Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

[F1 cars passing]

In this video I'm going to try to find out how fast you can go in factorio, vanilla.

We begin with regular walking speeds which is a measly 32 km/h (20 mph).

Let's add some legs in the following configuration.

We have more than doubled the speed to 68 km/h (42 mph).

Now a single reactor isn't powerful enough to power all these legs so we

put a second reactor in like this. We reach over 90 km/h (56 mph).

Legs only use power when running

so you can supplement the power with batteries instead of a second

reactor. We get a setup like this, now we almost reach a 110 km/h (68 mph).

Let's swap out the second reactor as well. We almost reach

130 km/h (80 mph), which is 4 times regular walking speed.

You can walk over belts to increase your speed even more.

Now we're going 135 km/h (84 mph).

if we swap out the yellow belt for blue belt we almost reached 150 km/h (93 mph) 4.5

times as fast as regular walking speed

we can add a stone surface and increase our speeds to over 185 km/h (115 mph)

If we swap out the stone for concrete we reach 200 (124 mph) km/h, six times as fast as regular walking speed.

And if we use refined concrete we get about 215 km/h (133 mph).

a regular train can reach speeds of up to 259 km/h (160 mph), but it has very bad acceleration.

If we use nuclear fuel the train goes about 300 km/h (186 mph) nine times as fast as

regular walking speed.

The experienced factor your players will think that we

have reached the end of the video but we can go a lot faster, we are still missing

a mode of transportation. As you can see we can move by just entering and exiting

vehicles. If we use a train network especially laid out for entering and

exiting we can reach speeds between 320 (199 mph) and 1030 km/h (640 mph). This speed is a bit

inconsistent you can expect an average speed of about 800 km/h (497 mph).

I would like to point out that the speed of sound on Earth's and regular

conditions is 1234.8 km/h (767 mph), we're getting close to that and were not done

yet. Because the speed of this new mode of

transportation is dependent on the size of the vehicle, the larger the vehicle

the further you can go upon entering. There is another vehicle

that is way bigger that can only be entered because of an Easter egg. You can

enter the rocket if you add a car as payloads this gives us again

inconsistent speeds, speeds between 25 times regular walking speed or about 800 km/h (497 mph)

and 60.65 times regular walking speed or about

1944.5 km/h (1208 mph) or mach 1.57. Now you can expect an average speed

of about 1,000 km/h (621 mph) or mach 0.8 that's fast enough to travel

from the center of a normal map to the very edge in about an hour. I hope you

liked these record-breaking speeds, if you did consider subscribing.

No really, if you haven't subscribed already... It really helps.

For more infomation >> How fast can you go in factorio? Speed comparison. - Duration: 5:01.


Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae) - Duration: 3:36.

Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae)

For more infomation >> Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae) - Duration: 3:36.


Eleven [teaser] - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Eleven [teaser] - Duration: 0:11.


"I'm Sorry You're Deaf" - Duration: 9:55.

(scratching, digital music)

Whoo, this is the fourth?

Yeah, fourth speaking video that I'm filming today,

and the deaf accent is coming out even more

'cause my throat hurts.

So, but actually, we're gonna talk about something

deaf-related, because right before I sat down

to film my videos, I actually got an email

that inspired this fourth speaking video.

And I got an email that said something along the lines of,

I'm sorry that you are deaf, and I feel very bad for you.

So we're gonna unpack why

stuff like that is just not really good to say,

especially, it's not good to send it

to somebody's business email, first. (laughs)

That's one thing, it's not good to send it

to somebody's business email, who uses a business email for

business, but also, just, I'm sorry that you are deaf

and I feel so bad for you, is just not good to say.

So I would like to make a disclaimer

that everybody feels differently,

this does not speak for every deaf person,

every disabled person.

This is my thoughts, my feelings, and the thoughts

and feelings of other people who have the same feelings.

So there are many of us deaf people

that are completely okay with being deaf,

and, of course, there are people who really hate being deaf.

Sometimes these are the people that were born deaf,

grew up deaf, and they may have either been, one,

mainstreamed, or two, grown up culturally deaf.

But I think, I think, I don't know,

that there's a less chance of hating being deaf

if you grew up in deaf culture,

because you grew up with a whole big family,

and all of that, so yeah.

But I think it mainly comes from, those who don't like

the hearing loss, or don't like being deaf,

come from the mainstream side of things,

where they don't have access to ASL,

or the sign language of their country,

and they never grew up in any sort of deaf culture,

they may be the only deaf person that they knew,

et cetera, et cetera.

I have experienced that in the past.

Before I was 20 years old, and finally finding out

that there was something out there,

more people that were like me,

I hated it, I hated it, I did.

But that was only because I was in a very country-like town,

with people that just didn't know what to do

with deaf people, wouldn't give 'em any jobs,

because they thought, oh, you can't do anything,

you are a liability, so no.

Schooling was out of the question, more than high school,

past high school schooling, higher education.

That can make a person feel inadequate, and that

has the chance of making people

hate being deaf or disabled.

But again, then you have people who may have grown up,

like me, mainstream, but at the end of the day,

maybe they still don't find deaf culture,

or ASL, or whatever.

Maybe they are very happy with the way they are,

maybe they have a hearing aid,

maybe they have cochlear implants, whatever,

and they're just fine, okay, cool.

And then you have, grown up mainstream, found deaf culture,

starts learning ASL, or sign language,

they're very, very happy, they feel better.

And then you have the fourth, or the third,

I've lost count now, fourth.

They either grew up with deaf parents,

or maybe they grew up in a hearing family,

but the hearing family did more research

and they weren't like, oh my God,

they're gonna fail in life, so we're,

but instead, they did their research,

and they put them in a deaf school,

put 'em in, say, they moved to

a place where there's a deaf community,

like Seattle or Washington, D.C.,

or somewhere in River-- is it Riverside?

No, Northridge, just in Los Angeles,

let's just say Los Angeles.

So places where there are strong deaf communities.

So they grew up, they flourish even more,

or whatever, and they're happy.

It's just, it's not a polite thing

to say.

Overall, it's just like, especially when,

if you're coming to someone who has expressed

time and time again that they're fine.

They may mention, in the past, that they were like,

oh no, but if they mention now that they're fine,

that they have no problems with it,

yes, sometimes it may be difficult, it may be hard,

there may be moments when we're just like,

wow, this sucks, but it's not because,

it's not necessarily, it could be, sometimes,

but it's not always necessarily because

the ears don't work properly.

It's because of the lack of accessibility in society.

So it's not because of the ears,

it's not because of the legs or the arms or whatever,

now we're kind of getting all general here

about disability and whatnot.

A lot of the time, it comes from the behavior

of people that are not the same as us.

It comes with the fact that there are no ramps,

there is no accessibility on the sidewalk,

no ASL interpreters, or captions,

and the plastic straw ban, and stuff like that.

And, of course, it's easier to say this type of thing

behind a keyboard, behind a computer screen.

I imagine that people probably

wouldn't go up to someone in person and say, I'm so sorry.

Actually, that is a lie, I've experienced it.

I do think that people would be less likely to do that,

but that does not mean that it has not happened.

I have experience, when I was out with my biological mother

and my biological mother is also deaf,

that's basically how, this is why I am,

and we were out at a kiosk, we were at the jewelry repair,

and she's also deaf, and he knew this,

because we were frequent, or she was a frequent customer,

and he looks at me, and he goes, oh, are you deaf too?

And I go, yeah.

And he goes, oh, I'm sorry.

And I'm like.

And it's not the first time it's happened.

If somebody, I'm trying to talk to somebody, and their

mouths are covered and whatnot, and I'm like, I'm deaf,

I'm gonna need you to not do that.

Then they're like, oh, I'm so sorry.

Of course, it could be because they didn't realize,

and it's like a reactionary, oh, I'm sorry,

'cause I've done that too.

I'm doing something awkward or not what I should be doing,

really, because it's not helping the other person.

Sometimes I'll be moving my hand out of the way

for whatever reason, I'm like, oh, sorry.

When you recognize it from the tone of the voice

or the facial expression.

You kind of can tell the difference.

Deaf people are good at this.

And disabled people, who can hear better, are good at this.

So we noticed when one is looking,

when one shows off the pity face,

or says it with a pity tone,

and the, I feel so bad for you, I'll pray for you

and your deafness, and whatever,

it's just rude.

First of all,

it gives off the feeling that you think that it's

a bad thing, and that there's something wrong with us,

when really, we could say, yeah,

our ears don't work too well,

which isn't necessarily the most positive thing,

but it's just, it's one thing when we say that

about ourselves, and crack jokes about ourselves,

and it's different when a random stranger

comes into your inbox, or in your personal space,

and says that kind of thing.

It's just, they're very different.

And even if you went up to a person who really didn't like

being disabled, or deaf, or whatever, and said that,

I still wouldn't recommend it, actually,

because it doesn't help. (laughs)

It doesn't help the situation at all.

But, especially, don't go up to someone at all.

It's like, you wouldn't go up to somebody,

or you shouldn't go up to somebody

and say something about their looks,

about what they're wearing, about what they're doing,

about what they sound like, or whatever.

It's just, it's rude.

If you have that kind of thought, please,

just keep it to yourself and don't project it out,

and say it to other people.

It's fine, I'm deaf.

I'm pretty much completely deaf in this ear,

basically, almost.

And I've got some hearing left,

it's getting worse by the day, but

it's not gonna bother me.

It doesn't, I go on about my daily life,

the same way I always have.

The only times I have problems with it

is when the behavior of abled society

is, basically,

making it like it's supposed to be a bad thing.

So not listening to me, or not accommodating me

when I'm asking them to write down on paper,

or type on my phone, or if I'm asking for interpreters

or captioners at events, or when there's no captions

on a video, that's when it becomes a problem,

but it's not because of me,

it's just because of the lack of accessibility in the world,

when there should be, because,

laws, most of them, most of it.

Some of 'em, some little itty-bitty things don't have laws,

so they can get away with it, unfortunately.

So that's all I have to say on the matter,

I'm sure there's a whole lot of videos like this,

probably some of my other disabled friends,

the other disabled YouTubers that you know,

will probably have similar videos.

If you have any experiences like this,

you're more than welcome to leave your stories

down in the comments below.

But after you do that, and before you go,

if you haven't considered being a pledge on Patreon,

I give you exclusive content like music playlists

on Spotify, and some writing that you won't see on Medium,

and pen pal letters, if you wanna go high enough.

And I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> "I'm Sorry You're Deaf" - Duration: 9:55.


Skan & El Speaker - Never Gonna Catch Me (lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.

I ain't going in for murder Oh, pay attention mr Officer

Never gonna catch me You're never gonna catch me

(No no no no no)

You're gonna waste your time You're gonna waste your time

(Your time)

I won't go to Guantanamo You won't put me in that jail, oh no

You're never gonna catch me You are never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Never gonna catch me

I ain't going in for murder

I ain't going in for murder

For my thugs and my gangsta girls For the rebels and the punks

All around the world

I won't go to Guantanamo You won't put me in that jail, oh no

You're never gonna catch me You are never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Oh oh, far away from-- Motherfu**er's never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me


For more infomation >> Skan & El Speaker - Never Gonna Catch Me (lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.


Lookas & Krewella - Alarm (WE ARE FURY Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:09.

♪ Nobody said it'd be easy ♪

♪ But we took a train to the ceiling ♪

♪ And I'm on all of my feelings ♪

♪ Don't wake me up from this dream ♪

♪ I bought a one way ticket to space ♪

♪ Let's get outta here ♪

♪ I heard Jupiter's nice this time of year ♪

♪ Out in the wild, find our Eden ♪

♪ Let's stay a while, never leaving ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ Don't let go, I want your body around ♪

♪ All around, a-all around ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ We're taking off ♪

♪ We're taking off ♪

♪ Found you in all of the madness ♪

♪ I heard your voice in the static ♪

♪ Your skin on my skin like a magnet ♪

♪ I won't look down when we crash ♪

♪ I bought a one way ticket to space ♪

♪ Let's get outta here ♪

♪ I heard Jupiter's nice this time of year ♪

♪ You turn my world on its axis ♪

♪ Out here where anything happens ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ Don't let go, I want your body around ♪

♪ All around, a-all around ♪

♪ Sound the alarm ♪

♪ In my heart ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ Aaaah, we're taking off ♪

♪ We're taking off ♪

♪ We're taking off ♪

For more infomation >> Lookas & Krewella - Alarm (WE ARE FURY Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:09.


КАК СЭКОНОМИТЬ ДЕНЬГИ как купить дешевле Квартиру Авто Оборудование ТОРГИ ПО БАНКРОТСТВУ Обучение - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> КАК СЭКОНОМИТЬ ДЕНЬГИ как купить дешевле Квартиру Авто Оборудование ТОРГИ ПО БАНКРОТСТВУ Обучение - Duration: 1:00.


দ্রুত বীর্যপাত সমস্যা।।বীর্য ঘন ও স্তম্ভন হবে। - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> দ্রুত বীর্যপাত সমস্যা।।বীর্য ঘন ও স্তম্ভন হবে। - Duration: 2:04.


The Invisible Pipes Glitch - Super Mario Maker - Duration: 8:20.

Imagine you are an italian plumber, on an important mission to save your love, and probably

the rest of the world.

You just jumped over countless bottomless pits, you just got ouched by running into

a saw blade, which made you shrink.

You just escaped countless horrible creatures, some of them spit fire, others threw wrenches

at you.

In this hostile and horrifying world, even the dogs try to eat you.

And then, then you suddenly stand in an empty room with a single p-switch.

There is nothing threatening here, just this single innocent p-switch.

Would you press it?

I don't know how I would decide in such a situation, but I know that Mario decided

to press it, which turned out to be a horrible mistake.

So hello, you lovely mario maker ladies and gentlemen, my name is ceave, and today we

are going to take a look at psycrows amazing invisible pipe glitch.

So are you ready?

Let's do this!

So first we are going to take a look at a mini level that showcases a couple of uses

for the invisible pipe glitch and afterwards we are going to take a look at how to set

this up.

Here Mario finds himself in one of bowsers many castles.

But this castle is no ordinary castle, since there are a lot of strange things going on


The very beginning of this castle features a dangerous muncher that randomly shoots out

of the wall, coins that behave really strange and pow blocks that are seemingly conjured

out of thin air.

But this is just the beginning, it's the next room where things start to become really


Here a wiggler trigger entrapes mario in this room until it expires.

Meanwhile cannons start to drop from the ceiling, which makes surviving in this room a rather

complicated task for our plumber.

Mario thought he has seen it all, he survived dangerous lava worlds that only consisted

of food, he survived alone in space and he played more matches of tennis than anyone

would consider to be healthy.

But cannons that suddenly start to drop from the ceiling, is something new.

Next a simple platforming challenge awaits him.

This one is easy to understand.

Just jump over all those pillars, and don't get eaten by a dog.

Simple stuff.

The weird thing is once again that these chain chomps seem to appear out of nowhere.

Then Mario needs to make his way on top of a couple of conveyor belts.

This wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the goombas that live inside the conveyor

belts, and now try to hurt our heroic princess saver.

That's almost the end.

Now only a single room with a goomba shoe is left, followed by a drop into the unknown.

But what horror will mario await at the bottom of this pit?

Are there dangerous moles down there, that appear out of thin air?

Or horrific lava bubbles, evil Koopas or ouching spikes?

Well the answer is … it's just a couple of sawblades, on which Mario is able to jump

because of his fabulous goomba shoe!

Or so he thought.

These saw blades are no ordinary saw blades, but they live inside of some clown cars because

of some evil glitch magic!

Mario manages to survive nonetheless.


Okay so what was going on in this stage.

Well it's actually really really weird.

So first of all huge shoutout to Psycrow.

These tricks are all part of the endless list of game breaking, but awesome glitches psycrow


All these tricks were done using the game genie technique.

So what is the game genie technique, well it's one of video gaming strangest glitch


So first we need to clone thwomps using the standard black hole trick, by deleting bullet

blasters and undoing, while using this setup.

This clones the twomps at the top.

Once we have enough thwomps to form a black hole we can start the set up, and this is

where stuff becomes really crazy.

We want to do this at the very right side of the stage.

So first we place two tracks behind the thwomps so that they form a cross.

Then we remove the thwomps, start the game, go back in edit mode again, select the item

on the cross and drag it all the way to the other side of the stage.

Now we enter the underground and go back up.

We move the item one block, go back to the original item, hit undo there, go back to

the original item once again, tap our nose three times with our ring finger, select the

item, drag it back to the new one, and delete it there while it is still selected.

And hooray, we did the set up to make an item believe that it is on tracks.

This setup might sound a little bit crazy at first glance, but once you've done it

a couple of times it becomes really easy to pull off.

The nose tapping part is optional by the way, but I would really recommend not to skip it

because of swag.

Don't forget that once we did this setup with a thwomp on tracks once, we are able

to create a new black hole with the thwomp that believes it's on tracks really fast.

So there are several things we can do now with this item.

First we can put it into an invisible pipe.

All we need to do in order to do so, is to get a pipe, put something in, duplicate the

pipe, get the item we put in out of the duplicated one, hit undo, pull the pipe over, pull out

the glitched item, and the item of the original pipe and hit undo twice.

Now we can delete everything, but our item which now believes it is inside a pipe.


So there are tons and tons of different cool things possible with this trick.

The invisible pipes are just one of the many many things.

We can do the same setup with a clown car to get a saw blade into a clown car for example,

or we can do the setup with shelmets and clouds to get this result.

Psycrow did a huge video over at blue television games, where he explains how all the different

setups and glitches work a while ago and I highestly recommend everyone who hasn't

seen the video to check it out.

It's really really amazing, and everything showed there can still be pulled off.

Just keep in mind that the setup for the black hole glitch changed.

The link to the video is in the description.

Psycrow even discovered a really awesome new trick possible with this setup recently.

In our last video we took a look at this lag design which psycrow made.

Here fireflowers weren't able to spawn anymore because the absolute entity limit that mario

maker is able to handle was reached.

Once this limit is reached the game is practically destroyed.

Let's call it entity limit D, for destruction.

It's actually possible to overflow this entity limit in the current mario maker version

by copying blocks that believe they are on tracks.

Here we use a donut block that believes it's on tracks to do so.

We can copy this one as often as we want, since the game believes that the donut block

comes from the entity limit for blocks, but is actually managed by the entity limit for


So once we have 500 to 600 of these blocks copied, a couple of really interesting things

start to happen.

First, fire flower fireballs don't appear most of the time.

Donut blocks stop to fall down, bowser stops to spit stuff, big goombas don't split into

two small goombas but go puuff instead.

Blocks don't play their destruction animation anymore, hammer bros start to behave socially

appropriate, and most interestingly.

Everything that is set above the donut blocks doesn't load anymore.

If we put this hammer bros one block higher he doesn't spawn anymore.

I can only guess as to why this happens, but it's probably because the game loads entities

from the bottom to the top, so once the donut block is loaded, the hard limit for entities

is reached and no new ones are allowed to appear.

What's really interesting about this is that it also works for doors.

So the door at the top isn't able to load anymore, but it can still be entered by the

other one.

This gives us the perfect one way door, since it can only be accessed from one side.

I'm not entirely sure how to put this trick to good use, since levels that use it will

probably become deleted immediately since we are clearly above the maximum entity limit.

As for the invisible pipe glitch, as long as you don't use more entities than normally

allowed it should be possible to upload a stage using this trick, but be aware that

it still violates nintendo's no glitch policy, and sadly will probably get removed.

But it's definitely a lot of fun to toy around with it nonetheless!

Huge shoutout to psycrow for finding all of those glitches, for telling me about them,

and for finding them again once they were patched.

There is a lot more possible with this setup and we will take a closer look at some of

these tricks in the future.

I hope all of you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave

me a thumbs up and maybe you feel especially, like inside an invisible pipe today, and want

to hit the subscribe button as well.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful day and to see you soon.


For more infomation >> The Invisible Pipes Glitch - Super Mario Maker - Duration: 8:20.


Attack on Titan: 10 MORE Things You Missed! Part 2 | Attack on Titan Season 3 Prep - Duration: 10:39.

So what's up guys Foxen here! You just loved the first video so here's a part two

Today let's look at ten more things you may have missed in Attack on Titan season

one. Let's go ahead and kick this off with humanity strongest female Mikasa!

This goes in line with the fresh new opening at the time. Very briefly you saw

this shot of her you can see Mikasa in her gym outfit.

hHwever in season one you don't actually ever see her in this. Funny enough also a

lot of people got confused thinking this was actually Ymir. I could totally

see why. If you ever wondered about this shot it's actually a very nice easteregg

from isayama. isayama originally did showcase Mikasa is training mode in

the manga or almost did anyway. Mikasa in this outfit was meant to be used as a

cover but it got rejected according to him. The one cool part about this is

that you actually did get to see Mikasa in this in that one OVA special. On this

Mikasa not only showed off this but also her rock-hard ABS! Forget about Levi's


Sticking with the second opening let's see how many of you caught this about

Petra, that one former Levi squad member before well you know. Take a look at this

Not only can you spot Petra in the second attack on titan opening you do

get a close-up shot of her hand with her bite marks. Oh someone's frisky! Comment

down below if you spotted Petra's love marks while watching her. Seriously if you recall

this bite mark was actually a team effort from the Levi's squad after they

admitted to not trusting Eren at the same time it was them

bonding with Eren in their own way. How many of you mentioned spotting it a few

seconds ago. I do wonder about that. This actually only appeared for a tenth of a

second in the opening. Now let me know how many of you still think you caught


Switching over from the Levi's squad to the Warriors checkout Reiner's armored

Titan. Right alongside the Colossal Titan the armored Titan was

responsible for bringing down one of wall Maria's gate all those years back

Damn you traitors! Do notice the armor Titan's unique appearance. He's got this

delicious golden-brown crust with this softer red layer underneath. In all this

beast is like the football player of the Titans. He's pretty much a tank when

charging however much like Eren's Titan this armored one has also gone through

several upgrades of his own. In the first manga appearance the armored Titan

looked pretty rough. He was basically this normal Titan with slightly rough

skin. There wasn't any special plating or even

that unique design. Of course he saw this huge facelift in the anime version

however even here it continued to change. Take a look at the armor Titan from

attack on Titan in season 2. Here the neck piece and the back parts received

the most upgrades so let me know which design do you prefer the most? The manga

currently uses is more updated armored Titan design

Al right so forget about all those Titans with special powers! Who needs them!

how about some love for the old so lovable mindless Titans have you seen

Some of my past attack on Titan facts videos you heard me talking about the

inspiration for the mindless Titans. Isayama credits this from his time

working in the cafe and just seeing drunk people often in his late shifts

That's right Titans are based on drunk people! Time to

start that Titan prohibition however do you recall this specific Titan from

season 1. For whatever reason this fellow really wanted a taste of the potato girl

I'm sure you notice interesting way this thing was moving on all fours. There

actually is a reason for this. First thing I never seen a drunk person move

so swiftly on all fours. The anime producers revealed that this particular

Titans movements were actually based on the movement of a cat you know that

furry thing that's popular online! And who knows perhaps they just love cats in

general recall that random as cat in the finale

On the topic of anime uppgrades did you ever notice this about the 3d maneuver

gear? In the anime the Survey Corps uses the 3d maneuver gear to give them limited fly

capabilities in order to have a fighting chance against a Titan

Why shoot them from afar when you could get up close and personal to deliver the

lunch in person! For the actual 3d maneuver gear piece

along with the multiple blades the whole setup looks quite heavy however the

manga version of the 3d maneuver gear was perhaps even bulkier. Instead of the

two side chambers it really was just a barrel along to the back of each Survey

Corps member. Although do notice even though the

original 3d maneuver gear barrel design is still in use in the manga. I can't

really blame Isayama for sticking with that simpler to draw look but let

me know how you feel about the differences. I wonder if that will change

with season three coming up!

You seen all the upgrades that Reiner got but how about Annie? I like her way

better anyway. Annie has a female Titan had quite the fun time slaughtering

Survey corps members on her mission to capture Eren. So far from the anime

Annie's Titan has been the only one with a female like appearance. Mikasa may be

humanity's strongest female but the thickest

booty goes to the female Titan! On top of having this female appearance the female

Titan notably has the skinless design and similar to the colossal Titan

However much like the armored Titan the original female Titan really didn't look

all that special. Previously she did in fact have the skin

like all the other mindless Titans. This is something you could clearly see from the

official colored manga version. This includes any manga covers that feature

the female Titan. Oh an Annie's crystal ability? There was also more of a white

color in the past so tell me how much more do you love the upgrades given to

the female anime version

in the final episode of attack on titan season 1 you got this crazy mid credit

info card. Both of these basically give you huge walls of text. I really can't

believe me if you skip them or just didn't pause to read them. It told you a

story of how this old miner spent years and years digging just trying to get

into under one of the walls. Eventually the old guy gave up he went

to a bar and told someone what he was doing all this time. No one knows why but

the old man was never heard from again. After that night that buddy he told the

story to was also never seen again. Mysteriously that hole he dug for

decades also disappeared. This really all goes back to something fishy going on

with the wall worshipers and the military police however a lot of people

seem to have missed a key reveal here. The miner originally stopped digging

since he hit something hard underground. He discovered part of the wall there

ever wonder why the wall ColossalTitans seem to be 50 meters instead of 60

meters like the colossal Titan? This story right here gave you the answer! The wall

colossal Titans actually had their feet buried in the ground

Oh Annie who could ever forget Annie's major reveal as a female Titan at the end

of season 1. Armin in the Survey Corps almost caught her too. So close! Of course part of

the reason this plan failed was because Armin overlooked that special ring a

first that she happened to slip on earlier. Funny enough perhaps it was also

partly Mikasa's fault. Annie's Lost Girls story shows you this past interaction

between these two tough females. Mikasa I actually found Annie's ring and

confronted her about it. Mikasa was really interested about the hidden

dagger. Annie simply chose to play it off she said it was this important item from

her father then that was pretty much it so way to go Mikasa! Interestingly

Annie's ring also got a previous use before this. Before Annie set on her

mission to capture Eren she got herself in a little bit of trouble when she went

to the wrong side of wall Sina. Poor thugs they had no idea what hit them

Recall the end of attack on titan in season 1. I'm talking about the very end

Shockingly it turned out that Colossal Titans were in fact in all the walls

Humanity in fact was being protected from Titans by other Titans that made a

wall Maria wall rose and wall Sina. You could just imagine how many thousands or

millions of Titans make up the entire perimeter of the walls. As for why they're

in there or how they got there you could go ahead and wonder about that! However

notice this fun little thing you may have missed

Recall the loony worshippers Esau throughout season one? Notably at one

point you get a glimpse of the more affluent ones within wall Sina. Notice

anything interesting? These guys are mimicking the three walls in fact in

this close-up shot you actually see them locking arms together. This right here is

how the Colossal titans in the walls are standing united together. Really just

makes me wonder how much more info these wall worshippers know! Hange and Levi

you guys better go ask kindly!

Now here's something you totally missed from season one definitely on your first

time watching. Before the grand finale Eren was having trouble getting his

Titan up to smash Annie's female Titan. If you only seen the scene in the

anime it's completely different for the manga version. Eren originally didn't

have too much of an issue becoming his Tita however most importantly recall

Eren going into that weird rage mode or berserk mode. That strange blue-eyed

berserk Titan actually never appeared in the manga that was totally anime only so

tell your buddies you're never going to see that again. Eren's never done

whatever the hell that was in the manga and I'm talking even up until this

point. Why did they do this? Perhaps they changed this in anime just to make Eren,

look better and really to end the series on a higher note with that battle. The

manga version of this had Eren losing to the female Titan pretty baddly

You could have blinked and missed their fight so tell me how many of you were

waiting to see Eren's Titan and go berserk mode again? Hope you enjoyed that

guys definitely give us a colossal thumbs up if you want to see more! There's still

a lot of juicy things hidden in season 2 and the junior high series! Anyway here's

your question of the day. How many of these did you miss? Did anyone catch them

all anything shock or surprise you? Was there

anything I missed? Anyway be sure to give a Colossal thumbs up and

subscribe. if you're new here you can watch over 5 juicy anime videos here

every week! Attack on Titan season 3 is coming out this week you can look

forward to weekly breakdowns for season 3 including a follow-up video for this

video. Check out part 1 if you haven't Click that Bell icon and I'll see you

guys later

For more infomation >> Attack on Titan: 10 MORE Things You Missed! Part 2 | Attack on Titan Season 3 Prep - Duration: 10:39.


Минимальный набор для флэт фидерной рыбалки! Как собраться на рыбалку или залог успеха! - Duration: 10:15.

We'll show you

how to prepare for fishing

Proper preparation keys to successful fishing

Welcome to Flagman TV

I am Nikolai Solodovnikov

and it is "Proper preparation keys to successful fishing"

Today I want to show you my special box for flat feeder fishing

such minimum set of fish tools

There you can find everything what you need for making Flat Feeder Rigs


Let's open my box

Here you may see two of rig boards

It is high time to share with you my "treasures"

Such rig boards contain rather great number of hooklinks

Here you can see small hooks for pop-ups,

silicon corn imitations and additional weight

From that side I have got larger hooks for big hook bait

One more rig board contains

hooklinks which are made of monofilament line

This one is intended for worm

By the way at the previous episode I've showed some crucian

and carp fishing by using living baits

and from the other side

there are hooklinks for maggot

corn and other cereal crops

These all are made of monofilament line

Also you can find some leadwire here in my box

This leadwire is the core of the lead core

Sometimes I use it for making additional weight of hooklinks

You can see how I do this

The next compartment contains some boxes with stoppers

There are presented the main hook baits for flat fishing

They are pop-ups

more usable are yellow and red colours

also I've got some bird immitations, short and long one

With a help of long pop-ups I can extend the hair length

That's are some various of stoppers

The next box contains

various swivels

This one is №4

for large flat feeders

swivel №7

that one is smaller

different rubber beads

quick change snap

regular swivels


which include swivels

The final swivels are

large one

which I use for spods exchange

and etc.

That's such box

As usual, I have got set of various hooks of different sizes

thick and thin wire

Just right now I am testing the brand new "Carp Pro" models

Also I have got "Mexa"

I use it for Zig-Rig

There are various hooks

For example, here is thin wire

These are some thick wires №8

It is necessary to have various hooks for different situations that might happen to you when fishing

sometimes the hook is used for lifting up the pop-ups or vice versa

I exploit classic shape of the hook

it is called "Wide Gape"

There are also you can find the set of needls

and other tools

For example such long needle is intended for stringers

or PVA bags

I use it for threading the leadcore through the flat feeder

This one is rather small

I use it for leadcore knitting

Here are various needles with drill

You can put it inside

moreover, there is attached needle from the other side

This is an awl needle

also there is attached knod pooler at the opposite side

and loop sizer itself

Actually I am used to knit without any awl needle (hand knitting)

Here is some thin needle for tiny hook baits

in order not to damage it

And one more needle but it is longer than previous one

Here is tool for knot tightening

loop tyer


suit for wire and monofilament line

It is marker pencil

After measuring the distance at the measuring sticks

I am marking this piece of monofilament line with white marker (30 cm)

In the case of nibbling, you can remove it from the clips

Besides you can always turn back to your distance

only you have to notice the white mark on the line


Here you can see two boxes of additional weight

shots for additional hookline weight

And this box contains small silicone tubes

in order to pin the hair to the hookshank

as a result I have such stuff

Let's go over some kinds of hooklinks

This monofilament line (0173) suits for small sized fish, that is crucian, roach, skimmer

Also I use two other types of hooklinks thats perfectly suits for catching large silver fish

This one is of brown/black colours

and more thin one of brown colour

15 Lb

I use this hooklink to lift float bait up and lightweight the tackle

It is suitable for silver carp and grass carp

That is minimum fishing kit for flat fishing

All that you need contains in such small fishing box

By the way, you can order such box in our chain of Flagman stores

or at our official Web store:

If you like this video

subscribe to our channel and click on Likes

For more infomation >> Минимальный набор для флэт фидерной рыбалки! Как собраться на рыбалку или залог успеха! - Duration: 10:15.


Get your favorite WWE gear at WWE Shop - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> Get your favorite WWE gear at WWE Shop - Duration: 0:45.


Porozmawiajmy o Twojej śmierci - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> Porozmawiajmy o Twojej śmierci - Duration: 11:19.


Colleges Offers Bike And Laptops For B.Tech Students | B.Tech Colleges In India - Duration: 2:28.

Colleges Offers Bike And Laptops For B.Tech Students

B.Tech Colleges In India

For more infomation >> Colleges Offers Bike And Laptops For B.Tech Students | B.Tech Colleges In India - Duration: 2:28.


I'M LEARNING! - Duration: 0:36.

a a

For more infomation >> I'M LEARNING! - Duration: 0:36.



For more infomation >> FIT FORNES RUTINA DE ABDOMINALES CON TRX - Duration: 5:19.


Wrapping a dresser cabinet 3M Di-noc 2018 Rm wraps - Duration: 5:25.

He Welcome to Rm wraps my name is Randy Miller when you see right here is a dresser rap or

yeah finally County that's right and this is the end product this is what the

color used to look like and now it looks like this I can open that up real quick

that's what it looked like so now transformed it into a brand-new

looking filing cabinet or unit all right if you go to arm wraps you can

see the Di-noc material or Belbein and you can rest other like this for

yours all right thanks for watching and see you next video

For more infomation >> Wrapping a dresser cabinet 3M Di-noc 2018 Rm wraps - Duration: 5:25.


Fail of Forts 3 | FORTNITE - Duration: 14:23.

You know how it works.

No matter if in the movie, game or completely different industries

If part 1 and part 2 of a certain work are popular

There obviously always is a 3 part

And the whole thing will be selled together as a bundle

as "The Trilogy" (Buy 3, pay for 7! Unbelievably inexpensive!)

Therefore here comes the third part

of the trilogy

Fail of Forts

Have fun~

Fail of Forts 3

Being part of the top 10

That is my next goal

We are playing as a hawt boi

Due to that I think that shouldn´t be a problem

There exists a new mode?

I don´t understand what that is supposed to mean. This is always the same!111 Maaaaan

Shooters incite agression

Oh we are another guy though

We are THAT guy again! :D

Hue? Was that...

Thank you! hehe Thx a lot, thx

Yeaaaah, thank you! Thank you, I know, I know

I am great


Oh yeah, there is a fat party inside of the bus again

I want to go to a new area somehow

I mean, where we´ve never been before

Therefore I will go woowwww back there

It laggs a lil bit

Ui Have we ever been here before?

I don´t know, at least noone is here

Um okay, I just thought um...

Don´t you want to open your hang-glider?

Oh, so much on noone is here

Being... part of... the Top 10

shouldn´t be a problem

Especially not if we land here

with this guy who most likey wants to kill us

I didn´t play for a hella looooong time btw

Come on!!



That was pretty unfair...

Who´s that chick? OMG

Look at that booty!

I think I fell in love

No but for real, that´s stupid!

One more time! :<

Wait a sec... Locker? What is it? Why? What is in here?

Leave your marks

And how?

Alright, we will take a look at what cool dances

today has to offer already then

O-okay... G-Great?

This is... This is really s- well OHH


Oh Splatoon 2?

Alright, so... One more time

This wasn´t really my fault

because it REALLY lagged pretty strong, you saw that OKAY?? ;v ;

It wasn´t my fault ;A ;

But those of my bamboo-cable

yeh yeh, the good old bamboo-cable

Who doesn´t know it?

Oh I am a gurl, I am a gurl~

So many jerking movements , why. Stop it.

Remember this guy

Ah yes okay, I think I recognize that okay

If that´s the caaase

We go on that mountain in this little hut immediately

Did you notice I am pretty much always saying the same in every Fornite episode?

Oh well we will go in that lil hut, yeah we will go in that lil hut

I´m in favour that we go in that lil hut

How about that hut there?!

HUT!!!1111 *music stops*


Buy now for 2,99€!

Rip... That guy will kill us

Hi there, you are not seeing me

You didn´t see me, nope

I don´t see that! Get off my case! Get off!! Get off!

Yeaaaah of courrrseeeee!

Wait... Is that Mary Poppins???

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious!

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious indeed

OUH! Again there is a hot tr- Troi!

troi! troiii!

A troiiii!

Yeah man... Hot troi

I think those trees (trois) really very fancy, I dunno


This meets all my standards

I ave an ideahhh

Instead to go to that house in the middle

I´ll go THERE

To that cute little treehouse

Isn´t it cute? Kawaii desu ne~

Oh again... Our friend

Mr. Scare Crow, Good day!

He has such a pretty face, pretty boy

I can´t open that, fanta- stic...

What´s the point of that always? Stop it!

No! Ouch...

Somehow I am always the best when I am looking for enemies for 10 years

And because of that I am surviving for a hella long time

Because I am simply not finding anyone who I could battle against

Is that fancy here or what?

I believe I love that house

Hello there... I love you

Up there?


Ayyyyy it is extremely beautiful herel!

But where is that golden box?

I am hearing it though...

Whoa I am not coming through here...


I will treat myself to a potion then!

Alright! And then it should start pretty good here now.

Is it possible to swim here by the way?

I don´t want to try it

Because it wouldn´t be nice to die...

The water is not that deep! I see

No! I am swimming!

I am a lady that swims, no!

Please! Shooting a lady while she is swimming?




Can´t I dance somehow?

Crazy fort (name of the spray can)

Well I sprayed it in the air, that is good too!


Okay, good


Is tha- Is that a trap? Is that bait?

I don´t want to say that I now have a really really good weapon but...


If I can use it well

Then yao

So when I am going on that tyres, I am jumping apparently


we can see the graves of those who passed away...

Even with fresh blood on it...

Rest in peace!

Alrighty, one fancy thing here too!




This is MY tree

I have marked my territory


bois and gurls belongs-


Stop, stop, stop, stop

intense breathing

QUICK, quickkkk

I see already

Are they shooting on me? I believe yes! Hehehe

Ay boiiiis

You up for a real gurl?

I am coming to you alright?

or not


One more time! °^ °

The last round

In this haunt.... Alone in rhyming

I am dying

my personal judge

and without any grudge

is that I am not the next Shakespeare to be

Or I will see horses from down on my knee


Well I mean let´s see how it will be goin- WOW

Nobody can defeat me! Naw too bad :c

I just wanted to do a dance battle Dx


Is that a personal field?

Harvest Moon at home??

Oah! An empty swimming pool!

Noone needs Harvest Moon...



I´m coming from

Oh shit, no!

I´m coming from the firm that looks through old houses

Where hoard and clutter-families live

and decides if you can fix it or not

My house looks like shit!

Build me a new one! (sth a German YTer named Coldmirror once said)

We will go upstairs then

I am again hearing a golden box

What is that?

A first aid kit! You know what?

I´ve never used healing til now

It must be in the neighbour room, turn the corner...


It all is part of the renovation!

I swear!

The firm "Teddy & Co" says thank you for renting our renovation service

(Unsatisfied client) My house looks like shit! Build me a new on!!!111

O-Oh no an unsatisfied client! Quick!

(Unsatisfied client) Hey stop immediately!!

*unbelievably realistic shooting noises*

NOOO! Uh! Quick! Uhh!

Phew we managed to dodge the bullet in the last second

Can´t understand that, unsatisfied clients. The worst thing that could happen to you!

In the building service

I know I shouldn´t repeat my mistake from earlier

But I want to see what is up here

Okay, I understood, we will go this way then

And then it happened...

I didn´t know it is possible to drive a car here :OOO

I want to drive a car too :"c

Why did I never try that???

Okay guys... I will kill that guy to drive a car

Don´t try that at home! Murdering kills people!


Stawp! I want your carrrrrr! (Auto in German so it sounds like Otto)

Gimme your carrrr


bo- no! No, no!

Come back!!!111


Can I drive with that? Please x200

He lead me to another car

That´s really lovely :3

Oh okay t- tha- no

I want to drive a car too ;_; No... Driving a car... ;;;_;;;

Nah I want that one more, thx


Oh this is better than mine

Car? O.O

Oah! Or a bus like that ay! A FAT bu-

BOAH! NO! (Run!)

I just wanted to have a car!

Was that too much to ask for? ;A ;


Damn... I was trapped in the storm...

Was this my ending?

I wondered

Would I ever come closer to my goal?

to be the very best like noone ever was

The zone didn´t stop moving

I saw myself trapped

So this was how it ends for me...


Car x10000

Otto, a character from a show for children called Benjamin the elephant

I can´t do that now. NAW MAN

Fail of Forts 3


LaTeddyNecto as various protagonists

First-Kill guy

Hawt chick

Mary Poppins

Random Guy 1 to 10

Unsatisfied Client

Cool guy in cool car

Professor Oak

Otto from Benjamin the Elephant

Music: Take a look at the description lol

No buildings were hurt in this episode I swear

All rights belong to the people they belong to

Thx for watching, dig in and smell ya in the afterlife


Teddy Peace and Out

The Ending

For more infomation >> Fail of Forts 3 | FORTNITE - Duration: 14:23.


How to create a popular online store - Duration: 7:06.

I'll tell you how to open a popular online store, with only two printers - on fabric and on paper. You all know such a huge online store of handicraftsmen as Etsy ( - where every needleman (from any country in the world), including numerous designers, sells their works. Here one person can earn, and another - can choose and buy from a huge variety of all sorts of different handmade goods. But here in this variety and a huge number and there is a big problem Etsy and other large trading platforms. To buy something here, this "something" must first be found. And then learn the rules of delivery (each needlewoman - their prices and their own rules) and hope for the decency of a particular individual. It's no secret that most of the works presented at Etsy are not the most creative, not the most original ones. Talented and best selling sellers are relatively few. And their work is lost in the mass of other goods. On this problem, you can make profit (benefit). Make a separate online store, consisting entirely of masterpieces of handicraft creativity. That every product was liked by a modern buyer and had a chance to be bought. To succeed with minimal effort and financial costs, you need to invite (not even invite, but just agree with them) such handicraftsmen who sell digital goods - that is, images. And then just apply these images on paper, pillows, T-shirts, notebooks, bed linens - and sell real designer items, as if you made them yourself. So, go and negotiate with the most successful seller-designers on Etsy. They supply you with images at a wholesale price, and you get the right to print them on paper, cushions, T-shirts, notebooks and bed linens. Designers do not make sense to refuse such a profitable proposal (especially since they themselves are unlikely to get involved with T-shirts and pillows). They once created these images and all they need to do to get additional profit is to digitally sign the contract with the newly created online store. And now you have unique design images, from which you can create designer things. It was on this path that the entrepreneur from Germany Lee Lange went. She with her two friends organized an online store, agreed with independent designers, bought printers for printing on fabrics and paper - and launched sales. Unsurprisingly, the popularity of her store (as well as the pages on Facebook - - more than 600 thousand subscribers) is very high (an average of 100 thousand visitors a month). After all, he sells the best that was selected at Etsy and, possibly, other venues. On Etsy for sure, because these images I saw there repeatedly. For example, the image of a lion is sold on Etsy in the form of a sticker on the wall (page And in the store it is sold as a cover for the scheduler, as well as a notebook and postcards (page Here is a cute bunny (or rabbit?), Which is sold to Etsy by Australian woman designer Lola Peacock for $ 8.62 (as a digital image), page But this same bunny is sold in the store in the form of a set of bed linen at a price of 69.9 euros (page This bunny here is sold in the form of a towel, a curtain for the bathroom, a blanket and a pillow. LILAHLOLA, by the way, one of the successful designers at Etsy - she has more than 50 thousand sales for 2 years. And Li Lange knew in advance that the goods with her images are waiting for inevitable success. The same can be done in any country in the world, including in Russia. There are also many lovers of cute rabbits and brutal lions. Many Russians would also like to buy pillows and blankets with their images.But it is not very convenient for them to pay for purchases in euros and to wait for their delivery from abroad. But here you can put the same printer on the fabric and print on blankets and pillows the same images. It turns out, to create a popular online store you need: - to agree with successful designers; - buy a printer for tissue and paper; - purchase standard billets for printing (T-shirts, pillows, bed-clothes, towels, notebooks and thick paper with frames); - post pictures of the future product in social networks - this can be done without even applying images to objects - such are the capabilities of Photoshop. And that's all.

For more infomation >> How to create a popular online store - Duration: 7:06.


Toy Guns Nerf Guns Toy Weapons Zombie Strike Brainsaw - Duration: 5:20.

Toy Guns Nerf Guns Toy Weapons Zombie Strike Brainsaw

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