Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

A morbid social media stunt left fans of Solomon "Bear" Brown seriously worried,but the reality

TV star says it was all a misunderstanding.

On Tuesday, July 17th, 2018, a selfie of Brown was posted on the Alaskan Bush People star's

Instagram account along with the text "R.I.P. 1987-2018."

According to Radar, the now-deleted post also featured the text,

"Loved son and devoted brother, he will be missed."

His fans' mourning and speculation surrounding the post quickly turned into a mix of outrage

and relief once "The King of Extreme" revealed that the whole thing was a misunderstanding

and that he was actually alive and well.

He wrote on Instagram the next day,

"Hey everybody!!

Sorry about the confusion death very serious!

It's definitely not a joke!!

Those posts are from a project!

I thought I made that clear!!

I've been working on a homemade movie since my time in LA!

Thank you for the concern!!

And sorry for the misunderstanding!!"

In April, Brown posted a ten second preview of this "homemade movie" on Instagram, but

it's unclear at this time how it relates to the fake death announcement.

Some skeptical viewers say the Browns have a history of fakery, and claim certain aspects

of the family's popular reality TV series, which documents their life on Alaska's harsh

terrain, are fabricated.

Over the years, questionable moments have included unproven claims that the government

burned their cabin down, an actress seemingly being cast to film an awkward date to improve

ratings, and the family allegedly lying about their Alaskan residency on government documents

in the early 2010s.

For more infomation >> Alaskan Bush Star Oddly Posts His Own Death Announcement - Duration: 1:26.


3 Players to Look for in Training Camp (49ers 2018) - Duration: 5:32.

Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers as always.

Doing another Top 3 video. This time, covering the three players to look for

in training camp. These are players that might be rookies or players coming off

an injury. See how their progress is going. You can kind of say these players

need to prove themselves, but that's not really what this video's about. It's more

about players that we haven't seen that much in a 49er uniform. We

just got to look out for them. See how they're doing. Going to be covering that.

Training camp, it's coming up next week. Going to be a fun time. Hopefully, everyone

does well. All the players and coaches, they can have a good time in training

camp and make some progress for 2018. All the cool stuff out of the way. Before I

get the video started as always, please "Like" and Subscribe to support my channel.

Thank you guys so much for all the support this whole offseason. I'm just

ready for a football season. Please come! Yes September, we need you. Hahaha. Anyways, thank

you guys again for all the support. Really means a lot. Let's just get this

video started. The Top 3 players to look for in training camp this year.

Coming in at number three, I have Richard Sherman, cornerback. Now, I put him on the

list because one, a lot of you guys said that we should be looking for him as a

player in this training camp, which I do agree completely because he is coming

off an injury. We would all love to see how he's performing in full contact football

I guess you can say because training camp, everyone's in full pads. So, it'd be

great to see what he can do in full contact, but I believe that the 49ers

are going to be cautiously using him. Their not going to be using him 100%. He's not going to

be running out there completely. I think they're going to take it easy on him. Big

time they'll be waiting is week one against the Vikings. I think that's when

their going to start using him at full speed, but for right now in training camp,

I think they're going to use him at full speed, but not the whole way. Still love

to see what he can do. He's coming off a big injury. We'll see if he still has it,

which I think he still got it and he can be one of the best cornerbacks in the

NFL if he comes back from this injury successfully. Really, the talent is not the

problem, but the injuries is the biggest concern because the Achilles injury is a

really serious thing and not a lot of people can recover it completely. It's

really hard to be 100% and not a lot of people become 100%

after tearing their Achilles. So yeah. Richard Sherman, veteran

cornerback. Love to see what he can do in this training camp. See what he can

do at full speed after not playing for a long time since the middle of 2017

season when he tore his Achilles with the Seahawks. Coming in number two, I have

Richie James, wide receiver. Now, he is rookie coming out of Middle Tennessee State.

He was a 7th round pick. 240th pick overall. He was really down

there in the draft, but I think the biggest reason why he fell all the way

down to the draft was because of his injury, the collarbone injury. That is

very serious. That is nothing to play around with and also, his size. He's not

the biggest receiver out of anyone. He's only 5′ 10″, 183 pounds. I mean, I'm pretty

much 5′ 9″, 5′ 10″. He's pretty much my height and he's bigger than me. I'm

not really a big guy, but you know, he's a small receiver and I guess the biggest

thing you can do with him is be a Trent Taylor, slot receiver. I don't know if he

can really deal with the big corners. He might be able to, but I don't know. We

got to see what he can do in an NFL level. We'll see what he can do in full

contact pads and see if he came back from his injury. It's a really serious

injury. I'm excited for him. I'd love to see what he can do. He was pretty good at

Middle Tennessee State for the limited time he was playing. I think he has

school records for Middle Tennessee State from touchdowns to receptions or

whatever. From yards. So, that's pretty cool I guess. Interesting fact. James, I'd

love to see what he can do. I want to see if he can make this roster, which I think

he can make this roster. He has a chance to make this team this year. Yeah,

Richie James, pretty interesting. Coming back from a collarbone injury. We'll see

if the 49ers can use him to a good effect this training camp. Before I get

the number one player to look for in camp this year, want to do a quick

honorable mention. Going to be mentioning Tartt, defensive back. Now, he's coming off

an injury as well. Pretty much everyone on this list is coming off an injury

some way, shape or form and I think he had an ankle injury in the middle of

2017. He was out for the rest of the season, but beforehand, he was doing a

really good job for the 49ers as a defensive back. I think a strong safety.

Yeah, strong safety. I want to see what he can do coming back from an injury. I

think he's going to have a fantastic camp. Want to do a quick honorable mention

about him and we'll see what he can do 2018. Coming in number one as the player

to watch in training camp this year is Joe Williams, running back. Now you're

wondering, why am I putting Joe Williams on this list?

We got Jerick McKinnon as the top running back. That's true, but I think this is

Kyle Shanahan and John Lynch's guy from last year. Getting drafted, he's

supposed to take over for Carlos Hyde, but McKinnon got signed this year. I'd

still want to see what Williams can do for the 49ers squad this year. From all

accounts in minicamp, he's done a really good job. He's made a lot of progress

from last year. Although he only played a couple of preseason games I think and

then he was injured for the rest of the year,

he can make a really good impact for this 49er roster. I don't really talk about him

that much just because of the fact that we have McKinnon as the number one

running back. I assume he's going to be using all the workload, but he can be a

nice role player for the 49ers. He can make a big difference for this team I

believe so. Williams, coming off an injury like all

these players mentioned on this list. I think he can have a really good role

in the running back position in case something happens to McKinnon or they

just need to take the load off of him during a game. This is Shanahan and John

Lynch's guy as mentioned before. They drafted him in the 4th round last

year. We'll see what he can do in this camp and hopefully in 2018. That's pretty

much my list you guys. It's a little unconventional I would say. I think a lot

of you guys were expecting like Jimmy Garoppolo or Reuben Foster, but I don't

want to mention those guys all the time. It's kind of boring to mention those guys.

Wanted to mention some new faces. Get to know other players besides Garoppolo

and what have you so... Going to keep it like that. Please let me know what

players are you looking forward to in this training camp session for 2018. I'd

love to hear what you guys have to say and if you guys like this, please "Like"

and Subscribe. That would definitely help me out a lot. I will see you guys

another time, probably tomorrow. I hope you guys have a nice day, nice weekend,

nice whatever and I'll see you guys another time. Bye guys. Love y'all as always!

For more infomation >> 3 Players to Look for in Training Camp (49ers 2018) - Duration: 5:32.


Mobile App Security with Kerry W. Lothrop | The Xamarin Show - Duration: 25:54.

>> Tune into this week's Xamarin Show where

I have my good friend Kerry, and all the way from Germany.

Kerry, what are you talking about?

>> I'm talking about App Security,

how to get your app secure.

>> I love it.

It's super important for mobile applications nowadays.

So, make sure you tune in.

>> Welcome back everyone to the Xamarin Show.

I'm your host James Montemagno and today,

we're going to be talking about mobile app security with

my good friend all the way in from Frankfurt,

Germany, Kerry. How's it going, Kerry?

>> Good. How are you?

>> I'm really good. I woke up super early this

morning because we got a slot

really early in here in Channel 9,

and who doesn't want to wake up

at 6:00 AM and talk about security?

>> I got up at 3:00.

>> Exactly. So Kerry wins all of a sudden.

So Kerry, first, you're

in Microsoft MVP so something is going on.

Can you tell everyone a little bit, who you are,

what you're here to talk about

and a little bit about your background?

>> All right. My name is Kerry Lothrop.

I work at Zuka in Frankfurt,

Germany and we do projects for customers.

We don't have our own products.

So increasingly, in these projects,

security is a big factor.

The type of projects we're doing,

they are not just your App,

Marketing Apps something like that.

Usually, there is something connected

like a Bluetooth connection, a real device.

People pay a lot for the products,

and they get an app where they have

certain expectations about the quality

of that app and that,

of course, involves or includes security.

So, that's what I focus on.

>> Got it. The reason then I've seen you a lot

of time speaking in Evolve.

I've read your blog posts, and I

think when people think security often,

they're like, "Oh, I've encrypted

a string or I have encrypted my database."

But that's not all we're talking about today, correct?

We're talking about something different.

>> I was going to focus on network security

because I see a lot of people

are doing things wrong there.

So, that's what I was going to focus on today.

>> Well, when I think of network security,

I've always heard the joke

or maybe it's not a joke that HTTPS, right?

I just put everything through HTTPS, is that good enough?

Is that good, is that bad?

Is that the silver bullet of security?

>> That's a good start.

So, HTTPS is, well, on mobile,

if you want to do some sort of connection

it should be HTTP because

usually mobile phone can be

inside a network that will not allow anything else.

>> Yeah.

>> You're in the coffeehouse and they won't allow

any direct connection to

Sequel Service something like that.

>> Of course, yeah.

>> So, with HTTP, but

if you want to be secured, it's HTTPS.

>> Got it.

>> And you know it HTTPS from

the web world so you type in the URL up

there and as a user.

>> Like a little green secure it

makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

>> Green, yellow and makes you feel good.

>> Yeah.

>> And the user or like

my grandmother can see this is secure.

This is my bank I'm talking to,

I can enter my credentials

and with apps you don't have that.

You can put a lock icon

in your app but it doesn't really do anything.

>> Yeah.

>> So, people are entrusting you as the developer

to do everything in

a secure way and to

make sure your data is handled correctly.

>> Yeah, and I think it's all

focused on network security.

I've always think of, you're not embedding

your strings into my application and

securing things into like there's

the key store and the key chain in iOS and Android.

Those are other things that you should be

doing to secure your data in your app.

>> Right.

>> When I think of network, it's like how is the data

coming and going to the application

itself and making sure that someone is

not swooping in there, in those coffee shops.

I do some work sometimes in the coffee shop.

>> I heard, yeah.

>> And it happens.

You're just there and at

the same time everyone's on the public Wi-Fi.

I think more nowadays,

this is more important is we're always so connected.

Not just with our laptops, with our phones.

I travel half the year I've connected to

Boingo Internet a thousand times at this point.

>> Right.

>> And the security model on that,

it's not the same when I'm on Microsoft Corp Net, right?

I'm on a Corp Net, things work,

things don't work because IT

is locking things down but you're right.

I think more and more as we see

these large companies go

through security issues and hardware,

we should be pretty cognizant of this.

>> Right.

>> Yeah.

>> And when you say you're in the coffeehouse

Wi-Fi but you don't actually know

that that's the coffeehouse Wi-Fi actually.

>> True.

>> It could be some other Wi-Fi

because not only does your phone scan.

Are there any Wi-Fis near that I know?

Like in this coffeehouse or this airport nearby,

they also broadcast that information also.

They like shout out. I know this Wi-Fi,

is it anywhere close?

>> Yeah.

>> And then as an attacker you just have to respond "Yes,

I'm that Wi-Fi" and your phone will connect to it

automatically without you realizing that.

And the good news is if you do

your homework regarding security right then,

it doesn't matter if the connection is

bad or if there's someone in

the middle because it will either

work and be secure or will not work at all.

>> Yeah, and that makes sense.

So, what we're really seeing in

that scenario then is this bring your own device.

You're in this corporate environment,

your employees are going out with their devices.

No matter where they go,

whatever what Wi-Fi they connect to,

what you're going to show is going

to show us how to make us secure.

>> Right. Yeah.

>> Let's do it. Let's jump in. I'm ready.

Talk about your setup here a little bit.

You got some phones and some adapters here.

Let's walk through what you got.

>> So, I've got a Mac here.

I'm using Visual Studio from Mac,

the update from yesterday.

>> Perfect.

>> So, let's hope this work.

I've got a phone connected.

So, it's a real device you see the icons are

jiggling and I've got a windows VM here.

>> Yeah.

>> And I'm running a tool called Fiddler from Telerik,

and I've set up my phone so that the traffic from

the phone runs through a proxy server and I

entered the IP address of the Windows machine.

>> Okay.

>> It has its own IP address

because I have a network card here.

Another Wi-Fi USB card

that's connected to the same Wi-Fi,

and the traffic from the phone is

running through the proxy server here.

>> Okay.

>> And so I can basically see what the phone is doing.

>> It does make sense because

even the beginning of trying to

secure your apps is how do you even do it?

You're like I need this network and this and this,

and this is pretty interesting

because everything is on the same network.

But you're essentially going to be piping

your data through

your Windows Virtual Machine

to see every little bit of

traffic when you see some iTunes stuff happening.

I guess anything is communicating.

>> Yeah this is the phone

communicating through its home base.

>> Very cool.

>> All right. Yeah. So, this would not be how you,

well, usually people don't set

their proxies server to this.

But this is what somebody in between

you and the server you're trying to

reach would be able to see.

>> Got it.

>> If you were a man in the middle.

>> So we can think of this

Fiddler session as the man in the middle,

someone that may intercept.

>> Right.

>> And can see all of your traffic.

>> Right.

>> Okay.

>> And we'll see what that person would be able to see.

>> Awesome, cool.

>> So what I've done here on this slide I've wrote

a not so pretty Xamarin App

and it has one button and if you tap

that button this code behind, code gets called.

And what I had to do here is I set up

the Fiddler as a proxy server itself.

It's a little Xamarin detail,

the Xamarin has a reimplementation of the HTTP clients.

And if you use the default one,

it's going to be the Monoweb implementation,

the implementation and

it ignores the proxy settings on my phone.

>> Okay.

>> So for this test I just entered that here.

>> So if you're using CF networking or the other stacks.

>> Right.

>> You might go through but

since it's our implementation,

it makes sense that you're using the HTTP client

handler site.

>> Right. But then other features

of the HTTP client might not work.

>> Yeah.

>> So, this is the one I picked for the demo.

>> Make sense.

>> And I have a blog post where there's a list of

the possible HTTP client handlers

and you can see which ones have which features.

>> That's good.

>> Yeah.

>> And someone asking me about

that literally on Twitter yesterday.

Someone send that up.

>> Yeah.

>> How do you use the default? So this

is probably most Devs are used to.

>> Right.

>> So what I want to do here is just do

a plain get HTTP call on

And if it works,

we'll show pop up "Success" and

if it doesn't we should see an error message right here.

>> Okay, cool.

>> So, I'm just going to run that on the phone.

>> So this to me is just a standard networking calls.

I've used HTTP client a thousand times.

>> Right.

>> I've made very similar calls on this are just

getting and this get is anything essentially the page.

But a lot of people are probably used

to getting string, getting stream.

Is that accurate, is that the scene

here essentially is just get a sync?

>> Right.

>> That's what you're getting.

>> That the normal.

>> Perfect.

>> HTTP get. All right.

So I'm going to tap "Make call" here.

And what does it do?

>> Success.

>> Success. So, what we see here on the Fiddler's side,

we see there was a call to

and with the inspectors here,

we can look at what was inside the headers.

And this is Rod calling to and this is the response.

It will probably be some redirection to a

secure a site maybe or

maybe it's just the whole website in one line.

>> Nice. Yeah.

>> But I'm getting results.

The app thinks we got results from

the server but actually someone

in the middle was able to read that.

>> Yeah. So literally,

right there we could see the entire request.

>> Right.

>> Fully and the response fully, too.

I think that's the important part is that.

>> Right.

>> Everything is plain text.

>> Right.

>> Is that because of HTTP?

>> That's because it is HTTP.

>> Okay. Got it.

>> So what we could do. You know Microsoft

is available through HTTPS, too.

>> Yeah.

>> So, I'll just try that.

Add an s here and I'll run that again.

>> Yes, so essentially,

if you own the back-end,

kind of out of the box, let's

say you're hosting on Azure.

>> Right.

>> Azure websites, you're going to get

HTTPS out of the box.

>> Right.

>> If you set that up. Then, I know also,

if you're using a custom domain though,

you're going to use some cert like Cloudflare

or other cert kind of server, right?

You have to set that backend up somehow.

>> Right.

>> So, Microsoft obviously has done that,

which is why we have HTTPS.

But you can't just add an HTTPS

and have it magically work.

>> Right, your server has to support it.

But you don't actually have to

buy a certificate. We'll get to that later.

>> Okay, cool.

>> So, let's check what it looks like here.

So I'll tap "Make call",

and we should be seeing a response.

So, okay, it gives an error message, certificate unknown.

This is something else. Okay, this was expected.

So, we see here in Fiddler

is it's trying to connect to,

and what happens,

I make the request to the debugging proxy,

the debugging proxy makes a requests to

So, and it gets a response,

decodes that response and encodes it again for my client.

>> Okay.

>> So the client gets

a different certificate for

that than it would from the original server.

So, I can tell that apart,

and the user agent can tell that apart,

so it's saying here, the certificate doesn't match,

I don't trust

If I were to call this in a browser,

I would see it's issued by

root authority called, DO_NOT_TRUST FiddlerRoot.

>> Okay, got it.

>> This is what's happening here.

So, but even this I could show you how to intercept this,

this is a neat trick.

You can call this URL help here,

it's called ipv4.Fiddler: and

then the port number that Fiddler is using on.

Then you see some information about

Fiddler here and it says,

you can download the Fiddler certificate,

and it will give us a warning messages and I can

install the Fiddler Root on my phone.

It says here more details.

So this is s the name

of certificate, DO_NOT_TRUST FiddlerRoot.

It is basically issued by my computer here and

that's by the windows machine,

and that's why the other computer doesn't trust it.

So I can just tap install here,

then have to confirm that I want to install.

Then I have to go done,

then I have to go back to the settings.

This is really interesting,

about then down here certificate trust settings.

There I see the certificate and

I have to explicitly say I want to trust this,

then I get asked, do you will you want

to trust this? This is really bad.

When I do that,

then my- all this is not going to work.

But my operating system will

then trust Fiddler for requests,

so I just realized this will not work because it's

the HTB client from Xamarin and it does not value

those- let's see if it works, I'll just give it a try.

>> So what essentially has happened here is

the Microsoft server is not

trusting their certificate that Fiddler is passing,

is that's what's happening in this scenario of debugging?

>> So what happens that the client gets

a response and it has to somehow- HTTPS is nice.

It means I've got

a secure connection but you

don't know who you're talking to.

>> Got it.

>> So the way it works is I have a list

of Root certificate authorities

that my operating system knows.

iOS has that list, Mac OS,

Windows has a list and it's

these- a list of 200 authorities.

>> Got it.

>> You can look at that list here.

System Roots and it's

a big list of all the companies that my computer trusts.

>> Got it.

>> What I did was I added Fiddler to this list.

>> Got it.

>> On the phone.

>> Got it.

>> So now the phone should be able to trust Fiddler.

Let's see if it does work.

Not really sure.

I don't know why it's so delayed.

Success. Okay, it did work.

So it's using the Root certificate list on

my Operating System, and what I

can do here is I can look at all the contents,

so it's a HTTPS call.

>> But you can see everything?

>> But I can see everything, right.

>> Is that because of the trust between them

or- but I always thought you know

HTTPS everything's encrypted everything's magical, right?

>> Right. That's because I installed

the certificates of the man in the middle into my phone.

So this is also not a typical attack vector,

you would have to have physical access to

the phone to do that.

But what it does

show you is the only HTTPS stuff

is built around browsers,

and browsers rely on this Root certificate list here,

to authenticate any type of website you might encounter.

>> Got it.

>> When working in a mobile app,

that is not really necessary because you don't have to

just trust any server

you know I'm going to talk to my server,

and I want to trust this server,

not just any server that my operating system trusts.

>> Got it, this makes sense.

That's what's essentially happened here,

is because we installed this server, we're like,

hey everything's great and kind of look and add this cert

in and now anyone

could really use that cert at this point,

but I know that I'm going to be talking to

my Azure website or I'm going to talk

to my backend that's hosted somewhere.

>> Right.

>> So we should be able to- I mean make that handshake,

right? Is that the idea?

>> Right, that's the idea.

>> Because we can trust each other.

So right now we're trusting everybody?

>> This list, you sometimes see it actually modified.

There are manufacturers of

PCs that install their Root certificates on their

or there are companies that instal

the company root certificates on

each employee's device so they can listen to the traffic.

>> Got it.

>> Yes, kind of not a good idea to trust this list.

>> Yes, especially on a phone where you know,

and your own app where you know exactly what's going on.

So can we secure this app

then and make it all fancy schmancy?

>> So the next step would be,

I could say this the code up here,

I want to add some code

to do the verification of the certificate myself.

>> Okay.

>> What I'm doing here is I specify this function here.

And what it does it gets all the information,

the certificate, and the chain, and any errors.

It looks at the public key and it

just compares that public key

to some magic string up here.

This is magic string is

the actual public key of the web server I'm using here.

>> That's okay to put it in the

app because it's the public?

>> Right. This is the public key,

it is- the server will tell you if you ask it.

>> Got it.

>> If somebody manipulates that,

that only affects his own app.

>> Got it.

>> Not all the other installations.

>> Okay.

>> So what I'm going to do here,

this is now active and I'm going to

debug this again or run this again. Okay.

>> So, this is a really easy check essentially.

So, this comes in

and it's happening every single callback essentially,

in the handler is going to get this callback.

>> Right. Every website you access is going to check,

is that actually, this exact server,

does it have this public key?

Because, if it has this public key,

that means it has the corresponding private key.

Because, you couldn't generate a public key-.

>> Without it.

>> Or the corresponding private key for that public.

>> Got it. Cool.

>> So, now we've got the app running again,

hit "Make Call" and see what happens.

Okay. I get an error message again.

So, even though this thing trust Fiddler.

It doesn't work because I don't want just any web server,

I want this specific web server.

>> Got it.

>> So, we can also see here that, this other line is,

I only want to trust a specific level of TLS, the latest.

All the prior versions have already been hacked,

and the web server will basically,

the client is written so,

it will work with older servers.

Why should it? Because, I know I'm calling

my own server and I know it is up to date,

and I only want to allow that.

You can also do it vice versa.

Why should the server trust a client that says,

''I only know SSL tool,

really from from 15 years back''.

>> Yeah.

>> When it knows, my client

understands tiller as one point two.

>> Yeah. So, we should use that.

Not only am I only going to,

if I get the requests, I'm going to check at that point.

Then also in the phone kind of double checking.

>> All right.

>> This is really important, cool.

>> So, this is called certificate pinning.

Or certificate pinning and version

pinning or actually this public key pinning,

I could do this at a greater scale,

or think through this a bit more.

I could check the certificate authority,

that it is issued by my company.

Maybe, if I want to rotate the certificates.

But, the certificate doesn't even

have to be trusted by the Operating System.

I could use a cell signing certificate

on the server side,

and then have it's public key inside my app.

And still, this would be much more secure than just

relying on the third route certificate authority list.

>> Got it.

>> Right.

>> So, now even if we run this,

it's going to be the same error message

essentially that pops out?

>> What they tell us one point two?

>> Yeah.

>> That's the same. This didn't matter any for this demo.

>> Got it, okay, nice.

So at this point then,

is the mobile app secure because of this,

at this point or what's the next steps?

>> This is much more secure.

So, there are other things you can do from the,

let's talk about the back end side maybe.

So, I said before

maybe you only want to trust this certain versions.

But sometimes, the big picture,

the app now knows exactly it's talking to my server.

>> Yeah.

>> And then, oftentimes we have people saying,

''I have this back end and I

want to make sure it is my app,

it's only my app that's talking to my back end."

>> Got it.

>> And, that is something that's very difficult.

So, what people start doing is,

they send along credentials,

or send the client certificates,

and they want to make sure there's

actually their own app, that's calling the back end.

>> Yeah.

>> But, that doesn't usually work.

Because, you have to embed that information that,

this is your app inside your app bundle.

>> Yeah.

>> Now, gets back to the storing.

>> I've seen that oftenly, like I'm going to

put the certificate inside of it,

I'm going to put all this information inside the app.

Then, what of your app,

someone busted open, at some point.

>> Yeah. So, then people tried to

hide it inside their app, encrypted,

or hide it in the last spites of

an image resource or something like that.

And, but at one point,

it gets passed to the API call.

Use this client certificate,

and so if you're dynamically instantiating the app,

you can look into that and

basically scrape the certificate,

and then, you can make those calls to the server.

So, basic what you should be doing is,

don't authenticate your app.

Think about authenticating the user.

>> Got it.

>> Like a website works,

you don't write a website,

that only works with Opera,

these versions of Opera.

And, you write a website,

you can access it freely, but,

if you want to do something special,

then you can, you log in and you authenticate the user.

Then you can also block one user.

You can remove his access but,

if you have the certificate out there on every app,

and it gets compromised then you can't pull it.

>> You can't pull and you can't expect everyone to

upgrade the application either,

because we all know that

people linger on the app updates.

So, now this application this codes,

and some of the public can hear,

you then we're updating it hitting the server,

where the private key was,

then you're going to be able to see everything.

Or, is it all going to be encrypted inside of Fiddler?

>> With this, I can't intercept it with Fiddler.

>> You can't intercept that.

>> I would have to look inside the app,

if maybe on a routed Android device,

I would be able to look inside the app,

and see what are the calls that are being made.

>> Got it.

>> But I can't intercept this anymore.

>> Perfect. So, it's kind of recap,

and you can correct me if I'm wrong here.

First obviously, moved HTTPS.

>> Right.

>> Then also, ensure that you're

doing your actual public key checks.

That your back end has a private key,

that it's all set up that way.

And also, at the same time enable

TLS one two support on both ends.

>> Only.

>> Only. That' it, because I do any other ones.

In fact, I've noticed over time,

a lot of the services I've called have,

required one dot two,

which is then we had a kind of

select the different implementations of HTTP client,

but all the Xamarin stuff now

uses 'tell us one', or 'two out of the box'.

>> Right.

>> It's all built in for you.

So, it's all there don't think you

have to go through any crazy other network code.

If you just use HTTP client, you're good. Cool.

>> All right.

>> Awesome. Anything else you wanted to

show off her cover?

>> That was about it.

>> Awesome. I love it because not

only did I actually learn how to use Fiddler,

and this huge crazy setup.

So now, I can actually start debugging,

and looking at all my applications.

But, you can see that it's actually not that much code.

It's all built in really,

and just changing a few URLs,

making sure your keys are in there,

and thinking about that I guess is important.

>> Right. What you can't do is just,

be that man in the middle.

Look at your own app, see what you can see and that is,

what somebody else could be seeing.

>> I like that, Awesome.

Well, Kerry, thank you so much for

coming on, and showing this all.

We'll put all your blogs, all the links,

and I think even to your evolve talk,

in the show now it's below.

Yeah. Thanks for making that trip out here.

>> Thank you.

>> Yeah. Well, until next time,

it's been another episode of the Xamarin Show.

Don't forget to subscribe.

You can hit that little button

down over there, up over there,

ding that bell to get notifications

right in your inbox each and every week.

Until next time, I'm

James Montemagno. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Mobile App Security with Kerry W. Lothrop | The Xamarin Show - Duration: 25:54.


Научи животните на Български - образователно за бебета и малки деца. Learn Animals in Bulgarian - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Научи животните на Български - образователно за бебета и малки деца. Learn Animals in Bulgarian - Duration: 2:00.


Bem-vindos ao canal da ONG E-Pet - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Bem-vindos ao canal da ONG E-Pet - Duration: 1:59.


MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG | 2018 - Duration: 10:51.

Hi everyone, it's Sandy and in today's video I'm doing the Mid-Year Book

Freakout Tag and I know it's already halfway through July but I'm doing this

tag anyways. This tag was originally created by Chami from IsThatChami and

Ely from Earl Grey Books. I will leave the link to both of their channels and

their original tag video in the description box below. The first question

in this tag is the best book you've read so far in 2018.

I just can't choose one book for this question so I'm going to choose my top

three so far this year. They are in no particular order but the first one is

The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed. This book follows three high school girls as

they create this anonymous group to resist the sexist culture at their high

school. This book is amazing. If you like The Female of the Species, I think you

will really enjoy this book as well. The next book that I really loved is

Children of Blood and bone by Tomi Adeyemi. I'm sure you all know what this

book is about but it follows our main character Zelie, who is fighting to bring

magic back to her people. The author frequently describes this book as Black

Panther but with magic. And the third book that I'm choosing for this question

is Renegades by Marissa Meyer. This book has to do with super heroes and super

villains. It follows our two main characters, Nova, who is an anarchist and

then the second character is named Adrian, who is a Renegade. Renegades are

supposedly the super heroes and they are known as the good guys and the

Anarchists are typically known as the bad guys. Nova wants to get revenge on

the Renegades for something that happened in her past. She and Adrian

encounter one another and the story goes from there. As much as I do love the

Lunar Chronicles, I think this is my favorite Marissa Meyer book, and I can't

wait for the sequel. The second question in this tag is the best sequel you've

read so far this year and I honestly haven't read many sequels, but a sequel

that I recently read and really enjoyed is Wildcard by Marie Lu. This is a

sequel and also the final book to the Warcross duology. Warcross is a

sci-fi book. It has to do with virtual reality. Our main character is a hacker

and this book pretty much picks up where the last book left off. I do have to

admit that I didn't enjoy the plot of this book as much as I did with the

first book but I still thought it was a really great sequel, it was action-packed, and

I really liked how the story wrapped up, so this is definitely my favorite sequel

that I've read so far this year. The third question is a new release you

haven't read yet but want to. My for this question is A Reaper at the

Gates by Sabaa Tahir. This is the third book in the Ember in the Ashes series.

The third book came out in June and I haven't gotten around to picking it up

yet. I recently reread the first two books and I really enjoyed it. I forgot

how much I enjoyed An Ember in the Ashes. I actually finished rereading the second

book yesterday, so I really want to jump into the third book, but I don't have a

copy of it yet. I'm waiting for my library hold on it to come through so

hopefully that happens soon. I'm really excited to see where the story goes I've

been hearing a lot of great things about the third book so I can't wait to get my

hands on this book and to pretty much devour it. The fourth question is the

most anticipated release for the second half of the year. I actually recently

posted a video like in May talking about all the books that I'm excited for that

are coming out towards the second half of the year, so definitely check out that

video. I will link it down below but my number one most anticipated would

definitely have to be Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. This is the

third and final book in The Dark Artifices trilogy. After where the second

book left off, I just really need the third book in my hands. I need to know

how it ends and I heard that it takes place within a span of a week. That kind

of has me nervous I don't know why but oh my god, I'm getting all emotional

again thinking about the ending of the second book but Cassandra Clare has been

posting like little snippets of lines that are in Queen of Air and Darkness and

there was one that she recently posted that just hit me in the feels. I don't

think I'm emotionally ready for the third book to be honest but I'm super

excited for it. The next question is biggest disappointment and I really hate

that I have to choose this book for this question because there really aren't any

other books that I was more disappointed in and that book is From Twinkle, With

Love by Sandhya Menon. If you've seen my June wrap-up, I talked about why I didn't

like this book very much in it, so check that out if you want to hear more

details. This book follows Twinkle, who's an aspiring filmmaker. She has a crush on

this boy named Neil, who has a twin brother named Sahil, who approaches

Twinkle to help direct a movie but as she's working with Sahil, she started to

develop feelings for Sahil, and Sahil does have a crush on Twinkle, it's pretty much

stated at the beginning of the story, but at the same time all of this is

happening, Twinkle is receiving emails from a secret admirer, who she thinks is

Neil. So there's a lot going on when it comes to the romance

and relationship, and I didn't enjoy the secret admirer plot. That's the main

reason why I didn't enjoy this book very much. I felt like it was unnecessary

because I thought it was really predictable who the secret admirer was

and with the secret admirer, it just causes Twinkle to go back and forth with

her feelings for Sahil and I just didn't like that because Sahil was just a

really sweet guy and she was kind of stringing him along and it just really

frustrated me to read about it. I really wanted to love this book but

unfortunately, it became a disappointment because of this whole secret admirer

plot. The next question is biggest surprise and I'm going to have to go

with Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy. When I first picked this book up, I didn't think

I would enjoy this book as much as I did. I actually listened to the audiobook and

I would highly recommend the audiobook. This book follows Ramona, who is working

multiple jobs to help support her family. Her family lives in a trailer. It's just

her, her dad, and her pregnant sister. Her mom is still alive but she's not really

in the picture and she's really unreliable. And one day, this guy named

Freddie moves back to town. Freddie and Ramona used to be pretty good friends

when they were younger but then Freddie moved away, so now he's back in town and

they start hanging out, they're friends all over again. Ramona does like girls and

she never really had an interest in guys but now that she's spending more time

with Freddie, she's starting to develop feelings for him. So this book does have

to do with sexual fluidity and I loved how that was handled throughout the book.

This book is definitely not a story about a girl who meets a guy that turns

her straight. It's so much more than that. I loved all the different relationships

in this book and I also really enjoyed seeing Ramona fall in love with swimming.

Overall, this book was amazing. I really enjoyed it. It's the first Julie Murphy

book that I read. I would highly recommend it. I didn't think I would hate

this book but I also didn't expect to love it as much as I did, and I really

did enjoy this book, so that's definitely my biggest surprise so far this year.

The next question is favorite new author and I have two authors that I wanted to

mention for this question. The first author is Stacey Lee. I actually listened

to her book, Outrun the Moon earlier this year and I just loved it.

It's a YA historical fiction that takes place in the early 1900's in San

Francisco, following our main character Mercy Wong.

She is Chinese American. She's living in Chinatown and she wants to further her

education at this private school but because she's Chinese and she's poor,

she's not allowed to enroll, so she does make a deal with like the principal at

the school and she does get in and the story goes from there. I

really love this book. I saw myself represented in it. The next author that I

wanted to mention is Nic Stone. She is the author of Dear Martin. I read this

book earlier this year. Again, loved it so much. It's a really quick read. It follows

our main character Justyce McAllister, who is set for an Ivy League school. One

day, he and his best friend go on a drive and they're playing really loud music

and they pass this cop, who isn't on duty. Words are thrown around, shots are fired,

Justyce's best friend is shot and killed. This book was just so moving. It

was so powerful. If you love The Hate U Give, you would definitely love this book

as well. Nic Stone does have a book coming out

later this year called Odd One Out. I look forward to reading more from this author

and I can't wait to pick that book up. The next question is newest fictional

crush and I really don't have an answer for this question but if I had to pick

one, I would probably pick Sahil from From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon.

I know I picked this book earlier for the biggest disappointment but I

really like Sahil's character. There was one thing in this book that he did that

I really didn't like but overall, he was the sweetest guy. He was always super

caring of Twinkle and I just really liked how he and Twinkle interacted

with one another. He's not necessarily my fictional crush but I really liked him

as a love interest. The ninth question in this tag is newest favorite character

and I would probably have to go with Nova from Renegades by Marissa Meyer.

Nova is made out to be the villain in the story but she's just such a complex

character and I loved her for that. I love her and I can't wait to read more of

her in the next book. The next question is a book that made you cry and honestly,

I can't think of any book that had made me cry this year. There have been a

couple books that made me tear up but not necessarily bawling my eyes out, so I

think I'm going to have to pass on this question. The next question is a book

that made you happy and I'm going to go with Leah on the Offbeat by Becky

Albertalli. This is a companion novel to Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. The

thing that made me really happy in this book is seeing Simon and his boyfriend. I

just couldn't stop gushing over them. They are the cutest and they warmed my

heart very much, and speaking of Simon vs., the next question is my favorite

book to movie adaptation that I saw this year I would have to go with Love, Simon,

which is the adaptation for Simon vs. I

honestly don't think I saw many book to movie adaptations in the first half

of this year. There are a few coming out towards the end of the year that I'm

really looking forward to like The Darkest Minds, The Hate U Give, To All

the Boys I've Loved Before. Super excited for all of those book to movie

adaptations but the only one that I saw this year was definitely Love, Simon and

I really enjoyed that movie so that would be my default answer. The next

question is my favorite video that I did so far this year. I started doing more

bookish and reading vlogs this year and I really enjoy filming those, so my

answer would definitely be all the bookish vlogs that I've done lately. The

14th question is the most beautiful book that I bought so far this year and

I know I already chose this book earlier in this tag but I can't help but choose it

again and that is Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. Just look at

this cover. It's beautiful. There's even a beautiful map in this book and the naked

cover looks beautiful as well and you already know how I feel about this book,

it's amazing, so definitely pick it up if you haven't read it yet, and the last

question for this tag is what books do you need to read by the end of the year.

There are definitely a lot of books that I need to pick up by the end of the year.

I'm planning on filming my summer TBR after I filmed this video so that will

definitely give a good chunk of books that I want to get through before the

end of the year but I definitely do want to pick up Furyborn by Claire Legrand.

What I know about this book is that it follows two main characters. There is a

prophecy in this book about two queens, one is a queen of blood and the other is

a queen of light, and these queens have the ability to perform all seven types

of elemental magic. One of the main characters is named Rielle and she

accidentally exposes her ability to do so, so in order to prove what type of

queen she is she goes through this trial. The trials are very dangerous so she can

die pretty much going through the trials or if she fails in the end, she will be

executed. The other character is Eliana. Her mother has disappeared and she goes

on this dangerous mission with a rebel captain to find her. So this is

definitely a book that I really want to get to before the end of the year. Those

are all the questions for this tag. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you

enjoyed this video, and I will see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG | 2018 - Duration: 10:51.



Hi Queens welcome stay tuned to learn about this gorgeous unit

Hi Queens, welcome back. I'm Sheena go by Queen She; today I'm reviewing this unit. I received from mane concept

This is from their newer. Melanin queen line. The style number is mle02

the color is

613 aka platinum blonde girl. Yes, my first platinum blonde unit

This is an ear-to-ear. Yaki sleek 26 inch unit. The lace is super soft

There's two to two and a half inches of parting space

Two combs in the front one comb in the back adjustable straps a breathable cap and look at that parting space


you get ear to ear less coverage with this unit and it's going to be friendly on your edges because the lace is

Super soft. I would not recommend this unit if you have a larger head

the ear to ear

Lace, it does spend ear to ear. However, I recommend using

Some sort of got to be glued method

Grellus, not method something like that to secure the unit and the lace down so that it doesn't lift up

When you are doing your thing

your thing is

Also, I recommend plucking the hairline to get a more natural appearance

if I have this unit in a 1 or a 1 B this lage would be real y'all like I would be able to keep

my some of my perimeter out to give it that more natural appearance and

That's just something I cannot do with a platinum blonde unit. This is my first platinum blonde unit

and I have to say I am

super excited

About the potential for wearing more platinum blonde units. Yes

Y'all can't tell me nothing in this color

The unit is super natural

Feeling super natural looking very minimal tangling

minimal shedding just shedding when I cut the lace and


Complaints whatsoever about this unit. I'm going to work my queen

She magic on this team pluck the hairline find a way to make the perimeter look even more

Natural and come to you with an update in about a month or so

If you are not already part of the queendom go ahead hit subscribe Queen, it's free. I don't bite or maybe I do


Comment down below

hit the thumbs up button if you like platinum blonde on your girl and

I'll be back very very soon until that time. Don't forget to love each other Queens. Bye

For more infomation >> PLATINUM BLONDE MELANIN QUEEN | FT MANE CONCEPT MLE02 🔥 🔥 🔥 - Duration: 2:46.


ما هي أعراض الجلوكوما ؟ - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> ما هي أعراض الجلوكوما ؟ - Duration: 0:24.


MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT || 2018 - Duration: 10:53.

Let's do this. Hey guys, it's Emily! for today's video I am doing

the Mid-year Book Break Out tag which was originally created by Chami. I will

leave a link to her video, channel, all that stuff, down below. I was tagged to do this

by Sylwia over at Wish Fulfillment who is just the very best. She's so great!

She has such wonderful reviews, so you should check out her channel if you are

not subscribed already--you're missing out. This tag is like a high-level

overview of how your year is going in reading, so far. So now I'm gonna do

that... The first question is the best book that you've read this year. I always feel

a little bit weird when it comes to picking a best book because I

read very widely across a bunch of different genres and age demographics

and things like that. So it's like, well, a high fantasy book is not

comparable, really, to scientific nonfiction. But I also didn't want to

just spiral on with this question. So I'm going just with two books, one

fiction and one nonfiction. My favorite fiction book of the year so far is Red

Clocks by Leni Zumas. I don't have a copy of it anymore because I lent it to

a friend. I adore this book! I did a full review of it, which I will link to in the

cards and down below, and you can check that out if you're so inclined.

It is literary speculative fiction. It's a little bit avant-garde, about a world

in which a personhood amendment has been passed. Abortion is illegal,

artificial insemination (and IVF) is illegal, and it also affects immigration and things

like that. We follow five different female characters, and you can watch my

review if you want to hear more about it. But it is fabulous! The other "best book"

that I want to talk about is I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. I just don't know

where this is... I may have given it away, I may have it somewhere in my house, I just

don't know. It is scientific nonfiction that looks at the microbes of the world

and also within your body. It focuses, I would say, a little bit more on the

microbes in and on your body. Microbes in general--covers all that good stuff.

It's wonderfully written. It's accessible but doesn't seem watered-down. It's just

all around really, really, really impressive work. I love it, I would

definitely recommend checking it out. Number two: what is

the best sequel that you have read this year? For this I'm going with The

Stone Sky by NK Jemisin. This is book three and her Broken Earth trilogy, which

takes place in a world in which there is just a ton of seismic activity, and

certain people--called orogenes--have the ability to kind of control and manipulate

seismic activity. It looks at how that world and those powers within that world

affect power hierarchies and structures because orogenes are a marginalized group

within this world. They are oppressed and controlled. It's just an amazing,

incredibly inventive fantasy series. I adore it. The first book is The Fifth

Season. It takes about a hundred pages to get into because there's no expository

world building. So there's none of that like, "Joe walked into town for the first

time, and someone explained to him how this town works, and what the powers are

on this town, and who are the important players in this town," which you do

sometimes get in fantasy. This is just, you've got to dive in and you've got to figure

it out for yourself. So as a reader it can be a little off-putting at first. The

concluding novel was fabulous, and I loved it. Number three is, what's a new

release that you want to get to? And I have two for this. I am just cheating all

over the place with this tag. The first just came in the mail from Book of the

Month and that is Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. This is a fantasy book,

a companion book? I think it is a companion book set in the same world, I believe, as

Naomi Novik's novel Uprooted, which everybody loved and... I liked. I just liked

it. But I'm hopeful about this! So we shall see. The other new release that I

really want to get to is There There by Tommy Orange. This is literary fiction

that follows several different characters as they relate to the Big

Oakland Powwow. I mentioned this book in my "Most Anticipated Book Releases of the

Summer" video that I did. Very excited to pick this up.

Number four is, what is an anticipated release for the second half of this year?

I'm going with The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. This is romance, which I'm still

so tentative about, but I read Guillory's first book The Wedding Date. It is

adorable and I loved it a lot. This is a new book in which we follow one of the

side characters from the first book. He now gets his own romance story, and he

was one of my favorite characters from the first book. In this, I just, I heard the

premise and I was like, "Sweet Jesus, this is

amazing! I love this!" He sees a woman get proposed to on a Jumbotron and it's

clear that like she is not into it, so he kind of rescues her, and we go from

there. It is my nightmare to have an incredibly

public proposal, or like public displays of romance like that in any capacity. It

just... Oh no. Mmmmm. I hate it so much! I just... It makes me so wildly uncomfortable.

I just really, really don't like it. So what I heard that was the premise I was

like, "Sign me up!" Number five is, what is the biggest disappointment of the year?

For this I'm going for a whole series, and that is To All the Boys I've Loved

Before by Jenny Han. I love me a good, fluffy, contemporary YA situation

every once in a while. I was in the mood. I was getting on a plane. I wanted

something easy and light and fluffy, and I've heard from so many people that

that's exactly what this series is! Unfortunately, the main love interest is

the worst ever. Gross hyperbole... He's not actually bad, he's just the epitome of

mediocre. He's like doing the bare minimum. The protagonist Laura Jean

in this book she's like oh my goodness he's so nice it's like no he's not he's

not that nice to you he doesn't really care about what you have to say he's

kind of boring he treats you like shit occasionally he does weird shit with his

ex-girlfriend and just not very into it I have the whole series and no other

books with me on this plane flight so I was like time for book two I don't even

care if I'm spoiling things now we were getting a new love interest I was so

excited for an examination on what actual good behavior is and how often

girls and women are conditioned to think the bare minimum of human decency is

something to be lauded rather than something to be expected and I was so

ready for great analysis and then mmm nope I didn't get that so so there's

just there was just a lot of disappointment involved number six is

what did the book that surprised you the most this year and for this I'm going

with a book that I've already talked about and that is the wedding date bike

Jasmine Guillory this surprised me because it is the first romance book

that I've ever read truly non ironically or like not to be a part of the greater

cultural zeitgeist because yes I did in fact read Fifty Shades of Grey because I

wanted to know what everyone was talking about and yes it was as bad as I thought

it was going to be but still I read it this I read not going in expected

I hate it I was very tentative but then it was so fun and lovely and wonderful

and I had a great time it was great and I really really enjoyed it

number seven is your favorite new author this can be a debut author or one that

is just new to you again I'm gonna name multiple authors because this is my

channel and I can do whatever I want the first is Fonda Lee I read her adult

fantasy novel Jade City which is the first in a series and it is so much fun

I loved it it's so great I did a full review on this did I I think I did if my

memory is serving me well today I will leave a link to that so you can check it

out it is super super super fun inspired a lot by martial arts movies and she has

also written a lot of y8 novels that I'm very excited to check out because I

loved this so very much next I have show her out I adored her

short story collection and unrestored Woman I liked her debut novel which is

more and brighter but this I think is stronger she can write a sentence her I

just loved her prose if you like short fiction definitely check this out all of

the stories in this are centered around the partition of India and Pakistan in

1947 and it is so very good 9 is your favorite new character and I am going

again with - sorry I'm not sorry at all the first is asked her from an

unkindness of ghosts I loved that despite how people often treat her so

poorly she retains such kindness and empathy and it's just lovely and she's

so smart and I loved her inquisitiveness all around reading from her perspective

was such a delight in a very dark book she is amazing I loved her and the other

is Cyril from the envelope dossier series this is book 2 the first book it

is amber Lo and it is great but I gave it away to a friend to read so I just

had the sequel which I finished and it's really really good there's follows

several characters and kind of the underground and a vaguely reminiscent of

1920s Germany place where they are in the first book at least trying to combat

the rise of a new fascist regime very cool premise he is a spy he's so deeply

flawed like doesn't want to care about people but dies he is the bit of a

coward but so like tried his best and I just love him he is amazing number 10 is

what's a book that made you cry so I cry easily when it comes to media so I did a

quick little tally we consult my notes I have read 61 books 19 of them have made

me cry which is a whopping 31 percent all books that I have read this year so

you can pick out like almost any book that I've mentioned in this video

probably made me cry but I do want to talk about one in particular that's just

great hunger by Roxane gay this is just like a gut punch of a memoir it made me

cried so many times I had to put it down several times because I was just like I

don't think I could live in this headspace for a prolonged period of time

I need a little break it is amazing gay it's just such a

strong writer I just loved this number 11 is what's a book that made you happy

I'm going with Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones this book is a delight

and every character in it it's just such an idiot and they're so stubborn and I

love them all and I just want to spend time with them there's not a great plot

in this but the book is better served for that I just want to follow these

idiot characters around who I love so very much

I just felt joyful reading this and if I am NOT being clear enough I recommend

this book a whole lot number 12 is what is your favorite adaptation of the year

I haven't been going to the movies very frequently lately and as much as I talk

to my friends about TV I don't actually watch that much TV I start a lot of TV

don't finish anything but one movie that I did see in theaters and really enjoyed

was love Simon which is of course the adaptation of becky albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda' which is just the cutest little fluffiest why

I contemporary and it is just a lovely quick light read number 13 is what is

your favorite review that you've done this here definitely my read clocks

review back at that our beginning of the year so you should check that out number

14 is what's the most beautiful book that you've bought all year and that

simply must go to the 109th of hero by isabelle greenberg this book is so

gorgeous it's a functionally a standalone graphic

novel although I guess it is a companion book to the encyclopedia of early Earth

I haven't read that but I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything

because I hadn't read that so that's good and it's just it's so beautiful the

art is really really cool and I love the way that she plays with color it is just

all-around gorgeous and it's also wonderful the story in it is so great

number 15 is what book do you wanna get to by the end of the year and I'm just

gonna say all of them that's I'm gonna tag some people so check down

in the description box to see if you're tagged and if you're not too it anyways

it's a pretty fun video thanks so much for watching if you like this video give

it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see more my facing find me on Twitter at possibly

lit and on Instagram and possibly literate and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> MID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT || 2018 - Duration: 10:53.


🔴 [LIVE] PUBG MOBILE: Tryhard to ACE Rank (Rank Thách Đấu đang chờ) - Duration: 1:25:50.

For more infomation >> 🔴 [LIVE] PUBG MOBILE: Tryhard to ACE Rank (Rank Thách Đấu đang chờ) - Duration: 1:25:50.


QanA #21" Is Manulife Par The Right Choice? - Duration: 6:37.

Is Manulife Par right for you? Welcome to Question an Actuary, where you get

answers to real questions. I'm Promod Sharma of Taxevity

Insurance, where we bring clarity to life and health insurance. In 2017, whole life

accounted for 57% of new premiums according to LIMRA. Manulife has

Performax Gold but that's nonpar. Eighty-four percent of whole life is par. Manulife

exited that segment in 2008. Returning in 2018 makes business sense and Manulife

has the resources. The brand-new Manulife Par has the same basic pros

and cons as all other participating whole life products: clients pay high premiums

and accept more risks in exchange for policy dividends — if results are better

than expected. Par products are very difficult to compare because they lack

the transparency and guarantees found in nonpar whole life and universal life.

You're expected to trust the insurer. New products often leave out important

features: the original iPad had no multitasking or folders for 7 months.

Manulife Par launched with no option for life-pay premiums. Only 10-pay and 20-pay

are available. Investment returns quickly become the largest component of

the policy dividends — perhaps 60 percent by year 7 and 90 percent beyond year 20.

How suitable is the investment approach? How good is the investment management?

Backtesting of dividends helps show this but Manulife has not released

details. Why be skeptical? Their nonpar Performax Gold. For eight of the last

twelve years, Manulife earned less on both their

par account and nonpar account than they've been crediting. They're

projecting future decreases from their current rate of five point two five

percent. Established par whole life products generally show their past

dividend interest rate scale. Canada life goes back to 1989.

and Sun to 1993. Manulife does not publish their

dividend scale interest rate. Instead, they show the yields on their par

account going back to 1985 — which is useful. In 2017, they earned five point six percent

after investment expenses. New products tend to have backtesting. When launching

their nonpar Equibuild, Industrial Alliance simulated yields by comparing

against par dividend scales going back to 1984. Besides backtesting, new

products often have investment guarantees for at least three years.

Manulife Performax Gold has for the last 12 years.

Excellent! Guarantees show that the insurer stands behind their product,

which helps build credibility — and sales. Manulife says investment returns in

their par account have medium predictability and stability but

high impact. Manulife Par has no published backtesting and no guaranteed

dividend scale interest rate beyond the current year's 6.25%. This increases

risks for clients and advisors. Past successful class actions for par whole

life arose from the harm caused by dividends lower than expected. Canadian

insurers settled for hundreds of millions of dollars. Today is different.

The biggest insurers are now owned by shareholders, instead of policyowners.

Most advisors are independent, instead of captive agents of the insurers. Computers

allow easy illustrations below the current scale. Projections need to be

signed by the client and the advisor. The application forms require acknowledgment

that results are variable. As a result, the risks for underperformance have

shifted away from the insurers. Prudent advisors need to be more careful before

making recommendations — unless they're retiring in the next few years. Is Manulife Par

the right choice? Let's look at the cons first.

The launch dividend scale interest rate of 6.25% must be assumed for life in the

projections without any history, backtesting or guarantees. Is 6.25%

sustainable? Volatility in the par account may be high. This is difficult to

compare because companies report different information for different time

frames. When looking at the dividend scale interest rate, the standard

deviation for Sun Life is 0.76 since 1993. Manulife does not publish their dividend

scale interest rate. The standard deviation in their par fund yield is 2.4.

Unlike competitors, there's no second product optimized for

long-term performance. Maybe that's coming later. Looking at the pros,

Manulife has good advantages. There is the strength of the Manulife brand. There's

the best buying experience in the industry, with an excellent e-application, a

reduced need for body fluids, fast underwriting now using artificial

intelligence. There are high early guaranteed cash values, which is good for

front-end leveraging (that's a topic for another video).

There's improved premium flexibility, which is a traditional weakness with

whole life. There are simpler illustrations and more readable policy

contracts. Plus the product is brand new. Innovation spurs innovation and the

insurance sector needs that. Competitors might quickly improve their own

established products. Manulife Par closes a gap in their product offerings.

There's lots for advisors and clients to like. Is Manulife Par the right choice? As

Manulife says, the investment returns have a high impact on performance.

What returns are sustainable? Before deciding, talk to your independent

investment expert — perhaps an investment advisor or fee-only financial planner.

Par whole life products are easier to sell than to compare or fix. That makes

prudence more important. What do you think? Feel free to share below. To

arrange a private chat, visit

For more infomation >> QanA #21" Is Manulife Par The Right Choice? - Duration: 6:37.


how to feed tegu - Duration: 7:43.

and my boy, what good to cheat and what he eats everything very well

very well safari take it all we have good hawks

to good

hello bicheros that they are good days and welcome to another video of

okidoki reptile house and let's talk about a topic that many of you have asked us

through the networks in the comments here below and it's how we feed

our tupinambis is worth so much to the buffets like the medians so we're going

to explain it many of you already have you seen in any of the videos that

we have climbed on them that these animals are completely omnivorous what

means this that they eat absolutely of everything when we say everything is of

everything from here of fish fruit vegetables and even a

food then let's start to try today and for which we have made this video

in these videos of which I speak to you we have already done you have seen how

we have given banana as we have given apple as I have shown you vegetables

rat grabs a whole chick and the truth is that everything they love and I believe

that this is the key to a diet of one healthy and balanced diet is worth everything

that is varied in more with animals of this guy who absolutely eat from

all a small note as is already opening animals that we open the

animals that eat fish meat mainly when it comes to building

It stinks a lot and it's something we have to keep in mind if we want to take care of

this type of animals it is not the same to feed animals that

they eat practically vegetables or fruits that animals that eat meat, fish and

this type of food do the digestion and take out the box is

It stinks a lot and for many people this can become unpleasant and

I say this because these animals do not they fit like a load a pretty one that already smells

well have experience if it does not oxidize quite pretty big well

we also have to say that these animals and come as many of

you will know if he does not know it he did not know because he already knows that

does this mean that during a large part of the year they practically eat us and

for another great part of the year Deborah have a feeding response

very very very strong but then with the As time passes, a

little food loses them and they need enormously large quantities of food

to satiate your appetite with this not I want to say that every day

we have to give a lot because if you do not already know what happens with the

reptiles get fat and eventually grow fat a lot I want to say they have to be

obviously fat in their right line everything is a problem everything decides so we

we spend in food what is translates mostly into problems of

liver we usually use banana apple carrot we make a

small mixture of sada is worth the we put and they gladly delay and

we also complement all this with small chick contract with mouse

as I told you now we have some images so you can see how well

respond to these foods but the reason for this video is another day is that

let's try to supplement the diet with other foods is worth what

we are going to try to supplement it with I think of but it's so wet

canned as dry feed which we are going to try to offer in a dry way and we

have informed and probably not what want so what we will do will be one

tell him a little and observe how many of you react

think dog food this is not right this is wrong with these

animals there is eternal debate to the pig nor modes the variety of foods that

they can take is very big this does not means that this food is the best

not much less but we have troubled

read look in ask people to people who have a lot of experience gatti

we go here and they have told us that in truth that there is no problem in fact

Many of them use it as a diet base thing that we will not do because

you can also increase your price a little It is then worth to everyone who decides

those that may be lacking is that as we said before

we want to offer our animals a varied diet ok respect

to the feed that we use is a method dry

we have to have a very clear thing and is that this has to be corn-free

and of rice and because it has to be free of this because the reptiles are not

able to digest this kind of food is worth and the industry uses

these two compounds basically for increase the weight without increasing the cost

that is to say to increase the production of a very cheap way does not make you

absolutely nothing good the both the corn like rice to our reptiles and it's

something that we have to take into account when we try to offer our

animal food of this type is worth remember free

and of rice please is very very important even if we give it to you once

absolutely nothing happens but we do not have to abuse this type of food for

the kitchen can not digest it and the long and short also as it happened

previously they are health problems that we can avoid in a very

simple with whom we have talked about we then send you a

message through a series of publications that we saw and others that

we gave him elsewhere and he was even going details a florida breeder is a

genius creating this kind of animals all what follows nests in general also and

he asked, and told us that nobody no problem

this answer creates a bit of controversy and I say controversy so

that I said earlier there are people who is not at all partisan to feed

to our animals with this kind of food us however we think that

when a person breeds hundreds many hundreds of this type of animals per year

has no problem and has many years of experience

even if it's just a little bit we should hear your opinion your experience

try to put it into practice and this is what are we going to do for ourselves this

you see here on the screen is like I've already said before it's basically it's food from

wet canned dog with type patel, they like it a lot because

besides the smell is very strong as dry They have already told us that dry will cost

a little bit more but we're going to try it so the video is going to

leave here we are going to leave you some images of them eating worth this

kind of food and spent a few weeks a few months or we throw how are they going and what

it seems to us this food so much speaking

of view of animal health as from the economic point of view

okay so thank you very much for having

seen the video I hope that for many has been helpful, it was simply a

little informative and later the next video that we do yes that will be

already speaking on our own experience with this meal is worth and

also the relationship we will do with all the experience that we have feeding with

the rest of the food that we have said is worth fruit meat fish vegetables so

thank you very much for having seen the video let us down what you

it seems this kind of food for our pets for this kind of

pets and you can also leave us down any kind of suggestions

about the videos that you want us to do it's worth so without a big hug and

chelas see you in the next and until then

For more infomation >> how to feed tegu - Duration: 7:43.


Thanks for 250 Subscribers | Throwback Copyright Free Music Mix | NCS, No Copyright Sounds & More - Duration: 38:05.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Thanks for 250 Subscribers | Throwback Copyright Free Music Mix | NCS, No Copyright Sounds & More - Duration: 38:05.


Ezio Auditore da Firenze | Assassin's Creed | Dossier - Duration: 6:19.

On the 29th of December, 1476, Giovanni Auditore da Firenze and two of his sons, Federico and

Petruccio were publicly hanged on the streets of Florence.

Through their deaths, the last surviving son of the House of Auditore would uncover the

hidden nature of his family and set into motion a chain of events that would ripple across

the world and through the centuries.

While his name has scarcely been recorded in any history book and his life's work

kept a closely guarded secret, to those who have uncovered the true nature of the world

and the endless conflict fought amongst the shadows, it is impossible to deny the influence

of Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

Ezio was born into a life of luxury amidst the high society of the Florentine nobility.

Something of a playboy in his youth, he pursued a carefree existence centered around women

and wine.

This was shattered by the death of his father and brothers and together with his mother

and sister, fled to their decrepit family Villa in Monteriggioni.

Here Ezio learned the truth about his father, that he was a member of the Assassin's Brotherhood,

a secret society which, through the centuries, had dedicated themselves to preserving and

protecting human liberty and the exercise of free will.

Trained in the arts of this order by his Uncle, the leader of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins,

Ezio dedicated himself to twin pursuits, to find and kill Rodrigo Borgia, the man most

responsible for the death of his father and brothers, and to strengthen the Italian Assassin


Over the next two decades, Ezio hunted down Borgia, revealed to be a Grand Master in the

Templar Order, ancient enemies of the Assassins.

Through his war against the Templars, Ezio was formally inducted into the Assassins and

quickly rose through their ranks.

His travels also brought him into contact with some of the most important figures of

the era, including Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolò Machiavelli, Christopher Columbus, Muhammad

XII of Granada and Queen Isabella of Castile.

With the help of his allies and other members of the Assassins, Ezio discovered that Rodrigo

Borgia, now appointed as Pope Alexander VI intended to unlock an ancient vault beneath

the Vatican, supposedly one that led to God himself.

While Ezio's thirst for vengeance had defined much of his life, his journey had revealed

to him the futility of revenge and after confronting and besting Borgia at the entrance to the

vault, left him defeated and humiliated, but spared.

Instead, Ezio entered the vault himself and whether he met God or something else, the

experience left him with a message he didn't quite understand, but also a sense of his

importance and place in history.

In the aftermath of this encounter, he continued his campaign against the Templars, including

Borgia's own son, but Ezio was also dedicated to rediscovering the lost history of the Assassins.

Beneath the fortress of Masyaf, Ezio now gained entrance to the hidden library of Altaïr

Ibn-La'Ahad one of the most legendary Assassins in the Order.

Within the library, Ezio found no books or wisdom, but the skeleton of Altaïr and an

ancient device of tremendous power.

It was here that Ezio decided he had seen enough for one life, and he abandoned his

sword and hidden blades within the library.

Ezio became a Master and Mentor within the order, enjoying as much peace in retirement

as an Assassin like him could expect.

He married and spent his final years at his countryside villa, tending to his garden and

raising his children.

He died in Florence in 1524.

His life as an Assassin transformed Ezio from a headstrong, competitive and rakish youth

who frequently let his emotions rule his actions, into a man completely dedicated to his role.

He overcame the need for vengeance that had defined him and spared the lives of targets

he concluded had no need to die.

He remained passionately loyal to his family, the father and brothers and uncle he lost,

the mother and sister he protected and the wife and children that granted him peace.

In retirement, he grew more quiet and distant, reluctant to share the details of his life

except to those he came to know and care for.

In his apprentices he instilled a sense of fraternity and a deep love and respect for

the cultures they would defend from the Templars.

At his peak, he was a man of remarkable skill, a master of armed and unarmed combat who could

blend into a crowd and gain access to even the most guarded locations.

Most unusual was his almost supernatural ability to distinguish friend from foe and react to

danger with a kind of extrasensory perception.

Assassins by their very nature can have a profound effect on the world, but even amongst

his past and future compatriots, Ezio was a man of particular achievement.

Through his actions, Italy, Spain and the Ottoman Empire came under Assassin control

or influence, ushering in a Golden Age across that part of the world.

His descendants would remain a leading influence within his Order for almost 500 years and

even as the actions of the Templars attempted to distort his legacy, for those who knew

the truth, the name of Ezio Auditore da Firenze would never be forgotten.

In Dossier, the Templin Institute investigates the legendary figures from alternate worlds.

If you have a suggestion for a future episode, let us know in the comments section and if

you'd like to support us directly, a link to our Patreon can be found in the description.

For more infomation >> Ezio Auditore da Firenze | Assassin's Creed | Dossier - Duration: 6:19.


Cinematic Lighting: 5 Lighting Setups in 1 Room with Intellytech LiteCloth - Duration: 9:57.

Here's a look at five lighting setups in the very same room. Cinematic lighting.

Hi, this is JP Morgan today on the slanted lens we're going to light five different cinematic Lighting's in this very same room

We're gonna make yourself work in this small space

We're gonna do five different setups from really bright and open to really dark and dreary. So JP Morgan and

Eileen safe JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase

So, how do you find Aileen you can find me on instagram at eileen chase. There you go eileen chase

So check that out. And here we go five different lighting setups in this tight room

Let's get started so we can do for our first setup here. We're going to create window light in this room

You can see from the c 200 in the corner that we have some light in the window if I open this up exposure wise

Enough to be able to create window light in this room. It just blooms that

Window and the curtain and it looks terrible. So we're gonna set up a light inside and create a window light

We've got two and teletext that's an LED 160. It's called a white cloth. This is a two by two

so two foot by 2 foot panel

velcro all across the back so it hooks into the brackets in this case comes with it also a

Very low-profile softbox, which I absolutely love because it makes it easy to get it into tight places

It's got a scrim for the softbox. It's got a great

Egg-crate grid for the softbox and then of course, you've got your controller. Also, you have B mount or

Golden mount batteries you can run these things on battery as well

And because they're LEDs, they're gonna run for a long time on battery. We're gonna put these together into a frame

Give us a big broad source light cloth and Intel attack

Their goal is that you have a small footprint to travel with but you can make big sources big lights on set

We're gonna set this up as two two by two light panels one sixty. So the first one will be our window light

So we're gonna turn that on

That just gives our window light coming in that gives us a sense of the light from the window

Now the second we're gonna turn on to just open the shadows up just a little bit on the front grants a foreground

So we've dialed that one down a little bit. It becomes our broad source. That's gonna open the shadows. So turn on that second light

What's nice about putting this together? Like this is that you have the ability to control each side independently

I can make the source for the window much brighter

I can make the fill brighter or softer gives me control of both those areas independent of each other

But they motivate from the same place. Our last light is an LC 120. So what this is is a 1 by 3

So you've got those great 1 by 1 flat LED panels. We've got three of them in a row here

We've got a grid on it

so it'll keep it really nice and

Focused on her and give us a light from behind got just slightly behind her

So it's gonna give us a nice rim behind her and give a little more interest to the scene. So let's turn that one on

So there's our first lighting set a little window light with a nice rim from behind for our next setup

We're gonna go to a little more practical and moody look in the same daylight scene so still a daylight scene

but the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to get

Get rid of the 70 watt bulb in this we're gonna put a 200 watt bulb and then wrap a little diffusion around it

Reason to wrap the diffusion around it is because these 200 watt bulbs are not frosted

So you get a too much of a hard-line?

So the diffusion was gonna give us a nice soft light in the room

and I usually carry a case of these I have an skb case full of light bulbs so I can change those out in the

Practicals so we've added that light give us just a little bit of warmth in the room

This is gonna be a lot more moody. We'll add the

1 by 3 light cloth cloth here. The 1 by 3 is gonna still give us that nice room light behind her

So it just gives us a nice moody scene. Nice light on her face nice warmth in the background with the practical light practicals

Give you depth and make make for a very interesting frame to help to have a colour depth and also light depth last thing

We're gonna do is we're gonna add one of the two by twos just on the side as to open up our shadows

So that's two lights of a practical and a much different look than the bright sunny day. We did in the first one

The next setup we're gonna do is day 4 night

We've set our camera at 3200 degrees and we put 4 stops of nd on it

The reason we're doing 4 stops of ND is because we've got to crush the windows and make them look dark enough to be believable

That it's night outside. We're getting blue light coming through the windows. So we crushed the light in the room down for stops

So we can get those windows in the right place now

We're going to take and start adding some of our lifes to kind of imitate blue or moonlight

The first one we've got a 1 by 3 light cloth and it's at 5,600 degrees

So it's going to be blue in the camera

Then we're going to add a light on the side here with a grid in it

That's going to give us a this a two by two light cloth two by two

From the side with the grid that's again at 5,600 degrees. So it's going to be very blue

So we have a nice blue pool all around her on the bed like it's coming from the two windows in the background

We're now going out of practical in the back

We actually went to a 300 watt bulb because we have so much ND on here

We crushed the light in this room

We needed as much light out of that as we possibly can that

Practical is nice because it just gives us a little bit of depth. We took the diffusion off from it. So we have more

intensity gives us some adapt in the room and just a little bit of interest last light we're going to add is not at

5,600 degrees but at 3200 degrees so it matches the color balance on our camera

So we turn on this a 2 by 2 light cloth

Turn that on with a softbox on it that now becomes our key light on our face. It should be a natural color

It should match the color on the camera all the light cloth products by Intelli tech are fabulous because there are three thousand to ten

thousand degree color range by colors

You can change them whatever color you need to and they're a CRI of 95 plus which gives us a really good

Solid color rating so we can set that key light at 3200 degrees

Give a nice clean light on her face and that gives us our day for night. There's our third setup

It's bright in this room, but it doesn't look bright in the camera

Lighting stood up number four. We've velcro to our light to the ceiling literally

We've velcro to a two by two light cloth to the ceiling just peel off and put the velcro on the back of it

So you've got the sticky side up and then you just push that on to the ceiling and it's gonna stick there just fine

It's a great way to mount these lights because it sets a low profile

Softbox and it's the ability to get it straight onto the ceiling means that it gets it up and out of your way

It's a great way to work

You've got this long cable here

Which we've got the extension on which gives us plenty of cable to get back to the control box and the controls

And allows us to control our light from overhead and just be able use it in a very tight space

These lights are fabulous for working in tight spaces. They really are so we've taken the four stops of nd off the camera now

We're gonna F like four, which means we're not wide open

We're down a stop but our powers on all these lights are really low

We're down at like 18% on the key light and now we're gonna add our 1% to the side here

Through this unbleached muslin and it's just it's just a nice kind of

Warmth on the on her face from the side and just gives us a little bit of openness on her face

warms things up last thing we're gonna do we're gonna add back our

Practical and we've changed out the bulb no more 300-watt bulb. We're back to like a 70 watt bulb

But now we're on a dimmer we've given it way down

So it's not quite as bright in

Order to get the controller we have right now

We put do Bateen on each one of the windows and that just blocks all of the light that's coming into the room from outside

Letting the curtains just go dark. It's nighttime. Just letting them fall off the dark to black. We've got that overhead light

It's just really low profile, which is what's so nice about these are just easy to work in tight spaces

Because they're so small

And so and I have such a small profile our last set up is a little more stylized a little more interesting

So we're gonna start with just the lamp in the background

I've got my cameras at 3200 degrees and then we're gonna turn on a 2 by 2. It's just on the floor back there

It's gonna bounce up into the ceiling and it gives us a nice silhouette of her as she's on the phone right there

It just looks great with Aileen on the phone in the foreground now

I'll add just a little of the muslin on the front and that's gonna give us a little bit alive in her face

This is nice. It looks you couldn't get away with this. We can make the muzzle a little brighter

The muslin is on the 1 by 3 in the front, but I think we've gotta push this over the top a little bit

We're gonna add a red gel here on the side. So Julian's gonna turn the red gel on for us

And now that has a much different look it has you know, just a it's a music video

It's a just a little more stylized

Look at her Leia sitting on the bed talking on the phone there so light that has a gel on it

We took the 2 by 2

Fold it in half put the gels on the front of it and then just held that backed it up to the 2 by 4

Frame, so we got a black background to kill all the white light on the other side

You can really pull these down to a single one by one and use them that way as well

So that look that worked very well

Emerald is hollywooding that that gives us our final light

So there's our kind of a little more edgy fun and there's our fifth set up here in the same room

I think the phone just rang must be for you. I think so

What you're having trouble estimating your next job? Well, you should get the download from JPMorgan go to the sling luscom

We've got a great down. Let's go to teach you how to estimate your next job funny you call that's such a moment

So there you have it five lighting setups in the same room

Using those lights where tell attackers made this very easy because they're so low profile

They're easy to tape on the wall and get into tight places

Just very easy to work

we're folding them into singles and doubles triples this when it's worked really well the color as well be able to dial that up and

Down just made it really simple to work in here from very simple bright kind of looking window light to a little more aggressive

Red light as we finished up the day, so you have a good time a great time. Excellent

So, I wonder if someone's calling me on the phone

Hello, it's your future Colleen. Oh, it's my future

in the future

We're gonna do more cinematic lighting lessons just like this so stand by look forward to that

Subscribe here to sign lynnster you won't miss it. One of them cinema lighting crazy lighting

Real lighting real lighting and really gonna be a lot of lighting stuff going on in the future

So keep those cameras rollin keep on clickin the future it is bright. Oh,

There's a lot of luminosity in the future. That wasn't very funny wasn't

For more infomation >> Cinematic Lighting: 5 Lighting Setups in 1 Room with Intellytech LiteCloth - Duration: 9:57.


PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.

(upbeat music)

- Hey guys, I'm Roxette Arisa

and you're watching This Week in Beauty with ipsy.

So today we're testing out one of the hottest treatments

on the market right now for perfecting your skin's tone

and texture.

It's called Pico Skin,

and we actually sent Ipsy staffer Karen over

to one of the top med spas in Los Angeles.

It's called Blue Medi.

So let's take a look at how it went.

(jazz music)

- My name is Melody Afvari.

I'm one of the physician assistants here at Blue Medi Spa,

and I'm going to be performing the treatment on Karen today.

So what brings you in today?

- I just have like a really uneven skin tone.

I have to roll with hyperpigmentation.

Like if I get a break out, it just turns into a dark mark

and it just won't go away.

I never go out without foundation,

'cause I feel like my skin tone's like 50 shades of, like,

- [Melody] Different colors.

- Yeah.

- Lemme just take a look at your skin.

Pico sure is a great treatment

for what you were describing earlier.

It's a laser that helps with pigmentation.

It evens out the skin tone.

It decreases the pore sizes.

If you have any indentations or scarring from prior acne,

it also helps with that.

Pico skin's pain level is very minimal.

It feels like a little bit of heat on the skin.

We use a machine called the zimmer to cool down the skin

as we're doing the treatment, so pain is very minimal.

It's great for anti-aging because it stimulates a little bit

of collagen and elastin production in the skin,

so it helps with fine lines and prevention as far

as anti-aging altogether.

So it's a great laser.

It has a very minimal downtime.

You're red for about a day, max.

Your skin just looks a little bit swollen and red.

And that's it, it goes away.

For best results, you wanna come in once every six months

for maintenance.

- So Karen was already gorgeous before the treatment,

but she had some serious glow afterwards.

You have to check out this before and after.

It's crazy.

So let us know in the comment section.

Would you try out Pico Skin?

And also let us know what other beauty treatments you want

the inside scoop on.

That's all we have time for today,

but make sure to tune into tomorrow because we're going

to be talking about all of the best beauty sleep products

that will have you waking up feeling like,

I woke up like this.

I'm Roxette Arisa,

and thanks for watching This Week in Beauty by Ipsy.

For more infomation >> PicoSkin Laser Treatment + Results | This Week in Beauty 7/19 - Duration: 2:37.


Is the Bystander Effect Real? - Duration: 5:09.

[♪ INTRO ]

If you've ever taken a psychology class, you've probably heard the shocking story

of Kitty Genovese.

As the story goes, she was murdered one night in 1964 with 38 witnesses, yet no one helped

or even called the police until it was too late.

Reports about this horrible, bizarre event sparked research on what came to be known

as the bystander effect.

Despite what you'd think, it says that, sometimes, someone is actually less likely

to help if there are others around.

But even though it's talked about in every intro psych course, the bystander effect isn't

as simple as "more people equals worse odds of getting help."

Sometimes, more is better, and there are other factors that matter, too.

Oh, and also?

That original story of Kitty's murder isn't entirely true.

After the New York Times published their story about Kitty Genovese, scientists set to work

trying to figure out why so many witnesses hadn't responded.

The first major study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

in 1968.

In it, two researchers created a similar situation in the lab.

They had 72 undergrads come in to what they thought was a study on common problems in

students' lives.

Each participant was seated alone in a room with an intercom to share their problems with

one, two, or five other so-called "participants" — although they were actually recordings.

Then, one of these pre-recorded participants pretended to have a seizure, and the scientists

timed how long it took for the undergrad to get help.

They found that the more bystanders there were, the longer it took — if they got help

at all.

When they were alone, 85% of participants got assistance.

But in the largest group of five bystanders, only 31% did.

Admittedly, most people were concerned about the sick person, but they didn't know if

they should do something.

And so the bystander effect was born.

Since then, multiple studies have confirmed this effect, but they've also found it isn't

always as straightforward as it seems.

Sometimes, people are more likely to help with bystanders, or simply aren't affected

by their presence.

One major influence on this is the bystanders themselves.

Not surprisingly, people who are in a hurry are typically less likely to stop and help


And people who are highly skilled in a certain emergency — like nurses

trained to handle medical situations — are also more likely to try to help, whether bystanders

are there or not.

More interestingly, though, making a commitment also matters.

In a 2015 study in France, a man sat down his bag and asked either one specific person

to watch it, everyone in general to watch it, or said nothing, then headed to a nearby


Then, the researchers faked the backpack getting stolen.

They repeated trials of this until they had a total of 150 different bystanders — 50

for each scenario.

Ultimately, the more direct of a commitment, the more likely people were to intervene when

someone took the bag.

Other studies suggest that responses in situations like this have to do with a couple of things.

One is social influence.

In general, when you aren't sure what is going on, you probably tend to look at other

people for more information.

And if no one else seems to be concerned, then maybe this guy's backpack isn't a

big deal — so you don't do anything, just like everyone else.

Another factor is diffusion of responsibility.

If something happens when you're in a big group — like some participants in this backpack

study — it isn't up to only you to help.

Other people could help too.

So, you don't feel as responsible and don't act, and suddenly that man's out of a bag.

Besides the bystanders, another major factor in general is the specific situation.

Sometimes, it's hard to tell if someone needs help or not.

And many studies have found that when things are ambiguous, people are less likely to jump


Which seems reasonable.

After all, if it turns out someone is just playing around, it could be really embarrassing

to be wrong.

Research suggests that ambiguous situations can make people fear being judged negatively,

which can stop them from acting.

The good news is that when it's clear that there is an emergency, the bystander effect

doesn't usually happen.

A 2011 meta-analysis of more than 50 studies also showed that if the situation is dangerous,

like if the perpetrator is still there, people are more likely to help if there are bystanders.

And that makes sense.

Those situations are clearly an emergency, and it's safer if other people have your


Ultimately, although there are some trends, a lot of different social and psychological

factors determine whether or not someone will offer help.

Today, research suggests that your best bet in an emergency is to make it clear that you

do need assistance, and to make individuals feel responsible for stepping in.

Really, though, it isn't that surprising that this effect isn't totally straightforward.

Humans aren't exactly clear-cut, so the bystander effect isn't, either.

Even the original Kitty Genovese story wasn't as black-and-white as the New York Times reported.

**** The truth is, 38 people did not witness the


When Kitty was first attacked on the street, many may have briefly heard something, but

only a handful of people saw anything happening in the dark.

And even then, it was the middle of the night, and it was hard to tell what was going on.

In other words, it was ambiguous.

One person scared the attacker away by yelling out the window, and, injured, Kitty tried

to get to her apartment.

Then, unfortunately, in the building's entrance where people couldn't see or hear her very

well, the attacker came back.

Police were called but didn't arrive until it was too late to save her.

The newspaper article wasn't published until two weeks after the event, so there was time

for details to get a little fuzzy.

Thankfully, we have researchers studying this phenomenon to make sure that's less likely

to happen again.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you'd like to dig deeper into some of the topics you might've covered in Psych

101, you can watch our episode about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Turns out, that's not as helpful as you'd think, either.

[♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> Is the Bystander Effect Real? - Duration: 5:09.


What If Hellhounds Were Real? - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> What If Hellhounds Were Real? - Duration: 5:33.


The Women Who Work With Dead Bodies - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> The Women Who Work With Dead Bodies - Duration: 2:39.


O que me fez mudar dos EUA? Why did I leave the U.S.? (ENGLISH VIDEO) - Duration: 8:42.

Hello and welcome.

I am Jackie from the YouTube channel ASK JACKIE and this video is going to be entirely in

English so that you can practice your listening comprehension.

And many of you guys have been asking me for some tips on how you can improve your speaking

and your listening, and there really is no better way than actually practicing.

So, the platform italki is the perfect opportunity for you.

You can go through the list of hundreds of teachers.

You can look at their pictures, read their profiles, watch the introductory videos, in

which they talk a little bit about themselves and their methods.

And you can choose the teacher that looks the most interesting to you.

And you can choose various types of teachers.

If you want a teacher with a specific accent or a specific background, you can find all

of that on the platform.

So, I highly recommend that you really take advantage of this.

Nowadays, we have the internet and it's so easy to talk one-on-one with other native


And this is so important.

You really have to do this if you want to improve your language skills.

So, in the description below this video, you will find a link.

And if you decide to take classes with italki, you will earn an extra $10 in credits towards

these classes.

So, take a look at the description of the video and get started.

So, the topic of this video is a question that I get a lot, and many of you guys want

to know a little bit about me, and I think that's very important.

If I'm going to be teaching you, I think you should get to know me a little bit better.

So, in this video I'm going to talk to you about what my life was like in the U.S. before

I came to Brazil.

So, I came to Brazil the very end of 2009.

So I've been living in Brazil for almost 9 years.

Very crazy.


And before I came to Brazil, I was working in the Chicago Public Schools.

At the time, I was working as a School Counselor, but prior to that, I had worked as a Spanish


My undergrad degree, which we say "My Bachelor's Degree" was in Spanish and Secondary Education.

And I took a test so that I was certified to teach Spanish in middle schools and high


So a middle school would be 5th grade - 8th grade and high school is 9th grade - 12th

grade, but I always worked at the high school level.

So my very first job was a high school Spanish teacher.

I worked at an all girls Catholic school in Chicago, and it was a really great experience.

Then I went on to get my Masters in School Counseling and I worked at a high school in

Chicago, a Chicago Public School, called Lincoln Park High School.

I started out as a Spanish teacher and then I worked as a high school guidance counselor.

I definitely had a wonderful life in Chicago.

There was nothing bad about it at all.

I had great friends and family, but I was in this phase of my life in which I felt a

little bit lost.

I had a good job, but I still wasn't sure if this was the job I wanted to have for the

rest of my life.

And I often found myself counting down the days to the weekend, or counting down the

weeks until the next vacation or break from school.

Counting down the years even until retirement, and I felt like I was just wishing my life


And I know this is something very common, especially when we're in our 20s.

I'm not in my 20s any more, but um.

When we're in our 20s, it is a transition phase.

We spend our whole lives going to school, preparing ourselves for when we graduate college,

and then we graduate college and we start working and we think "Is this it?"

"Is this what I'm going to do for the rest of my life?"

One thing that I really highly recommend is to not let fear take over.


So don't be too afraid to do something.

Especially while you're young.

When you're younger and you're single and you don't have a family, you can take more

risks because you're not hurting other people potentially while taking these risks.

And I know for me one thing that really helped me to make the decision to leave my life in


I remember asking myself "Okay, Jackie, what will you regret more

when you're 80 years old?"

So I was imagining myself as this 80+ year old woman.

What would I regret more?

Would I regret staying where it's comfortable and safe and probably having a great life?

Or would I regret um going maybe to South America or another country and trying something


And when I asked myself this question, it was so clear to me that I really would regret

not taking advantage of that time in my life, where I didn't have a family and a lot of

responsibilities, and just trying something a little bit riskier.

So, my decision to come to South America was not just like spinning a globe and hitting

a place on the map.

I had always loved the Latin American culture.

I felt a really strong pull.

I always hung out with other people who spoke Spanish and once I decided to come to Brazil

for carnival....a couple friends of mine and I we started taking Portuguese classes.

And I remember my first Portuguese class, I thought "Oh my God, this is so different.

What a difficult language."

But with time and practice, it got a little bit easier and now I, obviously, I love it.

I think it's a very beautiful language.

I always loved working with the English learners.

I loved working with that population of people that were immigrants to the United States

and they were learning English because it was something that was so important to them

and it was such a gift for them to really learn how to speak and communicate effectively.

That it was just such a rewarding profession and today it continues to be extremely rewarding

because I know how important English is to all of you that are trying to learn.

Back to the story.

So when I was working as a school counselor, I came to Brazil for carnival and I fell in

love with the country.

I absolutely loved it.

And again this was at the point of my life, where I was also recently single and not quite

sure what I wanted to do, and I'm like "I need to go."

So, I came to Brazil in...when was it?

The end of September in 2009 and I quickly found a place to live, I found work, and two

weeks later, I met my husband.

So, if, by any chance, you are a little bit unsure about your career path or even your

life path, I think it's very important to do two things.

1) To really trust your gut.

We say like listen to your instincts, listen to your intuition and pay attention to things

that make you feel good.

Pay attention to what you like reading about.

Pay attention to what you would do for free that really fills your soul.

That makes you feel good, okay?

So that's definitely one thing.

2) The second thing is to take action.

Don't just think your way into clarity.

A lot of times we need to take action and try different things.

Start working in whatever field it is that you are interested in working in.

Start taking classes.

Start talking to people.

Start volunteering.

Do whatever you can just to learn more.

And by taking action, you will gain a lot more clarity than just sitting and thinking

about it.

So, I hope this video has also been great listening practice for you.

Uh, I do plan on creating more all-English videos with subtitles for you guys.

Uh and you can repeat and watch the video as many times as you want.

I actually think that's great to do.

Every time you watch the video, you're going to hear something different.

Or what you learned the first time around will just be reinforced.

So, if you guys have other topics that you would like me to talk about in English, please

let me know in the comments below.

You guys can also follow me on instagram and facebook.

I'll leave all the links in the description.

And don't forget about that italki offer.

Everything is in the description below.

Have a wonderful day, guys, and remember if you have any questions, ASK JACKIE.

Bye bye

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