Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

For more infomation >> OneRepublic - Connection Karaoke Instrumental | Best Songs Karaoke 2018 - Duration: 2:29.


Native Sessions: Stwo on creating beats for Jeremih and Sketches | Native Instruments - Duration: 15:01.

You arrived yesterday from Toronto!

I arrived yesterday yes,

I finished the tour last week.

We actually toured in the United States and Europe

with Madjid Jordan, I don't know if you know them,

they're two guys from Toronto, I met them there.

They asked me to come and open their world tour,

and I arrived yesterday from Toronto.

I propose, if you agree, that you return virtually where you were two days ago.

Ok !

It's a bit like your office in a way!

No, well, most of the time when I go to Toronto

I work in this studio, and it's an honour for me,

because when I started I made music in my room,

and I moved from my room to this studio.

It's truly amazing that I had the opportunity to work in this studio.

For those who wouldn't know him, on the screen we can see 40,

Drake's producer,

we can say, one of the biggest producers in the world.

Yes, he's one of the biggest producers of the last decade.

He started with Drake actually,

they're very close.

He made "Take Care" with him, and lots of albums

and they keep working together today.

Can you tell us exactly how you met 40?

How did it happen?

At first, it happened on internet.

I didn't produce Hip Hop beats at all,

but electronic music.

I listened to Drake's album "Nothing Was The Same", released in 2013,

and it immediately caught my ears, I don't know why in fact, melodically it was ...

In some pieces you could find three different tracks in the same one,

And I really liked that.

I started a small project, in my room,

where I imagined Drake on,

in this same kind of atmosphere and sounds.

By the time I made this project,

I received a message from 40 on Twitter.

So at first...

I jumped all over my room!

But I didn't think for a second: "That's it, I'm going to Toronto …"

I just thought: "It's cool that he likes what I'm doing

and I'll continue to send him some stuff."

That's what I did, I kept on and sent him some projects,

and he sent me a message two months later.

He told me: "I'd like you to come to Toronto."

They were working on "Views" at the time,

and he asked me to help him finish this project.

That's it! And then we pursued our collaboration,

and I've been living there for three years now.

Thanks !

I suggest we watch a second extract.

In France, your name appears in the credits of Lomepal,

but also Nekfeu.

How do you manage to put all that together?

In fact, for me there's no real difference between

collaborating with Americans or Canadians, or French people.

Basically, with Lomepal we had a good chemistry.

I started sending him some tracks,

he came to my parent's home,

It was even before I left for Toronto.

It's very organic.

When I work with someone, it's not a plan at all.

We met, we understood each other,

he likes what I do and vice versa,

so let's go!

I don't care where people come from, or their fame.

I just want to make music.

That's how I worked with them.

Same thing with Nekfeu.

He followed me on Twitter and asked me for instrumentals.

Then we met, and we got on very well, that's it!

Awesome. Third extract!

This is the one track that helped make your artist name Stwo known around the world.


So, what's the difference between this track and those you created for others?

I really have two personalities,

I guess I am schizophrenic!

There's a part of me who produces for people,

and there's another one for my own music.

When I have no inspiration to produce for people

I develop my own projects,

and vice versa.

This is what I do to always have fun and not get bored,

it's my way of remaining inspired.

And in fact, "Lovin U" is just a track that I made

without thinking of inviting this or that rapper on it.

I made the track, sampled some voices

and uploaded it on Soundcloud at the time, it was in 2013.

This is how I started having my own tours,

some people wanted to see me play my music in clubs.

And I've been told then:

"Do you know you can make music for other guys,

they can kick on it and everything! "

That's when I started creating some projects for Drake,

and it worked out of the box ...

It's really not calculated,

I can't even explain to you,

I really don't have any plan!

I know there's a lot of people who say: "You have a vision."

I have no vision, I work day to day!

I wake up, I make a beat,

sometimes I don't make any music for two weeks...

I think that's why it works,

because it's not a strategy!

Precisely, in terms of creation,

when I called you and I asked you:

"Could you send me a picture of your studio?"

There you answered me:

"No, because my studio is wherever I happen to be,

with my laptop and my Maschine, and that's it."

All I need is a room,

with no distraction,

just a keyboard, a computer and Maschine.

Starting from there, I can make music anywhere.

You can feel this in my music by the way,

it's not complicated at all,

it's very simple,

you'll see, I'll show you!

I really believe this is what's the most interesting,

working with as few things as possible and make it work!

Precisely, what if we set up your studio,

if You set up your studio tonight, at La Place?

Yes, I can try and show you!

I thought, while I'm at it, I'm going to show you something Hip Hop or RnB.

Let me show you the last track I released.

It's a track featuring Jeremih, I don't know if you know him,

he's an American RnB singer.

I've always been a fan of Jeremih

and I was lucky enough to collaborate with him on this track.

I'm gonna show you how I made the instrumental.

I work on Logic.

I use Maschine a lot,

but always in Logic.

What I usually do,

I open the interface and I build my patterns.

I don't know why, but in this track,

I made the whole session in line in Maschine.

So I don't even have an audio track of Maschine,

everything is directly played up to the end of the track.

But maybe I'll play it before talking about it.

So basically, as you can see,

there's a lot of space,

I never try to scare the person who's going to sing.

Basically for me, the more space in the piece,

the more the rapper or the singer will be able to project himself.

It's true that, asproducers, sometimes

we can't help but put a lot of elements because we want to impress people.

When in fact for the rapper, the less there is the better.

They're scared when there are lots of drums, lots of synths,

they wonder: "How can I deal with this, I have no more space..."

Hence, I really try to clean up my tracks

and remain as simple as possible.

This way, as soon as I play the track, they can hear melodies right away,

and they're totally free to do what they like on it.

So, here's the session.

The synths I used in this track come from Omnisphere.

Regarding the VST,

for my bass, I use only two, Reaktor and Razor.

I use the one called "Punch in the Balls",

and this one, too, "Under the Top".

Basically, "Punch in the Balls" is my 808.

I'm not keen on using ready-made 808 sounds,

I don't know why, I never managed to use them.

That's why I made my own 808,

but it's really stylish,

we can change the drive easily.

Regarding "Under the Top", it's more of a sub in fact,

for the breakdowns, the moments when you really need

a bass throughout the track.

I don't add any compressors or anything,

I like its original sound.

I play a little bit with the cut off or things like that,

but for the most part I use it as it is.

There's a bass, a synth, and then I added lots of drums.

I also had to mix the vocals for this track.

Even if we think we're producers and all we have to do is creating the beat,

for me it was a great experience to spend whole nights

to try and mix voices, because it's something I never did before.

Now I feel more comfortable

to work with singers.

So just take, for fun, an a cappella on internet,

which is completely dry, where there's nothing on it,

and try to make it the most listenable as possible.

I often challenge myself like that,

it's geeky stuff, but I go on Youtube and say to myself:

"So, how can I make a voice sound the best possible",

even if I do not need it for my project.

I learned almost everything I do on Youtube, for real.

You tap "tutorial no matter what" and it's great.

They explain everything.

That's how I learned most of what I know,

and I experiment a lot, too.

The second project I wanted to show you is slighlty different.

I made this track at home in Toronto, so not at all in a studio.

It's a 14-minute piece, where the bpm changes all the time,

but using only the same sounds,

and it delivers a lot of different atmospheres.

It was super exciting, and I put it on my Soundcloud.

As you can see, the session is huge.

In this part, there's one track I did in "Sketches",

for Native Instruments.

If you have a drought of inspiration, or are looking for new things,

challenge yourself a bit like:

"I'm gonna create a 15-minutes track " or ..

It's just a kind of training, that's what I do, personally.

And I think that's why I keep loving it, remain motivated,

it's because I challenge myself

instead of doing the same things all the time.

If you make only Hip-Hop beats for example, come home tomorrow

and make a piece of Electro or Dubstep or something else.

It's all about pushing all the time motivation and inspiration

to explore new things.

And again, if you're looking for some pianos,

there's the Una Corda libray, there are plenty of pianos and it's super cool.

And for the bass,

there are plenty of great sounds on Razor that you can use.

These two are really my go-to,

I use them all the time.

Same, I make all my drums on Maschine,

and the day I understood that thing ...

I guess you all know it,

but I told it to a guy who didn't it and it changed his life,

so I'll tell you.

Basically, let's say you're making your drums pattern,

just move it to your daw,

and it's turned straight into .wav format.

It's really fast!

It provides you directly a .wav file,

I mean, an audio file.

In one click, and it's done in two seconds.

It changed my life and since then, I do it all the time.

Something else. Here, if you select just one sound,

you don't want to export everything,

shift into piano mode, and export that moment. And as you can see, only the kick is taken into account.

It's just small things but ..

Knowing these little tricks changed everything for me.

That's it, thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Native Sessions: Stwo on creating beats for Jeremih and Sketches | Native Instruments - Duration: 15:01.


Real Estate Investing in Canada - Duration: 11:29.

How in the world do I invest in real estate in Canada? Stick around to find


Hey, friends Stephen Michael Miller here and today, I'm going to talk about

Canadian real estate. As a matter of fact, I'm going to talk about why you may or

may not want to do real estate in Canada. Now, I know there are a lot of our

Canadian friends out there who have been asking, how do I get started in real

estate here in my own backyard or maybe how do I do real estate not in my own

backyard? So I want to kind of address this run real quick right now. I've got

my laptop right here. I'm not a Canadian real estate expert as you all

well know. Kris and I have both done the vast majority of all of our real estate

or all of our real estate in the US and so I want to be careful here

just a little bit. But I do have something that you all have access to

here as well which is a lot of great information. So I want to take you with

me as I dive in and do some of the research that I would do as I'm

looking to either do real estate in Canada or figure out why it may not want

to. So come and follow me right now. I'm here on the good old website of If you've never been on there before then you need to find a way out

from underneath that rock, okay? So you've got Just go on right now and

I typed in Canadian real estate market. You can do Canadian real estate 2018. You

can do lots of different things. You can you know do different variations there

to get different types of information. But I type that in as you scroll down

and look, you've got a lot of different things that are coming up here. You've

got something from actually just a week or so ago. Canadian real estate prices

see biggest drop worldwide. So that's a big thing. It looks like the

Canadian housing market is you know has been seeing some some drops as of late

which by the way oftentimes when you see a massive drop, that could be a good time

to get in possibly. You see here middle class gets priced out of housing market.

That's a really big deal that's been happening

for a long time. I'm going to go into some of that here. You see a lot of different

articles here. You see this down here emerging trends in

Canadian real estate that that you could click on. I want to pull up something

that I found over here and this is on a website MoneySense. This is Canada's top

cities to buy real estate in 2018 and as I was scrolling through this article,

and kind of reading through I saw this chart that they created and I

wanted to spend the majority at the time of this video here on this chart just to

help you see some of the different things that you may want to be looking

at when in it when choosing to either invest or not to invest in a specific

area. And this has the top 35 cities that you could invest in I

guess in Canada. I'm going to say right up front. Please don't make fun of

me for any of my pronunciations. I don't speak French nor do I speak Canadian. No

I'm just kidding. Okay I do speak English and I will try to do my best here but I

want to take some of these and just pull apart the number one city here that

they've ranked as number 1. I don't know exactly what they're ranking on but

they are considering average home price in 2017, average five year rent

increase, average income to home price ratio and then your five year annual ROI

or return on investment. And as I just take a glance right now as I'm looking

at these different price points and these different these

different data points. If I look over at the five year annual ROI, I'm seeing some

pretty similar trends. Now this is over five years and so you can see here,

you've got 4.48%,, you've got 4.62%,

you've got up to 13% is the highest one that I'm seeing right now as

you continue to scroll down, it goes from 8% down to 4% back up to 7%

and these are all the different markets of course. We got as low as 1%

and this is an annual increase right and so the highest thing that I'm

seeing right now is 13% in Vancouver. Let's just let's just pull that up.

Actually let me scroll down to make sure that is the highest one. 13%....

13 yep that's the highest one here on this page. So I just want to pull up if

you were going to go invest in Vancouver because this

showing the highest annual return on investment, what would that look like?

Well, let me scroll down here a little bit and open this up. In Vancouver, the

average home price is $2.2 million. Now, I don't know if you're like

me but I'm not necessarily looking to put that much of of an asset, right? $2.2

million into just one property that's only producing 13%.

Now, I will say 13% is not bad like it's not a bad return. It's better than

all any bank will ever give you. It's better than any money market account

will ever offer you. You know it's better than you'll probably do in the

stock market in a lot of other places. So it's not necessarily a bad return on

investment but one problem here that I'm seeing is there's a massive barrier to

entry. For most people, they don't have $2.2 million to throw

around on a property or the ability even necessary get a loan for $2.2 million.

So I'm just looking at this and seeing the feasibility right? if I want

to get the best return, then I would have to I would have to invest in Canada, in

Vancouver according to this chart here. The other big problem here is or I guess

one good thing that I'm seeing, is you've got the five year rent increase of 23.63%

that is a wonderful rent increase over five years.

And it's one of the largest rent increases as well which is why it's

doing so well on the overall annual return. You see a few other rent

increases here. You've got a 24% at 23%. A couple other 23%'s.

So but it's one of the highest, right? So, you've got some good things going for

you. The one bad thing in Vancouver is your average income to home price ratio

is really, really high. In other words, the average income in Vancouver is a

little over $100,000 a year. But the average home value, it says here the home

price is $2.2 million. That's said, 22 times higher value of home than then

income. That's a massive gap and most places you know, most people can't afford

that type of a gap and so you just want to be aware of those things you just

want to take a look at this. Let's look at one of the lower ones. Just to kind of

see what we've got here the lowest value in the homes, average home value, you see

here is a$185,000. That's in Saguenay? I

think, in Quebec. So if you look at that $185,000

for the home, okay you can see right here, the average five-year

rent increase is 9.11%. So that's not a great rent

increase over five years. You divide that by five, that's less than 2% a

year of increase, right? It's not that great. You see here, you're

actually ROI, you're at a -.08% return on investment,

right? So you're going negative every year which is something that I

wouldn't recommend. So even at the price point that may make sense for some

people, you're not getting a return, you're actually going

negative on that return and you can go here you can look at all

everything in between because there's a lot of information here. But I think

really the take-home for all of this is I'm looking at this information is for

me, Canada may not be the best place to invest for you.

Canada may not be the best place to invest. I will say this if you can find a

home with a 20, 30, 40, 50% equity position, it may be a really great place

to invest if you can find that kind of a deal. But if you're not finding that kind

of a deal, then there's a big reason that I'm seeing now why people, why

Canadians are looking to America. Are looking to USA to invest their money in.

The reality is, we're finding homes here in America for you know anywhere between

$100,000 to $200,000 right in that range that produce a a 10 to 15 to even 20

maybe even 25% annualized ROI. We've been doing this for the last

decade and we're continuing to do this. So it's something that that you want to

be aware of and it's something that you know, again is drawing people from all

across the world to come to the US, to come to the US, to invest their

hard-earned capital because in their own backyard, it can be extremely difficult.

They may be priced out, but even if they can

afford the properties, being able to rent those out at the proper rental rates to

be able to earn a decent return on their investment, is just slim to none. And I

mean as I'm looking over this, I haven't really pulled averages but I'm looking

through all these cities the top 35 cities,

my guess is I'm looking through this as the average annual return is probably 5%.

Maybe 5 or 6%. Somewhere right around there. I have done the math, you

can probably do the math and you'll be a lot more accurate than I am right now

but it's probably 5 or 6% is the average annual ROI. At a 5 or 6%

average annual ROI, that's just not enough for me anyway to get my

money to really work for me. I'm looking for 15 to 25%, right?

Year-over-year over and over and over again. If you're able to earn 15 to 25%

on your money, your money's doing some pretty good things for you. If

you're able to do that and then compound that and then maximize that and have

exponential growth over time, taking taking growth in one property and then

put that into another because you're able to find cheaper homes, you're able

to find better deals, you're able to find deals that are cash flowing better for

you, then all of a sudden that increases your rate of return. It increases your

your turnover rate, it increases your velocity of money which is something I

think that everyone in Canada as well as around the world is looking to do with

their with their hard-earned dollars. So my recommendation for you in Canada is

if you can find a really good deal again with 10, 20, 30%, maybe even 50%

equity in the home you may want to buy in Canada. If you're not finding

those types of deals, the best thing that you could probably do would be to find

an area where you can put your money to use in the very best way and America may

be a good option for you. So if you're looking for.... So one of the biggest things

that I would say that as you're looking to move forward in your real estate

ventures, as you're looking to do more in real estate then look at opportunities

inside of your own country but I would also say look for opportunities outside

of your own country. Look for programs and individuals or people that could

partner with you possibly to bring some real estate... Some other real estate

opportunities to you. If you're interested in more of that, then stick

around and we'll give you some information to find out more of what you

can do. Hey, friends thanks for watching. If you've got any comments, you've got

some more questions, please put them in the comments below. If you'd like to meet

with one of our team and figure out how we can help you, then click on the link

in the description below. We'd love to help you out in your investment journey.

For more infomation >> Real Estate Investing in Canada - Duration: 11:29.



For more infomation >> TAKİPÇİYLE MAÇ YAPTIM, TAKTİĞİNİ YORUMLADIM | PES 2018 - Duration: 10:01.


Top 10 intro without tex for youtube free download 2018-2019 my tech 786 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Top 10 intro without tex for youtube free download 2018-2019 my tech 786 - Duration: 6:23.



Hey guys! I'm Michael Gravel

And right now I am outside Cafe på bit (retro gaming cafe)

And I am about to go inside to challenge Totte

So, let's go!

So, I finally got a hold of Totte

You might recognize him from my Malic Acid challenge

I thought it was time for me to challenge you again

So, 2 liters of ice cream as fast as possible

Gravel: So what do you think? Totte: I like it, from sour to sweet then

And it is a good day for it too with 30C (86F) in the shade

Gravel: Exactly, it is insanely hot here

I will start the timer

And the rules are...

Either you finish it all and win...

IF you do it the quickest, OR

You give up, OR it comes back up

And those are the rules. Totte: Yeah those are the options

Gravel: So let's toast Totte: Cheers

Gravel: And let's.....


Totte: Okay

Totte: Vanilla first?

Gravel: 12:16 Totte: Oh!!

Totte: Oh! How tasty it was! Thank you so much for that meal

Gravel: You are welcome!

Gravel: So what you did not hear us say while eating....(because of fast forward)

The mouth started to become numb

Totte: My tongue is aching now actually

Gravel: My tongue was starting to sting Totte: Yeah it really did

Gravel: And I started to feel really damn dizzy, and I still am

Totte: It's the sugar Gravel: I got a major sugar high

Totte: It is hard to speak, my mouth does not want to move anymore

It is THAT cold

I got a stinging sensation in my tongue

I am not really that filled up, I could still go for a burger or something

Gravel: Yeah I agree but I would not like another container of ice cream...

Or what do you think? Totte: No thank for the ice cream but..

But do not...

But do not come back with 2 more liters of ice cream Gravel: I thought you were going to say...

I thought you were going to say "But do not come back again"

Totte: Yeah you are not welcome back here!

If I see you with another ice cream... I will throw it on the ground

Gravel: But thank you very much Totte: It was fun!



Totte: 12:16

How are you feeling? Are you full? Gravel: I am dizzy

Totte: Yeah sort of me too

For more infomation >> 2 LITER ICECREAM CHALLENGE - Duration: 4:18.


Youtube Hashtags 2018 - What Are They and How to Use Them! - Duration: 5:21.

We've been saying this for years, and now

it's official: Best YouTube Chrome

extension. You want to do exactly the

same thing on your channel? Let's do this!

Let's kick this video off with a

question to you: if you could put any

hashtag above the title of your videos

on YouTube what would it be? Let us know

in the comments below. The reason I ask

that is because it's been experimented

with a by channels on YouTube

right now. PewDiePie has been adding tags

to his videos, perhaps as a little bit of

a laugh. Tim Schmoyer has been adding

hashtags at to his family vlog content,

and our own senior evangelist Jeremy

Vest has been using the hashtag of an

upcoming conference for his video

content. Hello, my name is Rob, welcome

to vidIQ. If this is your first time

here, we are the Youtube Tool and channel

that aims to help you get more views and

save time with tips and tricks videos

just like the one you're watching now.

Today we're talking about this brand new

phenomenon from YouTube which literally

is hashtags on your video content. These

hashtags are a new official tool from YouTube.

Previously the blue wording above

the title would define a location.

People even tried to gamae that system by

creating fake locations such as at

number one on trending so it would trick

you into thinking this video was really

popular. Nice idea.

But these hashtags now

are an official source of categorizing

your content; here are some of the ground

rules. First of all, as far as we are

aware, there's no restrictions on

channel size but this feature is not

currently available on iOS. These

hashtags are clickable

therefore they are searchable on YouTube

which brings up a very crucial point now:

be first, be fast. There's likely to be a

land grab on these hashtags, that's why

we're using more views right now on all

of our videos, so hopefully we're going

to become the masters of that particular

hashtag. If you have a slogan or you want

to use your channel name as a hashtag

get on it right now. You have a limit of

three hashtags per video. You can

include them either in the title or the

video description. We found

if you include them in the video

description then it adds them above your

title. If you add the hashtags to your

title it doesn't add them to above your

title. So it stands to reason to have an

extra little bit of metadata floating

around on your content, to add the

hashtags to your description so it sits

there just nicely above your title and

save the title for really delivering

that strong message that gets people to

click on your videos. If you do add a

location to your video which you can

still do on Android but I don't think

you can do it on iOS or on desktop


that will overwrite any hashtags that

you try and add to your video, so just

bear that in mind. These hashtags have a

range of policies that must meet the

community guidelines on YouTube much

like all metadata on the platform. So

things like no spaces, no over usage of

hashtags, no harassment, no sexual content.

There is a support section on YouTube, I'll

leave a link in the description, check it

out for the full details on that. So

those are the facts behind YouTube

hashtags, but what about the opinions?

Here's what we think. First and foremost

this is something new from YouTube which

is always exciting for video creators

and look at the visual impact it has on

the user experience on Android devices,

at the moment currently not on iOS. It

stands there above the video title and

just below the video and it allows

people to do one-click searches for

particular search hashtag terms, how

powerful could that potentially be?

Whether video creators use it sensibly,

or manipulate it, or abuse it, that

remains to be seen. This can be a way to

keep viewers watching your content

whether you use your channel name as a

hashtag, a popular slogan you have, or you

have a series of videos, whether it be

Fortnite tips, beauty makeup challenge,

or the best Trump memes, you have that as your

hashtag and carry that on in a series of

videos, you can add to your session watch

time which is always a fantastic thing

for your channel health. Another thing to

consider is whether you see these

hashtags as valuable enough to add to

your legacy content. Are you going to go

through your entire back catalog of

videos, adding hashtags to your

descriptions? Fortunately with the vidIQ

bulk description campaign manager you

can do that relative

quickly. There's a link right now here.

Another thing to consider is your future

videos. You have the default description

option in the creator studio. Are you

going to add a set of three hash tags

that you're going to use for all of your

future videos, or perhaps customize them

depending on the content that you

produce? As a new tool of course many

things could happen that we're not aware

of right now. The most important thing is

you now know what they are, we want to

know how you intend to use them. As for

us... vidIQ for life. We love talking about

YouTube tools and secrets old and new.

Over here we've got a video all about

the community tab, everything you need to

know. And down here an interesting little

hack we found that affects watch time by

playback speed. Enjoy the rest of your

video making day and we'll see you on

either of those videos right now.

For more infomation >> Youtube Hashtags 2018 - What Are They and How to Use Them! - Duration: 5:21.


Stories I Can't Tell - Duration: 1:31.

There are several tales from Canada that I am not qualified to tell.

And rather than tell them myself, I'm asking you to go and listen to some other people.

There's no adverts on this video, there's no comments, because

I would like to give some time to other people to speak.

So you could start by looking into the residential schools,

a whole generation ripped from their families,

and a part of Canada's history that very few outside the country know about.

That is still in living memory,

I have met folks in this country while I've been travelling around

who've just casually mentioned in conversation that they were taken to one of the schools.

Or you could look more into the history of Giant Mine, and how the prospectors just saw empty land

and ignored the people who already lived there.

I really wanted to talk to the local First Nations folks in Yellowknife about that,

but the timing didn't work out.

One of the disadvantages of travelling fast is that sometimes I have to miss things.

There are a couple of technical stories here in Vancouver

that haven't worked out for that reason, too.

Despite what some terrible high school teachers might think,

history is not a dry collection of facts.

Historians have to interpret, they have to analyse,

and they inevitably bring their own biases and perspectives into it.

And I am not a historian.

So take a moment, look at the links on screen,

or if you prefer to research by reading, pull down the description.

It is time for me to let some other people have a say.

For more infomation >> Stories I Can't Tell - Duration: 1:31.


How to Book Free Jio 4G Phone | EXCHANGE फ्री जिओ फ़ोन ? - Duration: 4:06.

How to Book Free Jio 4G Phone | फ्री जिओ फ़ोन

For more infomation >> How to Book Free Jio 4G Phone | EXCHANGE फ्री जिओ फ़ोन ? - Duration: 4:06.


Eliminate Your Sales Pitch - Duration: 8:30.

Do sales pitches make you extremely nervous? I mean like shaky, anxiety? What

if you could eliminate the sales pitch? Oh... that's what he's going to talk about.

How to do that right now.

Alright, today we're talking about the power of video and how it can eliminate

the pressure and the angst of having to do your own sales pitches. Nobody likes

to sell. I mean sales people like to sell but I

hate selling. I'm not good at it obviously and Nate is here to tell us a

little bit about how putting together videos can eliminate a lot of that in

our marketing effort. So my first service that I offered with my company was

website design and the reason that I got into video production is because I

wanted to automate my sales process somehow. I was doing telemarketing to

sell my services. Cold calling, warming them up. I had a cool system as I do. I

warmed people and it's still telemarketing. Yeah, but I would call them

on the phone and I had to give him the same sales pitch every single time and I

thought why don't I record my sales presentation and I actually was still

cold call and say, "hey, I created a web design service that's pretty awesome, can

I email you my YouTube video?" And they would say yes to that because they would

get me off the phone. Nice. And then I would call them back and say, "hey did you

watch the video?" "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, send that to me again." Then now

they knew who I was. Anyway, I never had to give my presentation anymore

because the people that were ready to really talk to me about it have watched

my video and my video was just a couple minutes long. Right, right. I think I made

it made it five minutes. It's too long but people would watch it. It was really

lame, it was like really amateur. Oh I'm sure it wasn't. I said I set up a...

Compared to...It was like.. Oh honey I'm sure it wasn't lame. It was pretty lame.

In fact, I'm embarrassed. I would be embarrassed if people saw my early

videos. I was so nervous that I didn't... Anyway, still nervous as you were. It's...

how great it was. Yeah. I mean, so it's a

qualifying tool so that when you do in fact, face to face or over the phone talk

to them, it's not cold anymore. You know what I mean? I love that.

Yeah, they I knew that they had watched the video and so they knew this, this,

this and this. I didn't have to repeat any of that. And I could just ask them

questions about their business and how it applied to them. And I could really take the order.

focus on the benefits that really applied to them and I could

take the order, you know? They didn't have to go and think about it because they

already watch the video and they schedule the appointment to talk to me.

And so, that was really your introduction to video production and editing and all

the stuff that went into it because you didn't come from that field. Yeah, the

reason that I made the switch is well not this phone but when I got my

first iPhone it was the iPhone 4s it had that in the first iPhone with an HD

camera. Right. And kind of a step before that, I was wanting to uplevel the

production quality of my videos and as I shopped around to video studios, I found

out how much it cost. A thousand dollars a minute. I was like what?! Because I

had an idea of this series of videos or it's going to cost me like 20 grand and so

I thought okay, I've got this new iPhone what can I do and so I figured out how

to make video film from my iPhone I mean how to make it look professional. Yeah

and so the videos that I was using my sales videos other people saw those my

web design clients saw them and said hey can you help me make videos like that.

And I was like, "sure, I'm just filming with my iPhone though. I started putting

on events where I would put up a white paper backdrop. I'd set up the lighting.

I'd use a teleprompter but we were filming with my iPhone. Yeah. I mean still

a good image. Oh yeah. It was great. You can

spend whatever you spend on an iPhone compared to well some of the things

you're using now. It's obvious it's worked out okay. Okay, so back to the

point of the power of a video, the video will do the sales presentation for you.

And when somebody is on the phone with you, you want to be the one asking the

questions. A lot of times if you're giving a sales pitch, they'll have a lot

of questions and so they will control the conversation. Yes.

Whereas if you answered all their questions in a video and you're on the

phone, you can direct the questions to them and you can be in control and you

can generate the yes momentum and you you know you can use that same sell

psychology but it's way, way easier. It's way easier to be in control of that

conversation. So I really like that when I did that. I never went back.

Yeah, yeah and so now, when you're when you're helping others create their video

content, for whatever platform but in many cases it's YouTube. I mean do you

do you still kind of encourage the same sort of sales philosophy because

these are videos being produced? Certainly people are trying to

eventually sell something, right? I mean... Yeah absolutely. So we were just talking

about telemarking and how to get rid of your sales pitch but absolutely when we

generate leads on YouTube, we're not recommending that they do a

telemarketing campaign. Yes. We're creating a landing page and we're

creating promotional videos on the website that those people go there and

then in some cases, we do have a telemarketing team that's calling those

leads but people have come they've seen the videos on that sales page. They've

filled out the opt-in form. So they're qualified already. They already know what

the offerings are. I see, okay. And we talked about that in another

episode that that's kind of almost the all you need on a site anymore are

videos like that and the opt-in information and all that, yeah. Yeah, now

here's here's another cool thing. When you're on video, you're the star.

You're the kind of the celebrity and then if you talk to them on the phone

and they realize, "oh, you're the guy that's in the video?" I got that question

all the time. They're like, yep that's me and it gave me this position of

credibility. So because they... I just filmed a video again it was very amateur.

It was very amateur. Just did it on my old camcorder, yeah, posted it on YouTube and

I would email that link out and then when I talked to them, they realized that

was me, all the sudden now I'm this celebrity that's talking to them on the

phone. I'm the head guy. Yeah. So it made the sales way easier. Well and the fact

is like you say earlier. Just can I send you a link? That you could

watch if you want... You know I mean, it's like that's a very soft pitch like who

doesn't have time to go. Yeah. I'll take a look at your video. You know what I mean? I

love that. Yeah it's great. Yeah it was a way to get a yes right off the bat. And

everyone that's on the phone is sitting with the computer right in front of them.

So even while you're saying it's being sent now. You know what I mean. Even the

link pops up in their mailbox right then probably. Yeah, when I would make a follow-up

call and say, "hey, did you watch the video?" If they said no, I'd say, "well, are you in

front of a computer and I bring it up and have them watch it right then. That's

cool. And then so the last point that I want to make is to make... when you have a

sales call, instead of it being your full elaborate sales pitch, it could really be

just a console. I could really get into a kind of a diagnose mode and really find

out what their needs were and focus it on them.

And I have a recommendation for I'm going to link you to in the description.

I'll link to a website by my friend Tiffany Peterson.

She created a course called Sales Mastery. I highly recommend it. I've

done lots and lots of sales courses and sales training over the years and I

consider myself pretty good. When I worked at a telemarketer, I was always

the top one or two or three sales people on the whole sales floor. So I know my

stuff but if I were to recommend one course it'd be from my friend Tiffany's

Sales Master. You got to check it out and you'll understand the sell psychology,

not how to do pushy sales but really how to be a consultant and really diagnose

and really help them out and have them really want your services. So I highly

recommend them. Cool. Check it out today, right now, not right now, right now.

After you subscribe. Well, we've given you what we like to call a call to action

which is of course to go to Tiffany's website and if you don't, there

could be some serious reparations. We're not allowed to threaten on the end page.

How about we have them subscribe and have them like? That's not it...It's so

non-threatening. I like that better. Alright, thanks.

For more infomation >> Eliminate Your Sales Pitch - Duration: 8:30.



Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips



The History of Pornography - Duration: 4:09.

Wikipedia defines pornography as the portrayal of sexual subject matter for sexual arousal

presented in books, magazines, postcards, and other media.

And while we've never heard of anyone who

likes to jack off to postcards

we respect all tastes and fetishes.

Porn's everywhere these days

and no one can deny the effect that it's had on modern society

But porn isn't new

and humans have been obsessed with sex ever since the dawn of time

The first known pornographic artifact is Venus of Willendorf

a small 4-inch statue

of a slightly chubby women with big tits.

While they were freezing their asses off during the last Ice Age

these primitive humans still felt the need to

jack off to a tiny naked stone woman.

That tells you a lot about mankind.

The Ancient Romans and Greeks brought us marvelous

contributions to physics, mathematics, philosophy

and pornography.

They enjoyed to sculpt and paint sick and twisted

representations of all kinds of sex

oral sex scenes, male group gropings

open-house orgies

anything you can think of really.

They also have a pottery illustration of a man

balancing a vase on his erect penis

for some fucking reason.

The volcano eruption in Pompeii in 79 AD

revealed the Romans' deepest secrets

when archeologists uncovered the petrified city

they found an interesting god vs goat sex scene

along with many huge penis sculptures.

In parallel, the Indians were way more intellectual.

Instead of sculpting giant cocks

they preferred to write books

So Vatsyayana wrote a book in the third century

on how to live a happy life full of love and

happiness with one's family

and called it Eat, Pray, Love.

We're kidding

he wrote a book called Kama Sutra about some awesome

sex positions he wanted you to try out

as well as some tips and tricks on how to get laid

and how to be hot in general

Your parents probably have it somewhere around the house

The Europeans continued this tradition of writing books

when they finally had the printing press in 1440

The books would get you horny

all while telling you a beautiful story

And in the time of rushed modern porn and

shitty acting, we all know the importance of a good plot

In 1846, people got bored of reading and writing

and used early types of photography called daguerreotypes

and started showing naked people fucking ever since

In 1896, French perverts created one of the first

erotic silent movies

"Le Coucher de la Mariée"

and during that same year

Thomas Edison directed the first commercial movie

that showed a kiss on the big screen.

This developed into more hardcore movies

called stag films

which were screened in brothels, male sleepovers, and gym locker rooms

Professor Joseph Slade says they looked like

your grandparents having sex.

Because no one wanted to see that

young entrepreneur Hugh Hefner had the crazy idea of founding

a magazine dedicated to showing hot models

that suspiciously look a lot like your buddy's hot sister

Playboy magazine was born.

However, things weren't going great for porn in the US

The Supreme Court ruled that pornography was

obscene material with no social importance

and was subject to censorship

However, Italian badass and porn crusader

Lasse Braun didn't give a shit.

He was sued many times for filming silent sex movies

but was later induced into the AVN Hall of Fame

His company produced the first hardcore movies

in color, and his business partner even had

him install public porn booths in the US and Canada

Denmark was the first European country to legalize porn in 1969

Shortly afterward, Braun ushered the

Golden Age of Porn in the 70s, when the US Supreme Court

had reconsidered its stance on porn bans

Ron Jeremy and Nina Hartley are two of the

most famous names in porn

and they made it into regular households through VHS tapes

From there on, video pornography boomed

especially with the internet: higher quality clips are

constantly being released on ever smaller devices

from amateur videos to expensive productions

Today, there are many websites dedicated to porn

from fetish material to interactive games

With the development of the new VR porn

teenagers these days might get so caught up in fapping to screens

that they forget there are actual

men and women out there

with real organs

waiting for wonderful lovemaking sessions.

For more infomation >> The History of Pornography - Duration: 4:09.


vanamali vasudeva || Lord Krishna songs || Sandhyavandanam || ఎంత మధురుంగా వుంటుందో ఈ పాట - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> vanamali vasudeva || Lord Krishna songs || Sandhyavandanam || ఎంత మధురుంగా వుంటుందో ఈ పాట - Duration: 5:05.


◆ Sad Korean Multicouples // TQC - Duration: 1:53.

Thank you

for believing...

No! No!

In me.

She belongs to me

I said

that she belongs to me.

Stop playing around...



Where are you?

Where are you?


You must... Survive


You are me.

If this is

my end,

it is my fate.

So go on...

I only want good things happen to you

and make you happy.

I had never had those expectations of you.

~ TQC // 1st Round ~ 3rd Theme: Death & Farewell "The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them"

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