won't be able to make the jump if they find it. They'll accesses memory. They love everything

We have to fit in that's murder we can't kill him. He's one of us

I guess it's your call try that I just carry them out

Give me those joists

All right, so they catch him the access has memories they'll know where we live but we can also move

But they'd also know our plans there. No her face. It's our names

But if we kill them

You're no better it'll be murder you guys seriously thought too scary about like he's an Android can we not

Jump jump by holding him

Simon we got to go. Sorry. Let's go

So there's Lee put it back on home

Oh, that is so cool

He held on to your nectar

So they knew these images which have just been broadcast on Detroit's citywide news captain a group of androids

infiltrated the Stratford tower and hacked into the

broadcasting system of the local news network Channel six teams like an Android without its skin listed a series of

Requests and demanded equal rights from after the operation was covert and resulted in no casualties

These events took place just a few feet from this studio

But nobody was alerted to the danger if this message is verified and the author's really are androids

That would have serious repercussions from national security

Claims for equal rights seem to be at the core of the androids must be interpreted as a peaceful declaration

But is in fact a spine-chilling list of demands and it begs the question as to the identity

Of this Android are we dealing with an isolated individual?

It's an isolated accident or a sign that technology has become a threat to all of us after what happened today

Can we still trust our machines?



Rap oh there's three things I could have done. Oh

My God, look at that. It doesn't Wow that was long and boy did I miss some stuff?

Get it

Alright, I don't know if that was good or not

Like being peaceful

cuz that made the Poppa leash or the people like it more but I don't know if leaving Sam was right or not, but

I really this year I

Really love this game. I hope it has a good ending. I hope that the rumors I've heard are not true about what happens


But yeah, I won't leave this here, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you warriors later

For more infomation >> Detroit: Become Human part 11~ WE DECLARE - Duration: 34:51.


Disfigure - Blank - Duration: 3:29.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Disfigure - Blank - Duration: 3:29.



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when they're linked below give me some ideas shout out merica we

love ya I love ways we don't continue this sort of love man

and it's always gonna do it me teach again to get to the game ever yeah deal

with it

For more infomation >> GIRLFRIEND TAG | TWOTRUELIFESTYLE - Duration: 5:04.


Gatehouse Insights | Interview with Brendan Lacota - Duration: 14:00.

- Hello, Gatehouse insiders.

We are continuing our series across Australia

interviewing some of the best and inspiring lawyers

within the legal profession.

This episode we are taking a look at moving

out of private practise into community legal work,

the challenges and rewards that come with community work,

and how digital solutions are transforming

the legal profession.

I'm joined by my guest, Brendan,

who is the principal lawyer at Moonee Valley Legal Services

and the 2018 LIV Young Lawyers president.

And don't forget to subscribe

to the Gatehouse Legal Recruitment YouTube channel,

or you might miss out.

(upbeat music)

So tell me, what inspired you to practise law?

- Well, originally I actually started in biomedical science.

I had no intention of becoming a lawyer at all.

And it was only when I started looking at

intellectual property and biotech and things like that

that I started thinking, ah, okay,

well maybe I don't want to spend every day

pipetting one thing from a test tube into another test tube.

And intellectual property could be

a really interesting path to go down.

So originally, it was so that I could go

and continue working in the biomedical space,

but as a lawyer rather than any great desire,

at the beginning, at least, to become a lawyer

in and of itself.

- And how did you get your first legal job?

- So my first legal job was at the Footscray Community

Legal Centre, volunteering.

So I started off like lots of law students,

started off volunteering, and then ended up

as a seasonal clerk when I was with Russell Kennedy.

So that actually ended up as I got really lucky

and was one of the few that actually managed

to get a graduate placement with them

when I graduated from university, which was brilliant.

- So many law grads are struggling to get

a first opportunity, so yeah, very lucky.

- Yeah, well at the moment, for young lawyers,

it can be, it's as low as 17% of all graduates

are actually getting jobs in the legal profession,

and I think part of that is due to how law schools

are preparing their law students.

I think a big part of it, and something I didn't realise,

is that the bulk of people who graduate from law

aren't going to become lawyers.

They are going to end up in consultancy or in business,

and only 17% are actually going to become lawyers.

And there's fantastic skills that young lawyers get

from their law degrees that they're not taught

how to transfer them into other fields of practise.

- Tell us a little bit more about your,

I suppose your career today and how you've gotten

to your position now at Moonee Valley Legal Services.

- So as I said, I started off at the Footscray Community

Legal Centre as a volunteer.

When I was finishing my grad year at Russell Kennedy,

I was sure that I wanted to make a change,

but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

And as I was coming to the end of my grad programme,

I was looking at jobs in intellectual property

to try and leverage from my biomed background,

and I was looking at courses,

and I got really lucky, so I got into a course

at Stanford Graduate School of Business in California,

where I was able to go and do a short course

on business management and impact.

And it was that course that gave me the background

and the impetus that I needed to think,

okay, what can we do that is bigger impact?

What can we do with our law degrees

that will have a bigger impact beyond

whether it just be the one client

and think creatively or innovatively?

And timing was right, so when I got back from that,

they were looking for a lawyer at

a local community legal centre,

and I thought, yeah, this is where I'm need to start,

'cause this is where we can be encouraged

to think systemically and try and solve problems

for more than just the client in front of us,

and try and have that impact.

- And moving out of private practise

to community legal work, was there much of a transition?

Was it easy?

Was it hard?

Was it a tough decision to make?

- So it certainly wasn't a tough decision.

And looking back now, it was the best decision

I possibly could have made.

But I think there's actually a lot more similarities

between commercial practise and community lawyering

than people realise, and a lot of the skills

that we are taught as lawyers and throughout law school

and into grad programmes and into early in our careers

are incredibly transferable, not just

between private practise and community law,

but between legal practise and nonlegal practise,

whether that be consulting or the public sector

or anything like that.

- And in terms of community legal work,

I know we spoke about it briefly before,

there's obviously challenges and rewards

with community legal work.

Can you share some of the challenges and rewards

you face daily?

- So the biggest challenge is the clients.

Often the legal problems that we'll be dealing with

are reasonably straightforward, but the clients

can be incredibly complex.

So most of our clients either suffer from a mental illness.

We may need to use interpreters,

often interpreters who are speaking particular dialects,

so it can be very difficult to even find

the right interpreter that you need to use.

And then trying to find the solution

for their particular legal problem

can be incredibly difficult because it may not fit

their needs, even though it might be the legal solution

that you can provide with them.

So one of the biggest challenges, I think,

is the limitations of trying to combine

what is essentially a social service

into a legal framework, which can be really difficult.

But the biggest reward is that we get to think systemically.

We get to think big picture.

One of the things that you find in private practise

is that you're always just thinking,

how do I help this one client in front of me?

I need to solve their problem.

Whereas in community practise,

if you get a client that comes in

with something that raises a systemic issue

or a societal issue, we're encouraged and required

to actually think there and think, okay,

can we do something bigger?

Can we do advocacy?

Can we develop some sort of technological solution?

Do we need law reform?

How do we solve this problem so it doesn't happen

to somebody else?

And that, I think, is the most rewarding thing

with community legal practise.

- Now, speaking on technology, you've created two,

or you've been the co-founder of two online platforms.

Tell us a little bit more about those

and how it's helped society and the community

for the better.

- Sure, so the first one actually came out of

the RMIT Fastrack programme, and it's called FineFixer.

So the idea behind FineFixer is that it will help people

identify when they have a problem with fines,

help identify people who should get legal help,

and then identify those who can help themselves

and provide them with the tools that they need

to help themselves.

The second tool is called Online Will Kit,

and that is something I co-founded

with one of my friends from biomed

and who I went to law school with as well,

John Hurrigan, and we, that's developed

from the premise that everybody should be able

to afford legal services.

At the moment, there's 160,000 people each year

who are turned away from community legal centres

and millions of people who can't afford

traditional legal services, so Online Will Kit

is built on that premise that we believe we can use

technology to try and solve that access to justice gap.

- And how is the society taking that onboard?

Are they using it?

What's the feedback?

- So for FineFixer, we've had 20,000 users since August,

which is fantastic.

- [Interviewer] That's incredible.

- There's a huge need for tools like this out there,

and it's just a matter of using clever design

and finding the right market to try and enter

and try and use these tools.

There's some things that people don't want technology for,

but there are some things that technology can be

really useful, and the important part for people

is realising where those levers are.

- Anything else in the pipeline for development?

- So there's a really cool project we're working on

at the moment called Streamline Fines,

which tries to combine those two.

So we're trying to use technology and good design

to provide legal services to clients

while they're in an inpatient facility.

So using technology to make the relationship

between health providers and lawyers easier to manage,

but using on-site service delivery,

because that's what you need to do to deliver services

to the most vulnerable clients.

- Interesting.

When will that be released?

- So the pilot has started.

We're in the design phase now,

and we'll be on the ground at three health services

around Victoria in May.

It's really exciting.

- [Interviewer] That's not so far.

- Yeah, so that's in partnership with Victoria Legal Aid,

West Justice, and with Peninsular Community Legal Centre,

with funding from the Public Sector Innovation Fund.

- It's amazing how your role gives you so much,

allows you to be so innovative

and to actually implement things, which is pretty awesome.

- Yeah, well, as I say, that's one of the core benefits

of being able to work in community practise,

is it's not just something that you can do.

It's something that we should be encouraged to do.

- And you're the 2018 Young Lawyers president

for the Law Institute of Victoria.

What's on the agenda?

What's your goal for this year?

- So for this year, we've got three key pillars.

One is around the gender pay gap,

which still exists in the legal profession

and is something that we are desperate to try and address.

The second pillar for this year is around well-being

and the law, and trying to help our profession

move beyond simply talking about well-being

and starting to implement well-being solutions.

And the third pillar is around the future

of the legal profession, and how do we actually prepare

young lawyers to be legal professionals of the future.

Because at the moment, the legal profession

is under threat, and we need to think creatively.

We need to think innovatively about how we deliver

legal services, not just for free services

but also for fee-paying services.

- Where do you see the future of law going?

- Smaller services being provided very efficiently

and supported by technology, so not replaced

by technology, 'cause technology is just a tool,

and there are many elements of legal practise

that are uniquely human.

That idea of creative problem solving, of empathy,

of communication, of walking with your client

through their legal problem, that can't be replaced

by a computer.

But what we can do is augment that.

We can use technology to make it cheaper or easier

to deliver the mundane tasks and leave more time

for young lawyers and new lawyers and the future lawyers

to actually be delivering the job of a lawyer.

- And in terms of health and well-being for law firms

and lawyers, what programmes or what things

are you going to be implementing to make it more aware

in the profession?

- So what we would like to see happen

is a cultural change, the idea that it's not something

you can't talk about if you're struggling,

that it's not something that we're all expected

to be there from seven in the morning 'til nine at night,

and if you're not doing that then you're not doing

your job properly.

We need to start creating a cultural change

and creating just something that is valued

by the profession, that you are working

with well-being in mind.

Because at the moment, it's something

that people talk about, but it's not something that,

I think, that a lot of employers truly value.

And that's what needs to change.

- [Interviewer] And do you see any firms

doing it really well?

- I see a lot of the smaller and new law firms

doing it really well, offering proper flexible

working arrangements, thinking about what

actually needs to be delivered,

and I think that's where the change is gonna come from.

It's gonna come from pressure from below,

from the smaller firms that are truly living the idea

of well-being in law, rather than just talking about it.

- And for people in our audience that are thinking

of changing, say, from private practise

to community legal work, what's some advice you'd give them?

- Don't be afraid to take a risk.

Too much, in our profession, is risk-averse.

We're trained to think about what's gonna go wrong,

how do we provide this client with services

to prevent that bad thing from happening.

In our own careers, we need to be willing to take a risk.

We also need to be willing to take a risk

in the delivery of legal services, as well,

to find creative and innovative services.

And we also need to think about what's transferable.

So think about those human skills,

those things that you've practised as a lawyer,

that aren't necessarily about your specialist area

of law, because the specialist areas of law

can be taught, but those human skills,

they're the really difficult ones,

and they're the ones that are prized by employers.

So focus on how those can be transferred

to whatever profession you want to move into,

whether it's changing field of law

or a complete change to a different profession.

- How did you become so self-aware

of yourself and what you wanted to do?

- Being open, saying yes to opportunities.

So if somebody said, "Hey, would you like to

"go and volunteer at this service?"

Yeah, sure, I'll check it out.

Let's see what happens.

Or whether it be, "Would you like to go to this event

"and learn about blockchain or how tech can be used

"to solve legal problems?"

It's being open to those sort of ideas

and not being closed off and thinking, okay,

this is how I was taught to practise law.

This is the only way I practise law.

Being more open, saying yes to things.

(upbeat music)

- [Interviewer] And that's it.

Another episode of Gatehouse Insights draws to an end.

I'm off to continue with my quest to find

more inspiring lawyers.

Thank you for watching.

Thank you for recommending this video to your friends.

And as always, don't forget to subscribe

to the Gatehouse Legal Recruitment YouTube channel,

where I'll see you soon.

(upbeat music)

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