Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

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hey welcome guys i m yashwant

and welcome to our channel yash4education

and today in this video i tok to

which gear use to start a new youtube channel

For more infomation >> What Gears We Need To Start a Youtube Channel ??|Yash4Education| - Duration: 7:24.


Olivia Colman Learns Of Ancestors Adultery | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 10:15.

Award-winning actor Olivia Colman is known for a wide range of roles in

comedy and drama I grew up in Norfolk as far as I know my family from England and

Ireland when I was a kid my dad's parents lived with us certainly it's a

sort of roots thing I feel and know much more about the Colemans just because I

think they were always in Norfolk forever so I feel like that's my know my

place my mum's family I wouldn't really know where they came from

Olivia lives in London with her husband and children I'm interested in well in

the people that have gone before there's a fragility to to life and also a moment

when you go will you be forgotten and and it would be nice to I don't know

what's happened in my family I know I don't know who's been forgotten and it

might be quite nice to remember them again their loves and losses we always

want to know a bit more and I mean if there's any adventures in my family I

they'd be so disappointed I think I'm currently probably the least adventurous

person I know you know I don't really go out

I like to be at home when my pajamas with my family yes

maybe that'll change to start her investigation into her family's past

Olivia's back in Norfolk where she grew up and where her parents still live

it's lovely coming back for something about the big skies it's dramatic and

beautiful as you get closer to the coast I love the smell of it from the smell of

the marshy mud feels like it's in my bones and blood being here

I'm off to see my mum and dad now and my uncle Richard is coming as well it's

coming over because that he did some research on the family tree so he's

probably a really good one to ask

this is my favorite bridge in Norfolk I'm holding on in the kitchen now come

and say hello as far as I know the Colemans I've never lived anywhere other

than Norfolk farm libres postman publicans the Rosen crown of Great

Library we get free beer but it's your family but Nicky's that we have the less

of a sense of well look what I found the other day this is daddy's graduation I

remember this maybe about five something like that

what have you dressed me in man knee-high socks and a kilt they were

happy days so it got Coleman's on the left and Leakey's on the right I got it

family tree here right Mary oh yeah it's going back so far there isn't it we're

going back a long long way 1766 Richard Campbell Bassett and Sara Bassett these

folks are your great-great great-great grandparents for Wow

I'm Ritchie Campbell's Bassett was born on the island just say talena and we're

centrally my geography is awful it's an island in the middle of the

South Atlantic miles from anywhere

this is Richard and Sarah his wife lovely lovely long straight noses but

you know it's not to graph is it they might have said

could you give me an ice luge and Richard Campbell Bassett was working in

London or the East India Company but that's so exotic isn't it santolina

East India Company it doesn't end up not no we're lucky to have pictures going

back this far so I won't find out more about the Richard Campbell Bassett sure

there's more information down in London I'll let you know

Richard's research takes Olivia back to her great-great great-great grandparents

Richard Campbell Bassett and his wife Sarah

Richard was working in London in the early 1800s

Olivia has returned to London to see what she can find out about her

four-times great-grandfather she's meeting historian Rebecca probit these

aren't my great-great great-great grandparents

richard campbell budget a handsome young john c and his wife's tara and he was

born as santolina and then worked with the east india company yes so we have

here this page from his account book we can see at the top Richard to sea as it

is quiet he's clearly well established and you

can see the kind of sums that he's dealing with Wow 14 and a half thousand

pounds what would that be is that possible today half a million today yes

so he's in London some of the time but we also know that he's also in Calcutta

nearly from the register of marriages at Calcutta Bengal for the year 1798

Campbell buzzed it and Margaret and what that's to Sarah

Margaret Anne Hampton of the same place spinster who's Margaret I thought it's

married Sarah Margaret is Richards first wife not wife

in different ports well let's see dr. Alex gives a bit more hint as to what's

going on so this is a court case buzzards versus facets a divorce

actually this is in the church course Church Court the church courts of this

stage have jurisdiction over all aspects of marital life including whether

couples can separate it's legally right and this is what Richard is seeking in

1808 so Richard came about it wants a separation yes why

so when Margaret and Richards came back to London she met a particular person at

her sister mrs. Palmer's house as Richards deposition goes on to describe

in or about the month of July or August in the year 1806 Frederick dizzy then

principal harp player at the Opera House attended at the house of mrs. Palmer and

Margaret and Bizet thereby became acquainted with the said Frederick dizzy

unknown to Richard Campbell Bizet her husband isn't someone nice he plays the

harp a nice arty type yes but we don't know that they're doing anything awful

doing well the story then done unfolds on or about the 6th day of September

1806 richard campbell Bizet and margaret ann Bizet having visit at the house of

the said mrs. Palmer margarett sister and the said Frederick

dizzy harpist being there and the said richard campbell Bizet having observed a

functions and familiarity in the conduct of the margaret ann Bizet towards

Frederick dizzy and on returning home insisted that she should stop all

acquaintance with him well he could just be a jealous Egypt can he might be but

their partner got a visit expressed herself with great warmth towards her

husband declaring that she would not live with a man who could suspect her of

improper conduct and would look out for a separate residence yeah so she's

basically saying to him up yours if you don't trust me because there's nothing

to suggest it's nothing more than a flirtation at the moment

okay I think whatsoever so Margaret leaves his home to her quite rare yes

absolutely and she she finds somewhere else to live

almost immediately after Margaret and Bizet went to reside at the said house

Frederick dizzi visited her there secretly oh well Richard was right all

along it gets worse oh but he usually came

after the Opera had finished and went upstairs into the bedroom he and

Margaret Ann Bizet lay together there naked and alone remember these were

people who had servants and thereby the said Margaret and Bizet committed the

crime of adultery okay so he was definitely having a fling with the

harpist mmm-hmm the servants were interviewed and said he was there at

breakfast I have some noises so Richard was right he was he was clearly right in

his in his suspicions no children at this point not the we're aware did they

have divorces legal divorces then divorce is very rare at this time the

only way to get a divorce in the modern sense that actually allows you to

remarry is by a private act of parliament Wow yeah


For more infomation >> Olivia Colman Learns Of Ancestors Adultery | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 10:15.


MORNING MUKBANG! Q&A W/JACLYN BROOKE & EMYLE STANSBERRY! Photo Editing, Youtube, Jesus, More! - Duration: 23:42.

okay guys so I had a refilm this intro oh but welcome back to my channel today

I have Jaclyn Brooke with me and Emyle Stansberry I'll have their channel

linked in the description box down below but we're doing a collab video together

we did a morning Mukbang, and it was really good what are you guys doing on

your channel I am doing a Q&A all about just anything nothing specific yeah

she has a ton of subscribers that like want to know so much about her and no

we're gonna go do the question means it on her and I'm doing one about like

college so I'm doing Jaclyn will be an upcoming freshmen I'll be a sophomore

and she's graduated stuff that'd be cool to do like a past present future like

advice for college yeah so that is gonna be awesome you guys

should definitely go check out their channels with that being said and let's

get on into them at the bank this morning we got chick-fil-a we have what

Chicken minis execrable yeah parents I think these are chicken

mini so those are hot yes okay I feel like to check the legs like a

setting thing getting like they've been moving places Oh Fanny you are gonna

love chick-fil-a so much and I don't feel as bad about eating chick-fil-a as

like compared to like Burger King yeah I don't know why it's like yeah this is

healthy yeah we're gonna start eating and then I'm gonna ask a few questions

to the girls and it'll be fun I'm excited yeah I didn't know if you guys

would want like chick-fil-a sauce me too but I didn't like it's not a breakfast

thing yeah I I've never tried this I want to try it

so their connections are so good you're good we've got a bacon egg and cheese

biscuit a chicken biscuit and then this is a like hash brown scrambled there's

hash browns on the bottom and cheese in it okay so let's start off with our

first question why did you guys want to start a YouTube channel

okay so I have always wanted to do YouTube channel like I since I can

remember I started watching YouTube in like fifth grade whenever it was like

super old and I always wanted to do it just because it seemed really fun and I

always like would take my clothes down to my parents or my brothers whoever was

around I'd be like hey guys look what I bought like I would make them sit down

and watch yeah really so um and then I tried it for a while

and I was just really inconsistent I was like wow this is like a lot harder than

I thought it's a lot of work I don't always want to do it and then whenever I

realized I could do it to share my love for Jesus with other people and like

show people that like there's hope in life then I was like okay like I

actually really want to do this yeah and she has the best subscribers you guys do

so positive living in a non a lot on Jesus it's awesome

okay do you know why yeah a much the same like I just love makeup and my

smashing and I don't know and then once I got to college I was like alright I

need something fun to do because all you're doing is homework and stuff so I

decided to do that but yeah it's been definitely hard do it started off you're

like so more no ideas of what to do you but not so hardest part it's like I'm

the worst either I'm sorry no the hardest part is

like constantly having to be consistent with content and like hug it out with

content yeah I'm not creative oh so it's really hard I try to be but I'm not

why did I wanna start when I we both did we always talked be inserted at the same

time oh yeah and then we were like inconsistent and I just started being

insistent like what six months ago I started because I started my person

youtuber i watch like the new youtuber was like juicy star of my favorite yes

okay now I don't know I don't even do it anymore

but um I was like wow that would be so cool to be able to do that and then once

he started fighting me out like it could be a job I was like wow like yeah I

would want to do that for my job so I love makeup I'm a makeup artist

and I just thought it went hand in hand so that was a good question okay what's

your favorite part about making YouTube videos the fact that I get all my words

out should you have the water I have so many my parents know they are like

chuckling did you like I would come home from school and they'd be like wow did

you like not get the chance to talk it's like we just keep talking but it really

does help me with that it's like a little therapy it really is like

whenever I'm just having like a not-so-great day like I'll film and it

just makes me so happy and you know I get done I'm like wow like I don't know

it's just weird like the vlogs because I can look back on memories and write

that's a good one I don't know I really like that because they're always

generally there so you can always just went to Europe actually you guys should

go check out there yes I know when I left my camera right mama Donna's here

come on you like that over stay high yeah yeah that's yeah we're having a

morning chick-fil-a mukbang you know nope you're just talking eat and you got

to watch that for some reason okay so that's third chick-fil-a is a good one

yeah yeah we need you guys except Christ I feel like I kind of grew up being like

oh yeah like I'm a Christ follower you're like but then freshman years

whenever I think I decided I okay like this is what I'm gonna do my got

baptized and stuff but then like this past year really at this past two years

whenever I was really like alright this is what I'm gonna live for like I'm

actually gonna like be different like maybe I just do whatever everyone else

is doing go to church every Sunday I feel like in the south it's like very

you know until like you just go to church but you kind of can do whatever

you want during the weekdays you know so no real analogous yeah Justin's in here

okay check that off my list yeah I'm not so not holidays and it's

sad that you get deceived by that and people kind of like accept that because

like I try to make that clear to people that that's not the way it is cuz it how

sad to live your whole life thinking that no and get it you're right when

they're not yeah exactly my story's literally exactly the same as

Emyle might be mine too yeah I just grew up and the freshman year was whenever I

was like okay like this is I can either go this way or this way like yeah it was

a big decision because that's such a big time of change everybody else is

changing and I'm so thankful that I decided to go the other way and not

matter with everybody because who knows where I would be but yeah that's

whatever I really took it seriously and realize like whoa this is life or death

for the people around me yeah so I think that was the same for me like I accepted

Christ my mom said like really young and I'm just boys growing up talking about

them and like believing in Jesus okay what's one of the best things that's


the answer you do yeah wait with you yeah yeah

without she's going through really hard time and like I am like I said it was

almost like a therapy and then whenever I like it's parked in my mind that I

could use this to glorify God like I realized there was nothing else I want

to do I literally it was so bad like the my senior year my focus usually my focus

has always been school like I've really been good about that but I just did not

care I was like nope like what's more important to me YouTube because it was

like I felt like it was like a calling I guess you could say and it was like it

was like my passion and then like I'd have to study in like you know like I

don't know if I could do the best things

like make it yeah I really do I'm like because like I've seen how you like from

my perspective being an outsider of your relationship

I've seen how like you have pushed grant to grow closer to Christ and I know this

it works the other way and I would say that that is exactly what a relationship

should be like yeah so yeah Kyle's I would say Kyle - and like tiles so

different we got we've got that was different for me but we're also pretty

similar in some things so I we like grown each other

yeah in ways that yeah yeah my person like didn't grew up and yeah I can

really help your so yeah perverted yeah yeah it's literally I mean grandma I'm

such an introvert at such an extrovert so really like has helped me to be like

all right like yeah I don't even like go out and make friends do things didn't

like stupid things so yeah in my boo even dreams like YouTube I would never

think but more like it could go anywhere kyle is so good but i was like no like

this can be a real thing like he's the one that pushed both of em I was like

wait I remember at come ryan's Baptist and we sat on the back of the truck and

we were like we explained to him how we both wanted to do it and then cuz he

didn't really get like the whole business side of it and like we

explained it to him he was like oh my god it's so great he was happier than we

were about choice Balin in like he's always talking to me like about what I

need to be doing and so yeah he's really positive and encouraging about it this

is kind of a hard one and if you don't want to answer everything I do but

what's one of the hardest things that's ever happened to you I think for me it

was breaking up with Mike my boyfriend at the time that's why I was sad before

YouTube because I just it was something I didn't want to do but I knew God was

calling me to do it so it was more of just taking that leap of faith yes yeah

because I just I was like okay God like this is the moment that I'm like

literally fully trusting you okay so for me it would be this past year my dad

passed away in September and so that was like super hard like this okay no I'm

just not good with like words um okay so two years ago I found out that my dad

was doing drugs and so that was just kind of started the whole thing he had

been struggling for like years before that but I just never knew about it but

it just got worse like two years ago and so he passed away from an accidental

over and that was just a complete like shock

and not expected look I had it in the back of my hand like this could happen

but I never like thought it would happen and so I was like I'm on my home back

from school it was like all my birthday and I was just so excited to like come

home and hang out with my family and friends and then I got this call from my

mom taught me that he had passed away so that was definitely the hardest part of

my life but um it's really just showing me like God is still so good through the

hard times and like I don't know it's some time to just look at my faith and

I'm like how can I like still believe in lighting yeah it's totally just God like

it's nothing to do with me like he just has put that in my heart and he I don't

know like even through YouTube but yeah me being open about it people have

messaged me and commented on stuff until told me that their parent has struggled

with drugs or like just lost a parent to you so that's so cool during that and

that's why I love like things like YouTube and when people are open with

their struggles cuz other people are going through the same thing and it's so

hard so this has really grown my faith and just gonna be so much closer to God

and I know that like God saved him from this addiction because he was so sick

and so miserable and he didn't want to be he didn't want that addiction let me

he tried so hard he went to rehab and stuff but God just saved him from that

and I'm just like have to remind myself to like for Joyce that he could be in

heaven like no more suffering no more like struggling everyday to like find

drugs or like to not be sick and so it's such a good way to others

you know it's hard to make myself think that way but because it's still so hard

yeah but yeah and you've been just like that she has the strength to talk about

it on camera it's so cool with me you know and tell

you guys all about it I'll actually be interviewing her sister about her whole

story yeah so if you guys want to check that out I don't know when I'm gonna

post it but it should be sometime this month so there's more about our story

yeah how you guys can help out if you want

we haven't even leave that down in the description box - I don't even want to

go after you

it's not like so oh no like nothing it's not even close to that but it would

probably be when me and Kyle broke up - that was like one of it that was one of

the biggest things like I know this isn't right and no we both broke up for

like three months we did it for two years before that and like the feeling

we both felt during that time was just like this isn't right but we grew so

much during that time and when we got back together we were like better than

ever than we ever were before so I think that was really necessary yeah so

anyways better talk um what's your favorite app to edit your photos with

ooh library for sure I love my house it's so fun to edit pictures like you

can just completely change a picture yeah it's just amazing and I'm done with

like editing a picture I like click on it to see this

did you guys meet on your computer or on your phone both but yeah I never used it

on my computer I would see something that's white and that's how I figured I

would do it's like it might really gonna be useful or did you buy it she bought

the Aspen yeah I loved her I was gonna do yeah I was gonna do a video because

people have been asking me like obviously but I know it's totally okay

so you guys gonna say to me back but um yeah so I bought those presets right

before our trip because I knew I wanted to use some presets I really want to do

that Tessa presets for the hello fashion blog

about them but they didn't have the multiple ones and I really wanted mobile

ones yeah and what was also deciding factors I mean asking have like the same

light skin like here yes and I was afraid of life

yeah cuz it does make a huge difference like whenever it's hard to edit pictures

with both of us in it because she's so much doctor yeah yeah cuz I'm super pale

and so it's hard to like not make her look orange yeah if you guys by presets

that's the biggest thing I've noticed there's like oh I like that

like I like how it's edited but that girl doesn't look like me usually when I

when I bought the presets I bought travel in her shoes and she was like

blonde light here and she's poised six pictures at the beach and I'm like I'm

never at the beach so it's a little bit harder to edit those presets and so yeah

I really need to find one but I use Lightroom I guess you all use Lightroom

it's really good I recommend it yeah we started off with a bisque oh yeah yeah

that's a good I see one but you can't be as creative as you can in Lightroom and

I would say Lightroom is almost easier than visco like this whenever you're

dealing with little tedious things like colors and totally yeah just on my lab

if you had to choose one other job besides YouTube what would it be

that's the first thing comes to my money yeah I guess a makeup artist because I'm

ready I'll make it work oh okay that's what I would do if I wasn't doing

YouTube like full-time yeah I'm gonna be a teacher so but still it's like yeah

I'm gonna be a teacher but my main my thing is I want to be a wife in their

mom to Vegas yeah me too like I want there's nothing I want more in life than

to have like a marriage that glorifies God and then be able to teach my kids

through my marriage not by force not vibing you need to go to church none of

that like of course it's good to encourage by example

yeah and and I think that it's so important to me and I think a lot of

girls that should be important to you as a believer so as a job I would say I

don't know I've wanted to do so many things in life like I can go through so

many careers I just want to do hair but I think I've grown out of that I really

want to be a teacher for a really long time yeah but I just don't want to work

in a school system but if I would do maybe a business I really love anything

business like yeah it's so interesting to me and I love a challenge and I'm

very challenging business okay so we're gonna play a game where you have to come

up with as many names starting with the letter H as we can so are you're gonna

let go H like okay yeah oh no Holly Heather guys what the heck

hey leave

um Holly Holly okay would you guys where there have a million dollars or a

million subscribers a million subscribers I having a lot of money

really scares me oh I do yeah I want to know this is very

cuz I don't with a lot of money becomes a lot of responsibility you like to do

what is good with that money and I know like I may like my desires obviously are

going to be more than like what I should do with that money and I just don't even

want it so I don't drive us to high-pressure in my 10 million

subscribers think about other relationships so many I can't even

fathom that no I can't either I really can't so oh you'd probably make

money if you have yeah yeah maybe it's like you have a million subscribers we

don't make yeah and then if you like wanted to open up the boutique you

already have customers like who like you yeah I'll trust you I mean that trust to

you is they can do so many business things like okay guys I agree with that

yeah do you guys put ketchup on your eggs oh yeah I'm good you know yeah I

don't eat chicken one solder pile of hot sauce okay you have Tabasco yeah it's

good I just when I was little I used to eat

mac and cheese with ketchup oh but what's one Bible verse that you keep

close to your heart are you thinking the one I just posted on Instagram it's like

I'm just gonna look at okay it's do not be afraid for I had wait to

meet you I've called you by name you are mine when you go through deep waters I

will be with you when you go through rivers it difficult to you or not drown

when you walk through the fire when you walk through the fire ever oppression

you will not be burned up the flames will not continue I just

helps me like I mean I don't know it just know that no matter what happens

while we're here gods and you protecting me mine I would

say it's Proverbs something I'll look at it but it's like guard your heart for it

is the wellspring of life that is really what I had to tell myself whenever like

I'm just like going through a hard time or if I'm I'm really good about like I

mean how do i phrase this like in relationships I put all of my like I

gave like 110 percent in like friendships relationships or whatever

and sometimes most of the time I don't get that back like just through whether

it's just a normal friend or whatever and so that has been really hard for me

because I always just get hurt yeah so I had to learn to like just start saying

like no to things not like bad things but just something that needed to like

guard my heart like I don't it was exhausting me from wearing myself out

from always yeah I think so okay I was right it's proverbs 4:23 above all else

guard your heart for well this is the NIV for everything you do flows from it

but my favorite is for it is the wellspring of life I think my favorite

verse is so cliche um it's windy akahl we're going through

the breakup actually like I was crying one day and I was at a friend's house

crying that's embarrassing but I saw on her wallet it said Jeremiah

29:11 and I've never liked back then I never heard that verse and so it says

for I know Fri know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper

you not to harm you plans to give you hope in the future and that was just

like a light bulb went off in my head and I was like whoa I needed that right

now like that first was the only thing that got me through my breakup and I

felt God closer than ever when I read that verse on her wall and so that was

really cool for me I really did to it so yeah all right you guys thank you so

much for watching this video I hope you all enjoyed it don't forget

okay don't forget to go check out their channels I'll have everything linked in

the description box down below go subscribe to them because these girls

are amazing so I'll see you next time bye bye


For more infomation >> MORNING MUKBANG! Q&A W/JACLYN BROOKE & EMYLE STANSBERRY! Photo Editing, Youtube, Jesus, More! - Duration: 23:42.


10 BAD Rap Songs By GREAT Rappers - Duration: 14:15.

So a short while ago I did a sequel to my video on 10 GREAT Rap Songs By BAD Rappers,

and today we're just turning that around, flipping it on its head, beating the heck

out of it, and looking at 10 BAD Rap Songs By GREAT Rappers. Now I'm not exactly saying

everyone here is a super great rapper, but this is basically 10 songs I really don't

like from rappers I enjoy personally. At the end of the day you can't base this on anything

other the opinion. Now if you didn't watch the last video, I've started doing song

recommendations on my Instagram stories, so follow me on there if you wanna discover some

new music, and with that being said, this is CDTVProductions and let's look at 10

bad rap song by great rappers.


10 - Kendrick Lamar "Michael Jordan" (feat. ScHoolboy Q)

Examples of a trap style songs done right by Kendrick are m.A.A.d City. Untitled 02.

The second half of The Heart Part 4. This song is it done in the wrong way. It has one

of those trap beats that sounds kinda cheap to me in its production, I'm not sure how

to describe it, but it has this kinda bootleg feeling to it. As for Kendrick, he's usually

fantastic, but I don't really like the way his voice sounds on this track. It's not

overly annoying or anything, but his voice definitely sounded more uncontrolled on this

track than on his recent music, like it sounded kinda like he was straining his voice whilst

he was rapping. Admittedly, ScHoolboy Q's verse sounds pretty nice, but it's not enough

to save this track. Also why does what is supposed to be a fun, careless, trap style

track have to be nearly 6 minutes long? This has to be one of the most lacklustre Kendrick


9 - Kanye West "Lift Yourself"

I aaaalmost love this song because of how much of a big f*****g troll song it is, but

then I remember that it's an absolute waste of fantastic production and I get sad again.

Like just listen to this segment of the beat and tell me you wouldn't wanna hear Kanye

spazzing out over it (Kanye West "Lift Yourself"). Instead we got him making up his own language

for 20 seconds of a 2 minute 20 seconds long track. That's honestly all I can say, because

that is what makes it such an annoying song to me. I understand that the fact the beat

is so nice technically makes it even better as a trolling song, but I really wanna hear

a serious Kanye song with that production, and the fact I can't hurts me deep inside.

8 - Joyner Lucas - Way To Go (feat. Snoh Aalegra)

It was honestly hard to choose a song for Joyner here, because I love 99% of his music.

But in the end I landed on this one, a track which started off really promising but then

just trailed off into being a forgettable track. First off, this is one of the rare

tracks where I feel like Joyner sounds like somebody else stylistically. Is it only me

that gets really strong Kanye West vibes from this track? Especially during Joyner's verse

with the vocal effects he uses. (Joyner Lucas "Way to Go"). It borders on straight up imitation

for me. But on top of that, Joyner barely appears on this track. After each hook, it

has these random monologues that kinda strip away the momentum the track gets from the

fantastic hook. I love long Joyner tracks, but this one didn't need to be almost 5

and a half minutes long. If I'm being honest, this is a track that I skip every time it

comes up.

7 - Logic - BoomTrap Protocol

I spoke about this song in my track by track review of Bobby Tarantino 2. I really like

the idea of BoomTrap, which is essentially mixing the boom bap and trap sounds together,

but Logic executes it pretty poorly on this song. One of the main gripes I have here is

the obviously filler lyrics just laced throughout Logic's verses. Read the first 8 bars of

this song and tell me if Logic is actually saying anything worth listening to. You wouldn't

expect it as the track has a bit of an old school sound to it, but it's one of the

least lyrical tracks on Bobby Tarantino 2. Then Logic comes in with the autotune during

the pre chorus and second verse of the song, and it just does not mix with the beat well

at all, it sounds very strange. (Logic "BoomTrap Protocol). The only thing that I really enjoy

on this song is the hook honestly, everything else falls very flat for me.

6 - Chance the Rapper - NaNa (feat. Action Bronson)

I thought Chance the Rapper was kind of annoying when I first listened to him, but over time

I would really get used to his voice and sporadic style, and he became a great, lovable rapper

to me. However, this is one song that has still remained as his most annoying track

to me, no matter how I approach it. Now Chance himself said he wanted to create a fun, silly

song with this, and I can see that that was his intent. But unfortunately it comes off

as more grating than fun. The way he delivers the hook is just so off putting, I find it

really difficult to listen to. (Chance the Rapper "NaNa"). Now the first verse isn't

really that bad, but the second one sounds so disconnected and care free that it just

comes across as nothing special. So by the time you get to the third verse, you're

praying Action Bronson can save it, but his verse is just alright. It's easily one of

my least favourite Chance the Rapper songs.

5 - J. Cole - Foldin' Clothes

You'd think that title might be a metaphor for something, but this is literally a song

about Jumpman Cole folding clothes for his pregnant wife. Sure, the songs message is

more about connecting with your significant other and helping them out in small ways,

but he couldn't have chose a more bland aspect of helping his wife out to focus on.

The first 2 verses essentially talk about him having what seems like a relatively mundane

day, and that's certainly not what I wanna do when I wake up and feel like the best version

of myself. Not to mention, the focal point of the beat is this really dry sounding bass

line, and that also kinda drains a lot of the enjoyment here for me. There's a couple

nice aspects to the song, such as the bridge which sounds quite nice, but overall it makes

for an incredibly uneventful song. Only time will tell if Jamiroquai Cole's gonna drop

the highly anticipated follow up, Cleanin' Toilets.

4 - Ski Mask the Slump God - Throwaway (feat. Ronny J)

This song is incredibly short, less than 2 minutes long in fact, but that doesn't stop

it from being one of the worst tracks on The Book Of Eli to me. First of all, the beat

just isn't well suited to Ski's personality. Ski sounds great over lively, wild beats,

but this song has this really drab, moody production that doesn't contrast well with

Ski's unique vocal inflections. It makes the whole track sound extremely awkward. Then

there's also the fact that most of the single verse on this track is handled by Ronny J,

who is primarily a producer, trying his best to pull off some Playboi Carti style flows.

Ronny has had some decent rapping verses before, but this isn't one of them. Then Ski drops

in at the very end of the verse to drop 4 random bars, we go back to the chorus, and

then that's the track done. It's basically a Ski Mask song without all the entertainment.

This one indeed sounds like a throwaway.

3 - Eminem - Big Weenie

I've talked about this before in a video on the worst rap diss tracks, and no one actually

believed me when I said this was a diss. I know, it really doesn't sound like one,

but it's supposed to be a track targeted at Benzino, the owner of The Source magazine

who Eminem had a little bit of beef with in the early 2000's. But it is an awful diss

track. Just think about everything that was bad about the Encore album, place it in a

single track and you get this. Eminem delivers his lines like he doesn't even want to be

in the studio (Eminem "Big Weenie"), the disses could best be described as childish and nonsensical,

and the hook sounds so thrown together. And I love Dr Dre as a producer, but I feel like

the beat for this one sounds a bit lacking. It really drags on with those monotonous piano

thuds that play throughout the entire track. On top of all this, it has the most obvious

and bland attempts at self referential and self deprecating comedy, something Eminem

is usually good at. This is one of the hardest songs to listen to on Encore for me.

2 - Tyler the Creator - Cherry Bomb

Now you guys already know I don't enjoy distortion, but this track takes it to the

next level. The mixing just sounds incredibly off to me here, like it's to the point where

you can barely pick up a single word that Tyler says the first time you hear it. Everything

just gets lost in the noise, and since it's my least favourite song on my least favourite

Tyler the Creator album, it only makes sense to me to have it on this list. I'm cool

with Tyler trying new sounds for sure, but here it was not something that appealed to

me at all. The production does get slightly more serene towards the end of the track,

mixing the abrasive drums with these beautiful synths and female vocals, but it doesn't

really save the track for me. Tyler did say he just made this for people to go crazy to

at concerts which is understandable, but when you're not at a Tyler concert, which is

the majority of the time, it sounds pretty bad in my opinion.

1 - Hopsin "Happy Ending"

He put this on his album. He put a song about going to an Asian massage parlour and getting

a happy ending on his album. An album which is, according to its inside leaflet, dedicated

to his son who he was separated from before he was even born. Why is this on here, why

was it even made in the first place, I don't know what the answers to these questions are.

And I've watched Hopsin talk about this song in interviews, he doesn't seem to regret

it or think it's a bad song, and it baffles me. Just listen to the Asian voice that he

puts on when imitating the people at the Asian massage parlour. (Hopsin "Happy Ending").

Ehhhh, you might wanna tone that down just a tad. The verses sonically really aren't

that bad, his melodic delivery is kinda nice, but it's impossible to not focus on what

he's rapping about. This is the most confusing song on this list, it just raises so many

questions, and I hope Hop never does something like this again. The rapper of my early teenage

years made a song about a f****ng Asian massage parlour goddamn.


For more infomation >> 10 BAD Rap Songs By GREAT Rappers - Duration: 14:15.


قوانين جديدة لمشاهير السوشل ميديا مصر | ابل تفشل بقوة في الهند | كشف النوت 9 - Duration: 11:20.

We will talk about the Note 9. We already know how it looks, the price, the specs, main features and the special edition device!

We will also talk about the possibility of AI army in the Arab World!

We will talk about Apple and their issue with India and emojis!

And we will discuss the 70 new emojis at the end of this year!

Peace be upon you all. This is your host, Faisal Alsaif with a new Science and technology episode!

Let's start with Elon Musk. He and a number of CEOs had a meeting about AI

They agreed that they won't help any government that tries to include AI in armies.

I personally think that this is not true!

Many countries have been focusing on AI in armies for years, whether be it robots or planes.

Or even robots on the web that have AI where it can cyber attack other countries. This has been for so long. Do you agree with me or not?

You have the vote. Do you agree that some countries have AI in their armies? Do you think Elon and others will stand against helping these countries?

Microsoft is appealing to governments to legislate new laws about face-recognition.

These technologies must be controlled with limitations.

This move comes after the problem between Amazon, Ireland and the US congress!

There are countries that have face-recognition technologies like China.

Specially in the security department. Countries have the right to use it if it helps maintain their security.

A new great step regarding Secure 17 program that has been updated to Secure 18.

Registration is open now. If you want to secure your information, just read the conditions on this poster. A tweet will be in the VD about the conditions too.

Registration is open now. It is a great chance to get trainings and also get an award. You will also have medical insurance.

You will have lots of advantages. The trainings will be in the KSA and abroad in the USA.

It is a huge chance to be one of the experts in cyber security.

Don't miss this chance. Don't hesitate. You can be the next star in this field. Secure 18 is available now. Go register now!

Let's talk about the new law in Egypt that enable anyone who has more than 5k followers on any social media platform to be a news source.

There will be new laws for these people to lessen fake news.

It is a great move to lessen fake news. It could work. Do you think it is good thing or not?

Are you with lessening fake news and fining the publishers?

Let's discuss Jaguar. They will enable you to own an iPace. They have a new app will let you try the iPace

This car from Jaguar is breaking huge numbers.

How will the experiment be? What's the distance this car will go? And what are the things you can do to this car? I posted the app link in the VD, install it and enjoy!

Tell us about your experiment. If you download the app, comment that you have been forwarded there by Faisal Alsaif. Thank you!

Let's discuss social media starting by Instagram. They have two new things, first one is two-step authentication

This method will be developed. You won't receive SMS messages, instead, they will be added to Google Authenticate.

This Google Authenticate will provide you with numbers that change, and it is connected to Google Database!

For example, if you want to open Instagram, you will have to make a two-step authentication with receiving an SMS with a code in it!

So, if you travel or on a plane, you will access your account easily.

The second thing from Instagram is that users can unfollow some people due to privacy. It will be available soon on Instagram!

17th of July is the international emojis day. Guess what did apple do?

They emojified their leadership. No one is better than the other, Apple!

You can make this face on your iPhone's iMessage app.

You can do whatever you like with your face.

70 new emojis will be available at the end of this year. They will be superheroes, food and animals.

Let's continue with Apple. They are facing issues in India. In India, the market is not like other countries, and the competition in their market is huge.

Which resulted in less iPhone sales.

Apple will change the administration and restructure the management in India.

India has big companies. These companies are not international, but the focus on the Chinese and Indian market. These companies are Oppo, Vivi and Xiaomi.

They fully focus on these markets. It is not like the Saudi market where they bring a device or two. They focus more on those two markets.

It is very logical if you think about it! Population in India is very tempting.

Apple is facing a huge competition

The last news about Apple. The size of the screens are confirmed with a new leak of the front of the devices. I talked about it in another episode.

I will post a link to that episode in the VD. It has all the information about the new Apple devices.

I didn't expect your reaction when I asked you in the last episode if you like Apple news. 62% said yes they like it and 37% said they don't like it!

62% is the bigger percentage, so we will continue sharing Apple news. Sorry for the 37%, we respect you all.

We also asked you in the last episode if designers will ditch computers and use tablets with a full version of Photoshop.

35% said yes, 33% said no and 31% said yes, but in the future.

Let's wait and see what happens next!

Let's discuss Samsung. They will issue a new tablet. It could be announced in Eva conference in Berlin which will be held in late August to September.

In this conference, a tablet and a new watch will be released by Samsung.

The watch will run Android Wear by Samsung.

I will talk about its specs later.

They will also issue Tab 4. It will have a 7000mAh+ battery and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 series processor.

The specs are good for a tablet, but do we need it?

If you notice, who is winning the tablet market in the past two years in Android tablets?

Huawei company! They have been excellent in this field. Samsung wants to gain their market share.

Let's discuss Note 9! Answer this question first. Do you care about Samsung news? Do you watch these episodes to know about Samsung news, or not?

We asked you about Apple, now we ask about Samsung. Vote!

Let's talk about the Note 9! This is how the device will look like! We also have seen the device switched on!

Somethings were adjusted from the Note 8.

The screen will be 6.3inches OLED which is also in the S9+

The fingerprint sensor will be beneath the cameras and the cameras will be horizontal not vertical.

The RAM will be 6GB, and the processor will be Qualcomm Snapdragon 845

Internal storage will be 128GB, and there were be a special Xtreme edition which will have 512GB of internal storage and 8GB of RAM!

There won't be a yellow version of the phone, but the S Pen will be yellow and blue!

The phone will come with many colors, which will for sure follow the same pattern of the Galaxy S9 and S9+

Is it a good move or not?

Do you remember when we talked about the S9 Plus in the review?

The link to the review is in the VD!

That phone had full capacity. They added stereo sound to it, adjusted the placement of the fingerprint sensor and the aperture of the camera is changeable.

These specs have made the phone mature

We want this maturity in all phones.

If you say what is the new innovation? There is no new innovation!

I personally want new innovations like what Oppo and Vivo have done!

But speaking about the Note, I want the fingerprint sensor to be in the display, and the front camera to pop up from the frame.

Will this happen this year? It is clear from the leaks that it won't happen this year.

Yet, Samsung added lots of capabilities to the Note 9. The battery will be 4000mAh.

I will cover the conference in 9th of August god's willing. Let's hope the phone will offer great specs and capabilities.

Will the price be good too? It will start from 3450 SR, approximately USD900ish

The special edition will be from 4000 to 5000 SR. The same thing happened with Navy Blue version of Note 8!

The device will be available in the markets in 24th of August.

Right after the conference. We will have to wait to 24th of August.

Note 8 was a very good device. Note 9 will have stereo sound, new place for the fingerprint, and the S9+ camera.

If you watch the challenges, you would now the the S9+ photography is great. I am very excited for more maturity of the Note series.

I want a super phone, but it won't happen this year.

This is the end of the video. Glory and praise be to Allah. I witness there is no God but Allah. I ask Allah for forgiveness and I repent to Him.

Peace be upon you all.

For more infomation >> قوانين جديدة لمشاهير السوشل ميديا مصر | ابل تفشل بقوة في الهند | كشف النوت 9 - Duration: 11:20.


Where are offices most expensive? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:21.

This building in Hong Kong is one of the most expensive office tower in the world.

And in this part of town, demand for space is hot.

With no signs of slowing down, this district, Central tops the list of places with

the most expensive office rent around the world.

Hong Kong has held it's spot at the top for three years now.

If you want to rent an office in this area, expect to pay about $306 per square foot, on average.

When it comes to districts with the most expensive office space, Asia is leading the way.

It makes up more than half of the top 10

and London's West End is the only non-Asian district in the top five.

Hong Kong's average price for a square foot of office space is around

30% higher than London's West End at second place.

Followed by Beijing's Finance Street, Hong Kong's Kowloon and Beijing's Central Business District.

That's not stopping the likes of HSBC, JPMorgan and hedge funds, like Steve Cohen's Point72

from putting their regional headquarters in Hong Kong's financial district.

While, Central Hong Kong is a convenient place for workers to commute to and clients to visit,

there's also an element of prestige in having an office address here, too.

And that prestige is enticing mainland Chinese companies to move in.

They're willing to pay top dollar to make a statement.

A slew of Chinese companies that have moved in like Chinese conglomerate, HNA Group.

The demand in Hong Kong is driven primarily by the banking and finance sectors.

This building is called the Center.

Last year, it was sold for a record $5.15 billion.

That sale could have heavyweights like Goldman Sachs partially moving out.

It's reportedly moving its back office to another, cheaper part of Hong Kong.

Which one analyst says could help the firm save 30% on rent.

All by moving to a space about a 20-minute drive away.

Across from the district of Central, is an area known as Kowloon.

It saw a 12% increase in the cost of office space,

putting it in the fourth most expensive place in the world.

Hong Kong isn't the only expensive hub in Asia.

This is Financial Street, located on the western part of China's capital.

The district jumped three places on the most expensive list to the third position.

As China's economy and financial markets open to the world,

it's driving up the cost of both office and residential real estate.

Meanwhile, the nation is seeing a growing demand in big cities.

And a booming middle class.

The demand is being driven by finance, technology, and flexible-space.

Consider this: To rent office space here will cost about $200 per square foot.

Compare that with $184 in Midtown Manhattan.

While those areas are currently the world's most expensive, other areas are climbing the list.

Durban in South Africa shot up by more than 20% in occupancy costs from last year.

Followed by Bangkok, Marseille, Vancouver, and Oslo.

There are many factors that contribute to changes in price, like government regulations,

supply and demand, and foreign exchange rates.

One CBRE report however found that growing costs are being driven

by demand for the growth of industries like finance, technology, and e-commerce.

Meanwhile, markets linked to resource-based economies are also seeing a demand increase,

due to rising commodity prices.

That could partially explain why South Africa, Canada, and Norway saw rent soar.

But office rent isn't going up across the board.

Some areas saw a big decrease.

Topping the list is Dubai with a dramatic 15% drop in costs.

Followed by Shanghai, New York's midtown, Moscow and then Abu Dhabi.

These markets were primarily affected largely because of the supply and demand imbalances.

Often, when too many new buildings hit the market, it drives costs down.

But it's all relative.

If you want to rent in the Pudong district of Shanghai, that will set a company back

$139 per square foot.

While that has gone down about 5% this year, it's still far from inexpensive.

It's still more pricey than Paris and San Francisco.

With the pricey rent that some companies are willing to pay for their office space,

there's one thing that's for sure.

Working from home may never be an option.

Hey guys, it's Uptin. Thanks for watching!

For more of our videos check out, "Why is Hong Kong Housing So Expensive?" here,

and how the city is losing its significance in banking, here.

We're also taking suggestions for future CNBC Explains so leave your comments in the section below,

and while you're at it, subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> Where are offices most expensive? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:21.


Public Hearing on Section 232 National Security Investigation of Imports of Autos and Auto Parts - Duration: 8:01:33.

For more infomation >> Public Hearing on Section 232 National Security Investigation of Imports of Autos and Auto Parts - Duration: 8:01:33.


DEAF KEV - Invincible - Duration: 4:33.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> DEAF KEV - Invincible - Duration: 4:33.


İnternette En Çok Aranan Duygusal 50 Film - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> İnternette En Çok Aranan Duygusal 50 Film - Duration: 6:12.


Report | KDrama Great Seducer 🇰🇷 - Duration: 1:15.

Hello guys and welcome to Madawana

The Korean Drama Great Seducer


Shi-Hyun, Soo-Ji

Shi-Hyun, Soo-Ji, Se-Joo

Three friends, commonalities that bind them

all belonging to wealthy families

and they've all got a family problems

of course not a money issue

but the emotional deprivation

and take care of them as human beings

their family's most attention is to focus on their fortunes

and how to increase it more and more

Result, They have grown with strong and harsh personalities

manipulate other people and hurt their feelings

they don't care what happens to people later

for fun

and this much fun is nothing compared to planning

when the bear someone in their mind

it means they've crossed playing for fun to revenge

Eun Tae-Hee

a gentle and a kind girl who haven't hurt anyone

but unfortunately for her, she's a necessary party

to implement the plan they've agreed upon

and with her the show go on

and the real action starts after graduation prom

they'll insist on implement their plan

to the end at a cost to themselves

I won't say more than this to not spoil the drama

if you liked this video, don't forget to share it with your friends

make me happy and subscribe to my channel,

drop a comment down below

before hitting to another video

wish you all enjoy watching ✌

and take care 👋


For more infomation >> Report | KDrama Great Seducer 🇰🇷 - Duration: 1:15.


Online trading with Tom Tomas - Time July 20 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Online trading with Tom Tomas - Time July 20 - Duration: 2:36.


PUBG Squad Gameplay - 5 M416 + AKM - Gas Station Action - Duration: 2:24.


1 sitting by the "3-in-a-row" window, in Anti's house.


...1 quite a bit closer to us!

And 1 pretty far away it sounds like.

Knocked 1

My "buddy" is down by the tree at South of me.

I see him... (hit him) at 160

Mine died there. (Yup.)

??? out there as well, fuck.

A damn car is coming


A buggy is coming

Knocked 1. (1 got knocked.)

I bled to death. (Instant.)

I haven't bled out yet.

4 remaining somewhere.

Knocked him

His friend is besides him. (There's the friend)

Standing by the rock up there

Nice.. or was that only a finish? (Only a finish.)

Dead! (Nice!) ((Dead, dead, dead, 1 left))

Last 1 is probably by the houses then

Would think so

Down by the plains, 105. (There's 1 there ...)

5, north. (On 5, not 100..)

He's running back again. He's at the middle of the road.

aaaaay! (Good shit.)


Sorry Aleks ???

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