Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

Relationships That Last Often Do These 15 Things.

Everyone wants to have a long-last relationship with their own partner.

Many of us cannot maintain a relationship and end up halfway.

It depends on what effort done by each couple who really desires to maintain the relationship

and regards their partner being very special by doing some things.

Well, here you can do these 15 things to make your relationship last.

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#1 - Being honest and avoiding lie.

If you face a severe problem, then honesty will make the truth seem to be bright.

Saying all your feelings to your partner will be very painful.

However, if you can be honest to your partner, you will be spared from other problems.

#2 - Forgiving each other.

If one of you or your partner did a mistake, then as much as possible you should be able

to forgive each other.

Forgiveness will strengthen the foundation of your relationship.

#3 - Respecting the partner.

Never judge your partner from your own point of view.

Open the communication if both of you are facing a problem.

Don't ever solve the problem on the one hand.

#4 - Celebrating small things.

Try to change the way of view that what you face daily is actually something to be grateful

for and to be enjoyed.

This is the wonderful thing that should be celebrated every day.

#5 - Being a good listener for your partner.

Your partner will probably need more hearing ear than advising mouth.

He or she may just want you to understand the problems he or she faces instead of an


#6 - Giving a little surprise.

Give some little surprises to your partner that might not have expected.

This will make your partner very touched by the surprise you give.

#7 - Treat His or her Family Like Your Family.

When you treat your partner's family like your own, here your partner will think that

you are very concerned with his or her family.

#8 - Creating a Convenient Communication Pattern.

Choose the most enjoyable communication pattern either via WhatsApp or phone conversation.

Decide what kind of communications you are most able to talk openly and casually.

#9 - Focus on positive things.

Focus on the truth and don't hesitate to praise your partner when he or she's done

a favor to you and never try to find a mistake from the small things he or she's done.

#10 - Holding hands.

Holding hands is a symbol of affection that is simple and very useful for harmony relationships.

#11 - Building trust with couple.

Building and maintaining a sense of trust is the thing a long last couple.

Even if you are not together, you will still try to respect the values that you have mutually

agreed in the relationship.

#12 - Don't share a problem on social media.

Solve the problem maturely and privately without sharing it on social media because people

don't know what really happen.

#13 - Exchanging information.

Exchanging information about activities that have been done with each other will make your

relationship more harmonious.

#14 - Saying "I love you".

Never forget to express love to your partner.

This is the most effective way to keep your relationship intact.

#15 - Being grateful to have him or her.

There is nothing better than to be grateful that you've been created together.

This can be done by showing a romantic attitude in front of him or her.

Well, those are the 15 things that make relationships last.

So Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Relationships That Last Often Do These 15 Things - Duration: 5:23.


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[typing sounds]

[light-hearted guitar music]

Megan Kelly: You've called women you don't like "fat pigs,"

"dogs," "slobs," and "disgusting animals."

Kelly: Your Twitter account--

Trump: Only Rosie O'Donnell.

[crowd laughs]

Trump: Written by a nice reporter, now the book, you gotta see this guy,

"Aah, I don't know what I said.

Uhh, I don't remember!"

Trump: It's Rubio!

[crowd cheers]

Trump: Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,

to say, "Get that son of a bitch off the field right now? Out. He's fired.

[crowd cheers]

He's fired!

Trump: When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.

They're not sending you.

They're not sending you.

They're sending people that have lots of problems.

And they're bringing those problems with us [sic].

They're bringing drugs.

They're bringing crime.

They're rapists.

And some, I assume, are good people.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders: I think I've been pretty clear that when the president gets hit,

he's going to hit back harder, which is what he did here today.

Trump: We are in a rigged system,

and a big part of the rigging are these dishonest people in the media.

[crowd boos]

Katy Tur: The research-- Trump [crosstalk]: Depends on whose research.

Tur: the Pew research, which is independent, says...

Trump: Don't be naive. You're a very naive person.

Tur: The Pew Research says that there are ... for...

Tur: Immigrants on the whole cre -- are --

Trump: Come on, try getting it out.

Try getting it out!

Tur: I'll get it out.

Trump: I mean, I don't know if you're going to put this on television, but you don't even know what you're talking about.

Trump: I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her.

[typing sounds]

Trump: When you're a star, they let you do it.

You can do anything.

Billy Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab 'em by the pussy.

Bush: [laughs] Trump: You can do anything.

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