Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

My frustration with YouTube is the the projects I'm really passionate about and

feel really good about, don't get watched don't get promoted

they don't get any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is

really stupid I almost feel bad about posting it and then it'll just go viral

James: Yep I have the exact same issue and that's why we're trying to do one-day

projects as well because it's just like why do we spend hundreds of hours

Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face cause that's the problem

yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a project it's how you present

it and how cool it is yeah

Hey do you guys remember that time Grant Thompson came to visit Hacksmith

industries? Of course you don't because that's happening right now this video is

sponsored by Nord VPN, start protecting yourself on the web today using my

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James: Grant, nice to see you! Grant: Brought you some Tim Hortons stopped by for

some Boston cream so this is the place James: Yeah come on in, this is the spy car in progress

Grant: This is legit, a spy car

James: you'll see that like that's the that's the test we're

doing today

Grant: I haven't seen any previous videos coming out tomorrow oh really

yeah oh no kidding this is cool like a James Bond

James: yep take this start just

start there's gonna be a whole series of videos I'm talking rocket launchers under

the headlights a grappling hook launcher in the grill dispensers for tire spikes

and oil slicks and for romantic nights out a built-in projector so you have a

movie theater wherever you want and what I'm most excited for is jet

engines in the trunk okay doing the ejection seat today

Grant: Check this out the sleeping pod yeah I recognize that on the way here I also

notice the train tracks and the walking path of that how you doing man good to see it

recognize you Ian good to meet you guys okay is this the one that you actually

have to be worthy?

James: Umm, this one's just really heavy

Grant: This is awesome, see this is what I love about your workshop is like you're doing all the things that I wanted to

Grant: I just gotta take a second to just take this all in there there is so much stuff

in here it's insane you got like your sleeping pods up here full on Iron Man

suit wonder women see which I'm guessing you use for like occasional parties on

the weekends yeah it's fun some of this stuff I don't even recognize I haven't

played video games since a Nintendo 64 so I don't recognize half this stuff and how many Thor's Hammer's

have you got cause I see them out front I see them...

James: I think we own about six right

now or making a few more so yeah try picking up

Grant: Okay so feels like lead?

James: yeah that's about 75 pounds

Grant: Dude that's that's got some weight to it

right uh it's not a one hander for sure you know what you need to do is almost

make a set of barbells dumbbells you know go to the gym and work out with a

thor's hammer wouldn't that be the coolest thing just like in the gym just

crank it this out that actually is really heavy what else you got okay so I

reckon it's funny I've seen a lot of your videos so I recognize a lot of

things it's not coming together I feel like I'm

James: Have you seen the blitz shield yet?

Grant: yes I didn't see you test it though

James: So we're still trying to find a gun range that

will let us shoot it through but the neat thing with this besides how

heavy it is is we got this little dial here

Grant: I know that reminds me of the world's brightest flashlight

James: yeah so this is this is getting up there like this is a 16 LEDs there apparently 9,000 lumens each

each okay it's r18 so that's like 165 thousand lumens yeah which is three

times the brightness of an IMAX projector okay yeah although an IMAX

projector is much more focused

Grant: How long can you run them?

James: It's actually not too bad I think I think we could probably get like half an hour

really out of the battery pack

Grant: See it you could hack in it yeah so it gets

pretty warm like if you feel here it's already getting a bit toasty that's what

I was wondering like could you hack an LCD screen to make your own like hundred

inch projector you could really your own IMAX screen for that matter yeah okay

Grant: so I have heard how heavy this is

James: So we actually did take it to an airsoft game

we were able to run slightly with it but Bogdan went a bit too crazy with it and

he actually trips and fell and like flipped over it because it was so heavy

so they'll be in the test video as well

Grant: And that's because you built it out of steel?

James: Yeah solid steel

Grant: Did you bend it too?

James: Bent it with Thor's hammer

Grant: Did you really?

James: Yeah we literally we put

on the table clamp it down I took Thor's hammer and smacked it, we've literally managed to use

that for like the past four projects for some element of the project we've hit a

project with the hammer

Grant: You know what you need to do is use that as a

counterweight for your flying like Iron Man project this new one it's really

Grant: That is really cool yeah I haven't actually seen the movie yet, I've heard that it's one of the best

James: All right so if you pull that extend

Grant: Well that's got some weight to it you

James: Yep everything we make super heavy alright and then you want to go back you

just flip this the other direction and then pull the switch again yeah so actually over here

That's our Han Solo blaster okay and we're planning on blowing up the Death

Star with the blaster that's just a flare gun

Grant: Good for you, it just shoots flares yeah awesome

I would love to talk to you about legalities in

Canada it's a bit of a gray area I've learned a lot about legalities recently

I actually sat down with the city yesterday before I flew up here

oh I'm sat down with the entire city chief of police all the fire marshals

the risk assessment manager the mayor of the city yeah so I learned a lot about

what the city thinks is legal what like very interesting system where like

nobody knows and it's a gray area for everybody there's no right way to do

anything it's just like do you get caught and do you get prosecuted or not

James: That makes a lot of sense actually

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Riley: Time to do some private banking on a public

Wi-Fi network, oh...

James: Free Wi-Fi is the easiest way for hackers to steal your

personal information or money

Grant: So you got a great great setup here you could pretty much do everything

James: Yeah let me show you the plasma cutter then so yeah this is oiur new baby and we

have literally used it for almost every single project since we got it it makes

everything so much easier especially for welding.

Grant: Could this double as a waterjet table also

James: No only yeah

Grant: Did you use this for the Han Solo blaster?

James: Yep so we got at the Han Solo blaster we've got

Frostmourne it's a sword we're building part of the Captain America shield


Grant: That explains why it's heavy it's like really heavy

So I see the color scheme its kind of like you got the fire engine red and the gold, is that anything to do with

James: So that is kind of Iron Man themed

Jarvis: The render is complete

Tony: Little ostentatious don't you think tell you what throw a little hotrod red in there

Jarvis: Yes that should help you keep a low profile

James: And then everything else is

yellow and red which is very just a comic book okay right primary colors

Grant: I always wondered why instantly comical because you very much there make it real

yeah I'd say like you probably got to handle on make it real I mean I think so

I'm saying even the Wonder Woman lasso ooh uh-huh all you need to do is attach

electrodes to the end that does a lie-detector test

true yeah

James: And then back here we have some more of our really nice equipment this is a

tormach PCNC 440 milling machine so it's a small CNC machine Tormach's been

really great to us they've given us all these machines

Grant: Okay so I got a question for you you have some pretty impressive pieces of machinery in here okay is

there anything in your workshop that you don't have the you wish you had

James: So the plasma table was like I keep saying it was the last piece of the puzzle and I

truly believe that because we have literally used

like almost every single project since we got it in here and I've wanted one for

years because my very first piece of equipment that I ever bought was a CNC

laser cutter which can only do plastic and wood but because it could do plastic

and wood it opened up so many possibilities for projects that coupled

with a 3d printer so I saw the plasma table as the next evolutionary step

where you can make stuff out of metal

Grant: Let's check out upstairs

James: Our motto

So the actual ones have started shipping so I'll be getting my actual

boring flamethrowers soon and I'm really excited I'm I'm just curious how he even

did it

Grant: Can we expect that as a video on the Hacksmith Channel?

James: Oh yeah and then obviously a comparison to show that this one is much better

yeah obviously this is where we film stuff we've got one camera set up here

constantly just as it's easy because we always do the intros and outros here did

Grant: Did you build this shop?

James: No so this shop was built back in the 80s actually so it was

actually built by a trucker that's why it's got the huge door

he's need to actually pull a transport truck in here

Grant: it looks like it's in pretty good shape

James: Yeah so it was very well built we're lucky that it was in decent

shape because before I bought this place the previous owners rented it out to

some rather sketchy clientele and literally when we got this place it was

like a hoarders nightmare my guys really there's a piles of garbage everywhere

and we had to clean it all out but luckily the bones of this place were

fine and we painted all the walls to there for the dirty ceiling still kind of

Grant: I remember when you're starting out your wall had nothing on it except

your Wolverine claws

Are these the pans you're talking about yep from PUBG yeah

James: So we made a few mini ones to do as a giveaway

Grant: Oh interesting what would you say the

project you're most proud of

James: Probably the Captain America shield the new one because that was a good solid

weeks of like six weeks of design-build and the whole team like I spent the

first one or two weeks designing it and then it was almost a month straight of

the entire team working full-time to build it like each of those shields

probably took maybe like a hundred hours of labor at least just inlike welding and grinding

Grant: And you've got 3 of them okay there's a prototype up here on the wolfpack wall

oh wow is this the railgun this is the wait a

minute it's the crossbow style yeah oh that's right you shot a red hot rebar

through like a zombie head yeah yeah right and that stayed monetized no


James: It did actually and really yeah

Grant: Okay this looks familiar I got one of

these I actually just started using this the Lulzbot TAZ6

sat in my workshop for a year and collecting dust it's because I don't

know how to do any 3d model on your 3d mock-ups yeah I finally got into fusion

360 okay I still feel like a beginner but I designed a couple Lego bricks nice

and printed them lock and I've almost got them to fit together so I'm really

interested in picking your brain on the whole 3d modeling for sure cuz I feel

like once you once you get that lock down then it opens up access to all

these tools

James: yeah so we got more printers into there yeah we have four of them actually

Grant: Are you working with the manager

are you negotiating all your deals

James: Pretty much all self-managed

it's a lot of work

Grant: What did you used to do?

yeah so I was a product developer at a company that made projectors but I helped work on

designing digital projectors by the company that used to make IMAX

projectors okay so imax actually when imax went

from film to digital they had their projectors made by

Christie digital which is actually a local Kitchener company which is the

world leader in digital projection technologies maybe they're one of the

biggest most movie theaters you go to it's a Christie projector and then this

is the original laser cutter

Grant: How often do you use this?

James: Oh we still use it probably on a daily basis so it's it's still super useful

Grant: That's what i wanted to ask you, what's your must-haves like which tools would you consider like the staples

James: yeah if I was to start again I'd probably get a 3d printer, plasma cutter, and welding

equipment if I had enough money plasma table right so yeah

Grant: So yeah this is for cutting wood and plastics yeah so even I kind of like little puzzle

boxes yeah

James: So it's great for doing electrical boxes for like little

projects and whatnot and the neat thing with this is this is generated from a

website called you very say I want a box that measures 8 inches

by 12 inches by 4 inches and automatically makes the plans for you

with the cutout you hit print you can hot glue it together really so it's just

another one of those like super convenient things

My frustration with YouTube is the the projects I'm really passionate about and feel like really

good about, don't get watched yeah I don't get promoted they don't get

any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is really

stupid I almost feel bad about posting it and

then it'll just go viral

James: yeah I have the exact same issue and that's why we're

trying to do one-day projects as well because it's just like why do we spend

hundreds of hours Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face

that's the problem yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a

project it's how you present it and how cool it is yeah

Grant: I want to know about your Captain America suit though that's legit where do you get something like that?

James: yeah that came from the killer body Chinese company it's licensed so it is it's a pretty legit costume and we we

weathered it to make it look even better so when we walk over there you'll see we

uh we actually tore holes in it and rub it in the dirt and a bit of black

spray-paint brown shoe polish

Grant: You know I was looking at your pictures from your photo

shoot and I was like this yeah it looks very realistic yeah

James: so what one of the cool features we added which we saw in a screenshot from the movie before the

movie came out is this yeah so some people said it was like vibranium scales

or something it was something that was never even mentioned in the movie but we

literally ripped holes and found this material glued it in and made it look

like it's actually inside the entire suit so it's funny you

mentioned this so we are looking at industrial properties now because we

want to expand we don't have enough room like this is actually only half the team

right now and it's already getting crowded here

this is Evan he's our Video Editor Evan and then we've also got Benjamin

who does electronics engineering as well Oh awesome

but anyways we're torn between trying to find a farm to buy because a farm means

we'd have lots of outdoor space for big projects or an industrial property in an

actual industrial district well I'm totally not planning that

Grant: I'm gonna be honest man I'm pretty impressed and pretty jealous it's a setup that you got

here looks amazing this really is and I love how secluded it is it's so

there's your next trick is to make an Iron Man suit it's got muscle definition

James: That would be quite the challenge

Grant: Can I see your pod yeah

James: This was actually this is the very first example

of being able to build a really cool project because of a sponsorship and we

were really excited about it so just like I love wait we can get paid to make

something cool that we get to keep afterwards

Grant: like literally in my house

I'm gonna have one of these just cause sometimes you just need to get away

where it's quiet and air conditioned there yeah can I step up and

take a look again yeah if I wanna see what motors you're driving it with

James: It's actually a garage door

opener it's literally a garage door opener strapped to the bottom really yep

and then all the tech in it is literally just consumer tech that has apps for

Android or iPhone or whatever and we just have it all controlled by that


Grant: Now this isn't a one day build now did you conceptualize it

James: Ian actually designed this one I j

Grant: That's something we can talk

about like when it's more casual like the companies are working with ad

agencies experience his numbers definitely awesome

James: And with that we'll cut

secret meeting time!

all right so you guys wanna sign my robot arm let's go

just like a big NR

well I hope you guys enjoyed that video grant came up for a few days to learn a bit more about engineering and taught me a bunch about

how to run my business better unfortunately we've got to shoot an

outro so let me be the first to say if you're not subscribed to the king of

random yet head on over to his channel and do so he's a great guy and his

channel produces some awesome content let's give him over ten million

subscribers and if you guys want to see some more behind-the-scenes content

check out our vlog channel we have another video right here featuring both

grant Thompson and Evan frickin kale and yes we might do a collab someday

For more infomation >> The KING of RANDOM & the Hacksmith! - Duration: 20:22.


Google Maps Ko Offline Save Kesy Krty Hain? Urdu - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Google Maps Ko Offline Save Kesy Krty Hain? Urdu - Duration: 2:02.


Chill Trap Beat | South Sea | Prod. Jupiter Wave - Duration: 2:58.

Ambient Trap Beat Produced by Jupiter Wave Artists contact for free beats! Buy Link: Follow on Youtube! Instagram: Store: Twitter: Facebook: Contact: ambient, trap, music, beats, type beats, instrumentals, rap, hip hop, trap instrumental, 2018,2019, instrumental track, hip hop music, trap music, trap beats, trap beats for sale, ambient trap type beat, ambient trap instrumental, relax, chill, music for artists, unsigned producer, purchase, buy, free, rap instrumentals, free beats, buy beats, rap instrumentals

For more infomation >> Chill Trap Beat | South Sea | Prod. Jupiter Wave - Duration: 2:58.


Alan Walker - Fade - Duration: 4:21.

Skylr Infinite

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Fade - Duration: 4:21.


The importance of Fulbright in Villa María, Argentina - Duration: 11:31.


(Mariana) Hola, buenas tardes.

Yo soy Mariana Falco. Trabajo en

la Universidad Nacional de Villa María

y he tenido el placer de vivir

una experiencia de Fulbright.

Y como Fulbright lo menciona, siempre

es un aprendizaje que dura por vida.

(Silvia) My name is Silvia

I am a retired teacher of English

I taught English at the

secondary school level

for 20, or 30 years, I think.

Only secondary school level.

I love the language, I love English.

(Claudia) Well my name is Claudia

and I am a retired English teacher too.

I am 54 and this is my first experience

with a Fulbright student

although I have been in touch

with some other students

who were on exchanges

but they were younger,

when I was at the secondary school teaching

and they came there when I taught,

to study there. It was a really nice experience.

(Mariana) En mi caso, estudié inglés

desde pequeña, desde los 6 años.

En la escuela primaria yo veía

que, del otro lado del muro,

habia chicos que jugaban y hablaban

en otra lengua.

Entonces, un dia al salir de la escuela

recorrí la media cuadra, golpeé la puerta

y pregunté que pasaba y

me dijeron que enseñaban inglés.

Entonces, la directora y una maestra

me preguntaron dónde estaba mi mamá

y le dije que "no, estaba sola"

y que, si bien yo no tenía la edad

que se requería en el instituto

para aprender inglés, yo quería

y aceptaron el desafío con la condición

de que si yo no respondía al nivel del

grupo, bueno, iba a tener que volver a

cursar un año.

Así que ahí empecé a estudiar inglés

y siempre fui la más pequeña

en todos los grupos.

Un dia en casa, ya próximo

a empezar la universidad,

cuando me preguntan qué

quería estudiar, les dije

inglés y mi papá me dice

¿Qué más?

porque, una carerra, algo más.

y digo no, inglés, inglés, como carerra

y bueno fui a estudiarlo en la Universidad

Nacional de Villa María a 60 km de mi ciudad,

soy de Bellville y viajaba todos los

días a Villa María y

luego, gracias a la beca Fulbright,

y a haber transitado por la Universidad

de Villa María, tuve la posibilidad de

abrirme al mundo así que mirá si no le

estoy agradecida a la beca de Fulbright.

(Silvia) These encounters or meetings give

us the opportunity to, may I say,

break down stereotypes that

we already have in our mind about the people

who come from other countries.

I think that this is something good

for us because we have, in mind, something.

"American people are like this" and then

you come and we get to know you and

we change our minds and I imagine

that this happens to you also.

We learn many things, we learn from

each other and what else can I say?

We always learn things, we always

learn something, apart from the language.

The language is important but,

at the same time, it's secondary.

Aprendemos a querer, a nuestra edad

es como que sí, los tenemos así como hijos

porque pensamos, muchas veces

han venido chicas jovencitas,

chicos jóvenes siempre decimos,¨

"no vos tenés que hacer esto"

o "tenés que hacer lo otro".

Construimos una amistad,

compartimos, después, un asado

y como dije, derribamos estereotipos

y eso es lo más importante.

Después nos damos cuenta,

a mí me pasa eso, que el ser humano

es igual en cualquier parte del mundo,

in essence we are the same.

(Mariana) Pero hay algo que siempre me toca y

me llena la mente y el corazón.

Pensar que un senador fue

tan visionario en su momento

de apostar a la educación

y decir que este dinero se invierta

para que gente del mundo llegue

a Estados Unidos y viva la lengua.

La lengua no está solo en los libros

sino que la viva en la cultura, que

forme parte y que, a su vez,

enriquezca con su bagaje cultural a otras

personas en Estados Unidos.

Esto no tiene precio.

Eso es lo que se me viene a la mente.

Que visionario¨"Don Fulbright", digo yo,

porque gracias a esa visión, hoy

yo y muchos otros, hemos podido

formarnos y seguir apostando

por la educación de calidad.

(Silvia) Yo tenía un profesor norteamericano

en el profesorado hace muchos, muchos años.

Él decía que le encantaba estar aquí

porque le encantaba el hecho de

conversar en una sobremesa después de comer.

Quedarse sentado just talking and

sin hacer otra cosa más que conversar.

Entonces, uno aprende a valorar también

las cosas que tiene, porque por ahí

quisieramos nosotros ser... yo digo,

¿Cómo no somos más estrictos en el horario?

¿Cómo no somos más trabajadores?

¿Por qué no podemos trabajar más en grupo?,

bueno, tendremos otras cosas ¿no?

Aprendemos, mejoremos y esperamos que

el que viene de afuera también

aprenda algo de nosotros y mejore,

para hacer un mundo mejor, es muy

lindo tenerlos acá, es muy lindo,

una experiencía enriquicedora, en todo sentido,

not only the language.

(Mariana) Es de por vida, que la beca Fulbright

es de por vida, es una beca

por vida

y realmente sus palabras se cumplen porque

esto es lo que yo agradezco. Yo

viví ese año en Estados Unidos,

pero permanentamente a través del

apoyo con asistentes, a veces nos

hacen saber de alguna capacitación especial

en cuestiones didácticas o alguna

presentación especial que se da para

actualizar lo que estamos enseñando,

que realmente es así.

Se siente ese apoyo continuo,

al punto de que en 2017,

por ejemplo, el embajador de Estados Unidos,

Noah Mamet, me convocó porque habían seleccionado

una de las fotos, que yo había enviado

en su momento por Fulbright, para que

esta foto fuese parte de una estampilla

especial de correo.

Entonces, realmente es cierto que

uno es parte de una familia que esta dispersa

por el mundo pero que se ocupa de que los miembros

crezcan con calidad que ofrezcan calidad

a otros y que motiven e incentiven a

otros a sumarse.

Bueno es como, cuando uno siembra

en un campo semillas y dice

¿Cómo será la cosecha?

bueno es así. Ellos en su momento

han sembrado y bueno hoy nosotros

tenemos que cuidar de que

eso se multiplique y que otros

estudiantes sientan que pueden

llegar, que es posible, que no es

algo que está extramuros.

¿Sí? Y la beca Fulbright, creo que los que la

hemos recibido y que seguimos formando parte

de la familia, tenemos que fomentarla,

pero en el día a día con ejemplos

y como vos dijiste, tratando de conectarnos

con otros becarios y no aislarnos.

No es algo que dura un año, no,

ese año es el inicio de un peldaño

que te lleva al éxito.

(Andrew) Muy bien ¿Otra cosa que querés decir?

(Mariana) No, nada má s.

(Silvia) I'd love to be a young person

nowadays and have a Fulbright scholarship

That's wonderful.

For more infomation >> The importance of Fulbright in Villa María, Argentina - Duration: 11:31.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE KANALI AÇILDIĞINDA YAPILACAK İLK ŞEY - Duration: 3:26.


Huawei Mate 10 Pro entrega ótima bateria e design, mas câmeras desapontam #review - Duration: 8:57.

Huawei is the third largest smartphone maker in the world, only behind Samsung and Apple,

and the Mate 10 Pro is one of the most complete models of the brand, bringing aggressive design,

a set of cameras with Leica quality, powerful hardware and an above-average battery.

But is Mate 10 Pro capable to keep up with recent flagships like the Galaxy S9 and iPhone X?

Is it worth the about US$800 charged on average by Huawei? That's what you'll find out now.

The Mate 10 Pro box is beautiful and well stuffed, with accessories such protective cover

and screen protector film, that comes pre-installed on the device's screen.

we also have a very fast charger, with up to 22.5 watts,

USB-C 3.1 cable, P2 to USB-C adapter, and high-quality headphones

which already have USB-C connection

One of the highlights of Mate 10 Pro is the design

it's possible to find the Huawei device in several exotic colors like blue and brown.

This model acquired by us was in blue color, being very difficult to use it around without being noticed,

since the back in glass has a mirrored finish that makes it change color

depending on where the light shines.

Besides being flashy, the Mate 10 Pro is also kind of big,

because even with the great screen-to-body ratio, we still have a 6" display.

So if you are the kind of person that has small hands or if using the device with both hands bothers you,

maybe the Mate 10 Pro is not the best option.

On the right side are the volume and power buttons,

on the left side the tray, where you can put one or two nano-SIM,

depending on the Mate 10 Pro variant you'll buy.

At the bottom are an USB-C port, a speaker grille and microphones,

while on the upper side we have one more microphone

and an infrared emitter, to control other devices. Well, there is no headphone jack around here.

Looking at the back, we have the two cameras with Leica inscription, LEDs for flash,

laser focus assist and the fingerprint reader,

the front part is almost completely covered by the screen.

Besides the display, we also have some sensors, a sound output that works

both for calls and for multimedia and the selfie camera.

and also a notification LED

the Mate 10 Pro fingerprint reader is located on the back

being placed in a very intuitive position.

it works extremely quick and accurate most of the time,

managing to recognize even when the hands are kind of moist,

you just need to clean it a little, and everything will work fine.

Because of it's almost entirely glass finish, the Mate 10 Pro

has a certain fragility, but Huawei thought about that, and included in the box

a TPU case.

It also comes with a film pre-applied on the screen, which may not be the toughest in the world

there are even some risks here already

but it's better than nothing, and it prevents you from taking it out of the box fully unprotected.

Speaking of protection, the Mate 10 Pro has an IP67 certification, against water and dust damage,

so a quick dive up to 30 minutes in up to 1 meter of fresh water is no problem.

The Mate 10 Pro is one of the most beautiful devices that we had on the TudoCelular benches,

having an aggressive design, that will draw attention wherever you go.

It has a good footprint and fits in the pocket without major problems,

but its finish is very smooth and it will be almost impossible to use it with one hand

The Mate 10 Pro features a 6-inch Full HD+ AMOLED screen

with 18: 9 aspect ratio, thus ensuring a wide area for watching videos, playing games and browsing the internet.

As expected from a flagship, the Mate 10 Pro manages to handle the most varied scenarios

without major problems, allowing you to have acceptable visibility

outdoors under strong sunlight and also indoors, being able to use it

in dark environments without any issues.

It is possible to customize the displayed colors

if the default contrast and temperature do not suit you.

The audio system with two stereo outputs also works satisfactorily,

but the Mate 10 Pro ends up lacking a bit in depth

and volume, when compared to the iPhone 8 and Galaxy S9.

If you decide to use headphones included in the box

it's a great option and with with USB-C by default

delivering enough volume for external use

just lacking a little in comfort, for prolonged use

offering volume control, call button and built-in microphone.

If you already have even better headphones, you can use them with the USB-C to P2 adapter bundled in the box.

Overall, you'll have a great device for multimedia,

being able to watch your videos and play games with great comfort and immersion in the most varied environments.

The Mate 10 Pro features Huawei's proprietary Kirin 970 chipset,

what can make Qualcomm's lovers second-guess this purchase,

Still, its eight processing cores and the Mali-G72 MP12 GPU are more than enough

to deliver great performance, whether in daily tasks or on the heaviest games available on the Play Store.

In our test, for example, the Mate 10 Pro outperformed the Galaxy S9 when opening applications,

and the 6 GB of RAM were paramount to ensuring fluid multitasking performance

that should last some good years

It is worth noting, however, that we found instabilities in some apps

probably due to the lack of optimization for the Huawei chip,

the most serious cases happened with the music player PowerAmp and the game Clash Royale.

Speaking of instability, we noticed problems in Wi-Fi,

something clear especially when playing online games that demand constant connection with the internet,

like PUBG, Vainglory and the Clash Royale itself.

This has been softened with the latest updates, but it has not yet been completely fixed.

The Mate 10 Pro is one of the few flagships in the world to bring a 4,000 mAh battery,

which altogether with optimizations made in both hardware and software

make it one of the best options in on this category in terms of autonomy

In practice, you will get almost 10 hours of screen with the Mate 10 Pro, without major problems

being able to survive 12 cycles of our actual use test.

In addition, the bundled charger is quite fast,

managing to fully fill its huge battery in just and a half hours.

The marketing of the Mate 10 Pro is almost totally geared towards the cameras

designed in conjunction with Leica and optimized by Artificial Intelligence,

but what we saw in practice was unfortunately not that surprising.

The device can take great pictures in automatic mode

when recognizing the scene and has a satisfactory manual mode,

but when compared to other flagships like Galaxy S9, Galaxy S8 Plus and iPhone 8

he got the last position in our popular vote,

the main point found for its defeat, was the fact that the Huawei device softens

the photos way too much to suppress the noise.

which makes a difference at night-time, but when in bright places, it just disappears with

details and textures.

In addition, there is no automatic HDR as in the overwhelming majority of these devices,

and for now, in selfies it is not even possible to activate the HDR manually,

making it impossible to photograph on the beach without bursting out the background and leaving you in the dark.

Speaking of selfies, with the beautification mode turned off, post processing continues exaggerated

when smoothing and whitening,

which can please those who like a more artificial photo,

but whoever wants something more real will be disappointed.

When recording videos, The Mate 10 Pro still lacks a good stabilization system

for a flagship, also getting behind its main rivals,

but at least the audio capture quality was filled the expectations.

This is the camera test with the Mate 10 Pro.

The Mate 10 Pro comes pre-installed with Android 8.0 Oreo running under the EMUI 8.0 interface.

Huawei has decided to get away from the look and feel of the Android designed by Google,

presenting their own identity of how the system should be.

This includes the notification's bar application drawer, native apps and settings menu,

all very well identified by colors and the company icons.

EMUI presents light and fluid animations on all its screens,

and we have some really interesting functions here,

such as gesture and even voice control, as well as themes and application cloning.

Regarding themes, it is worth noting that unfortunately they're not as complete as the ones found in other interfaces,

but at least you can change the icons, wallpapers, and screen lock style.

Mate 10 Pro was Huawei's first model to go through our test bench,

and we can say that we got off on the right foot.

The device disappointed in some points, like the camera, that although is good, it's not as wonderful

as we expected,

and the instabilities found in some apps and Wi-Fi

but in general, we have a great flagship, with more than enough performance for all kinds of

tasks, screen and sound system very good for multimedia,

box stuffed with accessories, and mainly an above-average battery for the category,

not to mention the stunning design.

Considering that overseas the Mate 10 Pro is placed on the same price range of the Galaxy S9 and iPhone 8,

it is indicated mainly for those who want to discard the national options

and are not afraid to pay a lot for a quality imported smartphone,

keep in mind that you will have to give up the warranty

and you may struggle when looking for technical assistance in case of a problem.

More details of the Mate 10 Pro analysis you will find on the full article

which will be linked on the card up here, and on the description.

If you are interested in the device,

take a look at the description, it also that has a link to some deals, and buying there besides getting it cheaper

you still help the channel.

Leave your like, if you didn't do it yet, and comment what you think about the Mate 10 Pro review.

I'm Wallace Moté for TudoCelular, and I'm staying here.

See you soon.

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