Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

First of all, I want to thank Roslyn Fueller for the organization of this event, and to

greet the guests at the Democracy Convention in Ireland.

I am very pleased to join you with this short presentation that I have called "An economic

approach to Blockchain Democracy.

An experience from Southamerica" My name is Renny Rueda.

I am the founder of E-Codemocracy.

At E-Codemocracy, in Colombia, we attempted, in 2014 congressional elections, to articulate

the congress with citizens, by using a platform for direct electronic democracy.

Last year, in 2017, we attempted to provide the same solution by presenting a list of

11 citizens to transfer the vote of the people directly in to congress.

We have not being able reach those goals.

We have learned however a lot about the system, and we are eager to continue growing as a

political party in the future.

For this presentation I understand that I have a lapse of 10 to 15 minutes, and for

that I want to divide my presentation into 3 topics.

First of all, I would like to refer to the concept of democracy from a political perspective,

and how, in this perspective, the concept of democracy falls customarily on demagogy,

or lies.

Speaking from South America, I think this is a fundamental issue.

Especially nowadays, where thousands of Latin-Americans are leaving their home, escaping from totalitarianism,

to start again in a foreign country.

Second, I want to refer to the concept of democracy from a systemic perspective, and

how this definition has to fit into a new discussion about democracy itself, and how

it forces us to think that technology and the future, not only give shape to the external

part, the shell of democracy, represented in institutions and rules of the game, but

also have to shape our minds and brains, to understand and setup new conceptions of democracy


Third, I want to link this new conception of democracy with the economic system, and

particularly with the advances that technology in general, and particularly blockchain technology,

is contributing to contemporary societies, and can offer to the institution of central


An institution fundamental for the modern nation state, and to modern democracies.

To start I want to refer first to the concept of democracy, and how this concept naturally

tends to be used to inspire citizens, generally appealing to their passions, but usually,

especially in Latin America, derives in great humanitarian tragedies.

While the conference for Democracy in Ireland is taking place, In Latin America, thousands

of men, women, and children, young and older people are leaving Venezuela.

There is no fuel.

They have to walk hundreds of kilometers, to get to Colombia, from where I am speaking

to you.

They are basically escaping from famine.

Famine left by people who originally spoke about democracy in Venezuela, the richest

country of the region.

Today, by far, the poorest.

In this sense, I think it is imperative to remember the human, humanitarian, moral, economic

and political crisis that has plunged Venezuela in almost two decades, Cuba in more than 50

years, and Nicaragua in recent weeks, where more than 300 young people have died fighting

for freedom.

This is the great question of democracy.

At least from the perspective of the nation state.

And this is a question that, I believe, the Convention on Democracy in Ireland should

address, as part of a reflection on the political concept of democracy.

This reflection, I think, is fundamental to understand what is the approach that the citizens

of this century should give to the concept of democracy.

And especially, considering the great penetration that technology, science and economics in

all its manifestations, have in contemporary societies.

This, I believe, is also a reflection to understand, that in the 21st century, no definition of

democracy can be absent from the systemic implications that technology and knowledge

have left.

That one should not return to a concept of democracy based on a minimalist conceptions

of contemporary societies.

That the contemporary society is complex, not only socially, but especially, systemically,

informationally and technologically.

And that reducing democracy to simple approaches does not introduce more democracy, but less

democracy, chaos and injustice.

Second, I want to refer to an economic approach to democracy, and particularly to what I call

blockchain democracy.

For this, it is important to consider democracy as a social construction able to be sophisticated.

This means that in each stage of history, its application differs, keeping always, two

immutable variables.

• 1st.

That humans are able to reach higher stages of political organization dialogically.

That means, via communication, language, science and advanced stages or comprehension of the

outside world and coordination of the evolution of societies.

• 2nd.

That each human holds a single portion of political power of the society as a whole.

As such, democracy is a perfectible social and cultural construction on governance, inspired

by two factual features of humans:


The capacity of the individual to be a natural owner of a single fraction of the general

political power.


The capacity of individuals to participate, decide, engage, interact and coordinate decisions

dialogically with other individuals as members of society.

In this perspective, the above mentioned assumptions constitute the principles from which new conceptions

and applications of democracy evolve.

The institutional, systemic, procedural, formal or historical representation of those assumptions

vary over time, and therefore, democracy deals on how to better understand the different

institutional and technological structures of modern societies that allow increasing

levels of autonomous social coordination.

Meaning, higher levels of democracy as self-governance and social complexity.

It is in this approach where modern societies are highly indebted to the economic system

and to the formal educational systems.

On the one hand, without the contemporary economic system, and particularly, without

the market economy, we wouldn't have modernity, and as such, we would not be able to get increasingly,

in permanent global complex interactions.

However, the contemporary market economy, is based in technics, regulations and technologies

that go back to the early nation state.

From these techniques and technologies we often conceive the institutions that form

our democracies and economies.

As such, we take for granted, solutions that have certainly contributed to higher stages

of social complexity, but, solutions, institutions, techniques and technologies that need to be


The second variable has been the appropriation of technical and technological education into

social systems.

Hence, complex subsystems of education enhanced the transition of traditional structures of

organization, to scientific based and rational complex structures.

Today, the world is a totally different systemic organism, defined by new ways in which humans

interact and reach higher stages of social, technical and political sophistication.

It is in this historical moment, where blockchain technology, and blockchain solutions, offer

the capacity to conceive an institutional upgrade to democratic conventions.

The blockchain technology is commonly known as the technology behind bitcoin, the most

accepted cryptocurrency of the world.

It mixes up previous contributions on cryptology and software automatization protocols to create

solutions that eliminates intermediation, ensuring trust between individual using the


The functional quality of blockchain technology lays in its capacity to automate complex transactions

between peers of a network, avoiding intermediaries, asymmetric power between agents of the system,

and ensuring different levels of security and privacy in a decentralized ledger, stored

by users.

Finally, It is in this quality of the technology, where I would like to address the possibility

to replace a fundamental institution of the modern nation state, that is, central banking.

Let me explain myself.

The figure of the central bank is necessarily connected to the figure of the nation state.

Specifically, it was precisely the ability to issue currency, which led some families

to embrace bourgeois private law, which subsequently was incorporated into the first nation states.

Specifically, creating currency is a right that each state of the planet has.

This right comes hand in hand with the right to profit for the seigniorage right, that

is, to earn money by issuing currency.

The income of each country by right of seigniorage, is derived from the difference between the

value of money and the cost to produce and distribute it.

The United States, for instance, benefit from the fact, that they produce currency that

has to be used for the rest of the planet, that is, currency that is official for international

transactions globally.

Generally speaking, each country, creates its own currency, and generally, the currency

is created by central banks.

As such, central banks represent a fundamental column of the modern nation state, and therefore,

central banks represent a taken for granted assumption of modern democracies.

Intrinsically, the contemporary political systems of the nation state, called democracies,

are inevitably articulated with the contemporary economic system, and each domestic economic

system is bounded to the institution of central banks.

Finally, as the name Central Bank implies, Central Banks are centralized.

That is, there is just a few actors behind, those who have the right to issue currency,

and, as such, to profit from this service.

At this point the question is, if we speak about blockchain democracy, should we only

speak about politics?

Or, is it possible to bring the notion of democracy and decentralization to the modern

economic system in order to develop protocols that decentralize banking, and specially,

public central banking?

That is a question to be addressed on the future.

I am confident, this is a question, we shall also discuss in the upcoming years, at the

democratic convention, to make blockchain democracy a systemic reality.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> An economic approach to Blockchain Democracy. Decentralized Central Banking. DEMCON 2018 Ireland - Duration: 10:40.


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Recreating Youtuber Recipes: Pepper Steak - Duration: 3:44.

As some of you may know,

we've been making changes to our channel

improving things so that we can bring higher quality

In the middle of all this

I came across a youtuber

who was using a crock-pot pepper steak recipe

What?!? I had to have it.

I just did.

So here is the recipe that

Nicole Burgess used on her YouTube channel

for her foodie Friday recently.

After three different store trips,

I think we got ingredients that were as close

to hers as possible

orange cauliflower?


What is this witchcraft?

We grabbed yellow bell peppers instead of red

But personally I think they're all good

Okay, if you're making this recipe with your boyfriend

Take note. They may not put all the ingredients in the right order and

They may just love to throw the vegetables from as far away as possible

Like they're shooting hoops or something

if you have pain in your hands like I do I

highly suggest getting the pre-cut strips of steak as well as


bell peppers you may find a seasoning blend that has

At least chopped bell peppers of different kinds as well as onions together

You don't have to be disabled for any of these tips

Maybe you're just in a hurry after work. That's fine, too

After you add your one and a half cups of beef stock or broth. Now the stock will be richer

Along with at least three tablespoons of soy sauce. I recommend the low-sodium

Jason makes sure to give it a good stir

with his hand

But that's good, too

It was really all about spending time together

Cooking and also about saving money since we eat out quite a bit

Most of us are used to a lot of liquids covering our food in the crock pot

This is not going to look like that. So you may think it needs more broth. But really what it's going to do is

Give you less flavor

So don't be concerned just go with it. Trust it

The end result did turn out to be a little bland for us

so we added a little extra soy sauce to our plates and

a secret ingredient of ours

drum roll, please *drumroll*

Tony Chachere's and

If you are from, Louisiana

You should have some Tony Chachere's on your shelf.

We use it and just about everything

I recommend the low-sodium version

This definitely needed some cornstarch to thicken it

even with the rice that came out far too thin

We really enjoyed recreating this dish

The link to Nicole's Foodie Friday version is in the description box.

I want to give a special thanks

to Mythos from Comic Mask

for helping with the editing of this video

His link will be down in the description

Go check him out

For more infomation >> Recreating Youtuber Recipes: Pepper Steak - Duration: 3:44.


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