Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Let's do this. Hey guys, it's Emily! for today's video I am doing

the Mid-year Book Break Out tag which was originally created by Chami. I will

leave a link to her video, channel, all that stuff, down below. I was tagged to do this

by Sylwia over at Wish Fulfillment who is just the very best. She's so great!

She has such wonderful reviews, so you should check out her channel if you are

not subscribed already--you're missing out. This tag is like a high-level

overview of how your year is going in reading, so far. So now I'm gonna do

that... The first question is the best book that you've read this year. I always feel

a little bit weird when it comes to picking a best book because I

read very widely across a bunch of different genres and age demographics

and things like that. So it's like, well, a high fantasy book is not

comparable, really, to scientific nonfiction. But I also didn't want to

just spiral on with this question. So I'm going just with two books, one

fiction and one nonfiction. My favorite fiction book of the year so far is Red

Clocks by Leni Zumas. I don't have a copy of it anymore because I lent it to

a friend. I adore this book! I did a full review of it, which I will link to in the

cards and down below, and you can check that out if you're so inclined.

It is literary speculative fiction. It's a little bit avant-garde, about a world

in which a personhood amendment has been passed. Abortion is illegal,

artificial insemination (and IVF) is illegal, and it also affects immigration and things

like that. We follow five different female characters, and you can watch my

review if you want to hear more about it. But it is fabulous! The other "best book"

that I want to talk about is I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. I just don't know

where this is... I may have given it away, I may have it somewhere in my house, I just

don't know. It is scientific nonfiction that looks at the microbes of the world

and also within your body. It focuses, I would say, a little bit more on the

microbes in and on your body. Microbes in general--covers all that good stuff.

It's wonderfully written. It's accessible but doesn't seem watered-down. It's just

all around really, really, really impressive work. I love it, I would

definitely recommend checking it out. Number two: what is

the best sequel that you have read this year? For this I'm going with The

Stone Sky by NK Jemisin. This is book three and her Broken Earth trilogy, which

takes place in a world in which there is just a ton of seismic activity, and

certain people--called orogenes--have the ability to kind of control and manipulate

seismic activity. It looks at how that world and those powers within that world

affect power hierarchies and structures because orogenes are a marginalized group

within this world. They are oppressed and controlled. It's just an amazing,

incredibly inventive fantasy series. I adore it. The first book is The Fifth

Season. It takes about a hundred pages to get into because there's no expository

world building. So there's none of that like, "Joe walked into town for the first

time, and someone explained to him how this town works, and what the powers are

on this town, and who are the important players in this town," which you do

sometimes get in fantasy. This is just, you've got to dive in and you've got to figure

it out for yourself. So as a reader it can be a little off-putting at first. The

concluding novel was fabulous, and I loved it. Number three is, what's a new

release that you want to get to? And I have two for this. I am just cheating all

over the place with this tag. The first just came in the mail from Book of the

Month and that is Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. This is a fantasy book,

a companion book? I think it is a companion book set in the same world, I believe, as

Naomi Novik's novel Uprooted, which everybody loved and... I liked. I just liked

it. But I'm hopeful about this! So we shall see. The other new release that I

really want to get to is There There by Tommy Orange. This is literary fiction

that follows several different characters as they relate to the Big

Oakland Powwow. I mentioned this book in my "Most Anticipated Book Releases of the

Summer" video that I did. Very excited to pick this up.

Number four is, what is an anticipated release for the second half of this year?

I'm going with The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. This is romance, which I'm still

so tentative about, but I read Guillory's first book The Wedding Date. It is

adorable and I loved it a lot. This is a new book in which we follow one of the

side characters from the first book. He now gets his own romance story, and he

was one of my favorite characters from the first book. In this, I just, I heard the

premise and I was like, "Sweet Jesus, this is

amazing! I love this!" He sees a woman get proposed to on a Jumbotron and it's

clear that like she is not into it, so he kind of rescues her, and we go from

there. It is my nightmare to have an incredibly

public proposal, or like public displays of romance like that in any capacity. It

just... Oh no. Mmmmm. I hate it so much! I just... It makes me so wildly uncomfortable.

I just really, really don't like it. So what I heard that was the premise I was

like, "Sign me up!" Number five is, what is the biggest disappointment of the year?

For this I'm going for a whole series, and that is To All the Boys I've Loved

Before by Jenny Han. I love me a good, fluffy, contemporary YA situation

every once in a while. I was in the mood. I was getting on a plane. I wanted

something easy and light and fluffy, and I've heard from so many people that

that's exactly what this series is! Unfortunately, the main love interest is

the worst ever. Gross hyperbole... He's not actually bad, he's just the epitome of

mediocre. He's like doing the bare minimum. The protagonist Laura Jean

in this book she's like oh my goodness he's so nice it's like no he's not he's

not that nice to you he doesn't really care about what you have to say he's

kind of boring he treats you like shit occasionally he does weird shit with his

ex-girlfriend and just not very into it I have the whole series and no other

books with me on this plane flight so I was like time for book two I don't even

care if I'm spoiling things now we were getting a new love interest I was so

excited for an examination on what actual good behavior is and how often

girls and women are conditioned to think the bare minimum of human decency is

something to be lauded rather than something to be expected and I was so

ready for great analysis and then mmm nope I didn't get that so so there's

just there was just a lot of disappointment involved number six is

what did the book that surprised you the most this year and for this I'm going

with a book that I've already talked about and that is the wedding date bike

Jasmine Guillory this surprised me because it is the first romance book

that I've ever read truly non ironically or like not to be a part of the greater

cultural zeitgeist because yes I did in fact read Fifty Shades of Grey because I

wanted to know what everyone was talking about and yes it was as bad as I thought

it was going to be but still I read it this I read not going in expected

I hate it I was very tentative but then it was so fun and lovely and wonderful

and I had a great time it was great and I really really enjoyed it

number seven is your favorite new author this can be a debut author or one that

is just new to you again I'm gonna name multiple authors because this is my

channel and I can do whatever I want the first is Fonda Lee I read her adult

fantasy novel Jade City which is the first in a series and it is so much fun

I loved it it's so great I did a full review on this did I I think I did if my

memory is serving me well today I will leave a link to that so you can check it

out it is super super super fun inspired a lot by martial arts movies and she has

also written a lot of y8 novels that I'm very excited to check out because I

loved this so very much next I have show her out I adored her

short story collection and unrestored Woman I liked her debut novel which is

more and brighter but this I think is stronger she can write a sentence her I

just loved her prose if you like short fiction definitely check this out all of

the stories in this are centered around the partition of India and Pakistan in

1947 and it is so very good 9 is your favorite new character and I am going

again with - sorry I'm not sorry at all the first is asked her from an

unkindness of ghosts I loved that despite how people often treat her so

poorly she retains such kindness and empathy and it's just lovely and she's

so smart and I loved her inquisitiveness all around reading from her perspective

was such a delight in a very dark book she is amazing I loved her and the other

is Cyril from the envelope dossier series this is book 2 the first book it

is amber Lo and it is great but I gave it away to a friend to read so I just

had the sequel which I finished and it's really really good there's follows

several characters and kind of the underground and a vaguely reminiscent of

1920s Germany place where they are in the first book at least trying to combat

the rise of a new fascist regime very cool premise he is a spy he's so deeply

flawed like doesn't want to care about people but dies he is the bit of a

coward but so like tried his best and I just love him he is amazing number 10 is

what's a book that made you cry so I cry easily when it comes to media so I did a

quick little tally we consult my notes I have read 61 books 19 of them have made

me cry which is a whopping 31 percent all books that I have read this year so

you can pick out like almost any book that I've mentioned in this video

probably made me cry but I do want to talk about one in particular that's just

great hunger by Roxane gay this is just like a gut punch of a memoir it made me

cried so many times I had to put it down several times because I was just like I

don't think I could live in this headspace for a prolonged period of time

I need a little break it is amazing gay it's just such a

strong writer I just loved this number 11 is what's a book that made you happy

I'm going with Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones this book is a delight

and every character in it it's just such an idiot and they're so stubborn and I

love them all and I just want to spend time with them there's not a great plot

in this but the book is better served for that I just want to follow these

idiot characters around who I love so very much

I just felt joyful reading this and if I am NOT being clear enough I recommend

this book a whole lot number 12 is what is your favorite adaptation of the year

I haven't been going to the movies very frequently lately and as much as I talk

to my friends about TV I don't actually watch that much TV I start a lot of TV

don't finish anything but one movie that I did see in theaters and really enjoyed

was love Simon which is of course the adaptation of becky albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda' which is just the cutest little fluffiest why

I contemporary and it is just a lovely quick light read number 13 is what is

your favorite review that you've done this here definitely my read clocks

review back at that our beginning of the year so you should check that out number

14 is what's the most beautiful book that you've bought all year and that

simply must go to the 109th of hero by isabelle greenberg this book is so

gorgeous it's a functionally a standalone graphic

novel although I guess it is a companion book to the encyclopedia of early Earth

I haven't read that but I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything

because I hadn't read that so that's good and it's just it's so beautiful the

art is really really cool and I love the way that she plays with color it is just

all-around gorgeous and it's also wonderful the story in it is so great

number 15 is what book do you wanna get to by the end of the year and I'm just

gonna say all of them that's I'm gonna tag some people so check down

in the description box to see if you're tagged and if you're not too it anyways

it's a pretty fun video thanks so much for watching if you like this video give

it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see more my facing find me on Twitter at possibly

lit and on Instagram and possibly literate and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT || 2018 - Duration: 10:53.


how to feed tegu - Duration: 7:43.

and my boy, what good to cheat and what he eats everything very well

very well safari take it all we have good hawks

to good

hello bicheros that they are good days and welcome to another video of

okidoki reptile house and let's talk about a topic that many of you have asked us

through the networks in the comments here below and it's how we feed

our tupinambis is worth so much to the buffets like the medians so we're going

to explain it many of you already have you seen in any of the videos that

we have climbed on them that these animals are completely omnivorous what

means this that they eat absolutely of everything when we say everything is of

everything from here of fish fruit vegetables and even a

food then let's start to try today and for which we have made this video

in these videos of which I speak to you we have already done you have seen how

we have given banana as we have given apple as I have shown you vegetables

rat grabs a whole chick and the truth is that everything they love and I believe

that this is the key to a diet of one healthy and balanced diet is worth everything

that is varied in more with animals of this guy who absolutely eat from

all a small note as is already opening animals that we open the

animals that eat fish meat mainly when it comes to building

It stinks a lot and it's something we have to keep in mind if we want to take care of

this type of animals it is not the same to feed animals that

they eat practically vegetables or fruits that animals that eat meat, fish and

this type of food do the digestion and take out the box is

It stinks a lot and for many people this can become unpleasant and

I say this because these animals do not they fit like a load a pretty one that already smells

well have experience if it does not oxidize quite pretty big well

we also have to say that these animals and come as many of

you will know if he does not know it he did not know because he already knows that

does this mean that during a large part of the year they practically eat us and

for another great part of the year Deborah have a feeding response

very very very strong but then with the As time passes, a

little food loses them and they need enormously large quantities of food

to satiate your appetite with this not I want to say that every day

we have to give a lot because if you do not already know what happens with the

reptiles get fat and eventually grow fat a lot I want to say they have to be

obviously fat in their right line everything is a problem everything decides so we

we spend in food what is translates mostly into problems of

liver we usually use banana apple carrot we make a

small mixture of sada is worth the we put and they gladly delay and

we also complement all this with small chick contract with mouse

as I told you now we have some images so you can see how well

respond to these foods but the reason for this video is another day is that

let's try to supplement the diet with other foods is worth what

we are going to try to supplement it with I think of but it's so wet

canned as dry feed which we are going to try to offer in a dry way and we

have informed and probably not what want so what we will do will be one

tell him a little and observe how many of you react

think dog food this is not right this is wrong with these

animals there is eternal debate to the pig nor modes the variety of foods that

they can take is very big this does not means that this food is the best

not much less but we have troubled

read look in ask people to people who have a lot of experience gatti

we go here and they have told us that in truth that there is no problem in fact

Many of them use it as a diet base thing that we will not do because

you can also increase your price a little It is then worth to everyone who decides

those that may be lacking is that as we said before

we want to offer our animals a varied diet ok respect

to the feed that we use is a method dry

we have to have a very clear thing and is that this has to be corn-free

and of rice and because it has to be free of this because the reptiles are not

able to digest this kind of food is worth and the industry uses

these two compounds basically for increase the weight without increasing the cost

that is to say to increase the production of a very cheap way does not make you

absolutely nothing good the both the corn like rice to our reptiles and it's

something that we have to take into account when we try to offer our

animal food of this type is worth remember free

and of rice please is very very important even if we give it to you once

absolutely nothing happens but we do not have to abuse this type of food for

the kitchen can not digest it and the long and short also as it happened

previously they are health problems that we can avoid in a very

simple with whom we have talked about we then send you a

message through a series of publications that we saw and others that

we gave him elsewhere and he was even going details a florida breeder is a

genius creating this kind of animals all what follows nests in general also and

he asked, and told us that nobody no problem

this answer creates a bit of controversy and I say controversy so

that I said earlier there are people who is not at all partisan to feed

to our animals with this kind of food us however we think that

when a person breeds hundreds many hundreds of this type of animals per year

has no problem and has many years of experience

even if it's just a little bit we should hear your opinion your experience

try to put it into practice and this is what are we going to do for ourselves this

you see here on the screen is like I've already said before it's basically it's food from

wet canned dog with type patel, they like it a lot because

besides the smell is very strong as dry They have already told us that dry will cost

a little bit more but we're going to try it so the video is going to

leave here we are going to leave you some images of them eating worth this

kind of food and spent a few weeks a few months or we throw how are they going and what

it seems to us this food so much speaking

of view of animal health as from the economic point of view

okay so thank you very much for having

seen the video I hope that for many has been helpful, it was simply a

little informative and later the next video that we do yes that will be

already speaking on our own experience with this meal is worth and

also the relationship we will do with all the experience that we have feeding with

the rest of the food that we have said is worth fruit meat fish vegetables so

thank you very much for having seen the video let us down what you

it seems this kind of food for our pets for this kind of

pets and you can also leave us down any kind of suggestions

about the videos that you want us to do it's worth so without a big hug and

chelas see you in the next and until then

For more infomation >> how to feed tegu - Duration: 7:43.


Thanks for 250 Subscribers | Throwback Copyright Free Music Mix | NCS, No Copyright Sounds & More - Duration: 38:05.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Thanks for 250 Subscribers | Throwback Copyright Free Music Mix | NCS, No Copyright Sounds & More - Duration: 38:05.


PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.

(upbeat music)

- Hey guys, I'm Roxette Arisa

and you're watching This Week in Beauty with ipsy.

So today we're testing out one of the hottest treatments

on the market right now for perfecting your skin's tone

and texture.

It's called Pico Skin,

and we actually sent Ipsy staffer Karen over

to one of the top med spas in Los Angeles.

It's called Blue Medi.

So let's take a look at how it went.

(jazz music)

- My name is Melody Afvari.

I'm one of the physician assistants here at Blue Medi Spa,

and I'm going to be performing the treatment on Karen today.

So what brings you in today?

- I just have like a really uneven skin tone.

I have to roll with hyperpigmentation.

Like if I get a break out, it just turns into a dark mark

and it just won't go away.

I never go out without foundation,

'cause I feel like my skin tone's like 50 shades of, like,

- [Melody] Different colors.

- Yeah.

- Lemme just take a look at your skin.

Pico sure is a great treatment

for what you were describing earlier.

It's a laser that helps with pigmentation.

It evens out the skin tone.

It decreases the pore sizes.

If you have any indentations or scarring from prior acne,

it also helps with that.

Pico skin's pain level is very minimal.

It feels like a little bit of heat on the skin.

We use a machine called the zimmer to cool down the skin

as we're doing the treatment, so pain is very minimal.

It's great for anti-aging because it stimulates a little bit

of collagen and elastin production in the skin,

so it helps with fine lines and prevention as far

as anti-aging altogether.

So it's a great laser.

It has a very minimal downtime.

You're red for about a day, max.

Your skin just looks a little bit swollen and red.

And that's it, it goes away.

For best results, you wanna come in once every six months

for maintenance.

- So Karen was already gorgeous before the treatment,

but she had some serious glow afterwards.

You have to check out this before and after.

It's crazy.

So let us know in the comment section.

Would you try out Pico Skin?

And also let us know what other beauty treatments you want

the inside scoop on.

That's all we have time for today,

but make sure to tune into tomorrow because we're going

to be talking about all of the best beauty sleep products

that will have you waking up feeling like,

I woke up like this.

I'm Roxette Arisa,

and thanks for watching This Week in Beauty by Ipsy.

For more infomation >> PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.


Elcin Agcabedili - Bombadi - Bombadi 2018 Бонба Бонба - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Elcin Agcabedili - Bombadi - Bombadi 2018 Бонба Бонба - Duration: 3:45.


Impulse Season 2 - Duration: 0:58.

-(music) -I'm gonna tell everyone

what you did to me!

I'm gonna tell everyone what you are!

I bet you got a lot of questions.

For more infomation >> Impulse Season 2 - Duration: 0:58.


How the CS:GO coaching ban changed the game - Duration: 8:46.

Name a more iconic duo than change and esports. I'll wait.

Additions and tweaks are made to esports titles all the time.

With some seeing changes nearly every week.

New characters, items, levels, they're all added to the game to make it more interesting for both casual

players and hardcore fans.

But one change made to CS:GO outside to the game itself, changed the way organizations

structured their rosters and put an emphasis on players who could lead their teams from the front lines.

In August of 2016, Valve dropped a bombshell of a ruling on the CS:GO community,

limiting the way coaches could talk to their players in game.

Quote, "During a match, the coach may only communicate with the players during warmup,

half-time, or during one of four 30 second timeouts that the coach or players can call."

Now that might not sound so bad out of context, but there's something you have to understand:

Before the ruling, coaches were totally unrestricted in how they could talk to their players.

And that was the standard for years prior.

Even before Global Offensive.

Back in the days of 1.6 and Source,

coaches and free reign to talk to and direct their players whenever they wanted.

But they were limited to standing behind them.

and gleaning whatever information they could from watching their screens.

But CS:GO brought a new innovation to the game:

a spectator mode, with special coaching features

that allowed coaches to spectate their players from inside the game.

Provided they were given their own dedicated PC at an event.

This feature allowed coaches to see and hear everything their players saw and heard.

And it gave them a much clearer picture of what was going on in the game.

Spectator elevated coaches abilities to make a strategic call and,

as the feature became more ubiquitous, a simple question began to emerge.

Why bother with a bottom fragging in-game leader, when you could just pick up another aim star and get your

to make all the calls?

This mindset played a role in how organizations built their rosters from around from 2015-2016.

Gob b, for example, was removed from mousesports and replaced by spiidi.

Zeus was kicked from Natus Vincere and replaced by s1mple.

Slemmy exited Cloud9 with autimatic taking his place.

Ninjas in Pyjamas was being transformed under the leadership of coach THREAT.

And even the entire concept for the old G2 "super team" roster,

the one that was later sold to FaZe Clan, was birthed from this brawn over brains mentality.

In the meantime, CS:GO was getting bigger, and like in any growing game,

organizations started building support staff to get an edge on the competition.

Coaches, analysts, trainers, nutritionists, you get the idea.

They provide relief to the players, and then the players' level of play improves.

Or so the theory goes.

"It's just like in any traditional sport, you got coaches and you got more support staff and you got

more people helping you doing your job right? So like in Ice hockey, you know, you got physical trainers

offensive coaches, defensive coaches, assistant coaches."

"In Counter-Strike I thought part of what was gonna be cool about having coaches and stuff

is that a couple things happen when you have a coach. One, it makes it so the players playing can focus more

on their game.

But yeah you make it so there's more skilled players in the game right. And more people that like strategy

and have a mind for strategy can focus only on that.

And don't have to play at the same time. So those are the benefits."

Despite that, Valve clearly felt like the direction of competitive CS:GO

was straying too far from what they had intended for the game.

For instance, Valve never allowed coaches to have their own dedicated spectating PCs during Majors.

Even though it was Valve who introduced those features in the first place.

"The way that I see it is that Valve have already made it perfectly clear

to the players that they don't want the sixth man to be the in game leader right they don't

want the coach to be that involved in the game.

And they made this months ago right? They basically made it clear, they even made it so that

tournament organizers, TOs, not give PCs for example to the coach. You know that the coach should just be

standing there behind the players, if anything. You know they shouldn't have their own PC to look in game

et cetera.

They've made it pretty clear it seems now for quite some time that the teams shouldn't have that in game leader

be a sixth man.

The companies philosophy on coaching was further elaborated on after the Columbus Major.

When former Team Liquid coach GBJame^s met with Valve developers to

pick their brains about the future competitive scene.

Relating his meeting with the Valve devs in a TwitLonger, he said:

"The coach spec option in-game took off more than they originally intended.

They want to protect the integrity of the 5v5

team experience for the lower levels who do not have coaches.

Essentially they want viewers at home who play the game

to be watching the same game that they play at home."

Three months later, Valve finalized their decision and laid down the law.

"During a match, the coach may only communicate with the players during warmup, during halftime,

or during one of four 30 second timeouts that the coach or player can call.

Obviously third party events can use whatever rules they want.

But if you want to align your events with ours then we recommend using this coaching rule."

Valve's intentions were made clear. And the CS community was not happy about it.

At the heart of Valve's argument was a desire to preserve the 5v5 team format

of CS:GO that fans were getting at home.

Valve wanted fans to feel like the only thing that was separating them and the pros was skill.

Not outside influences like a sixth man who oversaw every play.

Needless to say the coaches themselves took issue with this new rule as well.

But despite protests coming from all sides of the CS community, Valve doubled down,

making a public announcement reaffirming their new rule set and rebutting any

allegations that they didn't communicate their intentions effectively with the competitive community.

"Valve, in their eyes, they've seen they've given the players time to make adjustments.

The players haven't made adjustments.

Or not really, they kind of kept doing what they wanted. And so finally Valve have decided right

if you're not gonna make the adjustments we're gonna force you to make the adjustments.

And there we go, and so we'll see where we go from there."

It's important to note that technically, Valve's rules only affected the Majors and the Minors.

And unaffiliated tournament organizers could do whatever the hell they wanted.

But since the Majors are the bedrock that the entire CS:GO competitive scene is built on,

the rules still had an effect on how teams built their rosters.

All of a sudden, some of those teams that dropped their IGLs and let coaches take the reigns

were in serious trouble.

But despite disruption from Valve's new rules, other affected teams were still able to find success.

Liquid and Na'Vi for example. Both teams with high profile coaches, Starix and Peacemaker,

were both in attendance for the first tournament to use the new rule set.

ESL One New York 2016.

While both had poor results in the lead up, they defied expectations.

Advancing past the Swiss group stage with Na'Vi going undefeated.

The CIS squad went on to beat Liquid in the semis and won the entire event.


But not every team weathered the storm.

Ninjas in Pyjamas, a legendary name in Counter-Strike,

failed to qualify for the first post-coaching ban Major in Atlanta.

In many ways, Valve's new rules diminished the role of coaches to a point where it seems

like they're even less essential than they were in 1.6 and Source.

But while some in the community theorized that coaches were at risk of losing their jobs,

they had overlooked IGLs. Who were already out of work or close to it prior to the coaching change.

With the advent of coach spectating, in-game leaders were being pushed out

of top teams and replaced by more mechanically skilled players.

But Valve's coaching ban ensured the necessity of in game leaders on all top level teams

and their stocked bounced right back.

Gla1ve was one such IGL that stepped up after the rule change.

Leading Astralis to a Major vicory in Atlanta.

The first Major for the Danish team.

Even Karrigan, the leader who was kicked off of Astralis, found his redemption when he took over as

FaZe Clan's IGL.

And let's not forget Zeus who, after being left behind by Na`Vi,

went on to win the Krakow Major with Gambit Esports.

While Valve's sudden and drastic change may have ushered in a dark age for coaches,

it was a huge shot in the arm for that rare breed of player who can call the strats

and frag with the rest of the team.

A lot can be said about how Valve handled the coaching rule, from both sides of the issue.

And it's tempting to imagine a world where the coaching ban never took effect.

Would pro CS be more dynamic, more strategic, more exciting if it were just five fraggers on a team

with an omnipotent coach calling all the strats?


But it's been nearly two years since the ban was implemented, and it doesn't seem like the rule is

changing anytime soon.

When it comes to Valve's games, what they say goes.

For more infomation >> How the CS:GO coaching ban changed the game - Duration: 8:46.


Is Oral Sex a Sin in Marriage? | Dave and Ashley Willis - Duration: 2:59.

- Hey guys, Dave and Ashley Willis

here with MarriageToday.

And we are excited about today's topic.

It's one of the most common questions that we get.

And it's kind of a hot topic, I guess.

And the question is, cutting right to the chase,

is oral sex a sin in marriage?

And sweetie, why don't you tackle this one?

- And we get that all the time.

I mean, all the time from both husbands and wives.

And you know, when you look in the Bible,

'cause that's where we're gonna go,

that's the best marriage book there is, is the Bible.

And so, when you look in it,

we have not found anything that directly goes against oral

and in fact, if you look to the book of Song of Solomon,

it is very clear that that was going on

in the Book of Song of Solomon

and if you're not familiar with that book,

I highly suggest that you read it.

It's very steamy and it's really this beautiful picture

of a husband and a wife

who are passionately pursuing one another.

And it's very sexual in nature.

- It is, the bottom line, here's the beauty of it.

God made sex, we act like the devil owns it now, right?

And so, 'cause he's tried to hijack it

and try to redefine it but within the gift of marriage,

within the covenant of marriage,

there's a ton of freedom for you

to express your love to one another as long as,

as long as there's mutual consent, right?

If it's one spouse always pressuring the other

to do something, whether it's oral sex or some other act,

then that's gonna create tension.

But as long as there's mutual, it's a safe place.

Your bedroom, your marriage bed

should be the safest place on earth for both of you.

But also a place to express creativity,

a place with a lot of freedom.

And so, just give yourself permission to have fun.

Sex is supposed to be fun in marriage,

and as Christian married couples following God's plan

for sex in marriage, we should be having

the best sex on the planet.

The most uninhibited love making on the planet

because we're using the gift

the way it was meant to be used.

- Exactly and when you look at kinda the boundaries

that are put there for sex,

like Dave said, there's a lot of freedom there.

But it's very clear in the word

that we should not bring other people

into the marriage bed, in person or virtually.

And so, we really need to watch out for things

like pornography and even kinda some of the things

we read and that we can even watch in modern day movies.

We just have to be very careful where our minds go

because it's meant to be focused on one another.

- Right, it's all about each other.

Because all those other things

will try to just train your mind towards lust

and even marriage, you'll be acting out different things

really just to feed that lust

instead of it being an expression of love for one another.

Lust looks at someone just as an object to be used.

Love looks at someone as a soul to be cherished

and within marriage,

it all has to be rooted in that love for each other.

But as long as it is, have fun.

- That's right, have fun.

- Have fun, it's supposed to be fun.

We've got a lot more resources on the subjects of sex

and a lot of other subjects

that can help you with your marriage.

You can click on the link below,

you can subscribe to the YouTube channel

where you'll be the first to know about all the videos

and check out

which is a one-stop shop for everything.

There's a ton of free resources there

and we'll continue the conversation there.

Thanks for watching guys.

For more infomation >> Is Oral Sex a Sin in Marriage? | Dave and Ashley Willis - Duration: 2:59.


More LGBTQ Characters Are Coming To The MCU - Duration: 2:27.

There's a lot to love about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It's got action, adventure, and baby Groot!

That's what everyone adores about the MCU, but there's one thing the sprawling, multi-billion-dollar

movie series hasn't gotten quite right: LGBTQ community representation.

Many fans have called for Marvel to remedy this.

The proposed solution?

Simply include more LGBTQ characters in the MCU!

And according to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, that's exactly what the company

plans to do.

Speaking in an interview with The Playlist, Feige revealed that Marvel Studios will introduce

at least two LGBTQ characters in the future, one will be someone fans have never seen on

the big screen before, and another will be a character viewers are already familiar with.

The executive didn't mince words or skirt around the topic when it was brought up.

When asked if "a gay, bi, LGBTQ, out character in the MCU" was in the works, Feige responded:

"Yeah, that's the answer.

[…] Both ones you've seen and ones you haven't seen."

Though Feige didn't dish up any additional details, keeping a tight lip on the characters'

identities, it's widely assumed that Tessa Thompson's Thor: Ragnarok hero Valkyrie is

the LGBTQ character who has already graced us with her presence.

The actress previously confirmed that Valkyrie is bisexual, writing on Twitter back in October

of 2017: "She's bi.

And yes, she cares very little about what men think of her.

What a joy to play!"

"Asgard is danger.

People are dying and we need to get back there, I need YOUR help."



Sadly, only part of that proclamation was reflected in the final version of the movie.

Valkyrie certainly didn't care about men's opinions, but the single scene that addressed

her sexuality was cut from the film.

After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, we aren't sure whether Valkyrie

is actually alive.

Still, fans have their fingers crossed that she's a-okay and will be out and proud in

an upcoming Marvel movie, especially since that would reflect the character's modern

day comic book identity.

As for who the brand-new LGBTQ character is and where they may first appear, the possibilities

are endless.

Will Brie Larson's Carol Danvers have a lady love in Captain Marvel?

Or could Spider-Man: Far From Home introduce an LGBTQ teen vigilante like America Chavez

to banter by Spidey's side?

Your guess is as good as ours, but when it comes down to it, we're just excited that

Marvel is taking any sort of initiative to make its movie universe more inclusive.

"It's about time."

For more infomation >> More LGBTQ Characters Are Coming To The MCU - Duration: 2:27.


When to Take Your Child to the ER vs Urgent Care - Duration: 1:45.

I'm going to be talking about the difference between coming to the Emergency Department

and going to an Urgent Care or another facility.

There are a lot of options out there when your child gets hurt or sick.

What is the most appropriate?

Obviously, if your child has a mild illness or a mild injury and it's daytime office hours,

probably seeing your private pediatrician is the best option.

When your child has a more serious injury or illness or it's outside of regular office

hours, you're going to want to go to a hospital.

What is the difference between a hospital or an Urgent Care facility because we have

a lot of Urgent Cares popping up around St. Louis?

At an Urgent Care, you're going to see either an adult trained physician or a nurse practitioner.

You will very rarely see someone with pediatric training.

We do have one option which is St. Louis Children's Hospital After Hours Care which is an Urgent

Care type clinic located in South County and is staffed by St. Louis Children's Hospital

nurse practitioners who are trained here.

That is one option for more minor illnesses or injuries.

However, if you have something more serious, you're going to want to go to a hospital with

pediatricians and pediatric emergency practitioners.

Missouri Baptist Hospital, Progress West Hospital, and now in Illinois Bellville Memorial and

Shiloh are staffed by our St. Louis Children's Hospital pediatricians and the Emergency Department

here at St. Louis Children's Hospital is going to have all of the specialists.

So if you think this is something very serious that is going to need a particular specialist

or surgeon, you're going to want to come directly to the ED at St. Louis Children's Hospital.

ED is just another way of saying Emergency Department or Emergency Room.

So if you want that care from an actual pediatrician and you can't get in to your regular doctor,

you're going to want to come to one of the hospitals that has pediatricians on staff.

For more infomation >> When to Take Your Child to the ER vs Urgent Care - Duration: 1:45.


Unknown Brain ft. Heather Sommer - Perfect 10 - Duration: 3:25.

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a, yeah

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

And I start to see

It gets ingrained in my head

And if i say it enough

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

for a minute and pretend

I'm gonna live inside the upside down

My heart is begging me to get the hell out, of my head

These expectations, they keep weighing me down

It's overrated

Every single thing we see curated

No we're human, we breathe

We aren't pixels on a screen

A certain weight, be flawless

We're told to have a certain face

And I'm disgusted with the way

Yeah I've discussed it with myself

Honey I'm a, yeah

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

And I start to see

It gets ingrained in my head

And if i say it enough

Honey I'm a perfect 10

Honey I'm a perfect 10

for a minute and pretend

I'm gonna live inside the upside down

My heart is begging me to get the hell out of my head

These expectations, they keep weighing me down

Darling I'm just so fed up with

And imagine a utopia

Can we switch up all the rules

Is there even such a thing

What does perfect even mean

For more infomation >> Unknown Brain ft. Heather Sommer - Perfect 10 - Duration: 3:25.


Hotel Transylvania 3 LINK - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Hotel Transylvania 3 LINK - Duration: 1:54.


Buckle Up - GEICO - Duration: 0:41.

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